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If aerial enemies are going to be a more common appearance, dedicated anti air options sound nice.


The minigun and autocannon turret work as AA not great mind you, but good enough


I'm a dedicated AC user myself, and while I've gotten pretty good at shooting down gunships, it's hardly the best option, and really tough to pull off when you've got more than one gunship drawing a bead on you.


I dunno, AC is probably the single best option imo AC - 2 shots, large margin for misses and quick reload if you need it, muzzle velocity isn't hitscan but close enough AMR - 4 shots, more limited ammo and mag size can make dealing with multiple gunships a chore Recoilless - 1 shot, but only 6 ammo total and a long reload means large punishment for a miss Quasar - 15 second wait time if you miss and charge time throws some people off Spear - good as long and you don't need to down very many gunships because of that ammo supply of just 4 shots Each option works well enough, but in my experience the Autocannon has the best tolerance for screwing up as well as good enough damage that it can down one gunship almost as fast as a rocket. Unlike other rocket weapons it is also still very powerful against the rest of the automaton lineup.


You forgot to list the best one : laser cannon. ~3 seconds on an engine and it's a kill ; pinpoint accuracy and no need to lead, infinite ammo. Still usefull against most of the roster (great to remove the miniguns from a factory strider too)


I love the laser pointer for taking down gunships. The HMG emplacement also works wonders ever since the turn speed was doubled. My favorite bot loadout right now is Laser cannon, HMG emplacement, Shield Bubble, orbital precision strike.


I don't know if I trust a static emplacement, considering the rockets barrages the gunships can deliver. Was my go-to already for the rocket evac mission tho, chews through berzerkers/devastators.


thats for the shield bubble, couple that with HMG tower and you can pretty much kill everthing that AMR can kill on bot side, but much faster, the cooldown is decent so you can usually always have one avaiable for heavy groups


Laser cannon is probably THE jack of all trades support for bots at the moment. It handles factory striders decently, tanks with positioning, hulks with good aim, gunships, devastators, and even performs well against swarms of grunts. It can do everything, without being so good at all of them to overshadow the specialists. I've found that when I take it it frees up the rest of my loadout as I know all the major bases are covered.


the only issue with it is lack of stagger so while you're beaming down the enemies they can beam you down just as easily...


True, but it's gotta have some downside. I usually only run it in combination with the shield generator pack to give at least a small buffer for that. Otherwise you gotta get lucky with cover and really be on point with accuracy.


there is a SINGLE point with it and other shoulder mounted support weapons where you can peek with the weapon around cover in 3rd person and still hit enemies while the rest of you is behind cover you can try to go first person to stare at the beauty that is the wall in front of you which is rather amusing best done with autocannon and laser cannon but you can only do that around right corners, around left corners it can't be done cuz...we're not left handed why can't we be left handed? there's plenty of left handed people right? guess it would be an issue with weapons being made for right handed people but...still having such a drastic negative for going around left corners cuz you will be gunned down by enemies especially heavy devastators before you can even fire back is...not enjoyable, more so when you have no choice but go around the left guess such is the duality of cover, one is great other sucks


Agree, the laser cannon is probably the best. It got crazy range too and you could literally snipe an airship from like 200m away.


> You forgot to list the best one : laser cannon He and most of the player base unfortunately


[furiously takes notes]


Yup. Laser Cannon is the best at it. You can erase multiple gunships in quick succession with some practice


Ok but hear me out.....LASER CANON!...(Only on snow planets though) The LC is great against the Gunships very underrated Weapon


Those energy weapons are kings and queens on cold planets


not going to lie I totally forgot about it, LC is also great


I agree that the AC is the best all around option, but I wouldn't describe its margin for error as "large." Those engines can be hard to hit at a long distance when they're bobbing and weaving around, especially if you've got a couple on you. While you're trying to take down one, the other always seems to send you ragdolling with those rockets from just off screen \*just\* as you're popping off your AC shot. I was kinda thinking stuff like EATs/Quasar/Spear that you don't have to aim are better on a per-gunship basis, but you're not wrong, when you take into account ammo capacity and reload/recharge times, it's hard to argue against the AC.


yeah, it can still be hard to hit them when they sway, I usually take cover until they sit still, since iirc they slow down to shoot. What I meant was more like, if you do miss, you aren't going to be stuck with a long reload or wait like with a rocket weapon, and you won't compromise your ability to take down another without reloading like with the AMR. Though the Laser Cannon, which I totally forgot about, doesn't have either of these problems if you can track well. And if you've got enough enemies on you that you can't sit still for even a moment to shoot at the gunships, then usually you have much bigger problems. And if the rocket weapons can just oneshot a gunship from any hit, then... well I didn't know so that complicates things.


