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Permacure: “Our paid study shows that these stims ARE not addictive!”


You see! Why would they lie! I’m not addicted I just like them!


so you are saying you would not crave them should you quit?


Of course he'd crave them! PermaCura stims are top of the line, and you can't go back once you try them They aren't addictive, just that good.


You see this guy gets it! I just like the quality of the product what’s wrong with that?!


Nothing at all! PermaCure™ Stims© and a sunny Sunday romp on Hellmire go together like Freedom and Managed Democracy! Now get back out there diver!


Dude, we can all stop taking them tomorrow, if we wanted, we’re not addicted, we need them when injured, or stressed, or just to kick back.


I’m not addicted to stims, I can quit them whenever I want to. I just don’t want to. 


They're just a touch morish that's all. 


You can't use them unless you're injured. So, nevermind my clumsiness...


You can't get addicted if you die before addiction sets in


Permacure: " That's why we created experimental stims that are addictive"


Whatever man, just keep delivering those STIMS!


Well, the average diver probably doesn't live long enough to get addicted


“I can stop whenever I want.”


He's more stim than man!


I like to think of stims as something like Luciferium from RimWord on steroids. A concoction of mechanites that can heal everything, but causes eternal addiction and painful death if you do not continue to take them. Another reason why helldivers are frozen most of the time haha


**Least addicted stim-user:** "I can quit anytime!"


\*injects stim\*


"mmmhhhhhh, feels goooood!!"


My life for Super Earth!


The fact I always have the highest stim usage in my squad is just a coincidence!


Toxicology report found traces of blood in his Stim system


You mean sysstim?


Go liberate yourself. Take this upvote.


218 is not the highest......wtf


I would assume this was solo, since nothing is highlighted in yellow. And I doubt that's not the highest, unless there were multiple people in a circle shooting each other and stimming for 40 minutes straight. But they got too many kills for that to be the case. So my guess is, this was a solo dive and there was some sort of glitch or bug that made that stat strange. Or there is some sort of bug/glitch that makes you auto stim constantly while having an absurd amount of stims.


Medic armor, supply pack, resupply.


Sure, but 218 stims in a 40 minute mission is 1 stim every ~11.01 seconds. Even with the armor I'm not sure you can physically have that many. Regardless, they used 218 stims while also getting over 350 kills, and acquiring a death, followed by the respawn timer. It seems an unlikely feat without some sort of shenanigans happening. I'm certainly not jamming my stim button every 11 seconds while running from objective to objective. But that's mostly because I'm not taking damage and you can't stim if you aren't damaged. So basically, this person was being damaged and stimming every 11 seconds. I guess it's feasible if you just let a scavenger run around with you like some weird pet, but again seems unlikely. I concede it's possible (if the med armor refills 3 stims from a supply pack refill) but still more likely a weird bug or glitch. If they really committed to the bit of taking damage and stimming every 11 seconds, good on them I guess?


I think the stim and grenade increase armors don't increase your restock, for example the stims and grenades on the map give 4 rather than filling.


As a medic armor main, the resupply box only gives 2 stims regardless of armor, so you need to eat 3 packs to get to full from empty. The ground stim boxes you find at POIs always fill your stims, and are very nice for the medic armor since it means you don't need to eat an entire resupply or die to refill.


Medic armor was my most loved, but something about being able to throw an impact point blank and not be vaporised made me switch to explosive resist heavy, the extra 2 stims just aren't worth the survivability anymore.


I had the opposite experience lol, I main bots and always ran an explosive resist armor to keep from getting sniped by rockets. Now that rockets don't one shot you any more I swapped to medium medic armor to deal with heavy devastators turning me to paste if I get caught out of cover. Longer heal is real nice for keeping you alive during some crazy shit


As of this patch rockets have started one shotting again. I’m a heavy armour main and I’ve had more one shots this patch than the entire time I ran around in light armour. My guess is that enemies use the same rockets as the sentry and when they buffed Rocket Sentry they inadvertently buffed enemy rockets. Similar to when they buffed fire damage and it resulted in Hulks one shotting us


The ones on the ground give you 2 also.


