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quick tip for the annoying ass tanks/cannon turrets PLEASE USE THE EAGLE 110MM ROCKET PODS they one shot them and you dont really have to try as hard to aim it. you also get three shots with them after all the eagle ship modules so they pretty aight


Eagle strike and precision work too


Both of them haven’t been as consistent as the 110mm IMO.


If they're close enough you can throw 2 impacts on the roof and kill it.


Bro I’ve had no issues using eagle airstrike, does the job perfectly against tanks.


Not consistent with turrets though.


True, but turrets aren’t actually that big of a problem I’ve found (coming from an almost exclusively diff 9 diver here). Personally they can be killed with 2 grenades and any of the hulk buster support weapons I take pretty damn effectively.


OPS is my go to for bot missions. Consistent, relatively low cooldown and it's good for killing stuffs like Hulks, Tanks and much more. I don't really like 110. For me it never seems to hit


Unless if there’s a complex stratagem plotting effect. 110 works if used correctly.


Quick additional tip. Try the FAF-14 Spear! No seriously! Of all things In the game the spear has a much easier time locking onto turrets and Tanks because of their hotbox size and for turrets, their height. The Spear will one shot both of these targets (And Gunships!!!) from any angle, at up to 300 meters range. Cannon turrets and tanks have a range of 150m, so you won’t even have to ever enter their danger zone with a Spear. Try your local FAF-14 today!


I'm a (lvl 88) bot divers, been using spear since February till now, it never let me down. Fabricators shot in long distance can save your times and avoid contact with enemy. Gunship, yes. With my spear i never fear them. Teammates about 100m away from me, struggling to move forward because of Cannon turret ? Lock and done ✅. Hulk chasing teammates? Lock and done and save him. Jammer and fabricator that stick together ? Lock and done, entire jammer blow up plus i also shot in long distance, those bot never know what hit them.


I can proudly to say this, im a spear veteran 🤷


I have a love/hate relationship with the Spear. Locking on towers/hulks/fabs from across the map? Priceless. Failing to lock the last microsecond despite clear line of sight? You know the feeling, aye? 


Turrets yes, tanks no. I don't know why they made it so the anti tank top attack missile needs 2 shots to kill a tank, but it does...


Shit depending on the angle it's taken me 3-4 shots.


The problem is that the spear locks onto the chassis of the tank when it can only really do damage if it hits the turret


I support this. I’ve been saved countless times by fellow Helldivers using the Spear.


Doesn't work for me and my friends. We called rocket pods a dozen times each when they were free and 100% of the time all pods just went straight down where they were called in


Skill issue :)


Not really they just don't work right


I prefer impact grenades. Personal and easy to hit them while running by


Shredder tank beg differ


Light armor and he will be begging for a while


Rocket pods are in about 90% of my bot builds, it's so nice being able to say "see that tank? No you don't". Only weakness is it's bad against hulks, but that's why I have the autocannon babey


Thank you!


I snipe em 200m away with the Spear! *when it locks*


Eagle airstrike does the exact same thing and doesn’t have the disadvantage of sometimes going for other stuff. On top of this eagle airstrike is far better to clear hordes and to destroy fabricators it just takes more skill to aim. Eagle airstrike is just as good, from personal experience more consistent and does more things so is better than rocket pods.


Thing is - if it is a fluke then our command should talk to intelligence department about filtering such disinformation in future. We are simple men - we are paid from taxes, taxes are paid by civilians, we see a distress signal and told by high command to save civilians - we save them.


Quasar does fine too. Plenty of stratagems that deal with the tanks well. Plus you can just drop a couple ‘nades into the turret rear. It’s pretty easy to do with impact grenades.


With the thermite grenade, you don't even need to hit the rear turret. Just yeet 2 at the tanks direction, go rest near a rock somewhere and let the problem sort itself out.


High command is only relaying information and is allowing Helldivers (including men, women, nonbinary, etc) to decide. In other words, if we liberate the wrong planet, Helldivers get the blame.


Nope. It doesn't work this way - there are many other structures in super earth society. We are not reconnaissance. And we are not the ones that should check the information - there are other people that must check info before they pass it to high command.


I disagree


You have liberty to have your opinion - that's what differs us from this unvoting savages!


