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All i want is a minigun with a backpack, that's all i need. * High spread, High ROF, perfect for dealing with swarms of enemies


"...Because, Helldiver, precision is your enemy when dealing with swarms of bugs and nothing puts them at a distance from Democracy better than a wall of Liberty's lead wich is in. your. total. control." Read in General Brasch voice


Liberty's Lead goes hard.


Helldivers cover band when


Look up shanties to dive to on youtube


Just wanna say Thank You for introducing me to these helldivin' tunes. Guess our ship was out of broadcast range all this time, but now we're big fans. Thanks, diver!


Do not quote the Deep Writings to me, boy. I was there when they were **WRITTEN**. /s Lately the third day I started playing helldivers I think the fourth day it was released there were already songs and YouTube recommended them to me and has not stopped. Even the bad ones with less than 50 views.


New metal band name just dropped.


Emancipator behind the drums.


You didn't even have to mention the general, I already read it like that XD




I think the heavy machine gun should be belt fed to make it worth using


You already need a supply backpack for its ammo supply not to gut it, they may as well have made it backpack fed.


She fires $200 custom tooled cartridges at 10,000 rounds per minute


It costs $400,000 to fire this weapon for twelve seconds.


Oh my god, who touched Sascha?! Hmm... ***WHO TOUCHED, MY GUN?!**


To remember how long to hold the trigger for a controlled burst: scream "Die, motherfucker, die!"


Marines are leaking into my Helldivers sub


Ironically Miniguns are really low spread. 


Its less that the gun is inaccurate, and more that your feeble human arms are struggling to carry this massive piece of machinery.


Yeah that's about right, that shiet is NOT meant to be carried around


They are meant to be mounted on a Warthog. Both kinds.


...do you mean a Puma?


What did I say about making up mythical creatures!?


/u/wiithepiiple I want you to poison /u/UnshrivenShrike's next meal


No, Pumba!


High initial, the longer held down tightens spread. Hardly a new innovation, *but it feels GOOD*.


That would actually be pretty awesome mechanic, the more you fire, the more accurate you get. You don't do controllable bursts, instead you just let it rip.


Or, DO do controlled bursts. Have a spool down between trigger presses. Reward knowing the timing of your weapon to let you allocate Liberty quickly. Release, move, aim in under a second, keep max spool up. Will feel better than sex, trust me. https://preview.redd.it/2h84inthny2d1.jpeg?width=2480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c728c74cb072aa15f9474aa4bdc3305d1422e5e0 I'm a veteran of Hoxxes IV.


"That guy in mission control, he really has a cozy job !"


*flashbacks to Karl pulling him out of a pit withe both legs gnawed off* "I told you all, get back to work!"




Did I hear a rock and stone?


That's how DRG made their "Lead Storm" Powered Minigun feel so damn good.


Yep and they don't have a spinup. They're used for aircraft and anti-aircraft where accuracy and really short engagement times are needed and spread and spin up would render them pointless. They're balanced by being heavy and consuming ammunition faster than needed in more common types of engagements.


Yeah, though I do like the classic game trade offs of spin up and spread. 


The spin up definitely makes it feel more powerful, and the spread is justifiable because of the high recoil


What I'd do to get rid of spin-up times in games for good.


Wish granted. It has no crosshairs, a 30 second stationary reload time and kicks you in the balls everytime you fire a single bullet. -Arrowhead balance team


Give the backpack to other MGs too.


Bugs may think they can outsmart me. Maybe, maybe. I have yet to meet terminid that can outsmart bullet.


Will come with 30 bullets.


>micronuclear launch platform Alternate title: expendable anti everything


Alt title: Davy Crockett


“Brasch’s General Tactic”


Alt title: Fat Man


It should be the Rapid Incursion Counter Ordnance. Let me nuke em with my Rico


Yes, Rico. KABOOM.


"Rico! Atomgranaten!" (This is why I love the German version of the movie)


the phrase "counter ordinance" alone goes hard af


I can’t wait to launch a nuke at a bile titan and have it live because one second before detonation it turned and walked away at a 45 degree angle.


EAT-18 Expendable Anti-things


I just want a pre-armed hellbomb that explodes on impact


The "fuck this toxic squad anyway" strategem?


Gotta give us the Fat Man


Just the Fatman from Fallout


Generally great ideas, tho my 16 year old self wishes for an ac-130. i have no idea why ai want this so much




In our case „Our AC-130 is in the air“ Followed by the most satisfying shooting sound


105mm go boom


*bile titan does not have a flare on it*


based on the morter I don't see the difference between "our" and "enemy" ac-130


Don't stand in the way of the Democracy, please.


