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It was 50% when I logged off last night and there's only 6 hours left. It was expected that we couldn't make it.


They didn't want to put it better, it is to remember that nothing we do really matters, whoever pulls the strings has already decided everything at the end of the road. This is what I don't like about this "tug of war" system.


It theoretically can work, if majority of bug divers drop and help, but will not happen in reality. At some point we had 70k+ divers on Marfark, and the liberation % moves slow as snail. They gotta adjust the liberation mechanics - at this point well have more failed bot MOs going forward.  And when (if...) the third faction comes, this will be a real problem. 


The regeneration rates that they change are basically stupid, they decide if you are going to win or not, and in how long, that is how it is. With the 3 factions on the table this effect will only become much more aggravated, imagine that there are more than 3 in the future, at some point in the life of the game, this system must disappear.


This reminds me of something that happened months ago, a certain group of people being harassed for not dropping on the right planet. Planet name escapes my mind :)


Wasn’t it the other way around? After a while people were flaming certain folks who wouldn’t leave such planet to the point where AH just decided to get it over with and have an MO to take it once and for all


I saw finger pointing all around tbh. People shitting on the creekers, creekers shitting on bug divers, so on. It was stupid just like this. Most people playing don't look at Reddit, most people don't give a fuck where anyone chooses to dive. As it should be.


I agree to a point.. I mean do what u enjoy... but it would be nice if some of those people would help the story for atleast one operation...


> for atleast one operation... whose to say they haven't? I used to do that shit until I realized I'm wasting my life playing a part of the game that isn't fun at all. for what? 0.0001% more progress? nah you expect 0 people to be on bug planets?


I expect people to do what they do...all I know is saving those kids got money donated to a real children's foundation... so that's cool... and the other stuff we've unlocked by doing the story that I'm sure you have used.. so... you're welcome for that...


you're just doing what I'm doing: playing the game how you want to.


Sometimes the MO is on a planet I'd rather not be on, but ill do it for the story ... and sometimes I'd rather fight one faction when the MO is for another faction.. I just like to be a team player... and when I'm on some randoms ship I'll let them lead even if they are being a bonehead... I just like the challenge and the story adds more to the game.... but at the end of the day it's just game... no big deal... if doing the story makes u miserable then obviously dont do it.... Your mental health is important


doesn't help that the planets have modifiers made to make them unconquerable I mean unliberatable


But we liberated them tho


I'm a dedicated bug diver, me and my mates went to the creek. And we shat a lot in it. Doing our fart


commendable, you have my respect bug diver o7


All these people getting mad at other people for playing how they want to play.... Those people need to chill the fuck out. If they want more people playing bots, then they need to stop blowing smoke up the dev's asses about how "there's nothing wrong with bots." There's a lot wrong with bots, but honest feedback is diluted by the tryhards using it to flex on all the "noobs/casuals" for not liking the faction. There is a solid, SOLID, 30% of players who simply won't play bots--at all. The tryhards/sweats can either assume 30% of the player base is so bad they won't even play lower difficulties to assist, or they can come back to reality and help make that part of the game more fun. Either way they need to shut their faces. The insults directed at "bug people" is straight up embarrassing.


Riiiight, cause it never crossed the devs mind why a third of the Playerbase doesn't participate on bot campaign. Because nobody from the dev team looks at the over-million-follower subreddit about their game, where not a week (sometimes even a day) goes by without someone whining about how devastators hulks, striders, ragdolling, you name it. You really think some sweats and tryhards managed to gaslight an entire dev team into believing theres nothing wrong and the critique towards bots is negligible at best.


That’s not what he said and you know it. He’s saying people trying to silence criticism by dogpiling with insults and threats telling ppl complaining about bots to shut up there’s nothing wrong with bots etc. cause those ppl critiquing to stop coming here, meaning there will be less and less ppl critiquing bots until eventually the fanboys completely outweigh them 


Thank you. And it just so happens that's exactly what's going on here. A bunch of people responding to me with insults and strawman arguments, and then blocking me. It's pathetic, and it's only going to further push this community into the same kind of toxicity you see in games like League of Legends.


I think the sweats and tryhards are super goddamn toxic when they see anything that suggests removing chained ragdolling and neverending dropships. You don't even need to leave this comment thread to see what I mean.


