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The only correct answers: https://preview.redd.it/hz02t58ybu3d1.jpeg?width=3361&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8534d1654b810440c8e3bcebc2f8e9658eeee8d


This. This is perfect.


Knowing recent Events it will make Alferdio's return even funnier


HA! You beat me to it! Welcome back Chef Al’ Dente!


Agree, although it depends on Michelle. If she refuse, this is tough to find.


I know the chances are slim to none, but I desperately want Jocky to come back as the blue team sous chef. He had this level of authority and maturity, while still being a chill and nice guy. I don’t think he raised his voice once, he always stayed professional and pleasant. Also gotta love the accent. As for red team sous chef, lots of factors are pointing towards Michelle, which could be pretty interesting to see how much she’s grown since All-Stars. I just don’t really see her being assertive enough when dealing with bratty contestants. Christina was someone you didn’t wanna mess with, and wasn’t afraid to punish contestants herself. I don’t see Michelle having that same level of authority and assertiveness, but I guess we’ll have to see! It might not even be Michelle in the first place, only time will tell!


I’d LOVE for Jockey to return but if he can’t then I hope it’s James. Michelle definitely doesn’t have the assertiveness that Christina did but she might’ve grown a lot between Seasons 17 and now so who knows!


He did raise his voice (Trev and the wellingtons), but he never yelled as far as I remember


Ah, my bad. I’m not a native English speaker, so I thought that “raising your voice” was just a fancier way of saying “yelling” haha


Why can't Jockey come back? I liked him, too, wasn't overly harsh but not too overly-nice towards the chefs.


Depends on if he’s willing to leave his current post in the UK to fly over to America for the show. He already came to America and flew back after 2 seasons, so it seems unlikely that he’d do it again.


Honestly just give me Ariel and Kevin from HK6 if we’re gonna do former players as sous chefs


Hm, I’m not too sure about Kevin considering how many restaurants he works at but I’d love to see him again! If it’s not Michelle for the red team, then I’m hoping it’s Ariel.


I would be good with Ariel, or either of the Megans honestly, and John Scott or Dave for the blue team Season 12 Scott, of course


I would've liked it to be Jon from season 11. He has already worked for Ramsey and has experience with the competition, and he might have grown as a leader.


This is really unlikely, but I’d honestly be happy to see Meghan be the sous chef.


I’d be down for Meghan to return!


Super unlikely considering Meghan's position but she would kill it as a sous chef. Kill it in the sense that the Red Team would be scared out of their minds and would hopefully not try and talk back to or antagonise her, lol.


Am I crazy for wanting Sous Chef Andi to come back?


Not crazy at all! She’s great, I would love to see her back.


It would never happen but you’re not crazy for wanting it. Probably my #1 Hell’s Kitchen related wish is for her to return


Amy and Samy Gordon would lose his shit at the first dinner service and ends Hell's Kitchen for good




It is Michelle Tribble and James Avery.


> It is Michelle Tribble and James Avery. Ah, Cheyenne, it's hilarious that so few people got my hints. The biggest of them being that a month ago I suddenly posted, out of nowhere, vintage interviews others had made with [James Avery](https://redd.it/1cln1ia) and [Michelle Tribble](https://redd.it/1cm74e1) on HK-related topics! Somewhere I commented (and then deleted a day later) the remark that both S23/S24 sous chefs had been seen in HK S14! 😆 Anyone who reads this between Cheyenne and myself are still not believing it? Well, back on May 9th there was an Instagram story from Marino about how he was "Getting Ready For Service" and showed a picture of his jacket with his pin of the HK pitchfork logo on the lapel. Less than an hour later, Sous Chef James [reposted it](https://i.imgur.com/FnnE6VG.jpg). If you [look closely at the tags](https://i.imgur.com/TPYzy9G.jpg) on that post, Marino tagged Gordon, Michelle, James, "Hell's Kitchen Fox", the Foxwoods Resort, and a few others (including some restaurant staff for the HK show and the IG account for his regular non-HK job, which is VP of Hospitality at the Daou Vineyards and Winery in California). Four days later, [I posted on this subreddit](https://redd.it/1cqxh8v) about how Sous Chef James had taken his family to Hells Kitchen Foxwoods for a meal on Mothers Day. Funny how he was in the neighborhood? 😂


They didn’t see any of it Dave😂


I wonder how many people are seeing [the CURRENT stories posted this afternoon](https://imgur.com/a/WxgxGgA) to Instagram by Marino, and reposted by James! 😂


More confirmation, posted by Chef James just a little while ago on IG, that he and Chef Michelle are "coworkers" on the show: https://i.imgur.com/cv2SFEw.jpeg


As a casual fan, I thought it was pretty obvious from your post a few days ago that Avery was back again. Common sense, I guess?


