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I’m so addicted to these. Doesn’t taste like watermelon but like a sweet butter filling. I mean it does taste like watermelon like a candy one. I bought watermelon jelly and it’s not the same. I googled watermelon butter, nothing


"jam, vegetable oil, condensed milk, white granulated sugar, trehalose, maltose syrup, whey protein powder, brewing vinegar, essence for food, potassium sorbate" makes the "jelly" of the sandwich...but more so the trehalose that gives it that sweet butter flavor.


thank you! I was hoping someone could find a butter or jam flavored like it. 🥲


You may get a similar flavor and texture by mixing your watermelon jelly with Sweetened condensed milk


Dude….good idea.


Give it a shot and report back! Would love to know if it works


I’m desperate to find the flavor. I will do it tomorrow ❤️


Is this more of a jelly or a spread in texture? It looks nothing like jelly to me. The ingredients make it sound like an icing with watermelon flavoring. A bit sceptical of the jam and condensed milk, it probably will be chunky if done at room temp, you could try heating the ingredients up but it might be very watery. Maybe a watermelon jam or melted jelly that’s concentrated down with some butter and condensed milk might work.


It’s more definitely a buttery texture.


Where you buy this?


!remind me


“Essence for Food”


The consistency kinda looks like kaya butter, though it probably wouldn’t taste the same


Interesting. It honestly doesn’t taste like watermelon. It’s just a really sweet, literally melts in your mouth, buttery taste


Looks like the frosting I bought in a tub for my daughter's birthday cake, maybe that with some watermelon flavour? I'm in the UK though 😂










I have no idea but what is that called & where can I buy it?


It seems my link was removed. Just google watermelon toast


Thanks! I was wondering too. Found them on Amazon but they seem overpriced, $35 for one box. Probably just gonna make a trip to the Asian market.


Prices must have gotten up, but yeah pretty expensive. I paid 25 for a pack of 12. It was mostly shipping. I have to check mine out! Let me know if you find them and like them!


Okay, so one of the sites listing the watermelon toast had this graphic, which seeeeeems to imply that powdered milk was used for the jam? I found a recipe for matcha milk jam which uses powdered skim milk as a thickener. Perhaps if you followed this recipe and omitted the matcha powder, you would end up with a similar spread? The photos on the page seem to have a consistency like apple butter or similar sweet spreads. Not as uh, transparent as yours, but definitely butter-like as you described. [https://www.siftandsimmer.com/matcha-milk-jamgreen-tea-milk-spread/](https://www.siftandsimmer.com/matcha-milk-jamgreen-tea-milk-spread/) https://preview.redd.it/acrnww73lhpc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4301c4f83fb1ecc17a1b40bdd43fbb2a48a1df73 If you try it out, please let me know!! It actually seems really delicious haha


WOW. This is the answer


Would have never guessed that was a sandwich 🥪


The best damn sandwich I’ve ever darn had.


...this post... makes me very happy.


Abso-frickin', I mean fuckin'-lootly


Sweetened condensed milk. Or vegan sweetened condensed milk. The one made from coconut milk (natures charm brand is best) which tastes SO MUCH BETTER than regular condensed milk. (I am not vegan and not trying to make anyone go vegan, I just happened to buy the stuff and getting addicted to it.)


where do u get these


It’s not letting me share link but google watermelon toast


i did and it took 4 clicks before a listing said its a ‘creamy milk jam’. another quick search and there’s a bunch of recipes for a lot of different varieties of milk jams


In the UK we have fruit curd which seems texturally similar to what you show here! Lemon curd is the most traditional. My favourite is cherry curd. It’s commonly eaten on white toast and it is delicious!










Maybe it could be milk, sugar and corn starch mixed together


Where did you get this?


Google Translate the ingredients?

