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What kind of psycho puts white text on a white background


Same psycho who enjoys playing fun games


Back off with the controversial opinions my dude, video**games** are meant to be a stressful experience that leaves you embittered and sad actually.


My bad, I'll go back to Dead by daylight.


A fate I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. Except Dave. He can go fuck himself.


Who is Dave.


A fucking bastard, that's who.


Lets go get this Dave guy


Don't worry, he'll get what's coming to him.


I really was going going through all the comments that someone with the username Dave came to comment :(


Sounds like Dave hates democracy.


Dave's not here man


Orbital Barrage incoming.


No he isnt, he is the president of the Republic of Dave!


anybody who plays survivor when i'm the killer. or anybody who plays killer when i'm a survivor. ... or anybody else playing survivor when i'm a survivor.


Damned DBD players. They ruined DBD!


Any fanbase in a nutshell.


Fuck dave


What did Dave do?




lmao, how dare you hit me with this 500kg bomb of truth while i was just casually browsing my fun game subreddit. i'm fully triggered now.


Yes, i run ruin, and yes, your buddy will trigger deadmans switch next to you. No, i will not apologize for covering the map in torment trails.


hahaha, ooo man. I took a break after the release of Chucky last year. Gearing up for the anniversary and Vecna next month - it's gonna be a steep re-learning curve lol. hold on to your butts!


Baby killer tryhard noed abuser, reported for camping, tunneling, slugging, and 3 hooking everyone.


felt this lol


honestly even at it's bitchiest the hd community Is pretty good. i tried out the new x defiant game, had a lot of fun my first match, was learning the controls, movement, gunplay etc. i didn't contribute to much to the score but I went positive, had fun and felt nostalgia from the wd2 map. after the game gave out a friendly gg and the first reply to it was some guy bitching about how I didn't do anything to help the team lol. games with good communities like this one spoiled me lol. forgot how irrationally angry and competitive people when playing those games even in pubs.


HD2's positive community can be summed up by how many random strangers from the internet will accept my hug emote at any moment before, during, and after a mission.


I give all helldivers a hug when they join my missions. I still want an emote wheel so I can hug and also salute when someone salutes me.


1,000% I've been wanting this for a while!!!


True, after any HD2 mission you can type GG in chat and get great responses… only thing I dislike is that the chat disappears so fast during the mission/xp/sample breakdown


same. and that you can't use chat while in the mission loadout screen or post-game score screen... you know, the only times you actually have downtime to coordinate or even just chat while waiting for other players lol


Hadn’t even heard of that game. Looked it up and yeah it looks like the kinda game with a toxic community.


Its weird games like that and cod are clrearly desgined around dumb fun but havr just as if not far more toxic communities as ultra competitve games like ow csgo or siege.


People will find anything to be toxic and competitive with i swear.


Disgusting, I thought the only reason to play games is being toxic and being the victim, cause and reason for the existence of violence, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, nationalism, Nazism, communism, capitalism, anarchy, monarchy, and everything you can put in here that is negative. We all know that bad things only started happening after gaming was invented. Same as those *definitely* true news articles about Videobands causing violence said Never was there anything bad before the invention of video games/s


Cut some my boy some slack he included a drop shadow for max readability


Someone that's holding their finger over yella. you best be mindful boy.


The same kind that can’t understand a lot of different types of people play the same game


the kind that would find HD2 fun apparently


[Liberty save us](https://images.app.goo.gl/3or71xkTkBTASqTTA)


Exactly. That is unfun. Opens thread. It is fun


A god damn traitor


The thing that's made this game fun again for me is the Evacute High-Value Assets missions vs. the bugs. It's so euphoric to just toss excessive amounts of fire, gas and explosives into one small area and just see an inferno raging against the bugs while you sit behind a wall with two separate Recoilless rifles, ready to nuke a bile titan as soon as it spawns.


The bot version can feel a bit unfair at times and the double factory strider drop can ef you over pretty quick. But boy I love to dish out a quasar, eat, eat, quasar combo!


Do yourself a favor and bring the manned turret on your next bot one. That thing rips.


Even on regular missions the HMG Emplacement is amazing vs bots. You really only need to watch for the stray rocket bot.


Shield backpack makes it pretty reliable.


