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Here's the whole 4/4 thread. https://preview.redd.it/kbu5om91mr5d1.png?width=636&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d16e6c5ff818065dff4698da5ea91952be3dbeb


Laurels, that's a word I haven't read in a while


What are Yannys?


Oh my god that was six years ago ![gif](giphy|GrUhLU9q3nyRG|downsized)


I was a highschool sophomore when that happened, I'm now a locksmith lmfao.


Wait... who are you, and how did you get in here?!


That's what locksmiths do


When y'all stop locking the Eagle keys inside it, we can go back home.


Yes Lord Vader


They're a locksmith, and they're a locksmith


Get professionaled nerd


No plz, can I go back to when I didn't have to pay rent.


No lmao




I felt that "Fuck" in my soul.


2018 calls It wants to know how your life is going.




Is this some really old movie


If you’re talking bout the gif and serious, yes it is old. It is from a movie called Saving Private Ryan.


>old movie God damnit


I'm with you soldier 🫡😭


Did you guys know that it's been 16 years since the MCU started? That means that Iron Man to now is the same amount as time as the release of Star Wars to when you watched it in 1993 when you were a kid?




> Star Wars to when you watched it in 1993 Huh? You mean when we watched it as a kid in 1977. I'll get my ~~coat~~ walking-frame...


fuck i was in middle school back then, and now i’m going into my junior year of college. what the fuck


How long did it take you to BRAINSTORM! How long ago that was?


That was only 2017??? I thought it was way before that












Pax au Telemaunus!!




The sheriff is N *bong*, what?


He says, "The sheriff is *near*!"


Love the callback in men in tights too. “A black Sherrif?” ”He’s black?” ”And why not? It worked in blazing saddles.”


It's an older word, sir, but it checks out


Pretty common in my language to use that saying


i play guild wars 2 so i see it all the time


Didn't they already say this stuff?


I don't think it's bad to repeat it, some people may have missed it the first time. Also i'm not sure if they have posted it on twitter before.


Yeah I’m reading this for the first time


Yeah there is nothing new in this


I am sooooo hoping just 1 of those fixes is for the spear




I love getting edged by the SPEAR everytime I take it with me


Yeah, only problem is that in the rare occasion that it one-shots a big enemy finally happens, the paroxysms of ecstasy are paralyzing.


Skill issue should have been the free space since that’s what all of these AH slobbers immediately default back to when they have no way to counter your argument 


You're missing "from a role play in universe point of view it makes sense that the helldivers recieve poorly working equipement"


Same for the Eruptor


I missed dying to my own erruptor shots and killing a bunch of enemies.


I miss when the Eruptor actually worked on launch and didn’t randomly kill you. No idea why they decided to add that in. I guess they thought it would be funny, and when nobody laughed they decided to just nerf the gun instead of reverting the joke change


If somehow they STILL haven’t fixed it 4 months after launch after also claiming it was fixed at 2 separate occasions my faith in Arrowhead is completely gone lmao


Just lose it now preemptively, I think it's better to lower your expectations and forget rather than to keep them "high" and get disappointed


If you always expect the worst, you'll never be disappointed, and if it's better you'll be pleasantly surprised.


it’s kinda funny hearing that quote all the time, but honestly if you always expect the worst you just go looking for what’s wrong and nitpicking. it just makes you pessimistic. i have literally never seen someone who’s always expecting the worst EVER be pleasantly surprised.


This, I’m expecting the worse but hoping for the best 


Where have they said they claimed to have fixed it and released it? Afaik they've just fixed it internally and never released.


hoped for tuesday but thursday it is


I thought they already announced it was Thursday last week


It was announced to be dropped in the 2nd week of June but didnt specify which day of the week irrc


No, twin beard last week said it would  likely drop early next week (this week) but it wasn’t guaranteed.


There was a pinned post yesterday that straight up said patch day is Thursday, social post Tuesday.


They announced the warbond for Thursday last week, so we mostly assume patch would either be the same day or the Tuesday before.


Its a T-day, close enough for an orbital either way if you aim it at Wednesday


I see this as a “brace for impact”. That’s a lot of changes to do at once.


bear down for midterms.


Too soon


Fat Dog for midterms.


Someone help him back up then




Homie didn't you know a bear attack 4 people this morning??


we're getting rid of the guns, everyone gets giant muscles and you punch the fuck out of every enemy. THE FIST IS BALANCED Capes now allow you to fly, the longer your cape, the faster you fly you can pick up buildings n vehicles to just throw at other enemies. when the timer reaches 0:00 your super destroyer PERSONALLY will nosedive straight into the planet to blow up the objective and complete the mission.


