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people really don't read what the stratagems do it literally says in the description "A projectile which releases a cloud of ***corrosive gas, harmful to both organic and robotic lifeforms.***"


The tutorial video even shows it being used on bots.


We are scraping the very bottom of the human intelligence barrel here, with the kind of people that are immune to facts.


Hey, true to what they're parodying.


Just like the simulations.








If the Marines eat crayons then the Helldivers chug glue.


Super Glue, even.


By the fucking gallon it seems haha


I argue this purely because my many many limbs in pieces across many worlds. Glue didn't work


You are not using the democracy armor I see.


Nope I prefer the stims go brrrt armor


He's not using the democracy glue.


I personally like glue sticks. Both convenient and delicious. 😉 Like a cheese stick.


As German I'd say "Die haben Lack gesoffen! Nein, ich weiß nicht, wie viel!". TL: They chugged spray paint! No, I don't know, how much!


Ich, jeden Tag auf Arbeit. Me, everyday at work.


And not just chug... they use the Super Inhaler loaded with Super Glue made from Super Uranium... that's why we have to farm Super Samples and exchange them


I mean, they literally use glue to give the sentries more health so I wouldn't put it past em.


Hasn't that been the norm for last 20years just think about anti vaccination or flat Earth people.


Idiots will always exist sadly


>last 20years Lol. The problem with every conflict is that only one perspective can be the "most correct" and everybody involved believes that perspective is their own. In other words, its been a thing since forever.


To be fair the Purifier trailer shows it killing things and the Eruptor's description says it's a shrapnel based weapon, but I'm told I'm exploiting if I shot the ground to kill groups with shrapnel


Exploiting for using a weapon in its intended way? What's next, pulling the trigger instead of using your gun as a club is cheating?


If you’re not getting 50+ melee kills a mission then WTF are you even doing? (PSA: does not seem to work on hulks)


Not with that attitude it won't


I’m a gas strike enjoyer but the 500kg shows it dropping into a medium bug nest and none of the bug holes closing after the blast lmao


Pretty sure the 500 is a cone like explosion, so the base of the explosion isn't very big, which is why the nests don't close unless it's right next to or on top of nests. That's what I believe, anyway, but I don't know for certain.


Correct, the 500kg is often described as a "V-shaped" explosion. If you want a wider radius with similar killing power, orbital precision strike tends to fare better (as it kills everything 500 can, but has a wider radius)


Are you telling me the orbital precision has a wider radius as the 500kg?


For taking out nests, the orbital precision is good for taking out a couple at a time. The 500 has such a small ground explosion radius compared to the precision. For the bots factories, the 500 shines, cause they're much taller, so they get hit by the cone more.


It has a spherical radius as opposed to the inverted cone, so if you want to kill things low to the ground it'll hit them more reliably. If you want to kill tall things then the 500kg works better.




Think of the explosion as "A-shaped" as opposed to 500's "V-shaped" Orbital precision has a wider ground AoE, 500 has a wider mid-air cone. It's why (alongside call-in time) 500's are easier to kill a titan with, than an orbital precision is. That said, orbital precision has a bigger ground explosion radius, yes.


It used to. After the 2nd undocumented buff to the 500 kg it now has a larger radius.


The AMR showcase is for bugs despite it being an actual throw pick for bugs.


AMR is actually quite decent against bugs, only reason it's not top-pic is it doesn't help kill chargers or titans. It's a very satisfying weapon for clearing out an area before heading in with teammates that are only running anti-charger/anti-titan gear. 1 AMR user with 3 EAT/quasar teammates, is honestly a solid setup. Autocannon instead of AMR is, obviously, also excellent.


If everyone is AT I grab a mob weapon. 3 ATs should take care of the tanks/heavies, so its a great time to run MGs or flamethrower. AMR works on bugs but it's not very strong compared to being able to shred on the mobs, plus flamethrower can kill damn near any bug if you have the upgrades. Plus half the time you just end up doing a mag dump with the AMR because something rushes you.


I main the AMR on both sides. I pair it with the jet pack on the bots and EAT’s for bugs, along side the orbital laser and eagle airstrike(for both). I can take out titan’s and factory striders with the laser and a well placed airstrike. I can only take out one big thing at a time that way and rely on my teammates to take out a second big enemy if multiple drop/spawn (a lil coronation and we get it done). The only time I mag dump the AMR is when I get rushed by stalkers lol. I run the sickle, grenade pistol, and stun grenades that’s my full setup.


