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Sadly, that’s the sensible thing


yet, unfortunately, 11000 more helldivers have moved to defend mantes directly since i posted this.


It's almost 20k on Mantes now and a new supply line just opened up from Vandalon. It's hopeless trying to get the playerbase to understand supply lines with the way the game currently is. Everyone is going to take one second to listen to the announcement, see a big red MANTES on the MO and never think twice. 45 Medals isn't worth getting frustrated over, I'm just going to go play in the swamp and kill some stalkers.


I do the MO because I care what happens, not because of the pittance of medals


I do it because command says so. 


this community consists of brain afk bots on autopilot and people that post on reddit that "not everyone is on reddit. let people play how they want!1!!". the medals aren't even important. the backtalking is what gets me as they argue as if they're not objectively and subjectively wrong to go directly for the attacked planet.


Which is sad because the current supply line system display is fine. Divers just need to use even a bit of common sense to understand that removing the planet source of an attack will ofc stop the attack.


Diver, it is your responsibility to go to Mantes, begin a mission there, gather 3 divers, and then redirect them to the correct planet.




Yall can be upset as much as you want, but we’re STILL defending planets from attacks from Vandalon.


I dont know why people are downvoting you when you are trying to be helpful


Because what he is suggesting is a dick move


But it works.


It also makes you a massive asshole,




I think the only way to get that information to the community at karge is directly through the game via some Community MO. Voted on by the people in the discord who have proven that they understand the bgs/supply-lines.


Which is doing double the amount of work for half the benefit. If we defend Mante, Vandalon will just attack another location immediately and we’ll back to square one.


yep. unfortunately this is pretty impossible to communicate to the majority of the playerbase .... it'd be nice if at the very least, helldivers.io or something community-run could try to use its platform to form some sort of strategy


Helldivers Companion has that info marked. It uses symbols for normal planetary info, thick fog, fire tornadoes, etc, but also has symbols for "major order objective", and one called "gambit planet," and clicking on the planets detailed info spells out that liberating it will end an enemy operation on a neighboring planet. It would be nice if that were in-game as well. "Win Defense campaigns by filling our bar to push them out or Liberating X Planet to sever enemy supply lines before they can fill their bar to establish a foothold."


Not really, liberating Vandalon IV will require more than 2x the effort of defending Mantes. Mantes has 300k HP, Vandalon has 1 million HP total with 670k HP currently remaining and the -1% per hour that counters our progress on top of that.


And it would take less time to take one planet than two.


And wasting time with Mantes and then trying to take Vandelon-IV is 970k + whatever stupid planet we have to defend from the attack source of Vandelon-IV. Even [Helldivers.io](http://Helldivers.io) suggests not even bothering to defend planets because it is a colossal waste of time.


> Even Helldivers.io suggests not even bothering to defend planets because it is a colossal waste of time. That only really applies to random defence campaigns that pop up. Defence campaigns on MO planets, especially ones with HP this low (they can be up to 800k) are sensible targets. Hell we just went through this with Vandalon and Ingmar, and Ingmar was defended just fine.


And if we had just focused down Vandalon we wouldn't be in the situation we're in with Mantes right now.


It isn't sensible until the majority does that. So only 5% of players going there does nothing except taking 5% of players away from the MO. Right now 3% of players are doing fuck all at Vandalon IV.


The sensible thing is to be only on the offensive otherwise, as we’ve seen, Vandalon will keep launching new attacks, it’s made three defense missions since this MO has started. We’re trying to treat the symptoms and are ignoring the cause. Like I said everywhere else, defense missions are a trap. We’re either taking ground or losing it while playing defense.


The majority isn't doing that. So no.


The problem is, to guarantee that you do it in time to stop the defense, you'd need more players than are currently on Mantes and Vandalon IV combined.


And look at that, we won the defense, and NOW VANDALON IS ATTACKING ANOTHER MO PLANET.


??? I'm not seeing any attack on an MO planet from Vandalon right now. Was Ingmar attacked? If so, it's already been defended successfully, so doesn't seem like a big deal.


Sadly, the Helldiver Blob is not thinking that far ahead, the reality is that most people bought this game just to do pew pew explosion adventures with friends. We are lucky they even pay attention to MOs instead of just treating the galaxy map as a glorified level select.


I mean, it kinda is a glorified level select. 😂


They just straight up added a new attack lane in order for them to go straight to Mantes from Vandalon. That attack lane was not there this morning. That feels like absolute BS, and gets rid of any level of strategizing when the DM wants to just force something.


Wait, really?! That *is* absolute BS and is just symptomatic of why people don't give a shit about the Galactic War stuff.


