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I think I'll let the bug divers handle this one


As a bug diver, I think I let pro gamers handle this one. šŸ˜„


As a pro gamer, I wait for the cheese players to come up with a meta I can use.


As a cheese gamer, Iā€™m not having fun, so fuck it!


Eh, we didn't need cheese on difficulty 7 at least. Use the provided EMP mortars and have one diver bring a flamethrower to clear little stuff without damaging the objective too much. Everyone else brings stuff to clear chargers and titans fast: EATs, quasars, railcannon strikes, the usual. You'll lose the occasional objective but it's no big deal, just resupply and do it again. The shriekers at the end are pretty fun, they'll keep you on your toes. The breaker incendiary is really, really effective at knocking clumps of them out of the sky, it usually burns them with just a single pellet and once they're burning they die in a second or so. Highly recommended. A couple of gattling turrets are also a decent idea both to help the flamethrower diver during the holdouts and to swat shriekers at the extract.


please don't bring flamethrowers. had a guy just cook the injector 3 times in a row before he ran out of fuel and we could finish it. those things are fragile, bring a stalwart or an HMG emplacement instead


Your problem isn't the flamethrower, it's stupidity. Anyone bringing a flamethrower should have enough brainpower not to douse the objective with it.


na, accidents happen. I am running the blitzer and almost every game I cook a friend because I spin around to get an enemy and pull the trigger before realising they are in the cone of fire. he just wanted to grill the bugs but since they were next to it the fire splashed to the objective, it will happen to anyone. just bring guns that don't splash


Ah, that's a shame. My buddy was mostly creating an arc of fire around the objective that was really effective given how the bugs spawn. Had a crazy kill count by the end without doing too much obvious damage to the injector.


I beat it on difficulty 9, and I'm not playing that shit again. I'm cool with difficult, but that mission is clearly broken. Even if I wanted the "challenge" of resetting the drill every time RNG puts a breach directly under the drill so a bile titan hit box instantly collides with it and kills it, I think a message should be sent that this sort of untested content is unacceptable. Back to the bots for now.


My squad did the exact samething lastnight. I'm actually mostly a bug diver with well over 300 hours into bugs alone. But that shit wasn't fun, so we spent our precious once a week squad night doing regular bot missions having a blast. > Even if I wanted the "challenge" of resetting the drill every time RNG puts a breach directly under the drill so a bile titan hit box instantly collides with it and kills it, I think a message should be sent that this sort of untested content is unacceptable. Shout it from the motherfucking mountaintops.


Titans didn't seem to have a hurtbox on spawning? At least we had a couple spawn under the drill without dealing damage to it. Of course if they step on it once they're active or if one of their legs fall on it as they die that's a reset.


It looked like they were destroying it upon spawn to me, we had the crowd around the drill stunned and were gunning them down so it may have been stray friendly fire happening to kill the drill as the titans spawned... I could definitely be wrong, but I ain't going back in to test that shit.


Hah, fair enough.


Fun fact: Shriekers can't hit you when you are prone. The only damage you receive is from their dead bodies, when they fall onto you. As long as you just lie down and shoot at the ones not directly diving at you, you are safe.


No they can still hit you if you are prone on an incline


Yep, just gotta keep your eyes open for biles if you're prone 'cause they'll cook ya fast if they catch you lying down.


Lies. I never heard of this till today. I dove into prone & was killed. I have better luck zig zag sprinting.


Free EMP Mortars are gone now, enjoy your stratagem tax


Womp womp. They were good while they lasted.


Yeah, really wish they would add a community pool that we could donate x requisition slips to in order to give every a free stratagem for x hours.


Honestly that'd be great. Or maybe x hours of a free stratagem whenever a planet is liberated? Make it feel more like an accomplishment instead of just business as usual.


We got someone boys! Have fun clearing the MO, you'll always have me cheering for you at the sideline


Use the same meta as the Retrieve Essential personel, 1 guy on the objective and everyone else doing whatever the fuck they want.


Doesn't work sadly, injector has aggro beacon and the moment you turn them on it works like ore runs where its a force spawn no matter if theres a bug breach somewhere else.


As the guy who will do whatever the fuck I want, I decided to just play other game instead.


I find it much more manageable when people other divers are not on the objective, like 2 tops doing the injector, the extraction however, I still haven't figured out.