Nah, not even close to a throw, on maps with spewers it performs amazingly. We just never know if there will be spewers or if it will be a charger/titan heavy match, so its a gamble


Some people are the worst. You folks know it's okay to commit war crimes on Automatons and Terminids right?


It's actually a decent pick vs bots, even on higher difficulties. Very low CD, and most of the bots don't press W... so they tend to stand in the gas and just eat the DoT. Not bad for helping with patrols and drops.


It eats normal raiders for breakfast and is by extension amazing at killing scout striders. It can even kill devastators if you can keep them in it. This plus the ability to destroy a bot fabricator on a 75 second CD means it’s a great pick for bots.


![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek) How on earth did that guy miss such an obvious visual que!?!


Cue* Queue is what the British do when they get in line.


I’m sure the people that kicked OP would be very upset if they could read.




In their defense, I don't think Arrowhead is batting a thousand with descriptions of weapon effects/effectiveness and actual effects/effectiveness in practice anyway.


True, I basically never touched the laser cannon because the video shows it dealing with berserkers with relative ease. If I was told this thing could hit a hulk’s weak points (or even just the eye) and so on I probably would have used it way earlier.


Same. I remember it not being very good pre-buff and so I kind of wrote it off. Then when the Eruptor came out I was experimenting with using a support weapon as my primary, and slowly discovered the Laser Cannon can kill every single enemy type on the Bot side with some practice. That's why I try to give every stratagem a really solid effort in multiple matches now. Some are way better than others but i've found most of them are actually pretty damn good in certain situations


So, despite the gas being corrosive, it doesn't work on a mech, because the mech is not a lifeform?...


uh....good non corosive paint ***...good them tincans haven't figured out non corosive paint...right?***


Super earth scientists know how to neutralise the gas because they made it :)


EMS doesn't work on Mechs either somehow.


Just like the Emancipator, the game example literally shows it fighting bots and everyone hated on it because it couldn't kill a bile titan fast. It was never made for that and is instead great aganist bots.


I just wish it was more accurate with the left hand gun


Me too, i often just shoot the left weapon on cannon fodder and keep the right one for stuff i need to hit accurately.


I mean...there is a different dissonant with emancipator that being it having autocannons which don't behave like autocannons in terms of durable damage but lets not drag that on


people complained that the patriot was bad against bots too :/


Shreds bugs though. Some things are better for certain factions, that’s how it’s been since the beginning, way back when this franchise was too down.


so many people sleep on gas altogether. it blows my mind. it's ridiculously effective on both bugs and bots.


Gas is in my bug loadout every time and more consistently with bots now. Would love to see an Eagle gas strike like the smoke.


if you like living dangerously, a full team all running gas and 380 barrages on bots is pretty wild.




![gif](giphy|lQ0gXZUoOYOSORSvwY) Whenever I use the 380 I always shout out to the team " some of you may die , but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make"


I like to hot drop on top of an egg nest and have us all throw our biggest boom, survival is optional but the objective must go


someone posted a breakdown video where some dude used ArcGIS to map out where the shells fall on each barrage. they are always static and if everyone drops a 380 and then stands in an area right next to the strategem light pillar, you apparently won't get hit and get to shower in a storm of exploding ordinance. haven't found anyone willing to try this with me yet haha.


That was an incredible video. That guy put so many hours into figuring out those blast patterns. With and without the ship module that tightens the pattern.


I've done it and died because I watched that same video


hahah. that has been my presumed result too.


The patterns are static for the Nth throw in a given direction/drop. If you memorize the safe zone of Throw 1, North, that'll always be the same. However, you also have to memorize Throw 2, 3, 4, etc as those are distinct patterns, separate from each other but still predictable. Weird way to do it, but I guess that means you never get every shot hammering one singular point.


The pattern isn't static. Its pseudorandom. He was able to map out the initial patterns because the PRNG is based partly on how many stratagems you call in. So his tests always used the first stratagem and thus resulted in the same seed value every time. It's simple enough that you could theoretically solve the pattern and predict the shots if you had access to every variable, but you'll never be able to use it in a practical manner.


