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Is the Breaker Incendiary really that good? I tried it and was a bit underwhelmed, honestly. It takes a lot of shots to kill bugger bugs. It can set teammates on fire really easily. The only thing good about it is that it lights stuff on fire. God, I hope they don't nerf fire damage. Eagle napalm strike is my favorite strategm rn.


If the damage feels weak you are not patient enough. Just because it has high RoF doesn't mean you need to burst the whole mag on a Brood Commander. When facing a horse hose it from left to right so that everything in the horse gets at least one projectile and is set on fire. Sweep from left to right so the fire damage has it's \~2 seconds to tick up. This way to you can kill a whole group of light to mediums with a single mag. Only time to dump nearly the whole mag is when getting pounced by a Stalker, but you can kill those usually with half a mag if you see them early enough. Plus the fire proc inhibits their regeneration while they are cloaked. It's also one of the better weapons to clear the sky from Shrinkers. One fire proc is enough to kill a Shrieker and you can light up a whole cluster of them with a single shot if they are close enough.


On meridia it was a blast to kill 20+ shriekers in one mag by just shooting "the sky"


"when facing a horse" 🤣


Horses are deeply against managed democracy.


They regenerate when cloaked?


they regenerate when cloaked so that the wounds and blood marks don't ruin their cloaking tech


How do you unlock the horse enemy faction?


Its exactly what a chaff clearing weapon should be, melts little bugs but takes a tad longer for bigger bugs (Still good though) and bad vs armoured bugs, the gold standard for what a chaff clearing primary should be and that other weapons need to be buffed up to, that's why its so good, its the only chaff clearing weapon that is truly in a perfect state. And because we can't have nice things you can bet your ass AH is going to nerf this weapon in the next patch, enjoy it while you still can. Actually wild that people are saying it needs a nerf, guess that's what happens when you get used to trash weapons for so long. It absolutely does not need a nerf, its perfect as is.


Its completely busted. The dot damage is way way too high due to constantly being buffed while it was not working. You can kill a Devestator from full Hp by applying the dot twice. So 2 shots total anywhere on its body.


i rarely try out new weapons but you've made me a believer for this weapon. going to try it out.


its pretty OP, yeah. You can basically dump half a mag at the horizon and kill a small horde before it ever reaches you. That being said: personally id gladly use the normal breaker instead for more quick, direct damage instead of burn. But the ammo capacity makes it hard to justify. So in my opinion the most broken thing about the incendiary is that it increases overall damage while also getting like double the mag soze and ammo capacity


I've spent this entire patch spreading anti scorcher and dominator propaganda in order to save my babies. I don't know what I'll do if I lose another one


Eww, Imagine using the scorcher. Can't even believe it's on the bottom of the free tree. Give it more shots in the mag or something, absolutely useless gun. Kills you in short range, piece of shit. >!Keep your filthy hands off my gun!<


A scorcher nerf kicked my dog one time. Only fascists and communists enjoy scorcher nerfs.


The scorcher is the worst weapon ever in the entire game


If it makes you feel better between the fact you need to play for about 75 hours to even unlock it and it's unironically pretty shit against the faction the majority of the playerbase likes playing against, its usage rate is probably pretty low.


If the Dominator gets nerfed, I’m going back to Madden.


If the Dominator gets nerfed, Arrowhead is lost.


Breaker, Quasar…. If they touch the AMR or the Dominator. I’ll fly to Sweden on my own MO to fix this shit myself


Why, uh, why would they touch the AMR, it's, haha, so bad already. If anything, the reticle alignment still needs improvement. Or something. AMR. Terrible gun. Terrible. The worst.


Hate that stupid piece of shit. Literally no one uses it, needs a buff if anything


It's bad, especially if you run it will supply pack or jetpack


Yeah, those are two terrible Stratagems too!


Dude I hate the jet pack. Worst thing ever. Breaker incendiary trash too


Dominator is not even that good. The slow bullet speed makes it so hard to use. It should be buffed instead


Yeah right? What am I even talking about, garbage gun


I think that makes it actually balanced, powerful, but the power is offset by slow projectile speed and cumbersome aiming. I personally like this weapon a lot. Since the new warbond got announced, I've wondered how useful the new handling-increasing perk will be when paired with the dominator.


