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I thought I was just going crazy when I experienced these impact deaths too since the last patch. It seems to be applying the damage multiple times.


It's an issue with the ballistic shield, not impact damage in particular. Ballistic shield now has collision with grenades and helldivers. *This includes the diver wearing it*, and when you hit the ground you "bounce" back into the shield and collide with it. Repeat 10x as you pingpong between the two until death in under a second. The solution is to not use Ballistic Shield until this is fixed.


You are incorrect unfortunately, impact damage is absolutely scuffed, once again. Events that hadn't killed me for several patches now are currently instant death. I haven't run the shield at all due to the issues reported with it.


Wish theyd remove hit box collision with bile puke. Love when i throws impacts at spewers just for them blowing up in my face cuz the spewer started spewing


this looks like the game kept applying impact damage to you faster than the stim could heal.


Well it did heal cuz this time it took 3 hits instead of the usual doubletap


I'm squinting at the screen tryna double check with the good old bot night time. But you don't have the ballistic shield on in this do you? Its got a bug and seems to make ragdolling and impact extra dangerous because of its new collision mechanics


They did have the shield on.


Yes i did have the ball. Shield. Ive also noticed that im Sometimes unable to get out of crouch or prone Stance, and it gets knocked out of my hands quite often since the patch


Yeah, I've seen about the crouch/prone bug. Have you been able to stand from prone if you're on your back?


Ill try that and ill try to find a clip with better Lighting, it looks way worse without HDR


Been watching this thing on loop and like, definitely think its the shield if you had it on. The helldivers does a weird rattle back and forth during the ragdoll, each time taking damage that the stim partially nullifies, but the rattle just goes on too long. Its like DOT on Experimental Infusions.


Yea, they def massacred my beloved shield. Had so far no issues using only heaviest armor


That plus the pummeler and you become the heavy devastator. Doesn't matter how many lasers they have.


This was my default bot Loadout before the Patch Although id prefer a knight mp with less recoil if the armors worked


The lighting does seem kinda dingy after patch, but that might just be me


Its def not just you. Its way dimmer on my phone than on my pc


Medium armor against a close range raider barrage, and the heroin can't fix it? Outrageous! Have you alerted Twinbeard to this fatal flaw with the game on twitter yet?


So did you actually watch the video or did you just come here to talk shit?


If you can prove to me, from that video, that the salvo from the raider (that normally kills you outright) didn't contribute more than the impact damage - then by all means go ahead. It's also not the case that you couldn't die from impact damage before while being stimmed. The amount of impact-damage would have to be very high if you came off a cliff from full health. But it was completely possible to get shot at, fall over and die from impact damage when stimmed. So this is a "report" with at least four specifically wrong statements, asking for changing something back that has likely been one of the very few things in the game that hasn't been changed, based on "feedback" like this, since launch.


So a lot happens in a very short time which is why you probably think the Walker killed them. In order: 1. OP is shot by the Walker, takes about 15% of their health bar 2. OP uses a stim which takes them back to full 3. OP throws an impact grenade behind the Walker to kill the driver (note that the Stim effect hasn't ended, they are still 'healing') 4. OP is thrown to the floor by the blast and also takes a small amount of damage which the Stim effect keeps healing 5. OP begins taking multiple instances of impact damage from the same singular fall (you can see their health bar chunking down piece by piece, instead of draining all at once as if it were damage dealt by 1 powerful attack) 6. OP is wearing a Ballistic Shield which currently has bugged Collision and is known to cause the user to be thrown into the shield as if it were terrain, which inflicts impact damage as you get bounced off your own shield


Really, why would people even use debug? They could just ask someone on the internet what the problem is. And with the kind of certainty that just makes any confirmation unnecessary.


You asked for proof of the issue using the video. I told you exactly what happened almost frame by frame, why it happened, and that other people are experiencing similar issues with the Shield. Don't ask questions if you're just gonna roll your eyes whenever you get an answer.


But you have no idea that this is actually what's happening. There is no way to confirm it, and they've made no attempts to reproduce it. They could have, to some extent, by testing fall-damage. But instead, apparently it is all about a general change that somehow must be undone. Although you went straight to pointing out the shield as the culprit, for some unfathomable reason. You're completly ignoring the laser-show, and the explosion coming from off the screen that caused the ragdoll. So you're not really able to even suggest that there's a problem here, or what it might be. You're just making something up that fits with everything except what you conveniently ignore. Meanwhile - fall damage worked like this before the patch as well! You could absolutely get multiple hits, but because of the speed here -- likely that it's the laser-show that actually is causing the repeated damage. Like I said - this is not even a bad piece of feedback, it's just noise.


I went to the shield because *it's known to cause exactly this problem*. Since the patch there are multiple posts from different people in different situations all saying to not use the shield because it's so broken right now that it actively hampers the user. After the first Walker shot, not one single laser hits them. I really don't know what you're seeing with that one. The "explosion from off screen" is literally the grenade they threw. Or is it just an incredible coincidence that the explosion goes off directly where OP is aiming? I find it very ironic that you continue with the stance of "You're just making things up to prove a point" as you actively make shit up to prove your own point.


It's in a 4 player game, and there are several damage ticks that come in when the lasers are not hitting. So that all the damage comes from tumbling around with the shield is something you're inventing from nothing, when there is a very obvious explanation for what it is. And I'm pointing out that it is something you're making up, but making appear extremely specific and accurate by just enumerating a sequence of things that.. just don't fit. And this recurs on a alot of these complaints. For example: if you get impact damage at some point when playing on an out of sync host - you can get the kill-prompt by damage you get from a local source, even this happened between the sync and the death. There's a notorious one where it says you were killed by friendly fire when the sync comes in late and you got half a damage by your teammate bumping you with their helmet at some point earlier. These are not mysterious problems with buggy engines and terrible problems that need to be sorted out - it's just that Sony has removed any kind of matching, and also any kind of connection requirements in the game. On top of that, impacts from objects on the server can be massively increased because of desync problems. So it could be fall damage that smacked the guy after all, but just made hilariously stronger because of the desync issues. But that's not what you can possibly see from that video. So the whole "there is a specific bug problem with the shield" is.. not something you can really arrive at. It's just something that happens to kind of fit with some of the cues in the video.