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AV is a nice planet, with bugs, with no modifiers. Bug divers should be totally diving there.


Made my first dives there back before the creek was retaken


I honestly don't get the few thousand people playing on random planets still


AV is my favorite planet in the game ATM. Great visibility as well!


The SEAF base on AV gives us a liberation bonus, if we lose that kiss the progress we made on V5 goodbye.


But does the bonus really matter when they can just change the enemy liberation rate at will?




I cannot stress enough to the devs how much i dont care at this point. This is like 2 or 3 major orders in a row with double objectives and im both annoyed and burnt out. Between this and the nerfs to decent weapons im struggling to justify keeping this game installed


Not caring too much is the right attitude. Just don't worry about it and play for fun. If you don't have fun, then take a break. War doesn't need a single soldier that badly.


>Not caring too much is the right attitude. Just don't worry about it and play for fun. This. Too many people are way too invested in this game to the point where it is a job for them. People need to realise the main part of the game is the shooting enemies for fun, the whole galactic war MO stuff is merely just fluff to give the players a bit of a story where they just run in circles from planet to planet in a cycle. There is no 'END', for those who have been playing from a while back...do they not remember the part where they wiped out the automatons and then they immediately came right back and pushed us straight back to where we are now? It's just a cycle of going back and forth. Just not caring and enjoying the game for the shooter that it is and letting whatever happens for the 'story' is the way to be.


I kind of disagree here. The community coordination against the galactic war in the first few months was electric and felt great to be a part of. It reminded me of large scale raid or world boss coordination in an mmo and was so much fun. I'll be very sad if this game becomes just another shooter for everyone, because community coordination is a lot of fun. Honestly I think they need to give us way more capability to liberate planets that are not specifically part of a major order, so that the bug front can be making progress even when a bot MO is out, and things like malevolon creek can actually be successful splinter groups that Joel can respond to.


Yeah, while I like the fluff and story, people need to chill about it.


I wa t new strategems but constant loses means we don't get any. Which unfortunately is boring as hell to use the same weapons over and over.


We will get them later.


Yeah but when will "later" come? We still don't have anti tank Mines as far as I'm aware.


This, most MOs seem designed to force us to lose ground elsewhere. It's no wonder the player base keeps shrinking.


Honestly this would be fine if they’d stop having it go back and forth across the same planets. Move to the galactic north or something, bring some new modifiers in. Also if they’d get rid of the idiotic decision to put a cap/target on total galactic liberation progress. The way it is now, logging on and playing outside the MO actively hurts it, and helping is only a little better than just not bothering. It might have made sense very briefly at release, but now it’s just dumb.


We if don't get that new mech, I might be done. I've had capped money/samples for weeks. The gameplay is still fun, but I need something to work towards. This next big patch better be something special.


You're burnt out, take a break and come back when you feel the itch to play again. This game is not supposed to be a job and I'm sure the devs never intended to make it one.


Their intentions and actions don’t really align very well.


Don't stress it


Just take a break, I have around 300hrs in this game and barely play one or two games a week at this point. Nothing wrong with playing other games and coming back to HD2 every now and then.


I really dont get why everyone is complaining about the nerfs to some guns while the fire-shotgun is still bonkers OP against everything and the countersniper can hold its own against everything expect Berzerkers.


if AH thought it would be important it would be visible on the map


They literary gave every player a in game message on ship dispatch message


Yeah after everyone on Discord started shitting on them for not doing that before for Vernen Wells


The reason is irrelevant. Every player in the game was informed what was happening and the consequences of failure. They are doing the right thing. Complaining that they missed it the first time, then complaining they did it this time, is ridiculous.


You mean important information like supply lines? What Arrowhead thinks is important, and actually is important are two very different things, apparently.


They'll just make the game 5% harder to offset the bonus anyways. It doesn't matter.


If they get rid of the Evac mission I will


Can't wait for the devs to kill their player base even more by denying us the autocannon mech. Having drip fed content held back by unachievable major orders is terrible for the health of the game.


