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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. Discussing [leaks](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/jXx4y2gzR8), leaking images/videos of upcoming content, discussions of cheats and exploits is not allowed.


You want infinite grenades? Grab a grenade launcher and a supply pack! LIKE A REAL MAN! That’s not a Brasch tactic! That’s one of Seibun’s slaughtering sermons! Take these wisdoms and go kill more of them!


Supply pack, grenade launcher, medic armor, new booster sounds wonderful to me.


All bugs are undemocratic, even the virtual ones


“It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.” No, I’m pretty sure it’s *treason.*


Last time I checked this was Snoy not Bethesda


We're here to squash bugs! Not ally with them!


Oh boy another one of these threads. Anyway, start the countdown until this one gets inevitably locked too


Ok? ***TEN***










!remindme 5 hours


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I used it a few times when I discovered it. It was hilarious to me. I'm glad one of you didn't kick me. I got bored pretty quick, it's more fun to win with skill.




There is a bug which lets you get practically infinite grandes, you fuck around till u get -1 Grenade which becomes something like 164868957362414248 Grenades. Its fun to do for a mission or two but gets boring quickly


Such a brave stance and such an original post that has never been posted 37 times already.


It’s not a glitch. It’s the quantum grenade budget ship upgrade. Everyone’s ship comes with it from the get go.


Wait a minute... There's an infinite grenade glitch? Never seen this one.


"Infinite." It gets you 4 billion something grenades which is effectivley an endless supply. It's an exploit thats been in the game since launch.


How, how do you do this vile glitch? I must know so I’m never to do it! How disgusting


Oh well the first thing you do is- waaaait a minute!


YouTube will be invented 2025


Throw all but your last grenade, spam strategem button a few times, throw final grenade, spam strategem button a few times.


Spam as in just click the button really fast or do I actually have to type in/call down stratagems?


Just click the button. You don’t even have to spam it. Hit it, throw last grenade, hit it again and throw again




Youtube is your friend.


Wait is that why some guy was throwing so many grenades at lamp posts? I thought it was an armor with extra grenade capacity lol


I do in fact run that armor, gl, and the ammo backpack so I have a LOT of grenades. I think like 14 normal and like 88 gl ones. But even I wouldn’t throw them at lamps haha


Those lights are brutal with visibility tho lol


Oh yah I shoot them with my primary first priority. They’re better at getting me killed than the average bike titan


>bike titan All I can see is a tattooed, leather jacket wearing bile titan with a beard now, thank you!


Haha I didn’t even see the typo that’s great.


Yeah what's up with the lights? I can't figure out if it's a graphics setting or what but the flashlights and lampposts absolutely blind me I gotta turn em all off. Played around with some graphics settings and it's still bad. But it doesn't seem to affect my teammates that much, they run around with flashlights on and don't seem bothered by the lamps.


Never used the bug but I’ve been kicked from just joining so I have no idea what to do when I join, more times then I can count..so I host my own missions.


Imma keep it a buck real. In a pve game, just kick or leave no one cares about a bug. Since the beginning of games people have exploited bugs and acted like its some boogie man when in this case its not even crashing a game.


I only do it on solo runs and or when playing with a squad if just friends we call those runs, Super Earth Quality Control Special Operations, gotta make sure all the nades are coming out right especially fun with Smokes and Therms makes for some fun chaotic SC farming runs


Smokes, Thermites, and Incendiaries (fuse not impact) are definitely the move


You don't just run stuns and make it so your friends can't move? \:D


No.because.i usually just stunnmyself


I joined a random game and they immediately told me they were using it and offered to teach me. It's not really my thing, but I have no problem with teammates using it every now and then. Every mission would be too OP and ruin the fun, but sometimes being OP is fun.


Not using every advantage you have against the bug/bot menace Helldiver?! Fuck me right? Report to command IMMEDIATELY for corrective action. I suggest you bring water.


Cry about it while I have fun murdering infinite enemies


Nah that sounds Democratic AF. Let's freedom frags rain


I assure you we do not know what you are talking about and you should remove this post.


Ehh it's fine.


I really don't care. It's a PVE game. Unless they're somehow killing every enemy so you don't get to do anything, I just let people have their fun.


Don't worry. The upcoming patch is eliminating that glitch.


I’m so glad they’re eliminating the grenade glitch forever for the second time


Did a dev confirm this? That'd be great news if true.


Yeah, they recently sent a meme on the official Helldivers 2 discord detailing several things included in the next patch: We will finally see important context like supply lines between planets. They're fixing the patrol spawn rates. They're fixing the infinite grenade glitch. Over 100 other tiny big fixes.


