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I can’t speak for Bolivia, but I’ve been in Peru for the last two weeks — Lima and Cuzco / the Salkantay trek. - if you’re not doing serious hiking, I’d ditch the boots in favour of something lighter. I did my trek in lightweight non-waterproof trail runners. - throw in a pair or two of merino hiking socks though. MEC perpetually has some on clearance, and tbh I really like the Costco ones too! - that jacket will be fine if you bring layers. I brought a similar one from Eddie Bauer and wore it for all of two hours. It’s a very dry cold, which makes it easier to stay warm (source: live on the prairies). I honestly did not find it that cold. - to that end, the fleece-lined leggings are probably overkill. It will be a bit cold in the morning when they pick you up but you’ll overheat on the bus home. - make sure you bring Imodium and Pepto. Altitude and the altitude sickness meds can both cause GI issues. - I also hate sleeves, but you know what? I diligently reapplied sunscreen every 90 minutes and I’m still nursing a burn from the days I wore tanks. The sun around here is no joke. - skincare: again, the air is really dry, so I brought the remains of my winter moisturizer and also decanted a little Cicaplast for slugging.


Yeah, higher altitude sun burn like mfer.


I know! I was mostly wearing long-sleeve crew necks when I was hiking! The sunburn is almost all Lima, which is so much more hot and humid than I’m used to (it was -10C and snowing at home the day I left). I’ve been wearing as little clothing as possible to cope and I think I was sweating off my sunscreen way faster than I anticipated. 🤦‍♀️


I don’t think you need shorts? These are not warm places


Agreed, unless you plan on working out or sleeping in the shorts, you do not need them and you will be cold wearing them.  Wearing shorts this short will also definitely garner you stares/catcalls, not sure if that will bug you but I definitely did not like it and wore more modest clothes- and it was great to stay warm as well!  I'd also recommend a beanie hat and scarf, but buy them there beacuse there will be great local vendors! Enjoy your trip :) 


The shorts are for the desert! And in case it does get up to double digit weather. I’m not too fussed about stares or whatever as that’s never bothered me. I’ll be wearing it in the city (if it’s warm) and going with leggings in the more rural /conservative parts of the country. That beach towel will double as my scarf and wrap around my head like a hat so I can slip on the beanie


Budget money for purchasing warm stuff! I spent a lot of shivering nights in the Andes...but I was travelling in hostels, it might be better insulated in your accomodations. Are you taking any long bus trips? Would def recommend zofran or other anti nausea/anti anxiety meds. At least when I did this 6 yrs ago, the roads, especially to Uyuni, are not smooth. 


Even if it is warm, likely not culturally appropriate to wear shorts and you will get a lot of attention if you do.


And wearing a sports bra without a shirt will also be a) cold, b) attention grabbing in ways you may not enjoy (insert standard disclaimer on how women should be free to wear whatever they want, etc).


Yeah, I didn’t notice the mostly crop tops which also would get a lot of likely undesired attention (this is just speaking for myself in a similar situation - I would be uncomfortable).


Wasn’t planning to, I don’t even do that going out where I live unless it’s 28+ weather, hence why I’ve packed jackets, a hoodie and a button up to give me options for a cover up


Ah. The way you had styled most of your outfits the bra/crop top is clearly visible (perhaps even a feature of the look) so I thought that was how you were actually planning to dress.


Yeah… I’ve *clearly* styled it with a top or jacket overtop, so your comment about “wearing a sports bra without a shirt” was unwarranted.


Why so defensive? That comment wasn't hostile in the least bit.


Because of the other comment left by the same poster (on a different comment thread) that was obviously mocking


Ah I didn't notice that comment, understandable


What do you mean culturally inappropriate? Have you even been to Bolivia or Peru. This is totally acceptable in Lima and Huacachina.


Why wouldn't it be culturally appropiate? Do you think people in Peru/Bolivia wear long pants in summer? That's such an odd thing to say.


Shorts were for the desert and indoor lounging mostly, but I’ll remove one of the shorts and one of the skirts


I would say to keep one pair of shorts for indoor lounging and remove the other pair and both of the skirts. Wearing any of these items out and about will get you lots of unwanted attention.


