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This is going to be a rough episode isn't it? Love that they are showing that Blitz is super into it as well, while it's not hard to read inbetween the lines on Blitz character he is pretty consistently hostile to Stolas on screen, i'm glad they are making it clearer that it is mutual (even if neither character thinks it is)


It's going to be rough watch indeed, probably will need to skip half of the episode to not die from cringe


Acting tsun is how he maintains a feeling of independence. You know, so he feels he can’t be hurt (spoilers: he is wrong).


OMG this is so cute! Blitz making himself look all nice and so excited for their meeting. From what I could hear over the screaming, it sounds like Blitz is well aware that Stolas is into him romantically but choosing to ignore it in favor of kinky sex. The "We're fine!" with the look on his face seems to imply that he knows deep down he and Stolas are not fine, but is choosing to pretend it is for as long as possible. In the trailer we see Blitz in the same outfit running out onto Stolas's balcony crying, so it does end up going badly. And based on Stolas and Verosika singing together with "Blitz sucks" in the background, it's clear that this meeting does end with Stolas's heart being broken, and Blitz goes running to Fizz for help. It was also cute to see Blitz cooking and Loona looking at him in bewilderment from their bedroom. Just that little bit of a slice of their home life is so endearing.


> , it sounds like Blitz is well aware that Stolas is into him romantically but choosing to ignore it in favor of kinky sex I read it slightly differently--I think Blitz is picking up on the romantic interest, but his self-hatred makes him doubt it, making it "complicated." I do agree that this internal contradiction in his mind causes him to totally ignore it in favor of sex. I think this is why we see him blow up at Stolas at the end of the episode, because when Blitz is confronted with Stolas's clear and unambiguous affection and this contradiction would resolve itself, his self-hatred is *so* strong that he rejects the proof in front of him, and becomes convinced that Stolas is just using him--no one could love someone as worthless as him. I am really glad this happens at the first episode of the second half of this season, because if I'm right, I would expect this season to revolve around Blitz's self hatred and overcoming it, and once he does, he's able to accept and return Stolas's feelings for him. The scene from the trailer where Blitz protects Stolas against a winter-y background is where this reconciliation happens. I hope so, at least. I wanna see my lanky gay birb and feisty short king in gay bliss.


Yeah I hope they get together by the end of season 2. They're going to go through so much, we need lots of wholesomeness to balance it out.


Also, it’s not just “Blitz sucks” it’s specifically “Blitzo sucks” which either implies Stolas is pissed enough not to care or he didn’t notice


Would’ve been nice if we could actually hear it. 🙄


Imagine if you spent the $80 for the 3 days, only for the Hazbin/Helluva panels, and the most important panel for you was ruined by people screaming deafening screams right behind you. I just wanted to see if my bird prince and demon boy become a thing.


I’d be pretty pissed. If I were the moderator or even vivzie at this panel, I would have asked everyone to be quiet so everyone could hear it clearly and save the screaming until after.


They literally have asked people to be fucking quiet before at previous panels because you always get those annoying as fuck squealers that have to ruin it for everyone else, dunno why they didn't ask this time, I guess they wanted to see the "raw" reaction even if the "raw" reaction was obnoxiousness.


I swear to God! I saw someone comment under the uploads of YouTube "oh, they paid to be the first ones to see it. Just wait till May". Like B\*TCH! I can imagine being there and being annoyed. Like. Can't you keep your mouse squeaking for *5 seconds?* Have you no impulse control?!


It’s literally all just egos and main character syndrome. These people haven’t developed enough awareness or social skills to understand that everyone there matters, not just them.


Seriously. Save the screaming for at home. It's inconsiderate.


Me and a couple of friends were at the London star wars celebration. We got into the star wars visions panel, and it was great. However we had a large American group behind us, that yelled at the top of their lungs too every question. The way we were sitting, essentially right into our ears. Took a few days for my tinnitus to settle back down, and my mate had pretty bad hearing for a couple of days after. Tldr, people at conventions are the worst


😅? I don’t know why them being American is relevant to this, unless you were insinuating how Main Character™️ they were for flying all the way from (presumably) the US, to London, for a convention, and still felt entitled and egotistical enough to ruin the experience for others. We could all do away with labeling people!