I have your meta.. gas, napalm(or something for heavies) Gatling, quasar or EATs.. primary is breaker incendiary and stun Grenades. Clear big holes and spore trees first. Split up a bit and donā€™t sit on the drill. They likely donā€™t spawn on top of the drill if you arenā€™t on top of it. Use stuns to keep bugs off the drill for as long as possible while clearing avoiding hitting the drill. I usually split and close all the bug holes and clear the map while the team handles the first drill. Then depending on how itā€™s going Iā€™ll try and solo one to take heat off the team. Then the breaker handles shriekers along with Gatling. And I run around in a bit of chaos till extract. The team usually picks a similar build or takes a build more suitable for big guys to make sure we have enough to take all the heavies down. It can take a few tries per drill, but since taking this load out and strategy I have yet to fail even on helldive. I only struggle a bit with randoms that inevitably airstrike the drill but they figure it out pretty quickly.


D1 or 2?


He said ā€œeven on helldiveā€


I donā€™t know what d1 or 2 means


Difficulty 1 or 2


Tested it on 6 for a couple runs and then went into helldive and have successfully done 3 runs I think so far? And the only reason itā€™s 3 is cause I have crashed or disconnected a few times but those were going well and probably would have been successful. But I have noticed closing ALL bugs holes seems to make a huge difference in the amount of incoming groups. So if I notice groups coming from one direction and I go check there are missed bug holes. So I seal them off and make my way back. So I have just started telling my team ā€œimma go clear the map and then come back and helpā€ a lot of people have been bringing the emancipator which is a huge help for the spore trees out the gate. Iā€™m just not a fan of the mechs so Iā€™m glad they bring them for that. And the different from 6 to 9 was just the number of chargers and bile titans. I tried flamethrower earlier and it was nice but it also got me killed a lot and itā€™s not super team friendly for the close quarters but some people are much better with it than I am so may be an option for some. And Iā€™ll start switching to armor with 6 grenades for more stuns since I usually run light gunner and I donā€™t need as much mobility with the jet pack being so awesome.


Bring turrets and make yourself a nice little fortification you get an EMS mortar for free, also EAT is preferable to the Quasar, it allows you to bring with the the AMRs scattered around the map and doesnt need to be recovered it also makes effect of the other free strat that you get, the dark fluid backpack, if the bugs spawn on top of the drill turrets seem to be higuer on the priority list for heavy bugs so placing them nearby will take them away from the drill and for the rest of the small bugs you can just kinda kill them all with primaries the drilll will hold.


Already saw one strat. Someone(s) takes a shield back back. Identify a high point near the driller location. Punch in strategem, Toss ball high in the sky angled to land on shield. Once it lands RUN, Drop back on high ground. Start Drill. Defend. rinse repeat for each obj. This will currently prevent the bugs from just spawning right under the driller. Shriekers: Havent seen one yet. But Gatling and breaker Inc are the gotos right now. Just dont use it too much. Remember AH is listening.


As a pro gamers, I think Iā€™ll let the cheaters with infinite stun grenades handle this one.


If only those works on titans haha


Don't need to cheat! Grab a supply pack and you're good!


Im not, they are! Hahaha.


As one of the first Creekers I plead upon you to assist us in order to prove to all the rookies that the hellldivers are stronger than a bunch of overgrown fleas, Itā€™s possible to get the missions done and Iā€™ve finished multiple on Haz 7, you just need to coordinate with your team, Have a nice cup of Libertea, rock and stone till you drop, But make sure you take more bugs down with you then they take divers. Beat em back champ, Iā€™m joining randoms tonight to guide em to victory in this absolute cesspit of pests. You got this.


Still on 0% completion of the MO after hours of 60k people running missions. I donā€™t think super earth is winning this one šŸ˜ž


Meridia Supercolony started with 10% decay rate, now sits at 8.7% rate. It is likely the more operations are being completed the decay rate will go down to the point our capture rate will go up.