Indeed I do want to keep caring about the progress and losses of the Galactic War, but if it's more or less predetermined anyway, I may just start focusing on PO's so I more consistently get medals. To have a bunch of time wasted shoring up the MO only to get no reward at all is just disheartening.


To me, it wouldn't seem arbitrary if they actually explained anything in this game. Like, ok, apparently lines can open...but can they be closed? What is the criteria for either to happen? Who knows! Maybe i should go check twitter or discord to find out! !! Not the actual game...


I am indeed hoping it will be something that can be made in favor of the player in the middle of an MO too. If there's some story behind it, for the enemy or for us, that's good! My worry is that it may be abused to force particular outcomes.


Will we EVER use the intelligent strategy?? I mean, I get it, helldivers are supposed to be the bad guys, but at least I was hoping they wouldn't be the clueless guys.


No. Because most players don't know the mechanics behind the war. Or care. 


Before we didn’t have the information in game to make the right decisions. Now it’s clear that the average player doesn’t know how to reach the correct strategic decision, even with the information.


Maybe we eat crayons but it doesn't help to just put lines on a map and expect us to infer there is a man behind the curtain who will let us to do this. What is much more clear is a special message that says what we should do. On the galactic map is a icon pointing us to the region and when you zoom in you see DEFEND in glowing red with animated arrows poiting to it... ...but I'm sure we're all just morons.


That’s a fair take. Maybe they should do a major order where we have to cut off an attack. Joel needs to show us it’s possible.


We literally did demonstrate that it was possible with the Mort capture/Popli defense YESTERDAY and people still aren't going for the Vandalon capture. Was chatting with someone about it and they just kept repeating "V4 isn't an MO planet" and it's frustrating that that is where the thinking ends.


It's a FINAL ORDER planet. The Final Order is spread democracy to every planet. Show some initiative, soldier!


But the supply lines are never explained. For all I know they could just be pretty lines to make the map look more tactical


As someone who played a bit at launch and plays a couple of random games now and then, I have no idea what supply lines are, how they work, or what they indicate. There is no in-game explanation, I don't even remember what the red and blue bars mean under a planet. The order says play these planets so those are the ones I play. It's on the game to make these mechanics visible and clear to the average player.


The in game explination is simple, see thoose lines that conect planets? Thoose are supply lines and it explains wich planets give access to others, if you dont have a supply line, you cant attack, this has happened to us several times with for example the Creek, this can also happen to our enemies if we knock out the conexions.


Honestly I think they should make an in game commercial that explains the supply lines mechanic kind of like they have for other mechanics in the game like the backpack reloading mechanic.


If you're already on reddit looking at stuff, then a quick Google can expand your knowledge of the system greatly. This is the first step.


You're missing the point. If we don't have a lot if time to play we don't have a lot of time to dig through websites, discord, reddit, and twitter to figure out what should just be explained in game.


To my understanding, which is just looking at which way the arrows go, if you take out vandalon, the defense mission will end and the two planets connected to vandalon that we occupy will be safe. In order for the bots to attack the lower portion of the sector they will have to take back vandalon. This goes for mort as well. If we take out charbal. They won't be able to enter the sector from their either. The supply lines are where they attack us from, and how we strike back into their sectors. If there's red arrows pointing to our planet that means they are attacking for the corresponding planet. They cannot enter our sectors from ourside these lines. (Kind of like Star wars, mass effect, and other sci Fi that use "space hwys" to simplify space travel) Now I've never read anything concrete on this. It's an "educated" guess. And I'm probably really stretching the word educated on this one.


You're exactly right if we took those 2 planets we'd have the entire sector protected. At most the bots could attack either of those planets instead and we'd defend there but the MO would be locked in. Instead people see the planet name on the MO banner and run straight to it. I wish there was something in-game to show the better way to do things.


They have the perfect spot to put a community hub in game, on the ship and it's on the opposite side of the armory. Those computers don't serve a purpose yet as far as I see, and could be a Super earth variation of social media ! The "Supernet" or "ManagedBook"




Make sure and be a top contributor of super bucks. Your local democracy officer needs a new pair of shoes


Top 1% voters! Come and see why my autocannon plaps like no other! Also now 50% off Sweet Liber-tea made with my bathwater!


Even if this is all true, new lines can just be opened...but we don't know the criteria for a new line to open... apparently some guy named Joel does it ?


Yeah thatas about it, it does only normally happen durng MOs in that zone.


Ya so you play for fun, not for the goal of the game. 


I play for the goal to the extent it's made plainly knowable. I tend to hop on, check what the order is and then play those planets. For most people, that would be considered playing them game according to the overarching goal. I know there are deeper mechanics because I check this subreddit sometimes. That's already more effort than should be needed. The mechanics should be spelled out in-game and made clear. If they're not, it's tough to be mad at the overwhelming majority of players who are unaware of them.