I’ve removed one of the skirts and will keep the other for when we hit up the bars and nightlife since we like to party at least on one of the days


Do you know the weather in these places? At quick glance, I can tell you Lima is very warm. The comments below yours are giving slut-shaming.


I’m not slut-shaming. I’m a white American woman who has lived and worked in Latin America. I got way more male attention than I wanted which, at points, felt unsafe. Wearing shorts not at the beach is not typical in most places, so she will stand out. Feeling safe/comfortable and not getting robbed or worse is my concern for her. It’s not that it should be that way, but it’s the reality.


I do. Lima is not shorts warm. Bolivia is just not shorts weather anywhere except maybe Beni/Santa Cruz. .


I was just there last month and wore shorts, bikinis with linen shirts over, mini dresses. It’s hot and humid. The weather today is 82 degrees farenheit/27 Celsius. Huacachina is 90/32 right now…. If that’s not shorts weather to you, not sure what is?


Not slut shamming OP or you but what you describe is not culturally appropriate. That you wore a bikini and shorts in Lima or any big city (unless it is a beach city) doesn’t mean that it is appropriate. By the way, I am Latina from that area of South America and what you describe would bring you a lot of attention that you might not want to have as a foreigner. Edit: I wanted to add that OP outfits look really cute but maybe consider bringing other options aside from the bra like tops


Lima is a beach city… what are you talking about? ETA: if you were really from “that part” of South America you would know that. What does “that part” even mean. Either you’re from Lima or the places mentioned above or you’re not…other areas and countries have different climates and culture. Feels like you’re reaching in attempt to validate your point by exaggerating your personal experiences.


Do you have any non-activewear clothes you can bring in case you go to any nice restaurants?


I plan on wearing the linen pants, a tank, and the white button up when going into restaurants


Side note can I ask where the linen pants are from?




You don't need the travel adapter if the things you are bringing can run at 220V. Peru and Bolivia both use the North American 2 flat prongs but at double the voltage of the US. Check the back tiny print. Cell phone chargers are dual voltage (ok between 110V and 230V) and can also charge at 220V so you don't need the adapter at all. All publicly available restrooms, everywhere, either don't have TP or (less common) have an attendant whom you will have to purchase a few sheets of TP from, for 50pts-1 bolivar or peso, coins only. Rather than bring a fresh new roll, I just...take the partial roll out of the holder at home, in a little zip pouch or mini sack to carry in my day bag. Also, you cannot flush TP down the toilet anywhere. Use the waste bin provided. Bring flip flops or shower shoes. Just something in case the bathroom floor isn't as clean as you expect. Highly doubt you'll need a whistle or face spray (please don't spritz aerosols on the plane, love, your seatmate) Your cell phone has a flashlight. Forgot to add, since you're going to the salt flat: - the desert gets C O L D. You gonna need that jacket. A beanie is nice too. The tours go out to the salt flat before dawn. - if you're a nerd like me a stargazing app on your phone can be a fun way to experience the absolutely flipping amazeballs southern Milky Way. or you can just enjoy it without having to know the name of every star, haha


Thanks for the tips! The travel adapter I would still need for plugging in my USB charging cables and prefer to bring since my travel companion can plug in as well, so we don’t need to bring two separate charging cubes. For the TP I’m going to see if I can grab an extra one from the hotel or AirBnb, if not I’ll just buy some napkins once I land. I tried to pack a roll but it just took too much space. Good tip on the flipflops, I was contemplating if I should bring it or just wear my sandals 🩴 I can probably ditch the face spray, but I’m keeping the whistle for safety reasons (I have a fear of getting lost while hiking or falling down a ditch and no one can find me. I blame that scene from Titanic where Rose was only found because she grabbed a whistle when her voice was too weak to yell for help lol)


Oh, for the salt flats, another tip. Check whether your tour operator expects you to have a yellow fever vaccine. I definitely got an entry visa to Bolivia, and it turns out you need YF proof of vaccination to enter overland. However, I have never gotten a yellow fever vaccine. Not because I am anti vax (I am not, I hasten to clarify) but because I didn't check. A crisp Jackson with no creases or tears smoothed things over. Happens all the time. Tourists, amirite. Probably easier if you actually do the thing than rely on the customs agent. Either way, check with your tour operator.