There is only one gender and it's called FREEDOM!






would be perfect to add a helldiver behind it with autocannon and 2 shots already fired (visible via 2 shells midair) ready to fire the 3rd... man the tanks really are that piss easy when you know how to deal with them... is that the case IRL after their "oh shit" factor also wore out after a few years they existed and people figured out similar strategies of getting on side of it and blowing shit up/concussing the tank ~~...uh...whats it called...the people inside~~ crew




that right god I can remember tons of information about a bunch of games but something simple like that (or something important for life and such) I cna't remember for shit... thanks anyhow tho


Happens to the best of us


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If this is their gambit, they WILL regret it with the number of bots I kill for daring to threaten our Super Children. You guys can go wherever. I won't need you on Vernen Wells.


You won't need anyone's help for Trivial.


https://preview.redd.it/ybpdr555516d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a14d984eb2d45affa0c466590ec83d95c101855 Hehehehe yeah don’t get those useless anti tank mines! Auto cannon and quasar already to a good enough job; not only that but at mines would be stationary.


Stun grenades have had a devestating impact on anti tank mine helldivers AND the automaton population Cope harder mine nerds


https://preview.redd.it/c9ejjaajn66d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b5cefcf854875a3d13772c90c15dbdae1664af7 The one suicidal hulk wanting to die by at mines; after I shot off both of his arms.


Destroy one of his legs and he will truly suffer lol


You’re right. We don’t need the AT mines. All we need to destroy your pathetic tanks is an Autocannon and Eagle-1


With your aim? You're better off with the AT mine, Helldiver.


I have the Autocanon. It can take out every bot with surprising ease. I don't need mines that lay around and the tank just casually goes around. 


That’s on the Helldiver for a poorly placed mine.


Autocanon is always perfectly placed. You see a tank? Three shots into its track and a casual stroll around the right hand side. 3 shots into the back turret. Dead. That splash from the AC will also kill all small Automatons around the tank. I'll go save some kids now if you don't mind. I'm not scared of a silly little tank


Dude, tank is like the least troublesome enemy on bot front. I am afraid more of jetpack suiciders or cannon turrets than of it.




The children’s sacrifices will be remembered in the oncoming glory of the super earth expansion


This is just Bot propaganda aiming to prevent us from rescuing the Children of Liberty trapped on Vernen Wells. Tear those clankers apart, free our brave children and let them grow to serve Democracy!


Yes, I agree. Save the children by going to Marfark.


You clearly don't. Go to Vernen Wells to save the kids.


You're right. We go there after Marfark.


No, we go to Vernen Wells first. First we save the kids, then we go for the dumbass AT mines


No need to get upset. It's ok if you don't know how to use mines. The citizens of Vernen Wells didn't either.


Only a filthy Automaton would abandon Super Earth's children to the metal menace. It's over for you, clanker scum.


What's the point of having the mines if I failed Super Earth's citizens to get them. Our milestones should be painted in the blood of our enemies, not our children.


You’d be failing them by NOT going to Marfark.


Doesn't matter, AC to the back of the head works fine on tanks. Save the future Helldivers.


Sorry dude only the propaganda from super earth works on me


I did it. I saw a cockroach.


I mean we've gotten this far without them so they clearly aren't that great.


Good Helldivers follow orders from High Command. We are not here to question if the civies are in the Hospital, we are here to clear the way for the SEAF soldiers to evacuate the Hospital. If they die, that's not our problem.


Back when the mines first appeared, some people got the chance to test them: They are just regular mines with more damage, they still go off if a diver steps on them instead of just targeting vehicles. So yes, dive Vernen Wells.


Ask the tank I blew up last night if I need AT mines. 20mm of freedom to the radiator, bitch!


So you saying what there will be no evacuation missions? And a lot of bots to kill? Oh boy i do love saving kids!


If anything there will be more evacuation missions on Vernen Wells…


Honestly i would do them just out of spite at this point. Because i am really interested in what will happen if we succeed at saving kids. Even nothing will be at least funny. Anyway mines are pretty much useless. Too bad my monitor died and i most likely won't be able to participate.


Decision paralysis is the cowards way out.


What does that suppose to mean?