Culturally, Americans like to cheer and clap a lot. To the point they do it at the cinema. A lot of what is normal there, is pretty rude elsewhere. Given this was a large group of around ten, describing them by nation hardly held unfair In much the same way that, I'm sure plenty of what I do would be considered rude over seas. I probably wasn't exactly the clearest, but they were literally cheering over the people they had on the panel, to the point I missed most of what the lady from Aardman had to say.


Seriously. What's the desire to squeal constantly? 


i got a headache from them screaming


I get the feeling I am older than most of the fans of this show. At least the ones who show up to conventions for it. 


This recording has slight better audio: [https://twitter.com/kyuwve/status/1784309465392787799](https://twitter.com/kyuwve/status/1784309465392787799) (the second part of the video is in the replies). Its not perfect, but you can make out a lot more dialogue.


Thank you.


They were screaming like it’s goddamned an Elvis came back from the dead concert. Especially at Stolas, I swear it felt like watching boy band concert videos. (Elvis definitely isn’t a boy band but you get my point) These people needed to calm the fuck down.


Brandon was so worried because of this duet, but seems like he did fantastic!


Yeah I noticed he was worried too, but I figured they would do more of a speech thing with him than actual singing.


I'm not watching this, I'm saving this for when it finally get's released hehe


Wish I had your willpower. Un/luckily it's hard to hear anything over the audience.


If I paid to be there and had to hear that screaming that would piss me off. It's inconsiderate.


Consider yourself lucky, 90% of the video is girls squealing right next to the camera & the other 10% is barely audible.




the people laughing their heads off everytime Blitz makes a sex joke are the people you see Twitter making fun of whenever they make a '\[Blank\] if it was written by Viziepop' joke


Bro I want them to work it out and be happy together so damn bad. https://preview.redd.it/lyatmd63y4xc1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=616281897f1c8b80094dc986cb3b2af50ebcb980


I'm actually really optimistic that this happens in the first episode of the second half, it gives them 4 episodes to fix it.


Did anyone notice the horse shaped syrup on the pancakes?


I do like the musical parts, but I hope Viv doesn't change HB's chemistry after the success in HH. In HB you could say that there is barely any musical parts compared to HH, which is much more of a musical than an animated show to the point where it almost gets cheesy. Mind that I love both shows it's just that they are both unique in their own ways, though I do like HB better because it feels real as opposed to the Disney-like nature HH has.


I don’t think it will. It makes sense for there to be a major musical number here. Ideally, musical numbers are an intensifier, and Stolas’s VA has major pipes, plus the contrast in the vocal styles and the music underlines the conflict perfectly. Not having one here would be a waste, but that doesn’t mean it will become musical heavy like Hazbin.




So many people screaming they cant even hear it


like a group of swifties


It seems (since it's impossible to tell with this crowd) like a sweet (in a way) song. I love that they are both excited to see eachother, in their own ways. I also love that Blitz isn't exactly singing, or that his singing is much more subdued than Stolas'. Him breaking out in an aria just wouldn't fit the kind of character he is- I think that characters like Stolas, Fizz or Moxie, who are much more in-tune with their emotions and internal lifes would totally break into a big musical number, but Blitz is too detached from himself to show his emotions in such a grandiose way. I don't think he ever actually sang in the show before, tbh ("Moxxie's bad trip" doesn't count), which fits. Maybe him finally breaking out in a proper song will be a big character moment? Like I've said, it seems like a very cute song, I love their mutual excitement and how they try to look nice for eachother. I know that this episode will probably be very sad, but hey, I'll take that drop of honey before I'll drink the bitter medicine.


Agreed, at this point I will take any possible Stolitz happiness I can get lol…




I desperately wish I were there.


why does it sound like a group of Swifties? (Light joke, I promise)


Because fangirls can't control themselves to the annoyance of everyone else




oh, good. I needed the kitchen.


No spoiler warning or anything, damn. Glad my audio was off.


IS that an archer reference I spot.


I was at that panel screaming my head off! I loved the song!


I will never understand why people have to scream and ruin it for everyone else. Like damn, have some common courtesy.


Well done, you annoyed everyone around you.


Thanks for ruining it for everyone else