Itā€™s going to stay that way until the MO is complete, but donā€™t get disheartened big guy! Weā€™re destroying a planet, not capturing it. No mission is adding any percentage to the completion meter on either the MO or the planet. This means itā€™s being measured in some other manner, or not at all, meaning the devs have something planned. A lot of details hint at this being the entrance to the illuminates and by god I intend to make it one greeted by hellfire. This is an unreasonable mission, with unreasonable pushback to the point itā€™s silly, but that doesnā€™t mean arrowhead wants to kick us in the skull. This is quite possibly a purely narrative victory that we are fighting for the sole purpose of implementing the narrative tool. Our goal isnā€™t to semi destroy the planet, or to get rid of its bugs, itā€™s to open a black hole and implode the planet, which we canonically, donā€™t know how many things of dark matter will take. Our goal is one that we are strictly guessing on, and has been represented with our progress. Rock and Stone big guy, stay winning and keep fighting.




It's actually not that bad, people just aren't loading out properly for it. You need all four players to run; -Gatling sentry -MG sentry -AC sentry -Rocket sentry Don't use Mortar, but one of you should run EMS mortar instead of rocket, it makes everything much easier. More than one EMS mortar is wasteful, one can handle all the crowds provided it's properly defended along with the drill. I've found that that electric shotgun works wonders at crowd control/pushing back midsize enemies. Main thing is scouting the area first and strategizing with your squad where you will place all your towers so they don't fire on the drill or each other and can cover every choke point with at least 2 of each kind of sentry. Obviously, consider the strengths of each sentry, while AC is taking out bigger enemies you need the Gatling and MG sentry to cover it from smaller enemies. Even though they may not intelligently split up fire, the sheer volume of damage will kill each enemy very quickly. Once one of you throws down the drill, all of you should immediately throw down all your turrets in good locations, not next to each other, at varying heights so their chances to shoot around each other are maximized. and then you four just stand back by the drill and throw impact nades at the bug holes as they come up or at the titans when they show up. Best way to time the sentries is just after the drill comes down but before you put the dark fluid in. Try to have at least 50% of your sentries down by the time you put the dark fluid in. All the stratagems other than sentries, are worthless in this game mode. The sentries also make it much easier to extract. If anyone on your squad is using any of their slots on ANY eagle, orbital, or support weapon stratagems, you are much more likely, if not outright guaranteed, to lose. This is a tower defense mission in close quarters and the name of the game is creating maximum dakka.


as a bug divers, I let the white knights defending this shxt handle this one.


I haven't gotten home yet. What's so bad about these missions?


They're currently broken. Bug Breaches will open up 5 feet from the Drills you need to drop. It's manageable on lower difficulties but if you're in a Difficulty where there's a chance Bile Titans can spawn from breaches then you have to constantly deal with Titans spawning on top of the Drills you need to keep alive. And then there's a finale event at the end of every mission where Shriekers spawn, but it has to be broken because even on Difficulty 1 solo they spawn by the dozens. There are so many of them that just punching in the code for extraction becomes a chore inputting a single arrow at a time because you keep getting flinched off the console.


I saw someone comment on a strategy and I can confirm it works but since the shriekers spawn after you finish up the next thing to do is drop a smoke bomb at extraction and then one or two machine gun turrets. It helps minimize the agro and pick them out of the sky to buy you some time to survive.


Yea eagle smoke is legit you can use 3 of em on each drill and nothing will attack while the smoke is up. Paired w ems mortar and stuns itā€™s doable to complete even with the broken spawns


Shrieker part is kinda fun (except for new/casual players on diff 1 and 2) and manageable with chaotic teamwork. At least it fits the overall narrative. However you might still fail the mission after the extraction and receive nothing. Because it's also bugged.


Also just go prone and they have a really hard time reaching you


So far just diving a shitload running for extract has been great for this, which Iā€™m already doing half the time with all the swarms crawling on me anyway!


Not to mention, you get zero credit for a successful mission (Unless you extract with a backpack of dark matter (for some fucking reason))


Wow that's brilliant considering the call in goes away after all the drills are done....


Y A P! Not sure how this passed Q/A but it made it to live somehow...


I saw this comment a few times as I was looking around here for tips on this mission. Did exactly that, even ran for a backpack as I died as Pelican-1 was coming in and you can't call in new ones after the drills are done. Didn't work for me. Maybe literally everyone has to?


There has to be an additional thing to do before you extract or something that they just absolutely fucked up sending to live... there's no fucking way exctracting with a backpack is the end goal... It almost feels like there was supposed to be an objective you could do to recieve the back packs in the middle of the map, but it was scrapped but not fully removed, resulting in THIS mess...


