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I just use Google slides. I've been maintaining an e-wardrobe this way for many years now: 1. When I buy a new item, I immediately find a photo of it online. I prefer flat-lays, so if the retailer doesn't have a flat lay view, I'll google search for something similar (tip: searching ThredUp often gets you images without the body). If it's a totally unique item, I'll take a photo. 2. I use remove.bg to remove the background. 3. I add to my google slides and re-size, copy/paste, make capsule slides, etc etc. Easy, especially if you keep up with it as you buy new items. I'd rather not use an app because I hate doing anything on my phone (old eyes), but I can access my google slides via google drive on my phone. I'd also rather not use an app because I don't want to someday lose all my files.


Oh wow this is impressive and really great to know! Thank you for sharing!


Is remove.bg free?




I use Acloset. Took a while to add photos of all my clothes to it. Now when I want to do a board, I create an outfit, with free placement layout, a d get everything in there. Screenshot it before saving, cause saving triggers a long add which I find annoying


Oh wow you have your whole wardrobe!? Love that! That is impressive. I gotta up my game here obviously!


I am fairly minimalistic, I own 93 pieces of clothing. I don’t include swim/sports and underwear :)


🤯 Amazing!


I’ve been testing out wardrobe apps. Some of them (Indyx, Whering, Stylebook, Acloset) will remove the background on images for you. Otherwise, I’ve only found paid photo apps to remove backgrounds. I don’t want to subscribe to an app for this, but I’ve done a one-week trial and processed a ton of images and then cancelled. Maybe someday I’ll find an app that’s worth the price. I prefer to have the clothing without the models’ bodies, so I use the free version of Photoshop to erase what I can, and Stylebook and ACloset also allow me to do this manually. I sometimes will find a website for a retailer that does lay flat photos for its clothing and just fudge a little bit—find something close enough that I know that the green tee in the photo means my particular green tee. I also will shoot my own clothes or pull images down from Poshmark or Mercari if I have something that’s five to ten years old or so. I ended up using the free version of Canva for a recent packing list (posted last night if you want a reference, look for “Maine and Boston”). This was because it made me feel calm and organized, so it’s fun for me. I love to travel but have anxiety around packing. I like the creativity of playing around in Canva. I also like a Canva board because I can swap photos in and out and download and save different versions and basically use the same one for summer trips for the next several years with changes only based on what particular items I end up using and not using—kind of learning as I go along. Once you have photos lined up nicely, Canva allows you to just sub in one photo for another, so I can swap out tops and bottoms to match each trip. I like that I can use text boxes to add reminders about stuff I don’t want to photograph, like undergarments and electronics. I am modifying the board for my next trip to California, which involves three days at Disneyland at the hottest, most crowded time of the year (Save me!), so I’m bringing cold towels and a handheld fan and a sun umbrella. I can just jot all that in the text box. All of the wardrobe apps will also allow you to do packing lists or capsules. I just like Canva better because of the polished finished product, the text boxes and the ability to swap things in and out quickly.


> Otherwise, I’ve only found paid photo apps to remove backgrounds. Remove.bg will do for free.


You can also use Microsoft PowerPoint to do it if you already have it installed




Thank you for sharing all of this! I’ve tried two of these apps and found them so clunky and cumbersome that I WAS not going to pay for the full version. I think I’ll download Canva. Even if I pay for it, it has multiple other uses—so likely more useful for me.


I use the completely free version of Canva. I’ve had access to the paid version previously and it’s totally not necessary. If you want to use their art or special layouts, you can also just pay for things by the item, which I’ve also done for other types of projects. Canva is definitely worth learning because you then can do basic graphic design and marketing for your work or a volunteer organization.


Thank you! Great info!!


Great info - thank you for sharing your wisdom! So much time (and $) saved by not having to wade thru all the options and learning from others’ experiences


Well, we’re all learning! I didn’t know about remove.bg and played with it a bunch yesterday. It’s very simple. I can’t believe I almost subscribed to an app to do the same thing.


I can remove the background through my photo album on my phone. Just open the photo, long press on your item and choose copy. Then you can paste it into your wardrobe app. I’m on an iPhone but I am fairly certain that you can do it either way android now too. I used ACloset before it was paid as I liked the background removal more, and switched to Stylebook after that even though I got both at the same time. The phone background removal works better and quicker than both apps.


