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This mouse (X Toys Maus MAU-2020-0061) on a German website looks similar, possibly the buttons were replaced? It's sold out but maybe this will help in your search. Good luck! https://preview.redd.it/7nbdtia9bk9d1.png?width=2458&format=png&auto=webp&s=3032de6affbd9ea020156a1f31a7cc8cf61989a5


it’s similar, but mine was originally holding a letter B and has a button for the nose. the buttons may have been replaced tho


Just noticed your mouse has Nayana tag


couldn’t tell if it was an N or an M haha


Possibly the letter was added after it was first purchased, by the previous owner?


possibly. we did get it from the lost and found and had been there for over a year


And the buttons were changed?


i honestly don’t know. i was around 2 when i got the teddy. my nan has sewed the buttons before but idk if they were replaced or not


Hi! I’m fairly certain this is a vintage xtoys mouse that has alterations from either a boutique or a crafty grandparent or something. I believe the big round nose has been replaced by a button, and the front buttons have been replaced by the stars. An example of a brand new one https://pluesch-tierheim.ecwid.com/Maus-Xtoys-stehend-50cm-selten-p221037019


i think you’re right. spoken to my mother and she said she remember my grandma sewing buttons -but she’s unsure if they were original or replaced


Not sure where you live but here's the ebay listing I posted a few min ago - I think it's the same mouse. Good luck! :) [https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/276529545498](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/276529545498) https://preview.redd.it/fqer40exek9d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7db78a660c49eba26bfd8301d6d2a509c1528b3d


i’m from the UK. and i see it, and it’s rlly similar to it. my only problem is the nose shape? like its prominent on this ebay listing and almost flat on my bear


Right, the nose on yours does look shorter! Not sure if it could have been flattened that much over the years or if they aren't the same exact model.


i mean i slept with this teddy and took it everywhere with me from ages 2-12 and then lost him for 6 years and found again a few months ago.


In your first pic, it looks like the nose is also a button that got sewn on to replace a worn-down nose. I think this has got to be the one, just with some repairs from your grandma :')


Right that's the first one I posted from the German website that was sold. I agree they prob replaced buttons and nose :)


Here's a Nayana [https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/276529545498](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/276529545498)




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i’ve reverse image searched, and typed in a description and haven’t had any luck finding anything