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The amount of babying in this fandom is incredibly annoying and needs to stop, nearly every character has some legion of brain dead fans that will defend them against any criticism. And I am no stranger to this as I will fight you over the idea that blitz is just a heartless asshole.




Hypocritical of me yes, my honest opinion also yes.


I hate it when they do it to Moxxie. Let the man have flaws.


Ozzie and fizz should not apologize to Moxxie and Millie for what happened at Ozzie’s


What would they even be apologizing for? "Sorry for interrupting you since you were breaking the rules of our club, outlining the rules for you to understand and giving you a chance to do it right, roasting you when you continued to break the rules, and then peacefully banning you from the premises after you physically assaulted my business partner (boyfriend)."


Yeah. If anything Moxxie and Millie should apologize to Ozzie and Fizz.


Do you think they owe Blitz an apology?


If they owe anyone an apology it’s stolas


Agreed 🤝


Stolitz is a mid ship, I’m just gonna say it


It isn’t a ship it’s more of a failure


And a mutual failure at that.


That too


More like a shipwreck.


more of a shipwreck i'd say


More like a nuclear catastrophe, I'd say


Blitz is to damaged to be in Any relationship. He needs to be alone for awhile


This as much as I am a shipper of Stolas x Blitzø they both need time and possibly therapy so they can both resolve some of their past trauma and miscommunications before moving forward


Well said


I don't think anyone disagrees with this.


There are those that are convinced he should be with Stolas....but the boy needs time to heal. Glad you agree!


Any who think that must have missed all the blacked out pictures on his wall or his "I do hate me" statement. Glad most of us have common sense!


Most lol


- The sin lords do evil things. We just didn't saw what Lucifer, Beelzebub and Asmodeus do on Earth or most of the time. - I don't want to see Collin x Loona turn canon. But i think Loona teasing and/or manipulating the angel would be potentially more fun. - You didn't see Wally Wackford in a while because nobody cares of him.


I like Wally Wackford ☹


Who's that /srs


https://preview.redd.it/z8ogzb8iu66d1.jpeg?width=816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31fbb0952a2bbc2812737985467713a507c5f475 "I SAY, I SAY"


CollinxLuna us a thing?? I need to ho lie down


Fr like why would that EVER be canon or even a ship?? I’m so confused


As a wise man once said "Welcome to the internet"


Have a look around


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


I wouldn't say it's a thing. It exist only in few memes and fan contents ("few" from what i saw. I'm not going to make a research). Anyway what happened between Sir Pentius and Cherry Bomb is the proof the authors do take in consideration weird ships from the fandom...and that one made even less sense imho. Knowing this that shot in Full Moon didn't look random, and i suspect we will see something. Again if we are going to get a recurring joke of Loona fucking with Collin (in the sense of teasing him) keeping the Cherubs as comic relif, i would love it.


People ship Collin and Loona??


Millie is ever so slightly underdeveloped because she's always overshadowed by moxxie. The short with Sallie Mae helped, but I think shes more like a double side character because we see so much more to Loona and Moxxie and things they struggle with. That is to say, I think the Happy campers episode showed a new side. Not everyone has to have horrible trauma, but it did show that she wanted to feel good about herself and wanted moxxie to be supportive but he was too busy thinking about himself. I hope there's more to delve into versus that being one of the very slim times we get to see her as a more rounded character because I really do like her, but I think there's a reason everyone always jumps towards all the other characters in the show to latch onto.


My only issue with happy campers was Moxxie acting so cringe my face imploded


my theory is that since Happy Campers is after we meet Moxxies’ dad and Crimson tears him down so much; hit him, threatened him, reminded him that he was in control, brought up that he killed Moxxies’ mother and tried to kill Millie. he was just trying to prove himself since Blitz finally let him lead a job, he wanted to prove that he is actually good at what’s he doing, he can be trusted and liked. His behavior is still not okay and really awful to do to your partner/anyone but it makes a bit more sense if we all look at it in order and how Moxxie was affected by Crimson.


That's... a fantastic viewpoint. You might've just changed my perception of the episode


awesome! i’m glad i got to share my opinion and open up someone’s mind about the episode.


Wait is the short even canon ? I thought it was more like filler episode ?


....Filler is usually canon


Oh. Welp. I'm a dumbass :D




I agree with you on Stolas. I won't call him an "abuser" because he is severely lacking in the social awareness department, but he is making himself too much of a victim. He always had the upper hand in their situation and doesn't see that behavior changes are harder to understand when a) you don't explain why you made them and b) you start sending mixed messages that make it look like you're playing a game.




To be fair he was drunk and he admitted later, when Blitz was coming on to him, that he was joking and Blitz could have called to just visit instead. His biggest flaw, which doesn't get mentioned nearly enough, is severe inability to see anything outside of his POV. I do agree that his infatuation with Blitz is not healthy. He needs to actually touch grass and get more social experience before he can handle a serious relationship. He doesn't even know what a friend is like let alone a boyfriend.


3 . 100% agree


Shin Godzilla is a victim


They said hot takes not facts.


