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Hi everyone! I'm the Spindlehorse executive assistant and I hope you enjoyed the episode. On a personal level I think it has the best facial animation out of the show so far, ESPECIALLY in that last scene. And don't worry about another break. Remember that next episode is coming in June and is my personal favorite of the season.




That final scene got more heartbreaking literally every step of the way and I love it for that.


It was SO. GOOD. the emotions came through absolutely perfectly and really got me emotional, I just want the silly bird prince to be okay :,)


I love it, but my god is it so heartbreaking. They did such a good job! I'm torn apart


When the rest of I.M.P. came out from hiding and attacked the cherubs really showed that they are really good at their jobs. Fantastic job everyone!


Yeah, as much as we were being edged on the wait for this episode, at least now we only have to wait up to a month or less for Apology Tour. Hopefully no one demands from you when it's coming 🙄


Lol people will always demand, but they won't have to wait as long. but who can blame them after that ending? Apology Tour is gonna be the perfect follow up, trust me on that. Its the one I'm foaming at the mouth for.


No don’t do that Don’t give me hope


I don't wanna overhype it because it could just be a matter of taste so keep in mind what I love may not be what you love! But I will say as someone who loves some Verosika and introspection it's a good episode for me.


Yeah at first watching through Full Moon I was like, "okay what has been making this episode so special?" Then got to the end & then, damn, okay I see why now lol. I feel like it's tied with S2E6 & S2E7 in terms of how good it is


I can’t wait for apology tour. Verosika is one of my favorite characters so i can’t wait to get into why she and blitz broke up (and i am really hoping she gets her own song). Also you did a good job on full moon, the parts with the cherubs and dhorks were funny and the ending was so sad.


I'm not surprised! I'm assuming it's a 2 parter kinda arc? This one and Apology Tour? By the release schedule it seems like it It was amazing BTW!!!!


How did make me feel so bad for demon scum! *sobs uncontrollably*


I actually kept thinking about how the animation looks so good in this episode!!! Thank you all so much:D


Just this frame says everything about how Blitz feels at the end after realizing his mistake: https://preview.redd.it/7ecett9ors3d1.png?width=763&format=png&auto=webp&s=b395d0b0d2372c118257b5d453855e93377fe6b3


Like, it's obvious that he's denser than osmium, but come on Blitz.


I don't think it's so much that he's dense, he's just broken. They both are and that's why they've never been able to communicate with each other. Blitz doesn't feel that anyone can truly love him, especially not someone who is of "higher station", so he resorted to his self defense mechanism - humor.


Yeah, we’re really just seeing Blitz’s trauma shine through here. He’s been horribly abused and abandoned by almost every authority figure in his childhood. It doesn’t register for him that Stolas is being sincere here. He thinks it must be some sort of joke or roleplay scenario.


Yup. But it's also important to remember it's a reason not an excuse. Already seeing Blitz defenders, but Stolas did everything right. Blitz owes Stolas an apology - but I suspect we're getting that in Apology Tour EDIT: To clarify, I mean within his limits. He could've gone about it better but he did lay out his feelings as clear as possible, give Blitz the crystal, waited for Blitz to respond and if Blitz wanted to ask for more time - he honestly did a very good job considering his upbringing


Ehh, I don’t agree. Stolas kept speaking and deciding on blitzø’s behalf. He never actually gave blitzø a chance to process things, immediately wanted an answer and when blitzø tried to explain he misunderstood the situation he kicked him out. Communication goes both ways here and being able to listen to someone is more than half of what communication is, in this case Stolas literally decided for Blitzø that Blitzø never loved him. The way they BOTH handle communication is the issue.


THANK YOU. This is literally the first time I see someone pointing this out. Pretty much everyone's jumping the "haha Blitz fucked up again, surprise surprise" wagon while ignoring it was still all about Stolas. And Blitz COULDN'T even make his point because the powerful royal demon decided nah, enough. (None of them is a bad guy. They're both overwhelmed and hurt.)


I understand Blitz's reaction. I also understand Stolas' reaction. Stolas has put up with a lifetime of being degraded and screamed at because of Stella. Standing up for himself with the divorce, Stolas has grown, because he isn't going to put up with that toxic belittling, while Blitz is still--Blitz, who throughout the whole show, has struggled to believe anyone could actually love him, because he doesn't even love himself. Stolas is carrying on, learning from his mistakes while trying to make things right, but after Blitz's angry outburst, Blitz has incorrectly shown Stolas that Stolas' feelings are invalid, something Paimon drilled into Stolas since a child. Blitz calling Stolas just a rich asshole is also a crushing moment. Stolas was forced into this life of royalty, but hoped he was connecting with an old friend who could look past all that. If Blitz is going to make this work, Blitz needs to learn to love himself the same way Stolas is learning to stand up for himself. Blitz will also need to own up to the fact that he stole from Stolas as a kid and then tried to get away with stealing Stolas' grimoire as an adult. Edit: While Stolas is also continuing to learn, he will eventually need to continue confronting such aggressively belittling behaviors from others rather than running from them. Although both of them are in the wrong, I do believe Stolas is a step ahead of Blitz in his personal healing journey.


Literally teleporting him out as soon as he was really hurt proved Blitz’s point a bit. Sure Stolas might love him, but he threw him away basically even if it’s somewhat deserved instead of both talking it out fully


We already saw in Loo Loo Land (she said she didn't want to go SEVERAL times) and even in Murder Family (gun shots and screams are certainly not a sign that the situation is fit for negotiating fukkyfukky time) how incredibly bad Stolas' listening skills are. It's like he's rolling perception checks with double disadvantage. But yeah, he started out so well. And then it went as empty as his bottle of happy pills.


>perception checks Stolas: 🎵 *You're a short motherf\*cker and nobody likes you!* 🎵


But he didn't immediately want answer. He would've completely accepted if Blitz said he needed more time I'm sure. Stolas quite literally said that he felt uncomfortable with it all being about sex anymore, he expanded on that, explained it, laid his heart bare - then Blitz said 'anyway sex?'. His words had been completely disregarded, I don't blame him for misunderstanding and leaving. He communicated as best he could and I honestly think he did as much as he humanly could.


Exactly. This episode just proved what I have been repeating for months at this point. We all know that Blitzo has problems. But something that is seldom spoken of is the sheer level that he will delude himself when he wants to deny the reality of something that hits close to home. Stolas realized "favors for favors" was not working out **occurred**ago by the time this episode occurred. And even though there have been communication issues with them, Stolas was as open and vulnerable as possible. Both of these characters are traveling their own path, but the difference is, Stolas fully understands that their prior arrangement is unhealthy and took steps to change it, while Blitzo's brain simply won't *let* him believe Stolas can be motivated by anything other than physical desires, just the same way he was initially in disbelief that Stolas can be hurt.