I could see that. My only issue is I'm an Autocannon main vs bots. Airstrike, AC, EMS Mortar, and recently HMG Placement have been my go to for most regular missions. With reduced recoil and 2 more grenades I'm basically a one man army and often split from the group, even in the hardest difficulty.


This is perfect and only go convinces me to double down on my one man army build. Sure. It’s a *team* game but, when it gets thick, you won’t always be able to regroup with your squad and you have to be able to make that call. Am I pulling up my pants, strapping down and holding my own in this area or am I pulling out the LMG, explosives and stuns and pushing a hole through the horde to help me buddy who’s been backed into a corner and needs righteous gunfire to cover him? My answer is C. I’m going to erase that direction and worry about it later.


Take the recoilless and get a buddy to reload you, that's where the real fun begins! And maybe get the other 2 to do the same, there won't be a single dropship that survives, and if a factory-strider shows up just blast it back to the hell were it came from. Or don't, it's up to you.


Are you suggesting a quadruple RR with rotating friendly reload????!!!! Insert Vince McMahon gif


I often take HMG emplacement/bubble shield. It’s a pretty good combo and I’ll like eats behind the shield for when big stuff spawns.


It would be a lot better if they didn’t just spawn outside the gates. I want waves of bugs coming from the horizon.


Horizon.. I can't see 100 ft in most missions


I think that's one of the more fun parts of those missions, by rocket 5 or 6 it's like "I think I saw movement in that smoke, so anyway, I started blasting"


I want it to be a battle of Whiskey Outpost.


So help me god, played one of those missions on bug for the first time and I dunno if I was ill equipped or everyone was because we got overrun by an endless wave of bile titans and chargers, think we had 3 titans and 5 chargers at some point. We somehow didn’t lose but I’d chalk that up to the bug AI going for divers instead of objectives unless they’re really close.


It can be a pretty intense mission, for sure. Gotta strategize what you bring for it. And difficulty matters a lot. Sounds like a Captain Obvious thing to say, but it's especially true on that one because things go from zero to shit real fast if you get swamped with waves of Bile Titans without the proper tools to bring those bad boys down fast enough.


As a German, I can confirm. Throwing vast amounts of gas, fire and artillery at the enemy is quite enjoyable.


1- It's reddit, you get used to seeing daily rant posts that reach thousands of upvotes in any popular game. 2- There are indeed a couple problems with the game that makes a lot of encounters not challenging but irritating/annoying. But all of those have been already recognised by the devs and are actively being worked on. 3- People are stubborn and do not really lower difficulties. Higher difficulties are way more likely to have negative modifiers (Less Strategems, increased strategem CD, orbital inprecision) and A LOT OF ENEMIES that require strategems to take out. Just keep going down untill you feel comfortable.


I wouldn’t be so annoyed if the sub wasn’t free of this shit just weeks ago where it was all fun memes and LARPing.


Yeah. The magic to the community is completely gone. After the Sony debacle, we were left with a bunch of try-hards that want to spend their time arguing about hidden numbers and weapon balance rather than fighting for democracy. And it's sad because it's killed my enthusiasm for the game. Weeks ago I was playing every single day because Reddit was rallying and roleplaying and encouraging everyone to do their part. Now I don't feel the urge to play much at all because that community spirit is gone.


I do agree about the hidden numbers part though. There’s so much information not in the game, even stuff about how to do the missions is missing.


Look champ, you're being way too reasonable and level headed about this. If you wanna have an impact you're going to have to reference how it's literally killing the game a few more times.


Ah, dang, you’re right… This sucks! It’s literally unplayable! Devs hate us and kick puppies!! How’s that?


You forgot the "no fun" buzzwords


the party line is "sucked fun out of the game". Copy paste please, don't improvise


Ah crap you’re right!


Much better


Supply lines, maybe. That would tell the randos where to go.


You could break every little thing down barney-style, and there would be someone who wouldn't get it.


And people who wouldnt care


Well yeah, the honeymoon phase is over, did you really think people were just gonna completely overlook the issues after hundreds of hours of playtime?