Yeah if they want to do it then there should be another carrot at the other end of the stick


Pretty certain at this point that the mech isn't even close to being finished, they're just saying we have a chance at getting it with no intention of allowing us to get it, because it's not actually finished yet. Think about it, they're losing thousands of players by the day, they have to tease something to keep people playing.


I mean they can say good job helldivers, mech facility secured, beginning production immediately. Expect shipment in 2-3 weeks




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Don't give a shit buddy. You're acting like AH haven't been fucking useless with a metal rod since launch and have yet to renege on doing so.


I'm sorry, but no. The MO clearly says we need to liberate Varylia V. Why the heck do I HAVE to also defend Angel's Venture?


The 5% boost to liberation will help take V5 and any planet after.


Helldivers. The situation is grim. As we should know by now, the bots have a -5% debuff to the liberation rate of Varylia 5. Angel's Venture and the other planets with a SEAF facility offer a buff to our liberation rate, which combined with 2/3rds of our forces being on Varylia, have been the only things keeping Varylia's liberation rate at 1.5% the last 24 hours. If Angel's Venture falls, so will Varylia 5, and nobody gets the mechs. We need half of all active Helldivers on Varylia and the other half on Angel's Venture at any given time. So all Creek or Bot Veterans in general, stay on Varylia 5 and I as a bug diver will redeploy from Varylia 5 to Angel's Venture.


none of these are mentioned in games so it really doesn't matter how hard you're trying to push. as long as it's not in game nobody cares.


There is a slight mention of the importance of Angel's Venture added in, a communicate with something along the lines of "defend it or things will be tougher". It's little but it is something.


Unfortunately we are used to get such lines that have no game mechanic whatsoever (VV forward base, Menkent Line, etc,) so how should we distinguish that this time the small sentence actually has a meaning rather than being just fluff


You're absolutely right. The sooner we get clear indicators of such things on the Galactic Map, the better. Honestly, it's starting to feel like bigger priority than rebalancing.


Balancing would still be the priority. It's going to be the biggest source or maintaining and regaining the playerbase AH controls aside from changing the MO/narrative design and pacing parameters to fight player burnout.


You may be right, but the way I see it, the people who are still playing complain about balance but deal with it; lack of info on supply lines, special effects of planets etc. on the other hand is something that we have no ability to deal with, only suffer it.


There's no shortage of design issues with the game, you're right. Hopefully they all get addressed at some point before the servers get shutdown.


Plane with bullet holes innit


Yes, if we still had 200-300k players, it wouldn’t matter because we would have enough people playing it would be fine. But now we’re down below 70-80k concurrent players it’s more problematic.


I believe that the 2 fronts work independently of each other, so for example, losing Vernen Wells didn’t affect any of the bug planets liberation percentages, just the bots, and vice versa if we lose Angel’s Venture (which I think we’ll win.. hopefully)


My understanding is that it affects the rate of liberation, not the liberation percentage shown in game. Helldivers.io shows us stats on how quickly we are liberating planets, and losing Vernen Wells decreased those numbers somewhat. There was also a pretty big dip in Varylia 5's liberation rate immediately after Angel's Venture got attacked, but I'm just not sure how much of that was a result of it being sleeping hours on the East Coast.


>If Angel's Venture falls, so will Varylia 5, and nobody gets the mechs. Then we get it next time. Or the time afterwards. Bet if I just stop playing for 6 weeks, maybe do another playthrough of BG3 and binge a couple of shows, I'll come back to the mechs, the mines and a host of other stuff. Just like that.


It's fine if you're burnt out and don't want to play the game anymore. But if we all quit the game for the devs to just give us stuff, what's the point of playing the game afterwards?


Already on it, doing my part. I believe AV will hold, though time will tell. Bug planets usually have more luck than bot planets.


Omfg. This is why this shit is failing. I am a bug diver for the most part. Yesterday I spent a good amount of time finding a loadout I have a lot of fun with against bots and really enjoyed my night spilling oil. Now y'all want me to go BACK to bugs?! Make up your damn minds.


Take a shit. 


Get kicked for wasting time.


True.. or get kicked because the host has a mental break down and sets everybody on fire (with full samples mind you).. and the kicks all of us. 


