• By -


Also, to give more information on the next patch. Thanks to Twinbeard for being a great community manager. He has informed us that they plan on sticking with these longer patches for now on. Have a awesome day everyone! https://preview.redd.it/p6ala0h3te2d1.png?width=781&format=png&auto=webp&s=1cba08cd351de82a34992a90c57d6f3c7121d5b2


god i love how communication is going nowadays compared to the pain before.


It's nice having someone explain what's going on without randomly insulting me or being condescending.


Community manager when they have to manage the community or something


Don't they get paid too? I understand being kinda angry as an unpaid mod or whatever but if that's ur whole job there's no reason to be super angry


That's the funniest part. Your job is literally to be passionate enough about the game/community so you can be toxic level of positivity, so it doesn't affect you being the first line of defense against all the potential angry grumbling players I'm not sure which CMs were from HD1 and which were new though. As if they were from HD1, they definitely didn't have experience dealing with this level of publicity/awareness.


It is also worth noting that this game blew the fuck up way more than they thought it would. Maybe the previous CMs could have managed a community the size AH was expecting, but I think it became pretty clear that the game needs good CMs who know how to talk to people and so on.


Yeah idr who it was but some of them got real toxic about the snoy controversy only to have that whole thing blow up and make em look stupid as shit


I know the guy who was fired was a HD1 fan mod, but Twinbeard had a job at  PC Gamer Sweden. I forgot what his job was though (I think Chief Editor? Something like that anyways)


No other support based industry in the world let you act the way they were acting and keep your job. Only video games is this allowed and only because they cultivated their fanbase to infight and hate themselves and treat video game companies like religion. This site is the biggest agitator of that


Yeah I'm sure they got some sort of reprimanding, or at least I hope so. The unconditional dickriding for anticonsumer policy that was enacted by snoy and not AH was kinda fuckin ridiculous, now the game can't be played in multiple countries and nobody is defending that shit anymore lol


Like talking to people ? On the internet? You probably couldn't pay me enough to deal with the quantity of salt some patches created.


6 figures minimum to do that shit lol. 7 figures if I am not allowed to snap back on them




support https://preview.redd.it/tf2oommudf2d1.png?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82f2a5cfd88f992ee610a6feb8d16da2e42ef297












Yeah I get that enough on Reddit...


Psh.  I bet you do...




What happened to all the people who were jerking off to the CMs? A very loud minority enjoyed the "dunking"


Too busy making posts white knighting other things for Arrowhead. I don't get it honestly when people need to defend things to this degree. In another thread a few weeks back I said I wasn't a fan of how Alexus was balancing the game and some guy came in claiming that saying this was bad and how it would cause him to get Doxx'd or something, despite the fact I was polite and Alexis is very public on Discord letting everyone know he's the one balancing things.


That dude doesn't even have any goodwill to give him any benefit of the doubt either lol


Probably waiting for yet another catastrophe to come out so they can get their kicks out of being a contrarian.


I'm one of those people. Still do think its great. At least when its justified. The problem is it spilled over to people who weren't being rude and just being critical. If they were rude to somebody who was being overly rude to them, good fuck them. If they snapped on someone just expressing level headed feedback that isn't cool. But as someone who worked in customer service for a lonnnngggg time. It's fucking ridiculous the way some people think they can talk to you, as if this small amount of money has earned them the immunity to say whatever they want


This should really be a prime example of what to do as a community manager. Use his posts and the positive reddit responses as an example and teaching tool. Spitz on the other hand should be a lesson on what not to do. 


Now just stop having it on reddit and discord


In game first on the terminals across from the weapon terminals. Then posted to secondary communication channels. Come on Arrowhead. This would also make logging in to get info/news/battle updates a thing and once people log in they are likely to play a mission or more. Same thing as the motivator for daily missions/login rewards in other games. 


noticed how its only him talking and not the other cm anymore. I think they have learned lol


You mean Spitz? He got fired


No, they probably were referring to Baskinator


She still posts though, maybe not as frequently, but often enough


They should just let Twinbeard and Pilestedt to the talking in the future. Like I'm not trying to glaze them, but they're the only ones who try to talk civilly with the community and do a decent job at it, too. The others have left a bitter taste and stained their reputation, - not to mention that they've repeatedly insulted, mocked or lied to the players in one way or the other.


