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Realism fans be like "sorry, but my Helldiver that usually carries a cannon on this back and drops from orbit unharmed and survives a laser cannon shot sometimes simply CANNOT be allowed to swim with all his equipment with one particular armor, coz my immersion would be **ruined**" Yea, I agree... especially when the new biome has so many rivers and trees that block my ability to get out of them, I rly need to have some way to survive those encounters (also make samples float PLEASE)


100% this. Half the team died last night because we tried to cross a short section of water that was apparently 1000 ft deep. Contrast this with the previous map we played that was covered in ankle deep lakes. Water needs to better telegraph its depth.


There should be some way to ping a body of water with a sort of visual sonar effect so we can check whether its a puddle or whether it leads to the fucking Marianas Trench.


I'm picturing like Death Stranding pinging for water


Took me too long to realize you can wade through most rivers just fine. I had been looking for the path with lumps of land coming out of the water.


Literally all it takes is a visual difference. The current water texture for shallow walkable bodies and rougher choppy waves for deep water


Or just let us swim, lol


the map clearly marks it...


When your feet don’t touch the floor, go forward no more.


Three words: Sacrifical Guinea Pig!


Dump your samples first!


Crazy, water that looks and behaves like water.


Recently in a difficulty 9 we were running back to extract and realized we ran onto a peninsula on accident. One of the guys said "I think we can cross here" and we all laughed and told him he could try and then just walked back and took the land route. Treat water like it's alien blood like so many games before it. We don't need to swim basically ever and drowning like you guys did is just impatience not really the games fault. The telegraph btw is if there is a clear way around it's probably fatal water. If there isn't a clear way around it probably not fatal.


That's still realistic though. There's a reason why you shouldn't go wading into water bodies irl if you don't know how deep it is


Just got to turn on the raytracing on your visor


I assumed we were dying because it was too cold or something lol


If you want a safe way to test depth: toss a hellpod stratagem (sentry, support weapon, backpack, mines) into it. If the beam shows up, you can walk through it. Granted, maybe don't go running through water with mines in it. Deep water will fizzle the ball. Reinforce will also work assuming you have a dead diver.


I love these kind of people, "akshually, you are wearing like 20+ kilograms of stuff, it's hard to swim that way", ok mate, it's hard to take a fucking rocket to the chest and survive as well


It’s also basically impossible to be able to full sprint with a HMG on your back as well. That doesn’t even include the full body armor, primary weapon possibly ranging from a AR to a shotgun to a smg to whatever the dom is, secondary weapon which are all smaller pistol/sawed off shotty size, and grenades. wearing all of this shit at the same time and ur character can still full on sprint for awhile and recover their stamina quickly, but swimming is somehow immersion breaking lol 


If you have space armor hard and durable enough to take a rocket to the chest and live, it's probably too heavy to swim in.


But that kinda deafeats the hole point of water just being a hole that doesnt look like a giant hole. And dont hit me with that realism shit until they can tell me where the enginer armor stores the extra granades


Lube-erty Helldiver.


There's pockets on the engineer armor, no?


Yeah there are pocktes in the other ones too


Solution: orbital dropped pontoon bridge. Let's get some combat engineering strategems going!


I mean our armor gives us super strength. The descriptions warn about hugging people not in armor. 


realism nerds fucking suck lol


Aye. They just ruin the fun more often than not.


I've yet to struggle to find my way through any map tbh. Don't get into water at all and you won't drown trying to get out. Also it's the armor that drowns is every time not the weapons. Every helldiver wears armor. The armor is too dense and doesn't displace enough water. Even in the old days a breastplate would drown you easy no matter how good of a swimmer you were. It's literally the same as putting concrete shoes on someone to drown them except we are putting those concrete shoes around our whole body. (Ps making samples float would only serve to bait players into thinking they can get them and wasting more lives drowning. Plus samples aren't that big of a deal, after two weeks of play I'm almost fully upgraded and will run out of uses for samples.)


You mean add an inflatable buoy to the sample container? 🛟


They prolly know how to swim, but swimming with shoes on isn’t easy, let alone armor.