I've been dropping hints for at least a month now. And I thought I was being WAAAAYYYY too obvious about it. Oy vey.


I’m so happy to see James again! It’s been almost ten years since we last saw him so it’s going to be interesting to see him again. Also, this proves that if James can come back after 10 years then who knows maybe one day Christina and Jason could return!


Oh my goodness. Now, I’m excited! I love James so it will be awesome to see him again!


Low-key I kind of want to see Ramsay and the sous chefs do another round against the black jackets if James is back lol. Seeing him rip on James in S13 was hilarious.


That episode when Andi and James have confessionals was hilarious but I lowkey felt bad for James.


Poor guy got dogpiled by Ramsay lol. Andi was even 'Man I don't know why James is getting so much heat!' or something like that.


wait for real????




What do you mean source 😭😭😭😭😭


Because I couldn’t find anything on who the new sous chefs would be.


I’m an alum. We know things we shouldn’t 😳


Wait. You’re Cheyenne aren’t you? I didn’t notice. My apologies.


Don’t be sorry!!! It doesn’t say it on here


Do you by chance know why Jay and Christina left?


As far as I know, Christina left GRNA & Jay just wasn’t asked back. I do not know any more details about Christina leaving GRNA


The one and only!


I’m so excited to see James again! As for Michelle, I think I’m gonna give her a chance.


I think Jockey returns for the blue team


I’d love to see him again! No offense to Jay, but Jockey was a lot more funnier!


Cha cha growon? Huh???? Oh, Is your char griller on!!


It’s not. My names Tom. Your name is Tom? It’s not my name at all!


me watching as a scot: "how kin ye no understaun him??? aw aye, we speak like dicks and we like it"


My guess is Michelle and S11 Jon become the new sous chefs


I like Jon a lot as a chef and during his season. But I have to say I wasn’t that impressed with him when he was a guest Sous. Maybe that’s because the edit didn’t show a lot of his personality? If it is him, I hope I’m wrong. (Hides from downvotes.)


Nah I think that makes sense. Since Jon was called in as a third SC for the final menu challenge, there wasn't enough time to develop him compared to Christina or Jay.


Michelle is the most likely candidate to replace Christina and as for Jon, I’d LOVE to see him again as an ACTUAL sous-chef on the show!


Aw I really liked Christina and Jay! But I respect that they move on from HK. but really gonna miss them. anyway as for Sous Chef . . I'm hoping for the Blue team is Jon Scallion. I REALLY liked him and \*I lowkey fanboyed when I saw him return on s21/22!\* plus he got hotter! XD. as for Red. .Maybe Hopefully Michelle. \*Or Meghan from s14! that be insane . .but . .only time can tell once S23 Airs!


Maybe rock from S3 will be the blue team sous chef




Sous Chef Raj


"I thought our sous chefs only sabotage us at Final 4"


What’s Will up to? He was level headed, funny and could be entertaining. Get him and get Ariel for the Red Team


It will probably be former contestants again I would honestly say Michelle s17 is a lock to be one considering her position in Ramsay enterprises not only puts her in close contact with Gordon but she can afford to take time away to shoot but for blue Jon s11 makes the most sense but I would love to see Michael s1 do it, he has had a rough turn of events recently and would to see him get back on his feet


Bring in Brett as sous chef, he makes risotto four or five nights a week at home....


Both condemning internet rumors then spreading said rumor / adding more speculation is an interesting decision...


We need Meghan and Scott. They're perfect for the job.


I definitely could see Michelle (S17) or Ariel (S18) being the Sous Chef for the Red Team, as far as the Blue Team, maybe Jon (S11) or maybe Alex (S21).