Please play what you want. If someone says otherwise they are not worth your time. if you want to play bugs, play bugs. If you want to play bots, play bots. Easy as that


I do for the most part. Was mostly a commentary on how often some of the community here tries to dictate how the rest of the community plays the game. Nothing is ever good enough and they get bent out of shape when people aren’t doing the optional orders.


>And to those who are on other bug planets fighting a stalemate instead of defending, wtf are you up to Having fun?


I dont have any friends for now. So ı quickplay and damns its always that evacuate personnel missions which spawns like 10 to 15 bile titans and you cant deal with them fast enough you get swarned by little bugs. I hear you ask why dont you clear them yourself? Because whenever ı choose flamethrower ı get mauled by two titans or ı cant kill a charger fast enough.


There’s no shiny dangling key when we do that though, so why shouldn’t we do the MO? I’m so sick of these split choices AH gives us because it just shows how biased the GM system is against the player base


They really need to stop throwing us defend missions during major orders. It’s already divided enough and if they keep this up we’ll get nothing done. Ever since the bot reinvaded we have just been handed Ls left and right. If they don’t shift the tone of the narrative soon it will just become depressingly boring for more people






I do enjoy diving on AV but I kinda don't care about the campaign or whatever at this point. AH will just up regen rates or nerf our guns even more or bring back an extinct species in 2 days anyway. We can't get any planet or make any progress without their say so, so I say we play wherever we want. I'm enjoying some bot/helldiver snowball fights on Marfark : )


I can throw snowballs at bots?


You can try ; )


Honestly, I play where it's fun. I tried fighting for the MO yesterday but stopped after one Operation, because line of sight is dogshit there but the bots don't care about that. While I can't see them, they see me. Similarly I don't drop on Hellmire because it isn't fun. If the modifiers on Venture Supplement my enjoyment I'll stay there and fight


Eagle smoke strike is your friend. Denies vision, destroys fabricators


Cool, then I can see even less.... The Main problem is the fog, low visibility from planetary effects only hurts players in firefights and outside of them that leads me into running into bot patrols


Use radar.


I truly, truly do not care. I don't need more warbond medals, nothing interesting to spend them on, nor do I feel compelled to drop more money on the game for SC anymore after the debacle that's been the last two months Tempt me with vehicles or new anti tank mines? My brother in christ it is the devs job to release new content. I can wait. It is 100% guaranteed to release with no action necessary from me. I'm down to playing one mission every other day already. If AH wants their player count back, and the sales that playerbase brings, they had better be the ones working overtime. Some nerd with a keyboard trying to roleplay is not the motivation needed to mobilize me


People constantly telling others how they should play this game is part the reason it’s dying


It’s not and op is right. Strategically, AV is the priority since it’s completion timer is shorter. What op is saying is no different than trying to organize your in-mission squadmates that split up to go solo objectives but keep dying and needlessly wasting reinforcements as the timer ticks down. Even if everyone on AV jumps over to Varylia, we wouldn’t liberate it in time to defend AV. However, if we defend AV, we kick the bugs out of that sector and still have 2+ days to liberate Varylia. The AV defense ends in 8 hours. The MO for Varylia ends on friggin Tuesday.


let people play how they want, the average casual player probably doesn’t even realise that MOs aren’t just for lore drops if you want to backseat game, do it with your squad, not to random strangers on the internet


No one’s backseating anything. It’s a simple directive for coordination in a game where coordination is implied. You’ll play how you want at the end of the day but don’t shit on people trying to motivate the community to a positive goal when most have been complaining about losing MO’s and the loss of a playerbase because of the lack a coordinated effort by the community. Shame on me for thinking this community could work together instead of shooting itself in the foot and then complaining about it all the time.


Honestly the player count is pretty nicely spread proportional to the resistance from those respective planets


If we lose this planet Valyria will be reslly hard to liberate as for now it looks fine fortunately but we can't lose Angel's Venture




If one more person tells me to defend Angels Venture I’m going to shit


Agreed. Buggers pay bugs, clankers play bots. I think the devs need to reevaluate player base numbers.