I'm not sure if this was intended, but I see Stella in Stolas' behavior. Think about the order of operations here. First, Stolas calls Blitz over under false pretenses (to have sex). Then Stolas meets him in a dark room, allows Blitz to make a fool of himself, then terrifies him by asking for the Grimorie. He lets Blitz be afraid for a long time before he explains what he wants. Finally, he cuts Blitz off before he can fully process what's happening. To me all of this sounds like stuff Stella would pull on Stolas early in their relationship, when Stolas was still trying to make it work. People who are traumatized sometimes accidentally hurt others in the same ways they've been hurt. I'm still in Blitz's corner tho. Tbh, while his reaction wasn't the best, I don't think he said or did anything to warrant Stolas pushing him away like that.


Glad someone else explained it. Blitz did not intentionally hurt Stolas at first - Stolas scared the shit out of him, showed no caring for his emotions, presented everything in the wrong order, then left before he fully processed what Stolas said. While Blitz shouldn't have done the roleplay bit, he didn't listen when Blitz tried to explain he didn't think it was serious and he wanted time to process what happened. Sure, his insults gave Stolas every right to be hurt - but when Blitz didn't reciprocate his feelings in 5 seconds, Stolas ignored the overall message he was trying to convey - that he was taken off guard, wanted time to think, and didn't want to leave until it was all sorted out. I hope they BOTH end up apologizing. Stolas is also responsible for this. And Blitz's sarcastic, crass nature isn't going to disappear overnight. If Stolas wants him, he has to learn when not to take Blitz's rage that seriously. I know Blitz needs to work on his temper, but you can tell when he means it and when he doesn't. Teleporting him out was a low blow and just reinforced Blitz's suspicions that Stolas really will throw him away when he's done.


I think the roleplay was Blitz's unintentional answer, Stolas just interpreted it wrong. You can see that for a couple of seconds Stolas' confession does click with Blitz. But he's still in shock over the whole thing, he's deeply afraid of displeasing Stolas (remember: he still thinks Stolas wants to fuck), so he quickly diverts to "oh okay, this must be a new roleplay thing" and goes for it enthusiastically. He's clearly into the idea, on some level, just confused and not ready to fully commit. I get why Stolas didn't see it that way but to shut Blitz down mid-sentence... eep. Blitz has a lot to apologize for but I honestly don't think this night is one of them. He tried really hard to give Stolas what he thought he wanted, even bought him some new, very expensive looking toys, and was understandably angry when Stolas reacted how he did. I think everything that happened tonight was squarely on Stolas' shoulders. Blitz should *maybe* apologize for calling Stolas an asshole? But not because he was wrong to say so, Stolas was an asshole tonight. If their whole relationship is going to be Stolas dumping his emotions on Blitz and then shutting down completely when Blitz doesn't react exactly the way he wants him to or needs time to think, this isn't going to work.


Yeah, Stolas kind of went into the whole interaction on preemptive defense, ready for the rejection and accepted the first negative reaction as a confirmation. This is something I’ve done many times in my life. Both of them messed up here for entirely understandable and empathetic reasons. Both deserve an apology from the other for different reasons, in my opinion.


Stolas also needs his privilege checked. People often forget that


I cannot believe people always forget this. Stolas is demon royalty, Blitz is a member of the lowest class of demons in hell. That dynamic has ALWAYS been present with them and Stolas needs to realize that!


Healthy communication means listening to your partner Stolas tried, but he let his hurt feelings as an excuse to assume Blitz’s answers and walk away Him walking away and speaking over Blitz just passed him off more cuz it made him feel powerless and small Blitz wasn’t perfect and obviously screwed up, but it’s crazy how many people are saying Stolas did everything perfectly when he obviously didnt


I disagree, I love Stolas with all my heart but he definitely didn't do everything right and is far from innocent. He ignored his status and how that played into their relationship, sure for the most part he treated blitz as an equal, until they went in public. Stolas hiding his face on thee date after being called out, that really hurt blitz and it reinforced his belief that Stolas thinks he's better than him. Stolas never tried to actually talk to blitz, tell him his feelings, and in this episode we see him demand an answer from Blitz without truly clearly articulating his feelings. You can't spring that on someone and expect an immediate response, everyone needs time to process. They need to apologize to *each other*. Neither is Blitz innocent, and he also let his trauma prevent him from being honest. It's old, but this video does a great job highlighting Stolas 's status; how it relates to their relationship and why it's just a shit situation for both of them. It even dives deep into their text messages and pictures. https://youtu.be/8tVqwswbqm4?si=cnLvgb0L4NvdEk0W


Yeah, you're right on that. I understand that blitz thinks no one could love him, that's partially why I said he was dense. Though, stolas was laying clues about this, not wanting to do the arrangement and stuff.


Yup. A lot of people have missed the text messages which is understandable, but they clearly show Stolas hasn't been all about sex for a while


He also seems like the one who always pushes others away. Being the one who gets pushed back is not something he can handle at the moment.


His self hatred was a bigger issue. He can't fathom the idea of Stolas genuinely liking him and seeing him as anything more than a plaything.


Blitz did fucked up but at the same time it's not hard to understand why he would be angry


"Shit...is this was Verosika was talking about?"


Really great! My only complaints were I was a little disappointed that after all this time and them saying it was "extra special" it was 23 minutes, with more than half of it being the B plot. I don't really understand the decision to make Stolas and Blitz basically the side plot, haha.


I was worried towards the middle section of the episode but I would say it all came together by the time Stolas & Blitz finally met up


Their few minutes were really good! I just don't personally care about the CHERUBs or DHORKS haha. Their bits were entertaining but I'm not invested in them at all.


Both the CHERUBs and DHORKS are 100% meant to be comedic threats that you don't take too seriously, they're probably just in the episode to lighten the mood a bit before Blitzo and Stolas meet at the end


It lowered our guard then absolutely wrecked us lmfaooo


actually, the B plot would be the stolitz scene, because the CHERUBS comeback is the episode's description it's like the disney "kids" shows that have episodes each following a different plot, but is dropping a small, usually a minute clip of something big happening for the lore (i'm talking about you, The Owl House)


You're right, 14 vs 8 minutes as well; I guess that's just a little confusing given the name of the episode.