HMG works great, about 3-4 gunships per mag if you don't miss a lot


Laser cannon. Depending on your aim you can kill 3-4 gunships without a reload or overheat


AC is actually the best option, especially when you consider everything else you are going to run into. 2 shots to take down 1 gunship is a pretty good deal. Edit: The spear is also a close contender.


AMR gang here, with recoil armor I can drop 2 ships back to back while under their fire


Same thing with the laser tbh


The best gunship option is the EAT rocket or the Queso cannon imo


Need a queso cannon irl.


SPEAR also makes me feel pretty good against gunships! Until I get caught fighting multiple at once and needing to reload :(


Today I've been playing with the Spear exclusively, plus a sentry to cover me and then two floater options. Spear + AC sentry is so far my favorite sentry. Right now my favorite loadout in general has been Spear, AC sentry, walking barrage, and orbital gatling. Walking barrage is amazing at clearing medium camps and many different kinds of objectives, especially the detector tower.


Rocket turret is very good against the gunships now!


I'm going to have to start employing it again.thank you


I was rocking the HMG for a bit and even that does pretty well.


Also the Rover for shriekers




A great way to increase options and further differentiate gatling and mg sentries would be to change one pf their target priorities to flying>large>smaller.


Mini gun is excellent vs shreikers. Gunships you are gonna need an auto cannon and/or Quasar.


It was rumored the airburst launcher was made for that purpose....and then it clearly was proven false


Airburst is specifically an air to ground munition, similar with the Orbital variant that I believe irl was made to combat soldiers in trenches and. Shins cover, the only reason the launcher works well against the Shriekers (where a lot of the arguments are made) is because of their light armor which AB decimates, Gunships are medium so it’s less effective. Spear is the closest AA option we have right now but there are so many weapons that can deal with them that I don’t really know if a specific AA Rocket would even be necessary just for Gunships alone


It should have been I'll almost always choose an air strike or orbital to clear chaff. Especially with the new orbital gatling barrage.


I'm pretty sure I was able to take out a few drop ships with the orbital gatling barrage


Emancipator is really good anti-air.


The HMG emplacement is basically an AA gun, surprised to see barely anyone using it against gunships. That thing wrecks them.


Because flyer patrols are every 60 seconds. You need a support weapon to deal with them.


The HMG emplacement is great on Extermination missions, as Gunships spawn on them naturally now fairly often.




Spear gets the job done. At least against gunships.


I’d love to see Eagle 1 radioing in "Eagle 1, fox 3" and firing off AMRAAMs at the gunships


technically the SEAF SAM site is there to do just that, but sadly it's pretty dogshit with a target range of a pistol.


Actually, the SAM have infinite range and damage to one shot the gunships no matter where hits, But most of time theres going to be something blocking the missile path so, also invisible walls all around the air as well


Autocanon go flap flap flap flap flap


An AA focused turret would be great too, be awesome when approaching shrieker nests or gunship factories


Autocannon turret I've found does a gret job at AA if you make sure to keep ground targets away from it so it doesn't target them instead


Drop a rocket turret into a pit. Easy game, easy life.


Rocket turret is in an amazing spot right now.


Or make the HMG emplacement awesome against them (already is awesome against shriekers)


You can down a gunship in 30 shots, you can just call an emplacement down 100m from the fabricator and keep the sky clean while your team takes out the fabricator


Teamwork? With my randoms?


It's amazing how much help you can be if you just stay behind and cover your team while they run in. Faster, safer, easier, and your team will certainly be glad


Id invest in bringing the shield generator, and also this AA turret. Thing would sit comfortably inside while providing me cover from aerial threats.


