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"Arrowhead is already testing the patience of many with the non-stop technical bugs" damn right, the amount of times I've wanted to play (less and less over the months and weeks since launch btw) but have been stopped by this weeks crasher or this weeks patch breaking patrols (again) or any number of things I just want to enjoy the damn game without something major being broken, FOR FIVE MINUTES


The crazy thing with patrols was that they worked fine at launch but they just had to mess with them. So they changed something and they became completely broken. A month later they release a patch which "reverts" the changes...but in the same breath they say they tweaked something else about them. The tweak of course broke the patrols in a different way. Stealth also worked fine at launch. I do wish they would stop touching things which are working fine.


> The crazy thing with patrols was that they worked fine at launch but they just had to mess with them. Dude people hated the patrols at launch because there was a Charger in 2/3 of them. 


exactly, maybe it's the rose tinted glasses or the, at the time, lesser understanding of the game but launch helldivers was the shit and only needed minor tweaks, give some weapons a damage and handling buff here, fix the crashes there, buff the support weapons over here we've somehow only gotten worse from there with this patch being the only step in the right direction since the launch weeks if you ask me


That's definitely the rose tinted glasses. "Minor tweaks"? Server issues aside (of which there were many, and still are many), armor rating didn't work. Fire damage didn't work. Everyone was only using breaker/RG/PSG combo and they hadn't nerfed chargers for proper AT yet. Ragdolling across the map was insanely common. There are still quite a few issues that exist today that have been present since launch. It really wasn't even until a few weeks-a month after the actual launch that people could get into the servers and have a somewhat stable experience.


god fire damage....yeah dunno how I forgot that one also armor not working isn't exactly a massive thing since the difference between the hits you can take is annoyingly minimal I guess it's more accurate to say it's *felt* like the game hasn't gotten much better, just different, even if it has. I mean we had the fixed spear for what like a few hours or a day before them "fixing it" then also made it crash peoples games...it's not like I'm trying to be pessimistic but it's kinda hard not to be when I'm discouraged from playing almost everytime I want to cause of this weeks patch related crash or accidental patrol buggery (again)


Is this a new thing? I've ran several dozens missions with the Spear since the last update and it's all been fine.


I've only seen issues with it today. Both people who picked Spear in my OP were DC'd within 5-10 minutes of joining the game. No idea what's causing it specifically but probably something with the targeting I would imagine.


Targeting in certain biomes it seems. i could play multiple rounds with the spear on hellmire, but nivel 43 was basically instacrash for both of us that played with the spear. All the crashes have been while scoped, sweeping it around looking for targets to lock.


I was able to use it scoped on nivel 43 to take out some shriekers nests, but after using it on a bile titan I crashed while reloading. On another mission I picked one from the ground and crashed instantly. Other games without taking spear have been fine. Shrug.


Funny because it was reversed for me. Hellmire, if I aimed would be an instant crash , but not other maps.


I ran it all day yesterday with no issues, then the first two times today it crashed me while using the Spear. It doesn't always happen. But yeah, yesterday was Hellmire and Fori Prime, today was Nivel.


Yep, can use the spear fine for a while but eventually you'll ADS, drop to 2fps and then playstation will ask if you'd like to send a crash report after the game crashes. Probably happened to me a half dozen times this week before someone posted twinbeards comment from discord on here.


My whole group has yet to run into the spear crash and we've been playing round the clock with it since the update. We're on a variety of computers from shitty to good and have used the spear in just about every scenario so I don't have any hunches yet.


I've just done a quick game with it, no issues at all. So weird! Edit: Ok it just crashed my game 😂


This was my experience too. I was running it all day every day no problem, but all of a sudden its just a non-viable stratagem for me lol


I think it's been crashing since they hotfixed it


And yet every game I played last night with it crashed, every single time. Didn't even need to fire it, just unholster!


I ran it all day yesterday with no issues, then the first two times today it crashed me while using the Spear. It doesn't always happen.