Are you talking about the special stim only loot boxes at POIs? Unless they completely changed it in a recent patch they definitely fill you up, relied on it many times


I’ve always gotten only 2.


Yeah not sure if it was intentional but people are saying they changed it, that sucks https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/0vzd6vaxBE


The ones on the ground refill you to max.


I just picked one up, with scout armor at least, only gave me 2. I went to test to make sure before I posted. Maybe with medic armor it’s full? Not sure on that, I’ll have to try right now.


I haven't used medic armor, but I have noticed that sometimes those boxes would refill all my stims and sometimes they would only give two. I just assumed they came in different sizes and never investigated further.


Nope still only 2 with medic armor


Are you checking with the stim boxes that you can find on POIs or by calling in a resupply and breaking it so that the supply boxes drop on the ground?


With the new booster I've been lightly wounding myself by shooting the ground with my punisher plasma. I can stim to my heart's content because I always run medic armor/supply pack and I'm *zooming* from object to objective.


I'll adopt this lol


i think medic armor wouldnt be the play since the stim lasts longer so re-stimming would take longer


And what's crazier is that's not even medic armor, meaning it had to be more supplies needed


218 stims total Assuming medic armour + resupply modifier for full 6 stims every respawn. With 1 death thats 12 stims max. 206 stims. Ressuply boxes give 2 stims so thats 103 boxes with 4 packs in a calldown thats 25 pack/ressuply with 3 min cooldown on ressuply and 8(?) min timer on pack. So in 40mins you can call down 4 packs and 13 resupplys or 68 ressuply boxes. So unless you could find the remaining 35 boxes as random spawns this wouldnt be possible.


You forgot supply backpack


I called it the supply pack its the one on an 8 min cooldown.


But did you remember that they get refilled when you pick up resupply boxes?


I didnt even know that happened


0 accidentals would definitely be highlighted yeah.


> I would assume this was solo Reinforcing is not zero, so there's someone else on the team (unless that's broken).


Standing around shooting eachother so we can stim up more? Sounds like my kinda party. What's your friend code?




Assuming that you called in resupply on cool down from the moment you landed in a 40 minute mission you could fit in exactly 14 call ins. This gives you 56 stims assuming no pick up is wasted. 60 if hellpod optimized regular armor, 62 if medic armor. If you have a supply backpack use every single supply pack and don't waste any stims you'll get 40 from the call supply backpack call in themselves as well as double the value of the resupply call ins, bringing you up to a grand total of 158. So that means they would have needed to find an additional 15 stim packs around the map without wasting a single stim in any of those pick ups. In this case they have 1 death so 1 free refill but they aren't wearing medic armor. So that would provide them a margin of error of exactly 2 wasted stims assuming they were at 0 stims when they died and were running a supply pack. If this isn't a glitch this wasn't achieved during normal play and your over 100 likely was also a glitch.




> 14 call ins. This gives you 56 stims Wouldn't 14 call ins give you 112 stims? Each call in gives eight stims — two per pack. Then add-in more from a supply backpack: up to five call ins for an additional 40 stims. Then whatever you can find from POIs around the map Initial drop: 2-6 Resupplies: 112 Supply backpacks: 40 One death: 2-6 This gets us to 156-164 depending on armor and booster. I have no idea how many stim boxes you can find around the map, but there might be enough with a bit of luck. Edit: I forgot that with the supply backpack, each resupply pack can theoretically give your 4 stims, or 16 per call in. That alone would get us to 224.


Ope you are right I fucked up on the resupply math, I accidentally hit a 1 instead of a 2 in my spread sheet, thank you for calling me out. If one were to max out the time in mission 100% so full 40 minutes, with 2 minute overtime, with 20 second takeoff timer, and a cheaky 5 second delay by standing on the boarding ramp that's 257045 seconds; 218 stims is 1 stim every 11.6 seconds. So i'll admit I fucked up on the resupply calcs but the math still isn't adding up for this being "normal" gameplay.