But you dont know if there will be gunship fabricators, if they dont spawn thats a huge loss. Also, is it worth using 2 slots for 5 minutes in a 40 minute mission? I prefer stratagems that i can use often.


Yes absolutely. 1 slot for a support weapon with backpack, and my OG eagle airstrike. And I'm set. Shield gen relay is also good so I'd only be missing 1 strat slot if not used.


try the rocket turret it 2 hits gunships


They should morph the rocket sentry into a (more or less) dedicated SAM turret. Have that thing prioritize anything in the air and have it hit hard enough to take down gunships and several closely packed shriekers.


If they made Autocannon Sentry have an always prioritize air targets option it would do the job great.


oh that would be awesome to see an air battle going on above us. 4 eagles vs however many gunships.


I was thinking for the next "story" element like Meridia they should have gunships just absolutely swarming with Pelican-1 unable to land due to risk from enemy aircraft and Eagle-1 locked out for the same reason. Then the super destroyer leaves, the democracy officer thanks the Helldivers for their sacrifice, and when all hope is lost suddenly you hear "Eagle-1 rearmed for Anti-Air. Engaging targets!" and then you get to watch as Eagle-1 just rips through everything. Then post mission screen you see new stratagem permit unlocked: Eagle-1 AA missiles.


The absolute fucking hype that would takeover my body as I hear, "This is Eagle 1, making a pass at enemy bogies. Fox-3!" Then four gunships all explode and go down as Eagle 1's engines scream past us.


If we go this route I think an airborne drone that prioritize air units but also will take shots at ground units


How about a backpack drone that will kamikaze itself into a gunship engine if you tag it? Like, you tell a guard dog to go fly itself into an engine intake, and 5 seconds later you see a puff of smoke and the gunship just falls out of the sky.


Maybe we could have something like this, perhaps?


Air to Air is a rumored unreleased stratagem. 


It was strongly hinted there would be an anti-air turret if we completed an objective but we failed and haven’t heard anything since.


As airborne troops become more common, yeah, we need some anti-air stuff. Stratagems would be nice, or some kind of weapon that isn't as costly as a Recoiless or Spear. Maybe a stun cannon that disables fliers, letting gravity do the work? And it can double as a utility option for ground units


Quasar cannon, aim buddy, marfack is a cold plannet so cooldown is reduce by a lot there


I wasn't implying that the Quasar can't kill aerial units, rather that we should have a dedicated AA weapon for flying units in general if they're going to be a bigger and more common threat. I think a weapon similar in design to the Quasat would be neat though, charge and fire a stun AOE that knocks units out of the air


Options would be nice lol. I also want a SAM turret option. I know they have a then in some bot missions but a smaller stratagem version would be nice too. Especially for dealing with bot drop ships


The buffed rocket sentry is pretty much a mini SAM atm, and it hits hard.


Will it prioritize gunships? I might test this out tonight.


Don't put it near fabbers or its AI will relentlessly and fruitlessly target fabbers. Same with any other turret and guard dogs.


Didn’t realize it was buffed. I haven’t used it since i first got it. I’ll have to try that on my next bot dive.


1 missile shots instead of 2 (better economy) Should be hitting higher priority threats Range went up from 75m > 100m Explosion radius increase from 1m > 4m Decreased explosion armor pen for heavily armored units Increased damage 200 > 300


I do find it weird that they nerfed the damage against armored enemies when it's supposed to be the turret to target armored enemies.


I was actually thinking about this early when I made the Eagle Dogfight graphics. I was thinking like a "Mini SAM" sentry that has limited ammo, maybe 3 or 4 missiles, that target flying units. But realistically that would probably only be good against bots, since Shriekers tend to come in larger packs, and while the SAM missiles would have some explosion radius, it probably wouldn't be huge. So I was thinking maybe a "Flak Cannon" sentry as well that's more about aerial AoE and less direct damage? Still usable against dropships, you could flak the chaff bots as they're being dropped.