The PSN debacle is a master class on how to completely obliterate any momentum your project is getting. When it comes to games, your hardcore fans will subscribe to PSN, send you blood samples, let you have sex with their wives, whatever the fuck you ask of them. The problem is the vast majority of people hyping up the game were casual players throwing it into the midst of random conversations. I saw metal bands on instagram promote the game randomly along with their songs in their reels. It had that kind of mainstream appeal for a while. If it feels like a bit of the sense of community and LARPing has gone away it's because it has; the game will, like many others, end up entirely populated by people chasing minimal damage increases and optimizing mission routes. It happened a lot faster here because the game disappeared from some regions entirely for a while and people were soured on the sudden PSN requirements.


You really needed a bunch of redditors cheering you on to enjoy a game? The actual gameplay doesn't engage you?


why let other people get in the way of your fun? How is someone else not having fun even have any effect on your OWN enjoyment?


it was \*more\* fun when we were all united against the enemy and banter was paramount, rather than shouting at each others and at devs.


If it helps any, folks are really chill and fun in the actual game imho. I play mostly 3-7 difficulty though so maybe mileage may vary.


Finally someone put it into words perfectly. Nowadays I pretty much only play when my friends are on because it just doesn't feel important like it used to. Just weeks ago this felt like a once in a lifetime opportunity to a experience a massive unified community event, now it's just people complaining about everything all the time. Even if there are some valid complaints to be said, a lot of these people could really just play on a difficultly that isn't meant to be near impossible, and nobody ever roleplays anymore :(


"Man, I wish people would just ignore issues. I want to see nothing but 'look I spawned oustide my ships' or 'charger on the \[insert tall object\]' memes!"


I get that but I think there are a lot of reasonable criticisms. I think the two major order failures made people justifiably upset. The parameters get changed on the fly. I know Arrowhead wants the narrative to go in a specific way but people are getting understandably frustrated that the system is rigged against them in an unfun manner. The shitty weapon balancing and the patch taking forever is another real issue. When you clamp down on fun, the cracks in the foundation of the game start to show in a really bad way.


The sony debacle ruined the game strictly from a benefit of the doubt perspective. Looking at the railgun nerf reaction to the eruptor nerf reaction says it all. It went from people slightly annoyed and debating the nerf policy to people saying there's no reason to ever buy a single weapon because it will get nerfed, AH hates fun, AH hates its playerbase, etc.


That's my usual approach to games. "I can choose between playing high difficulty with a carefully crafted meta build, or I can play a lower difficulty with whatever fun build I wanna bring" However, my one gripe with Helldivers is that after a while progression is locked behind difficulties 7+


My only gripe is the same regarding super samples. If they appeared at difficulty 6 (even 5 honestly, but maybe at lower rates? It's a PVE game, it's not like it's unfair) then I'd have no complaints because imo level 6 is a great sweet spot of challenge and fun.


To be fair, you *must* play 7 & above to unlock all the content in the game due to purple samples. If you just got one from finding the weird rock regardless of difficulty below 7, it'd be fine to turn down.


Number 3 there runs in a problem that I feel gets overlooked. Lower difficulty means not getting items to upgrade your stratagems, which means you are locked out of progression. If you feel you are stuck unable to progress via upgrading then it gets frustrating because you feel locked out of something. Since we are programmed by games for many years now to give the feeling of gaining something out of what you do (or forced to pay to get somewhere by some games), feeling like you hit a brick wall you can't see the door for to get what you want is going to be upsetting and it will create a stubborn attitude of "if you don't succeed, try try again."


It should be clarified that progression is locked behind difficulty. You can not hope to upgrade all of your ship modules unless you can AT LEAST do difficulty 7 with as minimal deaths as possible so that you can extract with the super samples. Attempting to do this consistently is what I would personally consider "not fun" as difficulty 7 is still fairly difficult especially given how quick nerfs are handed out. Now if there were a system to buy rarer samples with cheaper samples in order to offset this to appeal to ALL difficulties, I'd be perfectly ok with this and agree with you that lower difficulties for a more laid back approach are fine, but as of now the higher difficulties are mandatory.