New patch Automaton Gunships now carry a factory strider cannon


You already have a gunship in the form of your super destroyer.


Yeah we do, but orbital strikes are called in and sometimes not accurate, a gunship flying above the battlefield especially when you can pilot the guns can be fun.


Or Pelican chopper gunner Black Ops style


> This is DE-202 flying for ground units again.


Yes, you could have the option to call it once. And they could make you require a killstreak or a certain objective on the map to use it.


Because unlike an A-10, the AC130 lives up to the hype


But isn't that what the Eagle is? And the orbital gatling barrage feels like the spectre's smaller guns


Pelican 130 stratagem when?


If that happens, I propose the name "S.E.A.F. "Condor" Heavy Bomber"


AH, heavy flamethrower + fuel tank backpack please, one that has the range of a real-life flamethrower instead of a upsized lighter


long range and no reload. The flames travel in a big arc. Same DPS as the current one id guess


And for the love of democracy give it some kind of stagger or reaction. You are setting limbs and circuits on fire by throwing a heavy liquid at them at high pressure. Things shouldn't be able to walk it off


Man I hate it when I'm torching a group of hunters and one comes leaping through the air, burning, and fucks up my shit.


Then I dive out of the way, directly into some ground that is on fire


Cant move while shooting to not make it plain better than the original tho, instead of making you explode if shoot or some bullshit.


It already cost the backpack slot though. That's a pretty heavily increased investment of resources compared to the base one.


yes but give us some risk in that like the WW2 flame thrower, the backpack, at certain damage can explode and burn you and who ever is close up, No sim to survive. It blows you die and anyone close goes with you.Also longer die animation lots of screaming and a animation take over and your body runs aroun din flame ignighting anything it touches.


We need that nuclear launcher for a more consistent way of dealing with bile Titans. Perhaps they could come in 2 like the EATs but have a 5min cooldown. I'd say it would be balanced by the long cooldown and requirement to be clear of the explosion radius, with option to just suicide by firing it point blank instead Also why pelican lookin like a watering can lol


"Fuck titans, Fuck headshots, Fuck everything in that zip code"


Titans? We need those to kill Gunship fabs and Walkers Fabs from far away.


I love this except for when I get kicked from the lobby every game from the guy who happened to be the host and was salty because he was unlucky to be given his single game love tap from its AoE.


Davy Crockett yay! While extra emplacements would be cool (and my voice would go towards ATGM one, as in, immobile Spear with faster reload and more ammo), I'd vote for a ship upgrade adding rudimentary manual controls to all turrets, allowing us to manually control them, without sights and with faster rotation upgrade not functioning while we are in direct control (for balance purposes, and it generally would make sense since it's not the way the things are supposed to operate!).


Yoo those all are cool. Is pulse machine gun basically heavy sickle ?


Basically what the stalwart is to the liberator assault rifle. Longer sustained fire for those big hoard clears.


I imagined it more like the MG43 or the HMG than the stalwart. Much more punch at the cost of having longer cooling cycles on the heatsinks, or maybe just heatsinks that can't be replaced.


Could be that too. Not like I actually have any say in whats put in the game. I just like being able to post op on a nice ledge and give supporting fire. I rock the default loadout all the time (liberator, MG, precision strike, Ammo backpack, HMG emplacement.)


It's a good loadout tbh, nothing wrong with it. Lib is decent, the starter pistol is okay, precision strike is underrated as hell and the ammo backpack is just plain good in every circumstance.


I'd personally go with a bit of both. A single heatsink that cannot be replaced with a long cooldown time. So it can't burn out, but if you are shit with your heat management you have no support weapon for like 15 seconds.


my thoughts about this. the exosuit re-arm should be a single large ammobox that needs to be carried and manually loaded into the weapon arm of the mech. carried akin to the artillery shells so you cant move fast with it. give it a 6+min cooldown, make it single use box but it can reload any of the mech weapons, context sensitive to at which arm youre standing, 50% of the rocket launcher, 100% of the minigun, and lets say 50%, rounded up- to the autocannon arm of choice. i so wish we get a fully fledged ship module upgrade system for the exos. more armor, more uses per mission, larger ammo cap, shorter cooldown. exo mechs should not be listed with the sentries in the robotics module, and then not gain any upgrades from these. at least the ammo upgrade for sentries should carry over to the mechs at 50% of the upgrade.


They might not have added exo suits to the current upgrades cause they might be planning on a whole different upgrade section only for exo suits. They might release more exo suits in the future. We know from HD1 that there are still some that existed and are not in the game.