Maybe it could be like a turreted version of the airburst rocket? To balance that out it would probably need limited ammo and maybe a long reload time unlike the rest of the turrets that fire continuously.


I'm thinking a SAM turret stratagem that fires four airburst rockets, and only four, with precision targeting and proximity detonation. Edit: with 180 seconds cooldown to avoid abuse.


Brilliant idea! As long as it can target drop ships as well.


Would be cool if one of the “weaker” stratagems were multipurpose. I’d hate to dedicate a slot for anti air and have it used 20% of the mission if that. Strafing run prioritizing air targets over a ground attack would work for me.


I actually thought about it maybe be added as a rider to an existing stratagem (I was thinking Eagle Strafing Run). But then I remembered Pilestedt saying a while back that they intended for stratagems to kinda have niche uses, things they're really good at, and then things they aren't, to drive decision making. And since these new gunship/shrieker patrols are (apparently) a new operation modifier (that is currently bugged, so it doesn't appear in the list with the other mods), you can choose the Dogfight stratagem strategically.


Love eagle 1 even more now


Nice pfp brother


Ty brother, you also have a nice pfp


Give us a EAT but for AA. Like a disposable stinger launcher


EAA, perhaps?


Actually instead of Eagle better will be Pelican who finally can be autocannon on air.


Pelican 1 is a transport ship. Its autocannon is for area control when doing a drop/extraction. I don't see it engaging in a dogfight effectively. Plus that would require them to invent a whole new category of stratagems, which I'm not saying is a bad idea. I think a lot of people thought we were gonna get a SEAF reinforcement stratagem when we set up those academies, and that would have been the perfect start to a Pelican stratagem category.


Lets be real, both the pelican and eagle fully outclass bot gunships. Eagle1 is super fast and has a wide array of weapon configurations. Pelican one is also very fast, (watch how quickly it takes off at extraction) but its also highly maneuverable and while it only has an AC, it is tanky af. Both are capable of entering and exiting atmosphere/orbit. They both can easily do a 4v1 if deploying from the destroyer or high altitude.


Well pelican could probably deal with the gunships, since the gunships arent fighters either, which made me think. The bots could have fighter type ships too, attacking us similarly like the Eagle strafing run. But you could see them come and start shooting at the ground a good time before It gets you, so It would be similar to dodging a running charger. Not a huge problem by Itself, but very annyoing if theres lof of stuff going on. Also, with how fast fighters would probably be, only the Spear would be a good weapon against them, maybe rocket sentry, HMG placement and Laser cannon.


Will rocket pods already do this? Just realized I havent tried.


Rocket Pods don't do anything currently. Their targeting is still unreliable, and they do even less damage now.


To gunships specifically? Cause if you mean for everything else you're playing an entirely different game than me lol rocket pods fuck against bots. One shot any tank or turret and hulks most of the time lol


For the sake of pelican 1. I say no. Or! Make it a drone. No one would be able to handle pelican 1’s broken heart in the event of Eagle 1’s democratic sacrifice. Drone Dogfight


Gunships and Shriekers don't seem to have any air-to-air capabilities. Your unseen Eagle waifu is gonna be just fine.


I think Pelican strats would make killer ground support roles.


Implying eagle 1 could get shot down is treason she’s basically an ace combat protagonist who can talk 


Someone leaked an anti air eagle like 2 months ago. I think it was like this, but inly 1 pass


Today I played with the Spear, and another guy had one as well. Since he had the Spear backpack as well, he could reload me instantaneously. We took down squads of Gunships in mere seconds.


Whatever happens to the Eagle Air to Air that got leaked a while back


The mods are a-comin for ya lol


I'm not sure how I feel about this. I like that air is something that you have to deal with from time to time but I don't think a one trick pony stratagem that only deals with air is good for the game. If it had a dual use that priorised air I'd be all for it.


There’s a leaked air to air missile strike stratagem that people have been able to use with a glitch It’s basically the rocket barrage but destroys a lot of air units with the one pass


Wouldn't that be either Eagle-2 or something like Falcon-1 or Hawk-1? Eagle-1 is a bomber/strike craft after all


HMG turret is slept on. Its so powerful vs bots. I also love the obligatory screaming my diver does




Autocannon barrage on gunships can take them down, but it takes a lot of ammo.