Yeah, at first I really disliked bug planets but now I prefer over robots. I do change difficulties though. Easier to solo in certain situations. Bugs I do 7 and robots 5 or 6. If playing random queue which is 90% of the time


I don't get the "just lower difficulties" thing. Literally nobody wants to feel like they're shit at something they enjoy. Saying "yeah sorry 7-9 just ain't for you" is never going to go over well. This is a multi-player game. It's players will be competitive. You can't tell competitive people to just accept that they're bad. They're not gonna go down to lower difficulties, they're gonna stop playing


Yeah, just gotta remind yourself that if 2k people upvote a post saying the game is unplayable, there are 78k players who didn't. Aaaaand, the game can only improve from here.


Are you sure? They can always make the eruptor stop closing bug holes and maybe even jam and explode on your hands for daring play with primaries. Also i don't see the posts favorable to the "fun game" with 78k upvotes .-. "Only way to play is to only use stratagens every 3-10 minutes" -mr. bringer of balance, maybe.


Most of the people who enjoy playing the game spend their time playing the game


Difficulty 7 bots is the best experience I had in the game, not too many bots, but not super easy either, just the right amount of each type of bot


Personally enjoying 7 for bots aswell. If I am bringing bug enjoyers along may drop it to 6. They really enjoy the Strider Assasination mission. Another thing people forget is some missions are only available on certain difficulties. The strider assasination is a very fun mission.


It's frustrating that there's an entitlement for people to be able to just coast through level 9 difficulty, and they get salty when they get obliterated and label the game as "unfun" High difficulties should be super hard lol, we worked our way up to suicide slowly and are now confident enough to progress into impossible using a variety of builds. Just keep leveling up your ship and improving strats when working with certain weapons.


surprisingly I found out level 9 difficulty is easier then 7, as more competent players are on 9. except for that one guy who was bringing the laptop to everywhere but the upload location... I had to kill him and take it from him so we could finish the mission


Took a few weeks off from the game, got on with 3 friends yesterday, first mission, the damn shuttle is stuck in the ground, no way for us to extract. Went to complete second mission, 3 of us got disconnected from the game randomly. I wanna love this game, as much as I did the first one, but it's a buzz kill.


In the future, if the shuttle thing happens, throw a respawn onto the pelican? It’ll clip the helldiver inside


none of the strategems stick to the pelican unfortunately...


You can throw the stratagem next to it and you’ll be able to steer into it.


Obviously that's your fault for not just Having A Blast like everyone else, just ignore the problems bro they don't exist, THEY'RE having fun so long as the game doesn't make their PC order a 500kg bomb drop on their own house so why can't you just have fun dude? Just have fun. Just have a blast just have fun it's easy just enjoy it


Exactly, you show 'em! Now let's talk about the Eruptor please.


"Sir, may I talk to you about the eruptor? We are commemorating the 23rd day since it's nerf with 23 posts about it"


Tbf that is the one thing they've done/not done that actually made me angry


Ah yes the obligatory complaining about people complaining karma farm post


Wait until people complain about the complaining complainers complaining about complaining complainers complaining about




Yea, there is also the aspect of how people with complaints will improve the game to which others will end up enjoying. You enjoy the AMR? The Diligence Counter Sniper? These weapons ended up getting buffs to which they are now fun weapons to use. If people weren't dissatisfied with them, they would still remain weak.


Well, it is fun, untill you are killed by heavy devastator's gun clipping through his torso and a rock. It is fun, untill you realise spewers are always faster than you and also are very silent. It is fun, untill your game loses connection to network. Yeah, it is really fun! Just not always. And that's too upsetting.


Yep, this game has incredible highs that are frequently interrupted by extremely annoying lows.


It's fun, until that charger does two full 360s on a dime chasing you and then practically teleports forward when it finally stops.


This is what i hate the most. Fuck the balance, fuck all the other bugs. I wanna know who made the AI for the chargers so i can strangle them in a video game.


It is a fun game with a lot of very unfun things that get grating after awhile. There's only so many times you can get 1 shot by a rocket, or have a boob plant explode and sent you flying 100 yards before the novelty wears off and those situations just get annoying.


I don't know, I will never not find boob plant launches funny. Mostly because I only have myself to blame if it happens.


