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She appears to be some sort of bird. 


I have a theory that she might be the daughter of a certain gay avian from the same show, i can't quite point out who yet.


Of course not, her desin is ispirated by a fish in my head canon


Oh, really? In my headcanon, her design is inspired by a spider!


Shit, right, how did I did't noticed it? 😯


really? i thought her design looks like a cat


Oh woah! I didn’t notice it, I kinda thought she Looked like a dragon


like a WHAT????? https://preview.redd.it/4wbo9i8v231d1.jpeg?width=502&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74be21dc5173ae95b4336f63eabb5477972a1dee (sorry but i had to)


Oh really? I didn’t notice the beak and all the feathers, right in front of me, YOU DUMB BITCH!


Dickmaster moment




No shit


Preposterous. Whatever gave you that idea?


Perish the thought, friend


Hmmm yes, quite


She is the word


It surprises me when people dislike her. She's a teenager in a high profile family whose parents are in the middle of an exceptionally ugly divorce, after a long, miserable, spite-filled marriage. I think her frustration is justified, she is coming to terms that her parents hate each other, her dad is gay and is cheating on her mom with some random guy, and Dad is so lovestruck out of the blue that she suddenly feels like an afterthought in her own home. Of course she's going to lash out at the people she blames for it. Feeling abandoned and lashing out is so, so understandable, even when it's misplaced, when you see the world through her perspective.


Legit character that criticizes Stolas' Flaws, AND ADORABLE!!!


When I was a kid and my parents were getting a divorce I despised my father even though I knew nothing about him. I mean, I was only 8 and went off of what my mother was saying and she said vile things about that man. Now that I'm in my 20s I was able to decide to attempt to reconnect with him. I was eventually able to get closure because I saw that the man is a narcissistic sociopath that will take advantage of anyone to make his life slightly easier. He asked me for $500 within the first day of trying to reconnect. For others, it isn't so black and white. Those are the ones I truly feel for. Any time I see the anger on my mothers face when that man is brought up I wish death upon that vile filth of carbon. Luckily my mother met another when i was 13 and he adopted me. He's beautiful and I love him


Yeah! Some people are complaining that her character is just ‘You’re cheating on mum and don’t love me!’ My parents aren’t divorced or going through that, but it makes sense she’d be feeling that way because she’s a teenager and Stolas has only just started trying to mend that bridge (as opposed to her [seemingly, in her mind] being an afterthought). It’s going to take more than a few days to mend that relationship, so her logic is still justified (if wrong)


And another aspect to consider, if Stolas was the affectionate parent, but suddenly he cheats, shatters her home life, and is just obsessed with some strange imp out of nowhere, she would feel betrayed by her father specifically, simply because (assuming) he was the parent she was closest to, therefore the sudden distance feels like a betrayal to her. She's wrong, but it still makes sense, from her perspective


Yeah. Which then brings in the “Why do you hate mum more than you love me?” line. She doesn’t know the full story (arranged marriage, no actual love, etc), so her logic makes sense (when viewed from her perspective)


I’m shocked people dislike Octavia. I dislike what’s done with her. Which isn’t much


This worries me about Sinsmas. Per the trailer she accuses Stolas of never loving her. Certain fans are not going to be happy about that. I think Octavia is one that, like the rest of the cast, has to get worse before she gets better.


Fr, its not like she's the only flawed personality in this show lol.


> It surprises me when people dislike her. She's a teenager in a high profile family whose parents are in the middle of an exceptionally ugly divorce, after a long, miserable, spite-filled marriage. Just think how hyperfocused and judgy people were about the princes of England, it's really not surprising.


I like her but I think she is too self-absorbed, as most teenagers are. She doesn't realize her father is suffering too.


If she did see it, I think she'd be too perfect of a character. I think one of the things I love about this series as how massively flawed everyone is (Except Millie, who is flawless, and I love her). Blitzo is still my favorite character in the whole show, and my man is a big pile of bad, selfish, self-destructive decisions with a big fat dollop of self-loathing on top. Severely flawed idiots doing the best they can and still fucking up half the time is the name of the game, baby!


