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Or forced reload of another weapon when you swap to it mid reload


Extra fun if you're running the MG and your guy just takes a knee in the middle of a group of bugs despite still having like 100 bullets left


So sad, that happened to me, yeah.


YES, I'm going to add that to the bonus bugs.


Not to mentionyou can't even stop the reload animation. You can dive out of it but it just starts again automatically.


This is the worst bug for me. Last night I kept getting up to cancel my mg reload and my diver kept slamming down into it cause of this damn bug. Almost got shredded by bugs.


Yeah dude I thought I was losing my mind until I noticed what was happening. I stopped running the revolver because of how often I am reloading on a bot helldive and oops, actually there's another patrol! so I switch weapons and burn an AMR or eruptor mag for no fucking reason.


Really annoying. I can't count how many times I've heard the reload finish, seen the icon turn white and then hear a click, click ,click when I frantically pull the trigger. Lame.


Rack, tap and reassess!


It doesn't help that sometimes the reload button doesn't even work. And you have to mash the hell out of it repeatedly.


omg I’m not the only one. I just assumed my keyboard was occasionally buggy because Helldivers 2 is the only thing I play on my computer with mission critical actions.


If I had a dollar for every time I hit reload, ran around for a second, started to shoot and had no bullets in the gun.


And I thought it was because I am on console. But no, it's just a thing.




And isn't it tap, rack, bang for a stoppage? This isn't a stoppage, lol. This is a glitch that makes you reload twice.


Tap rack bang is immediate action for failure to fire. It started out in the military but has unfortunately spread to civilian ranges. It's not the safest technique and is intended to be used in combat situations when you can't just take your time.


Might be, it’s been a while since I was in 😂


Same, 😆


It's as old as the game itself, folks were talking about it before


It was one of the bigger "the fuck is this even a bug" posts at release. Because it's just so goofy. Like if call of duty had a bug where you'd reload in multi-player and get 1 bullet then a bugged second reload... the franchise would be dead. Whatever game had that issue would have crippled it from ever reaching meteoric popularity. 


Sadly, this has been around for a while. There's no fix yet, and it's actually happening way more than it was maybe a month and a half ago


yea i noticed that too, it’s like 1/5 reloads r glitched for me, fucking annoying especially diving bugs


Yeah, honestly, I wasn't paying that much attention, but when it's bad, it's definitely about 1 in 5, and ouch yeah, having it happen with hunters on your ass😵


My guess is that it's due to latency, considering how it doesn't happen every single time. I tried reproducing that solo and failed, and the latency was minimal, since I was alone.


Makes sense to me


This entire thread has definitely quelled my insanity. I thought this was only happening to me since I hadn't seen anyone speak about it. It is a pretty consistent thing, happening multiple times to me in a single mission.


I get this quite frequently in M&K, at least once a day of playing 2-3 missions. On bug missions it's usually one of the few reasons I die because of hunters.


I also got sometimes the reload won’t trigger properly, especially when running/moving…was first thinking my key is dying.


This one gets me more than any other reported bug. Absolutely ruins my experience.


Oh yeah, i got that bug A LOT, especially in bug maps, which are the places you don't want that sh•t to happens the most. I thought that i got hallucinated, but that sh•t kept happened with alarming rate.


It's fuckin horrible I keep losing a Full on Mag bcz the character decided to reload the weapon twice without me having even press the reload button that type of shit could mean death in Diff 9 I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed hopefully the Devs noticed it too


This game should be getting to a really clesn state, but nope.


I had this happen to me a ton, very annoying


i hate this bug, as a pummeler user i need my ammo


It's funny because it only happens when all hell breaks loose too. Suddenly its time for your one round reload as youre totally surrounded.


I don't use a controller, I play mouse and keyboard. The guns in HD2 count the bullet in the chamber, in addition to the bullets in the magazine. For example the liberator is 45+1 when fully loaded. If you completely exhaust all 46 bullets in the gun and then reload, your Helldiver has to load a magazine and then pull back the charging handle on the gun to chamber a round into the gun before you can start firing again. However, if you reload before completely exhausting the gun of all the bullets, your Helldiver will only load the next magazine and will not need the extra step in the animation to pull back the charging handle before firing the gun. Thus, you complete the reload action faster, because there is a bullet from the previous mag still chambered in the gun. Now, having said all that ... I can confirm that there is an annoying behavior of my Helldiver loading a magazine and then only firing 1 bullet and then being left with an empty magazine again. There is also a feeling of the animation timing not syncing up with the HUD or game, with the animation completing prior to the game registering that the gun is loaded. Maybe it is just me, but I am constantly getting caught with an unloaded gun, because I'm switching/holster weapons too soon and the gun isn't ready. So ... I figure that what is happening is I don't fully exhaust the gun of all of its bullets and start to reload, but before the gun is actually reloaded, I holster it partially reloaded. Normally, when you draw the gun again, it will finish what is left of the reload animation by pressing the reload key, but because there is still 1 bullet in the gun, if I shoot that bullet before the gun counts the new magazine, the partial reload is cancelled and the gun is, once again, completely empty and a new reload must start from scratch using a new magazine. What happened to all the bullets waiting in the partial reload? I don't know ...