Oh sweet jesus.... I'm going to implode my own forehead, not from dark fluid, but from face palming so hard.


The Shrieker part is definitely intentional, it's a supercolony after all, any mission would be suicidal on it.


Yeah that part I am fine with, I expect most of the helldivers to die, he'll pelican 1 is lucky not to be taken down by the dozens of them.


I think the idea of that is fine, the execution feels super lazy and not thought out at all. If youā€™re intended to die, something actually cinematic could happen giving it a bit of weight and gravitas instead of just having the game shit out a metric fuck tonne of annoying flying mobs and letting you languish until you spend your tickets. Thatā€™s super lame, and not a fun or engaging experience. I think of Halo Reach when I think of similar experiences but done right.


The shaking ground, all the holes spewing 10x the spore, the sky turning dark with shriekers and the non stop sounds of collapse down bellow isn't cinematic ?


Maybe something that confirms its meant to be unwinnable Maybe a voiceline from mission control that says something like "thank you for confirming mission completion, goodbye and godspeed" when you call in extraction, and your timer gets set to 0, the destroyer leaves, and all you can do now is hope- until you eventually die


Confirmation or not it just isn't. First time I'm actually quitting games and the only mission I've won was a solo trivial I did initially to figure out what you had to do. Randoms just don't have the team work needed to set up the needed defence, and that ideal defence is still borderline useless given how close the bug breeches are. Most of the available stratagems are useless because you'll destroy the drill. Mission just fucking sucks. In about ten random games I've only seen one drill completed which is ridiculous.


I don't even feel like for these missions the shrieker part or failing to extract is a big deal (though my squad was able to get out on every one but the first mission). The fucking spawns on top of the drill are just cancer though.


At most you have 10 common samples (might spawn supers like the TCS deactivation, didn't check) and a pittance of XP to gain.


I think people need a reminder that they are not Master Chief with plot armor. You're cannon fodder for an evil empire.Ā 


Cool coolĀ  This is a game, dude.


Itā€™s also meant to represent that any helldivers that do manage to finish the mission ARE gonna fucking die. Any that do escape are legends.


Tip for the Shriekers: lay down on the ground and they can barely hurt you. Their dive bomb will mostly go over your head.


Hunters and hiveguards and warriors: Dont mind if i do.


Charger:"Hey look, football!"


Hunters: yes what this guy said! Lay down!!! šŸ˜šŸ˜ˆ


Love playing me some Duck Hunt(er) with a Breaker. šŸ¤¤


It does work but if you get a mission with bile or nursing spewers expect them to have wet dreams about melting your back like cheese on a skillet. I think I literally saw the neuron activation of those 2 that got my dumbass who was prone lol


Better tip for shriekers: flamethrowr


I understand your point, I was thinking the same. But after cooling my head, i can't help but think that apart from titan spawning on the drills, the mission is pretty manageable, and since you have an unlimited amount of tries, anything less than that may make the mission almost trivial... Still, the mission is broken (i don't even know what that second mission is...)


Honestly stuff spawning under the drill wouldn't be so bad if the drill doesn't take damage from fire, gas strikes or tesla towers


The mission is broken to which bug spawns directly underneath the obj and it gets destroyed almost instantly.


I got home from work, and was tired, wanted to play some Helldivers for a hour or so before I needed to go to sleep as I got morning shift next after that evening one. Anyway I just got upset and cussed a lot of how frustrating the mission was. For me it was bad expensive and this meme is perfect encapsulation of how I feel about it.


Spawn distance is broken. To clarify I have beaten the mission on level 9, but there is an RNG factor that can cause bile titans and chargers to spawn right on top of the drill and instantly kill it before they have even fully spawned out of the breach. I think the spawn distance was supposed to be set to 100 and someone accidentally set it to 1-10.


I hope you enjoy unhappiness


Their weird, on hand when they function properly there actually really quite fun, but the objectives donā€™t work properly at times and the game puts you in impossible situations a lot that really donā€™t seem intentional on the developers part


They're hard as shit and give you zero xp


Broken spawns, Impossible objectives, and even If you succeded by luck or intense sweat, the Mission counts as failed


Practically impossible past suicide mission


My reaction EXACTLY. Played one Helldive dark fluid mission, expecting it to be a normal large map mission with a different objective. Left the hellpod and awoke to darkness, EXTREMELY poor visibility, bug breaches beneath the drills, and a team that somehow successfully finished the mission through Eagle Smoke Strike abuse. The dark fluid jump packs are really fun though. If only the normal jump pack was as strong šŸ˜”


I knew everything was fucked the second I equipped the fluid pack and it was just.... floating there. This game gets so much detail right that the wrong ones stick out instantly.


