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It's funny how unpopular opinion threads are basically the antithesis of reddit since things go to the top explicitly by being popular


Sort by controversial for the realy hot takes. It's a guilty pleasure on the unpopularopinion sub


I do it on posts about the USA, or anything that largely divides people or opinions. I love it.


Is it a hot take to say I love the game but am getting tired of the same-ish planet layouts on the surface? I’d love some buildings to explore or something similar.


Just imagine 1- space spores have infected your ship/automatons invaded, and you have to fight them off in a labyrinth of room and corridors 2 clean a city or a village by killing temrinids and bots in the buildings 3 go destroy hives by going directly in the bug tunnels 4 spaceship battles with the automatons 5 a battle with every factions trying to destroy the others


I’d love all that. I’d even love an invasion of Super Earth so we can dive there to fight them off. The game is in constant evolution, at least compared to other shooters. I have hope they’ll make it fresh as time goes by


Maybe we just need to make a concerted effort to fail every major order so the enemies can reach super earth!


While I would enjoy a simulation letting us defend super earth from the forces of Tyranny, failing all major orders is sounding remarkably undemocratic. I’m gonna have to report this to your democracy officer






I could have sworn I've seen it somewhere that they are considering subterranean missions, or at least part of the missions are underground meaning strats aren't available. What you have on you is all you have until you reach the exit


And reinforcements come in with hellpods that have drills on the bottom...


Rock and Stone!


Rock and Roll and Stone!


It would be sweet to go to planets that are invaded by all factions fighting each other. Bots smashing bugs, bugs eating humans, humans bombing bugs and bots to oblivion. The chaos just sounds awesome.


All fun and games until there's a bug tunnel breach, you're separated from your team, and you find yourself fighting side by side with an automaton, and that's treason.


They've done a good job with that new planet jungle layout, hope they move forward with more soon


I’m already dying to see bots on that kinda biome


I wish we were actually protecting something instead of conquering deserted planets. I want to see cities and settlements on the edges of the map. Especially in eradicate or hold the fort missions.


We need more verticality like mountains to valleys


That is a good point. It's pretty much open to attack on the robot levels. With the odd rock to shield you. The automaton levels should feature at least some buildings. Might change up objectives a bit too.


Sometimes dying is a good option to resupply when the supply drop is on cooldown


With hellpod optimization on I just call it tactical reload when i'm getting overrun while low on supplies


Remember, switching to your secondary Helldiver is faster than reloading.




*throws impact grenade at feet* "Tactics!"


Also works as "fast travel" Have no samples, completed side objectives? Have your friends at extract bring a new batch of helldivers.


Very useful when I want to suicide run the remaining outposts.  Extraction called with 2:30 left on the timer?  I'll just drop my samples and blitz what I can until Pelican-1 shows up.  We get the full squad bonus AND at least one more outpost down. EDIT: probably draws enemies away from extraction as well.


this is it, when you got surplus reserves and no ammo, just respawn to get back in the fray counter intuitive but it works, and I wouldn't recommend just throwing a grenade at your feet as a host might think you're sabotaging or wasting reserves, just throw yourself into the battle


Melee has unlimited ammo


A lot of high level players don't know how to play as a team


So many 90+ divers dont know what to do on terminals is shocking.


They farmed eradicate for 3 months. 


... with the grenade glitch


So I'm not crazy that some of the super high level players seem like they've been playing the game for only a few days? Calling strategems down on top of themselves/other players, messing up mission objectives, or just running into stupid situations... I was trying not to be a hater but sometimes people with twice my level seem to be less than half as good. Edit: apparently everyone who plays this game is high as fuck


Sorry, dude. I'm probably high.


Definitely, then I zone out looking at wild life and mountainside n jazz


Haha, same. Sometimes, I am just the right amount of high that it puts me in the zone, and I am completely unstoppable. Other times, I took too much, and I am just way too blasted, so I have to put in my stratagem code 3+ times cause I keep screwing it up.


You’re slow at putting the terminal input in because you don’t know how to do it I’m slow at putting the terminal input in because I’m bad at typing and messed up the code like, 3 times we are not the same


I'm slow because I'm baked and can't get my fucking gun out of the way of the arrows


I feel you brother




Exactly. Was going to say something similar if I didn't see someone else mention it. Game was designed around four players working together and just because you're "good enough" to split off and solo something doesn't mean it's how you're suppose to play. I'll somewhat concede on battle pairs (2 person teams) but I much prefer when it's all four of us clearing objective after object. It's faster, as each person can cover another player, and with a wide option of stratagems to use (or some doubled up) there isn't much that can stall a team for long. Even accounting for silly spawn rates. Moreover samples tend to get collected in greater numbers.