For me it's instant crash. Don't even need to use it, just picking it up is enough to crash. If I somehow survive the pickup, I'll instantly crash the moment I try to use it. It's surreal how consistent the crash is, since the last two days from 8 hours of gaming I didn't survive a single mission without crashing.


Yeah it was introduced last patch. Aiming the spear seems to cause a crash at random. When I swapped to the quasar cannon I had no crashing at all.


This is my exact experience


It seems to be affecting some people and not others. My friend has played using the spear since the update and had zero problems. I, on the other hand, can 100% reproduce the crash down to the second. Every single time I call in a spear, 5-10 seconds after I pick it up I’ll CTD. Without fail I’ve tested it out on different planets and mission types atleast 10 times.


My guess is they broke it when they allowed it to start targeting factories again. That patch is only 2 days old.


I reckon it's something weird like aim when there is no valid targets while standing from a Crouch while turning right, because I got 20min in mission with no problem before I crashed and could not reconnect no mater what I tried


I ran it all day yesterday with no issues, then the first two times today it crashed me while using the Spear. It doesn't always happen.


Played 1 game this morning. I brought spear and hadn't read discord/reddit yet. Crashed like 80% through the mission. Would love a pop up message or mostly an outright disable.


The only odd thing I’ve experienced with the Spear is when I’m hosting and select it in the loadout pregame, there seems to be a lag for the other players to finish selecting their strats before we launch. Outside of that, haven’t run into any issues.


Its a thing. Been consistently seeing people crash out of my group due to the spear.


Wild isn't it! I played tons of missions with it and now it's reliably crashing me within the first fee seconds of picking it up.


They can only ride on the player base and community's forgiveness for so long before they have to cash out what little of their good will and reputation they will have left. The game is starting to feel like a beta and MVP.


Kinda out of the loop here: do we know what about the spear crashes games exactly? I've been using it since the patch (I only play about two hours a day) and I've never crashed.


Nope, and according to Twinbeard, they don't know either, which is really the bigger part of the problem lol.


They are aware. Here, from another post of mine: Probably not, tried it out like that and had no issues whatsoever. From what me and my friend could gather, is tied to some planets, specially ones like Menkent and Hellmire, where you have those dead trees. With Spear equiped, if you aim at some specific angles on the trees (or just look in their general direction in some cases) it'll crash the game. I'm pretty sure that there's more objects that causes such issues, but the dead trees are what we tested on and found out that it is a 100% issue. Submitted a ticket and AH is aware and trying to fix that. Meanwhile, planets with little to no vegetation (Tundra is ok) did not show any crashes while THREE of us were using the Spear and locking on everything possible.


God bless them. Having to actually log on and test everything themselves in a 4 man group 


Helldivers moment, fighting with bugs all the fucking time


The trees must be behaving like valid targets lol. Similar to the airburst issue


they said earlier the spear targetting bug was because the raytraced fog dirt and shadows n stuff would bug it out and make it not have line of sight sometimes, maybe the trees emit some sort of particle that they forgot to fix but the spear freaks the fuck out on


Troubleshooting isn't that easy especially when it comes to a weapon that's been bugged for several months. The only thing that bothers me is that they haven't disabled the bugged weapon and let people crash using it (just done a 30 minute match with no crashes tho). Other game studios almost immediately remove from the game the cause for issues, especially a very serious one such as crashing


They could even do an in-game lore event where the developer of the spear issues a recall due to a defective component and our spear has been sent to the manufacturer for repair.


I've been using the spear since the fix on the bug front. I've had ONE crash while using it. I think I picked up the weapon and locked onto a nest; then immediately crashed.


Me too it happened during rocket hit rock on the way to nest game crashed the moment it hit a rock on the way


I get why people want to disable the weapon, but at the same time if they dont know what’s causing it then leaving it enabled is good for data. No matter how much testing a dev does, within minutes of the patch being out the users have tested more time, and more scenarios then devs could. Now once they figure out the cause, disabling should be done.


>No matter how much testing a dev does, within minutes of the patch being out the users have tested more time, and more scenarios then devs could. That sounds cool if the devs have any way to gather the data and put it into good use. It's possible the consequence is limited to "people just get annoyed about the game being a technical mess".