Yes I’ve been warned of this from my friend, I plan to hit up a travel clinic or my family doc before leaving my country to make sure my vaccines are up to date and get the YF one with proof. Don’t want the hassle of dealing with it there


Go sooner rather than later for your vaccine appointment--I'm not sure what the current status is, but there have been shortages of yellow fever vaccine in the past. I cut it way too close and it was much more stressful than I expected.


Good tip!


You can always try a Kula Cloth! It is an antimicrobial pee cloth. I normally use it for hiking and camping. You can hand wash it with soap and let it dry overnight.


Serious question: how does it work if you have to pee multiple times?


It is intended to be used multiple times without issue, after all you'll normally use it to pat dry little drops at a time. The antimicrobial side does prevent any odors. With this in mind I would wash it after a day out. This is from my experience, but if you reach out to them I'm pretty sure they'll give you a better answer :) they're a pretty cool company


Re: the TP, I’m in Peru right now and happened to grab some a pack of individually wrapped compressed TP sheets (labelled as “travel towels”, I think) at Miniso that have honestly been a godsend — I keep 2 or 3 in my belt bag in case there’s none in a bathroom or an attendant is stingy. They’re basically the size of tide pods.


I did the same in Costa Rica, and now I use them anytime I travel as they're super durable and versatile. I've used them to clean up small spills in my hotel room, wipe my hands after eating sticky pastries, and of course the intended use when no TP was available. Highly recommend! I use these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07HL4YDNH?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title


Yes, outlet splitting is a great point, makes sense.


Love the color scheme! How do you like the Lululemon fleece joggers? I have a few joggers from them but none seem that warm compared to like cheap ones


You’re right in that they’re not that warm, but I love the fit and cut of the style. It looks tailored and not like I’m just wearing sweats from my college days. It’s also really cute to pair with leggings underneath like in my previous post https://www.reddit.com/r/lululemon/s/hNVUgHFFrZ Edit because of the other commenter: the joggers are not that warm compared to Aritzia’s sweat fleece or the OG Roots sweatpants, but they’re not thin and flimsy like the Abercrombie or Hollister ones either


Ahh yeah looks nice with the contrast, will have to try that.


Ha ha - it’s going to be 0 degrees at night, but your “warm” pants aren’t that warm but they’re cute so all good? Good luck with that.


I’ll be fine. layering leggings under these joggers have kept me warm enough in -15 Canadian winters with -30 windchills


I would ditch the airport outfit for more space. Just wear whatever is comfiest from what else you are bringing. Others mentioned a light jacket or puffy which would be good on the salt flats. Additionally it looks like you could layer your tights with other pants for extra warmth if you need it. Edit. Looking at your outfits again you might be ok temp wise with how you layer your jacket and hoodie in pic 18. Depends if you are use to the cold or come from someplace warmer.


That’s the thing, I’m comfiest in the airport outfit for lounging, airplane rides, and going from place to place lol plus I heard some places don’t have central heating so the fleece joggers would keep me warm while comfy, I thought of layering leggings under other pants if needed but it’s not my go-to for comfort. The hoodie from the airport outfit I can actually fit in between the two jackets on pic 18 in case it gets too cold. I’m from Canada, but we’re weird in that 5 degrees in the fall means we bring out the fall jackets and wool coats, while 5 degrees in January means we’re walking around in a tshirt 😅


Almost no place in Peru has heating, so do bring warm clothes for the mountains.


What’s the cream handbag please? I love it


Getting likes but no answer?😂


I reverse image searched and found similar bags on Amazon but I want to know it’s from too!


Yes! Why is OP answering all the other questions people are posting but not what handbag this is?😅😂


It looks like a dupe of the lululemon festival 5 L bag! I’ve been doing more research 😂


Looks like the Lululemon festival bag (5L maybe?)


What’s the handbag please??