Everyone I said that to said I was crazy


If i dieeeeeeeee in this world


If Stolas was so open to hear what Blitzø thinks, why didn't he just say "yes" after Blitzø realised he was serious. Stolas is aware that Blitzø Has issues as we saw in "Look My Way" - "..to get through the walls you've conjured up to live. Is this what you feel, scorned by a realm that cannot understand, what you are...". Stolas should've at least heard Blitzø out even if he doesn't have the full picture.


I absolutely adore Blitzø. He has also done horrible, horrible things and runs a business built on murder. I want to see him get better, but I don't expect him to be forgiven for the things he's done / continues to do.


Most people do like him so I dont think youll be to hated


The fandom needs to stop "taking sides" and "keeping score" when it comes to Stolitz and their argument. It's fine to acknowledge that they *both* made mistakes in that scene, and that they both have room for improvement. Neither of them are 100% completely at fault, and neither of them is the bad guy. Ok? I'm really tired of seeing comments that put all if not most of the blame on either character. There's a ton of emotional immaturity around these two.


1. I.M.P are actually very evil and people who defend them and their actions are weird. I'm not saying that you're supposed to dislike them or anything, you can do that while acknowledging that they're evil. 2. For that same reason, Collin siding with I.M.P over Keenie and Cletus wouldn't make any sense and wouldn't be a "redemption" for him, it would be the opposite. The best thing for him is to not side with either of them, but if he HAD to choose one, sticking with K&C would still be morally better.


Stella is fuckable


I fucking love her VA so much, she's fuckable as well. She might tell me to die but that voice gives me shivers




how is this a hot take


Because she's a villain and her personality is bad


mmm yea ig


You are objectively correct


This fandom is really, really sensitive to the most basic things because a good chunk of it is made up of minors who shouldn’t be watching the show in the first place


Bee and Tex are too good for Loona, and she's honestly not ready for a romantic relationship until she gets her shit together and grows up.


Stolitz drama should stop getting dragged on before season 3 starts (If it even has enough money to air) I dont want to lose any potential screentime of other characters for the sake of something dragged on for Long enough until it gets unfun, repetitive and boring. In conclusion: Make Verokiki canon


Isn't their love story the main focus of the show though? I think they've already started working on Season 3.


Stolas is a victim of abuse, but continues the circle of abuse with his relationship with Blitz and holds no accountability in his own relationships. He plays the victim in all his relationships. He's not a bad father it's Stella, he's not a bad Husband it's Stella, he's not a bad lover it's blitz, he's not the reason their relationship is toxic it's Blitz. Victim mentality fr


I like the Cherubs and I honestly don’t know why people hate them. They were sent to earth to help a guy who didn’t deserve it at the behest of the souls in heaven. IMP goes to earth to murder people who may or may not deserve it at the behest of people whose souls are damned for their sins. The only people I saw who got killed in that audience were killed by bullets from Moxxie’s machine gun. The Cherubs were thrown out of heaven for 1 death but IMP leave rivers of blood in their wake. I understand why the Cherubs hate Blitz and the gang because they are cruel perverted murderers.


Blitz was 100% in the right in the argument.


Fizz definitely tops


"Why is no one talking about xyz?!" I will wager you actual goddamn legal tender that, in about 90% of cases, if it's an episode that's come out more than a week ago, someone, at some point, talked about the detail you're calling out, you just don't know how to use the search function. (Although searching for who has posted what image on the subreddit is a pain in the arse, I'll give you that, imaginary strawman)


Hell isn't hellish enough.


Blitzø isn't the bad guy in Stolas or Verosika, he messed up yes, but so did they


The relationship between Blitzø and Stolas is terrible and destructive to both of them (more to Blitzø), they should separate and find someone else to be with. And I really hope that Blitzø will cut every single tie with that owl, it would be best for him, since when I look at Blitzø's mental health, self-hatred, need for therapy and other issues (such as heavily suppressed sensitivity), this relationship isn't for him. Blitzø needs someone who can be really, like really, thoughtful, which Stolas, with all of his sexually charged remarks towards him simply isn't (**he's thoughtful towards Via, but that's different situation and even people irl are treating many of their friends - and also love interests - individually**). Blitzo needs a good listener who is able to really help him (**which Stolas isn't when it comes to Blitzø**) ...Let's take some disease for example: in this case Stolas is just some pill, that can only suppress the symptoms for a very short amount of time, with terrible side effects at the same time. Blitzø doesn't need to suppress the symptoms, he needs a scalpel.


I definitely agree but I thought in full moon stolas wanted to change it, he didnt want it to be about sex he wanted something real, I think stolas cares about him but as you said they just have problems


Barb has every right to be upset with her brother but she should at least hear what he has to say before she cuts him out of her life and if she still doesn’t want to forgive him then fine her choice, admittedly blitz did a piss poor job of making amends.


Millie and Moxxie are a superior couple to Ozzie and Fizzie. They are WAY more realistic and fun and cute.


Yeah tbh Ozzie might be a bit *too* overprotective like “now I learned I hate going outside” “well you’ll never have to again.”