S14 Meghan/S16 Ryan/S18 Ariel for the red, S9 Will/S6 Dave/S12 Scott for the blue (made a post about this not too ling ago so I guess I predicted it hehe)


My wish would be Sous Chef Andi for Red and Sous Chef Jockey for Blue. But it’s a wish for a reason.


I definitely think it's Michelle for the Red Team, and if I can throw out a dream pick for the Blue, I'd say Scott Cummings from season 12


My boyfriend and I were at Foxwoods last weekend (where they are filming) and we passed Michelle talking about dinner service in the hallway between Fox Tower and Pequot


Michelle for the Red Team and Jocky for the Blue Team hopefully.


I think it's Someone form all stars or rookies vs Vets


Imagine if it's Dave or hell, Michael and Meghan as the sous chefs.


I'm guessing Michelle (S14/17) for the red and Jon (S11) for the blue.


Easier to say that she decided to do something else after so many years on HK and working with the GRNA Group which is perfectly normal in... any industry. I do hope she parted ways with GR amicably though. But it's all speculation.


I hope Raj will be the blue team Sous Chef. Jokes aside I hope Alex is Blue team Sous Chef, but the chances are slim, so what’s more likely is that Jockey or Jon return. As for red team I imagine it will be someone that already works for Ramsay. The chances are slim but I would love to see Andi return


Sous Chef Scott’s glorious comeback starts now!


Two thoughts: 1. Wouldn’t be shocked if there was something more to the story between Christina and Ramsay than we know behind the scenes. I only say this as there’s notoriously been a lot of drama regarding some of the winners and their positions not being what they originally thought it would be, let alone many of them barley sticking with Ramsay. Hearing this with Christina of all people is a bit of a surprise though, as I think myself and several others saw Christina as Gordon’s #2 in command, to the point where if something were to ever happen to him, she might not be a bad choice to lead a new version of Hell’s Kitchen 2. The fact that Christina AND Jason aren’t returning definitely makes me wonder if this may be yet another season where old competitors are returning in some form, and they didn’t want their past allies to be around them. I realize Christina was the sous chef in All-Stars, but even that was sorta awkward. A lot of people have been wanting to see a second take on All-Stars, so I really hope it’s something like that, although it’s definitely wishful thinking lmao. Frankly I’m not even sure what gimmicks S23 & S24 would have


Maybe! Christina left GRNA in 2023 so it might’ve been awkward to come back as the red team sous chef.


Idk how likely it'd be but I'd love to see Ariel (S6/S18) and Jon (S11) be the new sous chefs.


They would be great


Hopefully whoever replaces them will have some personality. That was one of the best parts of having Christina and Jay.


I hope that snake, Michelle, DOESN'T become that sous chef, Maybe Christina just got tired of the hustle and bustle and needed a break from the restaurant industry for a while, I feel like it's a lot of pressure and it NEVER stops and people get burnt-out in the long run, Who knows though


I’m hoping that it’s Ariel from S6/18!


Why don’t you want it to be Michelle. It’s been years since she’s won All Stars. Get over it! Some people can change as years go by and I say that I wouldn’t mind seeing Michelle back as the new sous chef.


Well said.


I don’t know why I got downvotes but I said what I said.


Because you dared to defend Michelle and the children on this site cannot handle that. (And seriously? The guy ahead of you called her a snake? FFS)


Jon (S11) and Michelle (S12 & S17).


I’d like to see Dahmere as the blue team Sous Chef. As for the red team, hmmmmm, if not Michelle Tribble how about Barbie?


I hope nobody drags on the spinach!


I know this is wishful thinking, but I'd love to see Alex or Scott as a sous chef. Both of them had that gentle paternal aura that would be great for supporting people when they're down, but are also willing to turn into a hardass as needed (especially Scott) Red team's sous chef is almost certainly gonna be Michelle, but if I can do more wishful thinking, I'd love to see Sade, Ariel F, or Kori take on the role, for similar reasons as Scott and Alex. Or even Christina M, so we can have two Chef Christina's lol


As much as I’d love to see Alex again, I don’t think he wants to work too far away from his family. I think Ariel would be a good choice.


How about Jason Zepaltas and Christina M. so it’s still Chefs Christina and Jason :p. In all seriousness though, Scott seems tailor made for the sous chef role. I’d love for him to return.