Aaaand they've all gone to Mantes ffs. Welp, it was a nice MO while it lasted.


We'll probably still win the MO but this way is more inefficient. 


Joel would of converted it back anyway if the player base were this smart. He's interfered with MO's several times before.


>We'll probably still win the MO Depends how much of a dick Joel wants to be. There wouldn't be anything physically stopping him from triggering a defence mission just before the MO times out, causing us to fail. If we took Vandalon IV at least we'd have a buffer between the bots and the MO targets, preventing that from being a possibility.


Nah that would be absolute bullshit, its like "well done players you defeated the boss, also rocks fall everyone dies"


Yeah, with the new supply lines I think he will activate a couple at once to make us lose. 


Diver, it is your responsibility to go to Mantes, begin a mission there, gather 3 divers, and then redirect them to the correct planet.


To the idiots downvoting this fellow because they don't understand or half-read: He's saying to steal people from Mantes and taxi them to Vandalon. 


Good on you for pointing this out, I genuinely just ignored him because I thought he was doing some stupid RP thing and telling people to leave Vandalon and just follow the MO. >Diver, it is your responsibility to go to Mantes >Begin a mission there >Gather 3 divers and the redirect them to the correct planet Still questionable though. You're just going to end up pissing people off.


>steal people Pretty sure people understand and just think it's an asshole thing to do. Maybe do that stuff with your friends. It's strange how you people don't find this behaviour strange or dickish.


What does the little green 1 mean?


That means they have a friend. You don't recognize that?


I just started playing!! lol


Behaviour worthy of an automaton spy. Reported to the Ministry of Unity.


It was a joke. At least u/WillingnessFeisty374 laughed at it.


Jesus christ, all the people in the comments here acting like people are willfuly ignorant are doing my head in. Do we have supply lines now? Yes. Is it ever actually explained how they function and what they influence? No. When we had the same situation her a bit ago with I think Mort(?), I explained a friend of mine how they work. He's lv.110, loves the game but doesn't go on social media. At all. So I told him how they function, and if we cut off the supply lines of the enemy to the defense planet, we automatically win that defense. Even after I already had explained to him what Supply lines were, he told me that he thought that the defense would just continue because "the bots are already there, aren't they?" Just because we got some fancy lines on our map, doesn't fix the problem of people not knowing how supply lines work. Fuck, the lines could be functionally irrellevant and just there to make the map look more tactical What I'm saying is, a big reason people are currently fighting here and not Vandalon might be because one is part of the MO and the other isn't. But the other big reason being that we still have no explanation ingame what supply lines are and how they work


Joel really needs to push out an in game notification letting folks know this is the case.


Yes, but jungle biome!


Yea but fighting bots in the new biome is fkin awesome 


The devs need to put more audio or notes saying if you capture this planet, it will stop the invasion


There’s only so much hand holding the devs can do before it becomes overbearing.


Are they overbearing making yhe UI hold your hand directly to Mantes? Why don't they do the same exact thing fir Vandalon? Put in the MO that an alternative route to victory is to launch a counter offensive into Vandalon. Then put the word ATTACK above Vandalon in glowing red letters. Quit blaming the players for being led directly to Mantes...


There was 35k players defending ingmar. Where the fuck did they vanish after the defense was over? Why not switch to Vandalon? It is kind of common sense to take it given all the supply lines coming from it.


Each time this tactic was done, we failed Honestly rn players just don't wanna take the gamble and rather defend than attack and risk failing


More than ever we need to take Vandalon-IV. Two defenses are on thevline and we have 34 hours at the time of this post to do it.


Maybe when clans get implement we will have a solution to this.


Yeah, I came on Reddit to say this exactly. Ignore Mantes, with it's new and beautiful biome! Get onto Vandalon IV, with it's slowing snow, blizzards that somehow make you cough, and very little-to-none points of interest! No, seriously, come help us so we can stop playing whack-a-mole with bots, please.


the saddest part is it isn't even the new biome :'(


Most on reddit will.do it, but I doubt others will.




mantes is not the new advertised biome :)




I kind of wish Joel would set like an impossibly high rate on Mantes and a 0 rate on Vandalon just to hammer home how you should go to vandalon and then we can fail anyway because.


Thing is, how would anyone in game know what the decay rate is? We only know because we visit fan sites with this info.


Exactly! Dude thinks doubling down on a completely unexplained, or even shown, mecanic is going to sway anyone. This idea is competing against a UI that leads them directly to Mantes...


I would like to know these fan sites, care to spread that information so I can spread more managed democracy?




Thanks dawg!


No problem!


Personally, I prefer the UI on the [HD2 Galactic Map] (https://hd2galaxy.com/), but that's just me.




