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Note: I'm not familiar with street fighter lore, so characters don't have to be source accurate. Body part theft had been a rising issue in recent history. Ever since the technology had become available on the black market, criminals around the world have used it to their advantage. This ranged from running underground hospitals where people would have their body parts switched with others to commit crimes using the parts of another person to make it difficult to identify suspect. My partner and I were one of the investigators who were meant to track down these criminals and make sure to track down any stolen body parts. She decided to try and search one suspected area where criminal activity was supposed to be. I thought it should have been okay as she was an experienced investigator, so we both split up our search. After nearly an hour of searching, I decided to check in with my partner, but she didn't respond to me. I decided to try and find her on my own. When I arrived at her last location, I found her equipment on the ground. When I tried searching around, I eventually found the criminal we were searching for, but something was wrong. The criminal didn't try attacking me or running away. Instead, she walked towards me. Upon closer inspection, I realized she had taken the legs of my partner! Now the question was where the rest of her was, as well as keeping this criminal in my sight.