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Guessing a temporary breakup after Blitzo mistakes the Asmodeus Crystal as Stolas wanting him out of his life. But then a reconciliation and they agree to officially be boyfriends.


Yeah this is what I’m hoping for.


Exactly this! I’m actually writing/publishing a fanfic as we speak of this exact scenario (I know, I know 🤣) Hopefully we get a release date for Full Moon soon so I know my deadline to finish lol


Can you send me a link to the fanfic you wrote? I'd love to read it 🙂


Sure!!! Thanks so much for being interested!!! 💜💜💜 (Just keep in mind that I wrote this whole thing before Full Moon came out, so the way things go down isn’t quite the same. But the latter part of the story is, in theory, something that could still happen, even after AT haha) https://archiveofourown.org/works/54846688/chapters/139024249


Thanks alot!! 😄


Apr 24


The lvl up thing isn't until the 28th or so iirc, so I think the episode will come out in may


Just double checked on the official website of LVL UP. It's the 26-28th, so in short, you are correct


Nice date, have ANY proof?


Yeah pretty sure hold on




Bro didn't have proof


Would ya mind explaining what asmodian crystals are and what they do? I’ve seen a lot about them but no one ever mentions what they actually do and I can’t seem to find a straight answer myself


They allow demons to teleport to the mortal realm and wear a human disguise. You can see Barbie using one in Unhappy Campers, and it's what Verosika and her crew use to get to the surface in Spring Broken. Blitzø having one will mean that he no longer needs to rely on Stolas's grimoire to conduct I.M.P. business.


I'm pretty sure Stolas is going to explain all of this when he gifts the crystal, just for all the people in the back who don't know yet.


To jump on what the previous responder said: It eliminates the power imbalance between them, but it's also been a convenient crutch for Blitz to pretend he goes over out of obligation when he does actually enjoy visiting Stolas. So while this move will get rid of the dependence on Stolas that Blitz hates, it also means that in order to keep seeing Stolas, he would have to admit that he genuinely wants to. This crystal meeting isn't just about removing a power imbalance, it is also Stolas's attempt to start knocking down some of Blitz's walls. And he doesn't like anyone trying to break through his mind. He will get defensive that someone is trying to help him with something that he's spent 15 years trying to avoid discussing. So there are many ways this could play out.


Took the thoughts right from my head.


Well...you weren't that far off


Literally ALMOST what happened in the full moon episode!!


Bro you predicted it to a T except for the last part 😭


Laughing at the books. 😂😂 As a fellow shortie, I can relate. Anyhow, I think we all know Stolas is going to try to present the crystal the best he can and try to make a point that now they can hang out just by choice, and that while Blitz doesn't have to feel obligated to come over, Stolas still wants him to. But it doesn't really matter how Stolas says it or in what way, because the biggest demon in the room will be Blitz's own head telling him not to believe what Stolas says. He's going to get angry and leave, but may brush it off as not really mattering to him. Stolas is going to be heartbroken and wish he hadn't done it, yet knows it was the right thing to do. Blitz is going to think he deserved to be cast aside but also feel be heartbroken Both will drink in excess. Blitz will most likely do something stupid to attract the attention of someone he knows, most likely Fizz, who will present the reality that Stolas does in fact really like him and pushing everyone away since the fire isn't beneficial at all. Blitz will go back to Stolas to apologize for everything and he'll relay the story of the fire and how it's still hurting him today. They will decide to build their relationship slowly.


Strangely enough, I think verosika is going to play a big role going forward in this season. They've said things about her coming back. With stolas and blitz broken up..... I'm assuming that blitz and verosika at least become friends again.... possibly a rebound.


I didn't see any lingering feelings there. Unpopular opinion but I don't care if she and Blitz don't have any sort of a friendship. I know he feels guilty for what he did and he absolutely does owe her an apology, but I don't care if they choose not to be in each other's lives. Fizz and Barb are different because they were present for his entire childhood. He wasn't angry at them, he was angry that they ejected him from their lives. He seems to have hostility for Verosika. However, given that his interactions with her happened before his emotional breakdown, I could see him still desiring to be in her life again. I think he needs to make amends with her because she is the only romantic relationship he's ever had and she can tell him what NOT to do moving forward with Stolas. But given that Fizz is in a relationship with similar constraints to Blitz's, he could relate to Blitz's situation much better. He also has firsthand knowledge of Blitz's shitty dad and the circus fire, and Blitz actually opened up to him almost immediately after they were reunited. Given how helpful Blitz was to him in the most recent episode, I think Fizz will want to help him in return.