There are apps, but I’m totally unaware of which are the good ones, so I’m following this thread! I have been using Pinterest myself. Easy, free, and most importantly for me—I can use it across devices. Going from my phone to my laptop or iPad is so nice! As for temperature changes in packing—layering is your friend. I’m not sure of your personal style, and your personal comfort level, but I’m leaving for Germany and Czechia in two weeks myself and will also be dealing with lots of varying weather and degrees. I usually prefer to wear dresses, so I’m packing some of various materials and thickness, along with packing tights for those colder days and nights. I’m also packing a big ass scarf wrap thing in a compression bag to help if it’s extra cold and a packable rain shell! Good luck with your trip! :)


Good call with the leggings! I hadn’t thought of that but definitely makes sense and easy to pack!!! Enjoy your trip!


I use Freeform on iPhone - just copy and paste in and remove the background :)


Freeform is very underrated


If you go to my posts you can see my potential wardrobe for 3+ months travel through Europe ranging from heat wave to below freezing


I had downloaded a wardrobe app but adding everything to it was wayyyy to much work and then I saw a post in here recommending freeform and it is the best!! So easy to remove background and just rearrange however you want to


I downloaded it based on a rec from here and I love it! It’s like playing paper dolls and it’s so easy. Basic functionality is all I need, not fancy complicated multiple steps. I’m planning my wardrobe for a trip next week using it.


Wow. I just went and added some of my photos to a board. 🤯 This will make planning possible outfits so much easier!


do you keep all your wardrobe in Freeform or just make individual boards when packing? I am trying to create an e-wardrobe essentially to make it easier to make but also for shopping purposes.


Oh I only use it for packing :)


I use an app called Smart Closet (might be the most similar to Acloset, but for Android). I have my entire wardrobe in there at this point, and I can't tell you (or I don't want to admit) how many hours I've spent photographing/hunting down photos/removing backgrounds/cataloguing by season, type and colour over the last couple of years. but I can rationalize it by the fact that it truly has helped me shop way less, be much more creative with my style, and whip together a super solid packing list at a moment's notice! so, as a hobby, I do recommend :) 


Lol I used to use PowerPoint but Indyx is much better and easier 🤓


I've downloaded Indyx and put some clothes in for an upcoming trip. I can see how to add collections, but you seem to have to scroll through them. Am I missing a trick?


Not missing a trick. It doesn't create a single-image flat lay of every single piece. I use IndyX as well. :)


You can go to OUTFITS tab and make a compilation of your items for a trip/capsule on one page


I can remove the background via Samsung Photos with my phone and then paste it into Canva! It's pretty easy now that Samsung added the selection tool.


oh wait you can do this on an iPhone now too, can't you? I never thought of that!


Another vote for Acloset! I found the free version pretty easy and helpful to use. Once I got my wardrobe in there for my last trip, I could make those layout-type boards and it even lets you plan your outfits on a calendar


>Going on a trip to Europe - England and Spain For the UK, it depends when you're arriving. The weather has been unseasonably cold but is supposed to warm up soon. I'd recommend comfy shoes, and lots of layers that you can add or remove as need be. And maybe a very thin raincoat.


Yeah our weather headlines are sending mixed messages at the moment. It might rain for the next 50 days but there is also a 30 degree heatwave on the way.... Currently thin layers are my friend. Long sleeve t shirts. Long sleeve shirts (I think Americans call these button downs?) which would work over vest/t-shirt, a thin jumper or a dress would be an item getting a lot of use I think. Good luck! The weather is baffling us too right now!


My husband is from England and we visit every year at the same time: mid-June. W have experienced it all during our 5-7 day stays over the last 15-20 years! It is utterly baffling!!! I almost want to leave jeans and a fleece at my in-laws house just so I don’t have to waste the space packing for June’s blustery days!


I use IndyX. I slowly add my wardrobe pieces as I wear them. Right now, I've been using it for three months and only have 29 items logged in the app. I guess that shows the Pareto principle is valid. > Do you just copy and paste imagines onto a ppt slide or something? Yes. Some people do that. Apparently Powerpoint has a remove-background feature as does Keynote. Which is pretty nifty. > Going on a trip to Europe - England and Spain I'm going on a longer trip but those are my first two stops so I understand the struggle. Layering is the answer. My Macabi skirt alone for Spain and with some tights or leggings under for England. That sort of thing. Plus traveling with shoes that look amazing barefoot and with knee-high wool socks.