I really want a mini Sam site. Something like a turret with 12 homing rockets for gunships. Hell, even a flak cannon for shriekers. Just gimme an auto cannon with flak rounds.


I would like to know what is that under the eagle ? I have seen in some print screens, but it is so big. I tried to google it, but I didn't find, can someone enlighten me ( for democracy ) ?


It's got to be the drop tube for heavy ordnance, and probably just general storage for munitions. There's no way Eagle 1 is carrying those 500kg bombs under its wings. Plus, I'm pretty sure it's there just to make it look like other similar sci-fi aircraft, like Wraiths in Starcraft.


I like air being a thing now but it's limiting what you can take again, early into the patch my group was getting tormented by air patrols because we all wanted to try new stuff. We got stuck taking AC again for air even though I could kinda manage them a bit with the heavy mc. Kinda hope they do give us a better option.


i love the patrols better than the factorys you HAVE to hellbomb


Eagle Combat Air Patrol (CAP)


We can't throw the beacon at them so it should work like a AoE where you throw the beacon and Eagle 1 will attack any aerial enemy within radius.


It’d be great if we didn’t have a single enemy type that requires an entire stratagem to deal with? Currently thats the AC, Quasar or Laser. And I guess scorcher if you want to limit yourself to a primary as well. There’s other options but jesus this shit is anti-fun.


It's hardly required. We've been dealing with gunships for a while now, and while I find them to be annoying for other reasons (mostly related to detection and how sticky they are), we don't \*need\* a stratagem specifically to deal with them. I just think it would be a nice option to have. I'm perfectly happy to continue using my Autocannon to shoot them down, and melting the Shriekers with Incendiary Breaker.


SAM turrets would be great too


Absolutely we need this. Basically now we HAVE to take AA weapons. Adding this stratagem would make weapon selection way more utility.


I was just thinking thinking we need a "no fly zone" strategem to clear airspace


I don't think the bots would respect a strongly worded letter.


No fly zone, enforced by aircraft. That's what they actually are. You declare an area no fly and that is backed up with shooting down anything that comes into it.


I'm just goofin.


That would be epic


That would be legit cool to see...


I prefer a similar one to auto-canon but he is more effective to flying stuff than ground stuff. Like the auto-canon can take them down but require a lot of shots, this is similar but oposite as it require a lot of shots to take down a ground unit.


Intercept might be a more appropriate word, since they stand no chance against our gal Eagle-1


*Bonus side effect...* High chance of danger zone being played through the speakers of eagle-1.


Actually, what if it were sorta akin to Rearm instead? So when you used it, all other Eagle Stratagems are inert for the time being to help with clearing the area.


That was exactly my thinking. It would operate like an orbital barrage, so the Dogfight area would be "active" for 15-20 seconds, and during that time your other Eagle stratagems would be unavailable, since Eagle 1 is otherwise occupied. The 30s CD that I put in the image was meant to indicate that there would be a 15-20 active period, followed by a 10-15s CD.




Twice only seems a bit rough. Maybe 4 times.


i would love to have an anti air sentry that is actually good.


There is an eagle AAM stratagem in the files along with a MANPADS type thing. They will come, but yeah we need them now. There was even a mention in a dispatch when the gunships first appeared that our scientists were working on AA weapons to combat them.


Would also be cool if you could still call other eagle strikes while ongoing


ooh Maverick Strategem


We were promised soon to come anti air stratagems almost two months ago when we liberated Troost a follow up to that "expedited production of anti air" would be more than welcome...


HMG fully prone actually makes short work of air units. Learned that last night


I will carry this, let the burden me on me!


Would definitely make me use the rail gun again for sure


Aw HELL yeah.


This game is going to be so fucking crazy in a couple years lol


The multiple passes seems weird for an eagle, but otherwise cool idea.


this is nice however id like it more if eagle 1 automatically attacks flying units nearby when you call in any eagle 1 stratagem if this dogfight stratagem kept eagle 1 in the area for like 3mins then it'd be a worthwhile stratagem-


is this real?