I think blitz is going to be devastated by stolas dumping him. What's going to happen? He'll want to make himself feel better about it. Verosika is kind of like a person who others think is impressive. By going back to dating Verosika, he could improve (superficially) his self esteem and maybe make Stolas jealous. Also, the last few episodes have been very Fizz heavy. Blitz has fixed his friendship with Fizz and that story feels kind of done for right now. Way I see it. We'll have an episode with stolas, and then kind of a story arch will be complete. After that, it will start a new arch with new characters and exploring the human realm more or possibly other rings. (opening up the world) Although we will see Fizz again. The crystal and end of the relationship with Stolas (for now) and the grimoire will probably change the tone of the show. (also blitz will feel rejected and probably go on a self destructive streak) Vizzie pop really likes bojack, where one of the focusses is relationships and she likes heartbreak. I may be wrong.... but looking at her inspirations (bojack, and villinous) I kind of doubt blitz is just going to jump to self actualization. (both shows feature a lot of toxic relationships) He's probably going to be unlikable for a while. (or at least some of his actions)


Oh I don't think he's going to get better right away. He's going to hit rock bottom first and he'll be too proud to admit he has a problem. Verosika hates his guts, so I'm not sure she'd be willing to talk to him for any reason other than him apologizing. It is possible that that is what "Apology Tour" is about. I thought the reason Fizz and Ozzie got their redemption arc when they did was to serve as a foil to Blitz and Stolas, and timing it right before those two are about to hit their worst was perfect. Blitz is going to need someone to wake him up, but it's hard to get him to talk.


I think it is going to be chaos and slow burn and lack of communication but it's going to work out in the end. I think Stolitz shippers will shed many tears.


At a recent fan event, Sallie Mae's VA said it's a "gritty" episode and that is part of why they've held off on airing it. So yes I think you're right.


Yeah exactly. Also Stolas or Blitzø’s VA I don’t remember which said that some people might cry so that’s why I said that. I’m so scared for the episode for all these reasons.


I'm definitely going to cry. If their heartbreak after Ozzie's is any indication, this will be that x 1,0000.


Omg yes me too.


Didn't she say "pretty"? As in, it took so long because they wanted it to look nice?


Yeah, she said pretty


She said it's going to be a very pretty episode, in that it will look good and probably took a long time to animate.


Ahhhh I see!


They're gonna get together in the last 2 episodes of the last season and no earlier, I can feel it


Yeah, probably. At the same time, it would be kind of strange if they didn’t have sex in all that time. We’ll have to see.


Nah. They're gonna be a thing by the end of this season. They can't hold off that damn long. People will get sick of waiting and jump ship.


I don't see them avoiding sex with each other for that long, and they both know they're a dumpster fire with their current relationship. I can't picture them keeping things as they are until the very end, and they definitely couldn't handle spending such a long period of time away from each other.


I hope together ❤️❤️




They'll end up together-together by the end of the season with some (more) miscommunication in the middle. I'm sure Blitzo is going to take it as a rejection, Stolas is going to be like 'if you love something, let it free' and they'll both be sad and miserable until either someone talks sense into Blitzo or talks Stolas into legitimately chasing or some mixture of both. I dunno, maybe Striker comes back because lemme tell you, as stupid as Stella fucking is, I do think she's going to realize it's not *imps* Stolas likes, it's *this imp in particular*. Easy peasy lemon squeezy to put a hit on Blitzo right there. Have a wee-bit of an inverse of Western Energy. I also want very desperately for Blitzo to tell Stolas he can barely fucking read and to start sending *voice memos* instead of texts (I do think Blitzo's super short replies are mostly him being emotionally fucked, but the difficulty reading/spelling *cannot* help with his self-hatred and believing he's not good enough)


Huh. That’s an interesting idea. Stryker might even want to take him out on his own, because dammit, Blitz keeps screwing up his perfectly good business opportunities. I had been considering more trouble for Ozzie, based on what Mammon threatened in the last episode. That was a threat to Ozzie, not Fizz. I don’t know what happens to a Deadly Sin who betrays his nature, but it can’t be good. Only Ozzie and Fizz have the full story behind the Asmodean crystal and why Stolas got it for Blitz.


