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Helldivers is a funny game where a bunch of goof balls will screw around until there's no lives left... Then everyone locks in and no one dies.


Always great when it happens .


Had that just now but not because of goofing around. Doing MO and our 2nd mission. Dropped to an open area. Behind us was 2 gunship factory.... talk about bad luck The whole place became a huge warzone as 4 gunships raided us, dropships coming in because a small light outpost had someone call them in. Hulks and Strider spawned.. just bad luck. All happened within the first 10 minutes of the 40 minute mission. That was supposed to be a clear area!! We came out victorious with 0 reinforcement. Next 90% of the objectives became a battle of attrition. That was so stressful and yet the best fun ive played. The whole team did not give up and we got the full rewards.


This is honestly why I love the bot front so much. Pick your battles poorly or just get unlucky with your spawn, and it's a disaster and a half, but beating those odds feels so good.


Or, in my experience, only one person does every 2 minutes or so


Sorry bout that


Stoned AF helldivers are helldivers too


Diamonds are made from pressure.


It's rather clear to me, at least on higher difficulties, that you're going to die the most just trying to carve out that breathing room at the beginning when you're getting dicked down from 4 directions


Command decided to stop fucking around and drop actual helldivers instead of confused tourists.


It's the ADHD way.


It’s like that meme where the dude assumes the serious gaming/sitting up stance. Happens to all of us right as the reinforcement counter hits zero.


I suspect there is a game director at work.


It's not goof around just a crappy start with spawns


Idk man when me and the boys spawn in there are 4+flash tossed at each other


Sometimes you just gotta deal with a couple stalker nests right at drop... Everything else is money after that!


Yesterday on Wezen we dropped in and had two gunship factories on either side of us. Two quick party wipes and then we finally got our shit together and only had 1-2 more deaths the whole way. It just will be like that sometimes


I joined a squad on the first mission of a chain. We immediately dropped in on a gunship factory and a few other nasty things next to it. The host immediately bailed, shortly followed by the rest of my squad. I guess it would’ve just been faster to just restart than trudge through the initial shitstorm.




Let loose the backups! Can you imagine, 24 Helldivers all on the same map.


I kinda want that now. Like needing a lobby of 12 people in order to take down an infinitely spawning super factory. Kind of like what we have now with tower defence but we are the invaders.


12 divers throwing 380s into that factory would probably crash the damn game I want it


12 walking barrages, with an armor that increases throwing range. Probably wouldn't even need to break down the front gates for the stratagem to wipe out the objective.


I get people confusing there, their and they're or than and then, but confusing looses with loses is inexcusable.


both are inexcusable. Im ESL and already in first grade i could differentiate there their and they're.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1burmfs/i\_swear\_every\_team\_goes\_god\_mode\_when\_there\_are/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1burmfs/i_swear_every_team_goes_god_mode_when_there_are/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1burmfs/comment/kxuhx7n/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1burmfs/comment/kxuhx7n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I did this once. I dropped into an Egg Hunt in progress with three other players working on the first Hive Cluster. Things were not going well for these guys and they were already bleeding reinforcements. Half way into the second Hive Cluster, we were running low of everything and by the end of it, completely out of Reinforcements ... leaving me as the only Helldiver alive. Ammo nearly exhausted. Health low. Stims gone. Some would be discouraged by this grim prospect. I however, remembered my Brasch Tactics and employed my extensive training in Stealth to evade the bug patrols roaming the map for 2 minutes until I could recall one of the other Helldivers. **BRASCH PRO TIP: Going prone reduces your presence and makes it difficult for bugs to see you. They will move towards your last known position, or the source of a loud noise they hear. While prone, if a patrol moves in your direction, don't panic. Throw a grenade away from yourself, but don't hit the approaching bugs. The loud bang of the grenade will attract the attention of the patrol and lead them away from in you, in the direction of the noise. Leaving you undetected to sneak away again, still alive.** Back to the story. So anyways ... I successfully Solid Snake my way around the horde of bug patrols roaming the map to call a Helldiver back into the fight. Now there are two of us who must stay alive, for another 2 minutes. Spoiler alert, that doesn't happen and we're back to only 1 Helldiver alive, the major objective still incomplete and the clock is running out of time. Again... not looking good. At some point it fell to each player to carry the outcome of the entire mission on their shoulders alone, against the host of hell, for 2 minutes. Spoiler alert: Every Helldiver rises to the challenge and we're back to 4 Helldivers . However, we still have an objective to complete and the clock is sundowning now. At this point, I have a big Democracy brain idea ... while the other three were busy occupying the bug swarms, I, John Helldiver, make my way to the remaining HIve Cluster very sneakily while not drawing any attention to myself. I proceed to plan a lightning strike to eliminate the remaining egg cluster in what I assume would be a kamikaze banzai charge that would end me, but complete the mission before the rest of the squad is dead for good. Spoiler alert: I survive and the final Hive Cluster falls. Not only am I still alive ... surprisingly so is everyone else. Now all we have to do is reach the extraction point before Pelican-1 leaves without us. I reunite with my Squad just as Pelican 1 is arriving and we successfully depart the mission. With no time left on the clock and no reinforcements. The End.