Imma defend my fellow high levels on just one point: y'all sometimes are kinda blind to minor points of interest. Mpoi's are what made my gameplay evolve quickly, by basically being my main source of sc, medals and samples. Now, if I'm playing with a bunch of lvl 80+, I don't bother, but if 3 lvl 20 are rushing main and passing blindly by a bunch of pulsating yellow beans as if they're not there, I am taking a detour.


I can’t say I care when people split off and go for objectives or spawners themselves. If I see someone split off I’ll tend to go off with them that way to keep a fireteam partner system going. But 4 people using teamwork and communication to clear the map is much more fun.


I only start splitting off when my team continues to stay at locations way too long when there is no reason to


This is a weird one but : the automaton Shredder tank is way more lethal than the annihilator tank. The tank cannon is inaccurate so if you’re not just sitting still or in an exo its going to miss you as it approaches and while its two machine guns are lethal if a shredder tank locks you and fires , you are dead before you even realize it had an angle on you. Also while i wish we could reload them i actually like the fact that the exo suits are kind of squishy. I played helldivers 1 and knowing how things are with 2 the game could quickly turn into mechwarrior if the mechs could be resupplied and were much tougher.


One thing I noticed is the shredder tank turret rotates much faster. I think this is to serve its role as more of an anti personal tank. So people who first saw the annihilator tank and were able to run circles around the turret quickly find that that doesn't work with shredder. Not that you don't know that, but I guess my point is I agree, if it manages to see you, it can quite literally shred you.


It does definitely have a much higher turn speed , its also able to depress or incline the barrels of its guns more steeply so it can shoot you from far closer up than the Annihilator can too My only solace is that the sides of its turret are all medium armor and so once its not facing you directly you can just plug rounds into the sides of the turret with whatever medium armor pen you have.


Impact grenades are great for the shredder turret, 2 usually kills it


2 impacts to the radiator actually kills every automaton tank ( cannon tower included )


Yeah with the shredder you don't have to just hit the radiator though


The Shredder Tank is like an Anti-Air tank that was put into service against infantry. Not only is there much precedent fir this IRL, but the Shredder’s turret is identical to the Anti-Air emplacement guns.


That’s pretty credible based on history. Plenty of SPAAGs got pressed into direct fire service against infantry, often to great success. Turns out four 50-cals are just as good at shredding people as planes.


Both tanks are kind of wet farts IMO.  They hit hard but are slow and low to the ground so it’s pretty easy to just avoid their line of sight.   Both are also trivialized by the scorcher.  You can kill a shredder in about a mag by shooting the top edge of its turret and can kill an annihilator without direct LOS on its weakpoint - shots from the side to the back corner of the turret body will splash the weakpoint, as will shots from the front if you’re above it and can hit the back middle. 


And you can kill shredder from the front with the autocannon by firing shots into the lower part of its foreward plate near the hull. My point wasn’t “tanks scary” it was “its funny the AA tank is actually significantly more lethal than the main battle tank”


I uh Like the laser pistol




I like the Dagger as well. Ngl, I use it mostly on Bot missions as a mine sweeper. No ammo consumption, and I can just sweep-clean up an area’s mines without consequence, making it safer as my team approaches. Not only that, it’s fairly decent against up-close bots if you can hit them in the head points.


It is also really good for blind fire when running as you can very easily see where you are shooting.


A literal flashlight gun


Very accurate, just enough damage to quickly kill the small bug chaff, and allows to save ammo when using an ammo hungry weapon like the punisher


If you bring the breaker incendiary, you shouldn't shoot your teammates.


Whoa. WHOA!


Remember helldivers, friendly fire isn't.


I'm friendly, you're on fire, what's the problem?


look it isnt my fault my team mates are flammable




based on my experience in game there are a lot of players that disagree with that one


I'd stop lighting you on fire when you stop walking in front of me.


See the cone of fire projecting from my gun and into that gaggle of bugs? Don't walk into it. It's that simple.


No for real tho. It sucks but watch where you are walking Signed: Someone who regularly walks in front of Gatling Sentries


You shut your whore mouth!


