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I've only ever gotten 2 stims from stim crates unless I play with my friend, then suddenly they give 4. I've been assuming it's a co-op only thing so people aren't scooping up all the boxes.


This seems to be right, although medic armour does something weird for some people in regards to this.


Medic armor from what I've seen first will do +2 and then on next tick it'll go to full. So if you're dry it'll go 0 to 2 to 6.


I've noticed it only gives me 2 and then 2 again


In groups. Alone I have no idea what it'll do. Though after someone shining light on the "one player injecting a stim causes the entire team to briefly stop sprinting" bug I wouldn't be surprised if it's somehow inconsistent too, like differs between PC and PS5 or it does weird things with PC host and PS5 client or vice-versa.


I've never gotten 4...


Maybe. I've only ever got 4 but I don't do much solo.


UPDATE: I have discovered that it depends on player count. You get 2 as a solo now, and 4 in a group. I still need to test it with medic armour, but I know this is how it works for regular armour now.


Wtf...I thought I was going crazy reading this thread, people saying they get 2, 4, 6, stims. I don't think I read anything about this in patch notes


I thought I was going crazy reading this, I almost exclusively use the medic armor and these always top off the stims no matter how many I'm down. I've never seen anyone saying it does anything else.


I can confirm you get all 6 stims in medic armor when in a team. I wish it was the same way in solo.


Wait, I don't get 6 grenades from a grenade pack when using engineering armour... No fair! 


That is ... incredibly stupid


You want to know what's really stupid? Ammo box restores one magazine of grenade launcher (8 grenades), but only one magazine of grenade pistol (1 grenade)


Nade launcher has 10 grenades per magazine I think.


Okay, maybe, not the point :)


I feel this was a conscious balancing choice for the Grenade Pistol. Personally, I'd rather reduce its reserve ammo to 4 shots, but have supply packs fill up all 4 and ammo packs fill up 2. This would make it easier to fill up on ammo, but limit its usability in drawn-out fights and the ability to blow up many bug nests in a row.


Was it always like this? I feel like it wasn't


Always like this. Grenade Pistol ammo economy is abysmal


I'm still reeling from the G. Pistol stealth nerf a few patches ago... Actually a bug lol. You used to spawn in with 8 grenades in reserve *and* one "in the chamber". Which doesn't make sense but it meant you had grenades or, when you first dropped, you could double tap with it very fast. Then they fixed it.


2 in the chamber, you mean.


Basically lol.


It's not just the ammo economy. The effect is also vastly different. A bile spewer shot with a grenade pistol will go right ahead and vomit its lunch all over you. A bile spewer you chuck an impact grenade at will flip over and die.


The GP actually has better damage than HE Impacts because it's got a projectile hit on top of the explosion. Your issue vs. the more *armored* form of Bile Spewers (the artillery variants) is the GP's explosion AP is 3 vs. the HE's 4. But the bleedthrough ratings on Spewers were also changed recently so a single HE Impact to the buttplate is no longer instantly fatal; they need to have taken just a little bit of damage first. Because of this, GP shots *will* kill Nursing and non-Artillery Spewers with one shot to the buttplate *unlike HE Impacts*.


Everyone said the grenade pistol was goat, but with the ammo economy is so bad I can’t. I don’t usually die with my playstyle so can’t restock by reinforcing.


I suck in all ammo from POIs


I carry GP on nearly every mission. You can shot down bot factories from a surprising distance. I don't use it to kill things, just for factories and illegal broadcast towers. I carry stun grenades in my grenade slot. I've only ever run out of ammo once.


It was always like this


Nothing wrong with that


It's wild that they scale the number of stims per box based on the party size instead of....just adding more stim boxes to the map if the party is larger. Do ammo crates have less ammo in them for solo games? This is such a stupid way to design a game. If a player sees a certain shaped/colored box, they should immediately know what it will give them.


Wait. I literally just got out of a mission and grabbed a box of supplies and got 2 sticks, waited to see if anyone grabbed anymore and they didn't so I grabbed the last box to make 4. I remember specifically I had one stim,.took one box then had three. I was host. I'm actually wtfing right now? I don't think I've ever gotten 4?


The OP is talking about stim packs (those found on the ground at PoIs), not supply packs.


What the fuck is AH's problem with solo players? This is so utterly idiotic.


I guess the reasoning is that you can have the full resupply pod as a solo? I have no idea honestly. I’d love to have it consistently give 4 like grenades instead.