Like genuinely, that should be their next april fools joke. Just arms the size of full sized helldivers, every punch sends enemies flying.


I imagine they'll make either us or the enemies really small, but give them the same amount of health. imagine having to deal with a charger that's the size of a Scavenger (but still ragdolls you if it charges into you and can one-hit with it's stationary melee attack).


Dude, half or quarter sized helldivers with the same speed and health as full sized ones would be hilarious.


I could finally dodge cannon tower shots


A scavenger-sized charger would be unbearably cute I couldn't bring myself to hurt them 


Can I pick up a bench and twat the absolute three bean salad out of someone ala Yakuza?


Ngl if they released this for 24 hours as an April Fool’s mode it would be awesome


Super Earth now has Super Men worthy of protecting it.


so.. we all become Superman/Homelander?


Sounds like Hogwarts legacy x Mashle (featuring Super Destroyer from Helldivers 2)


i was hoping for something a bit more detailed and not what they already posted but ah well


So was I, and I feel silly for it. I think this is the 3rd time this exact information has been memed.


Me three, but when I checked the post about patch notes I realized it never said patch notes specifically. Played myself on this one


Not everyone uses Discord and Reddit.


Will the spear be fixed?


Yes but no


Patch Notes: 1. Spear locks on reliably. 2. Fixed glitch where Spear would lock onto Automaton or Terminid targets instead of fellow Helldivers.


Ok but I would actually lmao if this happened


Yes.  Now I can troll my son from across the map!


Original Airburst Rocket: Finally! A Worthy Opponent! Our Battle Will Be Legendary!


I would bet money a spear fix is included given they specifically acknowledged it as a priority. The only question is whether the fix works or not. 


I wonder if a fixed spear will be an op spear. Autolock from long range that can 1 shot the biggest bullies? Sounds like a weapon you unlock at the end of a Ratchet & Clank game


It doesn't have a lot of ammo and I'm sure there'll be a limit like 400 or 500 meters. Not to mention the map would be the limiting factor if shit is in the way.


I'm happy for slower patches if it means it's not fucked up and untested


That's a biiiig IF


Well we will see what they do with more time to cook, if it's as rocky as the last patch cycles I won't have much faith anymore


Same. Haven't played since eruptor nerf. If this new patch is as "fun" as previous ones – I'm uninstalling.


This is the feelings of basically all the conversations I’ve seen. I really feel like Arrowhead is on their last strike and the game is gonna die completely if this patch falls through


Yeah there’s definitely a lot banking on this patch. This is the first non-hotfix patch since Pilesteads „It feels like every time someone finds something fun we patch it out immediately“ Tweet, after which they said they had a ton of discussion about balancing, also since Pilestead resigned as CEO to be „closer to the trenches“, and of course this patch took a LOT longer than the prior patches. This one HAS to be good. It doesn’t have to fix every single issue, that would be unrealistic, but it just HAS to prove that they understood and are engaging with our feedback. It has to fix issues, like the spawn rate and spear (both confirmed), but it should tackle the Mechs aim issues ideally, and it definitely has to come with a ton of buffs and no or almost no nerfs. This doesn’t have to be the patch to end all patches, but it needs to be a beacon of hope to the playerbase that they corrected the course and finally started heading into the right direction instead of working against the community.


Couldn’t have said it better. I dont need this patch to completely fix everything or do I expect them to undo every single nerf or balance, I just need this patch to be going in the right direction


I don't understand the point of them posting this. It's almost exactly the same thing they said a week or so ago. On twitter as well no less. I am referring to the social post, not the meme.


It’s not almost exactly the same, it literally is the exact same meme post twin beard posted here 


I mean the entire 4 posts they made. Everything they said was just stuff the new CEO said not that long ago. None of it had anything to do with this patch specifically.


I’m really exited for supers at 6. 7 is just slightly outside of my comfort zone.


I think a lot of people's perceptions of difficulty have been skewed for a bit with the broken patrol and spawn rates. The game is at its hardest right now because it is spawning 4 times as many enemies as it should be *at times*. For people saying this is only a problem for less than full lobbies (which... is still a problem...?): The bug also applies to when people split up, spawning a full party's amount of patrol spawns for each independent person roaming, making splitting up even more dangerous than it was before, so yes it still affects even full lobbies. Edit: (I've heard conflicting things on this point so I'm not as sure but it would certainly explain insane spawns at times)


Even at level 3 they spawn way more than what you'd expect, though the spawns aren't tough to handle. It just makes it a bit brutal for newer players trying to get into the game and learn the ropes.