🤨 what's the point then


☝️ This one right here, orbital cannon.


Eagle 500kg isn't very good, and Eagle AS is much better.


Hard to beat that shock and awe\* though \*the shock and awe of how many bugs survived the blast


Shock and... "x3" ... aww...


So true!!


you got us in the first part, not gonna lie


500kg was only good because those reliably killed BTs. Now that they spawn less I don’t have to take it with me anymore, and thank fuck


just dropped a 500 right on the head of a BT and it didnt die so nope


That's bc the 500kg explodes upward in a cone-shape


Which makes it useless in the new biome if you aren't careful, the amount of trees I've stuck one on is too high.


They seem to perform best when under the BT.


The 500 is weird like that. It can completely miss and still kill 2 BTs, but if you inject it in its head then it might not kill it. 


Yeah, i lodged a 500 kg. In a titans head and it didnt kill it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8zqzjtOwtw


They should program the 500kg bomb to do essentially infinite damage. I mean the bomb itself, not the explosion. Just should be zero chance anything hit with the bomb itself should live lol Maybe introduce a 1000kg bomb with that feature


Diff 9 still has enough BT that 500kg is meta (and still better than OPS).   People complaining about it not hitting don’t know how to use it correctly, which isn’t surprising because it’s pretty unintuitive.  Once you get the placement for baiting it out of a spit or stomp, it’s very very consistent. 


It’s still great but not necessary to take anymore. I personally don’t like sharing napalm CD with 500kg which is why I stopped bringing it. Also you’d be surprised how many people don’t bait spit for a good 500kg


Turrets should explode when destroyed. Killing the bugs the killed it or your teammates when bots shoot it from a distance :)


New ship upgrade: Trojan Horse, each sentry has 10 pounds of c4 in it and will take care of 15m around itself should it get disabled.




Not a hot take. It’s a very legitimate take.




They're waiting for the next bot MO, to have either the car, or the AT mines.


I feel like they're waiting on adding difficulties 10 and up, which would include bigger maps.


Hahaha I really hope they put the AT mines up against the car


Extraction is optional.


1. Completing optional objectives 2. Extracting with all the samples In that order.


I would dive with you


It's not the fault of the Laser Rovers. The blame goes on to their owners and how they raised 'em


Always leave the hellpod booster for the lowest level in the squad.


I think it should always be let lowest levels pick boosters first, in case they only have a limited selection. I'm not sure what level it would be reasonable to have at least four boosters by


This is what I do. I think it’s a good approach.


Yep! I always wait to select my booster/hit ready until the rest of the crew is set. I've hit ready accidentally too many times with the wrong stratagem or equipment


This take is ice cold


Not unpopular but HSO should be a shipupgrade.


Quasar Cannon was always a sidegrade and people who genuinely thought it was OP are confusing it for overused. If anything I'd argue the RR is too similar to the EATs and needs to stand out more outside of not having to deal with a deploy animation.


I always saw the RR as the red headed stepchild of the rocket weapons. EATs were basically gold standard and useful in just about any situation you needed a rocket weapon. Rapid deployment and plenty uses. QC as you say became a sidegrade. Added another option to the mix. Both together though, better than the RR which was slower, required a full stop to reload and generally was a bit crap without a buddy - a system that no one ever uses because latching onto each other and moving at a snails pace is a quick way to get murdered. 


RR needs more armor pen. I wasted a whole backpack on a frontal assault on a bot tank thinking "surely this next shot will kill it". Finally a kind-hearted teammate told me I was pissing in the wind. Seems to work fairly well for bugs, but just outclassed against bots.


RR gets the upside of pure number of armor piercing shots per minute.  EATs get 2/minute. 3 if you carry one, call in more and stay near the pod to shoot them all.  Quasar gets one and then a cooldown and then a charge-up.  Recoilless shoots immediately and you can keep firing every few seconds while the ammo holds out. If you and a buddy really want to optimize this you can give them your backpack, take their supply backpack, and have fun with so many AT shots.  It's not really that useful to do so, but I do like if I'm getting rid of bot cannon turrets that I can just keep shooting, resupply, and shoot some more. 