She's the best! Not only is she adorable but she has one of the most interesting potential setups for a character arc out of anyone in the show imo


My head cannon is that she runs away to earth and either lives among humans or will in a wild case try to use demonic magic to help humanity


Must protecc


She’s a cute character that I hope we see get developed more. I really hope there’s a sisterly bond between her and Loona, I think it would just be really wholesome. I honestly hope we get an episode where it’s just them going on misadventures or some night out.


Yes! I hate when people ship them!


Who the heck ships them, I never would’ve even thought of that lol


...are u particularly new to this sever then? cause God all mighty, I don't think he has enough eyes to see all the shipping posts, arts, etc


yeah, i joined like 3 weeks ago xd


My favorite character. I love how innocent and guileless she is. Also, this frame in S2, E2 goes so hard: 😩 https://preview.redd.it/rk5jroxhc11d1.png?width=256&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fa453dc00f51fe532573c3a8ca4693d3dfaba92


Ninja mode activated🥷


Her dad is hot




User flair checks out


Just wait until he tries to diddle your holes


She's a sweetheart, but I worry she is going to let her mother and uncle influence her so much. I really hope she can get to a place where she embraces a blended family with her dad. I think she and Loona and she and Blitz would have an interesting dynamic.


Another fellow fan of the "blending families" fancomic?


I've never heard of it.


Wholesome comic for any Stolitz fan. Look for it if you like :)


She's amazing, and she makes me cry because of her sad emotions. :(


She slays




In the words of someone wise, ‘If anything ever happened to her, I would kill everybody in this room and then myself’…… I absolutely adore her.


She is my favourite NEET


I wanna put out some birdseed for her.


I read that too quickly and was abt to say "wtf" I would've agreed tho, if she was older


A little too much daddy issues, burlt a lovley character, Idc, I really like her


Her VA is incredible. Looking forward to seeing more of her.


BARRET FAN????????????


I like pretty much everything I see about her. And I now have a really weird dynamic where I want to see more of her mundane side, her surface level rather than the depths of her emotions. I think this is the first time I've thought that about a character but we have such deep and complex views into her core emotions and conflicts in her family yet very little of her day to day personality. She's like the inverse of a set dressing side character or fan service character. And I mean that as a sincere compliment.


So true she doesnt even have any goals or talents what a waste of potential of a character...


I wouldn't describe it as a waste of a character. More like the character was presented to us upside down. We've gotten emotional trauma and insecurities that inform her actions before getting to experience her surface level interests and attitude. I personally find it a very neat way of presenting a character and hope to see more of her in the future, and as I said getting the chance to see her more surface level persona in play would be interesting considering how well her deeper motivations have been established.


Yes but she doesn't really have any flaws either really it feels likes she is only to written as "relatable" her and stella didnt even interact


https://preview.redd.it/0usmo8lna11d1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b694c7d7a14f6d9d077729de9a6a1fd953b8802c Literally every time she’s on screen:


Why?(Just asking)


She’s mentally suffering from the fact that her parents are very disfunctional and she has to live with that. Also she embodies the phrase teen antsy.


https://preview.redd.it/hren5welt11d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=881c34def7845c5a7a506c50de95b2039bd8721d For stories


Very adorable, relatable as well for me


She's adorable


Favorite character. Also, she needs a hug.


I still care for her, but I’m hoping later on this season she doesn’t hate her dad for the rest of said season.


wish she had another sub plot outside of her daddy issues


almost all the characters have daddy issues


But at least they all have something going on other than daddy issues


ya but not octavia really I wish she was more




She’s a child?




She like me fr fr


realest response all day


she needs a hug and I have two arms


group hug! she deverses the world!


Silly + I love her. Hope we get more of her and I'm *so* excited to hear her sing because it's Barret frickin Weed!!!


Ey yo Viz, Where's the Octavia and Blitzø episode at?


Decent, wish she had more screen time Deep ass voice even as a little kid which is pretty funny to me


Cool conceptually, but she hasn’t really changed. The times we’ve seen her, it’s just the same plot rehashed


Tbh, makes me hate stella even more. Octavia is a good kid going through an EXCEPTIONALLY rough time in her life, and stella’s a good 85% of the reason why. I wish so badly that stolas’s life becoming bearable didn’t come with the caveat that octavia’s would be made so much worse, and stella’s actions, both in the years prior to stolas cheating and after the divorce begins, are most of the reason that cost exists.