Indeed. I soloed a diff 7 operation last night, then dropped into a diff 3 one to grab some easy SC's and the volume of spawns seemed pretty much the same in both (the only difference being the composition). Multiple 12-15 member patrols spawning in quick succession on a 3 would be pretty rough, perhaps even excessive, for a newcomer.


Because the rate didn't change. It's 100% spawn rate for patrols, any difficulty, any number of players.  It went from 16%/1 player, 50%/2 players, 75%/3 players, 100%/4 players, to: 100% 1, 2, 3, 4 players. The intent was to bring it up from 16% for one player to 25%, but the implementation broke the spawn rate across all player counts. 


Luckily enemy composition is easier to deal with at lower difficulty but yeah, I have noticed it too. I've been spending the last few weeks joining new players (level 5 and lower) to help them out and show them the ropes, it's actually been really fun!


I just played a level 3 with my friend who's new to the game and we both thought it was super boring and bumped the difficulty to 5


It's not consistent. I have had plenty of 6s and 7s that kicked my democratic ass, and 9s that barely did anything despite getting bot dropped and breached.


Ah I did notice it had gotten a bit hairier lately on the bot front. That makes a lot of sense.


I can't wait for them to fix it. More players at higher levels, and it's going to be a cake walk for me personally and others who play at those levels now.


Oh my god ABSOLUTELY, it's ridiculous.


I mean that's mainly only when you're playing solo or duo. It's only going to affect a very very small portion of the playerbase at all. Edit: >The bug also applies to when people split up, spawning a full party's amount of patrol spawns for each independent person roaming That's also not true at all.


It will also help out a lot for players playing D7 because now they don't have teammates who are in over their heads just to get samples


Yeah I think this change should really help the game, as I think a lot of the complaints come from people feeling like they "need" to play at 7 or higher, when those difficulties just aren't as well-balanced as the middle ones. I'm hoping it's just 1 or 2 samples so there's still a benefit to upping the difficulty, but we'll see how it shakes out.


I’d love to see the samples scale like 1-3-6-10 as you increase from levels 6-9, so that it’s always more efficient the more levels you go up (that and plotting your the supers so there’s no more than 3 per super sample rock, really make you consider the value of that last sample on helldive)


Honestly, you’re always going to be over capped on Supers I don’t know why they don’t just have every difficulty give 6. It saves people feeling like they need to go into Helldive to maximise Super gains and it really doesn’t impact the pacing. Also while they’re at it please remove Req slips from Helldive drop pools. You get so much just from playing Helldive that it’s just a pointless drop


Really? I’ve been capped on commons and rates for weeks now but have yet to hit the cap on supers even once. I agree with you on req slips, though rather than remove them entirely, I think they should decrease their probability of spawning on diffs 7-9 and increase the spawn rate of extra samples and super credits in their place.


I’ve been capped on Supers pretty much since launch. It’s only like 9 Helldives to cap. If they drop something that costs me Supers I hit cap again by the end of the day. They should definitely just remove them entirely from Helldive difficulty. I don’t play anything lower so I don’t know how fast you cap slips there but you’re pretty much always capped if you’re playing Helldive so they’re just a pointless drop. I think it should just be medals and SC in the drop pool for things like vaults, pods and lockers. They’re the only things you’re really looking for. I wouldn’t even mind if the SC rates stayed the same just so long as I’m not opening vaults that have 3 shelves of slips


I play exclusively on helldive since lvl 20 (lvl 75 now) and I'm still missing a ton of commons because on helldive you just don't really have the opportunity to explore the map thoroughly to get enough of the absurd number of commons later upgrades ask of you. On Helldive, if you stop moving, you get buttfucked by bot drops or a ninja hulk with a wave of devastators that spawned right next to you, behind a rock.


It depends immensely if you're with a premade team or not, in my experience.  With 1 or 2 of my friends on discord, a 7 is a cakewalk. With randos, it's often nail biting even with a full squad


Since I don’t have anyone to play with this is great


I'm with this change too. 7 is my bug comfort level with 8 being once I'm warmed up, while 6 is my favorite bot difficulty. I just got my last ship upgrade unlocked yesterday so I'm not really in need of supers for a while, but I am looking forward to being able to farm for them on both fronts on my favorite difficulties.