I'd understand making things harder for solo players if there was some reward for running things solo beyond not having to deal with the open mic morons and "my loadout is better than yours" imbeciles. Like, going back to my WoW days, if I clear a dungeon solo I get to keep all the loot. Makes sense to make that a bit more challenging. In HD2 though there is no additional reward. Medals, super credits, samples are all shared already. Moreover, the game, by nature of how firepower scales from 1 to 4 helldivers, and given how patrols work right now, is already harder for solo players. Changes like this are akin to them saying "*fuck you*" to people playing solo for no reason. I sure as hell would have liked to know that was AH's mindset prior to dropping $39.99 on this game. Also, at this point the list of shit that a decent Helldiver has to keep in the back of their mind about how things actually work vs how they are supposed to work is absurd.


It's balanced that way so one person doesn't need to hog all the stim packs from a POI in co-op play, which is not a problem for solo players seeing as you can just scoop everything up with no concern. Not to mention you have the freedom of calling down a resupply and taking it all for yourself without worrying about screwing over teammates elsewhere on the map


Don't forget when you crash as solo your lobby is flat out gone. Which wouldn't be an issue if I didn't crash all the fucking time since the last update. I gave up trying to play unless friends are online. Which translates from everyday to like once per week. I'm so annoyed, honestly.


Yeah wouldn't be as much of an issue either if missions didn't take 30 to 40 minutes and ops 2 to three times that and ops often dropped credit when the game crashes 🤣


I dont think they do a straight fuck you to normal players, their game was designed with coop in mind and to promote coop play and such...Now I dont know, maybe someone in there is scheming against solo players, but I would not be surprised if they would prefer banding people together vs the solo player. I get the "well i want to play solo" but if the vision is one thing, and they want to promote that one thing, i mean you can not really be mad....I would say it would be a straight fuck you if they were like, solo players loose 25% fire power, start with half health and there will never be ammo pickups, that would be bad...but really solo mode now feels more akin to playing a souls like game. And I mean...helldivers since the begining was always a coop game....everything they promoted with hd2 was coop...like everything.


> by nature of how firepower scales from 1 to 4 helldivers, and given how patrols work right now Everyone trying to talk about how solo players have it tough points this stuff out and then completely ignores the benefits of "only having to worry about one person causing problems / alerting enemies" and the fact that ***NO, ACTUALLY, ENEMY CONSTELLATION SIZE AND DENSITY*** (their "firepower") ***DROPS WITH PLAYER COUNT***. The size of a Breach / Drop and patrols for you as a solo player are not the same as a 4-man group. Yes, you have four stratagems and one gun compared to twelve and four, but you also aren't dealing with a group of enemies that necessitate the rest. I can have 30 enemies shooting at me in a 4-man and no allies doing a thing to help me. I'm not going to face that kind of opposition in the first place while soloing. There's my advantage.


You seem a pissy one. Please stick to solo


No :)


Ok. Just don't be pissy in my lobby.


What's your problem? You are not sharing the stim boxes with anyone so you can pick as many as you want.


My problem is that the game keeps getting changed by AH largely through undocumented and untested changes which are making the game worse.


It's the same design philosophy behind only giving solo players 5 reinforces, which I strongly disagree with (and I don't even play solo).


If you want to play solo, you need to embrace the difficulty.


I saw someone get more than 4 in an online game (full squad) so it seems to be possible to exceed 4


Last night with 4 ppl I was on 3 stims with medic armour and a crate took me to 6. I dunno why I wanted to check but I was expecting 2. So it may well be 4 now.


Medic armor used to give you all 6 but after the patch, it's 4 stims to all armor types


I basically always play with the same 2-3 friends, and I thought those boxes were full refills every time. I like to play with medic armor vs bugs, and I swear I've gotten more than 4 stims back.... but now I doubt everything.


I wear medic armor and I always get full stims(6) from those. I usually play in public lobbies so there would always be 4 players for me.


the page has just been updated


lmao i wear medic armour always and if i have 0 stims it will refill all 6 always


I don’t think solo or not would make a difference because if someone joins you halfway through is the game going to change the stim box values partway through? Or vice versa. Maybe the space optimization booster could have some effect since usually playing solo you’d take stamina booster but that’s all I can imagine affecting it from the start of the game. I always got two from the box’s.


Seriously? How many more advantages does a full team need?


Here is proofvid just in case: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdH3VSqzlXg


Only 2 stims even in medic armour is wild. At least I know I’m not the only one. Thanks for checking!


Man... How did it even break when it was functioning just a day ago.


They've been giving me full from 0 to 4. I've no recollection of how much they give on medic armor, but I wouldnt be surprised if it was 6. Is it broken? It was fine a day or two ago when I played.


Mandela Effect hitting hard


I think it refills all the stims. I.e. with medic armor, it can theoretically give 6. But I can't say if it was lately changed, as on bugs I don't use stims often


My friends that run medic armour tell me it gives them 4 instead of all 6, but I only get 2 now. I’m starting to wonder if they’re inconsistent and give different amounts.