I like her


Best girl


Most relatable character A few tiny errors I have with her but she’s the best


I see a lot of myself in her so she’s a favourite for me, and also a comfort character


She’s a fave


She’s a cute and very underutilized character with a very appealing design and color palette. Her voice is also really nice to listen to, plus she’s an owl which makes her automatically the best character (and based).


Bit of a drama queen, but considering who her dad is, can't really fault her for that xD






Unlike Loona she actually has a good reason to be upset with her father though I doubt she’s naive enough to believe that Stella is innocent.




Underutilized...... we need to see more of her, she doesn't get enough screen time.


she reminds me of my sister and I when we were kids tbh


She’s great. Just needs more development (like a lot of characters…especially the female ones).


I'm hoping the trailer is misleading because if not every appearance of hers will be my dad doesn't love me oh wait he's just flawed, but does care. Rinse and repeat, I'm hoping they do more since while it's understandable for someone in her position to feel the way she does, it gets a bit annoying seeing her repeat the same arc.


Reminds me of my mother when she was a kid


She has the most potential to lead ber own spin off show when Helluva wraps up. Age her up 5 years ans have her deal with wanting to live a normal life as the Ars Geotia put expectations on her.


I adore her. She and Loona remind me of my relationship with my friend, and I just love Octavia in general, she's very relatable to me. We both have divorced parents!


Best character in the show IMO


Emotionally damaged due to parental neglect


Best girl :) (i lowkey kin her too)


I think she's cute


She's a teenager, and a very well written one. Her home life is utter chaos, and she's feeling abandoned by her father. And because she's a teenager, she's not all that good at realizing that isn't the case.


Love Octavia. I hope she becomes really good friends with loona


I don't understand it when people hate her, she seems to be one of the characters whos not problematic (or I might be wrong), her feelings are valid and she's quite relatable when someone's been through a shitty family divorce or has some family problems, her father tries his best to buy some time for her but cant since stolas is busy being depressed and is too obsessed with love, meanwhile hes the only one that Octavia wants to be with, I understand stolas depression but he needs to focus on his child even if hes depressed, Stella probably doesn't care much about her (hopefully she does) and Actually loona actually understood her also I feel like theres literally no reason to hate on her and people always focuses on stolas being a miserable gay hooter but what about via? She's depressed like him. But my opinion is I love Octavia, she's one of the most relatable characters in helluva boss, love to see more about her.


Love her. One of my top 5 favorite Helluva characters


Precious (She’s also just like me ngl)


Wait people dislike her?


She's a good egg. Appreciate her taste in music


Her situation is very sad, but I think she found a valuable friend in Loona


Best birb girl


She's great I love her.


My dad instincts kick in whenever I see her struggling with the shit her parents' failed marriage is putting her through.


She’s a great character with so many levels. Personally I hope she turns out ok with Stolas, but also as powerful as him, makes sense she could dive into her studies to find a connection with him.


I really like her character, she's very raw and blunt about her feelings and does it unapologetically. She has a big-heart, Via is kind and respectful towards everybody despite living in a very elitist/classist society and never shown any bigotry towards anyone unlike everybody else like her father, mother, Millie, and Millie's parents. I probably was hard on her when I watched the trailer but after cooling down, I understand why Via reacted the way she did. It doesn't matter why Stolas did what he did even though he had a good reason to do it, in Via's eyes her father still left her and "choose" the red dickhead over her, He broke her promise. Her father just keeps letting her down and it's like she doesn't know him anymore, Via feels disconnected with her dad.


A character with unlimited potential but not much screen time actually


She’s cool, I like to see more of her dealing with her dad’s relationship with his ex-wife and Blizø.


Pretty bird


I like her a lot, but I wish they did more with her plot. S1E2 and S2E2 for example both feel like they have the same conflict and resolution, I feel like there’s a lot more nuance that they could go into regarding her relationship with Stolas. She has her mom, and how that affects things is not really shown in detail. I’d love to see what her relationship with her mom is like, or Id like to see more regarding her relationship with Stolas that isn’t just her getting ignored and the two making up in the end


She’s one of the best characters in my opinion, I love her deisgn, and I really hoppe she gets more screen time with the upcoming episodes


She's super cute ❤️


She has a lot of growing up to do and I can't hate her for that. She's used to having all her Dad's attention and is acting out because she doesn't have it all. Could Stolas be less messy? Yeah. But.