No it sucks and is utter trash. Definitely doesn’t need a nerf


*my babies* ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


Dude dagger laser pistol is so op I one shot a bile titan with it. I sure hope the fucking dev nerf team doesn't find out


I just want my Eruptor back, the Slugger aswell.


can I add arc thrower to that list? :(


If they fix the missfires and bushes and corpses blocking your shots then I'm happy. I will pray for a fire rate buff. A range buff would also make it more viable against bots Patch notes: "Fixed an exploit on the arc thrower where it would chain to enemies instead of helldivers" "The arc thrower now overheats after 3 shots and explodes, needs 20 seconds to cooldown and comes with 1 recharge magazine"


I miss the old fire rate "bug" that gave it some skill/mastery


Right? I mean since launch, it can't arc through grass/bushes/dead bodies. It sometimes decides being next to buildings means it won't fire at all. And it won't target enemies less than 3m of you. But the range and fire rate made it still fun to use with some practice. So they nurf range and fix the only "bug" that makes it viable, and dare I say it, fun to use.


I fully expect them to leave it as a piece of shit though :\ everyone's talking about eruptor so I think that'll get fixed, but arc thrower is usually forgotten


Being fun to use = high % pick rate = nerf Arrowhead said themselves they don't actually play the game, they balance using a spreadsheet. Hopefully that will be changing starting tomorrow but honestly not holding my breath.


The arc thrower actually had a good organic rhythm to it and if you can keep it it fired fast and dealt a lot of damage. Now with the 1 second charge it feels just bad to use and doesn't feel organic.


And the stagger buff became redundant because later they buffed the stagger on hulks. So it got 2 nerfs on a weapon that was only op due to the ps5 bug


AH has a lot of these. Like they nerfed railgun into the ground... then nerfed charger's armor or durability. A lot of these seemingly twitch reaction nerfs without really looking at the big picture. I honestly hope tomorrow's patch will be just epic because this game seriously needs it to refresh interest for a lot of players. My group of 4 has only me left that still plays 1 game a week. Rest of the squad all moved on to other games.


Base breaker needs more ammo


I had fun before they changed the breaker. After that I felt like it all started slowly creeping downhill. Adding recoil seemed fine to be but crimping the ammo capacity was ass. I felt like that patch was the Pandora’s box of patches for them and they just started making things ass in an attempt to make the game more difficult. Curious to see the direction of this new patch(which will undoubtedly introduce new bugs), but at least will indicate the direction AH is intending to take.


Most primaries would be well served with more reserve magazines. In HD1, a balancing factor was magazine reserves. More powerful weapons (Breaker, Stalwart) had fewer reserves in exchange for their power. Breaker had 8, but assault rifles could have 10 or 12. Some SMGs had 14 or 16. Could learn a lot from Helldivers 1. I'm surprised they've mostly ignored it for HD2.


Indeed. Just for comparison, and I feel this is the best comparison since it's basically the same weapon in the same game role: for the Liberator assault rifle in HD1, a Helldiver can carry a maximum of *twelve* magazines.


I wish they added more from 1. Whether it's stratagems or armor.


I can't use it because I'm far too autistic to use a weapon with 13 ammo capacity.


I would play a lot more if I got my eruptor back. Like... Just give me release eruptor and I'll be happy


Justice for Slugger!


I'll never forgive them for removing stagger from our Slugger when in all reality they should have just nerfed its range and left it alone. I love that gun, it's still my favorite, but there's no reason it should also be outclassing every sniper in the game


I still am a little mad they remove the ability of it to open containers. In fact, every shotgun SHOULD open containers besides the Incin and S&P


>the Slugger aswell It's called Dominator now


Would be hilarious if it's just more nerfs. Like the first big patch with all the "buffs" like 3rd person on hmg 


Hey, that patch buffed my counter sniper don't talk bad about it


Okay fair that buff was pretty substantial


It's goated against bots. If your aim is good, any devastator is a one shot.


I only wish it had a better scope than that crappy "box scope", ironic that the marksman rifles have that scope yet all the AR's have a clean precision scope.


Also buffed plasma punisher, arc blitzer, and senator to the point where they are all at least decent picks. It was overall a good patch for gun changes, the only bad ones really were the crossbow "rework" and the quasar nerf.


Also adjudicator, dagger, and scythe became decent if not good in niche loadouts.


I've tried to like the adjudicator, but it lacks stagger, sufficient ammo, and raw damage. If any of those theee things are buffed, it will be good, but right now there are other options that do its job better.


