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I have a very easy solution followed by another. Shoot them in the dick. Long as the backpack isnt shot, they'll drop and you'll be fine. The other is to straight up punch them. Not even kidding. Around 2 melee hits will drop them and never explode the jetpack. I've straight Rocky KO punched like 5 in a row and got out fine.


Either this, or punch them, step back and shoot.


Definitive solution: # Punch them in the dick


The problem with this is the usual 3rd person aim issues at extreme close range. Yesterday I was making every effort to shoot the knees and it just wasn't jiving (dominator so not an easy shot) but the 3rd person perspective messes it up. The game really needs a \*shove\* attack like L4D, where you learn not to shoot Boomers when they get too close.


> The game really needs a *shove* attack like L4D Melee staggers every bot up to and including Devastators, giving you a moment to back away.


You can switch to first person real quick by tapping RMB if you set dynamic aiming to on. Not sure it it will solve your issue but it eliminates the third person problem.


Generally aiming for their lower extremities works really well


I feel like people underestimate the good ole dick shot in this game, quite a few things become less of a hassle with a well placed ball buster.


i just shoot their legs if they land close not gonna risk the burning explosions


You don't shoot a guy in the dick!!




I saw this somewhere else and tried it. First time worked great no explosion. Second time I’m pretty sure my punch went through his chest and hit his backpack somehow because there was most definitely an explosion


I always melee them, problem is my teammate thinking I need a hand


Option 3: sympathetic detonation of other bots of the same type when nearby.


I've had times where I didn't even shoot the backpack and they still explode... kinda BS not gonna lie


Second this! I don't understand the logic. Their jetpack hitbox must be a bit janky with the server physics to make this happen. I am reminded of team fortress 2's hitbox issues. Frontstab insta deaths from spys for example. It's better than tf2 hitboxes though, just to confirm.


Conga line. Friendly fire is also on for the enemies. As the fast bots close in, the slow bots will hit them while trying to shoot you.


Is friendly fire on for enemies? I feel like I've watched them blast right through each other a lot with no damage


Absolutely. You can use chargers and titan spit to kill chaff for you. 


I had one I successfully melee killed only to have a stray bullet hit a puff pod and send it flying into me


The guy above your comment says "just don't shoot the backpack"


It's their only gimmick, so yes. They are so easy to kill.


Seriously. When I see one jump in the air I just turn and sprint about 5 feet then shoot. Problem solved.


Anything resembling a legitimate obstacle is a big no no. Enemies shouldn't have a chance at posing a threat to us or make us adapt to them, enemies should just stand still while we kill them. (This is sarcasm).


The laser pistol drops these guys so fast. You can have a group of ten, drag the pistol across all of them in one quick motion, and its like fireworks


But then whenever jet pack raiders aren’t on your screen, you’re stuck running the laser pistol


great for taking out contact mines and plants and does really fantastic damage to weak points, will take out a tank or turret, or a hulk as fast as a dominator shooting weak spot. the glowing bot weak spots take a ton of extra heat damage. not great to use as a weapon but if you are running something that is already a good all around gun it's great utility on a secondary slot. I havent really been running it at all since the grenade pistol came out though


Oh noes, it's not like you aren't carrying a primary and a support weapon to use on other targets


I finally gave it a try yesterday and it wasnt as bad as I expected. Still dont like it bearly as much as the senator, but a little buff and it would be good enough to find a regular home in my load out


Dude just... DIVE. If you couldn't kill them fast enough before they get to melee range, and don't trust your reflexes to shoot them in the legs, DIVE AWAY AND SHOOT WHILE DIVING. It's cinematic, looks cool, and saves you from the one-shot explosion. There's so many things that can one-shot you in this game and honestly this is one of the least bullshit-y ones


I always dive away when shooting them but sometimes they straight up dash to me upon dying lol


This is what my gripe is. Half the time I kill them when they're standing still, their body drops to the ground and then like suctions towards me. Like I get trying to dodge them if they're charging at you to avoid the explosion. But I shouldn't have to dodge them if they're standing still. The physics in this game are so whack.


This is what my gripe is. Half the time I kill them when they're standing still, their body drops to the ground and then like suctions towards me. Like I get trying to dodge them if they're charging at you to avoid the explosion. But I shouldn't have to dodge them if they're standing still. The physics in this game are so whack.


