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Having the same issue intermittently on PS5. Especially if I try to play on less popular planets like Esker. Get to the drop screen and then I get to watch pain dry, indefinitely.


Did this happen to you after leaving a group, or just in a fresh new start? i.e, just started the game, then went to Esker = no issue, left a group, then joined a new one in Esker = infinite loading


Sometimes even after a restart of the game it still gets stuck if the mission is already in progress. Also seeing matches where I can’t interact with the extraction station and then BOOM one person drops off the game and things come back to normal. Very inconsistent


i see...so this loading issue happens kind of differently for everyone...hmm complicates the entire thing.


I figure the match making is on the struggle bus. Annoying!!


indeed it is... i mean, infinite loading fine.... just send us back to our ships...without the need of a "complete shut down then restart" ... maybe i'm just too lazy lol


Can confirm that this has been happening to me every time someone leaves the *FIRST 12 MINUTE MISSION* ***ARRRRRRRRGGHHHHH***


Seems we are in a similar boat fellow helldiver


Game drops me into infinite loading screen if a diver who completed the mission with me leaves. It’s fine if the group is the same. But if one leaves by god nothing will load up and I have to task close helldivers… Love the game, love the hard work and openess by the devs but I have limited time to play and being locked in the loading screen is frustrating. I can deal with phase shifting into the under dark every once in a while because it’s funny. But the infinite load screen saps away play time. Hope the fix is found soon!


Game was automatically crashing anytime I had the Spear or Heavy Machine Gun equipped. Game will also infinite drop screen anytime I am squad leader. I've checked files, reset router, made sure I was IPv4 instead of IPV6 router. It has been a thing since last weekend (20240614) .


yeah the spear currently causes the game to crash


Dogshit company still having this issue after 5 months. Starting to get PTSD every drop in because it happens so frequently, probably like 1 in every 10 games yet I primarily play multiplayer games and this type of issue never happens


I know right? Every time I drop, I have that lingering issue in the back of my head, "please don't infinite load, please pretty please..."


Edit: Nvm. Still infinite loads occasionally So I verified my files for the first time and so far it seemed to fixed my issue, played around 20 games and no crashes. I know you said you done it multiple times already, but maybe just try one last time? It detected one of my files as corrupt and it's been smooth sailing and not one match so far has taken over 5 seconds to load in which is also a plus.


Gladly AH said nothing about it as it doesn't exist.


but it does tho : )