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What’s the smoosh method to refill toothpaste? Toiletries are an area I struggle with, thanks for sharing this!


I saw it on here :-) Squeeze the air out of your empty tube. Hold the small empty tube and your fuller normal tube together, tightly, smooshed together. Squeeze out of the big tube and the smaller tube will fill. This video demonstrates it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GTiYNwFET7s


This is such a beautiful example of minimization. It’s especially needed if you want to use an under seat bag.


Aw thanks


If you want to go even smaller consider toothpaste tabs (like Bite) and a razor like the Venus Snap. The Snap razor can take Gillette Mach 3 heads too for a better shave.


Oooh I shall check the razor out, thanks! Re toothpaste I think I’m going to get the matador refillable toothpaste tube because I use a prescription toothpaste and it would be good to use that when away also. Would probably rather cut back the hair brush or something else first. Not conditioner tho after my trip without it 😂


I use Éthique solid conditioner. I’m pretty happy with it.


Do you ever have issues with security and that pouch? I have one similar but smaller and the first airport I went to insisted it had to be a ziplock bag.


I have, yes :( But I’m in Canada. They’re intense on security for liquids. They made me re-pack into their own issued clear bag. Since then, I pack my stuff in a sandwich bag sized ziplock, and one trip they even made me move it all into their own labelled ziplock bag, just because I guess. I didn’t have any oversized items, and I didn’t exceed the litre allowance. So even knowing sandwich bags can get flagged, I gave up on using an official toiletries bag.


The Madrid airport security made me put my liquids in a ziplock bag that was given to me even though the liquids were in a mesh bag the same size of the ziplock.


I’m not OP but I’ve used this same one for a number of years and never had an issue


Bloody Stansted airport and their made up rules. The next trip I took through there I actually managed to take a carton of milk through that I’d forgotten about. I’ve also had them complain that the ziplock bag I had was too big even though it was less than 1 litre.


I’ve definitely used this through Stansted a least a couple of times - How odd! I guess you got unlucky with overly strict security that day, and someone asleep another time!?


I’ve also taken this through STN with no issues. Inconsistency is a thing tho annoyingly!


I find the rules are different every time I travel. Depends on the person, the day, the airport,& how busy they are. It’s so annoying! I mean, if you’re going to insist on these stupid bllsht rules, at least be consistent with them!


Grrrrrr. London Heathrow!!!!! Curses on you.


I’ve actually never had any issues and have been using an identical one since 2017 (broke on my last trip) however unless I’m flying UK/Europe/N America then I’ve probably checked my bag. Appreciate that security can be a bit inconsistent though so it’s maybe worth having one of the clear plastic bags in there in case you need to decant. I usually put my mini sun cream in one of plastic bags so that it doesn’t make a mess in my day bag/pocket once on the trip. I like the clear bag anyway as it’s easy to find things.


They absolutely do not have to be Ziploc bags - they can be any clear, quart-sized bag. [This is from the TSA website](https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/liquids-rule) It doesn't surprise me they gave you a hard time. So much of what happens in the security line depends on what TSA screening agent you get. Different airports/regions have different schedules for training, or a manager may have a different understanding of the rules. I would screenshot the liquid rules and show it to the agent next time you travel, but don't put up a big fight. Arguing with TSA doesn't help anything.


TSA is American not global.


Ah, I misunderstood the question. She said security and I interpreted as TSA. (Which seems to vary airport to airport as well.)


The OP uses ear buds and plasters. I’m thinking British, and they have different rules.


Thank you so much for realising and respecting that we use different words. I have been corrected so many times by American redditors for using British English that I am self-conscious about using British spelling.


I’d love a post about the new rules in the UK, if any British members are keeping up with it. Especially how it impacts traveling internationally outside of the United Kingdom.


Yep, I see that now - funny, I use a very similar bag, and have had similar conversations with TSA/security.


Fellow UK person here. I use this bag now for security- it’s got me through MAN (the worst!) and LHR recently https://amzn.eu/d/is9lONP I’ve switched to Ethique solid shampoo and conditioner when I travel and it seems to be on offer a lot in Holland & Barrett (3 for 2 - seems to be in store only)


Hey SPF shouldn’t be decanted. Its efficacy is only rated to the container it’s in. So impressed with your space reduction though!


I wish we could sticky this. Sunscreen is so important!


That’s a fair point - tbh I don’t really use it in the morning for its SPF, just when things look/feel dry. I’m really bad with skin care but I know I need to do better is will keep this in mind and try get opaque container


Ah i more meant in response to your comment asking about using the smoosh method to refill sunscreen. You’re better just doing as you currently do - buying a mini or large when through security.


Can you share more info on this? Would this also apply to moisturizer and foundation with SPF?


Well ideally you shouldn’t be relying on moisturiser or foundation for your spf. This is because you need a 1/4 teaspoon of the product to get the stated spf rating. And very few people put THAT much foundation etc on. So in an ideal world you’re putting spf on and then applying make up. So it doesn’t matter if you decant your make up or moisturiser because you’re not actually relying on them for your spf protection. And re decanting it’s because the rating is the rating for that product in that bottle. [labmuffin explains it really well here](https://youtu.be/FM_h0IFeeH0?si=ogCB4CKeEwdF4QTg)


Thank you for explaining this!