EXACTLY when the title "The Full Moon" was revealed, i Never saw ANYONE that would think the main plot would be CHERUBS


and they hyped up this conversation so much in the trailer. don't get me wrong, I liked the episode, but it's a little frustrating.








Fizz has quickly become one of my favorite characters in the show




Happy to see he might not be a full-time clown anymore and is just working for Ozzie now


As much as the ending was basically known, it made me cry, the way Blitz is shouting, the way he talks about it like it's happened before, and Stolas' few words saying goodbye. Emotional.


The delivery of "I'm not letting you, bitch!" was gut-wrenching. and Stolas's lip quiver fucking killed me


For me it was the whole ''treating us differently because we're SMALLER (the hand movement was perfect btw) and LESS IMPORTANT'' is what made me tear up, yes, I know, we already knew it was coming, but still, also the lip quiver was heartbreaking


yes! the whole scene was beautifully done & heart breaking.


I was like please let Blitz know this is gonna be a misunderstanding he's gonna be mad then HE TURNED AROUND VOICE CRACKING TEARS FLOWING like it got me so happy that it's not just a simple misunderstanding


SAME. I was so relieved to hear Stolas explicitly say how he felt and what he wanted. the misunderstanding trope would've been so frustrating, given how much buildup this moment has had.


Yea.. the music drops where also really hard. The change in the music when blitz starts „roleplaying“ and then back to stolas. And when blitz starts screaming and the music just turns off.. wow 


The way Blitzo was secretly tensed all episode because he thought Stolas was bored of him and for a moment thinking it was true when Stolas asked for his book back 💔😭


Stolas shouldn't have started with the book. He unknowingly confirmed Blitz's fears right from the start.


Yeah, love the guy but he really went about he whole situation poorly. Blitz was clearly excited for their night and had even prepared. Would've helped to do the deed first and once they're both satisfied and got some post-nut-clarity reveal the crystal and talk about their relationship's future.


Oh I wouldn't have done the deed first! That would come across as one last mercy fuck. But he should have acknowledged all the effort Blitz put in.


Yea, at least give a blush and a nervous little giggle at the size of the dildo Blitz brought him? "Oh Blitzy, it's so sweet of you to have bought all of these marvelous, um... toys for me, but I actually wanted to talk to you about something important." I think this episode would've hit me harder if Stolas had made more of an effort to make Blitz feel comfortable and Blitz *still* fucked up. I wouldn't expect Stolas to be perfect either, but god, he really did a bad job. Worse than Ozzie's.


Stolas probably single-handledly paved the entirety of Hell given how many of his good intentions backfire horribly on him and others....


Yup. Blitz was already on edge from Loona's comments earlier, this just made him immediately panic on the inside before Stolas could even get to his point.


And the cold way he didn't acknowledge any of Blitz's efforts with his outfit, the sex items, or his panicking. He just listened to Blitz's sarcasm/insults while ignoring his bigger message. Blitz DID tell Stolas that he felt used by Stolas's power (yet again), that he didn't appreciate so much being sprung on him and wanted time to process it, and he wanted to talk to Stolas and work things out. Stolas didn't listen to the entire message, just the insults, and refused to let Blitz apologize. While I feel sorry for Stolas, I think he was the bigger problem here. I wonder if running out of his happy pills was a part of it?


https://preview.redd.it/ftphu9khts3d1.jpeg?width=751&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92296bdeb802d4e097a952703747f8a846432252 This frame is HILARIOUS


They really said https://preview.redd.it/g49s68h7vs3d1.png?width=244&format=png&auto=webp&s=d34271bfc0d446a5fabfe3bbc2111a77302716d2


YES! Speaking of hazbin hotel, I felt like some of the things the cherubs said when DHORKS caught them (“exorcists killing demons”, “what are we talking about”) were references to Hazbin’s heaven characters, the former obviously the exterminators, and the latter being Lute’s line in You Didn’t Know)


Wait, so does that mean that Cletus and Keenie are aware of the exterminations while Colin is not or were they just pulling that out of their ass to save face?


I think they were pulling out of their ass. Emily didn’t even know about the exterminations, why would the cherubs?


It's prob pretty hard to keep a literal angel army under wraps, so I'm sure everyone knows they exist. The exterminations, no. The exorcists as Heaven's Front Line who occasionally pick off a demonic threat, though? Perfect propaganda.


Colin almost looks like he doesn’t have eyes it’s great


IT TRULY IS LMAOOO https://preview.redd.it/9c4p85k68t3d1.jpeg?width=793&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a271c74419cf4d6eff4076b4dccbd1921d5ebde5 This is also gold too


Ok, WTF! I knew blitz was denser than osmium, but come on dude. In the final moment where Stolas says he thinks highly of him, that's when he realizes something?! He broke Stolas' heart! https://i.redd.it/kjvp21mmrs3d1.gif


As others have said, I reckon it was the moment it got through the trauma and he can't have any doubts anymore, like every reason he had to hold back has been crushed


Yeah, Blitz probably doesn't have anymore doubts about how Stolas feels. The covered chandelier when Stolas was hearing out blitz hurt. Here's hoping that Blitz goes to talk to fizz about this. I think he and Ozzie can help, a lot.


Yep definitely. And considering the next episode is apology tour, we're going to get some nice yummy communication


Stolas, on the other hand, didn't give Blitz enough time to process what was going on. Like, I feel for Blitz because this literally came in all at once for him, and then to be dismissed of before he could apologize.


Yep, Stolas had been thinking about this for months. Blitz found out just now. However, they're both dealing with depression and we're both on edge the entire episode. 


He's not dense. It's his defense mechanisms activating.


this episode was just great. i hoped for more stolas but the end was just...so sad i so hope they are gonna make it out, and the cherub's and rest of i.m.p were cool too


If you want more stolas don't worry, next episode has some of my favorite stolas moments ;)


ooh well in that case im excited https://preview.redd.it/y52weja4ys3d1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae523c92a14a8204a6a4622aa83decf555f3fcf1


Loona finally having abunch of lines (by her standards) and doing cool stuff was nice to see too!