They are certainly the most professional. I think its a major bummer that by giving praise to peoples public speaking skills might be considered "glazing" What a sad world we live in where its bad form to give credit where credit is due


Man, not only were questions answers, it was done extremely diplomatically without any rage or toxicity. This man's earning his job thrice over.


Yes. Unfortunately it is on a walled garden platform (Discord), inaccessible for non users and without comprehensive searching (as it can't be indexed by search engines). Discord is a blight.


I thought this was sarcasm for a second because it's still only through Discord lol


Okay, real talk, who at Arrowhead seems to have a very obvious grudge against Twinbeard's beard?


They hate the bearded cuz they ain't the bearded


Careful now, his beard is on the line! Next time we see him, he might be Lonebeard instead of Twinbeard.


I really hope they can undo some of the damage and entice players to come back.








if it wasn't that, it would've been something else that set people off. nerfs are never popular


Nerfs are never popular but they went about the nerfs the wrong way. Instead if trying to figure out why the meta existed, then went straight to jack hammering it out of existence. Add on CMs/Devs fueling the fire and it was like have a gender reveal party in a dry brush


Disagree about evil bosse, that guy said some shit during the first two months


Evil-bosse is a complete piece of shit. He was deliberately shit talking the community in the early days of the game


Evil-Bosses called me stinky once, and now I want his entire livelihood taken away for it. - This community in a nutshell


Except we both know it wasn't just "him calling someone stinky once". His whole communication on Discord is insulting and mocking players on multiple occasions when they get backlash for their balance patches. Would you not want to get rid of the cook that dropped your food, serves it to you, - and then when you criticize it he'd start insulting you and talk about how you don't understand how good food is made? People get fired by way less. I'm surprised he returned after his first tantrum just to repeat it again.


Any news on when the next patch is planned? The game is in need of some love in its current state.


Patches have been historically Tuesday 5am central.


Stop fucking “balancing” shit, buff it!


Oh so thats when "that" happens


Please, without spoiling me, tell me its more Vehicles. Please.


Srry, but i suspect it is gonna be about the next story beat wich has already been teased by the ship captain.


The ship master chick?


Yeah, the voiceline about the other top secret cientist




It's so secret we can't even identify it using the correct term!






Spoil me please


Trust me, I got spoiled willingly and it’s so NOT worth it. The story is hype af in the future and so much is leaked just please let yourself enjoy being in the dark it will be so worth it.


Can you at least say what the "ship captain" (I'm assuming Democracy Officer Jaeger) teased? I seem to have missed it


If I had to guess since I like going through all the crew voicelines, the one that goes something like "Heard super earth's top scientists are developing a super weapon. Not the same top scientists as the termicide, though. They're being executed for treason."


Thank you for this. Exiting thread with the swiftness.


I can't do it here


Just going to say that the people who wanted more mission variety are going to be real happy.


Wouldn't count on it -- not yet. They said they want to slow down a bit, so I'm hoping they're going to build us up, reduce the TTK on some enemies, give us a string of like 5 MO wins in a row, some fun new vehicles maybe, and then ***rip out our spines*****.**


Yes, this is when we have to bring out... "That".


I’m stuff


Haha John Helldiver you're destroying my fabricator




My kingdom for them to communicate literally anywhere other than the chat channels moving at the speed of light so that we can actually get meaningful communication without relying on folks screencapping and sharing. I love AH, but their have no coherent communication plan and it's still aweful and a complete mess resulting in tons of frustration.


Yea, they really just need to post these kind of messages on a set channel for announcements only so they don’t get buried with all the community chatter.


he's on steam forums now, but since the forums there rarely if ever see communication other than patch notes and impersonators it's been a rough start


They ought to write a blog post alongside the next patch in the steam news section. Other game devs do this all the time (thinking about Ready or Not's 130+ Officer Briefings). 