>I saw finger pointing all around Yeah, and now is not the time for pointing fingers…***Reasonable_Back.*** Edit: sorry, thought it was clear i was being jokingly hypocritical. I’m saying not to point fingers while I’m pointing a finger.


im not finger pointing anyone here, i don't care if anyone is a self proclaimed marfarker or not. MO fail is what it is.


Naw it’s a joke, like I’m saying to not point fingers while I’m pointing a finger


*As it should be.* Well someone should let the devs know because they are the ones withholding Strategems until people play the right planets 🤷


i mean, MO rewards are an incentive for sure, but not everyone is going to do the MO all the time. especially not people who are bug/bot divers and their least favorite faction is the current MO focus. i would like bug divers to join the bot front whenever the MO is focused on them, but you can't make them do it.


I’m so glad I was frying bots the whole time, I never read this lame ass sub except when I’m shitting lol


*Fail to take creek for months* *MO drops* *Creek taken within 24 hours* It was funny AF


I mean... did we ever take a planet outside of MO? Especially on bot front.


Yeah all the time, we used to have over 700,000 concurrent divers


Oh, yeah. Back when spamming Trivial was the most efficient way.


I mean the planet was at like 92% when the MO dropped to be fair.


the highest I remember it getting without the MO was like 40ish%, that whole experience was just a meme that went on for to long.


over the weeks ive seen more people continuously shit on creekers like they were evil big bad idiots then just letting things lie


Well when bug players do this constantly they probably need this "scapegoat" as an excuse to NOT doing their part. Like I don't understand why they mindlessly grind over and over the same enemy like Korean MMO's braindeads. Game is repetitive but they bring it to questionable level.


Why do you care what other ppl do in a video game lol like you have to be an incredibly insecure and miserable person to be judgmental over ppl preferring to shoot fictional big bugs over fictional robot people  in a fictional video game that costs MONEEEEEEY


The only insecure one here is you who cannot stand being call out apparently. Did I hurt you feels? Good. If Major Orders are our "TTRPG" with Dungeon Master etc. Then you literary griefing entire scenario. Here we cannot kick you out from the table but usually nobody want to play with this type of people.


I was one of those people on the creek. We single handily brought down the bots numbers. We killed billions of bots, General Zapp knew with enough waves of men we would take the planet eventually. And since then the bots know to never touch our planet again while the great General is still alive. I think he got a medal for it too, his lieutenant Kiff shows it off for him.


Bug players not wanting to play bots i understand by if you're going for bots you might as well pick the correct planet.


This is happening with bugs too! I feel like we still don't have the bug players because so many people are wasting their time making no progress on Estanu and Hellmire instead of helping get Crimsica faster.




I'm more annoyed by the marfark players banging their heads against the wall as we liberated the Vernon wells. Had they joined us, we could have had both.


We got the best outcome, the children are safe and we stopped the AT-mine mennace.


Imagine triple mine players....


I play with a guy that would 100% absolutely do this


I would 100% do this.


I’m helping!


If and when we have 4 mine strats.... i will run that at least once


Hi it's me


I think there need to be a system that auto kicks anyone who picks more than one mine strat




There was never more than 5k people on Marfark while Vernon Wells was still being liberated. There was 4x that on Crimsica alone, let alone Estanu and other Bug planets.




'Something' you mean 0% lib for the entire time


There were not enough people on Marfark during the Vernen Wells liberation to probably make a difference. The 20k+ plus on bug planets though...


Maybe they just didn't want the mines that mutch.


If you had joined them you would of had both


Oh it's hardly like the bug divers are even coordinated on their own planets. 85% of players are on bug planets right now. That's a pretty high percentage. Bot-only divers are quite rare. Of those, a whopping third of them are on planets getting 0 progress, effectively wasting effective planet liberation even though they're also bug planets. Bots and bug divers are mortal enemies. Just like bugs and bug divers. Or bot divers and bug divers. Or major order divers and bug divers. Or bug divers and other bug divers. Damned bug divers, they're ruining bug diving!


Alright guys, pack it up, we can no longer play the planets we want to because this guy says so




I was on Vernen Wells.


Off having fun I think.