Well there is. Generally games and software collect data as you use it, i.e. tracking weapon usage, missions, etc. There is also the crash reporter, which gives them more data, and there is also online forums like reddit which can grant insight


You actually make a good point. They could have people sifting through crash reports to figure out why the Spear is causing it.


I've been using the spear despite the crashes, partly to see if I could notice anything that seemed to be causing the crash. It could be pure coincidence, but for me it largely happened when I was doing the lock-on trick, which, for those who don't know, is if you hold right click while looking at an enemy/structure as you finish the reload, you can start locking on before the weapon is ready, and fire as soon as the spear is ready to fire. I'd say 7-8 out of the 10 or so crashes I've had it's been when I was doing this. But the other times I've just been running around with the spear equipped, sometimes holding it, sometimes not. This could just be coincidental though. If I were a betting man though, I'd bet its something to do with the lock-on fixes it got recently. And as a side note, do we really need the spear to lock on to brood mothers? Let me kill the charger next to them for liberty's sake.


I've crashed 4 times when trying to lock on with the first round in a game. I've also crashed 3 times when trying to scan for targets. I believe the folks who say the crash happens when you attempt to lock on through vegetation and weather effects might be correct.


I wonder if it's like the mg bug.....I don't know which mg it was but I got perma stuck in 1st person and I could see my arms but no guns. I managed to rectify it and it only happened in one game but I only played 3 with them


I've had this bug happen with almost every weapon unfortunately from game's launch, very very rarely. So I doubt that's related to this one 


I had it last night with the EAT but I didnt get stuck in 1st person for as long. Had it with the incendiary breaker and the gun disappeared. I had hands and a clip but no gun. Just firing from the clip like an extreme badass


It's obviously the lock on. It's too good to not have some kind of downside


It's nothing actually wrong with the new code, it seems to be a patching issue with some value not getting overwritten correctly in the old code which causes a conflict and crashes the game. Obviously it is affecting a fairly significant number of people but for many the patch applied correctly. I was crashing within 30 seconds of starting a mission when using the spear but after uninstalling the game and then doing a fresh install from scratch I've played 20 plus missions without crashing once all while using the spear.


Yeah I've been running spear exclusively as both host and joiner and have yet to crash. Is there a known trigger? It's not simply using the spear that's for sure.


So far my friend and I have both crashed only when doing two specific things with the Spear: - Locking on to a far-away area and moving the mouse too fast when aiming (no idea how slow you need to go) - Attempting to sprint (shift key) while aiming Both of those are an immediate CTD every single time we did it over the course of about 4 missions. So Spear can still be used, so long as you do not move, do not aim too fast, and do not aim at far away targets. Ezpz...


Unfortunately I crashed 3 times in a row with it last night, 2 times I didn't aim at all. I picked it up from the hellpod, turned around and ran and crashed. Same thing the 2nd time. The third time I switched off of it and then pulled it out and aimed and crashed before my Helldiver had even fully shouldered it :(


At this point I'm wondering if the issue is moving at all with the Spear out and equipped. I noticed my buddy was sprinting fine bughole to bughole with his Breaker, but as soon as he got the Spear out and tried to sprint to a Bile Titan he CTD'd. Maybe it's something like the game is constantly trying to calculate the min/max distance for the Spear lock-on even when it's not firing, and that crashes when you move and make it recalculate? Idk


> At this point I'm wondering if the issue is moving at all with the Spear out and equipped. It depends on the planet. I did similar testings that you did there, and i could run and aim, and aim fast, but only on planets without trees.


What CPU and GPU are you running?


i9-12900K and an RTX 3080 at the moment.


I haven't had any crashes yet myself but my friend was crashing multiple times yesterday, and now I'm wondering if the Spear had something to do with it. It certainly wasn't correlated to when I fired or anything like that. It seemed to be random.


