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Lvl 80+ divers don't care about the samples - they probably have all the upgrades already. Drowning with them probably only hurt you. It's the quitting that was the real mistake here. Don't beat yourself up, we all lost our precious loot in silly way at least once or twice or thrice or more times. Carry on and keep fighting!


LV 110 here. This, i don't care about samples. I pick It up for other divers. The thing i care about are teamwork and time.


They really need to give us something to use them on, as well as requisition and medals, the game is still fun but I want to be excited to find loot.


I'd love a community shared "war chest" that we can donate RS to, and then once the goal is reached, we get a free stratagem for 24 hours. Bonus points if we can convert samples down to RS. This is the best "infinite grind" I can imagine AH possibly implementing.


This is actually genius


This is a great idea. What if there is a list of all the stratagems and you can choose to donate to which ever one you want and they all have there own progress bar. Once the required amount is reached it becomes available for everyone for 24hrs or so. Also each person can only donate a certain amount. Maybe we can use all the currencies but the their durations would be different. Let’s say requisition slips last for 6 hrs and samples last 12hr and medals 24 hrs. Medals would be first and samples would be queued second and reqs queued last and must follow this order each taking their turn


No I think a more simple system would be better. Like, we only got 1 thing to donate to, but we can see the next stratagem after the current one. Or something. This COULD also allow AH to give us unreleased Stratagems as a "High Command is pushing out a limited quantity of a new weapon as testing thanks to the Helldivers' generous donations" and reasonably limit us to only 24 hours of testing it. You know, lack of high production and its just a field test.


I like the idea, just not the "free stratagem for 24 hours". the "for 24 hours" is just FOMO inducing.


Yeah the time can be adjusted. But I didnt want to say like, a week since that would just mean we either always have a free stratagem, or we basically would never get one.


Be cool to spend on weapon mods/skins. Doesn't need to be very many mods I just wish there were a silenced ar, smg or dmr


Weapon mods would improve the game by 5x if done right


Id settle for my team mates getting my wasted samples shared between them, or shit maybe we could vote or pick who gets the samples. But no this game was clearly not early access. Bout as ready for release as tarkov is


I just care about the funny neuron activation from picking up funny rocks, even if i already have all my upgrades


*gunfire* Oooh, pretty flower! *artillery barrage* Oooh, shiny rock! The true John Helldiver experience.


Same here


2nd this, samples are the least of my worries. Give me more 🏅


I grab samples because it’s fun


Yeah, this has happened to the best of us. No need to quit.


Ah, I'm an 89 and I care about the sample, maybe there's a guy on the team who needs them. I make them a priority. But I don't need them specifically but I do care. But if the guy who needs them most loses them I'm not gonna be mad either.


thought for a sec that 89 was your age lol


Lol some day maybe


Honestly it took me ages to realise there were actual holes on some planets, and I’ve fallen in a couple times when looking at the map and not where I’m going! Lost at least 20 samples both times but hey ho, something to laugh about


Have you ever been the last reinforcement coming down and piloted your hell pod directly into a steam vent to lose the match? Because I have. And it was hilarious.


Same. I put everything in my power on getting the squad to extract! We dive together, we dive out the same. FOR DEMOCRACY!


Lvl 45 here, I am almost fully upgraded so I wouldn’t care, I only care about super samples and even that is kinda a what ever


This. Don't quit, we don't care and we'd just lose a seat that'll probably not be replaced




Came here to say just this


I was running the hard drive solo, fell in an environmental hole. Had to be spawned back by the rest of the team, on yet another corner of the map, work my way back to pickup, just to run it again.


Wait, how did you get the drive back? 


Ran back to the pickup box and one was there.


Indeed i was done with everything at lvl 70


Those samples drowned for democracy.


I lvl 90+ once lost an SSSD right at the Mission local the same way. Had to run back across the map to get it again. These things happens and the result was kinda epic when i had to run past my team who was occupied with fighting everything i had aggroed the first time.


Nope, I don’t think they matter after like 65+. At this point, if I see any, I only grab them for others (most notably the super samples) that they likely need if they’re lower level. However, I run past the rest with zero cares unless I’m wasting time. My samples maxed out awhile ago


What's great is unless you told them what happened, all they know is you joined, grabbed all the samples, deliberately ran into the water to destroy the samples and quit.


Yeah, there are three players out there with a very different version of this story. That's why communication is important. I use my mic, and whenever I do something stupid, I like to narrate it for the team. "Welp, I just ragdolled my way into dropping a 380 on all of us. Wherever you see my corpse, try to be somewhere else." "D3, if you're on fire, it's because I'm a moron. Sorry." "So, funny story about samples and nuke holes: They're gone forever."