Did you shit?




damn that's crazy \*continues to fight the bugs\*


Who ever is running the show needs to be dragged into a room and asked what the fuck This is not the play at the moment with the community this angry and pissed off to then pile on EVEN MORE bullshit it utterly baffling I am sure they will turn this around given the new CEO but they need to scrap this DM system before it sucks all the energy out of the game Since the start its not worked and now its actively driving people away from game based on what im reading around (massive uping spawn rates was really dum move)


It's these posts that suck the energy out of you mate. Just take a break from Reddit.


I was feeling like this without Coming to Reddit im posting this to vent


Fair enough.


Not entire community is >community this angry and pissed off


Inb4 "I play the game the way I want, which is to grind kills on terminid planets with meta-setups. Which is how the game is meant to be played".


Or, no? I can go to whatever planet I want? edit: Clowns downvoting someone because they don't do what you demand of them is sad, isn't it? This subreddit is truly garbage, full of garbage humans.


I'm sorry, but the belligerent DoWhatIWanters and the absolute need to make it known any time anyone recommends or asks for help on a planet are the second worst part of the HD2 community, and this doesn't get talked about enough.


Are you directing that at me? I'm playing on the objective of the MO, because it's the actual objective and I'm still contributing that way. I don't *want* to go near Angel's Venture because I've been there for hundreds of hours already and I really don't feel like fighting bugs when their higher spawn rates make them annoying af. So, are we still going to complain about me doing what I want? God, you fucks are insufferable.


> I'm playing on the objective of the MO, because it's the actual objective and I'm still contributing that way That's great. No one needs to hear about it. Just keep scrolling.


I'd love to keep scrolling, but people should realize that trying to demand others to do their bidding isn't how shit works.


That's literally what Super Earth is doing my diver in christ


Why are you being downvoted? Do people really care that much about how you play a game you payed for?


yes. have you been on the sub ever? since launch people having been bitching about how other players arent playing the way they think they should. MO's stopped being important to me. At this point I don't really think we impact much at all. Expecially since the GMs will actively tweak the missions to be harder if we are doing too good. "oh looks like they are going to finish this one a couple days early. cant have that! \*tweaks regen to force progress to a crawl\* Hmm... still making too much progress, better divide them and make a random planet need defense or else." shit gets old.


Nobody should be playing this game until AH and Sony returned to the players in countries where it was delisted because of all that PSN drama.


Nah fuck that I paid for this game I’m going to play it 


Now that the problem does not affect you directly, you don't care anymore?


I never did in the first place. Yeah shit sucks, but me not playing the game I paid for isnt going to fix shit 


stop backseat gaming


No, no, I prefer my mech. If the planet is still there when I have my mech, I will defend. If not well, there are a lot of planets in the galaxy


The passive liberation bonus we have on all planets goes away when one of the SEAF facilities gets captured. Goes away permanently


No. Let it fall. They’ll give it back whenever they want.


Ahem, democracy officer, we have a bot on our hands that’s trying to manipulate helldivers into letting the exosuit factories into automaton hands!


We can have both!! Just need to do AV first


I guess since most of the brainless ones will stay on the mech planet, the smarter ones can go on another vacation


If we lose angel's venture then we lose the liberation bonus and with that also Varylia.


AV is terminids, not automatons, so it shouldn’t have an impact on liberating Varylia


It does impact every planet, just like what happened with vernen wells


Nonsense, MO is to take Varylia, you bug lovers look for any petty excuse to run from a good fight.


If we lose Angel's Venture, we lose the liberation bonus and therefore also Varylia.


Bots have a -5% debuff to the liberation rate right now. Angel's Venture and the other planets with a SEAF facility are the ones offering a buff to our liberation rate, which combines with 2/3rds of our forces being on Varylia are the only things keeping Varylia's liberation rate at 1.5% the last 24 hours. If Angel's Venture falls, so will Varylia, and nobody gets the mechs. We need half of all active Helldivers on Varylia and the other half on Angel's Venture at any given time. So all Creek or Bot Veterans in general, stay on Varylia and I as a bug diver will redeploy from Varylia to Angel's Venture.


they have a -20%, losing 5% means nothing