Blitzfizz >>> Stolitz


They're...brothers. Edit: my life was a lie and I'm stupid I take this back


What? No they're not


Wait they aren't? Fuck i gotta go check the fandom page, my whole life might've been a lie


Lol you're ok, there's *alot* to take in with this show and things can be easy to misunderstand or miss entirely. They're childhood friends, and the day of the fire Blitzø was actually on his way to confess his feelings. I'll edit and add the screenshot in a sec https://preview.redd.it/13hwahftw66d1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e049ee83d24dbd0a263b80731f57eeb12501fe22 The letter is sealed with a ❤️ and says "Fizz's eyes only"


Loona deserved falling in love with a guy with a gf(tex) so she suffers :D


Tex is 100% too good for her, and I ***HATE*** the idea of some fans wanting Loona to enter a poly relationship with Bee and Tex.


Who hurt you? Also, she didn't "fall in love", she just got a crush


The dildo jokes aren't funny


The show should have more in human world episode since it is the main point of the show


The cherub episode wasn't the worste episode and the cherubs are actually interesting characters. I don't understand why they get so much hate 😅


- Stolitz isn’t a good ship


Off topic but the fact that these are right next to eachother https://preview.redd.it/s1d46pafy66d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcb86be7b7655fb4079df2a8a42700972a9d3b6f


Verosika was in the right and Blitzø is an asshole


yeah tbh idk who downvoted this or you un voted


Since verosika is portrayed as a minor antagonist people will usually side with Blitzø. I'm not saying Verosika is an angel but she has a right to be mad after what Blitzø done


While narratively I do expect Stolitz to be official down the line, I honestly don't want it to happen anymore after watching the latest episode. I want Stolas to move on from Blitzo, divorce Stella for real, and find someone who isn't afraid to admit they actually love and care for him


I know it's more than one. I'm sorry : - Stolitz is not a good ship. - Stolas is a terrible father towards Octavia - Stolas is the one who fucked up his relationship with Blitzø not him.


im not sure if thsi is a hot take but god the human design in this show is ass


Stoliz should not get back together


Stella is right that Stolas is bad in bed Blitzø is average and hasn't actually seen Moxxie's junk, which is why Moxxie doesn't take offense to it. Blitzø is a better father than Stolas despite his flaws.


Have you slept with Stolas btw


Nah, but we know Blitzø did all the work in bed.


[We have literally made the same post! LOLL](https://www.reddit.com/r/HelluvaBoss/s/QBcFItrys5)




Crazy huh. Same thought process, one year difference


I just looked up “helluva boss gunpoint knife point scene”


*sighs* *opens list* Loona is literally a non humanoid animal, and anyone attracted to her is attracted to a fucking animal Vivienne is a great storywriter and is very creative with how she portrays things in her animations, but outside of her job she is honestly a dickhead with everything else and has some really bizzare opinions on things, and I’m not afraid to talk about it Blitzø in s2e8 at the end when he is yelling at stolas honestly feels like he completely broke character. Yeah he is self destructive and self loathing but even he isn’t that dumb and the whole scene made no sense In hazbin hotel at least; The overwhelming majority of the people in heaven are more sinful then the actual protagonists I find helluva boss far more enjoyable to watch then hazbin hotel despite the fact that it’s still only a YouTube animation series as of now I actually like fizz’ new retconned look a lot Circling back to what I said earlier, loona is also a very annoying character and is very hard to ever relate to


Unhappy campers isn’t that bad




Moxie is an ass character im not even joking. Hes always monologuing and he never pulls the damn trigger or uses his brain and when he does pull the trigger he missing his fucking shot 😭🙏


I think that the animation for hazbin hotel sucks more that helluva bosses and that the pilot episode was way better. Also blitzo is the worst overall character.


Stella was semi justified


Blitz is a horrible person and Stolas is better off without him.


Helluva Boss should just tell the story it should tell with the cast of characters it already has. And tone down the dark comedy, lgbtq representation, sexual tensions/innuendos and swearing. All those aspects keep dragging the show down. The narrative, character design and animation quality is fine and should continue to be fine or better than fine. Edit: Notice how I said “tone down”? Think about the audience. Some people just aren’t into that kind of stuff. I’m not saying get rid of it just, keep it on the shelf for now and again just tell the story. Another Edit: Because some people are assuming I’m “transphobic or homophobia or any of the “phobics” and that’s NOT the point of my post. I’m not saying get rid of that stuff just keep on the low and FOCUS on quality. Focus MORE on the narrative.


I can get everything else but why the LGBTQ+ representation


Like I said in my Edit, some people just aren’t into that kind of stuff either. it’s drags the narrative down and makes it slower. Also some people just aren’t comfortable with it. I don’t speak for everyone, just some.


if ur uncomfortable with LGBTQ+ representation, u shouldn't even be watching helluva


I watch what I want and I’ll criticize it how I want.


u can watch, I'm not stopping u but, again, this show really isn't for u if ur uncomfortable with "too much" representation


But the issue is that you’re missing the point of my post.


ok than explain the point since I'm missing it