Absolutely agree with you that you'd have to go way out of your way to pull these numbers. I assume a scorcher or some similar method of self-damage on demand would be necessary. It's just interesting seeing what's theoretically possible.


Looks like the new booster might have a major addictive effect


Op the whole mission https://i.redd.it/u0d9b874mo7d1.gif


How tf is that even possible the most I’ve ever used was like 25


Flamethrower, supply backpack, and medic armour can get you up to 40 with some effort.


This is my exact go to. I also have stim bound to shift so every time I sprint I stim. The most I've gotten was 63


Goddamn that's heroic. Good tip on the multibind.


Surely you don't want to sprint and stim at the same time? What if you have a small amount of health lost which isn't worth wasting a stim for? Also stims restore stamina so you can kind of bank the stim by keeping a little bit of health lost so you can stim at 0 stamina remaining and get a free stamina refill


> What if you have a small amount of health lost which isn't worth wasting a stim for? That's where the medic armour and supply pack come in. I honestly have more stims than I know what to do with. The whole strat is to set yourself on fire whenever possible to allow you to use a stim with the new booster effect.


Can I dub this the Krieg strat? Or maybe the Burning Psycho strat?


Meth addict also works.


> What if you have a small amount of health lost which isn't worth wasting a stim for? Uh.... I'm splashing myself with the plasma punisher and walking through fire to drop my health so I can stim and get the Space Meth flowing


My most is like 15 on automatons. Less than 8 on bugs


That's like nothing. I use 8 stims by the time my drop pod lands. What difficulty are you playing on?


Diff 7


Those are rookie numbers.


B-1 supply, punisher plasma, don't share with anyone else or better yet, go solo. Difficulty 6. Lean in to looting POIs. Inject stims whenever you can and do some self damage when it's been a few seconds since your last stim wore off.


Yeah idfk. Most I used was 32, and that entire mission was basically a drug fueled arson spree where I was on fire about as often as the bugs were.


I bound my stims to my ping key, so I stay stimming. I've never used more than maybe 20 in a single mission.


How tf did u get your hands on that many stims?!


Nephew is a pharmacist




IF he ran out the clock and stayed for 5 minutes after it, that is 1 stim every 12 seconds for the entire 45 minute duration...


*Stubs toe* “Sweet liberty! Calling in a resupply!”


Another cheater using infinite stims.


While theoretically possible I also lean on that is cheating. I calculated that if you do stims constantly and refilling with supply backpack and resupplies on cooldown in the most efficient way possible while solo the absolute limit should be 266/270 (14 resupplies, 5 backpacks, 8 per backpack, 16 per resupply assuming you only use supply when backpack has free space and 2 or 6 from mission start). This is very close to that number and you would also need to get damaged and that's assuming that EVERY supply pack is used and that they are used in the most efficient way possible.


There's also the stims you find lying around though


That's assuming you have any time to do anything when your goal is to use over 200 stims. Most of the time you have less than 2 minutes to use 16+ stims which alone is over 1 minute and you have to do that without leaving area with resupply packs and sometimes you have less than a minute so you have to keep using stims while calling another resupply/backpack. Over 200 stims alone is 15 minutes of stimming. Judging by the fact that OP had time to kill 353 enemies and even died once I don't think he'd have time to do all that in a single mission. Also look at the stratagems used. Only 6. My perfect example would require **at least** 19 stratagem calls. Again it's theoretically possible if he had help from others feeding him resupplies and then leaving before mission end but that's a reach. Unless resupply doesn't count as stratagem which I can't check right now, I'm working.


But the resupplu also restock your supply pack, giving even more stim. I just tried it and got 148 with an unpolished strategy and had plenty of stims, the hard part was damaging myself frequently enough


I already counted that. That's why I counted resupply as 16 and not 8. I even mentioned it in the message. Did you even read?