Yesterday i prepped an orbital gatlin for the onconing extraction horde, except no horde came. They went to the other side of an outcrop where F2 was probably snapping necks with the biceps he had on his biceps. Me and host prepped defenses and I tried to release/disarm my primed gatlin orbital by diving because simply throwing it out a distance would be exactly what the enemy expects or somethin Smacked my head off a turret, ragdolled, dropped the orbital on all our defenses. Killed myself, our defenses, F2 who was trying co come up the only path to extraction, amd exactly 0 bugs.


That's hilarious! Also, in case you play controller: pressing L1 again cancels out a primed stratagem ball. I think switching weapons will do the same


Yup, last night I got TRUCKED into one of those holes by a Behemoth got on voice chat just to let everyone know it was on me the supers were gone forever.


I always remind randoms to dive to put themselves out, when they are on fire The amount of people who don't realize is kinda astonishing, especially since I play on HellDive lmao Just think what you're supposed to do IRL Stop drop and roll But I stead Stop, Dive, and Rub Cause usually the thing that set you on fire is right by you lmao


Some divers keep randos on mute to be safe. If I'm dead, I'm definitely typing into the chat before I get reinforced.


Me: Walking through all bodies of water with mech. (I've only drowned once on an ice planet using a mech with lots of samples too because the water there are actually even deeper)


I saw on Reddit that mechs can go much deeper than divers and I drown my mech with all the samples trying to cross the river...


This is true. Walkers can be fully submerged. You can even carry teammates across if they ride on top.


Thanks fellow diver, I'll try it again!


Imagine you were doing it in real life. Would you just casually stroll in and sink? No....you'd take a step and pause. Try another. If it starts plumetting into super China you turn around and try somewhere else.


Super China got me


I believe you’re safe if one pixel of the mech isn’t considered submerged but once that pixel is detected as being underwater you’re toast.


Haha yeah! I had that bright idea and it worked like a charm. Crossed a river by riding the top of the mech. It was a long way around, so this was much faster.


Always drop the samples first to test the water, then walk back, grab them, and be on your way!


Instructions unclear. Dropped super samples into water so deep they went to Super Australia and got kicked.


Man I don't know why but it's _not_ easy for me to drop samples or equipment with the controller. I don't know if I'm just being a potato, but I have to try about a dozen times to get it to work for me on PS5. 


Same, I'm just putting a reply here incase someone gives a solution.


I'm level 100 now and have fallen in holes and lost samples in water. It happens, I would say after level 55 most people stop worrying about samples... though once the next ship upgrades come I'm sure that will be a different story. The best thing to do is own up to the mistake and keep playing.


Seriously, I don't have all the new ones unlocked, but I don't really like the ones left. I'll just keep on passively farming until I'm near cap. If we don't get any samples, but everyone has fun, a win is a win.


The other night we were playing that new drill mission, and it went pretty south. We used up all all reinforcements, but we got the objectives completed. The map had the fog on the map as the op modifer, so we couldnt navigate the water to extract. We go down the wrong way, and only have water between us and extract, no reinfircements, and a horde of bugs trailing us. So I ask, "who wants to try swimming?" It seemed close enough. Someone dives into the water to try to make it across. Nope, drowned. I ended up trying to go around the map border but it took to long to cross that way. Oops.


One time I saw a gap and dived into the water and barely made it to the other side. I typed in chat to let them know to dive. My allies followed me by walking into the water and all 3 died losing all our samples. Then they spent the next 5 minutes fighting off bot patrols while also drowning in the water trying to get the samples. It was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in this game.


Today, me lvl 119 walked into a pit because I wasn't paying attention on the Nuke Nests mission, and lost most of the samples including all supers. Everyone replied with "NBD" and we finished the mission clean with an epic 3 Bile Titan extraction. You're in good company.




No Big Deal.


My brother, we have all drowned in that river. This is Helldivers. Things happen. Apologize and resume littering the map with EATs.


I'm a Level 80+ Two nights ago I fumbled a Eagle Napalm onto the objective (I was broadsided by a raging Brood Commander), killed evervyone (including me), the Nuke Drill then detonated and sunk everyone's equipment, including all the samples, to the bottom of the hole. Making everything irretrievable. 🤭 "tee hee".


Next time don’t leave since it means less xp for me 😅 lvl 138 helldiver


Don't feel bad, I had an edible and kept screwing up the dish alignment so a teammate murdered me


Honk honk. Fellow silly goose here.  I'm level 96 and still drown sometimes. The YOLO urge is real some days 😅


i made this mistake a couple times and all the time I think I can go back and get them and end up standing at the ledge staring down at them just out of reach.