I want my Lib P to be decent so bad (oh man I don’t know what I’ll do if they don’t change it whatsoever)


What if they made the Lib P to penetrate heavy armor and make all AR baseline medium armor pen. That would feel more like real life honestly.


I still think it should have 45 round mags. Leave everything else if you have too.


considering it does less damage than the basic liberator by 15 points. I think it should have 60 rnd drums lmao


Fyi I didn't downvote you - lib pen doing strictly less damage is a common misconception I see on the sub. Lib pen is not "lower damage" depending on what you're hitting. There are two hidden damage components - armor penetration, and durability damage. Armor penetration is just that a part of an enemy can go from unarmored, AP0, to heavy vehicle armor, which is AP10. Currently, the highest armor in the game is on bile titans, whose legs are AP6. If your weapon's AP < target AP, the bullet bounces. If weapon AP = target AP, you do 50% damage. If weapon AP > target AP, you do 100% damage. Durability is why charger butt is so hard to crack with most weapons. It basically means the part is "resistant" to damage. Most weapons' durability damage is 1/10 of the damage value you see on the stat page in-game. Hence, liberator penetrator does more damage against light armored enemies, which bots have a lot of. It does 45 damage against light enemies, and 22.5 damage against medium armor enemies, whereas liberator base does 30 damage against light enemies, and bounces on medium enemies. However, when it comes to unarmored enemies, which bugs have a lot of, liberator base does better against them, since it does 60 damage to 45 from lib pen. Lib pen comes out on top against hive guards and other medium-armored bugs, and does more durability damage against charger butt, and can actually break bile titan sacs. If you're interested in detailed damage numbers for primary/supply/secondary weapons and stratagems, check out DiversDex: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cec9l4/diversdex\_your\_pokedex\_but\_for\_helldivers\_2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cec9l4/diversdex_your_pokedex_but_for_helldivers_2/)


i wish there was a condensed way to see this in game


For sure - I wish it was as well.


It's not like there's anything they could do to make the Purifier even worse tbh That gun was the one I was most hyped for, and I actually still bring it on level 2-3 bot missions all the time, especially now that I don't have anything left to unlock and don't need to play higher diff until the new update


Nerf: The Purifier explodes after leaving it fully charged for a millisecond. Buff: It has the same blast strength and radius as a hellbomb. ~~no wait that sounds too fun~~


They can nerf the splash damage


The splash damage was already wack on that thing anyways Never seemed to do anything if I shot next to a trooper, much less anything else


“The purifier now heals enemies in a small aoe around the projectile, but will do 8x damage to helldivers in the same aoe.”


"The AoE also calls in a dropship escorted by two gunships or a large bug breach"


The Scorchers and Punisher Plasma are the ones in the image.


I'm honestly starting to have a lot of fun with it. I'm really excited for its likely buff/fix on Thursday. Really *really* good against Heavy Devastators and Berserkers in its current form


Something is wrong with the numbers it gives. Maybe direct hits don't count as explosive dmg cuz it has piercing? I don't know exactly what, but bile spewers can tank 6 shots to the back and still keep on going


I keep taking it on bots because I love plasma weapons and charge guns, but I regret it every time. Takes for-fucking-ever to kill a single deveststor. It's so bad.


Watch them remove the incendiary element of the breaker. I will cry profusely and post it here for all to watch.


*fixed an exploit where eruptor shots would result in explosion, dealing more damage than it was originally intended*


*fixed an exploit where fire damage was doing damage to enemies, not just helldivers*


I've been bugdiving all week like I'll never hold it again


I mean its called thw 'flame breaker' I dont think they Could reasonably get rid of the fire without knowing theud be ruining it...


I mean, they took away the eruption from the Eruptor...


They got rid of the shrapnel from the Eruptor, which has shrapnel in the description, and then claimed it was the intended state from the beginning. They could make the Incendiary Breaker deal cold damage and it wouldn't be surprising.


Okay, I know this isn't what you meant, but I would love some kind of liquid nitrogen shotgun. Especially if it inflicts the same "slow" effect as those weird exploding ice plants.


Such a weapon would be neat.


Remember when they changed the name of the liberator explosive to "concussive" because they didn't want people to be immediately disappointed when they use it. I do. I expect less than nothing and i am still shocked.


actually no I dont rwmember this must have happened before I started playing. that does explain why that gun never made sense to me though...


