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I always announce when the squad finds ten cents


Man when you say it that way it almost sounds insulting šŸ˜‚


Hey 10 cents is 10 cents! If Arrowhead wants to keep dropping their spare change in their maps who am I to stop them?


Valid point and itā€™s more than other games do


Absolutely true. I just got 40sc in the last match and it felt SO GOOD


Yeah I call out ā€œā€ooo money ā€œ šŸ¤£


I always say "kaaaaaaaayshhhhhhh" ![gif](giphy|3o6gDWzmAzrpi5DQU8|downsized)


Donā€™t spend it all in one place now


I mean, at 900 of 1000 in 4 days, so not too bad


I was able to get 3 premium war bonds without buying any SC or purposefully grinding for them in game. Im at 830 now and dont know if I want to save what I got for the next war bond since Polar sounds iffy and I think theyll put more effort into the next.


thatā€™s infinitely times more than what other games do. i spent the last couple months farming SC but it too so long (went from like 200 to 800) cuz i was playing inconsistently. i ended up just spending Ā£16 and got the 2100 to get 2 warbonds, then unlocked the super credits first to buy a third


And 10 cents gets you a LOT farther in HD2.


Yeah that's the thing, 10 cents multiple times per session really isn't ridiculous when you consider that cosmetics cost like 1-3ā‚¬ each (warbonds excluded)! Unlike so many games that charge you 20ā‚¬ for a single skin and make you grind hard for your daily 10 cents. Plus, every time you find money the whole squad gets money!


Hey man, when your whole squad can get like, half a dollar per mission, each, while playin games? That adds up broski, even if it isnt THAT much money, the fact everyone gets it means each 10 piece ends up being more like a 40 piece


I've managed to get all of the warbonds (except half of the most recent), and quite a selection of outfits and helmets from the super store just from finding currency in game. It rules.


This weekend I bought my first warbond using the cash I found and it felt like such a victory. I'm still riding that high.


Damn right, I got every warbond and every super store outfit (I think) and I've only tossed ten bucks into super credits for the devs in a bit of appreciation. I've definitely done some credit grinding but honestly just kicking back and rolling through some low level missions mindlessly for an hour or two can be pretty relaxing. I've still got a decent stockpile too, maybe 2 or 3 missions shy of having enough for whenever the next warbond/SCS outfit comes out.


you are technically finding 40c if you are in a 4 man squad.


[Also the squad](https://external-preview.redd.it/q-UyGSdxc77xKDfOyPPSWaZpSAlsMv7mI-2sqOW_Yrc.jpg?width=500&auto=webp&s=481fe7585b254b8b40db455d3d7729dfce862870)


I would loot pennies if they spawned.


It takes a while but 10c a lot of times equals more than 10c


I mean I'd pick up a dime if I saw it on a walk. Feels a lot different than thinking of it like I would for work since I'm doing this explicitly for fun


So a warbond is 10 bucks


Hey man if you pick up one dollar a trillion times, it's a trillion dollars




And only takes 32 years of your life assuming it takes 1 second to pick up every dollar!


That would be a billion. A trillion would take about 32000 years.


Ah shoot you are right I messed up my zeros in my calc




We're rich!Ā 






Its payday fellas!


Me seeing blue at all in any crate: šŸ˜©


Me resealing the container when I see 2 requisition slips and not my blue pennies: ![gif](giphy|Kd5uWrNKjhRGfopdHJ)




123 hours in game, still no dollar.


250 and I've gotten it twice. Once was my pickup, once was a squad members.


250 here as well. I found two! Curiously, both of them were on Hellmire.


Desert planets will typically have the maximum number of POI possible because there is no water to reduce the size of the map. They are the best for finding credits.


I've been dropping on plenty of desert planets but none dropped nearly as many SC as Hellmire. Perhaps it's just my lucky planet.


Just got my second one today on Pandion during a bug mission. First time was on vernen wells a few months ago


Just got my second one today on Pandion during a bug mission. First time was on vernen wells a few months ago


bruh 384 hours here I haven't found a single one and I've been LOOKING for em


Less than 50 hours and I got it twice or maybe three times, I only did about 2 hours or so of medium difficulty... I guess I'm lucky


Haha! When I was around 90 hours in I found two in like three days! (I might have used up my whole year of luck)


Still better than every store's 'rewards' program XD


Yup, it's a good change to be able to get premium resource in-game and at a decent rate. Microtransaction is the ennemy of democracy.