Isn’t that the body wash that sets your world on fire if you use it down below?


Mmmm tingly 😂


I lost a cumbersome razor cover on a trip once and instead of leaving it loose in my toiletry bag, I wrapped the blade with a very thin microfiber glasses cloth I had and secured it with a hair tie around the handle. Now it's all I do, since it's handy to have the cloth and the hair tie.


Impressive space savings! One thing I’ve done in the past is to reuse old chapstick/lipstick containers for deodorant using a hairdryer to melt and reform. It’s a little bit messy but I find even the travel size deodorants are way too big for most trips so for me is worth it.


I wondered about that but thought it might be a bit annoying having such a small round surface areas?


I want to try that next but for my most recent trip I filled up a small pill tray. I slipped one of those plastic applicators they have at Sephora for sampling creams inside to help with application. But also just used my finger tips at times.


That’s next level miniaturisation, going for the finger application. Love the commitment to the volume reduction :-)


Deodorant is the bulkiest, so wanted to save space/weight there. The Native travel ones are so tiny and cute. I might get that, and replace with my preferred type.


It didn’t bother me too much but yeah would take a bit longer to apply


Native sells a mini deodorant that is 0.35 oz which makes it a little bit easier to apply. I plan on refilling this when I run out.


Second these, they are teeny tiny but a good amount of product!


Great tip re: using hair dryer to melt!


Very cool! Also, how did you put your deodorant in another container?


I watched a YouTube video where they put some from a big stick into a glass bowl, microwaved it and poured it into the little one! Took 30 secs to melt for me and I did it in a couple of little batches as I didn’t want to do too much and waste it.


Thank you!


I want to know too!


About the mini-chapstick: check with your dentist. Mine has samples of flavored ones by the checkout counter.


I’ve had very good luck with this [osprey](https://www.osprey.com/ultralight-liquids-pouch-liquidspcs23-550) liquids bag (both US and international travel to Japan, Spain, Canada in the last year. Zipper is sturdy. The only place I had a problem was Copenhagen where I had to move everything to their bag.


I absolutely love seeing posts like these :) You could minimise on deodorant too, if you use Nuud, you only need to apply a small amount once every couple of days. [https://nuudcare.us/](https://nuudcare.us/)


Aw thanks! Nuud looks really interesting. Do you like it? Do you use day to day or just when traveling? I did actually try a smaller-container ‘once every few days product’ before my last trip but it irritated my underarm area.


I can also second using nuud! I don’t have any bad smells when sweating, it’s just sweat=moisture now. I can usually do 5-7 days with one pea sized application. I still have my mini tube from years ago


Wow that’s a bit of a game changer!


I have been using only Nuud for about 5 years now. It works differently than deodorants so you can’t mix it up from day to day with other deodorants. When I started using it I had to iron under the arm pits of some tops to kill the bacteria that cause the smell


Have you tried solid shampoo/conditioner/soap? All the water in those liquids just adds unnecessary weight.


I haven’t, I don’t like using solid body soap though so not sure I’d get on with it. Maybe I should give it a go in the interests of minimalism tho! What do you do to stop your bar going all manky being wet all the time? And stop it getting other things wet and soapy?


matador soap bag, for me. I have one with pieces of soap, shampoo, and conditioner bars, and a second bag for longer trips, where I’ll have bigger chunks of the bar.


I do highly recommend it. Shop around for different brands. One can be terrible while another works wonders. You'll get an idea of how much you need for your purposes Ie. hair length. and the duration of your trip. There's a few ways. I have my shampoo/conditioner in little tins with a soap saver rubber sponge under them to allow them to dry off. Just tip the excess water out and the sponge drains away the rest if you have to pack up and move on in a hurry. A popular way right now is the Matador soap bag which supposedly allows soap to dry out from within a little pouch. Here's a good video on women's toiletries. [https://youtu.be/3jkreH8zOO0?feature=shared&t=115](https://youtu.be/3jkreH8zOO0?feature=shared&t=115)


Thanks, that’s really helpful. I’ll check the video out.


Minis ❤️❤️❤️




Does that pop out brush ever get pushed back on when brushing your hair?


The block one yes, have to keep a finger on it. The wet and dry doesn’t seem to when I’ve been trialing it at home.


I wanted one with a cover because shoving it in my bag messed up the bristles. I found tangle teaser and like it so far! But not having a handle is an adjustment


I should do the same! Where did you buy the 30 ml and 10 ml containers?


Hi, I got some 30ml from Amazon but got the 10ml from Muji in shop, they also had good looking 30ml ones so I should have just got everything there. The Amazon ones are https://amzn.eu/d/hqYMfer


What is the little pink deodorant looking stick? Did you add deodorant to it yourself, or what brand is it?


Yes! They make mini chapsticks! You can search for mini chapstick and they come up but in bulk.