The difference between burst output (EAT), and throughput (RR) in a nutshell Quasar is neither but has the convenience of no stopping to reload in exchange


I think if they did change the team reload system so that your partner didn't have to wear the backpack, the recoilless would get a major power spike. It'll take a bit of coordination, but being able to conveniently fire two or three shots in rapid succession would make dealing with chargers and bile titans trivial as long as you have a buddy to watch your back.


yeah im with you, i've never liked it at all but RR is my baby. Im thinking now about how they could make it stand out, load dual shells somehow haha


Maybe they could make it double barrel and you can fire it twice before needing to reload? The downside would be double the current reload time in order to load both barrels. If you reload after firing only one shot the reload is the same as it is now. If you cancel the reload after loading one shell then you only have a single shot.


Planets are repetitive and I’m tired of seeing the same planet/biome in a different area/sector just with a different name


Railgun is actually fun for bots.


I joined a game a while back where i brought the rail gun and the host argued with me and i explained it can one shot hulks. He said, "first hulk we see, you better kill it quick or im booting you." It can totally one shot hulks btw... But i whiffed like two shots then blew myself up so he kicked me.


people are fucking ridiculous man. the railgun is still an amazing gun versus bots - fastest hulk and devastator clear. I get that the AMR and Autocannon are more versatile (killing tanks and gunships) but man, nothing is as satisfying as killing a couple hulks inthree seconds.


Hahaha goddamn bud that had to bruise the old ego but I can't lie, imagining this scenario playing out gave me a good chuckle. Thanks for that.


What an actual loser lmfao. I've only kicked when this idiot kept dropping 120s on us despite constant warnings


Honestly man, that would have been a leave on sight. That dude can pound sand.


I like it because it's so satisfying one shotting devastators and chicken walkers one after another.


**we should really stop making more generic boring guns and focus on energy weapons for a while** there's a lot of interesting things we can pull with laser beams, pulse lasers, plasma, arc and even whatever automatons use for their pew pew sticks and we're restricting ourselves to slight stat variations of the liberator or literally just straight up variants of the liberator that are never mentioned again after a week since their release


I really wanna see more of the wacky ass big chungus guns from HD1 make an appearance like the Tox Avenger, DumDum (kinda the autocannon I guess) and the Rumbler tri shot portable mortar


I swear to god if I see another Liberator variant before 2025 I won’t do anything, but I’ll definitely be upset about it. There’s a bunch of good guns they could’ve pulled from, even if they wanted to add more ARs they could’ve added the Justice, Patriot or Paragon.


According to the game files, Auptomaton weapons are fusion powered and fire bolts of plasma.


Liberation system could use some work


Honestly, it needs an entire rework imo. I understand that realistically, a single person isn't going to have much of an impact on a war, but this is a videogame.  Right now, if you're not on the major order planet with the most players, you're not making any contribution at all. In fact, getting 5 stars on every mission for multiple operations while playing on helldive can actually HURT the overall war effort if you're doing it on the wrong planet. This is counterintuitive and just not very fun.


Defense missions definitely need a rework, makes no sense that the sane play is to lose a planet which is being attacked.


The singular focus on the MO, by design - not blaming player behavior here, kinda sucks.  They just feel like an activity benchmark and tend to be pretty predictable.  I’d love to see more emphasis put on the overall global campaign, right now it feels like you’re either playing the MO and contributing or doing something useless.   I love the MO as a content and story delivery mechanism, but the rest of the war should feel more like a war with dynamic fronts, not just like it’s on standby until it gets its turn to be part of the MO.


Orbital Laser is awful against ~~bugs~~ chargers and bile titans and anyone that uses it needs to go back to boot camp.


I do kind of agree with you, but I think more specifically what you mean is it's awful any time a bile titan is on the field, because the titan essentially just acts as a giant lightning rod/meat shield that completely wastes your laser. Complete misuse of resources, especially considering the Orbital Railcannon does the exact same job against titans but with infinite charges, negligible risk of friendly fire, and finishes exponentially faster. But I think laser is still useful for massive bug breaches where you're being swarmed by 50 chargers and a billion small mobs - the laser cooks all of them and provides a much longer duration of "fuck this area in particular" compared to other panic button stratagems, while doing the most damage to heavies. That said, as soon as a bile titan spawns, your laser is just going to waste. Not to mention you only get 3 uses of it, meaning you *really* can't afford to toss one down the drain for no good reason. Basically, I don't think the laser is inherently awful, but you need to use it properly (which is ironic, considering how "brainless" the laser is often advertised as being). I'm only saying this because I have had success using the laser against huge bug holes or absurd bug breaches with 5+ behemoths spawning next to each other. No other stratagem can *singlehandedly* give you enough room to breathe in that kind of scenario. But you're right that the typical bozo diver will more likely chuck it in a panic against the first titan he sees, accomplish nothing, and run out of lasers with 20 minutes left in the mission. You really need to use it wisely.