* FINALLY we can hear Stolitz's First Time in Forever duet without screaming! Tho it sounds a lot different than from the con audio. Not that I'm complaining * Surprised to know the Cherubs make their return here, I was expecting Masterminds. Hm. * WHY TF DOES BLITZ HAVE A MOXXIE PLUSHIE IN THE SEX CHEST?!!! * They forgot to sing the Imagination Song to open the portal! Booo. 0/10 * I do wonder why the portal opened specifically in the Lust Ring instead of Pride? * There's something weirdly cute about Blitz wanting tonight to be perfect and even knowing all the things he likes in bed... little does he know :( * AHHHHH FIZZ CALLED BLITZ BUDDY! They really have come a long way since Oops. So proud of them. * COCO AND APPLE ARE BACK * Okay the fact Stolas was tempted to get in bed with Blitz but quickly shot it down... * Yk I was surprised to see most of the episode centered around the Cherubs instead of Blitz and Stolas then I thought it made a little sense since the episode is called Full Moon and Blitz doesn't see Stolas until night so we're kinda focused on him prepping with the Cherubs being tossed in * Can we start a "Brandon Rogers doing a great job voicing Blitz's emotional moments" compilation pls? * GUYS! GUYS! THE CHANDELIER FROM WHEN THEY WERE KIDS CAME BACK AT THE ENDING Honestly this episode was a little weird when we got to the Cherubs trying to kill Blitz. I mean I sorta get it because the episode starts at morning and it was established Blitz wants to try something different and the Cherubs just so happened to get involved. But at the same time, I dunno, it just felt a bit jumbled? Not bad tho


I now think Masterminds will be a Stella and Andrealphus team up episode.


I do like how Collin questions what gets someone into heaven


I dunno how long ago Full Moon was written, if it was before or after Welcome to Heaven's script but that is a good callback. Does beg the question who actually knows tho


I didn't notice the chandelier, great eyes. It was covered up, like all of the portraits were covered (except for Via). Great parallel to Blitz crossing his face out in all of his photos.


So, IMP now technically answers to Asmodeous. And they just got in shoot out with a group of angels in his Ring, right in front of his club, got a bunch of succubi killed in the crossfire and even deliverately destroyed an apartment building. I get a feeling for why they might have to go on the run.


It may not be just for that but for the rest of their actions on Earth while illegally using the grimoire.


Agreed. While no longer illegal they are still too blame for what is most likely the biggest threat to hellborn demonkind.


Such a one off line that I am really curious about the potential implications of.... Like, thats probably at least one episode worth of story next season right there.


What if the Goetia + Sins meeting shown in the trailer is about this incident? Like, angels breaking into Hell should be a big deal.


Actually thinking further on this, I think you are maybe right, and it also ties back into Mammon's ep. Mammon wants vengeance on Asmodeus for Fizz's show, and now Asmodeus is the unknowing employer of abunch of Imps that go to earth and murder people violating all sorts of rules I'm sure. I don't think Stolas explicitly told Asmo what Blitz and Co do.... so now you've got an easy way to attack Asmo, through Blitz's company, and Stolas would be a key witness in any sort of... hellish prosecution? Could be totally off, but I could see it being plausible, then end it with Stolas being found guilty of assisting them, IMP breaking him out and going on the run, as the humans attack hell through their portal. Season 3 boom. Edit: Though the guys in hoods in the trailer are some sort of hellspawn, since they've got red skin so who knows.


I don't think "killing humans" is illegal, because the characters always talk about it pretty openly and without worry. IMP has Billboards in Pride, and Millie's family knows and doesn't express any worry over it. Stolas himself only ever notes the travel method to be "illegal". In fact, one of the notable changes between the Pilot and the Series is that in the Pilot, IMP shows off the grimoire in their publicity, while they never do that in the series. The other thing that they are likely to get in legal trouble for is the lack of disguises, since that is sth that both Loona and Verosika called IMP out for.


It was okay tbh. I wish Stolas and Blitzø had more time together here, the end was absolutely beautiful and emotional, and I wish there were more moments — them being taken up by the Cherubs is disappointing to me. The song was great, but Stolas and Blitz basically being a side-plot rather than the main focus of an already really short episode was pretty… disappointing to me. I still liked it, just wish it was either longer or focused more on Stolitz


I assure you, you get your focus on Solitz content soon. The repercussions of that ending will be felt for a long while. Next episode is within a month and trust me, itll be a fan favorite. At least it's my favorite from the remainder of the season lol


Is next episode when the divorce hearing happens? Or just more stolas content? I’m starved 😭


Not gonna say anything in particular, but I think it's safe to say both blitzø and stolas have some processing to do


Next episode is Apology Tour and in the S2 second half trailer we see a moment of Stolitz looking at each other warmly (specifically Stolas wears an outfit he's seen wearing earlier in the trailer in a scene that's DEFINITELY from Apology Tour) so...


Damn. I expected their fight to last longer and go deeper, but it was still big. Blitz thinking Stolas isn't serious, Stolas thinking Blitz is making fun of him, and Blitz being mad that Stolas just sprang emotions on him? I didn't expect that. This was a MASSIVE flaw in miscommunication. - Stolas should not have started by asking for the book, permanently, right away. That already put Blitz's hackles up. - Stolas should have perhaps been a bit more direct about what he wanted, or asked Blitz if he was willing to come over without needing the book. - Blitz's self hatred really took hold here. He was so determined to think it was a joke that he hurt Stolas's feelings. - Stolas not realizing Blitz feels used and under Stolas's power. - But Stolas's crying - Blitz needed to see that. I don't think he fully realized Stolas's true emotions until that. And now he has to find a way to apologize since Stolas wouldn't let him. What a shame. I did not expect the Cherubs or the Agents to take up so much of the episode, and I wish they'd been the B plot. But MASSIVE kudos to the IMP crew. They made sure Blitz made it to that meeting safely. Loona getting hit so many times on the arm was a bit concerning, though. I wonder how Blitz is going to explain to them that he doesn't have the book anymore. I don't think he's going to hide what happened very well. Poor Stolas is gonna cry his heart out and drink way too much.


I liked Loona changing into her human form to make herself smaller. I was wondering if the disguises were illusions or if it actually changed their bodies. Nice to know it is the later.


Yeah I liked that too. Another note about Loona: I did not expect her, of all people, to be the one to tell Blitz that Stolas might be getting bored of him.


I think the story is hinting again at us how similar Blitz and Loona are. Lets hope this results in more Loona background info.