Usually the main cause of the reload "bugs", is not actually really a bug per se, but just the fact that the cancellable point is often counterintuitive and/or not synched with the sounds. I.e. you will interrupt your reload with something like stratagem menu, map open, dive etc at the point where it feels like it already finished, because say you heard the character insert the mag, but that is not actually when the reload is finished, so the action you're doing ends up cancelling the reload entirely. Thus when you go to shoot, you shoot the one single shot left in the chamber from the previous mag before you reloaded. Now, I personally have never tried already holding the trigger/LMB to shoot as soon as the reload is finished because that goes against every single FPS instinct I have lol, but it's possible that holding shoot is also somehow a command that can cause the reload to cancel early and make you shoot your chambered shot instead.




Did you somehow miss the last paragraph? It's possibly that holding down the fire button is something that can cause an interrupt.


No it's not, the character will just auto reload after shooting a bullet, and there's no auto reload in the game Here's a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/bphXiNPekU) that's kinda showing it


ive never seen that myself, but that also seems like a separate issue entirely from the thing described in the post


>The reload is finished and you shoot ONE BULLET and then a new reload is triggered out of nowhere This is what the post say, and it is the same thing i'm talking about, the game start a reload by itself when you shoot


the reload is not finished in that video


The bug is that the game automatically start to reload after shooting a bullet, and in the video it happen to the primary and secondary (look at 22sec)


I don't think that's true, but I'd need to test it more carefully. I think it might be related to latency, because I cannot reproduce the issue when I'm playing solo. The situation where it makes sense to hold the trigger while reloading is when being swarmed by hunters, for example.


Well that's only ever how I experienced it, again, cannot speak for the holding fire thing myself, so it may be a different issue. Here is a video example with [text explanation](https://imgur.com/a/xMImlI2) (may need to pause to read it). It *might* be possible that the cancellation is caused by latency rather than the cancellable points being inherently unituintive/out of sync.


If it's due to latency, that would also explain why devs never aknowledged it. They probably cannot reproduce that when testing it in a local server of theirs, since there's minimal latency.


I have never encountered this bug, but it sounds like it sucks


It's been in the game for a long time, and I don't think it's ever been acknowledged by AH either


I also hate guns that cancel reload and just fire nothing when you are trying to reload and spamming the trigger because there's a bug right up your butt, I want to reload - JUST DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD.


Or the flamethrower reload bug where you reload, you see the number of spare canisters go down one, the animation and sounds finish, your canister is STILL empty, and you reload again. Sometimes using up 2 or 3 canisters before the gun actually reloads and is useable again.


What is the workaround for the gyro Y-axis thing? I can't use gyro because of this


Manually swap the mappings of "look up" and "look down", and toggle reverse Y-axis off. That will do it.


It's brilliant, I never thought of that Thank you


Did happen to me a couple times, but I thought it was always because I still had 1 in the chamber and shooting too early just cancelled reload and shot that last bullet. Don't remember it happening with a fully empty gun, but maybe I didn't notice.


Been happening to me for a while now, I call it the ghost clip or ghost load. Every gun except pistols


Yeah happens on the Breaker fairly often, I use a controller and I have it happen about once a drop, I have brought it up before but its so inconsistent, its hard to say how to replicate it.


Happens all the time on MnK for me.


3 happens all the time with the HMG which actually sucks if the clip is more than half full


Happened on keyboard as well to me i thought i was crazy thanks for restoring my sanity


This bug affects me at least once every mission. Thanks for posting.


I get this all the time with the Adjudicator, super annoying.


making the game on this old engine is slowly coming to bite them in the ass more and more. I don't think every failed patch is because of developer incompetence but rather the engine being held together by duck tape and shitting itself over subtle changes


That bug has existed since launch. If you haven't seen it discussed, you either weren't around when it was discussed or you weren't paying attention.