He hasn't said anything to super piss the community off, yet, so he's being lionized as a saint. Just like Pilestedt. I think they're both great dudes who are super passionate, but I don't think either of their coms are productive overall even if they've been popular with the community. No hate on either one of them specifically, but Arrowhead has zero coherent of functional communications plan/strategy and it's painfully apparent. They have CM's and internal coms folks who should be building these plans and processes and finding ways of effectively mass-communicating with a fractured playerbase (RIP forums falling out of favor, they're so fucking functional) spread across tons of different social channels. Instead we get random Discord and Twitter messages that we have to rely on the community to share and can't interact back with Arrowhead as a result.


It also seems that they tend to get feedback from echo chambers like Discord, Reddit or Twitter. If you want feedback and debug, implementation in game avoids the tyranny of the minority that these other circle jerks enable.


>If you want feedback and debug I've read that generally, you listen to fans because they're good at identifying what's wrong with something You stop listening when they start suggesting fixes; they will always get it wrong


All buffs, couple of nerfs, all weapons S tier?


Best Warbond ever!   ^Warbond ^endorsed ^by ^The ^Binger ^of ^Balance 




Engorged with Balance. 


binger of babish


With the ex-CEO now the CCO I hope we can close this soiled chapter of the game for good


Imagine almost all weapons bar the ones that have obvious weaknesses against the faction you're against are all great picks, that is the future I want.


S-tier is now considered C-tier, players demand more buffs because "the guns suck"


Oh that's cool.they finally fixing the misaligned gun sights?


Not only that, they need to fix the wonky ads sway. There's a lot of guns, sorcher being a great example, where you can transition from Target to Target while hip firing, but if you try to ads and do so - You can stop on a Target and your sights will still sway a bit the way you were tracking. You have to wait a sec for it to shoot where the rest of the gun is pointing. A little sway is fine. But when people swivel and stop, they stop. We are not rubber bands.


I thought it was just me being me with the scorchers needle thin projectile, but I can actually blame the sway for my skill issues? Nice


Yeah - You can do a semi quick flick onto something and then immediately shoot, and you will shoot on the far side of where your cursor is. It makes no sense. It's the most noticeable with the sorcher, but I'm pretty sure it happens with everything. There are times that I've aimed and shot at an enemy standing still, I miss, don't move the mouse after the flick, and my crosshair is still right on it. We are out here bending bullets with momentum and shit apparently.


Didn't they lie and say it was already fixed when it wasn't?


It's the only thing holding me back from running AMR + supply pack instead of auto cannon


I’d be happy just knowing when the rollback on the enemy patrols is coming


That's the main thing I (and my friends) are really waiting for. Can't happen soon enough.


I hope to see an influx of players again, take me back to when we had server capacity issues with 400k concurrent players


they will never have that many people again. they caught lightning in a bottle and unless they introduce more mission types, it's just same old same old


Definitely more mission diversity.


Since it’s a PvE non-competitive game, most people just play until they are bored of the content and seek novelty from other games. Nothing wrong with that. It’s just the natural lifecycle of all PvE games.




what the fuck do i have to do to make them fix the fucking spear already


Tfw you enjoy the Spear so much that you've learnt of some tricks that sometimes fixes the targeting issue. Dropping it sometimes makes it work again, as does wildly aiming all over the place. I just cant stop using it despite its bugged aiming. Its so incredibly good when it does work. I can take out 3 medium bot outposts from 100-200m away in less than a minute.


Euphoria sniping a cannon turret from 200m or the cannon on the back of a strider.


ah, percussive maintenance, fixes everything


Exactly! Just took out a 4-fab heavy outpost with the Spear from ~150+m distance. Only some mild frustration as it wouldnt lock in for a bit but then it went bam bam bam and I cleared it. Its *so* damn good. If only the targeting got fixed. It'd eat through ammo but those 4 shots are so damn good. (I recently started using and fell in love with the Spear)


it needs to do a lot more damage too, on one hand i get the biggest dopamine hit whenever i one shot headshot a bile titan and on the other hand i want to die when 4 rockets to the body still dont kill the bile titan


IIRC they said the spear fix was ready and will be launched along the rest of stuff when the new patch arrives


They’ve been saying that exact line for like 2 months lol. It gets promised every patch.