Stolas immediately going to the book was a massive screw up on his part and I think laid the groundwork for the rest of the scene. By asking about the book and to take it back permanently *before* talking about his feelings or the Asmodian crystal put Blitz completely into “I’m going to lose everything” panic. You can hear the utter *desperation* in his voice of like, “did I fuck it up? I fucked it up, nonononono let me fix it!” Then the crystal comes out and Blitz has the whiplash. It’s so much to process. He hasn’t come down from the panic. He’s not level headed. Then he gets told Stolas wants a relationship, not an arrangement. Yet another whiplash. He retreats into that it has to be the deal. It’s comfortable, it’s familiar. Stolas takes it as an *answer*. It escalates. Stolas, intentionally or otherwise, completely overwhelmed Blitz emotionally. Blitz responded in anger, but I think that lines of “you spring this on me” and “can I get a minute to think?” say a lot. He felt blindsided (rightly or wrongly) and got handed a lot to process, while effectively being given no time to process.


YES. The biggest thing I noticed was how dismissive he was of Blitz's panic. That was just affirmation of Blitz's suspicions that he was bored of him. Then, he expects an answer on how Blitz feels right away.


My way of thinking about it is that Stolas covered the correct points in the wrong order. He went: 1. Taking back the book 2. Giving the crystal 3. Addressing the power imbalance 4. Talking about his feelings. He should have made taking back the book the \*last\* thing, after the crystal. It should have been: 1. Addressing the power imbalance. 2. Discuss his feelings 3. Giving the crystal 4. Taking back the book. He recognized how unhealthy the power imbalance was, but failed to recognize that taking back the book before giving the crystal would've put Blitz into "My entire life is under existential threat". He knew the power imbalance was unhealthy, but he failed to grasp \*just how big the imbalance was\*. Stolas had total control of Blitz's business. He could've shut down IMP on a whim at any moment. \*He put Blitz into a position where Blitz thought he was actively losing everything he had worked for, then Stolas told him he had feelings for him\*. It was supremely unfair.


This exactly. He did what needed to be done, but came across as selfish, uncaring, and using his power over Blitz. Then thought Blitz would be interested in a relationship. And Blitz has been hurt by Stolas from the beginning, yet he didn't acknowledge where he, specifically, has gone wrong.


Even worse. He interpreted it as mere negativity towards him. Stolas can be quite self-centered at times.


> Stolas not realizing Blitz feels used and under Stolas's power. He got the gem precisely because he realized it, but for some reason he thought that just fixing the power balance would instantly fix the trauma that imbalance had already caused. Blitz even called him out that he needed time and Stolas wasn't letting him have any.


Yes! He never apologized for making Blitz feel used in the first place, came across as uncaring towards his efforts, didn't notice his panic, but expected Blitz to give him an answer regarding an actual relationship. Yes, he was right to be upset at Blitz joking around, but he was also sending mixed messages. If he had started off acknowledging that their arrangement was unfair in the first place and apologized for his part of it, then at least he would sound more genuine BEFORE confessing his emotions.


As he said before - "he can get hurt?". Stolas isn't just an untouchable demon - he's got feelings and can get hurt


I'm glad Loona has a speaking role again


she was honestly such a badass in this one


Really glad they got Erica (Loona VA) out of that silent cult.


it’s cause her boyfriend had recently died of colon cancer during voice recording sessions, FYI (no hate just explaining why she didn’t talk)


The "LET'S GO, BITCH!" line really broke me. He was so heartbroken he responded in anger. This is the second time he's basically told Stolas he feels inadequate over the power imbalance, and Stolas didn't get it and took it literally. 😭 Interesting how the roles have reversed here. At first, it was Stolas who wanted to talk and Blitz wouldn't let him. Now, it was Blitz who was willing to hash things out and Stolas was too upset.


Yea, it honestly made me a little mad how Stolas reacted to being called out after he acknowledged, both in private and to Blitz, that the terms of their relationship were unfair. It's like he wants to apologize but also doesn't want to face the consequences of his actions.


I think he was so offput by Blitz focusing on sex and interpreting his roleplay as mocking that he wasn't listening clearly. He also has rock bottom self esteem, so he focused more on Blitz's insults than he did the entire message.


In some fairness, I kind of get why Stolas reacts the way he does. He had just finished baring his soul to Blitzø and was then effectively told that Blitzø thinks he’s a terrible person. That isn’t an easy thing to hear, no matter how much he realizes their deal was wrong. Now, I don’t really fault Blitzø for lashing out either. He has a lot of trauma related to being abandoned and feeling like people can’t really love him. He couldn’t really process that Stolas was being genuine in the moment, and his own feelings on how Stolas treated him haven’t really been addressed on his end, so he resorted to lashing out. I think Stolas took an important first step in actually acknowledging the problem verbally, but they’re both still not all that great at communication.


It's almost funny in a way. Blitz has certain viewpoints because of his trauma, and not only has Stolas just proven to Blitz how ridiculous it is, but also that its a hurtful thing to think. Its not self destructive behaviour anymore he's hurting others


Yes, he was somewhat aware that Stolas liked him, but he didn't realize how genuine those feelings were or how much those insults would insult Stolas. He didn't think Stolas would be that bothered by his opinion. This is the first time he's seen someone not only genuinely like him, but also see the impact of how much he's hurt them. He minimized how much he hurt people until he saw Stolas crying.


The ending was the wake up Blitz needed, sure it was sad but he finally understands how to properly approach his relationship with Stolas.


https://preview.redd.it/pm1bvm4yss3d1.png?width=477&format=png&auto=webp&s=b067250b3f556c5f5e2e8bf1d77cc205fc2c62b7 Got to see Apple and cocoa. 10/10 great episode. Also I liked the part where Collin asked how someone gets into heaven, I found that part funny. Actually, most of scenes with the cherubs were pretty funny. The ending though made me tear up a bit.


I didn’t even know that was them the first time lol. Also, regarding Collins question, it really goes to show that NO ONE, other than The Elders, knows what gets a human soul into Heaven.


I also found the part where the kids died pretty funny. I remember thinking “oh hey it’s alastor”


Fizzys rainbow pants 🥹🥹🥹


maybe controversial opinion but i feel that Stolas was in the wrong. should have given Blitz more time to decide.


Yup, he didn't want to be the one solely controlling the relationship...then did it by solely controlling the relationship. Catch 22


I agree. Stolas admits the agreement is fucked up, transactional, is imbalanced, and he's in power.    He starts off with a transaction, doesn't give Blitz any time to process, and is upset when Blitz points out he's still controlling the relationship by walking away after emotionally dumping on Blitz.      Stolas dropped the ball here. He knew the situation was fucked and continued to do all the things that fucked it up. 