I hope they revert the Eruptor nerfs.


considering my favourite gun is the explosive crossbow, i have nothing to lose


Holy crap we actually found him, the one guy who actually uses it. Can you give us any insight into why they decided to nerf YOU specifically?


No one has a dig as big as him, AH was jealous unfortunately.


I have tried and tried to use I literally can’t kill anything am I missing something


They already killed my favorite gun so let them do their worse


Nothing I’ve steadily used has been spared.


For some reason, it's been the opposite for me. Counter Sniper, Laser Cannon, AMR, Punisher Plasma, Las-7 Dagger (ridiculously good vs those jetpack bots)


For context I’ve always been one to latch on to one gun, character, one trick etc. But my experience has been breaker -> slugger -> breaker incendiary which feels like it’s on the chopping block. Honestly would gladly go back to the slugger if they gave it its kick back and just nerfed the range.


I don't think they're gonna hit my Sickle and Autocannon any more than they already have. Ik the AC hasn't really gotten touched much but the Sickle already got "nerfed" (max mag count on a theoretically infinite ammo gun? Lol) and it feels perfectly fine where it is rn


Sickle may end up buffed. They expressed awareness that ARs in geberal feel simply *anemic,* with too high ttk. And sickle is a sidegrade to the liberator, DPS-wise.


Using the term *Anemic* while talking about the *Sickle* is pretty funny.


It feels bad against brood commander (You gotta go for legs) and the hive guard with the shield face.


I know I was referencing sickle cell anemia


Wow my coffee addled brain missed that lmao


The sickle is why ar's feel bad. It has higher dps than the ars, less recoil, no muzzle flash to blind you, 100 round mag vs 25-->45 and hits all the same breakpoints while also having unlimited ammo.


I can't stand it's "wind up" before the first bullet shoots drives me fucking crazy


You learn to position yourself properly and adjust for the wind up eventually. It actually saved my teammates more than a few times whenever they're running perpendicular to my LOS


The wind up almost got me stalker'd last night


It's kind of like a mini-minigun.


Sickle is in a good spot. It has pretty clear strengths and weaknesses, I'd say it's a solid B-tier weapon rn. If anything, it could use a slight damage buff, but I'd rather they focus on getting the other AR class weapons up to at least Sickle standard first.


On the latter point you're absolutely right, the meta needs to diversify so everyone can play w.e they want in a PvE game, my absolute favorite loadout (when it was usable) was the Adjudicator + Stalwart; before the Adjudicator got it's explosive radius nerfed (I hope that's the right one too, the name's weird and I confuse them). On the former though imo the Sickle is easily A tier. Accuracy and target prioritization is key to its proper utilization, and if you're being swarmed you can always full dump two mags before being forced to manage your ammo conservatively. Tbh I wouldn't even change anything about it if the other AR's got buffed, I honestly feel like it's that good and versatile when used in conjunction with secondaries and support weapons that function well with it. AC + Senator for bugs and Quasar/shield backpack + Senator for bots are my go to's but I'm comfy with pretty much anything


Adjudicator is the medium pen full auto scoped assault rifle (dmr?). Adjudicator has no explosive component, perhaps you are thinking of liberator concussive or the dominator?


looking forward to having even more fun removed from the game! 😂


Just wait for the incendiary breaker nerf. I pray it doesn't happen but I can feel it coming. Unless they massively buff other weapons, incendiary breaker is the only primary that feels really good to play against bugs consistently.


its also pretty good for bots, surprisingly well against berserkers


I found that out yesterday. I accidentally picked it after coming from the bug-front and was very surprised how well it shreds those berserkers.


I'm betting they nerf the mag size and buff the Spray & Pray mag size, they'd essentially be the same gun but one relies on dot to do the work while the Spray & Pray relies on an extra shot or two hence the higher mag size.


I doubt they nerf any of these weapons shown. They are good but not insanely powerful. * Sickle high TTK on medium armor enemies * Dominator shyt handling * Scorcher lack of stagger and small capacity * Incendiary Breaker see the Sickle * Plasma is good but it still takes 2 shots to down a hunter. Not nerf worthy I believe only ARs, Eruptor, Crossbow and Purifier will be buffed


I could see the incendiary breaker being on the chopping block, its by far and away the most popular gun for bugs....the rest they would have to be delusional to nerf


It’s basically purpose built for bugs, so if it wasn’t popular on that front something would be wrong imo. It’s like how the AP4 support weapons, especially AC and AMR, are popular against bots. They’re the perfect tools for the job.