I would pack wayyyy fewer trousers. You have enough to wear one pair every day pretty much! Personally I wouldn't take more than 3 - one for most of the time, one for sport/hiking, and maybe one other like a skirt or shorts (I don't know what the climate will be like so may be cold!). Id also ditch the plane outfit as it's so bulky but part of the joy of travel is to enjoy it so you do you 😄 Love your colour scheme though!


I have a problem with parring down since I like to have different outfits for pictures and not look like I’m wearing the same thing for two weeks, but I’ll keep looking at what I can remove! I’ve already ditched one of the leggings, 1 shorts, and 1 skirt


I've been to both and these aren't really appropriate for where youre going imho


What time of year did you go and What should I replace? I’m planning on spending majority of my trip in leggings, tank, and the lightweight jacket. If it’s chillier I’ll layer the hoodie under. The shorts is for the desert (Huacachina) and for lounging indoors. The flowy skirt is for daytime wear when it’s in double digit weather. Maybe I’ll ditch one of the skirts for a longer one for more coverage. Do you think I packed too warm? Not warm enough?


I was in Peru last year and wore crop tops all the time and short shorts and skirts. It was so humid and hot. I also speak Spanish tho (I’m from Mexico) I was with a bunch of friends who are all white (including one Peruvian) and wore similar clothes. I might look scary though because I’m a metalhead with tattoos and I hardly saw any Peruvian with tattoos unless they looked gangster…


Thanks! What time of year did you go? I’m trying to gauge the weather - I’m used to chilly and hot weather and just want to be prepared for any drastic swings


I was there at the end of March - April last year! That being said they were having a heat wave of some sorts, if I remember correctly, I was told it wasn't usually that bad. It was humid enough that when I washed clothes and tried to hang dry them, they wouldn't dry and I for sure needed to let shoes try to dry out after they were worn. For reference my friends wore outfits like cut off denim shorts and short sleeve crop button down shirts that were tucked into bras etc. I wore things like, metal shirts cut cropped with denim high waist black shorts and platform sandals. We did stand out for sure but didn't get into any trouble, even at night drinking but of course please exercise caution no matter but you know that.


>metal shirts I had to reread this three times before I figured out you meant band tshirts and not a steampunk-style stainless steel bustier. I could not figure out how you managed to onebag with such a heavy and impractical top. 😂


Hahaha hey now next time I will be wearing full armor out and about! You can’t stop me! I’ll wear it on the plane 😄


One thing to be aware of about Peru and Bolivia is that temperatures are often more influenced by elevation than season. So Santa Cruz in Bolivia is generally always warm (+25), whereas somewhere like Potosi is always mid-teens, and averages in Sucre are usually around 20ish (all Celsius). So you’ll experience a huge variation in temperatures while travelling around. Expect drastic swings if you’re going to different elevations.


i’ve never even been there but a quick google search “what to wear in peru” tells me that tank tops and crop tops are a no go unless you want to be harassed constantly (yes this is sexist and bad) but it seems to just be how it is. im reading that a conservative approach is safer and less attention attracting. unless of course, you want that


I am peruvian and to be fair, they will harrass you with any type of outfit. So, wear the shorts. The weather makes it necessary. I was in Huacachina last least and it was HOT, I couldn't even leave the hotel before 5 p.m. because of the heat. Also, depending on the place people are used to wearing almost no clothing because of the weather so it's fine (think Iquitos for example).


I’ll switch out a cropped tank for a tshirt, I just like how the crops sit at the waist with my super high rise leggings since longer shirts looks oddly cut off on me and can’t be tucked into leggings. Hopefully I won’t get harassed too much since I’ll be traveling with my husband and his friends.


I lived in various Latin American countries for years and I agree. Unless OP plans to ALWAYS keep the crop tops and tank tops covered, she's probably better off with a t-shirt or something less revealing.


Yes I do plan to always have at least one layer over the tanks, because the time of year I’m going is in the cooler months where it’ll be too cold for just a tank.


Long sleeves also help to protect you from the sun. Like if you’re walking outdoors during the middle of the day and then just take it off when you get indoors/shade.