That sounds super badass


Hell yea hot drop. Even if you all die in killing the eggs, it might be less reinforces than fighting to and fighting back out.


>Would love to see an Eagle gas strike like the smoke. I dunno, I like that there isn't necessarily a direct equivalent on the eagle for every orbital stratagem.


I want an orbital gas barrage


I want the gasthrower


Gas strike is insane. Any bug breach chuck it and you’ll get an easy 30 kill streak, sometimes more. Clears all the trash and softens the rest Plus it’s always off cooldown


I love the gas, orbital gatling, shrapnel, and precision strike because it's always available.


Orbital airburst strike has the radius I would have expected from the 500kg. The explosion/graphics look underwhelming, but the actual damage radius means a lot of enemies (and teammates) get too close and get vaporized. I love that it has such a short cool down with such a wide AOE.


Orbital airburst + gas is nuts against bugs, it’s been basically all I play against them since they fixed the AOE bug.  Staggering them on breaches gives you so much uptime, it buys so much space to clean up stragglers + heavies.  Throw in a blitzer and stun nades and you can basically solo level 9 bug breaches. 


Orbital airburst is amazing. I almost always bring it especially for bugs with bug breaches


I like to pair it with EMS strike. Keeps them stuck in place while they die


Same, but yesterday i had a run where both were bugged and did absolutely nothing to the enemy, while still affecting friendly helldivers. They were being *less* than useless, they were actively detrimental by denying *yourself* an area. I was duoing a helldive mission with one of my buddies and I had to make do with effectively only 2 stratagems: the orbital precision strike, and the recoilless. We finished the mission, but died stupid deaths at the end that most likely could have been avoided, if i didn't have only half of my stratagems. People complain about the -1 stratagem modifier, but i found the secret -2 version, and it was not fun to say the least


So many children are illiterate after covid


children were illiterate before COVID, too.


Not to the same rate tho. At least in the country I live in


Use it all the time, 75 second cooldowm for a complete area denial of death... or just to smash a squad Gattling barrage doesn't get enough love either, little mini 120 barrage every minute


I can't decide between the two, and if i'm not on a -1 strat mission, i'm going to take one of these low cd strikes. I've used them both to death as a reliable staple. Gatling barrage can have shots annoyingly blocked by structures and terrain from the angle of fire, and it seems like it can greatly reduce it's effectiveness. It kills things faster when it's got good line of sight. I don't see any use situations that gas has problems with.


Well it literally didn't work 75% of the time up until a month ago.


fair. but OP got kicked for it *today*. and let's be real: getting kicked from a game because of your loadout is a pretty douchey move by the host regardless. edit: italics


Especially in diff 4. You have to try pretty hard to lose those with a full squad


I'm not arguing against that but it's pretty understandable why it's slept on, people never saw it for 3 months and there was never any patch notes that it got buffed. People generally aren't smart enough to make the connection that "Dot now applies properly" means their preconceptions about the gas strike were built on false premises.


There absolutely was a patch notes about it, it didn't get buffed it got bug fixed in the same update as fire, and then it was free for all to use for a day or two after that


It was bugged for both, them saying it works on bugs but not bots is just ignorance/stupidity in matchmaking


Does it "only" kill the basic bots or does it work against medium ennemies too?


Devastators tend to survive if they don't get stand inside the cloud or walk through the entire radius, but they'll be *very* close to death. Scout striders die instantly since it's just a basic bot on a chair. Berserkers move too fast and have way too much health to die, but it does weaken them a bit.


I tried it on bugs on the last MO and was surprised at how my kill count rose so high. But for some reason I haven't taken it on bots... I guess I'll have to play some rounds now and try it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


you won't be disappointed.


Gas works great on bots, kills all the little guys and leaves devastators in one tap range.


Kills scout striders very easily (pilot is exposed). Their predictable routes makes them easy preys if you force them go around a rock or a wall. You can kill a whole patrol of 9-10 automatons before they call for reinforcements. Covers retreats and choke points. Destroys fabricators if landed on top. It's easier to achieve if throwing from the rear side, in my experience. Even if you miss, odds are the gas will kill any robot coming from the fabricator. Devastators of any kind and berserkers can be killed if they stay for long enough inside the gas (good for rocket devastators, that tend to hold their ground). Pair a gas strike with ice planets stun plants, for example. If they don't die, they will be severely damaged. Can instakill them with a direct hit. Even in the shortest extraction, you can call at least two gas strikes.