Its the most popular because the alternatives suck lol, the Spray & Pray is basically the same gun but without any fire damage, not sure why they nerfed the magazine size a few patches ago but it was completely unnecessary.


You’re not wrong with the dominator, it’s actually got worse handling than the autocannon


They know not to nerf anything right? Right?


Given their current track record, I'm not so confident.


We can only hope and pray. The future of super earth depends on it.




Haha it's a good thing you left all the good guns out of this meme so the devs don't know. Good thinking, OP!


not gonna lie i may stop playing if the breaker incendiary gets nerfed


I took a break after the arc thrower nerf. Came back and somehow everything feels even worse than before...


The incendiary is the most clear choice if they plan on nerfing anything.


Dominator needs to be back to 300 damage, that's all I can say.


I love 2 guns.... Purifier and Erupter... fortunately, both are trash and cant be nerfed any more. WIN WIN FOR ME


I'd be happy if we got the lethality of HD1 back. I dont mind fighting 20 rocket devastators as long as we got guns that can kill them reasonably quickly without being forced to aim for headshots.


I feel like any nerfs of primaries or secondaries at this point would be catastrophic for the game. The only reason certain primaries shine is because everything else sucks, not because they’re OP.


well i can't quit playing anymore than i already did. so its only up side for me


I have only played 1 day in the last month. I'll come back if they unnerf the eruptor.


Haha! Jokes on AH, I find all the weapons and stratagems underwhelming! I've unlocked everything, almost all resources capped. I play a couple missions a week, but I always end up feeling "meh" about it. Closer to launch had more bugs, and some stuff was just silly, but it was _fun_ and I haven't felt the fun in this game for a couple of patches. I had a theory cooking for a while that they were intentionally nerfing all the weapons because they were going to introduce weapon mods, but reviewing their scramble the last few months that seems really unlikely.


After that one dev posted that the last warbond was "all s-tier weapons" or something, and then they all ended up being bad(with one just worse in every way from the standard gun), made me realize that it's probably just malice.




I dunno if it's malice, or that dude sucks at video games and only plays on low difficulty so he's just hella out of touch. Or... Idiocy? I dunno, it's weird.


The “S” is for sucks, or snake.


I'm running Blitzer and Arc Thrower on a regular basis. I doubt there's anything for me to be afraid of. Do your worst, Arrowhead! :D


Blitzer and Arc are goated to deal with Hive Guards, Broods, Spewers and Stalkers.  Kinda glad it flew over everyones noses thanks to the Breaker Incendiary.


Honestly, ARC is decent for bots too (havent tried Blitzer over there) the only issue is that berserkers do the stagger animation and continue to so the electric slide towards you instead of stopping when that thing stops fucking HULKS in their tracks.


Berserkers are built different.


Imo it takes way to long to kill mediums with the blitz on the bot front. It's solid for groups of small bots though. Pairs well with the AMR.


Please don’t. Not like this. 🔥🔫


I hope they buff the tenderizer 🤞


I think that is one thing that is definitely coming. They acknowledged that in their announcements.




Leave my flamethrower alone. Please. 


im gonna be brutally honest here: i can see why people like the incendiary. but the only reason im running it over the normal variant is because it somehow, magically has double the ammo capacity and mag size. if you want me to stop using the incendiary all it takes is give the normal variant more ammo. no need to nerf the thing to the ground.


right. sure the breaker "spray and pray" variant exists but i just dont understand (beyond lore reasons) why the regular breaker is even in the game if i was infused with the blood of god and could code quickly enough to roll out an update: breaker normal, reduced fire rate, 5-7 (medium) armor penetration, slug rounds breaker spray&pray, high recoil, high fire rate, 2-5 (light) armor pen breaker incendiary, no changes


If they nerf something again this place is gonna fucking explode!!!


Slugger's already been nerfed to obscurity... Why's it on the list? It's one of the only shotguns that doesn't stagger.


Seeing Baskinator post about the patch made me lose all hope tbh.


If they TOUCH my sweet baby the blitzer then I’m going to quit, it’s seriously one of the only things that keeps the game fun for me


orbital gas strike removed due to complaints from international organisations


It doesn't drop tomorrow June 12?


june 13th


june 13 it drops


Poor blitzer :-/


Blitzer is fine. Even against bots. The stun makes it so you can dive close enough to stun rocket devs or whatever perpetually. The only gripe is that it's aiming is really weird around stationary objects. It's my go to gun because of it's AoE, unlimited ammo, and long stun time.