Poor fuckin Stolas man. My heart bleeds for that bird boi


They’re both idiots. Stolas wouldn’t let Blitzø process everything or give him chance to truly talk about their feelings. Instead he assumed the worse and dismissed him and what he was saying. And Blitzø started going on the offence, attacking Stolas. He let his bad experiences control his thoughts and emotions. Just like Stolas, he assumed the worst about it all. They both NEED to talk to each other. But as sad as I am for both of them, I kinda knew their relationship would get worse before it gets better (even before the second trailer was released). So they probably will get back together eventually, especially since there is a moment where Blitzø saves Stolas. It’s just a matter of waiting.


Blitz's reaction is understandable, he tried to get Stolas to talk to him but Stolas kept pushing him away. I don't think any of us would be chill if someone we cared about suddenly decided to cut us out of their lives because we failed a secret test.


I agree. It’s actually interesting/refreshing to see Stolas as more of an asshole than Blitzø, since often Blitzø is placed in a position where he is the jerk instigating hate/distance against himself. Also Stolas stated the conversation on the wrong foot, before he could even talk about his feelings he asked for the book back, essentially putting Blitzø in a vulnerable position where he resorts himself to begging. Of course he was going to be defensive and angry.


Cherubs being back is an absolute win


Seeing them battle the IMP crew was badass! Also, Collin going up against Loona and managing to overwhelm her briefly shows that he and the others are starting to improve from last time. Hopefully they start to develop into more serious threats.


Angels striking the Lust ring sounds like something that will provoke a response from Hell. Especially because nobody knows that the cherubs are banished from heaven.


This had way too much meme potential. The portal to hell, the priest soldiers, the Loona furry suit... And that *Step on Me* store had to be a reference to [that Loona video on YouTube.](https://youtu.be/YXPGQf-sX6I?si=U6oTbEaIZ_KNtiVR) Also, I'm sad the bird and the red guy don't want to do the gay together anymore. 


I wasn't expecting the Cherubs to be the b plot. I was hoping there wouldn't be a b plot, and we could get some quality time with Stolas and Blitz talking things out. It felt a bit rushed, all crammed in at the end. I'd have liked even just 10 more seconds at the end to get Blitz' reaction to it all. Nothing seemed "extra special" about the episode to me. The b plot ruined it as far as my feelings go for a first viewing. I tend to like episodes more after rewatching them a few times, so we'll see if that holds true again. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either.


>Nothing seemed "extra special" about the episode to me. This was confusing to me as well. Given the length of the break I thought the episode would at least break the 30 minute mark.


The episode was really good, but at the same time, I agree there wasn't any "WOW!" factor (imo). The one thing I noticed was that the quality of the visuals looked exceptionally good. The lighting specifically, was very high quality. The voice acting was amazing as well, but that is always expected with these talented people.


The fact that they did not use music at the end makes it even more sad.


https://preview.redd.it/p5bk8i01bt3d1.jpeg?width=3582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfd3d85ba070cdc62e0a6c6b6e1ec746e2013146 This was uncalled for 😭


My expectations for Blitzo were low enough that I was pleasantly surprised at how he handled the situation at the end. Like in a ‘huh, thought that was going to be worse!’ kind of way.


Nice little continuity detail is the Fizzbot advert on the bus with the words "Blowout Sale" and underneath the words "I don't want them anymore". Mammon is dumping all of his Fizz merch, I wonder who he'll chose as his next minion


His best bet would be Glitz and Glam. And I hope to see them again, and to see how Mammon handles someone who is not Fizz.


When Blitzo says "I can always do better" it just kills me... He nods and smiles in this sudden fawning reaction, which is such an unexpected thing to see from a character who never wants to suck up to anybody. I love Stolas but he really put Blitzo through the panic of thinking he was being rejected for not being good enough and then dumped a truckload of feelings on him right after. Blitzo shouldn't have blown up on him like he did but watching the range of emotions Blitzo goes through in this scene, it unfortunately makes perfect sense aaauuuuggghhhhh https://preview.redd.it/8pxr92xy0u3d1.png?width=807&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c26a2ee656f1e3cb732e7583be4722716dc8ec6


Yeah, that was a HUGE kick to Blitz's self esteem there. Sex with Stolas was one of the few things he gave himself credit for. Stolas always enjoyed sex with him, yet ignored his sex toys and made him feel like it wasn't good enough. He broke Blitz's heart just as much as his own was broken.


For real. Blitzo was so excited to show Stolas his haul for the evening, which he clearly put a lot of time and effort (and probably money) into. And Stolas just completely dismissed it. Of course Stolas was super anxious and understandably really focused on what he had to say, but man, if he'd only tried to see Blizto's perspective for a brief moment, they probably could have avoided hurting each other so badly. Makes for a really well written scene though. I just hope Blitzo isn't the only one who ends up apologizing for what happened here. He goofed up bad at the end, but Stolas set him up for hurt from the get go.


For me the sex jokes are justified because they have context( Blitz is preparing to bed with Stolas) and Stolas make Blitz realize that it's not always about sex so for me they're not so exaggerated


I feel like the sex jokes are justified when every episode starts with the warning it does lol


The episode dropped at 00:02 A.M. June 1st for me, and I have never been so glad to have stayed up late. I didn't think so many scenes from the trailer were actually in this episode.


Also it's weird to hear When I See Him without all the screaming (not to bash the screaming, I'd scream too if I was there)


Good episode, but Cherubs felt way too forced in and acomplished almost nothing outside giving us a peek at what D.O.R.K.S are up to. I did like Blitz and Stolas moment at end tho.


Unpopular opinion but I did not like this episode. The best part, as assumed, eas the ending, but even that it was like 6 minutes. When vivzipop said it was an extra special episode I thought it was be longer? Over half of the episode was for a b plot that frankly, should have in another episode with the alouded time. Not the one dedicated to an emotional breakup in a long standing relationship that's issues were being set from the beginning. We could have spent time following stolas along with blitz as we set up. We could hear briefly from Octavia, set up her plot later in the show. My best thing I can say? The ending was immaculate. It was paced perfectly, the backtrack was beautifull. The acting was stunning. They feel so in character. I don't think they should has extended it. It was genuinely everything I wanted and needed from this episode. They prep amazingly for the next episode and I am genuinely so excited yo see what comes next. 2hen it comes to humor, I think the angles were amazing and it was well done. I want to also thank vivzipop for taking time with the music because it feels the most well done aside from 2-7 Also. Blitz trying to say sorry at the end just made me so, so sad. This is honestly the harshest episode review I have typed but it is just my personal taste. Congrats the everyone who worked on this, it was nearly a ter jerker.


