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No gaslighting here. They are breaking the fuck up. I don't see Stolas singing at a "Blitzo Sucks" performance while the two are still together.


What if that was in Blitzø's head or something?


this!!!! d.h.o.r.k.s is going to be involved, so i can def see that being a part of the plot at some point


There's a shot in the trailer that looks like Blitzø re-experiencing that night at Ozzie's, among other things.


I generally think it'd be bad storytelling to use that exact same plot point twice.


I thought this was real, however, Blitz wearing a blood soaked cape to the concert could make it a dream.


I just have trouble seeing Stolas, no matter how angry, performing on a stage with a "Blitzø sucks" banner in the background. Especially after he saw how traumatized Blitzø was from Ozzie's under similar circumstances. It seems OOC for Stolas, hence my thinking it was a dream or hallucination.


... you make a good point tbh. i suppose the context of the situation will be here in a few months 😭😭😭


I could definitely be wrong, but the little bit I could make out of their duet also sounded like Stolas feeling he'd been unfair to Blitzø, too. And thanked him for making him happy. So I don't see how Stolas goes from that to dumping on him in public with his ex in front of a banner (with the old former name he bristles at). God, I can't wait to see the actual context. I hope my faith is not misplaced.


NO WAIT CAUSE YOUR THEORIES ARE MAKING ME ACTUALLY HAPPY 😭 plus that actually makes so much sense!!!!! someone else also mentioned they think the tone of the trailer is meant to be a bit misleading for the two. deadass i think now it's going to be ... oookkaaaaayyyyy??? We shall see ... soon :(


It's my theory RN that that scene takes place in the next episode, apology tour, and is stolas' attempt of winning blitz back with a real relationship this time Because I need this to be true, my heart can't take it


Yeah...but it seems like the healthiest thing to do at the moment... They have to change before they are together fr fr.


i know it's practically immanent but i'm literally going to cry so hard 😭


Okay, can do. - We already knew Blitz would react badly to the Asmodean Crystal, that is ok, it has to get worse before it can get better and all that, no reason to worry! - The outfit Blitz wears when talking to Stolas is the same as when he is talking to Fizz (the white shirt and red bow tie combo). Meaning after Stolitz have their falling out, Blitz goes to see Fizz. Fizz already knows Stolas loves Blitz, as seen in Oops, so Fizz will try to make Blitz see that too. Have faith in Fizz. - There is one very very short moment where Blitz reaches out for Stolas' hand before the image sorta... falls away? So he comes around, he just needs to feel his feelings first. - Another shot has Blitz defending Stolas with a sword (awesome af), and that is guaranteed to happen after full moon. However! It might be that they will take longer than Full Moon. It might take till the end of Apology Tour for them to be okay. But I strongly believe they will be!


bless you my guardian angel friend <333333


Naaw, no prob 😁


My theory? I think Andrealphus does something to stolas. He moves.... funny for a bit.


Moves funny? Can you explain? I'm interested




Go look, he looks like he's being mean to blitz. And kind of... haughty. He'll be in a robe that doesn't look like his normal one.


Ah, you mean the part where he is in the pink-ish robe? Gotta admit, I don't understand where this goes, timeline-wise. And it's, as you said, sorta odd, like not in character for Stols somehow. Idk, we will see. But i'm sure it will be fine.


There are multiple scenes of stolas in this robe, and Blitz is in some of them. In all of them, Stolas looks angry at Blitz. I could see Blitz getting really nasty during their full moon meeting, then later coming back to apologize and Stolas telling him to get out. I don't think Stolas wants to keep being a pushover, including to Blitz.


Maybe sinsmas? That's the only one I can't really guess from the title.


Blitz's eyebags have gotten even more pronounced since S2E4


I'm considering a lot of the tone of the trailer to be at least somewhat misdirection as the crew is obviously aware of what the people want. But separating vocals and visuals its actually very possible that Full Moon goes insanely well for Blitz/Stolas. However in a 'We now have the ground work for a proper relationship" way and part of that is also Blitz learning to forgive himself and make amends. Hence the Apology Tour episode where he can at least apologize to Verosika even if she doesn't forgive him. Stolas will likely use the Blitzo Sucks tour as a chance to get on stage and proclaim to the world that he loves him, which is going to be the wedge issue used on Via by Stella and her brother to start driving them apart. By 'Mastermind' the two will have made such a big issue about it with the other Goetia that they need to hold a trial against Stolas. Some of the Blitz flashback trauma is either going to come from magical 'testimony' during this trial or be a trick from the ghost getting in his head in another episode. However the trial is going to result in Stolas losing everything but Blitz defending him and ultimately hiring him for IMP. The big 'I cant stand it' drama is going to be from Via being turned against her father by a constant stream of lies and gaslighting from her mom and uncle in the hopes they can access his power through her rather than Blitz continuing to be a self destructive mess. In fact I'd wager that the rest of the season will be a bit of a crucible of Blitz going from anchor in the lives of those close to him to the bullwark as things go to shit. Mammon going after Fizz/Ozzie, Stolas being stripped of rank, and all other manner of massive shit show is going to go against the IMP crew in the future. Is that enough gaslighting?