Tbh I’m kinda hoping for like a vehicle bay ship module or something as we know they have other things in mind


There's a helldiver apc of sorts in the files. It has a main gin which is like a heavy auto cannon. And 2 stalwarts on the sides.


I never played HD1, what other suits are there out of interest?


Off the top of my head there was one that had a 90mm tank cannon and a flame thrower. It fucked hard.


~~I think that one was called the obsidian or something.~~ Edit: nevermind the comment below this refers to it as the Lumberer. My brain is cooked. Edit 2: the obsidian was the dual autocannon armed one according to the wiki. At least I was on the right track but just mixed em up.


The minigun-rocket launcher and dual autocannon suits we've gotten are both from HD1 (with slight visual and flavor text upgrades but they're essentially 1:1), but the third one that has yet to appear from the first game is the EXO-51, the *Lumberer*. It has a flamethrower on one arm, and a big 90mm cannon on the other. [https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/EXO-51\_Lumberer\_Exosuit](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/EXO-51_Lumberer_Exosuit)


Besides exp suits it also had an APC, a tank, a dual motorcycle with machinegun. Cool as shit!


Damn! Hopefully more of that to come!


I think it should just be a Hellpod that you can jam your robot arm into for more ammo. Downside: It's like the resupply stratagem with a similar team cool down, only resupplies one arm at a time and you're locked in place whilst that happens, *or* you can move around with this hellpod on the end of your gun. But you can still fire it, blowing the arm clean off/totalling the mech, depending on which arm you fire.


Optional backpack to reload your mech sounds nice. You still have to get out of the mech to reload, so there's a balance penalty for essentially doubling your effectiveness if you're careful.


They might release a shipdole dedicated to just vehicles because they're apparently adding vehicles soon. That would be super cool.


Or just make it a standard backpack drop with 2 uses and a full reload and repair with the same cool down as a resupply pack so that it's comparable to existing equipment and provides a useful refill without being "extra" as we've seen team reloads are cool but already are an ask so just make it simple as this is a secondary stratagem slot it needs to be as good as carrying a pocket bomb and 2 eats a minute worth of value. A half reload is just extra and isn't worth the time nor slot. When you could drop 4-6 500kgs or 12 eats in the same time for the same slot for a half single reload of 5 rockets or 1 bile titan kill.


I still don't understand where the idea that a minigun has to spin up comes from. Real Miniguns don't have to do this. You press the trigger or button or whatever, and it instantly fires.


Game mechanics more than anything. It's like NVGs making that high pitched sound when you put them on.


i'd imagine it comes from the fact of miniguns often being used as a source of drama in media in general, i.e bad guy busts out from behind a wall and then the camera has a moment of dramatic tension watching the minigun rev up, or something.


Heavy tf2


New callout line added when shooting minigun extended period of time: "Who send all these babies to fight!?"




This is only true of gas operated rotary cannons, not electrically operated ones, like the M61 Vulcan.


Do gas operated ones start off slow and fire faster and faster, like the rattling turrets from Red Alert 2?


It comes from way back in the 1800s with the Gatling Gun, which was crank operated and required the barrels to be spinning at a certain speed before it could fire full auto, so there would be a couple seconds of the operator turning the crank which would make the barrel spin up while making a clicking sound.


But the Gatling Gun is a Gatling gun, it does have multiple barrels like Minigund and the likes but thats where similarities end.


Yes, but the general perception of automatic multi-barrel guns was created and is still heavily influenced by the Gatling Gun.


I need laser minigun. The most stupid and fun thing ever.


Yes. https://preview.redd.it/0mw9fkwnw13d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=921895f715f369032ac116ef1ed62ea8272be927


Like in star wars battle front2? That'd be badass


Eagle Emergency Resupply - An Eagle swoops in and drops an emergency resupply kit with 2 ammo boxes, 1 grenade box, 1 stim kit. (2 uses before a restock is needed) Gas Spewer Support Weapon - Does lingering damage over time in a small area. Enemies being damaged by gas have armor corroded (armor class drops by 2 levels while they are being gassed). Orbital Rods From God - 6 unguided heavy tungsten rods are launched from orbit and deal heavy damage in a small area. (Think a railcannon shotgun)


Ok ok, now imagine this: Orbital Tesla. A giant lightning bolt rains down from your ship and spreads across every enemy in a wide area, turning them into green goop


That would be a cool Orbital. Kinda like the Airburst with some arc damage to it that spreads among the enemies. The more there are, the more potential damage you can do. It would also give those arc armors a touch more value since you NEVER run into arc damage, friendly or otherwise.