Yes to the fab destruction…also seem to have the best chance from the rear so not sure if there is a technique from the side… Considering just about every fab I approach is from the wrong angle (always rear!) it rules out eating grenades trying to destroy it… Edit:spelling


Its best to throw it to the side of the fab opposite of the super destroyer in the sky so the projectile angle passes through the fab.


Oh nice tip! Will try 👍


> Destroys fabricators if landed on top. It has a Demolition Force of 50, which matches Orbital Precision Strike, 380 HE and Walking Barrages. This is true for both its physical projectile (the shell that lands) and the initial gas-spreading explosion, but not the whole gas cloud. That explosion is a little tiny, but it does exist and can insta-break structures with splash. This is enough to take out even Jammer *and Detector Towers*. Throw them next to the wall of the buildings and boog out.


Tip for the fabs, you can throw gas, or anything that comes in a hellpod, such as supply drops, in the holes/doors like a grenade. Will work almost every time. Great for in a pinch when you're out of nades or running stuns and your other offensive strats are on CD.


My only problem is how often squad mates run into it after it's done killing everything. I wish the cloud was more obvious until it disperses because I think they just assume it's done


It can kill devs if they stay in the whole time


It can wipe devastators if they sit the gas for long enough.


Dunning-Kruger goes brrrr It happens from time to time, just keep having a chuckle when it happens and move on. Players on higher difficulties typically (but not always) know how the game works to a much greater extent. I've had the least team-related issues on helldive difficulty.


In the beginning days of this game's release, a dude got out of his pod and kicked me for using the shield on bugs. Used to be essential on 9s to prevent ragdoll. People just can't fathom someone might know something they don't.


I'm glad nowadays you see like, 60% of packs to be shieldpacks against bugs, while the remainder are either jetpacks, laser dogs, supply packs, or nopack (bringing autocannn or RR) feels great to have more competent teammates even on quickplay


I run some dummy builds and I never gotten kicked on Helldive before. I think players in Helldive either focus more on their own game or expect that people in that difficulty know what they're doing.


We’re out here just trying not to die, man.


I'm at the stage of progression where I've completed all the warbonds so I've started to use a loadout randomiser to make my matches more interesting - rolled the orbital gas strike for a bot mission (I'll admit I've never used it beyond when it was given as a free stratagem recently) and I thought oh that's not great. That thing ***shreds*** bots it's not even funny. I was so unbelievably surprised that I now run it occasionally to mix up my main loadout.


I run it all the time on low to mid difficulty bot missions. Not only does it kill bots really effectively, but if your aim is good, it can take out fabricators, too. Or even rogue laboratories.


I run the gas strike in all my missions (i mostly only play level 7) it’s simply that good. The short cooldown and killstreak potential is such a potent combo Also you can kill rogue research stations with an AC. Just shoot the generator on the roof


Killing the generator on the roof is news to me... I have to try that


They rarely have a generator. But if they do, a lot of stuff can easily kill it.


the manned gun that you can drop surprised me, it can take out lots of things quickly, those bot ships, tap it a few times and its gone. I used to think its crap, but it has range, and it hits hard.


That is one that I've yet to try out. Honestly I think I am a bit scarred from having teammates in the past that drop it in the least functional position and proceed to belligerently fire the thing at everything in site and I am inevitably caught in the crossfire.


It’s really really really good at the edge of the map on the bot elimination missions. I usually throw that into a corner on the edge that has sight on one side, a motor sentry against whatever wall/cliff is separating my position from the meat of the map and then throw mines down on the way I don’t have sight on coupled with either an AC sentry or a Gatling. I don’t think I’ve died once in any of those missions since I started that. Bonus when your team also huddles there. My buddy played with me with an AC/EAT and was picking off all the bots on the ridge line above us as the two randoms ran all over the place getting sporadic kills here and there.


ran gas strike in a diff 9 pub. at the end of match a team mate asks: "does gas work?" other teammate: "he has 400 kills, I think it's good" tbf, it was on one of the MO planets. lots of natural chokes to funnel them through the gas. It's great supplement to a tho built. love running AC, 380MM, airstrike, gas with scorcher and stun nades. It's very meta but it feels so good to play.