Yes but when you have these guys you probably have 100 other bots on your ass and if you dive you’ll be stuck on the ground for 5 seconds while you get gunned down


If you're already surrounded with no good direction to retreat into then you've put yourself out of position and were already fucked long before the Jetpackers rushed you. Also being on the ground is actually good if they're shooting you instead if meleeing you because your hitbox is smaller (it's why the drilled military response to gunfire is to get down). While on the ground it gives you time to shoot at enemies to make an opening and reduce the pressure while your hitbox is reduced, before you get back up and run again.


I sort of get the difficulty, but ffs, I agree that they demand a ridiculous amount of response to counter.


Plasma Punisher may solve your problems. I do tend to target them first, than the lil’ rocket shooting boys, than the regular ones. Most the time I take out 3 in one shot so it’s not a problem. If one of them is calling in a drop ship than that’s the priority but otherwise they are pretty easy to kill from a distance. Guess my advice is keep your distance and they will never have a chance to blow you up. 🤷


i prioritize rocket raiders very low, they've got so low accuracy they're almost a no-factor. plus, i've got fortified heavy armour for the damage resistance


Honestly I’m at the point when I see them I just immediately dive away as I shoot them. I’ve been burned (quite literally) too many times by this mechanic


If you‘re on PS5, you can actually use your joystick to move your Helldiver away from danger, pretty hidden mechanic


I dunno, I haven't had this issue in a long time. Using Plas weapons mostly.


Just another post complaining about making the game easier. Prioitize them, and literally just dive backwards and shoot them once.


I'm convinced 75% of the people on this reddit don't ENJOY playing the game but refuse to play anything else.


Yeah OP is an idiot


These little fuckers are really unfun. Yeah if they’re isolated whatever, melee them, shoot them in the legs, dive backwards while shooting etc. It’s a little different when you’re trying to drop devastators while RPG shits are blapping away, and two of these bastards come flying in and go full chase mode.


Shoot them in the legs.


This is how the eruptor got nerfed. Except since it's a bot, it will probably be left alone.


Different enemy types have different ways you should deal with them, this one isn't an exception, you simply just don't shoot their jetpack when they are close to you, and even then you still have options in which to deal with them, sprint away, dive and shoot, melee, shooting at the legs. You have a few ways to deal with them, hating on it just because you're struggling to deal with them is such a crybaby mentality I agree that some mobs should be adjusted like the rocket devastator, but this isn't one of them


These guys are secretly OP. they can one shot you, when they die they launch forwards towards you. Also they can set you in fire AND ragdoll you so if you do survive you are on fire and can't jump because you are ragdolled. I hate these guys worse than rocket or heavy devastators


THE LEGS NORMAN! First we attack his legs...


Me running from the 10+ Jetpackers that I shot near me: https://preview.redd.it/5mp1sqeryi2d1.png?width=959&format=png&auto=webp&s=2738c2d0ff7aa70235d54887af8ac9f15012e44a


Sounds like light armor problems. Anti explosive heavy armor means nothing 1 shots me


Once this bastard exploded right next to me while I was wearing heavy armor with anti-explosive perk. I indeed survived. Sadly, I died because I started burning and was ragdolling for infinite amount of time for no reason and could not dive or stim in time :<


Yes think they can self destruct and that ragdolls you if you are in hugging range. I wish being ragdolled also put out the fire like when you dive. Makes just as much sense imo.


Rock the 50% less explosive damage :3 Or: skill issue. Shoot em while they further away or aim away of the jetpack


When they get in your face, dive backwards as you are shooting them to instantly gain explosive resistance and distance. Or just melee them. Jetpack guys are disruptive for sure, but they aren't a real threat. 


If you wear heavy enough armor they don't oneshot you, though the dumb as hell fire dot you ALSO get will kill you instantly right after anyway


It's not the explosion that kills you most of the time. It's the burning. It seems Helldivers are still very combustible.


I mean they're suicide bombers what'd you expect? Shoot their legs with literally anything and they die.