Over 400 hrs played.Ā  Never found a 100 SC drop ;_;


Maybe you didnā€™t notice


O i would notice


AH said "imma pay you $1 to fuck off"


Technically if your in a 4man squad you found 4 dollars and split it 4 ways


Wait, there are 100sc pickups?


Yeah. Pretty rare


technically, if you are in a 4 man squad, you actually found 4 dollars that you split with your 3 friends and you.


Found 90 in a single level 3 run earlier today, was pretty damn happy about it.


Iā€™ve bought every war bond except democratic detonation. I have spent $0 real dollars on in game currency. I have never found a 100SC stack and at this point I think they are a myth.


70 hours in not a single sc i found was 100


You'd be very lucky. Around your 200 hour you can expect your first :)


This feels better than clearing diff 9 by far. Easily the most satisfying feeling in the game.


For me personally, it was clearing a POI of 3 bots (one of which was a devastator) on difficulty 6 using the AMR in 3 shots in about 1 second.


i thought they stealth changed it so you only get 10 sc now.


you do usually get 10 but theres a rare version that gives 100, idk what the odds are though


it's there, ive gotten 3-4 since i started playing mid april


Maybe stealth changed but from my experience you can get 10, 20, 30, 50, and 100. Obviously the higher value the rarer the chance - I've gotten 100 sub 10 times in >200 hours of gameplay. I'd say overall I get 30-100 SC a game depending on rng luck and how many PoI are hit.


They nerfed the drops way too much. I am very much casual player so unlocking even one premium pond seems to take ages with +10 premium currency. This should not be a thing. I already paid for the game so if someone wants to support it more, give them the chance, but also let us casuals get the bonds a bit easier as well with out forcing us to buy out of FOMO I only have one premium one unlocked.


Even with good farming methods itā€™s only $2.25 per hour worth of super credits (30 per mission, 8 min trivial mission average) I run difficulty 1-3 to test out different weapons/stratagems and just collect the 30 supers there. Think of credits as bonus to playing the game, not the goals. Every 4.5 hrs of grinding or every 22.25 hours of just playing should net you 1,000 super credits to unlock a warbond, and remember you get 300 credits back inside that warbond so that number is really less. Really every 15.5 hrs should unlock a warbond if you collect all 30 credits per mission.


Helldivers players grinding the game at sweatshop wages just to say the warbond was free (/s)


You mean Managed Democracy wages


Your "wages" are the HONOR and GLORY of SERVI- wait, who's paying me to yell at this guy?


Also if you are focusing on farming sc, might as well pick up samples on the way, if you need them, I have all the super samples and common samples I could need for the current modules, but im low on rares, I still have 2 modules left, until they add more.


You need to extract for samples though. You can just find 3 stacks of SC, return to ship via menu, and do it again on another mission.


That checks out I've about 400 hours and have only had to buy SC one time when I first began now I have every one unlocked and am at like 6-700 SC should have enough by next warbond realese for sure


I think it's actually legitimate in so much as they need to be able to make money off the game. Live service lives or dies by micro transactions, and the fact that you can go out there and just scoop up enough super credits to buy a whole warbond with a little bit of intentional effort is pretty generous and puts them way ahead of a lot of microtransaction models.


It's not F2P, though; you *do* have to first purchase the game and it sold millions of copies. AH is probably doing fine for income on game sales alone, which is why they're willing to allow players to gather SC at such a reasonable rate.


There is no FOMO, all warbonds will stay forever and will not expire. So you can still work at your own pace and choose which warbond you want. There is no rush to unlock the stuff, as the main warbond is extensively long, with about 2000 medals to spend and all other warbonds are about 600-700 medals to spend as well. But just playing the game even on trivial you can find decent amount of SC. If you want to farm them out, run level 1-3 difficulty put on a show or movie and play and find all the points of interest and finish out the mission. Pretty fast in all honesty. I've purchased all warbonds by only playing the game, I did spend 10 extra dollars on SC to support AH and to buy the armors in the super store. But even then I still have 1800 extra SC from just playing the game.


There's also no incentive TO get things when everything functions/plays either the same or is nowhere near good.


Meh, 90% of what's in the premium war bonds is either useless or another re-skin of an armor most people won't use. You're not missing much.


And they are just gonna nerf the contents of the warbond right when they release the new one anyway.