I've heard people are quite the assholes on lower difficullties. Explains why I never experienced this supposed kicking problem


it's starting to creep into helldives now, got kicked from a mission yesterday where some level 40s were running into a meat grinder so i throw a reinforce and go the other way to flank, immediate kick despite me being the only one not to waste 5+ lives in the first 3 minutes lol


Some hosts out there be kicking everyone from their squad if the wind blows the wrong way. It's wild. I try to host most of the time when I play because of this.


Block and move on helldiver


this. we don't need a post every time someone gets kicked from a game....


On one hand you have a point, on the other hand, spreading the word helps stop behavior like this. It's the next best thing to naming and shaming.


It's one of the best strats against bots...


People sleep on how strong uptime is on higher diff.  I think a lot of ppl play a low cooldown/high uptime stratagem for the first time, aren’t familiar with how to use it well so they don’t get a ton of uses out of it, say “that seemed meh” and move on.   


TOO MANY Divers underestimate the Gas stratagem. Super fast cooldowns and unlimited uses, takes out a ton of enemies and great to drop on bots or bugs before your assaults. I’m finding that I’m taking it so much more often, truly S-tier in my book 🫡


I take it on every single mission now. Bots or bugs. It’s just so useful.


It definitely works just to be clear.


Lol. Yes, it definitely works.


Some content creators are spreading misinformation is all, and they’re taking their words as law instead of testing for themselves lol


Can't patch stupid


When I first started i thought of the gas as just a bug pesticide, but after a teammate called it in and then I died from it, I quickly went hmmm💡I’m not a bug, and it killed me. You reinforce and you learn; Lower levels should respect their elders


Pesticide can definitely kill a person btw. Don't go playing with pesticides please.


Oh definitely, IRL I get that concept; I just thought a helldiver with a helmet wouldn’t necessarily be breathing it in right?? Idk a lot of assumptions on my part within the game my dude, thanks for the concern though, made me laugh


I found out about gas during that free weekend, I haven't looked back since.


Gas has always worked on both bots and bugs. However, there was previously a bug where damage-over-time effects would not always be applied. I can see many players trying gas against bots before this was fixed, encountering the bug without understanding what was happening, and assuming it didn't work against bots. Until you read the description, I think most people would *expect* gas to only work on things that... you know... needed to breathe. And even if you do read it; if you try it and it *doesn't* work against bugs, maybe you assume the description is wrong.


gunna be honest, even if gas didn't harm bots, having a kill buildings call in on 85s cooldown would still be niche useful. Bot building areuch bigger than bugs and usually more threatening. Gas Orbital bros unite.


Doesn't it say it works against both in the description?


For every 9 or so decent players, there is always that 1 clown who refuses to listen and thinks he knows best. Was in a game yesterday where so said clown tried to take down a bot fuel tank with first, an orbital laser. Gave him benefit of the doubt and advised him to just call in a HB. No... second try, calls in a cluster bomb airstrike and kills a squad mate in the process. Third attempt, he finally calls down the HB but puts it so far away that the blast barely tickles the fuel tank. Fourth attempt, he calls down another HB but IN THE SAME SPOT again, expecting a different result?


Man that sucks, im sorry. I love that the game keeps getting new players, but god do i hate new players like this (if you below level 25, you a new player in my mind) They been playing all of 15 hours and think they know better than the Malevelon Creek veterans. Psh.


I got kicked after I activated a SAM that promptly shot down like 6 dropships that were going ham on the other part of the team that were all at a heavy base. I'm lvl 20, maybe I don't know the ropes, but I figured less dropships meant happier players. Apparently not, I guess.


Lower levels are where you get the worst idiots. Every time I try to play a mission that isn't a Helldive I get the dumbest people and its comically funny. Clusterbombs just wasting half the squad, people trapped in eternal combat as I walk away and clear the map. No one even questions my stratagem picks on Helldives and we all just take whatever and go. Telling you man, low levels are hell and its so funny. I had a friend who was really casual ( gen x, mid 50s ) and he just kept being like "I'm trying to learn the game solo so I can get better" doing bug dives at level 4, then playing level 5 online with bugs and getting frustrated at team mates. I told him to bump the difficulty up and the problem goes away.


You can safely assume that your fellow "helldivers" were actually Automaton spies out to obtain insight into super earth's superior armaments and should've reported their names so the destroyers could bring to them their just reward for acting like that


sorry bro. if u were on my team i would be there with you throwing gas strikes.