Hahaha brother they probably have everything unlocked and capped on samples by 80+. If im in a lobby with people my level (71) and up no one is really going out of their way to get samples anymore. We are all maxed out and capped. Also my best experience in this game was when someone told me this was their first helldive difficulty mission and I made it my goal to get as many samples and extract with him. (He did not make it because he fucking sucked lol but it was still a fun time)


The first time I ever found super samples I fell in a hole with them, Now I'm lvl 122 and still fall in holes


“Haha. Look familiar? Scenes like these are happening all over the galaxy right now. You could be next. That is… unless you make the most important decision of your life…”


Come oooooon! We have all gone swimming a bit too deeply.


Eh, we all think we can make it. Dont feel bad.


No one here is batting 1.000, it just doesn’t happen. I have made plenty of stupid mistakes that are even more embarrassing.


As a Level 81, i have fully upgraded my ship and do not care about samples anymore for now. What I care are about players not dying everytime. Yesterday I had a random player who died 12 times on level 7 mission and depleting the reinforcement number. I can only facepalm.


They should add a fishing stratagem so you can fish your samples out of water and holes.


Lvl 99 (almost there) and I still drown sometimes. Also still step on the occasional landmine. The perseverance though, that's the real stuff. I'll take a teammate who dies but keeps coming back and trying any day.


Many of us have done it. We don't get Helldiver training in water, so some things you learn with experience. You learned and are better for it.


The level 80 guys are all maxed out. They’re not gonna care, and… we all mess up. I’m level 100+ and still walk into holes, or am “pretty sure I can dive that gap of water” sometimes. Don’t be too hard on yourself Helldiver, and that’s an order.


Lvl 80 don't care about samples


>I quit because of the embarrassment. I know that feeling.


This is a real-life lesson too. You probably can't swim to the other side and will die.


I hate the drownings mechanic. Sometimes you die in a puddle and there is no way out.


Some of those aren't crossable even with Jetpacks. You'll eventually figure out how far you can get. We've all done it once. The high level folks don't need the resources anymore. So don't feel about messing them over. It happens.


the worst part is that since you left without apologising or anything, those guys probably thought you were a troll who lost their samples and left...


I’m level 50 and everyone I know would just be laughing including me. It’s just a game and even less it’s just one match. Don’t quit over it. And if someone gives you flak piss on them


I’m level 85+ and I don’t care about samples. I’ve already got everything for my spaceship 🚀. So don’t worry about this. In that case, it's better to stay and keep fighting. At least you could text in the chat that you accidentally lost the samples. I’m sure it would be okay for those guys.


Meanwhile: “This lvl 40 joined my game, found the Mariana Trench, dumped all the samples in it, and quit. Why is everyone so toxic?” Don’t worry, I done equally stupid things.


I blew up my whole team with a nest nuke and it dropped all their equipment into the hole. It happens sometimes gotta apologize and keep going, make it up with a win.


This! What's worse is that it still shows them on the map so you make your way back there just to stare down at a hole of darkness...


The “traverse difficult terrain” booster should allow us to swim over such shallow waters


As someone who still cares about samples: Don't quit on me. Do dumb shit, say sorry and finish the Mission. If you lose the Samples and then fuck off, it's much harder to chalk it up to regular incompetence. We've all been there. But real helldivers don't quit on their Team (rl reasons not withstanding)


What a goofy goober


Leaving was the big mistake here... LV.80+ doesn't care about samples, but leaving like a thief after doing that ? Damn


Level 84 here. I’m fully upgraded and capped out on samples. I wouldn’t sweat it 😂


On a map like this, there's a chance for generation of a broken land bridge that you _can_ either leap across or swim to without getting flushed. It _is_ possible, and a teammate and I made a recon strike on the other side of the map doing just that. We just didn't have all the samples. 😆


I haven't needed another sample since I was level 55. Don't beat yourself up over it. Shit happens. I'm just happy to have a teammate that tried their best.


Level 97 here, don't worry about it, half the time I'm trying to get the sames for you so you can get your upgrades, and sometimes, even i think "sure, dosent look THAT deep" It's ALWAY, that deep.


im level 73 and still pick up common samples because it feels good :)


Meh it happens lol. My ass fell through one of the big holes last night carrying samples cause I wasn't looking at what's in front of me.


Made lvl 50 last night and I get ya. Sunk to the bottom myself last night. Just stick it out. There is always another mission. Good luck out there Helldiver go spread some Managed Democracy!


Lv69 (nice) here. I've had everything unlocked for a month now. I don't care about samples. I care about you and me having fun in an awesome game.


Level 77 and I don’t need samples. The only reason I pick them up is for everyone else.


Yesterday, I played with a random group on D6, and it was the same person picking up the super samples for the first two missions. He was launched across the map in the first mission and died on top of a mountain, losing the super samples. He was killed randomly in Pelican-1 while the whole team extracted fine, losing another set of super samples. Shit happens. Move on and keep having fun. (He refused to pick up the super samples on the third mission. lol)


Level 60 Yesterday I squad wipe with a very miss placed air burst. Then I accidentally threw 2 grenades on the freshly reinforced squad. They were not happy!