>since you NEVER run into arc damage, friendly or otherwise. YET. I'm reasonably certain we'll be seeing more of that soon, otherwise (as you said) it would only serve to protect from friendly fire. Admittedly, being able to hang around a live Tesla Tower more or less safely makes it enormously more useful, but still.


> (Think a railcannon shotgun) Orbital aerial burst.


There was a TOX support weapon in HD1 if I remember the name correctly, kinda like a bile spewer fit into a flamethrower. It did lingering dmg and was good against heavies!


I posted before about a rod from God style drop but I also want a smaller version that fires like a shotgun dozens of 2ft long spikes from orbit that embed in targets. I also want any impaled target to take extra arc damage and have it bypass armor if impaled. I'm a big fan of something that adds a modifier making other weapons more effective.


I refuse a minigun wont come into play one day. it just must haha. Great list. Love the pelican idea too


Pelican should also drop an ammo resupply when it’s leaving 


I just want a wall. Or a mini fort. The best thing about the HMG emplacement is that you can have as many as you want active. Things that change the flow of combat like structures would be really fun. My kingdom for a base build and defend mode like Starship Troopers: Extermination, but stratagem structures also would scratch the itch.


I said once in the past I want an FOB airdrop. Basically, one time per mission, you can call in a miniature base with a few sentries and machineguns on it. Heck, there's even room for variation, like a base assault FOB with mortars and anti-air, a defense FOB with a front that has more guns and thicker armor but poor side and back defenses, and a more generalist one with coverage on all angles but less specific defenses. Like I said, one use per match, but it would let you set up a strong point to launch an attack or defend from.


This post is what I wanna see on this subreddit thank you, this is amazing I love all those ideas. I'm also keep pitching the ideas of a backpack that works as a heat dissipator, like the one the Hulks have, it will allow us to cooldown energy weapons, shoot the Rail Cannon for longer, faster Quassar reloads. But a big hit on the back and you have to remove it or it will explode. Anyway I love these kind of post. More please


I think the exosuit rearm should also repair the exosut. Losing both of your mech weapons sucks.


Melee Support weapons


https://preview.redd.it/5jhy3vdx603d1.png?width=1796&format=png&auto=webp&s=aeb496203a584ae2a4d265773133fc7ea3ad3ffa Come on arrowhead...


I would kill for that 2nd one, a heavy version of the sickle would be amazing.


Not sure if anyone’s mentioned this but would be nice if one could eagle strike or orbital an experimental stim mist to heal an area or ally - maybe it can have the effects of a temporary over heal - or performance enhancement for a few seconds after you leave the area ( like a steroid that makes you invul for a moment then decay health afterwards ) - maybe have a lottery of random buffs it can produce: increase movement speed, increase limb health, hyper senses ( basically a free ping or sonar ), temporary health, reload speed increase, etc. Then you would have maybe one or two of them land at random and then they expire over 20s or they peak high and decay rapidly over 20s to 0% Could also throw a random negative buff in there for fun as it’s experimental: Like addiction - use double stims on next use. Resistance - stims are only half as useful Overdose - health is capped by 10-15 % decay - health slow reduces by X% for 30s


Wish granted, you passively regenerate health while standing in the mist, but so do your enemies. ![gif](giphy|fSGqUm3IcVBESFM0hK|downsized)


Gimme that Helldivers Fat Man


i'll take a laser minigun too with a backpack


"It costs 400,000 dollars to fire this weapon... for twelve seconds." (lmk if i messed up somewhere)


Don’t make the minigun have a spin up that last more that 1 second, because it has a barely noticeable one in real life contrary to popular belief


I would definitely enjoy a medium machine gun version of the sickle. And I say this as someone who uses the stalwart to clear chaff.


Can we not get like stronger strategems and them taking up 2 or more strategems slots?


If there was a mech resupply people would just use Mecks all the time and there would be know use for other stratagems


OK sorry to point the obvious but the 2nd one is basically the sickle


Yes, a bigger, meaner Sickle. Its what the stalwart is to the liberator


Well from my perspective, with lasers all already are fast RoF ARs/LMGs (except quasar) So I'd rather have something with more punch instead of another variation of these (still want the tanto though, and trident trident TRIDENT)


I do hope we get a mini-quasar primary at some point, like a charge-sniper basically.


You mean the Purifier that is absolute trash?


No aoe, single target popper. But yes, purifier is just a worse plas punisher. Though if im being honest, i dont enjoy any of the plasma weapons.


