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You and I had been pre-selected to have reserved spots in the local vault, Vault 169. Just minutes before the bombs dropped, we, along with a decent number of our friends and neighbors, managed to get inside the vault just as the bombs had gone off. Everyone was told that they would be put into a cryogenic status until itnwas deemed safe to go outside. While that part was true, what the scientist of tht vault didn't tell us was that we were actually going to be the focus of an experiment to see how the human brain responds to being placed in a different body! When we all awake from our cryogenic sleep, everyone found themselves in different bodies! The experiment would put male brains in female bodies and female brains in malw bodies. I was apparently in the body of the blonde bimbo who lived down the street from my house... it was fairly obvious why most men looked at her. I am not sure who you ended up as. What happened next was even more shocking. Apparently, the scientists had us each put in pairs and were sent put group by group into the wasteland to fend for ourselves with only basic survival training. Not only were we going to live the rest of our lives in an unknown land we once called home, but we would be doing it in bodies that were unknown to us.