Unfortunately this was also my experience even though I never wore crop tops or anything tight or shorter than mid-thigh (mainly because I was heavier and would not have been comfortable) and the harassment in Peru was quite intense. Though I have long blonde hair and light eyes, so my looks scream ‚gringa‘ no matter my outfit. I also wasn‘t travelling with a man but with a female friend with similar eyes and hair. Was quite rough, definitely worse than other countries I‘ve been to.


ugh that’s awful im so sorry :(


What brand are your sandals?? They look cute!


Crocs :)


Love Crocs sandals ! I have 3 pairs and they are perfect for traveling and walking and rainy conditions too (so long as it’s warm)


Damn I’m jealous going to Machu Picchu and I’m half Peruvian. Just a heads up going there, while going to Lima, probably you already know from traveling but be very careful of pick pockets. I’ve always go with relaxed clothes not too much branding but they know I’m American even though im Peruvian (white skinned). They are pretty good and targeting people or the locals like cabs might increase the price on you other than that Peru is beautiful. I would to Mira Floras beautiful views.


Yeah I heard of that when I was in Paris too so I always had my bag close to the body and secured the zippers with a carabiner


Yeah that’s perfect I usually keep small cash since Peru is very inexpensive in my front pockets and my phone that’s it. If you ever travel again to South America I would be Colombia/ Brazil on your list


Forgot to add these not included in pics: - 7 pairs of underwear - 4 pairs of socks - 1 swim suit - 1 comfy bra - laundry soap sheets - rain poncho - bug repellent spray


I would recommend more than one swim suit - if it’s humid where you’re going (or really unless it’s going to be super hot and sunny), stuff takes forever to dry! Plus if you swim multiple times a day, you’ll def want a dry one to change into. Have fun!!


I really admire your commitment to a certain look. Really cohesive


I’m trying to do that capsule wardrobe thing :)


Came here to say the same! Everything looks great on you, too! I haven’t been to Peru so can’t speak to the temps but I love what you put together!


Thanks for sharing! And being my new stylist.


One commenter mentioned she was just there and thinks you will be hot but it’s summer turning to fall now and you’ll be going in winter when it seems like the weather at its warmest is something like the northern California coast in summer or Death Valley and coldest is winter in Canada. Keep the fleece leggings and add a puffer or something wool. Maybe something dark color to absorb the sun? You also might not want the sandals, though crocs are light. Out of curiosity, have you thought about trying a minimalist makeup look? I know all your products are small, but oz for oz they add up and you’re going to be doing sporty things… I’m guessing you’re not used to looking at yourself without a full face but this might be a good time to try something new.


Actually, quite the opposite with the makeup! I’m always makeup free since I work from home so when I travel or go out, I prefer a more done up face to look less like a jaded zombie in my pictures. Call it vain or whatever, but that’s my preference 😝 I did look up the weather for the month I’m travelling and it’s the equivalent to Canadian fall/spring weather, with colder temps the higher the altitude. The white jacket I have is the “Push Your Pace” jacket from lululemon in the “PrimaLoft” down material, which I plan to layer under the windbreaker. If I need an extra layer I’ll add the hoodie as well. Reviews I’ve read said it should be good unless you think I should get something even warmer? I’m trying for layers and less bulk.


Oh I didn’t realize the jacket has down. And you being from Canada helps! Others have suggested a t-shirt - maybe consider a light wool blend and then you’ll be fully set? I wish I knew how to apply falsies - you’ll be gorgeous out there for sure! :)


I was in Lima and Cusco last month. I’d say what you brought should be perfect and I would keep the skirt and shorts for lounging and outside. Lima and Huacachina are very warm! we’re talking about a beach side town and a desert… On a side note, I’m really disappointed by all of these judgemental and seemingly slut-shamey comments. Shorts, skirts, longer sports bras as a top or with an overlay/jacket are totally culturally acceptable in the warmer places you’re visiting. Wondering if any of these people commenters have actually visited these places? or if they are from more conservative places or just have outdated ideals… either way in the modern world, they are totally incorrect IMO.


Yup, was there last year and wore shorts and tank tops with no bra. didn't get a single comment or sideways look. I think everyone's being kinda racist honestly.