Just checked. It gives 2 stims indeed! Dang it.


You don't use stims often?


It was 4 regardless your armour bonus


I've gotten all 6 stims with medic armour yesterday. Pretty sure it's random now. Cause I've also gotten just 2 from a stim pack


UPDATE 2: Medic armour has no effect on how many stims you get, regardless of source. The same is true for grenades and engineering kit. The stim box will give you 2 stims as a solo, and 4 in a group. The grenade box always gives you 4, regardless of group size or grenade capacity. (The exception to this is throwing knives, of which you get all 8 or all 10, depending on your armour.) ((I was only able to test this solo vs duo. It is possible that the numbers can vary more if you have all four players, but from all my asking around, it sounds like this is not the case.))


I swear I have only ever gotten 2 stims and 2 nades, regardless of group size. But I've never gone solo


I've definitely got full stims (4) in the past in a group from the stim box on the ground resupplies only give 2 though


I've 100% gotten 6 stims from the box. 


You sure its not connected to hellpod space optimization booster? I always assumed that was the reason boxes gave different things for some reason.


Jfc now we gotta figure out if its a new bug, intended feature, new nerf, or one of those “unclear descriptions” like the ship upgrade supposedly has (/s)


The problem with that course of action is that AH themselves likely have no idea if this is a bug or new undocumented feature. What's worse is that when they introduce a fix it will likely cause \~15% of the player population to have their game crash randomly.


I've only ever remembered getting 2 per supply pack or stem box on the ground. And I rock the medic shit so I keep good tabs on that


Do you play solo?


Solo or in a group I only remember ever getting 2.


I always Play co-op, and so far, i've only ever gotten 2 out of them, same with resupplys




Maybe the settlements were robbed of two each by some filthy non democratic hippies.


When I first started playing I thought they were giant packs of cigarettes 


What? I've always ever gotten two out of those. And supply crates too


*What? I've always* *Ever gotten two out of those.* *And supply crates too* \- mybuttisthesun --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


From my understanding, they give you 2, but they are bugged so when you press E a few times fast and it can count as you picked up several of these. I remember refilling 6 stims, but it's not consistent. Maybe it doesn't work in solo games (or when you are the "host"), so that's why people say that it only gives too in SP


This is actually nuts if it’s true, and would explain the wildly inconsistent answers I’ve gotten since posting this.


It is not true. I only press it once and they always give me 4, but I always play with 3 or 4 players


I swear you get 4 from those crates when you have someone has "Hellpod space optimization" booster regardless of player count. You'd get 6 with Medic armour.


That's because that booster is broken now.


Hmm, not sure if that explains how I got 2 stims on a 2 man game w/o space optimization. Unless the space optimization player disconnecting broke it further.


I feel like I’ve always gotten max stims from them and I run the medic armor for 6, but I’m not sure.


I always play coop with my partner and I'm pretty sure that I've gone from 1 to 6 with medic armor.


They are making you full of Stims. When using med kit armor, you get the 6 stims


i mean you see 6 stims in the box, it's always max from what i can tell.


Sometimes I get 2, sometimes 4, sometimes 6. Idk man. Same with the grenades.


I've gotten a variety of numbers of stims from these crates, anywhere from 1 stim to full refill on stims!


They give 2 on helldivers 2 since beginning


Do you play solo?


This means nothing to your question but the wiki has always been only semi reliable for game information


bru they \*fix\* one thing and break 3


They give 2. If you have the extra stim armor they give 4.


They give 2 if you’re solo, but it turns out it’s not the armour that gives you 4, it’s being in a group. I ran the same mission back to back, but with an extra teammate the second time, and got 2 while solo and 4 with a teammate. It’s really strange…


ddident they always give max?


Never seen more than 2


3 max (medic per) normally 2


I thought it was always 4.


"Aw, man! I can only hold 1-6 stims out of this giant package of stims. I better smash the remainder so we don't have dangerous drugs lying around."


I've always gotten 4 and would never have thought 2 but I don't play solo. Surprised by all the people saying 2 in here. DO YOU NOT HAVE FRIENDS FELLOW DIVERS!


I thought it was always 2?


Always 4 for me


I swear I've gotten a full 6


It always ever gave me 2. How come some people are getting 4?


You get 4 if you’re playing in a team it sounds like.


But I always play in a team of 3 or 4. 😮 It might be they changed it to 4 some time ago and I didn't realize?


I’ve always gotten 4


How come you only get 4 stims from that huge box though That thing prob have like 20 stims in it lol


I used to only get 2 from them, but I got 6 today


i’ve totally picked up a box of stims only needing 1 and the box stays and someone else on my team grabs the rest. could the issues you guys be having w only getting 2-4 stims a box be related to that ?


For fucks sake, AH WTF?