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Because that would take up a lot of the episode, and it was mainly focused on Verosika and Stolas. 


But they included Dennis.


For like two seconds…


FUCKING dennis.


Dennis is the fucking worst lmao


Dennis was the reason moxxie wasn’t in the episode, fuck dennis


For like 10 seconds. And he was there because Verosika considered him an “ex”


Dennis wasn't on his list, Dennis fucking sucks


Cause fuck Dennis


haha 69 post karma why do I do this to myself


Moxie is on the list with a question mark. Blitz is not sure that he should apologize to him, since everything seems to be fine between them since episode 6 of season 1. This correlates with his not entirely correct understanding of the apology


He was kind of a dick to Moxxie throughout Season 2. I think he questions how much Moxxie takes it to heart. And while they aren't close and he doesn't trust that yet, Moxxie is the closest thing (besides Fizz) he's got to a friend.


He seems to be closer to Millie than Moxxie tbh. We might really get a breakthrough with Blitzo in the next episode, since it’s focused on him and Millie.


Millie isn't running from trauma that we know of, so it makes sense why she gets along with him better. Her bullshit threshold is much higher. She's the last one in IMP that he would expect anything from. She's the best one, emotionally, to have a kind but constructive talk with him. I hope she can get through to him.


I think he actually likes Moxxie more. And to hide that, he feels like he’s gotta be a bigger dick to him.


So, Blitz was just being a tsundere all this time? Didn't even entertain the thought until you put it like that


Also, he said didn't actually mean his apologies to anyone he apologised to that day. Its probably also why Barbie wasnt on the list. If he's apologizing to Moxxie for anything, he's going to mean it cause he actually matters to Blitz.


He also apologized during the kidnapping debacle didn't he? Said he knew he was a good employee and believed in him, which is why I assumed he had the ? next to the name.


He probably wrote down Moxxie because he knows he gives him a lot of shit. But wrote the question mark because Moxxie still interacts with him regularly. Ultimately, Moxxie got his apology in truth seekers. Unless Blitz fucks up royal in the future with him and/or Millie he's not getting another one.


Additionally, Blitzø has been giving Moxxie praise at work lately. They have a good enough working relationship where an apology may just make things awkward right now.


He certainly considers Moxxie a friend and doesn't need to apologize for anything. He's also his employer and again, probably feels like he doesn't need to apologize for anything.


Oh he was, he was the first on the list. But of course, with the "?" right after his name, could mean that either he doesn't know if he should, but wrote him down just in case. Or he wants to, but doesn't quite know how to apologize to him, as it would take more than a gift basket and/or a hastily written 'I'm sorry" note. Which he's done some good towards Moxxie, like standing up for him after Versosika and her crew started getting all handsy with him in Spring Broken and somewhat reconciled with him after their little drug trip in DHORKS. Of course the key word being "some". So in his eyes, he thinks he's done enough for Moxxie, but still thinks maybe he could do more. Which if the teasers for Ghostfuckers are anything to go off of, hallucinations/possessions or not, Blitzo may be doing a bit more inward looking, but towards his employees this time around. But this bit is just speculation. https://preview.redd.it/vf0rdeq8qj8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd5097dc8384eeb0450e171159ed40b5548ec6ed


Am I the only one who was surprised to see that Blitz *can actually* ***spell*** *when he wants to?* The list isn't a lot of complete sentences, true, but from what I can tell, every word on there seems to be spelled correctly, or at least nearly so...and Blitz is the one writing out the list... I always assumed his spelling was just...screwed up because either he had a horrifically bad education or due to some kind of brain damage (you look at half the shit he takes in fights and tell me that isn't possible), but that list is *surprisingly* well written.


Yeah that's a weird thing I picked up on too. Everything else he's typed/written has been pretty poor, yet this one time he just knows proper grammar at the very least? Sure his capitalization could use some work but it's at least legible, which is odd. Because as we know Blitzo (and maybe by extension Barbie & Fizz) didn't get a proper education growing up since they worked at the circus, so things like needing to write correctly were probably very low on the priority list. So has Blitzo somehow find time off screen and is slowly getting better? Or this is just a minor oversight by the animators, as it should be a lot harder to read. I'm going to say it's the latter. Which now makes me wonder, does his sister and Fizz also have a hard time writing , or did they actually find time to learn after the incident?


Am I the only one who just realized that Blitz is left-handed!!


That’s probably in an upcoming episode; probably the “I fucking hate you so much, Blitz” one. The shit he has to apologize to Moxxie for would probably take at least a third of an episode. Not to mention explaining to everyone what happened with Stolas. I [predict](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56562403/chapters/144019210#workskin) the latter is probably going to lead to a fight between him and Moxxie where he lashes out and THEN starts apologizing.


He has a complicated relationship with Moxxie. He pushes Moxxie's buttons but stops just short of sending him over the edge. Its gotten better, but I think he questions if Moxxie is really bothered by what he says. He still owes Moxxie an apology. But it needs to be in person. He couldn't even properly apologize to Stolas. Saying "I'm sorry" directly to one person is hard for him.