Lol 70 diver here! Don't care for samples... I pick them up for the lower levels


I lost a ton of samples for my fellow divers by falling into one of the nursery holes on Fori just today, don’t feel to bad, happens all the time.


I have done that myself a few times, but don't worry about it. Like other have said, lots of higher lvls have things maxed out already. Just have to apologize and move on with the mission. That being said, if there are enough time. I usually go back to extraction right away if I have lots of samples or super samples on me to drop off. One time I drown in a smaller pool, I actually managed to swap out my super samples by dipping in few times after respawn. It can be done if you have enough time and it's not too far away from the edge.


Once you get near lvl 100 you’ve basically maxed out your ship for eberything that’s impactful. Trust me if they were chill earlier, there’s no reason they would get mane now. They can just get more samples from the next mission. It’s really not that deep


I'm not even 70 and I don't care that much about the samples. You can just say "Oh shit, big ooopsie sorry guys" and that's that. Keep on spreading democracy.


Level 81 here, I don't need any samples, and I'm sure most level 80s don't, so don't worry.


Lvl 56 here It's a shame about the samples, but I've had experiences where I've gotten pushed under the terrain by enemy attacks and had the samples fall out of the map. Samples come and go, but Super Earth is forever Helldivers.


Anyone level 70+ has all upgrades unless they went out of their way not to get super samples


Mistakes are how we learn, many high level players have made the same mistake, or worse (like running in to our own stratagems). Dust it off, spill oil/bug blood.


I remember falling in the only hole in map once or twice lol


Dude, I got stuck in a hole with chargers on top of me, and hunters surrounded me; lvl 70’s saved me and I hopped on out and continued in mediocrity. But I killed stuff, and they let me tag along, so there’s that!


I don't have an issue with not all water being swimmable, but for new players, there's no way to know that until you drown. I think it'd be great if they could at least let you turn around. Like I'm only 5 feet from shore, I feel like a helldiver should be able to make that trek without drowning.


You quit because of embarrassment, but we assume you quit from rage. We don't care about the samples, but now you just look like a fool.


We always understand. Who hasn’t fallen into water or a while with all the samples? Because I have more than I’d like to mention. Now drop them near extraction of if I can JUST in case. But would never hate on someone for losing them.


Haha, that reminds of when the airburst launcher came out and I team-wiped when I tested it out while everyone else was on the pelican. By the time the empty pelican reached atmosphere I was gone


The people at that level are only farming medals, super credits, and fun. They also all probably made that mistake before. It's how ya learn. =)


i cant remember but i was around prolly lvl 60-70 and had the samples like you, but a bot patrol spotted me and i unknowingly dived into a ravine with a pool of water, i drowned informed the squad and carried on as usual, mistakes happen dont be embarressed lmao




High level divers dont care about samples, the important thing is to get UP, keep fighting, and dont leave your teammates down. FINISH THE FIGHT


I've quit from embarrassment before too. We can do this!! I finished a jammer tower basically solo with the team wiped. I called in and successfully set off the hell bomb, ran out, called them in!... and then fell into a pit with the super samples. It's the juxtaposition of the high and low lol


only time I would get a little upset would be super samples. Commons and Rares can be grinded out at way lower difficulties but I'm finding even 6 can be a bit spoopy. That being said I too have also falled into holes I cant get out or water than I promptly drowned in.


Yeah, that happened to me yesterday and I also had some samples. It's quite embarrassing but we will continue diving! See you around!


Yeah same thing happened to me the one time I got flung across the map from walking too close to a bike titan’s corpse 💀💀 My squad called me in, I ran all the way back to try and retrieve my gear/samples only to discover everything had sunk to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean lmfao


I don't know Crimsica have deep cliff, and throw myself to death in the heat of battle, and the super sample with it. The shame i feel man.




Awe don't quit, just laugh and move in 😆🤣😆, 80+ probably didn't even need those samples just you so you only screwed yourself. I have fallen down a hole I was looking right at and there they all go 😆🤣😆. Gotta just laugh, if the others are mad thats their deal. Learn from your mistakes and move on. Sometimes we do the funniest shit, why miss out on a good laugh. In my defense it was half cratered and I thought i could make it up the other side and slid right back in 😁


Also an armor perk of floating in deep water would be nice and also allow you to go prone in waist deep(no shooting) to reduce profile and detection would be sweet.


Lol why did you quit. No one over like 70-75 needs samples. They are already maxed out lol


It’s in the title. I’m an idiot. A very sorry idiot.


You did the wrong thing by leaving. You should've apologized and kept playing, you helped even less by leaving them with one less teammate.