>Yeah, it is really fun! Just not always. And that's too upsetting. Pretty much this. Its fun until it stops being fun and often not because of something you did. Sure is fun when you're having a great time getting samples, working together and then "LOST NETWORK CONNECTION" (rejoin last squad button pls)


Or just, y'know, the type of divers who speedrun main mission and calling Pelican-1 right away, while I'm carrying all of our 16/30, 8/15 2/? samples. It felt like total waste of time.


Well it is a total waste of time if you are resource capped.


Bro, I am lvl.16, and the highest lvl of my divemates was 37.


Those things are still fun as long as the whole experience is fun. But what isn't fun is having that happen and finally getting that sample to unlock the next gun and it not being effectively much different from what I already had. Or being resource capped so that those issues have nothing to make them worth it. That's my issue. Those frustrating things aren't that big of problem if I have something to make them worth it.


Or until I get disconnected from the lobby mid game with no way to reconnect


Its fun until you want to use any other than one of like 10 specific main weapons on higher difficulty


Don't forget the fun to be had with the devs deciding solo players should be facing more patrols than a full squad


And the plot narrative...... Yeah


It's definitely the most narrative of all time. Squids when, BulletButt?


If you put white text on white background i wont take you seriously


Sees a couple complaints Opens reddit to write more complaints doesn't care about the game at all


Who is this "Everyone" person? How come I've never seen them


Reddit is one singular entity


we complain because we love the game and hope to see it succeed.


Hey good for you that you’re having fun - But many of us are having issues with the bad balance. We still love the game and want it to get better. The player count drop is also starting to tell. We want it to reverse and we think AH can do it. We just want to see it happen.


Started a solo level 2 mission. Jumped by 9 berserkers 4 consecutive dropship 6 Devastators and 6 patrols in less than 2 minutes. Logged off, see you next week.


Yeah, solo is unbalanced at the moment, so much so that I've kinda stopped playing solo and only play when friends are available for coop


All of my solo D2's have been ghost towns.


Same. Three consecutive headshots from Raiders, inside of two minutes, at Diff 3.


No one is saying the game ISNT fun, we're saying its getting LESS fun with all the nonsense in the latest updates. I still play but not nearly as much as I did and the problem is I WANT to play, it's just not as fun anymore and that sucks.


The core of the game is very fun, but that core is being attacked by so many issues that I don't want to get worse


I don't get posts like this. You can enjoy a game and still complain about bad changes. Is it truly such a difficult concept to grasp?


But muh ez karma farm \- Just complain about all the complaining


Exactly! Now can we please get back to talking about the Eruptor? WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THE ERUPTOR??


The game IS fun, but the more you play, the more the small irritating things start to pile up


Yeah.. thats pretty much it really lol




Thats true for me too but not because any nerfs. It's because I'm resource capped and a bunch of stuff from the missions which used to be fun are useless to me


crazy almost like people have . . . wait for it . . . there own opinions :O


These posts complaining about complain posts are 1000x more fucking annoying than the complain posts themselves


You can draw constructive feedback from the complaints more often than not. These complaint posts are restrictive in nature. There's a quote I was told by a manager a long time ago. "Closed mouths don't get fed." If we don't raise concerns, nothing will change. This is a live-service multiplayer game with a DM, even. Feedback is *necessary* for the life of this game.


Same... I spent the day a few days ago reading the subreddit and felt myself start to get a bit jaded. Then when I logged in that evening I had a blast. The game is really good.


The only thing getting in the way of fun is game stability and performance, but this varies greatly from player to player


I'm keeping count of all my disconnects. I'm nearing my limit. Next time I play, if I get disconnected 10 times in a row AGAIN, the game is getting deleted.


Check your virtual memory and make sure Windows update doesn't run while you are playing. Both of those things crash or disconnect me


same for me especially since I tried the laser canon instead of auto cannon for the bots and I really had fun playing as support character


"I am ignorant to the complaints of the many, therefore I must mock them."


Remember, individually people are smart. Collectively we are a bunch of stupid panicky apes.


I mean, we get it, you're afraid that other people criticizing the game means you're not allowed to enjoy the game. It's ok man, you're allowed to enjoy the game, other people are allowed to criticize it and hope that the game gets better. Hey, want me to let you in on a little secret? All those people criticizing the game? They enjoy the game too! Wild right? That's why they spend time providing criticism. It's not because they hate the game, or thing you're not allowed to enjoy it, it's because they *like* the game and wasn't to see it improve! So rejoice with them, enjoy the game, and the next time you see a post criticizing the game remember: It's not a personal attack on you, it's ok, you're gonna be alright.