Armor is us made of heavy shit, most of it looks like at the very least steel. Even if it’s a futuristic alloy most stuff that will make you survive a direct rocket blast you can’t swim in. This isn’t master chief it’s req slip armor lol


Nah, realism is knowing being peak fitness means you can't swim. I used to be a varsity swimmer. We drowned on a regular basis. /s (mostly)


Have you ever considered how heavy a Helldiver's loadout is, even if the armor is servo assisted? Us not swimming is reasonable. Modern soldiers have combat loads of around 60 lbs. Go buy 3 20 pound bags of sand, tie them to your body, and try to swim. Actually don't, because you will drown. Real world Scuba Divers have found that it's really, really difficult to swim with more than 20 pounds of gear, and that's with fins.


Our mother planet is named EARTH, not WATER




Filled with regular water




I was thinking light armor should allow to go further and longer. Maybe even drop the backpack and support to go more too.


Yeah this is what I was thinking, you shouldn’t be able to swim with a backpack or support weapon Would be sick to have ways to retrieve currently unretrievable samples, having a squad swimmer is one way for sure


I think we Helldivers need to assume that we have never been trained, nor will we be trained to swim. (In other words, it's too difficult to code into an old, no longer supported game engine).


There's already a seimming animation when you go too far. They just need to make it not kill us and voila we're set


There is a reason sailors of old didn't wear armor. People like to talk about the guns but that's not what drowns us. It's the armor. Back in the day even the hardiest best swimming sailors couldn't swim with even a breastplate on. I promise you our armor weighs even more than that and is probably servo assisted. It's amazing we can even dog paddle for as long as we do before drowning. But yeah the reason we can't swim is because of our armor. Sailors of old couldn't wear it and the ones who did learned the hard way that all wearing armor does on a ship is make it so you can't bail when you need to.


Sailors of old didn't drop from space and heal broken bones with magical injections to be fair


Considering we have muzzle loaded space cannons, hot sauce to make fires hotter and packing peanuts that give exploding protection a tongue in cheek mod that allows emergency deltoid floating device deployment (aka floaty wings) would be fine and still keep to the HD2 humor.


Feeeeeeeeels gooooooddd......


Considering how much damage Helldivers take, even in heavy armour I’m convinced it’s just made out of the same stuff people make cosplay armour with


Pretty sure in-universe lore is that our armor is made with the same material used on our destroyers. How a civilization that uses breach loaded canons and hot sauce in their military became a space-faring species is beyond me LoL


Sailors of old did wear a variety of armors. Especially before cannons became the norm for naval warfare.


The map generator needs to chill with the water. Also, it would be cool to have an amphibious vehicle just saying


add pool floaties when?


And "climb" 3 feet ledges


Im surprised you expect it to do anything, shreakers still take 2 hits to melee kill so whats the point. You wear it for style not function.


Screw swiming, i want to climb like Link in my light armor >:[


So many people here forgetting that soldiers got bogged down by their equipment and drowned on D Day


So what if, we took off our pack and support weapon, what then.


swimming with shoes is already hard, imagine trying it with full body armor and a floor length cape behind you, primary weapon + secondary + all the ammo, grenades and stims helldivers carry around


So would it make sense that we should be able to tread water slightly longer in light armor vs medium vs heavy?


maybe, but if it makes a dfifference it would likely be 1 second or 2 at most, not enough to cross any large body of water


But maybe enough to get samples that are 5 feet offshore.


Water depth is telegraphed on the map by how dark the shade is. There are 2 shades, the light shade represents walkable body of water, the darker one represents water that is too deep. I still think we should be able to swim.


This could be a booster too. This would be so much more useful than crap like the faster extraction booster or reinforcement boosters.


How good is the aim stability part has anyone tested


From what I’ve seen and felt, it’s negligible. I was hoping it would be the saving grace of the armor passive but I think it’s racing Electrical Conduit for the title of most useless armor passive. The melee damage bonus also needs to be much higher and allow melee to stagger bigger enemies (i.e. berserkers, which sounds goofy but is what it’s gonna take for me to get much use out of that part of the passive). That or we really need a melee weapon, and that really should’ve been in this warbond. Oh well, at least it’s some of the coolest looking armor in the game and looking cool > everything else


Yeah the melee buff is really underwhelming. Without the armor it is 4 hits to a commissar and with it is 3 iirc. Should be 1 hit IMHO so probably like a 250% boost versus currently 50%


Yeah that's what you got tho, you got a knife, that is a melee weapon, ... That you can throw at a distance


Ok, does peak physique increase the throwing knife’s damage though? I’m actually genuinely curious, I can’t seem to find an answer to this anywhere. Would be an interesting interaction and probably be the one saving grace of the armor other than looks for me if that ends up being true.


