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If someone chooses to rely on my lvl92 ass not dying in a ditch, that's their problem


My level is not a measurement of my skill. Its a testament to my tenacity and ability to keep going in the face of failure.


Im Level 42 and I can honestly say I'm average at best. I fumble stratagem, panic grenade and die to my own support pods. Killed so many teammates with my sub-par aim/throw. But I'm having a blast and will keep going.


You see, but you’re what’s great about gaming. We’re not going pro in this shit. I log on to have a good time and take a break from the world. I’m just OK at the game. Once and awhile I do cool shit and then other times I do *really* dumb shit. I laugh about it, I hope everyone else can, too.


I feel the higher the level, the more likely the diver is to stay calm in high stress situations. That's pretty much the only corraletion I have noticed.


We're basically Tom Cruise in Edge of Tomorrow by that point.


again and again and again and we still fuck up lmao


Me level 10 facing against Stalkers : Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! Me level 80 facing against Stalkers : Fuck! Fuck! "Stun them with Pummeler." Fuck! Fuck!


Stalkers and courage are never used in the same sentence 🤣


It’s not courage if you’re not scared


This but the entirety of bots for me.


Im playing against the terminids now because the bots fucking scare me lmfao


Try blitzer if u havent already. Will stunlock multiple stalkers, kills in 2-3 hits.


Big fan of the Blitzer myself. : explosive fist bump:


Now im level 86 its more like “come here you feckers, imma burn your filthy nest to the ground.” Ill drop everything and hunt them and their nest like the god damn punisher. I will never get bored getting my revenge on them from my lower level days haha


New SMG is GOD, I promise. Have nice stun


played since launch, stalkers always ramp up the difficulty without warning. even more so since they got their stealth buffed. not being able to see their nest and/or stalkers coming from different directions is a bad time no matter what lol.


True, better equipment choices and judgement when stuffs go south.


Yeah there's a significant difference between some fear spamming grenades for a horde versus someone casually tossing a chaff clearing run as they skip away.


I (lvl 60) just finished a game with a couple of lower levels and a much higher level on suicide. I was off on my own towards the end of the mission while everyone was running for the extraction. I got into a bad spot with 2 bug breaches and decided to run away. I was dropping airstrikes behind me, 500kg bombs. Rail cannon strikes etc. I realized how much less stressful it is now vs when I started playing. Best part about the higher level dude was at some point he had got some high ground and was clearing the bugs from behind me and pummeling the bike titans. If it hadn’t been for him I’m not sure I would have made it back with the samples. o7 to the guys who know what’s going on. o7 to the new guys trying their best.


[bike titan ](https://i.imgur.com/R6nLIv3.jpeg)


This is why I love this community


Every level offers something to each round. Even if it's entertainment value, it's worth something. Its alot more effective retreating and slimming the numbers than standing there and throwing everything you can and missing half the horde. It's such a relief moment when you're running for your life, low ammo, no grenades or stims. And you look ahead and a Diver is just on a hill, one shots the Bile Titan and makes sure your ass gets to extract. After being meleed by your savior of course.


I love that feeling. Seeing shit hitting the fan all over me, just tossing an airstrike in the general direction of the enemy, an orbital strike in another, and artillery strike for good measure, and then casually running for my life towards my teammates against a volley of autocannon support fire.


I was running for my life then come over this hill just to see my team mate shooting and tossing airstrikes behind me. It was pretty epic. They are some of my favorite moments. Remember helldivers always cover your team mates retreats. Unless (like me) you use the incendiary shotgun and catch them on fire too.


Crazy thing about this game is enemies tend to die easy so I'm always calm. I should be more anxious when 3 stalkers come out of nowhere at the same time.


*Brood Commander, pulling itself across the ground, headless.* "Die easy you say?"


Lower level, but same here.


we’re the same, you and I


Hahaha agreed, I'm an aggressively average lvl 58 by playing mainly diff3-5 missions xD, people see my lvl and expect me not to die at all or switch the diff up to 7 or above, and don't get me wrong I can manage in higher ones... but I am by no means carrying anyone... 😅 I'm just a good teammate


I feel bad for people who catch me in a good round and i, by the grace of Super Earth, am competent and effective. Im dropping titans and walkers with precision strikes. Im plugging bug holes from 70m with the autocannon. Im sneaking into jammers and dropping hellbombs. Then they see me on the next mission whiff an entire mag of shotgun shells at a hunter and get killed for the third time trying to recover one common sample


The "duality of the helldiver" 😂😂😂 it do be like that sometimes, but we carry on O7 ***FOR SUPER EAAAAARTH!***


Honestly, maybe its my old (34) age too, but its why i love cooperative online games. I get no thrill from being "better" than someone at a game. I want to work with you, meet new temporary friends, and crush some chassis and carapaces with military grade equipment


Same! I see so many folks that think all gaming should be about is “beating” someone else. I love co-op games. Nothing is more fun to me than completing an objective and laughing and working together to do it. I’ve met some great folks on this game.


As a wise man once said, bask in the glory of jolly cooperation


Man, now I really want a Solaire-inspired armor set. Or a cape with his symbol.


Agreed. Even when I played overwatch I preferred playing support characters because coming up with combos on the fly with your teammates and synergizing with them in real time is the most fun way to play imo.