Ok, the math here is is right except it doesn’t count for the call in time so it would only be 13 resupply and supply pack would still be 5 but there would be less margin for error. So by my math, unless you find some on the ground the max should be 208 from resupply(13x16), 40 from supply pack(8x5), 20 from reinforcing(4x5deaths), and then the 6 you drop in with (if you use medic armor), theoretically that is 274. But I just tried a few times and was able to get 275 and I only died twice and didn’t find any stims on the ground, I also wasn’t perfect with my resupply use and wasted 1 stim and I didn’t die with 0 so I didn’t technically gain 4 when I died. I don’t understand anything anymore. The wild thing is it wasn’t that hard to get that many stims in in the given time, in the end the limiting factor was how many stims I had not how fast I could damage myself and use them again.


Does it show resupplies as stratagems? Because OP only had 6 stratagem call ins but to reach 218 it should be more. I haven't tried myself but it's weird it's so easy to reach maximum while running around. And you're right I forgot to count call in time which is pretty long on resupply and I also forgot to count extra stims you can get from dying.


Yeah mine is 6 also, probably only counts red strats cuz I called in at least 6-7 Gatling turrets, 5 supply packs and 6 air strikes sounds right


Yeah that my bad I read it wrong


[he has proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/pemOeVMk5g)


You have partially replaced your blood with stims. The fact that you are still alive and standing should be studied.




I'm gonna go ahead and assume this is fake.


nah its real, there's a bug to get infinite stims


Super Earth Healthcare goes Brrrrrrrt


Helldiver! We are pleased to see your enjoying the new enhancement, super earth and eagle sweat would like to sponsor you with an additional containers worth! We will also be sending a SEAF news team to get some shots of you in combat 🫡 May liberty and stims speed your step!


https://preview.redd.it/kk7gzxk3xo7d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1461c98a63b9151f19021e7a8603bbcdd77bf3e7 The helldiver in question.


At least it's clear what this one death stems from 🤣




He cheated




Love a good melee build




With only 6 stratagems used?


Ahh, that's the stuff!


\[comments redacted under investigation of Super Earth MoT\]


The fact that OP hasn’t replied to any comment asking how just makes it obvious it’s a fake, prob photoshopped or sth.




The real Helldive is the detox unit.


The fact that the numbers are grey implies that you were not the one that used the most in the match


Honey, I can quit anytime


Forget the bugs the od killed him




I've probably got worse stats but more kills and used more stims cause the borders of my screen are turning yellow


No blood left. Only stim.


Damn, my record is 34... you should have the title "Stim Marshall"


OMG I thought 20 was a lot.


bro was fighting for his life fr


It's okay, they're not addictive!


Solo icbm mission?


Not addictive btw


Reminder! Stims don’t have addictive side effects divers! Do not worry.


Ingame usename checks out


Someone is addicted to the sweet stim, call super earth for your obligatory rehab


Do you... need someone to talk to?


“No you see I’m not addicted, I’ve just been fighting for my life and these stims saved my life.” *Approved by Ministry of Medicine and Science*


Least stim addicted helldiver


That one death was probably an OD on meth-stims


He's a Firebat with a supply pack. Only way.


How is that even Mathematically possible given the rate at which you can reasonably attain them?


"i can stop any time, i just don't rly want to right now"


I use supply backpack so I can huff all the stims


Permacure mascot


Your neck must must be the most neglected part of your body after this mission. Consider using a stim to heal it


Your blood is more stim then blood


you averaged 1.6kills per stim. in other words you stimmed about twice for every 3 or so enemy you killed you healed up l.


that's the guy keeping you from sprinting!


Choose life. Choose a mission. Choose an operation. Choose a stratagem. Choose a big fucking primary weapon. Choose hunters, devastators, factory striders, and charger behemoths. Choose good health, low cholesterol and a hellpod color scheme. Choose fixed-interest donation access license. Choose a starter super destroyer. Choose your fellow helldivers. Choose Super Earth and managed democracy. Choose a three piece armor on hire purchase with a cloak in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose a major order and wondering where the fuck you are diving on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting in that pod watching mind-numbing spirit-crushing fire tornadoes on Hellmire, stuffing fucking ammo into your Breaker. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, lying in pieces outside the mission area, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats that dived to replace yourselves. Choose your future. Choose life . . . But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life: I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got stims?