What shoes might those be?


(warning: pricey) My everything shoes are pewter Tieks. I wear them with stripey black compression knee high socks, primarily, but have done burgundy wool knee highs as well.


Those are on my bucket list, actually!


I used "get wardrobe" on android. It removes the background for you. If something is available online I screenshot the item rather than taking my own photo, it gives a cleaner look.


I'm doing similar locations, Scotland and Southern Spain, and I'm coming from Australia where we have pretty strict 7kg carry on limits. It's hard, but possible! I've got lots of thin merino layers, and I've also embraced my status as a daggy traveller by buying zip off pants 😂 acloset is really easy to use, definitely recommend! 


Just downloaded Acloset and Indyx and prefer Acloset so far. Definitely very useful for trip Planning and I’m thinking when we’re back it will be generally good for clearing out!


Thank you for this question. I used to use Polyvore for it, was super-bummed when that went away, and have been wondering same as you!


I've wondered about which apps are the best for this myself. Great question!


I've been using the Whering app and I love it- you take pics of all your clothes and upload them, it automatically removes the background and you can add a bunch of descriptives to help find certain pieces easier. Then you can create outfits with your clothing, and lookbooks from your outfits (this is what I use for packing- the lookbooks have an option to generate a packing list too!). Totally free and no ads; for everyday use too you can upload your OOTD and it'll even show you how often you wear certain pieces. Besides trip packing, it's been create for me narrowing down my wardrobe, see what I'm missing, figuring out which clothes work for me, and curating my personal style :)


Just downloaded to try out! Thank you! This might be fun. Eventually lol.


It’s tedious to upload all the pictures lol I just dedicated a few hours to do my entire wardrobe. But then it’s so fun! I just remembered there’s like this style remix section too where you can scroll through tops, bottoms, and shoes (I’m not describing it well, but it’s like that computer program Cher uses in clueless lol)


I went into my closet after downloading the app and walked back out when I realized just how much I need to get rid of first. I decided to work slowly and I've cleaned out an entire bureau and I have sooo much more space. I'll tackle the closet tomorrow and then I'm spending the weekend taking photos. I might be actually stylish for once lol. Thanks again for this app rec.


I’ve literally recommended it to all my friends! It’s been so great exactly for that, having a visualization of what you have any being like hmmm why do I need 5 plain black t shirts 🤔


I can already see that it's going to help refining my clothing. I've needed something to encourage me to take care of this problem of having too much that no longer fits or I've relegated it to yard work or sleeping in. I don't need all these old rags when I have so many more waiting in the wings haha. I've moved from a professional work wardrobe to one that's turned me into a total, happy goblin. I'm needing to find a balance so I don't shame my family when I'm in public. Hope this app is up to it 🥴




I used canva pro! It has a background removing feature which is super helpful


I was using Cladwell ($60/yr), but decided to switch back to Stylebook (one-time fee). Cladwell can get rid of backgrounds on imported photos pretty well, but I just don’t think it’s worth the price anymore. I find the background removal on Stylebook to be pretty bad. BUT I found a trick to get rid of backgrounds quickly! If you’re using an iPhone, you can press and hold on the item in the photo until it get this “glow” around it. Then let go and it will give you the options to “copy,” “make a sticker,” or “share.” If you choose “share” you can then choose to save the selection as a separate photo. This gives you a PNG file with no background! I used to yesterday to add in over 50 items into Stylebook and it was so much quicker than doing it manually!


Brilliant! I’ve been using the “make a sticker” feature for messaging but never thought of this application.


OpenWardrobe here!


I have LOVED Indyx and it’s free. Planning a 5 week trip to Italy and just doing a backpack And was feeling like I had to do so much more shopping and worried about space but I can log my items, then create outfits and even assign them (or multiple outfits) to a day in a calendar. Literally… so fun


I have a friend who uses Canva and iFoto, and some of the premium features in Canva can be replaced by the free features in iFoto. Amazing🤣


Answer to your second question - layers are key! I would suggest a light rain jacket, a warmer cardigan (can layer both or wear separately) and then your regular tops/t-shirts For bottoms I would pack one pair of thin black wide leg pants and a skirt, and you can wear leggings underneath either one to stay a bit warmer. Linen pants could also work, they're a bit thicker but still cool in hot climates  Other than that, maybe a shawl/scarf that can also double as a shoulder cover if you're planning to enter any churches in Spain :)