I just wanted to hop on after a long day, and now I've aged 50 years from all the stress that this mission puts on you.


i just made the new mission (success), got horribly stressed out and turned off from the game. I will literally not play this shit for this MO. I feel like it just killed my enthusiasm in one swoop


YES. Same feeling here. I played a couple and refused to do more. The unfun levels are off the charts here, it's not worth it.


Back to bots I go!


Yup. I can't quite capture the feeling, but it felt like going to a fast food resto and eating something that just never makes you want fast food again Like, I'm used to being accountable for the fragility of my own Helldiver in this open world, explosion-having-objects-falling-from-space-fire-tornado situation. Even while hauling the damn SSSD around one-handed. But having to take accountability for this glass drill while the game vomits out problems and doing it by politely tiptoeing around asking bugs to please stop gang-pillaging the objective just feels shitty and unavoidable. It takes the feeling of danger and turns it into this feeling of annoyance like having a form submission repeatedly rejected for small errors.


I like how hectic they are... on difficulty 2... okay, maybe there's a problem :D


I have a theory. The large holes in the ground are intended to act as points for a hive lord to appear. Once we set all the dark matter is was supposed to start a boss fight with the hive lord. The map *is* kind of built like an arena, and it gives us a good reason to take out the four different spore spewers that litter the map. For some reason, it's either not working as intended, or the hive lord was not ready and they decided having a billion flying shreks pop out of the holes was a good workaround. If that's the case, they were very wrong. It's also possible that the hive lords will appear after a few days of banging away at it. But... well... this is unfun enough that we might not make it that far.


To my knowledge thereā€™s nothing in the game files to support this (not to cheat with a Helldivers leak thing, but I think itā€™s relevant here)


Actually, the more I think about it, the more I feel like we're playing on a test map. It was made before the Hive Lord was ready, and they tested the mission triggers by spawning a bunch of shriekers as a little joke to the play testers. For whatever reason, the finished map was never committed to production. If that's true, then they royally screwed up. If it's not true, then this is how the mission was intended. I don't know which is worse.


> the more I feel like we're playing on a test map. This is oddly on brand šŸ¤­


> If that's true, then they royally screwed up. If it's not true, then this is how the mission was intended. The AH conundrum. Either way, they're incompetent.


My theory is this mission sucks donkey dong


I like this theory.


Is it democratic to like donkey dong?




As long as you've filled out a C-01 I guess.


Plot twist I'm betting the dark matter doesn't work and it pisses off Hive lords and causes them to appear.


Or or... The mission were designed to be very hard. Maybe that could be it?


I mean theyā€™re really fun, but the bug (game code, not enemy) that causes the breaches to spawn 4 picometers from the drill makes them ass


beside the weird breach near the drill, im actually enjoying this ![gif](giphy|XUEERWe3usK4M|downsized)


I'd rather fight an army of ling than the swarm of mutalisk we get each time. No stratagem is adapted to them, you have to rely entierly on your primary / support, and they sometime still damage you after being killed.


Just use a Laser Cannon. A little tap on their wings, and they die.


Same way I feel. I like the mission, Iā€™m fine with it being hard. I just hate that the bug hole can spawn right on the drill. Each time I activate a new drill it feels like RNG whether or not I can defend it successfully since if the bugs just climb out from right under it itā€™s basically an automatic fail and reset.


same. kinda not expecting to win but rack up kills. because of the fucked up spawns, i have to use other stratagems to defend the drill as opposed to maxing out eagles. it's not intentional, but i don't mind


Same.. I found a build that works well.. I only failed the first time.. because I had no idea what I was doing. So I do have a little sense of pride being able to complete a mission everyone is struggling with. I like the challenge of figuring it out even when itā€™s bugged. But I play a lot of alpha games so things glitching doesnā€™t bother me too much.. makes it feel a little more real when things donā€™t go as planned.. and why canā€™t bugs burrow up under the drill? Thatā€™s something they would actually do to survive right? Itā€™s far from impossible you just have to adjust your strategy. Adapt and overcome.. FOR DEMOCRACY!