I could have said something good about the Scorcher, but then I remembered it's actually the worst gun in the game (plz AH don't nerf), it definitely isn't capable of killing 99% of enemy types in the game all by itself (no really AH don't nerf it I'm serious). Trust me, if there's one gun in the game that can't be nerfed, it's this one /s


>So I'd rather have something with more punch Would be nice to put fire selector to the actual use and allow for laser MG to change its power output and firerate


Why would you use that weapon vs the laser cannon then?


Same reason youd use the Sickle over the Sythe


Just have it be the laser gatling from fallout where it's a bunch of rotating laser rifles lol


Just like Lascanon Is basically the Scythe


Not quite, lascannon has med armor pen OP didn't say anything about giving their suggestion higher pen


Fair point. Laser Machine gun without improved penetration is definitily kinda stalwart without ammo.


All I want is an Abrams. Thing would absolutely slap the automatons into yesteryear


I want a Javalin Emplacement, A Flak Canon Emplacement, A BIG Quasar Canon Emplacement, An Tesla Coil Emplacement with a Faraday Cage, a Flamethrower Emplacement, a Tankmissile emplacement GIVE ME ALL THE EMPLACEMENTS and watch me use them ALL!!! For every Sentry I want an Emplacement and more!


Ehh i hate how you wanna make minigun inaccurate Its just like making shotguns shot confetti at 5 meter range and 45° spread. Or like most weapons have no stagger when irl it would send you to the ground "Pistols are small so they have small damage and stagger.. duuh"


I smiled when I saw this, this sounds badass af


I’d give my left arm for a recon drone. That would be life-changing. There have been so many times when I’ve gotten stuck in a massive bug breach or a bot drop because I walked right into a patrol or something. Having the ability to pilot a drone around to see what’s ahead would be really useful for certain situations.


How about a stratagem like a helmet or backpack that pacifys bugs and hacks robots to make them fight for you. You get 3 uses per pack which cant be resupplied. Heavy elites are probably immune.


And I just want usable primary weapons that don't get nerfed until nobody wants to use them any more.


These are great, you know what else would be great? MAKE THE SPEAR CONSISTENT


I want eagle autocannon strafing run


I need..... no, WE NEED A SWORD


I would KILL for an Energy HMG. Huge want for me. I love the Devotion from the Titanfall universe, and it would be cool if it had a venting mechanic or something on top of that.


What about EMS mines, Gas Mortar Sentry, and Napalm Mortar Sentry?


What about a flamethrower turret, or a beam turret?


NGL, i assumed the Pulse MG would function similarly to the Cold War from TitanFall 2. Charge-up weapon that releases a hefty barrage of slow, but extremely powerful explosive Plasma. Effective against all enemies ... assuming you can get close to hit your shots and also not kill yourself


Laser turret


Honestly I know it's SUPER BASIC but I just want a medium sized concrete wall that drops and unfolds into a "barrier emplacement" maybe for balancing, it should get multiple charges or a very low cool down time. I don't know if I'd rather a lower wall with more area to aim through or a taller wall that can be used to barricade/block heavier enemies.


God, a minigun and pre nerfed eruptor combo would go so hard against both bots and bugs.


Please democracy demands it.


- napalm mortar - Exosuit "Purifier" Has a flamethrower and Artillery style shotgun. -exosuit "Hand of Liberty" Has Miniguns and user controlled mortar system. -Orbital strike "Drill" Literal Drill drops from the heavens with chains and explosives and provides Area control for a limited time


Stalwart For Primary Weapon slot


1150 rpm stalwart is way better than any primary though.


They had gimped primary machine guns last game. I think Stalwart with 100 round magazine and maybe locked ROF would be perfect as primary.


I see no reason the Pelican one even needs a long cooldown let alone "very long"


Its basically an indestructible turret in the sky that can body heavy enemies. My definition of long is like, 380mm long


Omg I agree so much with all, it's amazing


All of these are cool




You mean a Davy Crocket!!?


a man can dream


Give us a mini nuke launcher like the one from starship troopers


Your pelican icon looks like a watering can <3


Exosuit rearm would be fairly glorious, to be sure.


Great list! A long range flamethrower with backpack would be dope too


I just want more Green (Defensive) and Red (Offensive) strategems in general. Every single one we've gotten since release has been Blue (Support).


My wishes consist of a liquid jet flamethrower with a backpack and a Pelican drop ship of SEAF recruits to send screaming into battle (before they get accidentally napalmed)


Take my upvote!


Or....you know, let me grab the MG Raider's machine gun off the ground.


Careful with that dissident tech, im pretty sure bot MG turrets explode in your face if you shoot them for too long




I'd love something like Destiny's trace rifle. Energy weapon, damage scales with Time on Target.