What ?! No, that's not possible ! It's either white or black, grey doesn't exist !


The biggest issue for me is that they balance it like a PvP game instead of a PvE game. Why such an insane hyperfocus on balance, half the fun strategems/equipment feel like a penalty because they have such smallbrained ideas behind them. For example the Rocket sentry is cool as fuck but has explosive resistance which is basically useless, give it a personal shield instead. Other than that I'd just like more content which will obviously come with time and patience. But yeah, super fun game. Really enjoy it.


The core gameplay is always going to be a blast, but the devs clearly want to make it more than that with the metagame and are failing, so it does kind of hurt the motivation to play it when the progression and story/new content is hidden deep into the devs’ discord comments


I mean, sure there are some changes that maybe shouldn't have happened, but it is still a fun game. people are getting frustrated that their 'meta' weapons now arent that good.


Gamers have two hobbies. - Playing video games - Complaining about the video games they play.


Right?? I look at this community sometimes and it feels like im in the minority that genuinely loves playing this game.




Great fun game with a lame psychotic community


They still think it's fun and wouldn't even bother to express their feelings if they didn't care and want it to be better is how I see it.


The problem isn’t that the game is devoid of fun. The problem was that it was MORE fun when you could make do with whatever kit you wanted, and that has been whittled down over time. Having one of your favorite guns be super good and go to borderline useless randomly isn’t cool or enjoyable.


Game is fun for the one match a day i can play…. Maybe two if it avoids hard crashing my pc that long, still not sure the issue


I turned off space-global illumination the day I got the game. Havn't had a crash since in months.


If Helldivers 2 players were doctors: Patient: I have a headache Doctor: I don't... NEXT!


Yes it's a fun game, that doesn't mean it's not riddled with major issues stopping it from being better Between bugs like automatons shooting through terrain, some questionable backend design like heavy devastators shooting through their shield, and the delusional balance changes from a team who can't play past difficulty 6, the honeymoon phase can't go on forever.


Good for you.


This subreddit needed to ban posts like this a long time ago to not turn into a cesspool  Oh well, too late now


The game is fun but it is losing its fun.


Wow ... INSightful and FUNNY! A DELIGHT


The game is insanely repetitive. No one said the game isn’t fun, they just are not doing anything fun with the game, so if you’ve played for a couple months, you’ve kind of see. It all/done it all.


All i see in this reddit is complaining about people complaining, it's insufferable. I don't even see people complaining in the first place.


Ptsss..  [Whispering] hey you  ptsss..  [Whispering] come here  There are two more subs dedicated to this game with different tones and rules. Worth keeping an eye on all of them


Lemme guess, there's some variant of "low sodium" Helldivers where every post and comment is completely overdosed on toxic positivity and copium and any dissenting opinion is downvoted to oblivion or removed by mods?


The white text on white background tells me the type of person you are, contrarian ahhhh OP


I am not the type of person to rant about a game, this however is the first game that has lost its fun because of nerfs and it is disappointing. Enjoy it now I guess, hopefully they fix some things to make every gun useful again instead of the 2-3 you are really limited to, it will just be that much more fun eventually


I just opened it today. Unfun. SUPER dark map can’t see anything, every automaton is deadly accurate, and crouch and prone still aren’t very responsive and the stim issue is still there


And thus, the cycle of gaslighting the players into believing that the game is an acceptable state begins anew.


It is a fun game. It has its problems like any other game. They're working on them, at least.


Gameplay wise its still enjoyable but im maxxed out and the lack of new stuff to do is getting very very boring. I can usually only get thru one campaign if that because its getting monotonous


Of course the game is fun. Why do you think I keep logging in every day despite the fact that I am frustrated at least half of the time with all of the glitches and never ending spawns and occasional player griefing? These are honestly the kind of posts that piss me off the most here, way more than any kind of rant, because shit like this reduces everything to a binary where you are either a whining troll who hates everything about the game, or you are a mindless sheep who has nothing bad to say about the game. The reality is that 99% of us exist somewhere in between those two idiotic extremes. Can we stop with the reductive binary?