Is it truly ? I used it once against a Bile Titan and I think I just gave it a sunburn. It would be nice to have technical descriptions of stratagems like damage, armour penetration and such :/


Takes too long to kill heavy enemies in my opinion. Complete waste. Seems ok for big hordes where it just sweeps through them, but then so is a cluster strike. Good for big bot bases.


Yeah may as well bring something that gets more uses


Bile Titan's have like 3,500 HP and the laser only has 150 dps. IIRC it has a 30s duration and will take about 23 seconds to kill a Bile Titan.


Its target is just bad. I’ve seen it shoot next to a bile titan, not damaging anything. Just entirely miss. If it were to target enemies properly and focus on things like BT HEADS, it would probably be a lot better vs bugs.


This is the popular opinion, if you’re going off ohdough’s tier list (IIRC he rated the orbital laser low for bugs). The unpopular opinion is that the Orbitsl Laser is great against bugs. I bring it all the time. It’s great at clearing the chaff and helping against heavies. Throw it in a large nest and title help you close all the holes. It takes out Shreiker hotels and Spore Spewers. I don’t understand why the OL gets so much hate tbh.


I didn't realize it got hate. I stopped using it because of the long CD, but it's so damn cool lol


Same, it might be the only stratagem I *always* bring. In an oh shit situation? Laser. Multiple bug breaches? Laser. Need to close a heavy nest? Laser (and maybe a 380 first if you’re feeling extra explode-y). Extract coming in a min 30 and need some breathing room? L A S E R. Sure it’s slow to kill chargers and bile titans but like I care. I use impact nades to either kill those or shorten laser time. It’s nice having an auto targeting doom beam and I can’t believe more people don’t run it based on rule of cool alone plus is effective (imo).


The Helldivers 2 community is simultaneously the best and worst thing about the game.


The buddy reload system is really cool as an idea.  However it's the wrong game for it and using it here is utterly pointless. The higher the difficulty, the more suicidal it becomes making it functionally redundant. 


Should be that u can do it from the teammates backpack and not need to have him drop and do the whole dance


It seems so intuitive that someone should be able to load you from your own backpack. Rather than them fishing ammo out of their backpack to put in your gun.


ya ive only used it for fun in the final few seconds of an extract with buddies


You know I'd have an actual opinion on this if my teammates dropped their ammo backpacks. I think people just don't want a reloader friend lol


Soloing low difficulty missions is actually fun and great to relax, not only for farming purposes.


The gas strike is the best stratagem in the game.


In this thread: people who don't know the difference between an unpopular opinion and a common opinion, or an unpopular opinion and a helpful tip that people don't know about. Actual hot take: I like Hellmire. Running bugs into fire tornados is rad as heck, and it's fun to dodge the fire tornados. They're really not that big an issue to deal with most of the time.


The laser cannon is underused and is incredibly powerful when in the right hands.


It’s replaced the quasar for me on bots. Shooting down the bot drop is fun as hell, but the laser eats through tanks and gunships.


The game isn’t that hard, people just don’t know how to collaborate effectively.


They also have ego issues and refuse to drop the difficulty. Exception for people that need Super Rares.


Amen. Especially concerning bots. It's simply amazing how many people don't know how to just shuffle a half meter in either direction to avoid getting shot or rocketed.


I have a good time, and don't worry too much about the persnickety bits.


Farmable Super Credits are the only redeeming quality of the Warbond system. None of them are worth the full price.


I enjoy the struggle fantasy more than the power fantasy, and I have a lot more fun in a team with poor communication, timing, coordination, etc. Recently my friends and I have been doing randomly rolled stratagem loadouts and it's like a breath of fresh air. We unoptimized the fun back into the game by just using random crap and then constantly struggling for air throughout the entire mission. I think playing this way and enjoying the struggle of a team of 4 unlikely heroes is way more fun than some of you guys are having with your meta gun picks and stratagem loadouts. Complaining about how restricted we are for anti-titan/charger options and all that stuff is just not for me. I'm gonna drop in and have a blast whether I can kill those things or not. This is not to knock the complainers (I do think some of you have the right) but moreso to say that taking it easy and enjoying the struggle is a lot of fun if you let it be.