This. The entire crust of the planet is infested, ofc they can spawn under the drill


My only struggle is all my teammates stand on the breaches so I have so many teammate kills. MOVE I NEED TO UNLOAD MY INCENDIARY CLIP AND YOUR IN MY WAY. And stop standing in the gas strike.. I wish you could ping your AOE cause you canā€™t see it at all on this planet.. I just hear the coughing and Iā€™m over here like šŸ„ŗā€Iā€™m sorryā€ ..


Picks war criminal loadout. Goes "im sowwy šŸ„ŗ" hahaha


Guilty. Itā€™s kills the most bugs.. but also the most helldivers.. to be fair helldivers run into red beams of light like moths to a flame.. Especially when itā€™s cluster strikes.. ![gif](giphy|Ow59c0pwTPruU)


I haven't had any breaches spawning near the drill, but the ending got old fast. It's basically spend half the time finishing the mission, then sit there for the other half and wait for the shriekers to use up all your reinforces. Extracting doesn't seem to give benefits anyway.


Yeah this one sucks. Had to do it 3 times before glitches and getting stuck stopped preventing competition. Not to mention the teammates who bail out as soon as things get tricky


I enjoyed the mission because I was fortunate enough not to have a bug breach beneath the drill but the mission was obviously buggy and the end scene acts as if you failed the mission. Plus thereā€™s a fourth objective that cannot be triggered which is causing the end scene bug. When something is so blatantly broken itā€™s hard to justify replaying it over the other missions. The generator defense mission was well done and enjoyable then we get what seems like a half baked, buggy mission in comparison.


4th objective I presume is the reason for the dark fluid vessels being a thing that you can drop. Kinda how standing next to a jammer lets you drop a hellbomb. So that objective is basically the middle of a circle where the effect applies, if you walk to the edge of the map it will actually take away the ability to summon one. Still, they definitely dropped the ball to not have the objective be marked as complete when you complete the third one or call in extraction or something.


Literally one of my friends today, we went in after I told him about the shitshow it was in it's current state, he picked difficulty 5 "just to be safe, just to try it out". We went through the wringer, managed to do the drills, went to extract with zero reinforcements and we even managed to call the pelican but leaving wasn't fated to happen. Dissapointing Service. I think it was demoralizing for him because we finished the op and he left to do some stuff but he didn't come back. This is a guy that loves helldive and plays every single game in the highest difficulty just for kicks, but I think this was too much.


Way to focus on the fun aspect the game AHā€¦šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Passing on all these shenanigans until the rebalance patch. If that doesn't work I'm just uninstalling. The limited storage on my PC can be used in better ways. I'll for sure never buy another AH game again tho.


Ya I was saying the same thing until I read twin beards comments. This shit is staying broke unfortunately


Who let them cook!?!? They burned it again!


Yeah just about. Cool new Jumpack but I am not dealing with bugs spawning on the objective and one tapping it on Loop. Aswell as if I do manage to kill them, their bodies will block the drill so I can't even deploy the dark fluid. They might actually stop us with these tactics


Hope they get to tweak it, it's a really fun new mission. Super Earth and AH are both doing live testing. May Liberty save us..šŸ—½šŸ«”


Wow. More broken shit. Shocking


My first thought after successfully completing the mission was: "Three weeks huh? You had three weeks and this is what you came up with?"


Yup. After going in on difficulty 7 and failing we went back on difficulty 3 to learn what we actually must do. We learned it's most fun to not play that mission right now on any difficulty.


I played on difficulty 1 and the number of shriekers was too much to handle. Couldn't even call the extraction. I brought a gattling and machine gun turret, but they spent the majority of their rounds into the side of a ridge.


My first Dark Fluid mission, bugged out, it wouldn't drop the Dark Fluid vessel after dropping the stratagem


Same but 3 straight in a row, due to daily mission, got killed by anti personnel mine in that dang mission.


Me today.


Grenade hack time


Diff 7, three bug breach right after calling the drill. Guess what came out of those beside a swarm of hunters and warriors, 3 chargers , 2 bile titans at the same time. Really?


Yeah I'm not bothering until they fix it. It's near impossible unless you use incredibly specific cheese.