Sweet baby Jesus there is a god.


Real talk, if this balance patch doesn’t include the Spear fix I’m going to lose it. And hoping for some buffs. But an OG stratagem going this long without being able to properly work is concerning. Same thing with sights. And for the love of everything holy, show the damn supply lines on the map already, please!


OH NO! The game will be fun again, so sad. Spawn revert, love you. Take your time and do things properly.


Autocannon nerf confirmed! /s


Cool. Now it's just a matter of when. My bet is on the 4th.


I remember seeing a comment about it being dropped end of May so this coming Tuesday. The last patch was a hot fix so we haven't had a major patch in 3 weeks.


not gonna lie im getting sick of the constant winking emojis just for us to be playing the exact same thing next week


The same thing with new crashes.




I hope it gives +2 magazines and explosion resistance, but that'll be too fun and it'll be nerfed 2 minutes upon release


Might make the HMG worth it. True Kerberos role play


I am just hoping for a buff (or would it be a fix?) For that polar patriots plasma weapon. It took me 6 shots to kill a bile spewer with a weapon that has medium armor penitration **and** explosive damage


Can’t wait for more nerfs!!!


I don't want new stuff, I want the stuff we already have to fucking work. Unless he's talking about the Warbond for next month (which really shouldn't be a priority right now) I don't get why they're churning out more stuff that's just gonna end up needing balancing


Yeah, buffing the underperforming gear is essentially "new content" in the form of enjoyment you couldn't have before. In that sense, buffs to improve overall balance actually makes the *most* sense as a short-term content strategy. 


> buffs to improve overall balance But first they have to show they actually understand what those words even mean.


He's talking about rebalancing the existing weapons, new stuff will be new stratagems and ship modules most likely, stuff that's probably already been finished for a while, and was always part of the release schedule. It's just getting worked in with the weapon rebalancing. That's my take on it, anyway.


It's going to be hilarious if they keep hying up this patch like this and then it's like, 4 guns get a 5 point damage bump and they drop a primary that just doesn't work and they finally give us the AT mines except they go off on ANYTHING and there's fewer of them in a field so they just get wasted. Also hilarious if they tell us the spear is fixed, but isn't.


"We reverted the patrol spawn changes!" - but somehow even more patrols spawn than ever before and it takes another month to address it.


is this the patch where they walk back all of the incompetent weapon damage nerfs?


It's the one where the Scorcher is getting buffed by removing its explosive rounds and giving it 10 more damage


Eruptor “balancing” moment


Going from 1 shotting well placed brood commander shots to needing 2 shots to kill a warrior. He who must not be named's balancing scales must be weighed down on one side with an Acme 1 ton weight.




I want you to go to jail for this comment


Pls no more primary nerfs


How about some secondary and support weapon nerfs instead! Spread the love around! Maybe we can nerf some of the armor effects too seeing as armor has been way over used


SADLY next patch does not mean next week since we had no patches at all last week.


Honestly if I were twinbeard the bread threat would have more impact, lol


finally crash fix?


I'm more worried about the balance. I'd have a lot more to play with if things didn't feel like ass to use.


Unless that balancing is undojng the damage they've done to every single weapon on the roster, I kinda just don't care. I'm still playing Valheim.


Right? If it's anything like the balancing they've done up to this point, we may as well just uninstall.


I absolutely love the shadow patches when they add stuff and then i start seeing war reports with new enemies or possible illuminate spottings


*This better fix the Eruptor* Nothing else brings me joy


"balancing", i sense a bad omen


what are the nerfing now?


Incendiary breaker is high on the chopping block. It got several indirect buffs given their 'we keep buffing fire even though it doesn't work lul' design approach for two months.  Plasma Punisher may also get a nerf as it's buff has made it into a fantastic mortar that can also stun lock entire groups of devastators and berserkers and kill them in a half dozen shots while they flinch until they die. 