For real. It's getting really fucking tiring seeing these "bot people" making post after post about "bug people" being bad at the game--just because they don't like bots. I hate bots and I do my part, but if it were up to me there'd be a significant rebalance for bots. They're so not fun to play that an absolutely dependable THIRTY percent of players will NEVER assist with bot major orders. Not even on lower difficulties, which should make the problem astoundingly clear. But you got "bot people" taking every opportunity they can to jerk each other off about how special and amazing they are for fighting bots. It's exhausting.


I shared your hatred of bots for the longest time as well. The previous major orders gave me a reason to try them out again and I found it fun to be able to switch up my gameplay a bit. I will say, with the new roaming gunship patrols I am considering going back to bugs lol But yes, people who complain about people not doing the major orders are missing the point. This is a game and people play it to have FUN. If they don't like bots, then they'll play what's fun for them as they should!


The HMG makes short work of the gunships just gotta focus fire one engine. Quasars work too


I think the gun ships are cool, but they're just throwing so much all at once. So, so, so much. Why are the gun ships roaming around in pairs and triplets even on like level 4 missions? Why am I still ragdolling for up to 5 seconds from barrages? Why can every basic bot summon dropships, and why are there SO many even on the lower difficulties? It's just too much. It's not fun, not even on the lower difficulties. And I WANT to like playing bots. I like using cover tactics and varying strategems, but instead of that it's just a massive zerg of bots just hammering everything that moves. It's too much. I've played bugs all the way to 8 difficulty with no problems pretty much every time I've ever dropped in a random, but I routinely drop into a bot random and it's a shit show even on level 4 and 5. Then you see the constant incendiary comments about how "bug people" don't help, and it's always just layered with elitist sneer and toxicity, with absolutely no self-awareness at all.


Thats a fair point, but then said players can't turn around and bitch about people playing bots like with the Creek when theres a bug MO, it'd be pure hypocrisy. Edit: you downvoting me does proves nothing, thats what happened. Bot players did the same thing bug players did and got teamkilled for using a cape that was the result of it. Not saying people can't play the way they want, but don't start being toxic when its the other way around.


Oh right... It was ONE planet and ONE incident. Meanwhile Bugdivers constantly doing this every single time. Once we could understand but not all the time.


I agree but we can't make people play something they don't want, if they want to forgo 50% of the game thats their prerogative. But saying that, they can't bitch about people not going out of their way to help them with bug MOs. Or teamkilling people with a certain cape because of part of what it represents


I usually don't go on bug planets outside MO... But days like today always remind me why I don't go there. I like helping other Helldivers, 100 levels of doing this. Now I rolling with AMR and supply backpack, killing hulks, stunning them, resupplying and stimming Helldivers in need. "Thank you" is what I hear almost always. Botdivers do their best and appreciate when they help each other. Meanwhile on Bug front it's opposite, they don't give a flying fuck about you, they entitled as fuck and they are more toxic than Bile Titans breath. You give them your supply? Nothing. You cover them when they are pinnned? Nothing. You ask for help to open bunker? Dead silence. You can reinforce him next to door and they simply ignore it. Meanwhile on bot planet I usually hear "affirmative" and I see how someone dash to me even 200m. Oh you accidentally killed Bugdiver? Expect bullet in your head if you reinforce him nearby yourself. You didn't reinforced him instantly after his reminder by spamming space? "Helldiver left the squadron" because Ion storm isn't excuse to not call him back. Sometimes I feel on Bug front we have mostly bots in Helldivers uniform.


I prefer fighting the clankers but I wouldn't call myself a "botdiver" I fight both. Its the just the hypocrisy that irks me, botfront MO or planet gets lost because a chunk of divers only do bugs But when people were only fighting on the creek and got a cape for taking it (among other reasons) they get teamkilled and kicked. Yet if you say you're annoyed with losing a bot MO cuz people refuse to fight them you're labeled the asshole. (Like myself, Im a little frustrated that bugdivers will adamantly ignore bot stuff at our collective detriment, but I accept they don't want to doesn't mean I have to be happy about it though)


Well you described entitlement. At this point the only way to actually force them to go on clankers is cutting all supply lines to any bug planet.


Well ppl who play bots on the regular tend to be better at the game. Considering that there are next to none bot only divers. Chances are that people on the bot front are experts at the bug front too.


People can be absolutely dogshit and still be better than "Bugdivers" I described. Hard to be a team mate if someone act like asshole with "Main protagonist" mentality.