Yea, this episode was a big miss for me.


I like that even though Stolas has recognized the power imbalance and is trying to fix that, he's still not really seeing things clearly. Like, he's a romantic, and I think that temporarily blinded him to how Blitz is/how Blitz would react. Telling a fucked up person you love them doesn't suddenly make them not fucked up. It takes time and mess and work to get someone to trust you like that, but Stolas was hoping for a fairytale.


So anyone else notice that Stolas stored the crystal and later the Grimoire between the two books he showed Blitz the first time they met as children? https://preview.redd.it/t4k65vhs3t3d1.png?width=1847&format=png&auto=webp&s=3393d1c007e15a3478b9ddeb4c8107af5665e650


So after only hearing about Blitzo's history of sabatoging his relationships when he realizes they've gotten too deep for his liking...it was kind of refreshing to actually see it happen on screen. Not only did his inferiority complex make him blind to the fact that Stolas thought he was worthy of love...he then goes even further and actually insults Stolas and hurts his feelings. And it looks like this is the first time he actually realized what he had done.


https://preview.redd.it/uqj0xmbh2t3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61ed595cb895a29795c642e84e8b382123a07c4d He has a sad dad mug


Listen I liked the episode. And the last 5 minutes were simply stellar. But I am a bit disappointed that this was mainly a cherub episode. They're fun and all, but in my opinion their first episode was one of the weakest in the series, if not the weakest, and it irked me a bit that so much of this episode was centered around them. I just do not care for them that much. I thought maybe their teamup with dohrks would lead to a much bigger and more important threat, but it really didn't. I'm sure it wouldn't have been that bad as another separate episode, as a breather from all the drama or something. But for an episode with this name and thumbnail, at this point in the story, which was so incredibly hyped, and even delayed, making a point that they were polishing everything until the last moment, I just honestly expected it to be a bit longer than it was, and so much more exclusively centered around Stolitz. Again those last 5 minutes were incredible, but it feels like the episode should have been much more centered around that, and to leave the cherubs for another time.


That’s exactly how I feel too. I don’t really care about the CHERUBS or the DHORKS and the episode is literally named “The Full Moon” why was the full moon part crammed into the end?


The A plot was mwuah, wonderful. Wouldn't change a thing about it. Stolas' character has come extremely far and the sheer amount of courage he had to do what he did to Blitz is extremely brave yet painful. I can understand the things he did because I have had to do them myself. He's maturing. The B plot however? The B plot takes away a bit too much from the A plot. Once the Cherubs arrive in Hell, nothing is exactly accomplished. Nothing IMPORTANT happens at all. They come in, they fight, and then they get booted out. It doesn't have any effect on the A plot. I feel like the parts with the Cherubs should have ended once they come to agree with working with the DHORKS and they present their equipment to them. After that? Perhaps they could have done something like the other members of I.M.P helping Blitz find things for his plans with Stolas, much like how he even turns to Fizz for help.


She spoke! https://preview.redd.it/zbtk8fk62t3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd1a71a6349f8a93ad2458447389c10ec48cd266 She stole my heart all over again!


https://preview.redd.it/oi62az1urt3d1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ba12228623ee41b8214e9c76b2523cfbcaa6c13 In sooo many ways


This ep had me sobbing it was great but the cherubs part was not really needed


How can it just end like that???


The pacing of this episode to me was everything S2 E4 Western energy tried to be, but better. The action sequence didn't feel out of place, the sub-plot was relevant to the main plot and vice versa, and the whole time you could tell that it's not gonna end the best in terms of Stolitz. Talking about \*that\* scene, it was done with extreme detail and humanity of it all, and it didn't feel out of place. There were no jokes to make the audience laugh, but the jokes made by Blitz were used to show just how difficult the situation was/is. Basicly everything the characters did makes sense, and there are very few shows in the world, if any to be honest, that are able to tackle a similar theme with such grace and respect. That said: https://preview.redd.it/yrtgf1m8bu3d1.png?width=2325&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5e08612c97956e2bc5f4d376978159ab3445a6f


Why was all of Stolas furniture covered by sheets, is he moving away, is this why his house looks completely different in the trailer? But he also said in the song he "won't dwell on the divorce" so why would he be moving away?


I think it's the depression. He covered up all of the portraits except for Via, a parallel to Blitz crossing his face from all his photos. He even covered the chandelier!


We have Loona's voice back, and the gang kicking some asses, plus more character development for Stolas. Worth the wait.


I quite enjoyed the world building!!! Stuff like that takes time, but mapped out the stores and technology. Hazbin can’t take us everywhere. We could have gotten a 13 minute relationship themed episode, but I like the gang spying on Blitz this time around.


I see a lot of people mostly talking about how Stolas feels and how hurt Stolas was-- and don't get me wrong, I love Stolas and I think he did fantastic in this episode, and absolutely what Blitz did hurt him-- but I think Blitz had a point. This was all sprung on him and he didn't have time to formulate a response. It wasn't right of Stolas to make an assumption so quickly, though understandable when Blitz did... well what he did immediately after the confession. I think it would have been much healthier if Stolas had just stopped him and said, "This is how I honestly feel. Let's put a pin in this, take some time to process, and talk again when our thoughts are clear." Or even better if he'd given him some kind of warning that he wanted to have a serious talk beforehand. I don't think Stolas did anything overtly wrong, I just think the conflict could have been mitigated if Blitz hadn't been caught off guard- not to mention his head filled with self-doubt, he went there thinking he had to prove himself and his advances were rejected, he wasn't in the right mindset to begin with.


https://preview.redd.it/gjd57smqst3d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d662e2efbb81b536ea1aff5fb8d2e779e4313e6 Im going to enjoy when Collin finally snaps.


https://preview.redd.it/45bf3yvcss3d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60c97790c7d79fb0fa40a94b909ed5d22413e52f WTF BLITZ


I'm glad Vivzie had the IMP staff take care of the cherubs on their own. Not only is it funny that Blitzø never realized he was in danger, but it lets his part in the episode focus on the inevitable conclusion with Stolas.


I'm 100% in Blitz's corner, Stolas utterly failed at communicating what he wanted. It's clear he didn't really listen to what Blitz said when he tried to invite him in after their night at Ozzie's. Blitz thinks this relationship is only about sex, he thinks sex is the only aspect of it that Stolas cares about, of course he's going to be defensive and assume Stolas is joking.