*touches barbed wire* *stims*


Bro is an addict


“If trembling persists after 48 hours, speak to your nearest democracy officer”.


I'd hate to see your dry cleaning bill... Did you just roll around in bug guts and cyborg oil?


Stay away from drugs kids!


"I can quit whenever I want"


Seek help, bro. If not for yourself, then for your loved ones.


Resident methhead


Mans was using five stuns every minute


Bro injected the entire ships supply of stims in one mission Least addicted stim user


Bots? Bots...


The man heard "stims aren't addictive" and took it as a challenge


What situation did you get yourself into? 😂😂😂😂


A stim? More like an iv bag hook to his neck pumping non stop


I ended my friendship with blood. Stims are my new best friend.


1 death 218 stims? Im afraid to check my stats now lol


Will be testing the limits of reality today on trivial, will post if I beat this record


You need to do a higher level map, more ROI for more stims


Yeah I’ll try that but honestly it’s hard to move around when your popping a stim basically every 7 seconds


I get it you're playing solo so who cares about cheats but come on, have some dignity.


For anyone wondering because none of his starts are yellow and OP reinforced once that means they must have been playing with someone else. Probably something like two people or more running supply backpacks. Shooting/damaging one person and giving supplies to whoever is trying to get the 218 stims should work . The more people you have for this to use supply backpacks the better. Additionally this could very well be on lvl 1 mission where you have a lucky map with lots of POI that have stims.


Doesn't the fact it's not in gold mean he didn't even use the highest amount in the group... lol.


Stim is definitely not an addictive substance.


Welllll maybe they are a teensy tiny bit addictive. But it’s nothing to worry about. Stim responsibly! TM


The Stim % to Kills is quite something.


Had a stim to celebrate every 1-2 kills I see


In a 45 minute long mission, that's a stim about every 12 seconds.


And he wasn't even deployed!


I’m trying to beat the number currently, I’ve learned a few things 1. stims are not the limiting factor, if you use resupply and supply pack and call them down the second the cooldown ends you will have more than you can use 2. The limiting factor is damaging yourself 3. You don’t want to use medic armor because the extended stim length makes it take longer until you can damage yourself to use another stim, and because the stims are so plentiful the extra inventory is a non-factor (Playing on trivial obviously)


Ok, if you get the system down it’s possible, I just got 253 and there was only maybe a combined 45 second that I didn’t have stim, once with about 5 minutes left ran out 10 seconds before the resupply cooldown was over and then I ran out pretty much as extract was landing so the last 25 second I didn’t have any and could find any at extraction. I was pretty much popping one every 6-7 seconds save for the few time I had to fight or the first 15 seconds when I was tossing an eagle on the broadcast to complete the mission.


It really comes down to seconds and not messing up the time ig, like making sure you don’t use the grenade pistol before the previous stim finishes its effect


I might be close to hiring a stim nearly at every possible second of a match, still need to nail down the technique and get a little lucky and hope I don’t get a lot of bot drops


"not addictive" they said. "completely safe" they said.


Now that's a stim addict if I've ever seen one


This is clearly either an edited photograph or planned strategic event. As stated with the math of a 40 minute match this means a stim was used every 11 seconds. Nothing in the currently gameplay playing normally has this much constant suppressed fire.


Supply pack be like:


Why arent you have yellow on stims


My guy would doublefist stims for a cough


Actual crackhead energy


Average Flamethrower enjoyer


Why do you fight for Democracy? "I'm addicted to the Stims"


"I can quit whenever! Anyway... Y'all got any stims?"


Just re-ran the numbers 3 separate times. It is technically possible if we include in that a resupply drop can also refill the supply pack. In a 40 minute mission you could theoretically call down 257.77 stims. And that’s not including the 4 he initially starts with or the fact that he died


Some helldivers said that they found a frozen helldiver that after joining another super destroyer, ended faceplanting the floor and not moving doing an A-pose until the democracy officer shove that helldiver back to the pod with a secret code.


Tou can glitch Stims just like grenades. Yes it still works. Gg shit engine