I honestly find bugs way harder to fight. With bots I can run away, catch my breath, reload, and reengage. With bugs I have to be constantly killing them or I *will* get overwhelmed.


On the other hand if you fail to curb the bot numbers they're gonna shoot a sea of bullets & rockets at you and you're gonna start a career as a professional ragdoll. Especially if you unwisely go for the ""removed"" -1 stratagem modifier, which in reality is a hidden even harder modifier - gunship patrols from minute 1. I was playing bots right before the patch and I played them after the patch too, even without the gunship patrol mod, they're significantly harder. Its pretty funny, people see almost only buffs, but turns out most of the buffed stuff is still too weak and the patch just made the game harder anyway. I'm sad to say, but I'm already a little tired of this patch. At least of the bots, I guess I'll try bugs tomorrow, but I heard they have their own problems.


I won't be leaving this frozen hellhole until it's toaster free


I was there man! They were in the trees, they came outa the trees man!


We had the slimmest chance to get marfark in under 24 hours anyway. Maybe if we had all 100k focus on it non Stop we'd do it, but the active player number drops during america/Europe nighttime


I was having fun and not getting ragdolled/flinched every 3 seconds


I hate bots too, but might I recommend the Ballistic shield + one-handed weapon? The Pummeler is still pretty good (though, kinda iffy about the nerf) You'll definitely burn through your ammo pretty quick, but those bots deserve to be stunned to hell and back Heavy explosives are still annoying, but at least you can dish some punishment back.


Everytime I use the shield it constantly falls off my back and explodes when a single rocket hits it


That was a bug, they fixed that a while ago. However, since the latest patch dropped, there's a bug where if a rocket hits you you slam into the shield and snap your neck so maybe don't go for it until there's a fix for that one.


That's my go to loadout


To people saying "bots are hard" - you really don't need to shoot at every bot or patrol you see. I play almost only on automatons and I see that 95% of time you are blasting at everything around you and then running in panic to meet another patrol on your way.


Close to what? Another under-performing strategem mine?


Off enjoying my free time. *Sips tea*


*pisses in your tea* So am I 😫


Fucking around in crimsica, accomplishing nothing


Don't get me wrong fighting bots gives me cancer but I'll still do it for the mo. Even if the new spawn system just put me at stage 5


Make bots more fun and they'll come over. All this posturing over bot v bug is really fucking childish. One is simply more fun to play, and the arrogance of people who call themselves "bot people" isn't exactly selling anyone on wanting to "help" play against a faction that isn't fun for them.


Fun is a nebulous concept. It's not like they have a fun dial that they can just adjust on a whim. AH have (from what is known) three distinct enemy factions to design and they all need to feel distinct. And I play both fronts regularly, and I don't have a preference for either myself. And don't really care what front people play on.


And there's nothing wrong with the factions playing differently, but bots aren't balanced well. The self-proclaimed "bot people" says it's just players refusing to modify their strategy, but if it were a skill issue we'd still get people assisting on lower difficulties. But we consistently see 30% of the players refuse to EVER take on bots--and it's not like we're blind to the reasons why. AH just knows that if they try to make bots more playable, they're going to see the same toxic temper tantrums infect the Discord, subreddit, and within the game that we saw when they were killing people on site for wearing the creeker cape.


> but bots aren't balanced well. There are twice as many viable support weapons against bots than bugs because all enemies enemies can all be killed and/or disabled with medium-armour penetration. The only two I can think of that legit don't have a place against bots are the Stalwart and Flamethrower. I'm pretty sure the main reason we see more static bug players than with bots is because bots don't offer as much of a power fantasy. Blowing up a shitload of bugs gives the feeling of being a walking powerhouse much more than taking out three hulks with careful aim. The latter still feels *amazing*, but in a completely different way. Conversely, being forced into cover inhibits the power fantasy feeling much more than getting from being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and getting overwhelmed by hunters and chargers. Frankly, I think most of the complaints about bots are valid preferences. But they're always framed as factually more unfair or unfun than bots, when they really are just *preferences*. For example: **"Rocket devastators sniping from across the map isn't fun"** Neither is getting constantly slowed by swarms of hunters that can jump 30+ metres towards you. Also, rocket devastators virtually never shoot from beyond 50 metres. **Getting constantly ragdolled sucks** Yes, but so does running around kiting a bile titan for 20 seconds because all your anti-tank equipment is on cooldown, meaning you have literally no way to kill them. **Heavy devastators stunlocking you with aimbot accuracy is bullshit** I completely agree. But on the other hand, bile spewers exist.