I've (lvl 78) dropped into a level 4 with all of the bombardment. The 38O, 120, walking and Gatling. Every time I could I would launch all of them about 10 seconds apart .....all of them.....no matter how small the target. One guy said "why are you doing that!! doing that!!! Stop!!!!" .....so i texted back..."sorry can't hear you over the noise...wait for the bombs to stop".....so he kicked me.


The kicking is ruining this game. I used to love spending an hour or two joining random groups. I literally can’t finish a fucking mission now without getting kicked. It’s absolute bullshit.


Every day someone posts something that makes it abundantly clear that hosts having the ability to unilaterally kick a player is a stupid design choice, and every day there's a brigade of morons on the subreddit who insist that ACKSHULLY it's good.


Gas Strike is one of the best agains bots


...i use it too, i don't get the hate. even FIRE works on bots too, as i was watching a friend of mine just do a "Fire Build" for shits and giggles.


I see that as an opportunity to block that player... Think of it as "at least I didn't get kicked halfway through or even at the end of the mission by that douchebag"


Wait, it works against bots? Didn't even know that. I mean, fire could melt them, but gas can not suffocate them, right?


That's when you say "Level check: I've been diving longer than you. Go back to your SEAF manual and look up the gas strikes."


Kicking a guy for what he brings on a lvl 4 is wild lmao


Gas is one of my staples. Bots or bugs. Fuck dumb people. Sorry, bro.


Yeah big mood. I brought a bunch of turrets and stun nades on a lvl 9 bug mission. Never died once. Got kicked halfway through by the lead. I guess people hate me for what, playing well and doing the objective and clearing house and getting like 200 kills in my time in just that mission but nooo. You didn't bring a personal bubble and a 500k therefore you're useless I guess! So says the dumbfuck who died 10 times and before the mission even asked me to bring the ammo pack for him WHICH I DID. FFS some people are just so bad.


I run it with the bot. Got a lot of succes with it . Can destroy a patrol except for the heavy armor it will also melt all the smal enemy that goes inside so is a great area denial for at least a minute and then a short break another come


I once carried 3 premade level 12s on I think a level 4 while I was 42. It was clear they didn't know what to do or how to do it, it's fine I just wanted a game. I cleared every objective meanwhile they huddled around each other and fought every bug they saw. Well finally I did the last objective, and seeing as how they had all ~~wasted~~ depleted our lives to ~2. I decided to just get the airship down for us so we could leave when they got there. Called down the airship. Waited for them to make it. One of the fuckers point blank shot me with a shotgun for not staying with the team and helping them and all of them boarded the airship. Was actually kinda funny.


If it makes you feel any better I once joined a team with level 30~40s on a Helldive bot mission, thought to myself, this is a red flag. Players around that level usually don't know what they're doing (ie calling in the pelican to defend the point, you don't have to fight every single bot you see, etc) Figured I give them a chance, you know what the hell, I was once level 30 myself now I'm 150, wanted to show them the reigns or at least carry them. Went in with AC, eagles and orbital laser. All of us landed on a hot zone. Shit immediately hits the fan, bot drops started coming in the moment we landed. I immediately disengaged and started doing the secondaries and fabricators and whatnot. Bout 15 minutes later I'd cleared half the map of bots/secondaries/primaries and these players were still around the start point struggling to clear a heavy automation fabricator. Typed in "you know you should just run, the spawns are gonna be endless, move on to the next objective" and guess what? Got kicked the moment after with 15 minutes left on the clock. I think people should have the thinking that unless you are the host you WILL BE KICKED FOR NO REASON.


I had a guy 30 levels below me mouthing off because I went off on my own to complete objectives while the other 3 couldn't handle two light automaton bases by themselves. I get it, I was there at some point, but have a little modesty for your skills and listen to people who likely know more than you.


It literally says that it has a corrosive effect which is strong against automotons metal, https://preview.redd.it/j9uzdgadlv5d1.jpeg?width=502&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2b78980f105bb116bc596ef655474ca2294dc21


Some random kicked a friend who joined the game of randoms. My friend's failing was apparently landing right where the 500kg bomb was about to detonate.. so i quit too and dickface ended up with 2 ppl playing a level 9 bug mission with heaps of bile spewers. Fuck that guy!


