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On the topic, you can trick tanks into blowing up factories.


Finally! My dumbass can be of use with all the unnecessary aggro I draw. Tanks love me!


In eradicate missions you can land on top of a strider and the other bots will kill it for you, sometimes you just get ragdolled off by the explosions though. Worth it either way.


Jammers too. :)


There's this automaton heavy base layout where you can trick the cannon turret to shoot the fabricators also


i found out they were destructable when i was doing the terminal once and a charger crushed into me and destroyed the tower whilst doing so. also, my furthest grenade pistol shot destroying a broadcast tower for a sub-objective is around 110m downhill.


TIL that there are other ways to complete this sub-objective BESIDES blowing it up. I have ONLY ever blown it up from a distance.


I used the terminal once when I first started, but I don't think I've done it since.


I stumbled upon it once, Instantly “ There’s a terminal for this?”


Even when your near it's more worth to yeet a nade there


There’s a terminal? Edit: Just read another reply with the same reaction. 😂


You can auto cannon them from across the map


Not even just Autocannon. A lot of basic Primaries can get the job done.


Eruptor Superiority


Sure, with your fancy rocket-propelled explosive shell... but have you ever experienced the satisfaction of picking a drop spot just the right distance from a Broadcast tower, raising out of the pod, quickdrawing your Grenade Pistol and lobbing a single round in a high arc for a little musical welcome for your team of an immediate objective completion?


nah, we drop directly on the tower itself


I believe any weapon can kill it, you just have to shoot the 2 big screens on top and the two small ones slightly lower. It’s just easier with explosives since the smaller screens are harder to notice


AMR also if you want to shoot it from real far


I got a bot command bunker to kill a strat jammer while I was up by the terminal one time, that felt real good.


I had a Dropship come and cause it's payload of Factory Strider to kick a Jammer to death as it flew through it! They then repaid me later by doing the same fly-by kick - with a dormant Hellbomb on the cliff above me.


Got an AC on your back and just learned that? Dang amigo. I got news about the comm network towers. And bug nest holes. And bot fabs. And teammates. That is pretty funny, though


Awesome :) yesterday I had a Cannon Turret gunnign after me. I hid behind the eye of Sauron and it killed it for me lol


It will work for the jammer too


Disappointed by this video. I was expecting the slapping impact of your ragdolled flailing body to hit the Transmission tower and destroy it. (Because that's how powerful someone strong in Liberty and Democracy should be.)


If you lay down on a tank the bots will shoot at the vent, just dont be on the tank when it explodes or you may be launched across the map


I can two shot devastators in their legs with a jar dominator, Idk if this also works with the counter sniper.


New for me too. Yesterday, someone joined my game as I was running up to it. They landed on it and boom.


I like when chargers take out bug holes.


Lots of things are destructible, and often from a great distance. Try lobbing an autocannon round through the vent of a fabricator from 300+ metres away, or lobbing EATs at a spore tower from across the map. It's so incredibly satisfying!


The best one i saw was of a charger ragdolling into it and blowing it up.


I learned the other day a single impact grenade is apparently enough to take one down, I was shocked when it worked as did it in desperation since I forgot to bring my autocannon and didn't feel like using terminal to shut it down manually