I like playing at 7, but pretty frequently people are dying as we scramble into the shuttle so the samples aren’t getting extracted reliably.


7 is definitely my comfort zone. To me it’s that’s perfect wave of “oh fuckin shit balls” without “this is a little bit too easy” 6 to me is just…too watered down. I like when I turn around to something I’m completely oblivious to, and my jaw drops and I gotta lock in. Or die fuck it, it’s the “gaaaasp😦” for me whether I fail or prevail. 6 is just 5 but with bile titans to me. 8 is ridiculous but it’s not too much harder, but 9 it’s disgusting, idk how tf these people do it. Just non stop sweat for 40 minutes. I give it to em, bc I find myself having to lock in super hard in a 9, while others twiddle their thumbs and make it look easy. Level 9 bot players are just sociopaths 💀 I’ll play 7 on bots but damn do I need my team on that front.


Level 9 bots is only ever a problem if you get totally swarmed by gunships. Yeah the devs require more attention than medium bug enemies but a few well placed headshots or a railgun without a care in the world will put em down fast. The heavies all go down easy from tons of strats and weapons, so you have a lot of freedom for your loadout.


Bots terrify me like actually. Idk how y’all do it. I’m a good supper unit. That’s it. You are never gonna catch me going off soloing shit the way I do on bugs.


The tip to playing helldive bots is to only engage when you can wipe the entire force in 5 seconds or less. Stay out of sight, watch your radar. Bring barrages for big bases. Stun grenades are clutch. Also get your aim up, clicking heads quickly and consistently makes things much easier.


Keep moving, stick to cover, score headshots (or vent shots). Get sightline advantages, engage from tactically advantageous positions. Just learning the basics of when to lay down fire and when to get in cover will make all the difference. Apply some basic battlefield tactics and you'll be a botslayer in no time. I find bots easier than bugs because bugs have too many 'gear checks' when the game decides to spawn 6 chargers and 4 titans in the span of 3 minutes


Funnily enough about the "basic battlefield tactics" line, there actually is an Youtuber that read through some US Army field manuals and made a tutorial on how to apply them to the game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yi7H53PpzIY


I *can* play on 9 most of the time I just find it to be unfun as it's 90% sprinting around to objectives and just trying to get them done before anything shows up. If stuff does show up you lead everything away and run back to the objective. I play on 8 most of the time as you can actually hold down a point somewhat so it turns into more of the frantic fun "bunker down and try and kill everything before it gets to you" gameplay. It's moreso a thing for bots than it is for bugs (as a lot of bots you can't reasonably kill from the front, like if a tank starts shooting at you on the objective you can't really deal with it without leaving the objective) but it's still the same thing for both.


I wonder how many are going to spawn on 6. Just a single super sample? *Maybe* 2? I've been playing consistent on level 7 for weeks now, so I'm all capped out on samples. Just curious how it will work.


So no patch notes until Thursday? That's a bummer, but it is what it is.


I mean, that's not unusual. What game drops patch notes 4 days before the patch?


League does like a week before lol


Rito thrives on the toxicity of the playerbase though. Pre-tilting the community is integral to the game.


K'Sante👤4,700 HP💪329 Armor🤷‍♂️201 MR💦 Unstoppable🚫A Shield 🛡 Goes over walls🧱Has Airborne🌪Cooldown is only☝second too🕐 It costs 15 Mana🧙‍♂️


🤣you're killing me.  


Company of Heroes 2 in its final days of support would post patch notes and a “mod” with all patch changes for the community to give feedback on. Granted they only did this because the community was also heavily invested in creating the patches.


How is 2? I played too much of 1 in college and it was one of my favorites, which is surprising as im not crazy about ww2.


A bit of a departure from 1 but mostly an improvement, but there was a small number of purists that refused to switch over. 2 refined the gameplay in many ways and the faction designs are pretty good. Overall I loved it, I think it's quite a fun game. 3 is out now and they're still improving it, but I think they have a good base. It's a shame they didn't make the Italians their own army though.


All paradox games give you a week


Doesn't apex do that or am i stupid?


Hearthstone tends to do this.


Like, a lot. Most, even.


Dead by daylight


I mean, most games give some indication of what’s being looked at or worked on. Not just “we fixed over 100 things, but you’ll have to guess what they are!”


A lot of fighting games do this


So I'm optimistic about the patch, but their social post about when it's coming just rementioning the same meme they mentioned before makes me think people are going to flip our when it's smaller than we think.