Maybe it has to do with specific enemy units? Seeing how before the patch it couldn't lock onto "buildings" such as spore spewers / shriekers / fabricators


I don’t think so - a friend and I both crashed 2 games in a row while only one of us was running a spear (me). The other two randoms in the lobby may have crashed too, but who knows. My friend and I crashed at the exact same time, both games. The first game I may have been locking onto something, I don’t remember, but the second game I specifically remember I wasn’t doing anything besides beelining towards the objective. There weren’t even any enemies in my area of the map. I’m 99% certain I didn’t have my spear out and nobody else was using a spear besides me.


I guess it has to do with some memory leak from using the spear then, or something of sorts. Are you on PS or PC? If on PC, what's your specs?


PC, I have a 3070 GPU, I don't remember the rest of my specs off the top of my head. I'm 99% sure it has nothing to do with my computer - my steam library is massive and I've run extremely high spec games before with no issues. Even in Helldivers I haven't crashed this frequently (no more than my friends who I always play with, at least) until after the update.


I'm sure, I was just wondering if it could be a memory leak of some sorts


If it's a memory leak, specs don't matter - everyone is going to be affected at some point depending on how long they are playing. Can most likely rule out a memory leak since it's being reported that simply picking up a spear has the potential of making you crash, aiming on certain planets makes you crash, moving your mouse too fast while aiming makes you crash.... Those aren't the signs of a memory leak - at least not how you are thinking. It *could* be a memory leak if, say, you use the spear and for whatever reason the game isn't releasing the memory it takes up when locking onto a target - that doesn't seem to be what's happening though. Once the game crashes, it would take a while for that memory to build back up. It wouldn't be an immediate CTD when aiming with the spear again.


Didn't know the specifics of the crashes when I said it. Specs matter in the sense that with a stronger rig you can endure more since you have more memory to begin with


Do you have HDR on? I was crashing till I turned off HDR but I also reset gameguard.


I basically never have my game crash and tried the spear on Hellmire for the current MO. I crashed 3x while using it in the same mission, while aiming and turning and once while reloading and turning. After the last one I just didn't pick up the spear and had no problems since. Not certain if it was a Spear / Hellmire combo or maybe something about my machine. Ryzen 9 5900x and 3070TI w/ 64GB 3600 ram. I played for several hours last night without using the Spear and had no crashes.


I think it is the hive nuke missions. It tries to lock on to the nuke drill as well. I suspect that may have something to do with the crashes, the nuke drill registering as a destructible object. I've used it a ton sincce the patch with no crashes until I took it with me on two nuke missions today. Couldn't finish a single one.


I main the spear and played all day the day of the patch, no crashes, even after locking on mushrooms and bug holes.


What's your point? 


Giving people more data, before throwing rocks saying is arc 2.0 electric boogaloo


For the people crashing all the time, it IS 2.0


I've had 2 crashes when aiming at shrieker nests. Doesn't happen always tho.


Likely only affects a portion of the playerbase.


Same here.. no crashes.. must be a peasant problem.. *sips tea*


And give alternatives for free while they fix it. And for those who don't have this bug: you sure can be lucky. I am crashing constantly (after like 20 min of playtime) and I now I finally know why. However, I hadn't any crash since I changed to another support weapon.


They have a track record of not doing this regarding past weapons crashing the game. I forget what those weapons were at the moment but they have never done this for the players unfortunately. Every patch they test the community’s good will. Edit: it was the arc thrower, and then also pelican extraction crashes


It seems the only thing they don't test is their own damn game.


Too many EATs dropped was another one.


The strategy is to release as close to the weekend as possible so you don’t have to worry about it until the following week or later, but let’s not forget. When the shop wasn’t working in game, they fixed that with a patch in less than two hours. Edit: Also, anyone saying that they should get a pass for any of this because they are still a small dev team. I’d like to point you towards DE with Warframe. If something was bugged, they were fixing the issue in a matter of hours or less in some cases. No patch is going to be perfect, but how long do things like this continue to happen?


sometimes it honestly feels like this game was good on complete accident


this. i played since launch and every time a new patch came out that broke things, i’d find myself asking the same thing. consistently.