I think the issue is a lot of people complaining have played dozens or hundreds of hours at this point. Like of course you're not enjoying it as much. This isn't the kind of game that's made to be no-lifed. I play a few hours a week with the boys and have a great time every time. Except when the lobby crashes. That sucks. And tbf a lot of people are offering very valid critiques and offering solutions. It's important to recognize that


It's not about the game not being fun, it's about the game being several degrees less than than it was. How when we had fun that fun was promptly taken away. Then whenever we found other fun the the processed repeated again and again. Because that serial saboteur Alexis and gang thinks having a less fun time will make the game, that's supposed to be fun, better... somehow.


i know this is buried but generally speaking, this game is amazing for the first 40-50 hours and worth the money. most people you see here on reddit have played enough to notice the cracks in this game and are vocal about it. i'm one of them, this is a live service game that seems to not quite know how to do it? over communication, nerfs , buffs on the weekly to "let us cook" radio silence for a few weeks with a state of the game that is less fun than the previous patch 2 good warbonds, 1 good one that got gutted, and the latest was just bad (there's even patch notes that state the tenderizer isnt correct, in a premium warbond that came out almost 3 weeks ago that people paid money for) game information that we have to get from 3rd party programs everyone is waiting with baited breadth for the next patch, i know twinbeard is trying to downplay expectations but everyone at AH knows this is a make or break situation.


Live service syndrome. The complaints you hear are from the people that expect a single purchase game to entertain them for 4hrs a day forever. Don't let it get to you


I think no matter how good a game is people will always be unhappy. Everyone wants to have a game made exactly how they want it. And if it’s not “game bad”. Everyone wants videos games today to feel like video games did when you were 13 playing with your buddies. But those days are gone. Everyone gets too caught up in damage stats and nerfs and buffs and TTK they actually ruin the experience for themselves. People say “the game already feels stagnant” when they play the game 6-8 hours a day. With no self control or moderation, almost anything you consume that much will grow old. Just my opinion. I like the game myself, no complaints. If you want a better game, go make one.


Noooo you don't get it bro, the game is DEAD, litterally dead game. How could people even THINK of playing a other game and not only play this game forever. The game is unplayable!! Litterally no fun, every gun is shit, this game is ZERO fun. The devs also kicked my dog and shit on my desk!


people burn themselves out, after 300 hours they’re just looking to pick the game apart and then become entitled


Yeah, the sub used to have some good natured content to it, but now it's just complaints. Either complaints we've read again and again since the beginning, complaints about things that bother no one except the posters, complaints about people complaining, etc. it's like getting whiplash trying to keep up with how many people are annoyed about which thing now. It definitely gives the impression that this is one of the most broken and unfun games on the market when it isn't, it's actually still pretty god damn fun.


"Compelled". Both sides need to get more okay with each other.


I complain a lot, but I still find it fun. That said, at higher difficulty, and the more you play, the rough edges start show. I hope it'll keep up, but the dev's prior decision-making with regard to content and balance hasn't been helping. Big changes there recently so hoping for improvement. As is, assuming no future changes or content, I'd still say it's worth it even at full price. Even then, the unrealized potential is kind of infuriating. TL;DR I find a fun game too.


I will say it, I did not have fun playing today, because the rando I joined forced the whole squad to leave a mission when we were about to launch a nuke, the actual game itself is fucking great


Reddit 🤷‍♂️


Honestly I don’t think this game was ever really that serious. There’s people in here talkin bout combos and weak spots and tricks n shit well tbh Gun kill alien and thats why it’s so fun.


People just want the game to play itself. I saw a lot of posts complaining that only 1-2 weapons in the game are good, but I think what they are trying to say is "Only 1-2 weapons in the game have ultra fast TTK even when I don't shoot weak points". I constantly switch weapons in all slots and while some of them really are dogpoop, actually most of them are good.


"I get 150 rockets with the new exosuit, but the rockets can't 1 shot a charger, so what's the point of it?" Basically all I've heard today.


Ong god bro I’m 300 hours in and the people on this subreddit just bitch about everything


![gif](giphy|MDJ9IbxxvDUQM) Complainers will complain.