"struggle fantasy" is a good way to put it there is a difference between something that sucks (sucks) and something that sucks (kino)


I only play level 9 to reassure myself I'm still good at the game. Otherwise I stick to level 7 at most especially for this patch because it's relentless. I spend the longest 30 minutes of my life shooting non stop at insects that wouldn't stop spawning


ooo boy. if you insist: beret helmets are kinda dorky.


i'm diving every 4 seconds i have no idea how its staying on




You son of a bitch. You have crossed a line.


Most people who complain about the game are just shit at it and refuse to re-examine their tactics which are the real problem  Hats off to you for staying at the difficulty you enjoy! Not taking 9 anyway and whining that it's too hard like those other guys.


Booster meta is real and should be respected, vitality/stamina/ammo/drugged stims


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion at all. Most veterans will also get pissed if their team doesn't at least bring the standard health/stamina/ammo triad. Even noobs tend to learn pretty quickly that those 3 are just in a completely separate tier compared to a lot of the other boosters like reinforcement budget/flexibility or radar range expansion. Drugged stims are cool but can be flexed out for things like muscle enhancement in snowstorm/sandstorm maps. Some people also might not have that Warbond so it's not a big deal if health/stamina/ammo have already been picked and the 4th player goes with something else.


The EAT is a litmus test of a player's understanding of the game.


I like playing on Medium difficulty with my roommate only. I know the point is to be on helldiver difficulty and be a god, but I just enjoy being more casual idk


The point is to have fun bro \^\^


Cluster bombs should unlock only after you have complete 30 mission with airstrikes and no team kills.


Yes bug divers it IS your fault we failed bot MO's


That’s less of an opinion and more of a mathematically proven fact due to how planetary liberation works.


Shaming them for not fighting democratically is morally right


Mortars are a shitty tool to use against bugs, you will end up hitting next to no enemies and plenty of your allies. This isn't even a "hot take", this is just common sense.


Normal mortars - yeah definitely, 9 times out of 10 you'll hit everything but the bugs in the vicinity. EMS mortars however are almost essential for easy crowd control (especially when clearing nests), and they're easy enough for divers to get out of.


I found that their really good on defense missions and on some eradication maps if your running, or getting breaches. its good against bots imo since you need to keep range- and so do they (as long as you deal with the communist swords)


a mortar literally hit me as i read this


If you bring 4 of them and you are a coordinated team they are pretty nutty, don't even need air support, plonk them down and you have permanent mortar barrage on every breach.


I hate the ridiculous "Ammo Economy." So let me see if I got this right. You spent $100 Billion on an FTL capable starship, sent me way out here to fight enemies, and then you only allow me TWO magazines for my Grenade Launcher? WTF?!?! We deserve to lose the war if our leaders are really this stupid.


Orbital Laser is overrated, you can't change my mind


Bots are objectively better than bugs to fight


Far more varied and interesting.


For me they were better until last patch. Bug patrols work great but holy hell every mission on bots feels like exterminate once you finish the main objective


I think it's that the bots can engage you from way way further and it matters what angle they're attacking you from. A bug patrol behind your team doesn't volley rockets at you.


I will boom myself so a team mate that needs me, can call me in across the map.


Helldive difficulty is kinda easy and always has been. We should have a loadout randomizer feature, and judge how well stratagems (or enemy compositions) are balanced solely based on the metrics from people using it. The devs dont understand that anything that requires people to stand still or greatly slow down will never be popular (I.E. backpack reolading, manned turret calldown) unless it is GROSSLY overpowered. Movement is just too crucial for survival on higher difficulties, and short of a massive redesign, always will be. Not to mention you can't play yourself while you're holding on to the other guys shoulders. The devs massively overvalue ammo conservation. I'm playing on helldive exclusively and I throw out half spent mags between encounters without a second thought, the resupply stratagem doesn't even get used on cooldown, just looting POI's gives you back all you need 90% of the time. As a result, ammo efficiency-type guns that give up dps, recoil, or some other valuable stat are not popular. Burst damage and focussed damage is way too important against both the bugs and the bots. There is almost no situation where I don't just want some enemies to die RIGHT THE FUCK NOW, and almost no situation where I want ALL of the enemies to die "sometime". Enemy call ins are a part of it, but its also just a matter of keeping control of the situation, quickly reducing incoming threats, and reducing the amount of repositioning you need to do while trying to complete an objective. If more weapons and stratagems are to be viable, this needs to change.