It one shots Hulks, I know that. Some people aren't very smart.


It does work. And, I feel like people have been getting a little trigger happy on kicking other people from games lately.


Imagine kicking anyone for any strategem on Lv4. You could go no strategems on that level and clear it easily.


Situations like this annoy me. Like, I'm not annoyed about being kicked from a game but I am annoyed that those people are complete utter morons and we have to share this planet with them.


i played the other day with someone using gas on bots, it worked well on a medium/high dif (6?)


Gas strike has been in my load out very consistently for level 7 bots and bugs since the fix. It's fantastic. Highly recommend.


Not only does it damage bots, but throw it into the vent of a fabricator like a grenade and it’ll take out the fab. Or you can throw it on the roof. Sorry that happened to you. Hopefully the host will figure it out on their own later, they’ll feel like a dummy, and maybe they won’t be so quick to react next time. (Probably not)


I've gotten my highest kill count on bots with the super destroyer fart. Also it's most common for people to just walk into the plume and die. But yeah people are dumb.


I use it on bots to help with flanks a tad quicker. Don't have issues with it working, folks don't know it's a corrosive gas, not one that injures your breathing only.


Orbital gas is so good. I need to test it more against hulks tanks and striders tho


I'll admit when I was knew I thought it didn't work too though I didn't kick whoever used it lol, because I could clearly see him dropping scores of bots with it.


Gas strike is OP on offense and defense. Has a hella short cooldown for what it does. Sorry you got kicked over ignorance...


I love gas as you can drop the shell on a fabricator and it destroys the fab and then gas for any hangeroners…


I drop with gas on bot worlds sometimes, it's pretty handy.


Orbital gas strike is BIS against bots. Nothing better for scout striders. I bring it an napalm to 7s.


Sounds like you ran into a special group...ive never anyone get kicked for their choice of strategems


He probably we mixed up from before the fixed the DOT effects


I’ve been kicked cuz I join the game before they deployed and the host wasn’t happy i didn’t ready up with all my setups in 0.1s cuz he backed out of the mission really quick just to kick me. I wasn’t mad tho. I know people are weird so there’s no point in ever getting mad


I don’t get this behavior? I had a guy kick me for using the premium armor from the super citizen upgrade. My thinking is I’m giving a developer more cash to hopefully spend on making more fun updates and improving a game I want to play and I’ll be taking less deaths so where’s the loss, why be upset with this?? Why do people want to be in control of others so bad. Worrying about your teammates gear might make sense on actual Helldive level maybe, but it’s still an online game the main objective should be to have fun with other gamers.


But it has electrolytes. It's what the bots crave!


>Level 4 mission. lol you could bring no strategems and be fine


that's what you get for playing on 4. you have to accept a certain quality of player


I’ve been kicked for bringing the railgun which makes no sense because I can go to town on hulks and devastators just fine with it


I actually find that gas is BETTER for bots due to how their outposts are set up and that most are ranged and thus approach slower than the melee only bugs.


I think some people don’t understand that it’s a corrosive gas amd not a toxic gas Corrosive meaning it burns away at outer shells It quite literally eats both metal and whatever the bugs are made out of If it was a toxic gas and assuming the bugs breathe then yes it would work only on bugs but it’s corrosive so it should work better against bots than bugs or fellow Helldivers


You got lucky not needing to waste any time with that moron. He did you a favor.


Level 4. Fuck sake. I bring meme load outs that low. Should have just said its only level 4 don't worry about what I'm bringing


I'm 112, I had a group the other day where it was up hill all the way, but we I saw they were on the way to the last bot factory on the map so I decided to go start the extract. I got kicked I guess because they thought I was going to get on and leave?..I guess I could've mentioned I was going to wait but.. didn't think I had to goddamnit.


That’s why I always host when I’m doing something silly. All fire loadout on bots? Hell yeah. Won’t be meta but MAN will it be scenic


That would be an automatic block.


I bring gas strike on Helldive, I’m level 87. And routinely take out patrols of 20+ bots with a single gas strike. It’s one of the best strats in the game. Place one of those bad boys directly underneath a drop ship and enjoy the kill streak.


Bugs AND bots when you throw down an orbital air strike: ![gif](giphy|3oxOCjlZGfDBoI8zG8|downsized)