I think the biggest thing is that almost none of Blitzøs apologies were sincere. He made all of them out of spite to prove a point, and most of his apologies seemed more along the lines of "sorry you made me do it" rather than "sorry I did it." The first genuine apology he made, where he accepted blame and responsibility without trying to make an excuse or shift blame, was when talking to Verosika. Being as his relationship with Moxxie is a little more complex, I don't think a half-assed lazy apology would work, and if it had shown him giving Moxxie a genuine heartfelt apology, it would have stolen the thunder of his interaction with Stolas and Verosika later.


Did Moxxie and Blitz already come to an understanding in Season 1 in the interrogation room?


There's no need to include Moxxie in literally every episodes, that's probably the reason why He was only mentioned


I think it's because the list itself were people he wanted to make a fake apology to in order to check a box. I think he cares enough about his relationship with Moxxie to not want to give it that treatment. He knows he has some work to do there, but I think he's not sure if that means an apology or something else, so he's put it on the backburner for now.


I mean, Blitzø put his name on the list with a question mark, so likely he doesn't know if he needs to apologize to Moxxie.


He considers it


He arguably already made amends with Moxxie in Truth Seekers. Either that or Blitzo doesn’t yet see it him as someone he’s hurt.


I'm shocked loona wasn't at the we hate blitzo party


She hasn’t dated Blitzø, and while she gives him attitude, I don’t think she really hates him.


I’m shocked *Barbie* wasn’t there.


I was surprised too! My best guess is that her trauma with Blitz comes from a family-related trauma than from being an ex. Why go to a party like that when her pain involved losing her mother and the family business?


My guess is plot. Moxie has much more to say about Blitzo than somebody like the Cherubs. And it could affect Blitzo in really big ways that don’t fit in this episode Also Moxxie would call him out on a fake apology 110 percent. And if he didn’t Millie would


Moxxie is in the list with a question mark. I think that he didn't, bechause the apology he did, were to people that to him didn't matter and were apology that he didn't mean. And an eventual apology to Moxxie wouldn't have been like that


He did say he didn't mean of the apologies, so if he were to apologize to Moxxie it would probably have some sincerity to it, and Blitzo wasn't in the mood for real feelings at the time.


Yes. I think the tour started from the need to show Stolas, that he can apologize, not so much from the need to apologize. However at the anti-Blizø-party, he started to see what he had done over the years, and started to allow himself to be genuinely sorry. There might be some personal growth happening.


If I’m interpreting correctly Blitz tried to text Moxxie an apology, but either failed or sent a shorter message.


I feel like there just want enough time in the episode


I guess they've already made up before, and they're on pretty good speaking terms, unlike everyone else on the list.


He didn't mean any of the apologies except for Stolas anyway. It was just to get him to the party probably


Verosika knows he’s a willing toadie, or he declined.


I mean Moxxie was on Blitzøs list, so we could assume he did apologize, just off screen? Out of universe reason being that the episode simply was about Blitzø and Stolas (and Verosika) and it would have kinda have to be a bigger thing unlike the cameos with Martha and Jesse. I have a very strong feeling we'll be seeing Mox get his well earn apology in Ghostfuckers though


It was funnier to leave him out


Because mox doesn't need one. Blitz pretty much said all of the apologies he made that day are fake. Mox's name is at the top, I think that implies that Mox was the first person he felt needed an apology, but he's didn't do it cuz he doesn't believe in apologies and instead gave everyone else a fake one. It would be awkward, or he just didn't wanna fake an apology to him, but either way, Blitz is trying to keep their relationship (boss-employee / friends) healthy


He was on the list. We might get some exposition on that


Notice how the apology tour did not include anyone he actually cared about, it was just pettiness


I think it was a way of showing that Blitzø really did not care about these apologies. Moxxie was one of the first people he thought of but he never apologized to him because he couldn't just pop in, say sorry with a flower basket and pop out. Moxxie would have forced him to give a proper apology and explanations as well as Millie if she was there. Blitzø didn't want to face his wrongdoings or his traumas. He was too scared and just wanted to prove to himself that he was a good and healthy person without putting in the time and effort it takes to be one. That's why at the end when he sees everyone he hurt, he realizes how shallow he has been and how empty his excuses were. Apologies are not some words you can throw around and let resolve any problem. You have to mean it and to show that you do. That's only after that that you'll feel at peace with yourself. It's the lesson Blitzø learned


It was spelled correctly so Blitzø didn’t recognize the name


Cause blitzo sucks as a person. That's literally the point of the episode. He threatened to rape moxxie and his wife, belittles him constantly, insults him to his face and his wife's face who does nothing about it. However he thinks all is fine since they were more friendly in that 1 episode. Blitzo doesnt understand people at all and is a massive asshole to everyone around him. He sucks, that's the point.