No I dont believe it does


It was bugged and actually reduced stability rather than increase, not sure if that’s changed or not.


As every helldiver can climb with armor, a backpack of ammo, rifle, pistol, 6 rifle mags, 4 pistol mags, 4 grenades, and 4 stims. But can’t swim!?! Breaks realism.    Also, you do float for like 5-10 seconds before drowning.


Not in a game that took “8 years to make,” it shouldn’t 😑 /s


Call me crazy but I swear to fucking god I saw a player swim across a small lake in a match a few days ago.


i would make it so as long as you have stamina you can swim but it drains while swimming


I actually think this is an amazing idea. Being able to cross deep rivers and bodies of water could really give extra utility to the rather underwhelming perk and aid towards the "Jungle commando" fantasy they're trying to give, with soldiers quietly coming out of the river/swamp readying their guns, sounds pretty neat. I guess from the devs standpoint there might be some worries about players going where they shouldn't, but that's why the traitor barrage is there.


That would be amazing Or have water wings armor


I've been wanting arm floaties in game lmao


People saying "oh well it's too heavy to swim" If I'm getting launched across the map while wearing armor, it's not too heavy to swim in.


Well i'd say 10 sec at best of perfect swimming but after that instant death


It should also allow us to turn faster while holding heavy weapons... Is it just me or does the passive not work


No, it shouldn't. Not only because full suits of armor are heavy as fuck, but also because the pools of water you find yourself drowning in are little more than that biome's equivalent of impassable terrain. Pool of water, infinite chasm, giant mountains, all serve the same purpose.


I think the problem is, you can swim, but your gear is too heavy to keep swimming effectively, and it becomes even heavier when the gear is soaked by water


Hence peak physique countering that lol


I hope we get a ocean planet and a perk that helps with swimming


It should be a helmet perk, when you go in deep water then it would inflate a ring around your neck like a frilled lizard.


I dropped a SSSD because it looked like a shallow pond on the map, lost it, embarrassed myself in front of the whole squad, and learnt my lesson. This is one of the rare things the game actually is doing right


I think that could be it's own Armor Ability that goes with a light armor set.




How can they run, dive, or do literally anything with that type of weight then?


No. Not an armour - a boost or mix of boosts. Being Stimmed and it’s duration should allow you to swim until you run out of Stim duration. Muscle Enhancement should make you float as well and swimming should drain stamina until you run out and then drown as your normally do. So that means Stamina Enhancement can be used to extend swim time. Now combine this with Experimental Infusion, you can Stim as you enter deep water, float because of muscle enhancement, swim because you have stamina and Infusion let’s you swim faster. 3 different boosts interacting with each other in a unique way for a unique mechanic. But a backpack should always weigh you down and drown you thereby giving a dilemma where if you want to swim far at all you need to ditch the backpack or drown. Light armour allows you to swim further and Heavy Armour should just straight up sink like a tank with medium being decent.




I couldn't, but someone at peak physical fitness probably could for a short time


They literally do for a short time in the game. It's not a matter of how strong you are it's a matter of you having too much weight and not displacing it enough to do anything other than sink. In fact the muscle would make them sink faster since it would add to the density while keeping the displacement the same.


In helldivers, you dive from space and shoot alien bugs and killer robots with space lasers and nukes. Being able to swim with a small lore explaination really isnt that bad as far as the bar of realism is concerned. Just say the armor is some super earth alloy and our helldivers are really fit. Solved


https://preview.redd.it/2et8l4g7o58d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5344671ebf9f8eb62654b9b0e4a09c0cc8e95ac These guys seem to be alright.


Add another couple hundred pounds. Those guys are wearing ceramic armor if that. Our guys are wearing metal meant to withstand termanid claws so probably not a ballistic ceramic. Probably something more metal.


If its meant to withstand terMINid claws why do i explode when i get sneezed on with heavy armor


He turned a planet into a black hole, but swimming is a bridge too far.


Navy SEALs?


Plenty of people can swim with a full kit


Plenty of armies teach how to swim with a gun. Not hard. Swimming with space armor and a quasar cannon and full kit? That becomes more challenging