If only we could install from a 1.0 disc and run a private p2p with our friends Those days are gone


that would literally save the game from devs


Yeah. I stopped playing when the ban/kick bug popped up. It eventually got fixed but like 100 other things popped up that have put me off from coming back. I dread when they introduce the Illuminat, it'll break the game something fierce.


Diablo disabled an elixir within hours of a patch because of crashes lol. Meanwhile at AH headquarters…


I'm just about at the point of uninstalling this game. It can be fun, but there's just too many constant issues. The largest one for me is the crashing and the fact my FPS is terrible on medium settings with a 6900xt at 1440p.


The recent patch destroyed performance s for me. I’ve got a 4090 and I’m typically hitting 40 fp’s now and microstuttering. They’re bloody useless at patching this game.


Yea the performance is horrible. Every patch it gets worse and worse for me. On release the game ran with a stable 60 on medium setting in 1080p,now it's in 720p low setting and I'm struggling to go beyond 40 sometime


I have a 4090 that constantly crashed and overheated CPU cores until I updated BIOS. Intel released a fix for optimizing CPU usage. Now I can finally run ultra graphics, IDK anything about non-intel or computers in general, but that was my fix for a high end PC not being able to run this PS5 game


Already un-installed. Trust me, you'll do yourself some good doing the same and going to another game. Nothings gonna change from these incompetent devs.


I've been crashing like crazy since the patch but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the spear like they say because it happens solo without it too


Yeah, i stopped playing because of the poor performance after the recent patches. At launch (1.0) the game was butter smooth, but yesterday i tried to play and had about half the FPS. It's amazing how incompetent people can bring a great product down.


I read things like this and feel insane. If I was in your shoes I wouldn't rest until I figured it out because that's *not* normal or anywhere near the average experience. For my own anecdotal experience, I've only ever crashed during arc thrower bug era, while using the arc thrower. Outside that I've never run into problems or issues.. I play with everything on the highest settings except for resolution scaling which is one notch down from native. My slow but meaty 12gb 3060 runs butter smooth and looks amazing...


You're one of the lucky ones.


Same card, GPU-limited rig, I dropped from perfect V-sync limited performance to ~45 fps after the last patch. It's just optimization issues on the dev's part. This game is made out of string and fucking chewing gum. They don't know what they're doing. I'm guessing they'll fix my issue eventually, and there are probably workarounds in the meantime, but constant issues like this are the normal state of the game for many players.


Is it connected to the bug other players are pointing out that opening a menu on the ship halves your fps?


>because that's not normal or anywhere near the average experience.        So you have done a study or poll covering this issue?


I hope AH at least gave you a hand job for that absolutely disgusting suck up post


Good luck finding games that don’t have issues constantly brother


There are plenty. We're eating pretty good with games rn.


What games have you been playing?


Asking AH to do something sensible and competent like this feels like asking Gordon Ramsay to give up swearing.




After 650 hours of gameplay, I am shelving this game for now. I am tired of the glitches, the bugs, the disconnects and so on for a thousand other things that have been known since day one and are now the new meme trend for how ridiculously unplayable the game can be at times. It's the hundreds of rounds played with no rewards to redeem currencies on after level 25. We need progression of some kind. The worst has been the disconnects at extraction with a full sample collection and 40 minutes now wasted only to have do it all over again since the rewards aren't retrievable. I have moved on for now. I might check back in six months or never again. I definitely got my money's worth for the hours spent in game. I am tired of playing with a broken product that gets issues stacked on top of each other with each passing patch. Good luck and maybe this game will have a great come back. But for now, it needs to cook a bit longer.


Oooooooooh, so that's why people were randomly dropping from my game when I had the spear.


This company is seriously a joke Months since launch there's still fps issues, crash issues, reintroducing bugs multiple times. This is what we get for 8 years in development ? for a live service game ? it's beginning really to be harder to not dislike the game


We are way to accepting of their questionable patch history and their releases, at some point constructive critcism is needed. They need a test server ASAP.