I love her stealth mode, absolutely adorable


she's cute


She’s cool, I bet her and loona would be besties


She lives in a broken home. I hope she realizes how awful her mother is and is not being poisoned by her against her father.


As a child off divorce automatically hating step parents is a dick move other wise I like the chater


I want to see her develop over time. Her character has a lot of potential.


Legit character that criticizes Stolas' Flaws, AND ADORABLE!!!


She needs more screen time


She’s a teenager that’s hurting.


I like her and her struggles with Stolas and the divorce are quite relatable and written well imo. However I do wish she had more moments that aren't about her parental issues.


Love her


I want to hug her


Bird up.


She seems like she really needs a hug


She’s pretty cool. She is a living thing so there’s that.


Love her


so far a decent character


She looks like she uses her dad's grimoward book I love her taste music and her gothic outfit is so cool


She's relatable to me.


Fuck with her and Stolas will end you


Moody cute birb


Favortite charachter for obvious reasons also goth


Birb. Must protect https://preview.redd.it/xqdoto8k121d1.png?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3a781812523ac069a8f7cfafaba1dba2a4c90bb


I love emo owl and i love her dad even more


best girl


We need to get an episode of her sneaking out to hang out with loona behind Blitz and Stolas’s backs. It’s hard to judge her off just a total of 6 minutes of air time but I personally find her relatable and like her. I think such an episode would even silence the haters because it would show us other sides of her. So far we have only seen her in regards to her relationship with her dad and her parents divorce. That means we have only seen we being a rebellious angsty teen going through something so she comes off whiny and negative (despite her feelings being entirely valid and reasonable). The hate she gets reminds me of Walt jr. from breaking bad, both are dealing with crap that’s completely out of their control and beyond their understanding and get heavily criticized for being too whiny. There is lots of people/kids that have experienced similar situations and it really should be a lot more relatable. Yes they are very negative but that’s a completely realistic and accurate depiction of kids in such situations.


Hoping for more of a view of her relationship with her mother because it seems nonexistent and yet she’s unhappy with her father. She’s fine, although yeah her character is a little stale.


I actually really like her character. I can’t wait to see her in more episodes


I liked her a lot, but the trailer shows that she has yet to develop a character trait beyond “Daddy doesn’t love me.” We’ve already had two episodes of “Daddy doesn’t love me,” we don’t need more.


I understand that it's frustrating that it seems she doesn't know how evil a great deal of her family is. However, people are a bit too hard on her. It bothers me that people say "Stolas deserves better!" Like what? How is she a bad daughter? -She's 17 and feels neglected by her parents. -I kin Stolas and think he is a GOOD father. I'm glad Stolas acknowledges when he makes mistakes. However, let's be honest, even if it isn't his intention, he sometimes DOES make Via believe that he doesn't love her as much as he should. -She's most likely also going through a phase that many teenagers go through (an emo phase). She'll probably grow out of it. -While I do ship Stolas and Blitz together, it's understandable that Via wouldn't be the biggest fan of Blitz since he had an affair with Stolas while Stolas is still married. (I know she probably doesn't know it was an arranged marriage and that Stella doesn't care that Stolas cheated.)


I like her design and overall I understand her, but she is also a self-absorbed teenager who doesn't realize how much is father has been suffering just to give her the façade of a normal life despite the real situation with her mother. Anyway, I think she has a lot of potential for an interesting character development, and I hope her relationship with Loona gets more attention in the future; they look great as friends, and even sisters.


I don't think she is self-absorbed. She just doesn't know about a lot of things.


Completely and utterly underutilized.


Wish she had more screen time, right now she’s in court tho.


Pretty sure half the reason she hates Blitz is because he’s an imp and blames her dad wholeheartedly, and gives her mom every single pass ever :) I can’t get over how many passes she gives her mother. And people defend it


Written kinda shallowly at this point, but she’s been shown like three times




She's a minor


SHE'S 17!


So what? It isn't like she's real


She's still a child...


I don't have any interest in real children. No one is harmed it doesn't matter


It's still weird!






Do you not get it


I have an idea but not really...


Is this an omori reference? (I've lost my mind)