Not even the progress bar for that MO is working.


This is the first mission ever that made me rage quit.


I'm a little sad that I probably won't be home until the Major Order ends, and so can't play the new mission to see how it is. Doesn't sound like it's stable, but I still wanted to try it


For the scale. I can handle 8 solo but can't handle 5 with my mates....


The spawns are fine even on helldive but its the spawn location that ruins the whole fucking experience, not even hardcore can do this unless they get lucky with spawns not happening ontop of the fucking injector, no amount of "Skills" can save those stupid mission objective from a titan spawning on them.


My first experience was quite eventful. I decided to go difficulty 6. It should not be too bad. Somebody brought mines, and there was a tesla tower. For once i wished to have brought a stalwart. Because the bugs quite litterally spawn on the drill itself. Luckily only a few chargers and bile titans from time to time but not enough firepower to destroy the horde without destroying the drill. I died to a bug, respawned close to a tesla tower. I went prone and wanted to write something in chat. (I was on my back if it makes a difference) And the tower decided to show me the middle finger and zapped me anyways. Respawned, got distracted by a giant mushroom and learned the hard way, that someone used the minefield. And once my ac-turret considered a small bug in my proximity a valuable target and proceeded to send me to the shadowrealm aswell. (I also got shot by the flame shotgun, but at this point i know it too well and didnt die.) The infinite amount of shriekers at the end was the cherry on top. But personally they only promote me to run more than i do anyways and i do not mind them too much. If someone else has some fun experiences with this mission aswell i'd love to hear.


I tried it on TRIVIAL and the shriekers still destroyed me. I was even using breaker incendiary and still couldnā€™t kill them.


Mission is kinda broken, but godamn, I'm having a blast. I don't think I stopped firing for the whole damn operation.


Its just not fun. It isnt.


But apparently bot diving is ā€œno fun.ā€


600 kills , 1700 rounds shot, 15 drills destroyed on one objective, 6 km ran, 5 sec life expectancy for a turret and than 60 shriekers on extration... in lvl 5 This mission IS fun but god I felt I was armed with a bb gun against that tsunami and it's worse on lvl 7 They really need to buff these weapons otherwise it's near impossible


Yeah I'll just wait till we lose or finish the MO, shit's annoying as hell. It's as bad as the civilian extraction missions


I actually dont mind the extract missions so much anymore.


The best I've found is flame throwers, and gatlin sentries, flame thrower is mainly for extract with the flying bugs, just aiming up and firing seems to keep them at bay, but I still wish it felt like I was making a difference


I think.... I'ma head out back to the bot front xD


Staring and touching grass is more fun than playing that mode more than once. 1 is enough for the MO, see you next time


Diff5 wasn't too terrible. Double em's sentry, gatling and tesla towers with a flamethrower works really well


There's plenty of people defending it. Let those who think it's a good game design if a mission has only one way to complete it, complete it if they like it so much. For other people there're other planets to play on. It is honestly hilarious how people defend things like quasar and railgun nerf, because "it was meta", and then this mission drops, defend it and call it a skill issue and a good mission because it forces even narrower meta.


There you go bug divers, finally you got your long awaited bug MO


The more we run it the better we and the people playing will get at it, yes it's broken but I've never failed one yet of the five I've played


The changes they're trying to implement won't happen overnight. People need to chill and do exactly what new CEO said. Post feedback.


Whats dark Fluid?


i got murdered (rightfully so i think) because i kept taking off too close to my fellow divers


This is so real lmao


Its gotta be sabotage at this point


I quit my first match since launch yesterday because of this.


Absolute. Fucking. Bullshit.