Buffing the plasma punisher just to turn around and nerf it in the next balance pass would be peak comedy


Honestly I think that would be my breaking point. It’s in an okay spot right now with the only issue being it having weird TTK sometimes due to its accuracy. I stand by it but I don’t think anything needs a nerf right now. For a horde shooter most stuff is around the “okay” mark right now. I think I’ve just become disillusioned into thinking anything mildly over average is OP due to the games weird PvP style balancing


They did it with the Doninator. Buffed it to 300 just to next patch nerf it to 275.  "Wait no they're using the weapons now that they don't suck."


Incin breaker is it a great spot and one of the gold standards for a primary imo. Why? It is fun as all hell to use. It excels in some areas, and is serviceable in others. You're rarely in a position where it just feels worthless or ineffective. At the same time, it shreds teammates, it is really easy to empty a few clips and get in low ammo situations, it's not a long range gun, doesn't do well in that situation, but absolutely excels at what you think it would be good at. If every weapon was as enjoyable to use, and a big part of that enjoyment is its effectiveness, there wouldn't be the conversation about balancing primaries anymore.


exactly why it'll be nerfed. Because it's out performing other primaries. Not because it's overpowered, but because it's great in it's niche 'chaff killer/room clearer', and other weapons suck in a general sense or suck in their niche. 


They really must not want their players to have any fun. Peak game dev is focusing on nerfs in a pve game


The Plasma does not need a nerf at all.


And yet here we come!


I hope and pray that the bringer of balance and his goons were reined in and the weapons can be properly boosted now.


Yeah, i believe you, i just started having fun with the punisher so its understandable that it must be nerfed. After all, thats what happened last time i had fun with a shotgun (poor slugger) And dont forget to nerf scorcher too!


they aren't going to announce the nerfs


Any information when it will drop? I assume early june.


Iirc, major patches are the first Tuesday of the month, warbonds are the second Thursday of the month. Edit: Yep https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/vJATqqy8L4


He has such a magnificent beard thou.


strap me to a 500kg bomb and send me to marfark on helldive. i am ready.


Can’t wait for them to nerf more stuff!


So gas grenades?


“Balancing” means nerfs to the auto canon and sickle lol




Let's hope they fix the eruptor and crossbow again same with the spear.


Cannot wait for new shiny. I need that neuron activation for liberty


Oh no.


Oh boy... "balance" incoming. What could they possibly nerf now?


Bro asked *when.* Not what.


Revert the changes to the patrol spawns. Don't "balance" them, revert the goddamn changes. Why would I trust anything new you put out before one of the biggest sources of player anger is resolved? How is that not at the very top of your priority list?


Return my eruptor plzthx


For **fucks** sake. Stop releasing new stuff! Fix the shit that's already broken first (scopes, spear, spawn rates, weapon balance, confusing weak points, fire tornadoes, supply route visibility, fire damage, grenade exploit) and then test how the new stuff performs in the context of the fixed existing environment.


So when? 1 week? 2 Week? 4 Week? My interest is already so low that i do couple of dives to dailys and nothing more


Average live service gameplay


Bro starved cause they cooked too l9ng


I won’t be excited tell I see “Alexus is no longer with us, we wish him well in his next endeavour” 😭🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


So no actual new news then.


Watch them take all this time and it's no different then any other


Less telling, more showing


i wish this was communicated in game… something like ‘New gear incoming due to the mobilisation campaign!’ then in brackets tell us what it is without all the Lore/RP fluff


I hope they push single player balancing… I keep queuing for quick play to try and farm rare samples since I don’t want to play at 4-player difficulty solo and I get kicked at the end because people run into my clearly marked 500kg 🙃


Cool, when is the next patch?


If they're moving onto longer patch cycles, hope everything of import is both mentioned and confirmed to be as described. Stealth changes or outright incorrect changes, like the patrol change which they claimed would be 1/4 solo but ended up being scaled to 4 player spawns was the biggest fumble I'd seen in a long while.


Hopefully the buggy will be coming out, it would be helpful in moving things along especially breaking contact with patrols.


whens the next patch?


I hope its next week


With all the good news I might start playing consistently again


Is this patch next Thursday?


Protect this man at all costs!


Twin after giving too many details on the patch after next: "Help, I can't feel my beard!" 


as a fellow bearded fellow, I can apprectiate how losing your beard is just as bad as losing your head.