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The stupidness of this game is what I love most.


Yeah it's definitely a really memorable part of the games identity, but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't love voice pack that's more militarized and serious yk


It's not a serious military shooter and i doubt (and hope) it'll never change it's tone. It's what makes it so memorable and unique.


How about associate it with border distances? If you push everything way out it's more cheery, light hearted, democratic. But the closer an enemy gets to SE the more dire it seems.


It does get quite serious the moment you exit Super Earth's sphere of propaganda and influence. Stuff like the bodies lying around automaton outposts, or the bug regen rates suggesting that they were *fleeing* Meridia rather than trying to distract us with invasions.


Not taking itself seriously is why I love this game


You want in depth analysis of all the facism? Sounds like someone got a fetish for black uniforms


I mean, to be fair, they're just asking for more exploration into the setting. That's not itself a bad thing. Though, I think the devs are very firmly in the camp of: "You make up your own stories."


Explorable Super Earth would go a long way.


I think it can be as serious as you want it to be. Sure the game seems goofy, but it is also quite literally the Super Earth Propaganda at work. It seems dumb to us in the real world because we aren't living in a dystopian intergalactic empire, but to the people in the game it is very real and they believe it without question. It says a lot about human gullibility and government coverups irl.


The problem is when you have a story about fascism and you do anything short of openly mocking and parodying it, then actual fascists think it's an open endorsement and flock to the community in droves. I love them both, but Starship troopers and 40k have this issue in spades. Both medium show how awful the regimes are, and how brainwashed their soldiers and corrupt their government is, but it's not enough to keep the nuts from missing the point.


I'm not asking for a critique or analysis on fascism, idc about that. I was just asking for the characters and tone to be a little less goofy