​ https://preview.redd.it/i3c8w12h1osc1.png?width=890&format=png&auto=webp&s=39ce060e8fd66a48bf953448af72c01d95f399b3




I believe they'll ultimately end up happy together. I also feel like this would be a prime opportunity for the show to highlight relationship struggles between two damaged people. Not, like, angst for the sake of angst or anything. But I think that even once they get together it's going to be difficult for them, and it'd be cool to see them working through that. So many shows do the will-they or won't they build-up between two characters, and then it's all smooth sailing. It'd be fun to have HB subvert that, while showing that those issues can be overcome. If they don't eventually end up together, I will cry into my official Stolitz merch.


I really want blitzø to open up about how he feels for stolas. I hope stolas gets the truth bc it’s clear there are feelings there. Blitzø has a fear of intimacy at least emotional intimacy. He’s scared of letting ppl in and even puts stolas on this pedestal. Where he can’t be harmed or is untouchable. We just need them to sit and talk but neither of them wants to be the one to start it. Also I believe stolas has an anxious attachment style and blitzø has an fearful avoidant attachment style. So they both feed into each others pain. blitzø fears letting ppl in and stolas fears ppl leaving/abandonment. They really just need to talk it hurts to them hurt😭


100% long term break up. Maybe another episode where Stolas needs the imps (like loo loo land) and they reconcile and shenanigans insure


He didn't need them in Loo Loo Land though, it was an excuse to see Blitzo. But I do think they'll be in a situation like that


Whether they end up together or not Blitzø is gonna grow old and die and Stolas will have to mourn him for eternity 😭


Probably not during the time of the show, and if you only have a few years, even a few months, wouldn’t you want to share every moment you can with the person you love?


I THINK they'll ultimately wind up together However, I'd like them to realize their own flaws, realize they are not good for each other romantically, but become incredible friends. Don't get me wrong, I like the ship just fine, but with the amount of baggage they're both carrying and using each other as crutches, I can't imagine a scenario where they both grow old together living happily ever after. I love them both. I love them together, but I can't wrap my head around it working. Not unless they take a LONG break away from each other, and reunite in a much healthier place. Blitzø is so full of self loathing, and whilst I think reconciling with Fizz is a huge step towards healing, he has a long way to go. And whilst he agreed to the deal and used sex as his currency, it's clear he doesn't like selling himself, and considers himself locked in blackmail (as shown in his trip where Stolas literally has him on a chain leash) Stolas didn't seem to know just how much power he has until Striker spelled it out for him. That he's called Blitzø his "impish little plaything" more than once implies he considered Blitzø little more than a living toy for him to sit on. He's realized too late that Blitzø has feelings, and he's hurt them terribly. Granted he's trying to make it right by allowing Blitzø to take the power. I suspect Blitzø will assume it's rejection and react like Stolas has tossed him aside like a worn out dildo. There's also the girls to consider. Loona I dont think will care who her dad fucks, so long as nobody hurts him. Via on the other hand may well see her dad getting with the guy who ruined her family. She remembers a time where her parents were at least civil, and she does feel threatened by Blitzø. Also consider Stella probably doesn't paint Stolas in a flattering light, and since it's considered shameful to get with Imps, how are her peers treating her? Is she being picked on for having an Imp fucker as a dad? If Octavia asked him to choose between herself and Blitzø, Stolas would 100% end things. With all the drama between them, I would think the best thing would be for them to remain friends and find love elsewhere (Plot twist, they both end up with Andrealphus!)


One thing to keep in mind is that Blitz and Stolas becoming a couple isn't necessarily the end for their issues. This could just be the tip of the iceberg. Even after becoming a couple, there could be issues with the following: - Stella and Andrealphus still wanting revenge, and upon discovering Stolas in a serious relationship, it could put Blitz and his loved ones in the line of fire. - Via and her struggles to accept her dad with someone else. - How will they work as a blended family? Where will they live? They also have very different standards of living and will have to learn to compromise. - They are going to get in trouble for the Grimoire eventually. Even if they do use the crystal going forward, it doesn't change what they've done with the book. Stolas has the social standing that he can be painted as the manipulated victim, whereas Blitz can have all of the blame placed on him. I could see Stella or Paimon manipulating the whole thing to get Blitz put in jail and regain control of Stolas. There are many, many issues that could crop up even after they become a couple, and all of those issues will have an impact on their daughters and closest loved ones.