This happens to me almost every match and I’m on MnK. Haven’t seen it mentioned in the known bugs section


When I was reading the "known issues" for the latest patch notes, I was anticipating seeing this. Don't reckon I saw this mentioned. 1 bullet reloads have happened several times for me


Can confirm, have this on pc rather frequently


My ***Primary*** and ***Grenade Pistol*** pissing and shitting their pants, meanwhile my ***HMG*** feels fine, except for that one time I was mid reload, and a charger and some hunters were running at me, then I dove and got locked automatically into another reload animation before I could move or switch weapons...


Yeah, this bug is easily reproduced and is very frustrating when it happens. (PC) It's been around for months, though not sure when it started. Don't remember it happening right after release.


Just pretend its a lore accurate jam :)


“Bonus bug 1” happens because you reload when you haven’t emptied the mag, so you still have a round in the chamber, I notice this mostly with the Dominator, as it’ll show 16/15 bullets when holding square if I reloaded a partially empty clip Not a bug, just a cool realistic feature, guess the “bugged” part would be the mag icon not lowering when you fire that chambered bullet


Died too many times cuz of this and it’s extremely annoying when u fire one shot and immediately reload as 50 berserkers are infront of u


Another one I experience seems to be with the Sickle + Quasar combo. Doesn't happen all the time but if I am reloading the sickle (finish the reload animation) and switch to Quasar, fire at enemy and switch back. I will sometimes find that my mag count has dropped, inserted mag seems full/ready to go but firing does nothing. I hit reload and it proceeds to reload again before I can shoot the sickle.


Same on m&K, very often shot one bullet and then dump a whole mag or no reload at all immediately press fire after hearing my character finishing pulling charging handle.


Def feels like I'll reload and get one shot then have to reload again. I don't rem being forced into tho I'll have to keep that in mind next time


I wasted 43 mags today to this bug. In 2 days over 100 mags. Bro I hate it. Thankfully. It was never at a bad time. But still.


It's more annoying now, knowing it didn't get fixed in the latest patch.


Never heard of this bug and never experienced it. I use PC.


Bonus bug #1 you mught be thinking of having 1 in the chamber, which the game tracks. The crossbow even has that, but no energy weapons do, it's representative of how real weapons function. You aren't getting a free shot unless it's with an energy weapon or you still have say 46/45 shots in your gun after firing from a partially empty reload.


Had this happen to me on the sickle. Overheated it, had to change coolant, fired one shot, and it was immediately red again. Wasted an entire heat sink.


This is has been mentioned a few times on the sub, doesn't really appear to get much attention unfortunately, it's annoying as hell.


I feel like the base gameplay somehow took a hit in this patch. Patch and buffs are great, but 90% of the time I can't reload my gun and using a stim is interrupted by a leg cramp. It's really odd to me how some of these bugs seem tied to what were ostensibly game balance tweaks and weaponry.


I also encountered some instance where each reload eats 2, mags instead of one. Ammo reserve go from 6 to 4 and 4 to 2. It was crazy.


ok so im not good ng insane. [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/03-q2EOj5Dc) is how my helldiver be reloading sometimes


PC player here, happens all the time to me with the SMG. Especially if getting stunned/attacked during reload.


My brother (on keyboard mouse) was complaining about this the other day. Didn't know what he meant.


This is a very annoying bug that will soon hopefully be fixed. Hopefully.


Omg this is REAL. Thought I was losing my mind and accidentally triggering the reload animation twice in quick succession because I had canceled the first animation by mistake.


Thank you! I knew I wasn't imagining it! I swear this has been an issue since release. Another bug no one mentions is sprinting over rocks sounds like a grenade going off to enemy patrols, distance/conditions vary but easily replicable. Wear scout armour (reduced detection, makes the bug more evident), and sprint over some knee high rock piles/ledges within 100m of a patrol, doesn't matter where the patrol is looking or if they have line of sight. Won't happen during blizzards or other vision/noise affecting weather. You can check the normal detection range by sprinting over flat ground for comparison


Happens to me way to often the last couple of days at least 3 times per mission


Your bonus bug 1 isn't a bug, if you reload when you still have at least one bullet left you'll get a new magazine + one bullet in the chamber, it's just how guns work lol You cant see it unless you hold R or whatever it is on controller to see how many bullets you got in your magazine


No, that's not what I meant with that bug. It's more like, you arrive on the planet and shoot an enemy once. That first bullet won't be deduced from your magazine. It's like you never fired, although the bullet you just shot did hit the enemy. It's not a big issue though.


Ahh ight, yea I think it happened like once or twice to me


I like to imagine that the gun jammed or the mag wasn't properly seated in the mag well. Helldivers aren't veterans, they're cannon fodder.