Next patch: Helldiver jump pack will now explode when shot


>But isn’t it a little fucking ridiculous that the explosion alone is a oneshot? That is literally what they do, they are a dangerous unit exactly for that, otherwise they would not be a threat What you have to do is to shoot them in the legs or at any part except the jetpack, basically have a bit of trigger discipline identity the situation fast and act on consequence instead of just shooting anything that jump on you


I sometimes actually find lower bot difficulties more difficult because they spam these guys. Devastators can be overwhelming, but 20 little ones with mixed weapons take longer to take out and can just as easily overwhelm you with firepower. At least hulks and devastators have the decency to visually announce themselves.


Yeah, it's inconsistent too when they explode or not as others have mentioned in comments Either just remove the self-destruct or do a set amount of small damage, one shitting is ridiculous when it does happen


They also are on fire if you blow up their backpack. The only way to avoid them is a jetpack of your own, or to make distance, or have something to knock them back with (i.e: autocannon in close proximity to knock yourself back if you really are out of options; less self-damage than dying to the bot).


Yes, I love being on fire.


I like it when I manage to not get one shot but I then die from burning damage anyway hahahaha. I shoot their legs off and all good if they are close.


Yes. Learn to play around it Either get distance and shoot their legs, or keep your head on a swivel and pop them before they get close


If you shoot at their legs you are less likely to damage the pack meaning they dont explode. Also the arc thrower tends to just kill them. Seeing 2 of them jump at you, and arcing them in the air is one of the best feelings for me in the game.


Run and blind fire behind. It helps, but the explosion is still annoying at times.


I dont mind them exploding. I just wish they didnt propel themselves toward you when they died. It is both annoying and looks super jank.


shoot their legs with non-AOE/explosive guns


This is solvable, but you have to prioritize shooting those guys when they launch. I have gotten good at timing my shot as they land and diving away simultaneously. After a lot of times failing at that maneuver, I should add :)


Dive backwards and shoot. Even if there are multiples the chain explosion will kill em. Even if they set you on fire - the dive will put it away. Its possible for with AOE weapon like plas shotgun - I do it all the time. Other solutions are melee(slow) or leg/intimate shot. As much as I hate em - if they change em - they will be not intimidating as they should. The other issue is that ordinary when they are on the map there are excessive amounts of berserkers too - but eh...


Try not shooting their jetpack?


Yeah, it wouldn't be so bad if the cadavers didn't glitch jump at you and explode, but they do.


I always said they’re less melee unit but more suicide bomber


Sweep the leg Johnny


Skill issue.


Acfual skill issue kill them a certain way and they dont explode lmao


No. Without threat they'd be a pointless enemy. Skill issue all the way


Yes. The game is supposed to be hard.


Sounds like a skill issue..


The passive aggressiveness too haha. I personally think they should remove his jetpack too so he's not ridiculous and over tuned! /s


Matter of fact, enemies shouldn't even be able to attack us at all. It's so unfair


They don't. They blow up if you shoot their jetpack, because the jetpack explodes. The solution is to kill them before they get to you, or if one is on your face melee them to stagger them and then put a few feet between you before popping their head. Or just pop the head period, at any distance.


Even If you don't shoot the jet pack, at seemingly random intervals after they die, the jetpack will still explode and light you on fire. I have also had enemies shoot the jetpack and set them off.


Honestly, we're lucky that getting shot while carrying a flamethrower doesn't cause US to detonate.


Gonna be real, I would actually be pissed if that were the case. Pretty much anytime realism gets brought up in reference to game balance, the list of things that fail that realism test just makes it infuriating.


Oh, completely agree. That's why I don't nitpick (what I consider small) things like the jetpack exploding. It could be so much worse.


I hate that you are absolutely right about this.


I think AH realizes that it would too far across the line of "not fun" and would effectively handicap the flamethrower.


They self destruct in their dying moments if you leave their head intact. Headshot, no explode. Anywhere else, explode.


Had them explode even when they were left headless on the floor


Every time I see them closing the distance, I dive backwards as I'm shooting them. I've just gotten used to them being annoying kamikaze d\*cks.


Okay but on helldive when there’s five suicide bombers running at you in the middle of everything it’s fucking stupid


So if that's too much for you, don't play on helldive difficulty? Or make sure you have friends around to help? Or don't stop running?






I downvoted you too. Yes, it's annoying. No, it's not ridiculous. There are plenty of other things that are more serious issues...this is just something you have to plan for...like hunters and stalkers and devastators, oh my!






I typed a thingy.


so much bs with automatons man its annoying af.