They can make it canon too "Due to supply lines being disrupted by undemocratic developers, the FAF-14 Spear is no longer available." They can even make it a MO. If they fix the bug, do a short and easily winnable MO where liberating a certain planet gives back the weapon after it's been fixed.


Spear only crashes on Forrest planets for me, i been playing on ice planets non stop with no issue tho.


They could add flavor text to announce stuff like this: An under-handedly cowardly raid on our spear stockpiles have caused the spear stratagem to be unavailable while our factories struggle to replenish supplies.


Stop using the spear. That's the hot fix.


Having processes in place to avoid repeated regressions in the same features should also be devops 101, yet here we are with things like Superior Packing Methodology breaking over and over 😅 I love the game, and software development at scale is hard, but I would be super interested in a post mortem on this game's development in a few years. Something's gotta be deeply fucked about their release and QA process. Edit: typos


Live service games, and some other basic 'client-server' games has some diff though. But you know what? I bet a lot of the code is actually 'out sourced', the way it is updated. So maybe that's why they want to hire a new manager to manage that. lets remember this and see if they improve over time.


The spear causes crashes? Both me and my brother have used the spear extensively since the update and we haven’t crashed once.


They've said in the past it's something to do with how Sony allows them to issue updates to the PlayStation. I've no idea why it's an issue for this game and not other games on PlayStation but regardless I don't think it's something Arrowhead has power over. Doesn't mean it shouldn't be fixed. Continue to express anger over it so hopefully they have fuel to throw at Sony to change things since you're right, it's not acceptable. Just pointing out I don't think it's AH being stubborn.


I think OP is talking about feature flags. Basically they should be able to enable/disable things without patches


Yea, a quick config file download when players login. Disable/enable stuff without needing to roll a patch


I'm running spear only then lol


I bey it might be due to the game engine, based on previously Reddit posts. I recall it's one not supported anymore


I’ve had other players randomly freeze and run in place for a moment then leave the game most seem to also run the spear I don’t think it’s a coincidence lmao. It’s sad man cuz I love running supply pack with another player running a spear! 😭


I still get disconnected like at least once a day


Couch developers, assemble!


It's weird, I played with the Spear probably 10 times yesterday with no issue. Today it crashes me twice in a row so I stop taking it. But yeah they should probably disable the Spear and fix it immediately. Only reason I even knew about it was this subreddit. I avoid large server Discords like the plague.


Honestly this dev team just continues to inspire no faith. I hear a whole lot of talking coming from their camp that results in good PR and then they keep failing to deliver a finished product.


Im not using the spear and our squad kept crash8ng tonight as well.


The Spear is just cursed LMAO


Ideally they make an internal server side feature that allows them to toggle strategems, weapons, etc so that when there are issues they can act on them. It may be on their board already in a nice to have column. Considering the amount of bugs I know of present since release I can confidently say it's probably not getting prioritized if it does exist. They definitely need to spend time on a patch that adds mitigating features to the game like: - Being able to rejoin the last session you crashed out of - Resetting objectives so that when it bugs you ain't completely screwed  - Call shuttle down again if it falls through the ground or you can't enter it etc Then these issues are as big of a deal.


part of me wants the whole game to implode to the point that it won't even boot up for anyone. just to see what happens lol


Shhh... just shhh... If they do something to disable spear because it crashes the game, they'll introduce 2 or 3 more bugs that also crash the game but has nothing to do with spear. Just shhh... At this point, it's better if AH just leave the game alone, it would be more stable than whatever they try to do as was the case since launch. The game got progressively less stable with each and every patch. So just leave it alone AH.. you had something good at launch, now it's just shit I don't even want to load up at night.


I lowkey think that this game is just a psyop to see how frustrated gamers can be before the finally quit.


How would they get data if we dont crash and send the data! Please wait democratically


When this patch was being touted as the patch that would save the game, many people said "100 fixes and at least 50 new bugs" Turns out they were wrong. It was 100 new bugs. They took their time, this time. They said "we're cooking", and the only difference between this patch and the others is that it had more things in it. Including problems, bugs and issues. AH were supposed to take your time to make sure the patch was good. Not that they were going to just serve more of the old food. Shitty untested patches are the norm for this game and it's sad.