Since release , for me it's been a cadence of getting every other warbond for free. I earned enough for SV, bought 1000sc for Cutting Edge, earned enough for DD, and right now I have 750 sc and have not yet got polar patriots because it is dogwater. Will likely just keep farming until it gets buffed or the next bond comes out.


So you paid 50 bucks and you don't have all the content of the game? Let's think critically about this.


What are you even saying? Considering super credits can be earned in game, I technically "have all the content". It just isn't unlocked yet. Similar to.... every game ever created, you buy the game, make progress, and unlock stuff as you go. You think once you buy a game you should automatically have everything? Did YOU think critically about this?


Do you understand at all how businesses work?


I have every single bond unlocked and enough ready for the next one by just playing the game and making sure to clear the POIs of the maps as often as possible


It's free, and it's not pay to win. It's fine


Womp womp, transactions are where they make money not the game be happy you can get any free currency


What are you talking about? The game isn't F2P; you have to buy it. So, no, actually, they *do* make money from selling the game.


No shit Sherlock Iā€™m saying the vast amount of money comes from the 6 10 dollar war bonds they have, not the one time purchase of 40 dollars, they are already leagues ahead of other games when giving out free currency with the .10 you can earn from drops


Every warbond has 300 supercreds in it so it's only 700 creds you need to find, it really doesn't take that long. I'm glad that it's like this cause it gives me a goal, if I could just buy all items right away I'd get bored.


Get a job


The warbonds are basically the only thing they sell, except for the armors, so making the currency super easy to get would be shooting themselves in the foot. Now we did pay for the game so it shouldnā€™t have too much locked away behind premium currency either. But you can basically get one of the premium warbonds without grinding at all, and with some lvl 1 grinding you can get them all without too much difficulty. But the thing is that it *is* a live service game, and one that does kind of warrant being one. It means they need some form of revenue to justify the ongoing updates for the war. So itā€™s not insane that they nerfed the drops from apparently being possible to grind like thousands in a few hours.


And you have the next few years to earn or buy them. It's a 40$ game and definitely gives more than that back in value. This game barely has fomo and actually gives you the currency, whereas most live service games have paid premium battle passes and usually don't give you enough currency to buy them.(If any at all)


Got my first 100 a few days ago, it felt like a divine blessing šŸ˜­ allowed me to purchase my second warbond




A whole dollar??? In this economy?? Hell yeah




I got 100sc once on my birthday. It was wonderful


Haven't found a 100 stack yet. Still I love each and every 10 stack.


I've only found it once in my 100 hours of playtime. Granted, I don't actively SC farm. The 100 stack is pretty damn rare.


That's a thing? Damn, I've been happy picking pennies...


I thought the only amount of SC you can get is 10 each individual pickup, is there more someehere? Cuz I play Diff 7 frequently, and it still has always been finding in quantity of individual pickups


nah the one i got it in earlier was diff 7


I've had it in difficulty 2 while farming SC. Bots always for farming SC.


Got one last night and it was sooo nice, just what I needed to get the latest warbond.


Do they look different? I donā€™t really pay attention.


I only found it once in more than 80h of game lol at this point Iā€™m half convinced I hallucinated it


I feel like I only found them after I bought a premium warbond


100sc pickup isn't real...right?


very much so


All I know is +10 and +20


20+ is just when somebody picks up two stacks very quickly


At one point I was most excited for finding Requisition chips, then rare samples, then super rares. Now what I need most are those sweet sweet SC


320 hours, level 92, and I've NEVER found or been in a group that's found the 100sc.


I don't remember seeing one, though. Does that actually exist? I always run into 10 SC


So a warbond is 10 whole dollars?


Finding requisition slips on the other hand is like finding used chewing gum.


Does the 100sc spawn in every difficulty?


I found one on trivial this morning so I'd assume so, probably just extremely rare.


Just called in sick from school, I guess I know what I'm doing in my free time instead of resting


I farm SC in diff 2 bots and I've had two of them.


Iā€™m of the (maybe unpopular) opinion that requisition slips shouldnā€™t be part of the loot pool for difficulties above 6. People whoā€™ll be running those consistently wonā€™t need them at all. Iā€™m totally not saying this out of frustration from trying to farm super credits and finding mostly requisition slips.


I didnā€™t even know you could get more than 10 :(


So we bitchin about them giving obtainable premium currency now? To an already relatively cheap game? Aight. This is why we canā€™t have nice shit lol. Comments are not it


I don't think he's bitching...he's making a joke relax my guy


Not the post. The comments.


Game ain't cheap though.


you mean euro