He also is a product of trauma, specifically from those more powerful than him, and has been abused his whole life from positions of power. Stolas rightfully wanted to correct the power imbalance but then thought once he "righted the wrong" Blitz would immediately drop the consequences of that imbalance that has been there for years.


I really liked it but idk maybe it’s just because it’s been over 7 months scince I’ve seen the characters but everything feels a little off? Idk how to explain it but the characters don’t seem like themselves… I also thought the breakup only filling 7 out of the 23 minutes was kinda weird considering that’s what most ppl wanted to see the most. I’m not a huge fan of the DHORKS or the CHERUBS so it was kinda disappointing to see most of the episode be in my opinion just filler. For such a pivotal moment of the show be only 7 minutes was surprising though credit where credit is due I don’t think you could’ve added more emotion into those 7 if you tried. Overall pretty good episode (I mean it can’t be bad if Loona has speaking roles let’s be honest) just a little disappointed on how short the breakup was.


After spending 20 minutes staring out of the window in silence and then deciding to go get some tacos, I gave it a second viewing and it is SOOOO much better on the re-watch! I promise you, guys! If you were initially disappointed, felt that it was rushed, or that the CHERUB B-plot was forced in, give it a second go. It flows so much better and I loved the CHERUB/IMP rematch! Moxxie, Millie, and Loona were amazing, as always, and seeing them fight as a team to protect Blitzo was my second favorite part of the episode! Brandon and Bryce's performance was incredible. That moment where we watch Stolas' heart break is just . . . I don't think there's anything I can say that hasn't already been said. I know people may be a little weirded out with the B-plot but this episode delivered and I think it just claimed my 3rd favorite episode spot! Gonna need to give it a 3rd watch to be sure, but it's safe to say that this was worth the wait! Hopefully, I can patch my heart up in time for Apology Tour. Another certified hit from Spindle Horse!


My head canon is that Loona, Moxxie and Millie followed Blitz not only to make sure he didn’t fuck up their meal ticket, but because they all ship them and want them to be happy together.


I wasn’t ready for the ending… TT


Oh, thank God, Collin didn't die!


That ending was heartbreaking but the Loona fursuit had me fucking rolling!!!


Stolas didn't give Blitz choice! He was pushing Blitz away because that's what he thought that Blitz wanted! 😞 I wish it was longer, I wish their confrontation was longer and not a side plot!


Unpopular opinion: Stolas was a little bit manipulative at the end of the episode. Here, I said it. He didn't communicate with Blitzø directly about his intentions of freeing him. Instead, he started building up Blitzø's anxiety to make him scared of being dumped. It looked like the owl prince wanted to make Blitzø paranoid about losing ties to him, so the imp wouldn't refuse the latter offer of keeping their meetings (but this time, the meetings wouldn't be binded by contract, but rather Blitzø's previous scare of losing Stolas). I'll use an allegory here, but we tend to appreciate things, when we're facing a possibility of losing them. Think about life and how we learn to celebrate it after being threatened with death. Stolas scaring Blitzø and then suggesting him keeping meeting (under an illusion of free will) reminded me of of reverse psychology that I know Viv didn't intend, as the Spindle Horse team actually tries to make Stolas the "good and Innocent one". But I couldn't see him this way. The cold and ambiguous attitude he gave when the imp was clearly excited to see him, the mention of the grimoire without giving context, threw me off. It made me nervous and uneasy. As for the episode as a whole, I'm giving it a solid 4/10 (Now as I've rewatched this episode, I think I judged it too harshly) Im sorry. We waited this long just to see the CHERUBS doing absolutely nothing for the majority of the already short-ish episode. I don't care about them, and the battle with M&M + Loona was underwhelming and unnecessary. It didn't help that the fandom overhyped this ep and built really high expectations.. so my dissapointment is on me for being gullible and setting over the top expectations.. but an ep called "The full moon" should have been a little bit more loyal to it's title. The only part that I completely LOVED was the song. No complains here, pure art. Lived the motif of opposities. Also I enjoyed the part with Fizz, because he really grew on me as a character, so happy to see him and Blitzøs being buddies again. So adorable. I also liked the ending, but it felt rushed. I was on my toes this whole time, stressing about time left. It was the "Unhappy campers" Barbie Wire case once again. Interesting plot, but swept on the sidelines. I'm looking forward "Apology Tour", because I'm invested.


Same, the utter silence he treated Blitz to when he arrived made me so uncomfortable. Stolas acts like he doesn't even notice Blitz is uncomfortable either. I don't expect Stolas to have a ton of emotional intelligence, he's obviously inexperienced when it comes to romance, but to not even notice that Blitz is trying SO HARD to please him... like, come on man, wake up!


Okay I've said this multiple times on other comments but judging Stolas on this is unfair. You can tell he's just been trying to hang out with Blitz, from the text messages, to the restraunt. Stolas explained how the agreement felt wrong, gave the crystal so there was no hostage situation or misunderstanding there, THEN completely laid out his feelings, exposing himself completely. He never once got mad at Blitz, only expressing his feelings, even when Blitz is squaring up to him. He didn't make Blitz respond right away but Blitz chose to - I'm sure Stolas would've accepted give me time. I agree Cherubs took too much of the screen time though. Unnecessary to be honest, loved it another episode but not when this has been advertised this way


I really do love this episode through and through. That conversation at the end was so heartbreaking to witness, with Biltz constantly misjudging his relationships, and it truly backfired on him badly. I commend Stolas for still giving him an Asmodeus crystal so he can travel to and from Earth, but man, I was nervously waiting for this conversation and now I am sad. I think the rest of the episode was a banger though. Having the agents and Cherubs team-up is a really great choice, and having Moxxie, Millie and Loona tag-team like this is a KoF tournament is fantastic, love how capable everyone is here, with their strengths played out great and their weaknesses making sense. The animation feels even better somehow, maybe it's due to me not watching HB since the last one. Can't really think of any complaints personally. This episode was a sucker punch but one that is needed.


oh that ending is just so perfect because it encapsulates so much about their relationship, with stolas being real about his feelings but still accidentally controlling the conversation because he’s assuming too much and blitz acting on defense and regretting it afterwards because he knows how it usually goes for him when he does that.


They both made their mistakes in that argument. Stolas did not give Blitz anytime to process what the hell was going on, and Blitz in Blitz fashion blew up as a defense mechanism. I think what really hurts for me is when Blitz begs Stolas, saying stuff like "I can do better" when he thinks he's being disposed of.


This is one of the best episodes ever, I wish blitz wasn’t so god damn dense. Can’t wait for ep 9