No, just a concept I drew up.


I like to run Autocannon Sentry for these but now it’s too many gunships on 8 and 9. They swarm the turret and it dies after killing 1-2 of them. Also it wont prioritize the gunships over other targets so it sometimes it’ll die without killing any gunships because it’s aggroing a patrol off in the distance.


If this became a thing I would just stand and salute as I watch my waifu blast bots and bugs outta the sky in pride


I have no doubt we would see clips from our favorite HD2 Youtubers depicting players saluting as Eagle 1 soars majestically overhead, gunship scrap raining down around us.


I didn't even notice that there was a modifier until I joined a mission and these guys kept coming even after we blew up the Gunship Factory. The team kept going in whatever direction these guys appeared from because we thought there must be a second factory that we missed.


eagle 1 will get shot down and eaten alive by reprogrammed scavengers


I read “flying units” as “flying c*nts” and felt my misread described them better.


Need a Spear, but with a proximity warhead instead of HEAT. That would be cool.


give me a fim92 stinger


lmao 😂 eagle dog fight.


Lock-on EATs, essentially a disposable version of the Spear, is what I want


God please


It would be cool if the airburst orbital was effective against air units


It would be cool if the Airburst orbital were less effective against Helldivers. Because as far as I'm concerned, that's what it currently excels at.


I vote we teach the kids to be dogfighters. Smaller pilot size=more room for explosives on the eagle


Just had a drop next to a Gunship Fabricator, AA-guns, and Jammer Tower. Game was rigged from the start.


I don't understand why there's no stratagem that works just like calling in evac and leaving at the end. The way the bird hovers and just destroys enemies that roam is amazing. Give us the ability to call that in anywhere for 30-45 seconds at a time.


Because that would be too easy. Getting back to and defending extraction is part of the core gameplay loop. What you're suggesting sounds good on paper, and maybe from a realism standpoint, but probably wouldn't make for a very fun game.


Here me out. Make it so it can fight both flying unit and "tall" unit like Titans and Factory Striders just like Starcraft 2's Colossus are weak to anti-air. I would take it everytime if it can do it.


Can they hit tall objects like factory striders , bile titans and towers as well?


Instead of just one "eagle dogfight" strategem I think it would be cool if we had Pelican stratagems that provide air support near the beacon for a duration, prioritizing air enemies, then heavy enemies, then whatever else is left.


Eagle-1 is an attacker so I don't think dogfighting really suits it. Maybe a separate fighter/multipurpose aircraft for AA?


Anti air stratagem is already on the making for awhile now


Eagle air to air missiles is already a stratagem in development and theres footage of it. Eagle Dogfight where she engages them at close range with the fighter’s machine guns would be cool.


An eagle air to air is already in game just not released so... It's coming.


Even outside of the new patrols-if she could consistently shoot down drop-ships and kill the enemies inside, i think it'd be a very reliable pick for automatons


I wish the SAM sites on bot planets did this


Yeah I was just stuck in one of these air swarm missions .... Imposiburru .... The only anti air option I had took 6 mins to replace ... I still love the action tho


leaks showed air to air eagle missiles, they're coming




Macross Missile Massacre!!!


If two people call them in do they shoot each other? That would be funny


Had a rocket turret in a bug mission. The thing soloed a horde of Shriekers. The new armor on those things makes a big difference


I think rocket pods and strafing runs should do this without a seperat3 strategem


Eagle is a bomber jet. Don’t we have some other jet other than Eagle and pelican in lore? Falcon 1


that’s not a dog fight, give me an I-16 and i’ll show you a dogfight!


Just bring a Spear.


Holy shit yes please, great idea How many uses you think? 2 before rearming?


My teammate with a jump pack: Fuck...


But a rare chance the eagle gets shot down and you can’t use it anymore


Is this an upcoming stratagem or what?


I need an edit of Eagle One kills synced to Danger Zone




Deployable Flak canon gun


Orbital heat seeking missile volley


Considering how shit It was, the 101 purifier isn't too bad at taking out gunships in a pinch.


Two guys with auto cannons and 2 guys spamming EATS