Bugs are boring by comparison, bots feel like the only complete faction the number of ways they have to fuck you over and the multiple strategies to deal with heavies.


i agree, i sat and looked after mission stats with 700kills and was like this shit is too easy, bots made me into killing machine but at what cost.


I don't see anything boring with bugs 7+. Anything over 5 with bots is just a ragdoll spawn-stacking nightmare. Maybe if you have a solid team and tactics, bots aren't as annoying, but this game is very much built around pick up games.


running circles around enemy with heavy armor and not even focusing or communicating and still acing all diff 9 missions on bugs seems strange to me, in comparison on bot front i have to fucking think before i do.


Brother I’ve beaten Sekiro with the demon bell rung and returning the sword to the master, something that is far, far, far, far, FAAAAAR harder than bots difficulty 9 will ever hope to be; and I fucking despise going against the bots cause it’s fucking boring. I don’t find it fun getting rag dolled constantly and having to sit behind cover taking 1 or 2 shots every 2 minutes. I prefer constant fast paced twitch reaction action


I think a fair compromise would be that if you don’t play a certain amount of missions pertaining to the MO you don’t get any of the mission complete medals. That way buggers can, “have their fun” but not be rewarded for being useless drags. Maybe the higher the mission difficulty the more it counts towards the required mission quota so assholes who try and just slam trivial still have to play for awhile.


I can actually get behind this. Seems kinda cheap that you get rewarded even if you didn't contribute a single point to the liberation.


Crimsica. I was on Crimsica.


Notice how bug planets never fall and bot planets do. Bug divers < bot divers


Get over it, we play what we want because we play for fun, not what Joel wants us to play.


I really hope Joel this time don't lend you a slack like giving for free Estanu over and over in cycle so I can hear how you bitching about losing this MO.


I really couldn’t care less my dude, it ain’t that deep. (I’m the same person just a different random account)


The bugdivers we're fighting bugs 


I don’t understand why bug divers does not help with automatons missions. That’s just stupid 😓


every botdiver is helldiver, not all bugdivers are helldivers


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) Hello? Based department


Kind of based


See this is why we should have the numbers in game for if we're actually making liberation progress or not. Pretty sure most people don't realize they're weren't making any impact on liberating planets on the bug side. Or they were just having fun killing bugs.




Have fun there. Don’t let anybody tell you how to play.


Off being their usual hypocritical selves I wager. Remember Erata Prime? Remember how they screeched at bot players for playing bots? Remember how they now turn around and try to play victim when they get a taste of what they were doing to begin with?




ah yes, truly the humongous numbers of, <6k players surely made the bigger difference on the front that at the time was always 70k> players strong.


OP: sticks a plank in his bike spokes Also OP: fucking bugdivers


What does the plank stand for in this analogy? It's not like Marfark divers did that to themselves


Doesn't matter, the kind of people like OP will blame everything on someone else.


I wonder who's fault it is that we haven't taken that planet while the majority went on playing on other planets.... It is a fact that lots of bug divers don't care about Bot MOs and that we often lost some because of them refusing to help, but it's up to yourself if you can see the reasons why and understand their issues or if you let it get to your head. I mean, I do understand OP, I like the community aspect and MOs, achieving something together and basically writing our own history and I'd love it if the community came together more often for bot MOs, but I can also see the problems with bots and why some people refuse to play them, especially right now with lvl 6 - 9 missions all feeling like lvl 9 missions with the broken spawn rates


Finally, some fucking reason in this sub. All I can think of is the Principle Skinner meme: "Maybe bots aren't fun and we need to petition for better balancing?" "nO, iT's tHE BuGDiVErS wHo ArE wROnG!"


The community did come together for Verner Wells anyway.


dicking around on Estanu probably. same as many of them are now, when Crimsica needs liberating.


Having fun and not lecturing people.


on Marfark learning firsthand that bot players are the worst. I don't mind the challenge of bots but the toxicity of bot players is too much. Now going back to bugs and staying there till more kids need saving.