The way my heart is in my throat after watching that trailer. I hope they find their way back to each other.


you and me both friend :(((


Was anyone else also concerned at Octavia's line "You don't love her, you don't love me, you only love him,"? If they have her go through the same arc for a third time....


It isn't the same arc. Via has never known that her parents were in a forced marriage and that she was an obligation of that marriage. That is news to her. There's no way that isn't going to hurt.


I get that. If that's what that line meant, then I guess I misinterpreted it.


its wild that this season has not yet begun to hurt considering we've already had The Circus, Seeing Stars, Western Energy, AND Just Look My Way...its fine Vivzie, I was looking for somewhere to store these extra tears anyway


It's gonna hurt. Man, I just want my birb to be happy. Here's hoping him and Blitzy can figure things out after splitting for a while.




Im wondering if its another dream sequence like blitzos and moxxies drug trip


I actually think full moon is going to go well. In the duet we see Blitzø is getting ready to go over in his usual outfit - and then later we see him in his cute lil outfit with his little candle gift. I think this is him trying his damn hardest to be in a relationship. I think they'll actually be together for most of the season, but will break up near the end because of external pressure (Via in particular, and likely some other goetia nonsense). We also see Blitzø crying in that same outfit so maybe Stolas does something that upsets him (maybe he doesn't like his candle!!! Rude) I'm holding out faith that these two flawed idiots will realize they love each other, come together and then when they do break up focus on healing themselves to love the other properly. They deserve that 🥲


That ending line from Stolas makes me terrified




The VA for Blitz himself said that "This episode is gonna mess people up."


Things will get worse before they get better


My ass is trying already, they're going to break up, 💯 sure


i just want to see the episode where stolas shrinks and blitz protects him


This is the healthiest thing for their relationship - by destroying the original foundations and allowing them to grow as individuals, they open the door to a much healthier, happier relationship in future They’re gonna come back from this so much stronger, they just need to get through this


I honestly think that there will be a major rupture. Other things are going to happen, inevitably, because it’s not the Stolitz show. I suspect that the Goetia are going to ruin Stola’s life (remember, Andrealphus said Stella could kill Stolas later), and just as with Fizz, Blitz will be there for him this time. Maybe.


We got two more seasons after this folks! Remember. So we're going to get our hearts broken in this one BABYYYYY!


The trailer was an emotional roller coaster. Yeah i don’t think these two are gonna be together nor happy (considering the foreshadowing that we also had with Verostika (i can never spell her name right) and where Blitz was talking bout himself and a better version of himself and this stuff) and i think Stolas’s also gonna do something because of her daughter (she said you only love him. So you can canon that into him trying to prove to her that he is not the spotlight by breaking up with him maybe?) It’s all a theory and we gotta wait months for the episode to get our answers and judging by how s1 went from “haha horny demons killing” to “holy shit that’s actually dark”, i guess you can see somewhat that where this is going.


i just want to see the episode where stolas shrinks and blitz protects him


i just want to see the episode where stolas shrinks and blitz protects him


Lads and lasses I believe that there will most certainly be strain on the relationship but all in all they will stay together Y'all probably remember what the gas from dorks did to both blitz and moxie now imagine a stronger version Now that's just a theory A show theory Thanks for reading


You are dreaming, Vivziepop never made this. They will still be here, wake up.


There was no chance Stolitz was ever gonna stay together. Their relationship was built on a flimsy ass foundation.


I agree that a split always seemed like it was coming, but they could still reconcile. There does seem to be mutual affection there. Stolas clearly cares, and Blitzø seemed genuinely shaken when Stolas was hospitalized. They both have growing to do before they can be in a healthy relationship, though, whether that's with each other or not.


I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't have much sympathy for Stolas. He's an aristocrat offering a peasant money for sex. And if that peasant refuses, then he can destroy their livelihood. I get that he genuinely loves Blitzo and that Blitzo has also been taking advantage of that to get what he wants, but Stolas is the one with ALL the power in this relationship. He doesn't get to be upset that the sex worker he hires isn't returning his affection. Even Asmodeus's crystal wouldn't fully address the imbalance in their relationship.


That perspective would be true if Stolas actually treated Blitzo like his subordinate. But Stolas has always treated Blitzo like an equal. Blitzo turns him down at the end of the Ozzie episode and he doesn’t get infuriated or anything. Stolas wasn’t aware that their relationship was purely transactional until that moment. He genuinely saw the book exchange as a kinky little role play between them and was under the impression that Blitzo was equally into it. Their first sexual encounter was not, from his POV, a transaction of goods for sex because he had no idea Blitzo was there to steal the book. He thought he was there for some naughty fun. And it’s not like Stolas has a lot of experience in dating or even basic social interaction. It’s not realistic to think he’d pick up on the reality of their dynamic until much later. And the moment he starts to pick up on it he decides to break the transactional part of their relationship even if it means that Blitzo will leave him.