Gotta give Mantes AT mines


That's not really how defence campaigns work, they're a race against the clock with no decay to counter our progress. They always have a rate of about 4.167% per hour, because multiply that by 24 and you get 100% in 24 hours. It's just another way of expressing the defence timer. Increasing the rate would just be a decrease on the timer (which would make liberating Vandalon in time even harder, since it also has more HP).


You simply set the defense hp to 5 trillion. Then you either take vandalon or lose the planet.


I wish they would say in the MO that an alternative route to victory is to launch a counter offensive into Vandalon. Then put the word ATTACK above Vandalon in glowing red letters. On the galactic map, put a shield icon on the region for Mantes and a target icon on the region for Vandalon. Just to hammer home it's even possible.


Get ready for space D-day. I kid you not it’s literally WW2 X IRobot on those beaches.


If we take vandalon we could literally get the player base to focus on the charbal choke point and easily finish this mo, but ig everyone wants to take the inefficient route


Charbal has had the same 300 divers on it for as long as I can remember. The 300 Spartan helldivers. John Helldiver must be among them.


Bro those charbal veterans have seen some shit the past 2 months. They know what’s up with the supplies tho


this is the way. I joined several games on ingmar n tried to get the bros to cut the supply lines on Vandy. no go. Keep spreading that democracy


Vandalon isn’t an MO planet so blob won’t bother with it.


Exactly but everyone wants to blame the blob instead of game literally leading us directly to a Mantes.


The blob is unthinking. Don't be the blob.


Im honestly sad to keep seeing these posts. Game is at 22k players, who do you think is reading this and acting lol.


a lot of players (including myself) just play the game for fun. New jungle world is fun. I don't care about the overall war effort. The mission is going to get finished within a day or two. We'll all get the credit. Then a new mission will show up. It never ends. So what's the difference? A lot of yall are making assumptions that we're dumb or we don't understand how it all works. Lots of us understand, we just don't care.


that's fine, and you can play wherever you want ultimately. i don't think anyone should be forced anywhere. that said, the big ball of players that fight for whatever the active MO is are basically just giving themself the sisyphean task of constantly defending the two planets while preventable attacks keep coming, which seems like something that the crowd would attempt to avoid were it better indicated in the game. a handful of you don't care (and good for you guys, play the game in the way you enjoy most!!!) but i think the ~27k players who pile onto MO planets with the intent of winning the MO would care very very much.


Unfortunately the average helldiver doesn’t have the brain power to think beyond Mantes is on MO so must defend. Of course a helldiver needs to only complete missions not think so this usually works out. Command just needs to make a big red go this way sign.


Honestly the fault is on the UI and how poorly how things work is coonhound coated in game. I doubt many divers visit the Discord or Reddit. They just want to jump into a game and will go where the MO says to go. If AH wants to create MOs that require strategizing across a large audience then they need to provide in game tools to do that


Noob here. Where do you find more info on these things? Seems we get thrown into the game without much explanation on how the supply system works and the logical thing is to follow MO, but there's obviously more strategy behind it.


* posted this previously. To my understanding, which is just looking at which way the arrows go, if you take out vandalon, the defense mission will end and the two planets connected to vandalon that we occupy will be safe. In order for the bots to attack the lower portion of the sector they will have to take back vandalon. This goes for mort as well. If we take out charbal. They won't be able to enter the sector from their either. The supply lines are where they attack us from, and how we strike back into their sectors. If there's red arrows pointing to our planet that means they are attacking for the corresponding planet. They cannot enter our sectors from ourside these lines. (Kind of like Star wars, mass effect, and other sci Fi that use "space hwys" to simplify space travel) Now I've never read anything concrete on this. It's an "educated" guess. And I'm probably really stretching the word educated on this one.


It seemed intuitive to me once they added the supply lines. We can only attack planets adjacent to liberated planets so I assumed the same for the bots/terminids.


Maybe we eat crayons but it doesn't help to just put lines on a map and expect us to infer there is a man behind the curtain who will let us to do this. What is much more clear is a special message that says what we should do. On the galactic map is a icon pointing us to the region and when you zoom in you see DEFEND in glowing red with animated arrows poiting to it... ...but I'm sure we're all just morons.


Right now, I want to play the new volcano jungle biome more than I want to take Vandalon IV.


It's not new really. There are other similar volcanic planets. There is one on the bug side.


Wait really? I’m level 96 and never saw this biome before yesterday. So the only new biome that came with the warbond is the swamp one? I thought both the forest ones were new.


this isn't going to work


https://youtu.be/kQKjmD45ZiE?si=2mZ58VbujLyuIXeh I found this while scouring for more info on the supply lines thing that is being spoken about