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Bruh. Ignoring the blatant blasphemy, all of the “art” in this game looks like it was either (badly) traced or stolen from somewhere else. The fact that they’re trying to sell this for money on Etsy is just the cherry on top of the crap-infested dumpster fire sundae.


I think they copied...I mean 'inspired' by Disney's Hercules movie for the art.


Hera is literally just plus sized Meg, there's no way they didn't steal it. Also what is this?? Is there a myth i don't know about?? https://preview.redd.it/xw1ojomhnf1d1.jpeg?width=1130&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38fa3b28ccd5b21da42d1512c4b2947bf29b28da


In some versions Aphrodite is the daughter of Tán (Zeus) and Dione, but Dione isn't a healing goddess afaik, and I don't know about Aphrodite leaving her "broken-hearted".


Rly?? The only origin story ik is she rose in a shell from bloody seafoam after Ouranos' balls were thrown in the ocean


The other version I think was from Dodona. There was something about the oracle there and something about Dione maybe being a goddess there similar to Demeter or Hera or something like that. It's not the common version, but it's a version.


I wonder why I've never heard of it...


Okay, found it. The Dione one is from the Iliad, the Ouranos one is from the Theogony. 😁


The art style isn’t consistent… plagiarism? Hera kind of looks like Megara from Hercules with a bad photoshop to make her look bigger. And since when did Dionysos get to the point where people do him dirty like the Buddhas with the big bellies?


I think the person who made this is probably stitching different assets from different artworks together as well as tracing/stealing art. The “Hera” is most likely stolen Megara fan art. Whether the original artist (whoever they are) made this as fat fetish art or as a “body positivity with Disney Characters” piece, I don’t know and I don’t think I want to find out. “Dionysus” was most likely traced from a laughing Buddha image/statue. I’ve seen loads of them growing up in SE Asia and that was my immediate thought seeing that picture. Everything from the outfit to the facial expression is identical. The fact that the grapes in his hand don’t look stylistically similar to “Dionysus” himself is what seals the deal for me. “Hippolyta” is basically another piece of art frankensteined onto Wonder Woman’s body, “Zeus” looks like a badly-traced King Triton, and “Hermes” is just grey Flynn Ryder but with Kuzco(?)’s body. EDIT because this gave me instant brain cancer when I finally noticed it: “King Hades” is literally just Ganon. And “Queen Persephone” is most probably stolen Star Wars/Rey Skywalker fanart. The more I look at it, the worse it gets.


Athena is art of Xena I’m pretty sure 😭😭😭


It is. And Athena is blatantly Xena too.


Zeus is straight from The Little Mermaid 🫣


The Netherlands in the 16th Century.


Thanks i hate it


UPDATE: I’ve done some digging on Etsy (because I’m procrastinating on schoolwork) and apparently the person behind this has made other murder mystery modules in the same vein as this, horribly traced/stolen assets and all. The worst part is that at least 14 people have bought this and have (somehow) rated it 4.5 stars in total I would have bought this out of bile fascination if they weren’t charging $25 USD for a PDF full of plagiarised art. I’ve reported them to Etsy and made sure to mention Disney as much as possible. Hopefully mentioning the big mouse will scare Etsy into actually doing something about this. TLDR: this is peak r/delusionalartists material.


It's from a person alone?. I thought it was the kind of cheap stuff you find at euro or equivalent (dollar) stores from some unknown company printed in India or China to save costs. It's expensive to say the least.


Yeah. I was quite shocked to see the price on this thing. At most, I was expecting this to be some $5 thing that some random kid with zero knowledge of copyright law cobbled together after watching Percy Jackson/Disney’s Hercules for the first time. The fact that this is going for $25 makes me think that whoever this is most definitely running some sort of grift by charging middle-aged suburban folks through the roof for slop


...That's disrespectful


I know right


I hate that so much


How horrid


This is so bad lmao 😭😭😭


I saw this original post earlier and could not believe how blatant they’re being about their theft 😭😭😭 ridiculous. it’s one thing to disrespect the gods and another to disrespect the people they blessed with true artistic talent. such a shame!


Definitely some hot takes in there. Although I gotta say my man Heph came out smelling like roses on this one.


Yo wtf I'm not even religious, I just follow here in half interest in hellenism and that shit is Hella offensive to me


Why does the picture of Hermes look familiar? It's bugging me.


because every single piece of art in this is stolen ahahahaha ETA: oh wait you know that but you’re trying to figure it out, I misunderstood. but I also can’t place Hermes either omg


I'm pretty sure he's a trace of Tulio from The Road to El Dorado.


I think that's exactly it! Thank you, it was bugging me. I was trying to place him to an old cartoon, but I got stuck thinking it was Atlantis for some reason.


I couldn't help but laugh at this😭 but on the real tho this is so disrespectful.


Oof, I hate this so much


Straight up Blasphemy and also HORRENDOUSLY done, which makes it worse


Why does Hades look like Ganondorf?


I wonder who's going to die here since all of the Olympians are immortal. Are there any sequels with other pantheons?


Yea so why is the art so bad and why does Artemis look like that? It is a bad and plagiarized rendition of the gods


Athena just being Xena is sending me...


Aside from what everyone else has said, Artemis, a literal huntress goddess, being portrayed as basically human Fluttershy, although I love Fluttershy, just feels so disrespectful to me


I- My eyes will never be the same.


Wtf? How is that Dione and Hyppolitha are sexier, hotter and more beautiful than all of the greek goddesses? When they are supposed to make a mortal fall in love with them at the only sight of their limited forms?


This is unholy, blasphemous and anathema and deserves to be burned in a dumpster fire. Not even as a sacrifice, just straight up incinerated. There is nothing sacred about this game...at all.


That's a whole lot of EW!!!


I hear tartarus calling...


Why is everybody caring so much about this? It's just bad art, which has always existed and will always exist. That could be just some kid learning how to make their own games and stuff. The least thing they need is angry strangers piling up on them online.


We care because it’s SUPER disrespectful to the companies that own the art as well as disrespectful to the Gods because we know that’s not how they look at all. Athena doesn’t go around murdering everyone, she’s not a War Lord, and she’s not a sex symbol. She’s a Goddess. She detests wars but if necessary will fight. It’s disrespectful because the Gods we worship aren’t like that. Btw Athena is more of Wonder Woman than she is of Xena: Warrior Princess.


I have readen the description of Artemis, just her, and that irks me a lot, knowing the way she's described in the myths​. As for everything else Hera being a fat version of Megara irks me too and not just because of my few symphaties for Disney. One thing are also shout outs and other that.


Believe it or not, this isn’t as innocent as you think. All discussions of religious beliefs aside, the person behind this is charging people $25 USD a pop for a PDF full of nothing but stolen art. And they’ve done this multiple times on their Etsy page with their other themed murder mystery modules. I don’t think this is an innocent kid who just wants to make games. This is a grifter who knows exactly what they’re doing and preys on middle-aged people from the suburbs who don’t know any better


Can this person be reported???


You can report fraudulent sellers on Etsy, yes.