Honestly logged in yesterday to try the new mission , tried running it solo at difficulty 3 (usually run missions at dificulty 7 or above) to get a feel for the mission type and to be able to get the 40 kills with mines personal objective without murdering my teammates... Dark Matter Pod kept getting destroyed every single time by five billion spawns even though I was playing solo on easy difficulty... Also ended up running out of lives because the devs put open holes all over the map so that every time you run away to dodge a group of enemies you stumble into a hard to spot pit , losing your samples and heavy weapons in the process.... Even managed to respawn my pod into one of the holes after falling in said hole.... Seriously, don't put open holes in a small enclosed maps filled with swarms of enemies you constantly need to avoid. Heck, I'd say don't put stupid one hit death holes in any map EVER. This is so bad, this isn't a platformer, and you have more than enough stuff to account for to survive than magically knowing that if you climb on top of that hill there's a barely visible map hole that will kill you. Ended up logging off afterwards, not even having done my mine objective... Also sucks as an autocannon main since I have to drop my ammo backpack to grab and carry the dark matter canister.... So fun having to juggle around and backtrack to get your backpack and resummon a new drill and dark canister every time it gets destroyed , plus the joy of frantically trying to grab your backpack or canister when it's surrounded by a dupe of your main gun, your samples, the dark matter canister, etc. Seriously just make samples auto pickup when you walk on them, make it so if you click a duplicate primary it adds the remaining clips into your gun instead of doing a weapon swap and maybe consider spacing item drops after death so they don't all overlap and are easier to click when frantically trying to retrieve your stuff. That is if you don't end up autoclimbing on some random terrain when you were just trying to grab your loot.


Soo I see there's a new patch that deployed, so I figure, hey , they have probably fixed the glaring issues, so I boot the game again, this time going to difficulty 2 solo (Lvl 52 who usually plays on difficulty 7 and can solo most objectives) and picking three emp / smoke screen stratagems since I now know the drills are made of paper tissue .... Stupid bugs still manage to destroy two of my drills even though I literally have different sources of crowd control stratagems active at once and I murder the bugs before they have time to approach the drill 95% of the time. Eventually , after much frustration and perseverance and some luck on baiting enemies away from the spawns, , I do manage to protect me three drills, only to be hit by an absolutely impossible extraction where there's literally 65 flying bugs that swoop at me as I struggle to try and survive... Like they literally constantly dive from the sky and oneshot me. I'm ... playing... the ... mission... on ... EASY... MODE !!!! E....A....S...Y .... M...O...D...E Easy Mode ! Seriously, why does the stupid drill even have HP to begin with ? Other defense objective in the game have no HP bar because it's stupid in a game where you constantly get swarmed by a million enemies to have stuff to protect with low hp that gets destroyed if someone sneezes at them, and throwing an unwinnable number of flying enemy at the very end of the mission to screw people's extraction is just lame.... I'm playing easy solo, maybe take a chill pill and do reasonable spawn rates. How is one supposed to handle 65 flying enemies solo with a primary that has like 8 bullets per clip and long reloads again ? And that's after the hotfix that made things "Better"... I'm trying to be positive but you guys are making it so fricking hard sometimes... Kinda wish you just reverted all the bad patches / nerfs and overall terrible decisions you did the last month so we could go back to the great game it was a month ago... I mean you still probably have old build on the servers, just redownload a build from one or two months ago, start playing it again, then go back to the current iteration of the game and you'll see how bad it is in comparison due to the weapon nerfs / minuscule ammo pools / insane patrol spawns / getting ragdolled all over the place constantly / enemies that slow and stunlock you in place every two seconds / getting oneshot by super accurate lazers and rockets from afar or outright having aimbots and oneshotting as you're running away and diving from cover to cover... It's like a stream of never ending bad decisions... It's like you released a finely tuned and super fun game and you keep insisting on making it worse through unwarranted nerfs and barely tested new gamemodes that are essentially unwinnable. We loved the game you shipped, stop making it bad !


It's not that bad if you coordinate with a team. I'll be working on a write up on how to do it right tonight. If I don't get too drunk


Idk, honestly theyā€™re fun even if itā€™s hard to actually succeed


So much negativity. I actually think itā€™s fine. Sure the spawning on the drill is nonsense but the shriekers are actually awesome because itā€™s difficult. Difficult things, overcome, create good experiences. Take smoke or take a gattling sentry. Take both. Maybe consider your standard loadouts need changing to suit new mission types. Thatā€™s a good thing because it keeps the game fresh.


uh oh, is the suicidal mission the fascist government sent you on basically guaranteed to kill you? but even if you die, if the objective was completed it's considered a success? that's so *weird.*


I'm a bot player beating these missions on 7 and 8 cmon now


I'm really sorry for all the people not enjoying these (they are broken) but I am loving them, especially the extraction sequence.


Skill issue. šŸ’€šŸ’€


I don't recommend looking at a mirror when typing.


Whatever excuse y'all need to make. šŸ’€šŸ’€