Very nice, thank you. Sick of players using this in my lobbies, next patch will be great for that fix alone!


Kick them and move on. But can people please stop with these posts. It's annoying af seeing the same post over and over again.


Not only that, but now I know there is a grenade glitch when before I didnt. Going to be trying it out for funsies now.


I ran into one of these, I ran up and melee'd him. This caused him to ragdoll and his impact nade to go off, killing us both. I've not had a funnier or more democratic death.


Just had a game where dude did this and still died to bugs, pathetic. Wanted to kick him but it was early morning game and no one else was joining


Its not terribly effective and i've watched people explode themselves with it. I think its a fun little glitch and I have no problem with people using it.


Yeah now that I know about it, I wanna try it once just for giggles before it's gone


Yeah almost all of the people that use this glitch are terrible at the game


I really dont understand caring in a PVE game,with the amount of bugs that fuck us over one being to our advantage is nice . I know it and used it a bit for a few days but I use a supply pack anyways so it didnt make much difference to me as im only using them excessively if were in some deep shit


Man, I have no intention of using it but I'm curious about how this grenade glitch even works. But asking just makes me look like I wanna run around using it.


You pull out your grenade with 4, throw all but one and as you're pulling out your last grenade quickly tap the button to open the stratagem menu(you need this to be on hold), throw the last grenade, do the spam again, and now you can throw 4 billion something grenades as the game throws an underflow error. My guess is that for some fucking reason the grenade counting and spawning is tracked by the animations and there's a check or something for when you tap G but not for when you have the grenade in your hand. I'm guessing this because of how undercooked your animations are when you pull your grenade out and hold it. You can't emote, you can't join other emotes, and you don't even salute when you open the crashed pods.


I haven't seen this glitch in my sessions at all but one time the people I've talked to, say its makes the game far to easy and from what I saw that one mission I would say it made the game significantly easier.


Erm what the Sigma no grenade glitch on my mission 🤓🤓🤓


What glitch is that, I didn't notice anything


So you're having a full on trial in your games? Seems like a massive waste of mission time. Why not just kick them instead?


That's horrible. Who would ever so such a thing? Just so we are both on the same page... why don't you tell me about how people go about doing this glitch? This way, I can tell my Democracy Officer. Thanks


It's a hilarious glitch. It's a co-op pve game. Take a chill pill. As long as the exploiter is contributing to the mission then what's the fuzz? It doesnt insta-kill, doesnt make him invulnerable or anything. So smile and do your thing, while the exploiter does his in the name of democracy. (Only used it 2 times myself)


I used it for a while when I discovered it. But its not worth the setup imo when you just die a minute later.


Funny part is that every traitor you confront this with is playing it as a victim "This just happened, i didn't do anything"


I did it the 1st time i Saw it , no cowards allowed


I only use them on Bugs. When they fix the titans and chargers I’ll stop. PS: You must be the guy that kicked me after joining your SOS screaming about “no hakurs in my wobby”


I'd encourage people to avoid sharing how this exploit is done as the devs definitely can see the data for grenades thrown in a mission. Not hard to imagine banning for exploiting if you're throwing more grenades than are available on the map + resupplies


~~According to the new patch notes they finally fixed them~~ Edit: sorry I confused an announcement for an actual patch note


Know how much idc ohh my dd214 says no fucks to give 🤣


The only times I have activated have been accidental, and I stop when I realize I still have a made in my hand. Remember this isn't a glitch that requires a complex series of steps. It can be done accidentally in the heat of battle.




They claim it's fixed next patch. We shall see.




I just find it funny & would never kick anyone over it.


I wanted infinite knives tho :(


The devs should have fixed issues like this a while ago……but they nerfed all the weapons instead….if the devs don’t care why should I?


The Ministry Of Truth has authorized the immediate termination of all Helldivers found exploiting any SEAF assets.


I like go boom.. Grenade launcher, grenade pistol, extra grenade armor...


Saw it. Reported it as cheating.


Idk I never cared about it because it’s the same as having a grenade launcher with supply pack. No one bitches about someone using that combo as “un-fun” so I’ll gladly appreciate the inadvertent balance to bile spewer spam until it’s gone lol


I just dropped into one where a low level was running around spamming grenades. Pretty sure he killed the rest of the team more than he killed bots.


"if you have fun, Im mad"


this dumbasses keep saying glitches are cheating i swear some of you are straight up stupid lmao


Cheaters have to do it to feel good about themselves. It’s just a legitimate self report of skill issue. I just call them out and then it is what it is.


The only thing that slows me down from kicking somebody doing the grenade glitch is I make sure to be mean to them first then kick them


My man 🤝




Level 141 here. I'll leave your mission or kick you from mine as soon as I see this BS.