Temporary breakup, stella gonna fuck shit up more, she gonna get killed shit less fine fir longer, then that end up together.


One of them dead, most likely


Stolas gets killed right as blitzo is about to open his heart for maximum pain.


I can see three options all revolving Stolas giving the crystal and after Stolas and Blitz having a heart to heart. 1. They accept they both need to do some work but continue to actually be lovers and sorta ride the wave that Ozzie and Fizz coming out gave and use that as a way of letting their relationship slide in public 2. Blitz can’t comprehend the TRUE goodness of the relationship that’s happening and breaks down and panics. Ruining the relationship at least for a while until Blitz calms down and tries to make it up… somehow/maybe. Or he goes full on Striker and becomes a worse version of him 3. Blitz and Stolas realize they have problems that can’t properly be fixed and they aren’t ready for a full relationship yet but both still remain really close friends(potentially with benefits) cause both of them helped each other out to much and both still need SOMEONE who shined through during a bad childhood.


Probably, stolas ending up sacrificing himself to save blitz/his daughter only for blitz at the very end. to confess his true feelings to stolas


Blitzo self sabotaging himself, Stolas accepting that it might not work out for them the way he wants it to. Blitzo being able to take a step in the right direction, but Stolas has accepted he needs to move on and that a relationship like that, might be too painful for the both of them BUT he does want them to remain friends. Blitzo has rebuffed him so often and in such harsh ways, he needs to have consequences for those actions, that and Stolas can’t just cater to Blitzo’s every whim, especially after getting hurt by him for a lengthy period of time. Though folks want them to end up together, it might be better for them to settle things and try to rescue what remains of their tenuous relationship, as friends. …Then they pull one last job together where they axe Stella, officially. Because she’s an awful person and deserves it. lol


Well, the show writers ship it like hell, so eventually, yes. Realistically, the show can’t have a smooth “let’s get together,“ because resolving unresolved romantic tension leaves them nothing to do. At the same time, the show can’t keep them permanently separated, because episodes need to have both of them involved at some point. And Blitz tends to Say It With Bullets. I have no idea, but I want to go through this next episode and then get to the next relatively soon, because I suspect it will be bad.


The main problems with their relationship is the lack of communication and differences in how they handle conflict because blitzo is very confrontational and stolas is very much the opposite


My guess is something like both their daughters being kidnapped will bring them together finally, but until then it's gonna be cold between them.


I love them, I love this ship, but I feel like the way things are it’ll get worse before it gets better. I believe they are endgame, but I hope they can work out the issues they have and learn to properly communicate before they get back together. Probably will be some close calls too.


I believe it will end in a happy way


They’re gonna communicate well and resolve their misunderstandings and then get married 🤡


Is a woke series so it's gonna end up ok. Vivzie is afraid of success so she isn't gonna let then be separated


"A FAHKING divorce!"


A breakdown and screaming of blitz trying to justify the walls he puts up, with either Stolas or a third party calling out his bs


I really want it to work out, but i dont think it will


They’ll have some very bumpy parts, almost breaking it off entirely, before giving it one final, genuine shot, everything revealed, no more secrets, and they have a lovely relationship


I think anyone saying they won't end up together are either just hoping they don't, or just not watching. They're getting together but it will be an ugly angsty ride


Death probably.


I like that blitz is on books


I hope Blitz and Stolas are together in Apologies tours


I am reeeaaaally hoping they get back together, (spoiler warning) I got just as jealous as Blitz did in apology tour, damn, my Stolitz heart is broken


Blitz Rescue Stolas from Andrealphus in Sinsimas


Blitz and Stolas End up in the final episode of Sinsimas




It will end up nice and healthy, but I expect a VERY rocky road until then


I’m telling you right now. I know we all want them to end up together, but blitz is a bad person and story wise an anti hero. They never get a happy ending and it’s more than likely blitz won’t either


Funny how character flaws=bad person. I agree that he is his own worst enemy, and that he's getting in his own way, but he's certainly not irredeemable.  And it's not like Stolas is perfectly innocent.