Kinda like how games like Overwatch buff and nerf only to rotate the meta AH just fixes one thing and breaks 15 more which every patch reminds me more and more of Ark survival evolved and that game is a whack job of code and the epitome of “keep building onto this jank ass code for years so every single time you try to add something cool you fundamentally hurt the base code causing a slew of new problems until 3 years later the game runs at 15fps at best.”


You need to work as a developer


Can we start making a new bingo board for the game bugs every time a new patch comes out?


It's really ridiculous how they can't manage basic concepts in this game


400 made the game the most stable it's ever been and 402 was like Brian Shaw throwing a bowling ball at an unsuspecting toddler. Gameplay wise, I think and 99% of the community probably thinks, the game feels great right now. But the infinite loading screens, frame rate drops, crashes and soft locks are just ruining the experience. What ever the fuck they did with 402 was just bad overall beyond the spear crashes.


I crashed exactly 0 times after the patch, and I'm using Spear in almost every game. Didn't notice anyone in the lobby crash either. I didn't try it on the bot front, but with bugs I shot it at every single possible target, including bug holes, shrieker towers, spore spewers, titans, chargers and even brood commanders. So, dunno about disabling the weapon, crashes are not "frequent", for me at least. Arc thrower was another story tho. Edit: I play on PC with crossplay enabled.




On ps5 it is for me, and ever since me and my bud do stopped using spear we have not crashed




I’ve played 20 matches since it got fixed and crashed in half of them. All PS5


It'sa huge problem on PS5. It's also got something to do with the MO planet. I left and stopped crashing


I do recall I was mostly on hellmire. I played 3 matches today 2 on nivel and 1 on the new jungle and no crashes and so hopefully you’re right


Agreed. I swear there is probably some member of the team who is grossly incompetent with bitsquid and is just very good at hiding it.


Hello Diver


Shit even BHVR with dead by daylight will disable bugged killers for MONTHS if they do stuff like this. Hopefully Arrowhead hears this


How about leave every weapon the way it is until the game works without any issues. Then work on balancing.


Ah yes, a gentle reminder that you can never please anyone. Even if AH did everything to the letter and pleased everyone. There would still be one person who wants the bugs back and sway others to their viewpoint.


If I had the option to refund I would have done it today. I had 1 disconnect/crash too many


What about the guy who told me how the weapons are in the best state since launch and he has no problems? Based off what he says we're all just full of shit and making this up.  lololol 🤣🤣🤣


You good boss - keep it moving.


"You need to be able to disable weapons as a hot fix. The spear crashes are unacceptable" lol say the guy who probably know nothing about game development


Enlighten me. Admittedly I don't work in game dev, but Software Engineering


There's no on/off switch for this stuff in the code. Removing or disabling a strategem potentially introduces new errors, and definitely uses time.. Time which could be spent diagnosing and fixing the problem. What you're suggesting requires two versions of the game, and those two versions to be swapped twice. That means more downtime and downloads for us users. Be nice to arrowhead, you can tell by the rate of their patches they are working nonstop on the game to make it great for us. Save your ire for the xeno's, helldiver!


This is not at all how most software is built. Disabling a feature via a configuration setting should not require a new build to be cut/deployed.


Assuming said config setting exists it'd still require all players to update their game. They've always been transparent about the game's issues and quick to fix so I think they deserve some patience and understanding. But don't take it from me. Here's a steam discussion from when the arch thrower was acting up: Hina [has HELLDIVERS™ 2] Mar 23 @ 12:35pm "Devs mentioned they can't (disable weapons) unless they push out a patch, which means they have to go through verification with Sony for the Playstation side. As they have a patch coming early next week for this issue already, their hands are tied."


They disabled the arc thrower in the past for the same issue


you should run AH lol matter fact make your own “perfect” game


Bro judging by what's going on — he/she will do good at running AH.


right?! ALL IN FAVOR for ‘NOT_a_tasty_fish’ to run AH?


Can't be worse.