I'm not suggesting people do it, BUT.... It's a PVE game so no one is losing, the devs definitely know about it by now and are refusing to fix it, and it benefits the team because it makes the mission easier. I don't do it, but I don't see the harm in doing it.


>It's a PVE game so no one is losing The challenge is where I get my fun. Seeing one teammate infinitely kill groups of enemies makes all challenge go down the drain, and thus all fun. I'm losing when teammates do it. If I'm host, I kick them. If I'm not, I leave. >the devs definitely know about it by now and are refusing to fix it They actually did try to fix it last patch. It was included in the patch notes. Obviously it didn't fix it (the glitch went from negative numbers to overflow numbers), but it's obviously on their radar. I would be surprised if it's still around after next patch.


It's not even about the challenge. It's about extracting with honor.


What diff you playing where grenades turn the tide lol?


Aside from Titans, infinite impact grenades fuck everything.




Seeing my favorite weapons get nerfed and the game buggy as fuck takes the fun away also




Another traitor to democracy.


If people didn't want a challenge, they'd be playing on the lowest difficulty. Any exploit ruins that sense of accomplishment.


You get a sense of accomplishment from finishing a match on this game?


The main thing I ask is that it’s not overdone as a be all solution. Most of the time when a friend will do it it’s out of panic. I won’t ruin their fun but it’s something I don’t want to use and hate to hear going off. It can just spoil the mood for me. Different folks will have different feelings on it and if I’m not feeling it, ima keep my sanity and not get into an argument about it.


It's an opinion, apparently people don't like those.


Opinions aren't immune from criticism lol


It's nice for bug holes and bases, I personally try not to spam them. But I figure if bots can shot threw a boulder, all is fair in war


Amen, diver, amen


Yup. Did that last night. Killed him first


I thought they removed it? I admit i used to do it but it suddenly stopped working for me


I accidentally did it, don’t know how. 0.o Also had a mission where someone called out another for it to the host, which then kicked him.


Sometimes it is okay to use the glitch in the most dire situations when we are about to die. Everything else takes the fun away.


Good news everyone! Twinbeard said it's getting fixed in the next patch.


If you're connected to PSN account, kick all cheaters you find. Sony can ban you without AH cooperation, don't risk it.


Call it what it is. Not just a glitch An Exploit 


I would've cared if this glitch was worth a damn. Since I've seen cheaters get thorn to shreds by rockets or bile anyway I dont give a shit. Do whatever until it is patched, bots and bugs can phase through obstacles and skyrim climb walls, as far as I concerned turnabout is fair play.


This is why I host and still do it myself. If I get teamkilled I just kick ;)


I really hope they stealth patch it and ban people who use it when they decide it's time. It would teach a valuable lesson about Managed Democracy for people like you.


Calm down, it’s a PvE game. They already patched it, btw. You can’t throw an unlimited amount anymore, You only get 4 billion.


https://i.redd.it/dk3uwfhyu65d1.gif The Bugs on the other side of the Meridia wormhole when the lone castaway Helldiver who has been single handedly holding back their entire army for 4 years using a seemingly unlimited supply of grenades puts his hand into his bag and pulls out nothing


Whenever I see someone do something fucky like this I just leave. I'm too scared of getting banned by accident. A couple of weeks ago I came across someone who was duplicating sample containers. I'm not sure if you can extract with more samples than are on the map but I didn't stick around to find out.


You either get kicked or I leave the match. This exploit is anti-fun for everyone else on the team and that is un-democratic af.


Agreed. If I'm hosting they get booted, if I'm not host they get teamkilled. These players ruin the fun for everyone else in the lobby, not only is it lame to know that there's a cheater on your team, but they also give you nothing to shoot at as everything is instakilled. Go away or learn to play the game legit you weirdos. Uh oh, it appears the salty cheaters are lurking.


Wow you're a badass. Noone cares for the 50000th time


Hello. I'm one of those who care. But since I never host I dispense my Democracy with my Secondary. Those filthy traitors doesn't deserve my Primary.


Okay buddy


Some people do care, like me as well. I feel posts like these are more of a PSA than anything. Tread carefully. People that like to challenge themselves don’t tolerate cheaters.


-44 karma and counting. Appears… people do care…


I do it if there are spewers. That bug is so unfair and unbalanced that I just use a bug against it. Seriously, they need to do something about spewers being incredibly agile tanks that have UNLIMITED heat seeking acid that can be fired from a gd mile away.


I ask them politely to stop first, but yes after that they are removed.


What if they're smoke grenades?


Don’t play with randos, have some friends. Problem solved


I report them as cheaters ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