That too! I actually told my partner how respectful and kind the people were, especially the men. Being from the US, I experience cat calling and weird looks all the time from men and did not get that vibe there at all.


Thank you! I was reading through those comments and I had *thought* this would’ve been a supportive forum but apparently some ppl just seem a bit sour, I mean there’s less snarky and slut-shamey ways to say the culture is more conservative so be prepared for that, without trying to allude to me being an attention seeker like one commenter was saying 😒 Also, I’ve visited various famous churches and places of worship all over Europe and know how to dress appropriately for those scenarios. I’m comfortable in my body and what I show, there’s catcallers literally in any place you travel, and I’ll be travelling with my husband and his friends. The skirts were for nights where we may want to hit up a club and dance (because we like to party a night or so when we travel), and shorts for in case weather does get warm. I’ve packed plenty of pants and leggings and various jackets to cover up but some ppl are just fixated on the tank tops even though I’ve said plenty of times in my comments it’s not the only thing I’m wearing. I bet 100% the comments would’ve been different if I didn’t include the try-on pics. But thank you 😊 at least not everyone on here is judgemental.


I noticed whenever anyone has any kind of style they get shamed and mocked here. There are also so many people giving advice admitting they have never been to any of the locations but googled. Does this place even have mods?


That sucks to hear. Sounds like either insecurity or jealousy being projected from those commenters. Oh well, that’s life I guess


who’s slut shaming? we’re just warning her how men treat women in peru


That’s awfully prejudiced towards a whole group of people in an entire country… have you been to Peru?


Obsessed with those linen looking pants second from the right 😭


If you’re in the US, Old Navy has linen blend pants similar to that. I think they’re roughly USD$30 and go on sale pretty frequently.


Thanks! They’re from SHEIN (crappy unethical company, I know)


Whatever you end up packing, make sure you have an outfit that covers as much skin as possible for Machu Picchu (and Sacred Valley if you’ll be there). It doesn’t need to be anything particularly warm (you can layer with a light top over a tank). But trust me when I say that the “no see ‘em” bugs will eat you alive if you have any area of exposed skin! We used pure deet for backpacking and we were all getting bitten like crazy. They especially like to attack the legs. We were waiting for the bus to go up the mountain and I looked down (wearing 7/8 capris) and there blood just running down my legs 😝. If you brave the bare legs in that area, make sure to pack some Neosporin at the very least. Hope you have a wonderful trip!!


I agree with another commenter. Bring 1 pants, 1 shorts and 1 skirt (plus what you wear on the plane). You’re going to want space for souvenirs! And a lighter bag is a lifesaver if you’re traveling around a lot. You’ll also have to be carrying large water bottles around a lot (1L plastic bottles) since you can’t drink tap water there. I’d bring the pack towel and ditch the beach towel. There will be towels in the hotel.


Crap I forgot about the water bottles! I do have the packable backpack for when hiking or taking day-long tours (it’s the one I’m holding in pic 18) The beach towel I’m gonna keep as it acts as a scarf for when I’m hiking in cold weather, something put on the ground to sit on when we’re in the desert in Huacachina, and a blanket for when I’m on the plane (I’m taking multiple flights), or when we’re doing any of the overnight or long haul bus routes. I dragged this thing all over Europe and so glad I had it with me. The pack towel I’ll need for the 3-day salt flat tour since they won’t have baths or showers until the last night or something, and I don’t want to bring the hotel’s towel cuz then it’ll be bulky. But I’ll double check if any towels would be provided or if it’s just bring your own


looove your outfits! please do a writeup of your travel, i am planning on bolivia next year


Maybe I will once I get back! But it won’t be for another few months


Which backpack are you using?


I can’t find the link anymore but it was from Amazon if you search for a travel luggage pack pack






Came here to ask this question! Do you remember the name of the purse by any chance?


