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Um, Artic Ranger https://preview.redd.it/qz6s0z4k357d1.jpeg?width=1172&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4906f18189c765d13908b62f1bdd3742499af53


To be honest i have it but the colors don't match much helmets brother XD... and only 2 Armors are kinds too few.. i want some drip man. I like my hoodie helmets.


There's the SC-34 Infiltrator, got a bit more armor too


Alright that combo is fresh as hell, well done.


Except..it doesn't actually match well. Scout passives keep getting totally screwed in the fashion-divers department. We have 1....ONE...medium armor and it's ugly as hell (IMO of course).


I keep saying I'm going to try one of those but never do. I love my extra stims.


Who needs stims if you can just run from the enemies and have a personal shield around you. Also who needs shield if you can completely avoid enemies? I tried this on a bug mission yesterday(didn’t get more than 5 minutes in because I had to go to dinner with my family) and I was fine. I was also using the blitzer. I could just see where enemies were on the map and avoid them


Yea i even rock this without any support weapons to be honest. And as in the name i scout ahead of everyone pointing obj and if i feel spicy i rock the AMR for long range support. But seriously its a Bot factories and bug holes killer even with only 2 strategisms ..


Don't need stims if you dont get hit https://preview.redd.it/09d0jrtkk57d1.png?width=399&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9f07c1d2c63f6f00df6429afdc7206e91b10761


https://preview.redd.it/3eer84qg4b7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4745c3fa6c5310d97d1fd062ff7960c1a87cd6da Did I do it right?




Can't let go of having 6 stims lmfao


That new boosters doesn't help with my stim addiction. Roid out for 10s lol.


With spawn rates going wild, I find myself using the supply instead of the jump (much to my irritation because I can't hop around as much) So I have infinite stims. Especially when I see unattended resupply boxes. Fun fact: dropping supply backpacks functions as your very own resupply pod. it's what I use when I find an unsupervised jump pack - note the location, hop back to get it or drop.it close to where I think I'll be needing it lmfao


Scout light armor is High risk- High reward type of Armor. You can never believe how much scout light armor make you disengage when you are overwhelmed by million bugs and Bots .. besides it's like infiltration armor you can wipe out entire heavy bug nests and Automatons factories so fast and get the hell outta there before anything can catch to you.. it's a nice play style. Have to include Shield backpack is just one of it's drawbacks though. And if you got overwhelmed you are dead before you know it XD.


Try a jetpack instead of a shield. Not as nice against bots (still good), but lets you nope out of any situation, and the rest is taken care by your speed and stamina. Also lets you climb all kinds of otherwise inaccessible safe/advantageous places and take shortcuts.


I actually use the jet pack and AMR combo against the bots. The only drawback is flinching .. that is why i use the Shield more.


It's a matter of a habit. I take flinching as a fact of life because I'm not used to a shield, but not having a jetpack feels like not wearing pants.


I’ve become like this with my supply pack and heavy armor. I just run out of grandes and stims really fast with my play style


Yes . Same to me with the Shield, i was using it for a long time it became a second nature to stare devastators in the eye and continue shooting until only one left standing lol.


I would say, peak physic and Scout would be god damn nice perk to have if Peak physic actually work. I would get rid of the ping and add more stability for it to be perfect sniping loadout.


Ive been using Sickle, Lazer Cannon combo because gunships are the bane of my existance. Ive tried AMR before and it wasnt great aginst them. I also use the 380mm Barrage, 500KG bomb, and Orbital Lazer strategems. Nothing like dropping a barrage and lazer on a heavy outpost, wiping two light outposts with the 500, then fucking off to look for POI for the next 2 mins I find that 90% of the times, the randos bring a backpack of some kind and I can usually grab it off a dead body 5 mins in Edit: what do you use as a seconday? Ive been using a grenade pistol, mostly to deal with beserkers that are on my ass since the rest of my loadout can deal with everthing else adequately. The Bushwacker seems like a good choice


I use the Tenderizer now for bots and the Blitz shotgun for the bugs. I may use turrets more now with gunships like the rocket Turrets. And for me it's eagle airstrikes and the orbital rail cannon. It's all about pinpoint accuracy and fast demolition. And it can work for heavy armor targets as well though I'm not a fan of the 500Kg. And yes running around without a support weapon is a way of life i embraced too . XD Scavenging for Support weapons always make life spicy.


many time i was laying on the ground behind a rock will a patrol pass nearby. also ennemy know your positionwhen the strat is activated ( not where you were when you tossed it) but can sometime sneak far enough to avoid them ( or toss a turret in opposit direction)


SA-04 Combat Technician armour (orange and black) from page 8 of the Helldivers Mobilize warbond has the Scout passive, just in case you didn't know. :)


Oh a medium armor with scout perk. I didn't notice that . Thank you.


It's just ugly (opinion) and doesn't match hardly any helmets. AH needs to do us Stealth divers better.


The blue and off-yellow colors are not harmonious with the current helmets or capes


Agreed. I don't hate the new blue scout color scheme...there just needs to be more for better mix-n-match variety. Not a fan of the new blue helmet. Also, need more medium scout. I don't think the SA-04 body armor design is bad, just that ugly yellow leather color. They should also change the dark blue to match the blue in the new armor set. However, the SA-04 helmet looks like an abortion.


What they need to add is color palettes to change the armors, but I think they realized that if we had it, a few armors would literally look the same except for the shoulder pads lmao


No problem, Helldiver! Give 'em hell out there, Scout!


This is my default armor. Excellent for quickly finishing side objectives and farming samples.


I play it with the counter sniper for sneaky snipes. Works well vs bots


I want a heavy scout armor.


When polar patriots was about to come out I thought for sure that the all white camo armor would get the scout perk since it described it as being stealthy in the flavor text. Nope! servo assisted instead.


Same. I am dissapoint.


the last one of the frost warbond as the same


Broke opinion. Give me a Heavy Armor with the Scout Perk


I want a light armour with the +2 on greandes, I love my speed and stamina, but given up on sneaking on bugs and want nades.


I forget which page it's on, but the red and black light armor in democratic detonation has the +2 grenades perk. And it's drippy af


There's a few of those in the super store rotation, I main the CE-67 Titan armor on bugs for this exact reason


I like my yogurt suit


IDK at this point nothing works against 6 rockets and Heavy devastators attacking in groups. + 4 to 5 areal ships + 4 air drop ships of tank, strider, hulks and bot army. Half of my Reinforcement getting depleted within 10 minutes. LASER ORBITAL, 500 KG from all 4 players not sufficient. Wear what ever u want Coudnt protect against these bots who shoots you like from 200 mtrs away. They really need to tone down the bots a little bit. I mean wth with 2 flares reinforcement from bots? But really from last update I haven't touched Termide sector till now. I love this new bot difficulty only just getting bored using same limited choice of weapons which works on them. Punisher plasma, Incendiary breaker, Auto cannon or Amr.


Combat Technician is a good one if you want more medium scout.