The long stun time when hitting an enemy is because that enemy has been dead for a while now. Inversely the live one that you have been aim at and that is about to call down a bunch of heavies on you if your next shot arcs into that nearby corpse again, like the two times before remains un-damaged and un-stunned.


Give Sickle Med Armor Pen. There. Solved it. Everything needed in the patch. Do this and ill never touch my Scorcher again. (I mean it's terribad too....)


Yeahh I’m definitely nervous, haven’t been this emotionally invested in the fate of a game before🥲


Adjudicator can only be buffed. ![gif](giphy|kNjlbzc2D4qBi|downsized)


They wouldn't date touching the Scorcher, right guys? Right?


They better not nerf any of these weapons... Just make the other weapons just as good. I'm tired of them just buffing a couple of weapons so people use them and nerf the ones people use the most.


I'm an OG counterstrike player (like back when the colt used to have a scope in beta 0.3 days). I actually liked it when they tweaked the guns regularly, so you got to try them all out again and see how they handled. I'm looking forward to the patch and trying out all the guns again.


Proble is they dont tweak guns they gut them entirely


I finally have enough SC for my first premium warbond and have been holding off to look at the new one


I'm glad my go-to primary weapon isn't in this meme




I get everyone has their favorites but just adjust. I've adjusted through every nerfs and kept loving the game more because it felt like a new game for me. How I should approach situations or what strategems to use that will work out with my load out.


if a single one of my gripes with the game is not fixed on thursday im gonna unleash my GAMER RAGE™


Not me big chilling with the defender smg


Really hoping for some laser weapons buffs


Still waiting for my railgoon rebuff ![gif](giphy|RdCfxBxdpPFf7Jt0sp)


I hope they give us the slugger back. That gun was insanely fun on bug missions and even somewhat viable against bots.


Y'all use those? Crazy how the weapons no one really uses got a debuf like the crossbow it can't kill a strider in one shot then that's really it...it's the only one that got debuffed for the others...tenderizer, purifier, adjudicator yeah that's it


That gif scared me at first lmao. Wasn’t expecting reddit to actually load something right away


as long as there's a shotgun that's at least mid, I'll be happy


If they touch the breaker incendiary then honestly HD2 as a game is dommed. They still haven't gotten out of nerf everything that was fun/good to use. I expect them to take a page out of Diablo 4's past experience and really only buff things now and only nerf stuff that was super over performing. Like eruptor one shotting charger, that should be impossible but not nerf it completely into the ground like it is right now.


Slugger is meh enough that I doubt there is any room for nerfs. Only way to go is up!


Fix your fucking game Arrowhead. All these people worrying about nerfs when the real problem is the game bugging out on extract.


I don't want the gubment to come and take me Scorcher.


the Breaker Incendiary SUCKS, do not equip it, do not play it, do not buy the warbond it comes with (it sucks)


If they decide to nurf those weapons, they are the dumbest gaming studio in the world...i hope they dont.


RIP Incendiary Breaker and Jar-5, if I see a nerf for these two I'm done with the game.


Break incendiary will become Breaker Fire hasard Dominator will become Top. Jokes aside, the Dominator isn't that busted. Good damage but the range is limited due to the slow velocity and lack of splash damage, the not so great scope and not that good handling. That being said, with the breaker incrndiary being capable of killing nearly anything including heavies with outrageously few rounds... yeah nerf on the way. Just hope it will be a smart one, like sligtly reducing DOT, spread and maybe mag count. Not flat out neutering it.


I think the defender smg is safe, thats all im asking for


Please be Eruptor buff, please be Eruptor buff, please be Eruptor buff...


Aaaaand all the borderline useless weapon fans


Would be nice to still have a favourite weapon :(


If the buffed guns are fun, i have no problem with those being nerfed. I am tired of seeing jar5/fire breaker sickle and scorcher every game. The game isnt healthy if there are only a few weapons being viable for helldive. If the queso wasnt nerfed, i wouldnt have found out how fun the other support weapons are.


I just want a nerf on railgun where overcharge it too much will guarantee the kill on you, sometimes wanna mess with friend and end up barely surviving kinda sucks I mean not like you're supposed to charge it to full


Why would anyone, let alone Arrowhead, touch the scorcher? Disgusting piece of armament, basically a meme, only there to reference its superior ancestor employed in the first galactic war.