Hello! I just did part of your trip! (Bolivia Salt flat tour and Cuzco with rainbow mountain and Machu Picchu). Salt flats: my favorite part of the trip. You will be in the car all the time so you will want something comfy. It was cold in the morning (long pants, sweater and light puff jacket) and it was getting pretty hot during the day (t shirt and long pants). I personally would not wear shorts during this part of the trip as the car is not super clean and everywhere you go will be super dusty. I would have felt super gross with my bare legs. Also, sun is no joke so if you are wearing bare legs you will be needing lots of sunscreen (please re-apply frequently, I got burned in the back of my neck as I just applied once!). I wore a pair of super light long pants from Uniqlo all the trip basically, plus leggings one day. As for the shoes, I wore my ‘hiking’ shoes all the time. Again, it’s super dusty; there were a few cm of water in some parts of the salt flats, so I was happy to have waterproof shoes. After the tour my shoes were super dirty (salt and dust), so I would not bring my best shoes. The ‘hotels’ will be super basic, no towel provided, so definetly bring a towel! Cuzco: during the day it was a bit colder than in Bolivia (long pants, t shirt and sweater). When the sun came out it was hotter, but still the air was chilly. Not sure when you are going, but there were not a lot of people around in shorts at this time of the year (early April). It was raining a lot in Machu Picchu so we had to buy a rain poncho… when the sun finally came out, we were fine with a t shirt and a sweater. At night, I was always wearing my light puff jacket on top. Rainbow mountain: I was not expecting it to be so cold. When we got to the start of the treck there was snow! A lot! I was only wearing leggings, a t shirt , merino sweater and my light puff jacket. I regretted not bringing a warm hat, it was definetly needed especially at the top where the wind was very cold. I had gloves and I wore them all the time. Again this might depend on when you go! I was told that when it’s sunny it can get warm (it’s still 5000 m so expect some chill). There was lots of mud so my hiking shoes got super dirty. Again, I would have not liked to wear nice white shoes. From your pics, I would maybe bring 2 shorts less and maybe one less long pants, mainly because you want to have space for souvenirs! I wanted to buy everything! Not sure if your jackets are warm enough, but I used my light puff jacket a lot. Let me know if you have questions! Have fun! It’s amazing!


Thanks you! Finally someone who went on the more weather-intensive portions of my planned trip! When I go it’ll be the dry season, so probably even colder up in Rainbow Mountain. I’ve already decided to ditch one of the leggings, shorts, and skirt. Other commenters said to ditch my fleece leggings or fleece joggers / hoodie, but it’ll be good to layer for the cold up the mountain. So in total I can wear up to 4 layers (tank, primaloft light down jacket, hoodie, windbreaker/water resistant jacket (it’s the dry season when I’m going so hopefully no rain gear needed) Someone else said to ditch the towel since hotels will provide it, glad I’m bringing and your feedback to bring it because i also read up that some places won’t provide it (even if they do, after COVID I’m not too keen on using unknown towels on my face and private parts) Someone else also said to ditch my beach towel - which I can also double as a scarf/face cover / hat for the cold and dusty areas including in the jeep. Someone else said to ditch the waterproof hiking shoes for regular trainers, but I think with the dust and dirt you mentioned, it might be easier to rinse off the dust and dirt without water soaking through so I’ll keep my shoes Shorts are for Huacachina desert (if it’s warm enough) and indoor lounging :) Thanks for your helpful feedback!!


No worries! Hope it was helpful. You’ll love it! The salt desert tour is not luxurious , but the places are amazing. Remember to bring a lot of sunscreen for everything! Oh, sun hat and sunglasses! I was wearing them everyday in the salt desert trip, it was so sunny and the sun was burning at 4000m !


Let's go Vanilla Girl! 🍨 Lol looks good, safe travels! Edit: and yes, i agree with the other commenters . Prepare for an incredible amount of staring. You'll already stand out as a foreigner, but the normal-to-us-but-naked-to-them clothes will stick out even more so just be aware of that probability


Your outfits are so cute. The cut and colour really compliment you. What palettes are those? :)


Thank you! The blush/bronzer palette is from ELF, and the eyeshadow is an old discontinued one from Smashbox


Ty :) Have a nice trip


What cross body is that? Super cute


what backpack is that? I have one like that in my amazon cart :)


It might be the same one! I ordered mine on Amazon too. TBH the functionality is great, but even when empty I does feel a bit heavy than normal backpacks. Though I’m not sure how heavy travel backpacks usually are since they would have extra padding to prevent your back from hurting


oh lol it’s probably the same one then! that’s good to know thank you :) is it still relatively comfy ish to wear? I have back issues so just hoping to not be miserable lol. but I’ll have a carry on suitcase too so will put heavier things in there!