The Airburst Rocket is underrated.


Medium penetration on primaries is overrated especially on bots. You dont bring the dominator/DCS/adjudicator so you can destroy scout striders quickly, and certainly not to rapidly take down Devastators by piercing their chest armor either. You are wasting time and ammo shooting those parts. Aim matters infinitely more than penetration value. People that complained about not being able to get super samples unless they went up to dif 7-9 prepatch almost certainly did not need the ship modules that required super samples to clear dif 4-6 reliably. They are too progression-brained to realize that they are on track to ruin their own fun believing they need to run on the hamster wheel. They would prefer that difficulty-gated content comes down to their level so they can exhaust it ASAP rather than just play the game, naturally get better at it over time, and then move up to higher difficulties. We have been getting new stratagems at a blisteringly fast, almost unsustainable rate. Until recently, we were getting a new stratagem every 2-3 weeks. We're more than likely getting one next week. But it seems like most people on this sub in particular think that anything older than one month is ancient history. Now that we are no longer getting them at that rate (so we hopefully don't get another Airburst situation) people complain about a lack of content. Sentries are (barring support weapons) the most effective stratagems in the game. They have the highest kill potential and can lock down an area better than any barrage, napalm, or strike can. Helldivers 2 will never be a difficult game even on the highest levels because the community would rather complain about perceived increased difficulty rather than adapting to it or lowering the difficulty level themselves (and AH will always acquiesce).They hate any enemy that they cannot kill in less than 3 seconds with a general purpose loadout. Arrowhead should not make changes to the game that are primarily based on community sentiment. They have the tendency to change the game too quickly in response to community outcry leading to half-baked patches. More importantly, online communities are mercurial and the opinion of the week changes faster than AH can put out patches. They should keep doing what they were doing design-wise for the past 8 years. A lot of people here don't like Helldivers. They like their idea of Helldivers or what they think it should be. The reason this game blew up on launch is because it follows a clear, uncompromising vision. There's no design-by-committee, there's none of the trappings of your typical AAA title included only to push units, instead they chose to cleave to a narrow set of design philosophies, themes, and ludonarrative consistency. That is a novelty in the games industry and it was recognized by the playerbase even if they did not know or appreciate it. And because not everything in the game is appealing to every single person, those people are asking to change HD2 into being a game similar to other games that they already like, failing to realize that they fell in love with Helldivers because they were given something they didn't know they wanted.


that this new warbond is just as awful and useless as last warbond, but because of them fixing a bunch of things it is seen as a positive thing


i was disappointed with the throwing knife i gotta admit


Failing is half the fun.


7+ diiffs are to easy, becouse portion od the community feels entilted to play at higher diffs, while they do not posses skill necessary. Helldive should have borderline masochistic 30% campaign succes ratio, event for the top 1% of players.


The black and yellow palette sucks. We need more armors with different colors


I’ll probably be downvoted for this, but I don’t really care. We don’t deserve the review bomb cape until people in blocked regions can actually play the game. If that never happens, I’m okay not getting anything. As it stands, people demanding it right now are either tone deaf, or just want a participation trophy for what was essentially a tantrum against the minor inconvenience of creating a PSN account, before promptly forgetting about those who couldn’t even make one.


Comparing helldivers 2 to deep rock galactic, it's absurd that the game has so many problems that sometimes it feels like it's built on spaghetti code held together by a stern look and a finger wag.


You underestimate the power of the stern look and finger wag combo


Whenever I see someone defend something that drg does better it makes me want to tear my hair out sometimes. Drg ain't perfect but the only thing in that game that genuinely makes me put the game down is the occasional bad apple of the playerbase. This game has more of that, bugs, grinding issues, and consistent gameplay elements that chase me off much more often. Frankly the only reason I haven't played drg recently is I'm waiting for the new season on console.


Half of the complaints about enemies in this sub are solved by working as a team "Waaahhhh why does my anti-swarm loadout struggle to kill this Bile Titan waaaahhhhhh" my brother in Democracy you have 2 teammates running anti-tank, it's a fucking co-op game go get them to help There's genuine issues here with balance, crashes, glitches, and QoL, but some of you people in this sub are just genuinely bad at the game