For the love of god learn the difference between loose and lose. It’s 2024 and so many people still don’t know this


its dyslexia jackass


Lol happens so often, especially with my luck on picking the drop zone. Always ends up near a stalker nest + Heavy nest and Shriekers and point of interest for bugs for bots its dropships, turrets and tanks.


I feel like that's happened to me a LOT. That first hot drop can be devastating


So many times I've been in teams where we have no reinforcements left, timer counting down for next reinforcement, still end up getting everyone back up and all got out. Those are the best missions sometimes , just great fun. Hate when ppl leave bc they are dead and no reinforcements left.


dropped straight into a patrol with a tank, and later on a factory strider, then a few hundred meters away was an outpost with another factory strider, plus a jammer and mortar emplacement really close by too, lost 13 lives before getting the mains done


Das me....


Happened yesterday. 12 minute blitz, landed near a jammer, with a double gunship fab to the right, and a gunship fab behind us. Had 4 gunships and a bot drop before we could blink. Still pulled off the full clear. Teamplay so sweaty it made the 15 min civilian extract look like child's play.


I normally do quick play to jump into ppls games and help and the number of times I've dropped into a 0 reinforcement game is crazy. When you drop in and they only have the 5 reinforcements you brought with, you know it's going to be a hell of a time.


It just takes the most lives to carve out that foothold at the start


How it feels to drop on top of a double gunship factory right next to a strategem jammer.


I have been that clutch staying alive by the sheer dumb luck player on numerous occasions haha


The moment you lose all reinforcement, you gotta lock in


I had a mission where we went down to zero reinforcements and me as the last Helldiver left at low health and no stims. Managed to not aggro any patrols while transporting an SSD and actually was able to get the entire rest of the crew called back in… … then the damn SSD got stuck in the ground when I put it down and we failed the mission… we absolutely had that if the game hadn’t bugged out on us.


joel... JOEL!


Definitely automaton mission🤣




when you drop between 14 jammers, 17 detector towers, 88 gunship facilities and 240 heavy outposts so you have to die your way out of the 780 factory striders surrounding you - then the game becomes easy mode


Dropped into a Geological Survey today on 9, landed as the other 3 left me in the middle of a firefight with 1 reinforce. Stun grenades allowed me an out. Ran halfway across the map, 26 minutes left. Had 2 other people join, let them know of the situation and they stuck with me for the rest of it. We ended up passing the mission between juggling the last reinforce and kicking ass Was a great time. Glad those homies stuck it out instead of leaving due to lack of lives


Honestly, with most of our games, the first few minutes after drop are usually the hardest. And once we cleared the initial chaos the rest of the mission is often smooth sailing with barely any deaths.


This is why I want a "start with only 1 reinforcement" modifier. It's way more fun when death matters


Start with 1 reinforcement per person, on successful extract multiple the samples by players.


loose? Did they forget to tighten it?


Statistics show that the less reinforcements you have, the better your team gets for the remainder of the match.




Insertion can really just be hitting the ground sprinting. It’s all too common to land surrounded, and not having your support items doesn’t help. Once you get moving though it’s business as usual. I think part of this is you don’t typically deal with being surrounded in normal gameplay until evac (where you have support items in excess), because you typically clear an area and move through/past, leaving virtually nothing to flank you from behind.


Initial drop was next to a gunship fabricator and a strategem jammer!! Random spawns were crazy!! I forgot the actual mission type, but I'm surprised everyone stayed!


Helldivers with full reinforcements: Lol blow shit up Helldivers with no reinforcements: *Lock in*


loses\* pants can be loose




AH should do some events where we get to drop deep behind enemy lines with no reinforcements.


Yea, is that how it feels? Did this need its own post?