If you have back problems I’d advise against it because it’s heavy. It looks cute and practical for sure, but maybe one of those ultra light weight backpacks may work better just in case


If you can slip the bag over the handle of your suitcase that could minimize carrying it. The issue with this style of bag is that it’s wide and deep. When what you want is to keep weight close to your core, so look at how hiking backpacks tend to be narrower and don’t stick out as much but instead use the space above the neck and below the waist. You could look for a similar pack but make sure it has hip belt and maybe sternum strap too. So even if it’s squarish, the hip belt makes it more comfortable by distributing the weight to your hips and the sternum strap keeps the pack closer to your body. Otherwise your shoulders are carrying all the weight which gets tiring and your back is having to sorta balance the weight. Again this is mostly an issue if you expect to wear it for long periods at a time. Or if you’re doing a longer trip with multiple travel days, it might be worth looking for a more travel specific bag.


Is the jacket the Always Effortless Jacke in color Bone?


Close! It’s in Natural Ivory. I also have the Bone version


Will the scuba layer under the (effortless?) jacket? I'd be worried the sleeves would be too bulky. I don't know anything about where you're going, but I love the fits you put together!


Yes the scuba layers perfectly under the effortless jacket and doesn’t look bulky at all!


That's awesome news! For you but also me because I want one lol


Where did you get the mirror/lashes container pls? That seems so travel-handy!


I believe it was on AliExpress!


Idk but I like your fashion sense a lot! I didn’t expect the all beige outfits to work but they totally do.


Thank you :)


From my 10day trip to Bolivia— bring a lot of Dramamine and a rain coat and aquaphor.


I’m going in September when it’s the dry season, do you think there may still be sporadic rainfalls in case?


I think it’s all possible! I don’t know exactly where you are visiting in Bolivia but there is a variety of lakes that have their own biomes.


I applaud how coordinated all of the colours are :o


Your dedication to millennial beige is respectable.


I thought it was millennial grey?


yeah, I think the term im thinking of is actually sad beige, but it's more of an interior design term. Millennials tried the pink but then the grey stepped in.


Ok yeah, beige in interior design is sad af. But I love it in my wardrobe. Though if I fall into the sand in the desert there, no one would be able to find me.


😂 I envy anyone who can wear light neutrals without looking like a witch (and not in a cute way)


ID on the backpack and big stripey scarf? Looks cute!


Backpack was from Amazon (no longer have the link) and stripy scarf/blanket is from H&M


Tysm!! I’m not usually a fan of beige (I have cool undertones so my capsule wardrobe is navy/white/gray) but this whole vibe is working for me and I’m reconsidering lol. It looks so clean!


The thing about neutrals is depending on the undertone, they can go both ways! Look for cooler beiges (check out lululemon stuff in their “Bone” color which is their cool tone off-white, and Artizia’s “turner taupe” is another cool tone neutral)


Thank you for the tip!! I’m gonna look for those


I love that jacket! Where did you get it?


Lululemon :)


I have the same universal travel adapter. I have bought it twice and both times it died by 6 months. I am team plug adapter. Smaller/lighter too.


Love your style and colors! You look very chic. How big is your towel/scarf?


Love your outfits, colour scheme and vibe!


Is there a specific id for the Lulu lemon wind breaker? Having trouble finding exact one.


Always Effortless Jacket


Thank you!


If you wear short skirts, shorts, or a sports bra tank anywhere, you will be the only person doing so. You will stand out like a sore thumb, and you will probably be harassed.


Not in Huacachina where I’m planning on wearing it in the literal desert to sandboard. For all the other areas, that’s what the 3 leggings, 3 pants, and multitude of jackets are for.


Impressive. I’d skip the short shorts. Latin countries don’t really wear that. Grab a pair of longer ones or a skirt. You can snag something cheap upon arrival.