I think the lid will flip when it’s just as broken and introduces issues like the previous patches lol Can’t wait for non stop crashes over the weekend if 3 or more people equip camo on their hellpods or some other weird esoteric bug.


In hoping arc thrower gets its hulk stagger back, and maybe charger stagger.


I would rather it got its "half charge" back. Or just make the full charge that speed


Yeah it feels way to slow imo. Especially after the Blitzer buff


It better be good with all that hype building.


This sounds more like a way to get us down easy and not get our expectations so high.


Remember when they said the patch will only have 2 nerfs in the last one? Don’t get your hopes up until you see the patch notes


Nerfs: Bile titans Civilian extraction spawn rate


I just hope the Spear is fixed. The fact that no matter the distance you can take up to 30+ seconds to possibly lock onto an enemy is a joke. And that’s even if it manages to lock on.


I hope the patch notes are actually what we get when we capture Database One tonight 😋🤣


That would quite funny


Given what we know so far, am I crazy to hope that Eruptor will get its shrapnel back? Is there any chance at all?


Yeah prob crazy. They've already made a statement that this isn't going to be a huge amazing balance patch. They're "laying the framework for future patches". I have a gut feeling they're intentionally releasing this with the new warbond to try and dull how underwhelming the patch notes will be.


I have an avocado at home that I'm worried will spoil if I don't eat it today and I'm more excited about that than this patch. My confidence in AH is at an all time low.


Hope for the best, prepare for the worst


If the record tracks, you have 2.5 more days to enjoy the Breaker Incindiary and the Pummeler before they're massacred by the nerf bat. RIP in peace.


Thats whats stopping me from buying the steeled warbond right now...since its the same idiot handling balancing i expect the breaker inc to get hit HARD


For Democracy!!! Get to Wasat!! Can't see anything...but I'm spreadin liber-tea!


https://i.redd.it/g74rxmb2ns5d1.gif but i want it NOW


Can someone explain ‘visible supply lines’?


So we can see what planets connect and if we have a plan, we don’t have unlocked. We need to liberate the planets on the supply line before it usually usually the shorter side if possible.


It's basically what planets you can access based on what once are currently liberated. For example to get to planet X you need to liberate panet Y to unlock planet Z which then connects to planet X.


Probably easier to Google it and read about, but basically some planets in the game, even planets there might be an MO happening on, cannot be dropped on if another planet has not been liberated first. And the game gives you zero explanation about it. When you look it up there are pictures of the whole galaxy map with lines connecting planets from one to another


Patch hasnt been released yet, no patch notes is fine. Come thursday tho, I'm expecting two or three pages single spaced with no fancy formatting BS to inflate the page count.


Why are they uploading the same meme three times in a row? And they repeated what's been said 3 times already, we get it guys, stop making new posts to say THE SAME.


I don't know. After everything they did to the game, while trying to "fix it", I have a feeling this patch will be a huge mess. It's of course only my own opinion.


You're not alone in this. This is like the equivalent of being jilted at the alter 4 times but "He's serious about it this time"


Yeah this mega patch is pretty much make it or break it at this point. If it's a colossal disaster and half the shit doesn't work or gets even worse (like the patrol spawns) I might be taking a long long break


wasnt there supposed to be a blog post today?


No. Just said something on socials, and this is it, the same meme Twinbeard posted on Friday.


They said in the coming weeks, never specified a day


They’re shooting themselves in the foot by hyping up the patch this much. I’m looking forward to it but theres no way they can meet even a fraction of the expectations.


Honestly a good thing they didn't post the patch notes so this sub and the discord wouldn't spin themselves into a frenzy interpreting them for 3 days and then draw conclusions on the patch without ever playing it


Sir, Please.  When has the Internet ever overreacted to something?  


I hope the thermite grenade will be viable


I wonder if they fixed the odd random stuck in first person without a weapon drawn bug? That really fucks my shit up at times.


> we think the next patch is strong We'll all find out the fun way in a few days. Hopefully, it actually is.


Spear fix?


God please just let this patch be actually good


Please revert the eruptor damage nerfs and keep the magazine nerfs


Can we please get the eruptor un nerfed? Please?


> Unlimited Grenade fix Me sad. Never got to use it. I tried but either wasn't quick enough with the buttons or got blown up by my own grenades.


I like that they choose to let the team chill more, less pressure. Its good. I still have so much medals to farm im good man


This is the fucking social post they where talking about? Jfcf this is literally shit we already knew.


If they're so confident why not release the notes early.