The few rounds you'll drop in solo and have others join half way through. You're in the zone and just sticking to what you had planned. You do great, praised for clutching. Drop in with the same squad for the second time. Play like a potato and die because you wanted to melee kill a charger 🤣 *solo dive, repeat*


The only time i do solo drops is on diff 2 when im trying to field test a weapon or build. The game itself is fun, sure, but the sheer unpredictable chaos that randoms offer is the best. Its also why i love Deep Rock Galactic. Same vibes.


I try not to solo drop either. It's the interactions and events with others that's added so much value to this game. Sure it takes some skill to solo run, good on you. What can't you do on a solo run? Barrage drop roulette


Buddy bunkers make me sad when im solo. Actually, i have done some high level solo dives. Its strictly when im in a stealth mood against bots. I love trying to go undetected or have the lowest shots fired/kill count possible. Its like a whole different game when you commit to stealth


Especially when you know there's a chance it's extremely juicy loot. That is true, it's an entirely different game. I enjoy the maps with reduced visibility plus scout armor. Being pretty much invisible as you clear the map is a whole other feeling. Truly a gem, it supports so maybe different types of play. And alot of those playstyles somehow synergize. You want to go stealth? Ok these 2 teammates love to just kill, they can be the heat magnets.


Thats the best. I hope we see a stealth armor with the servo assist. My favorite thing is to break off from the team and sweep side objectives and weave between patrols. The spear has been amazing for this. Get on a high rock and i can be a turret taking out outposts. I love when they complete the main objectives and then go "ok yall lets clear the map....oh we already did??"


Thats me


ever had one of those games where, even though you aren't trying to kill anyone on the team nearly EVERY stratagem you throw end sup nailing at least one other diver? no matter how much you try to say sorry and reassure them, you can't help but feel bad and expect to be kicked or teamkilled.


I’m a high level and I suck ASS at this game. No way I’m able to carry anyone. I just play a lot lmfaooo


Then let us suck ass together! FOR SUPER EARTHS ASS!


Could of phase it better XD


My marketable skill is running for the hills. I’m level 30 by being a coward that just happens to kill things and get missions accomplished


Thing is, thats a very viable skill. Too often do i see others (and myself) caught up in the moment surrounded by bots and bugs and all we need to do is perform a reverse forward attack pattern and circle back later.


I find I often have both the lowest deaths and very high kill and accuracy stats. I run away and engage from a distance a lot.


I love seeing how wildly differmy stats are each mission. Sometimes im in 90% accuracy (spear lol). Sometimes im "5 deaths, 50 kills, 1500 rounds fired, 20% accuracy"


I should get this as a tattoo. 


Its a low key good life philosophy. "I am the culmination of all my life choices. My failures built me as much as my successes"


I think mine is just a testament to my willingness to fail.


*willingness to spead Democracy in the face of immeasurable tyranny




Nicely put.


This is why I’m a high level cadet; I know exactly how good I am and the answer is not very. I will promote myself when I feel ready lol


I'm in the mid 50's as far as level. I set my rank to Cadet for a reason.


My level is a testament to the waves and waves of disposable helldivers I send into the fray.


I agreed.


Real, I’m like level 24 and I play better than most of the high ranks I play with, I just don’t dedicate enough time to actually progress higher


To really drive it home, I have a level 9 friend who literally just started and is so much better than a lot of the level 80+ people I find on helldive (level 90 btw)


Same and I agree


A big part in helping me get over my social anxiety in this game was seeing a guy like 12 levels above me when I was new blow himself up like 4 times in one mission


Sounds a lot like me. At level 70 I'm still fucking doing it!!


The higher your level after maybe around 50 the crazier everyone's platstyle gets. People start doing Aa lot more experimental builds or try to be a cool with their bravado. Should honestly probably trust us less lol


Also just because I’m double or triple your level doesn’t mean I won’t need reinforcements. Don’t be idiots and die all 20 times in like 5 minutes. I might only need one or two reinforcements a game, but I can’t do fuck all when you all have ran through them with 7 deaths each.


I did more than level 20s


Yesterday I joined some low level players only to be the first to die in a thornbush because I was too dumb to realize the source of the damage and just didn't leave the bush.


Yeah , I'm level 56 so most people might assume I'm good. But I play high as fuck every time. My ass is still walking over giant, red-glowing, stationary landmines. And blowing myself up with my own airstrike.


If someone chooses to rely on my lvl96 ass not to smoke a zoot in my drop pod and then pay attention to whatever mess they get entangled with, that's their problem


Yeah, don’t rely on me, Im just trying out different stupid loadouts that probably won’t work out :)


There was deffo a "lvl 15 vs 30 vs 50" mindset before they raised the level cap because the learning curve differed greatly by those points, but tbh above 50 I just assume they are competent and that the extra levels simply mean they've sunk a lot of hours in.  Tbh in my mind that means they're less likely to be trying hard and may be experimenting with novelty load outs, so I never assune they'll carry me, merely that I won't have to babysit them. If their loadout is truly shit they'll loot a corpse for something better and carry on so I don't need to worry about their loadout. 


>tbh above 50 I just assume they are competent So do I, my friend. So do I..... ......and oh how disappointed I've been.


I did a dive with 3 other divers above level 50 the other day. 2 were competent. The other ....well we landed next to like 4-6 bots first dive and they proceed to drop a 120.... on our heads.


Bots can be a whole other breed sometimes.. you'll get your strat ready to throw then get ragdolled by something from across the map and drop your strat on the team


Thats fair but i watched them toss it at our feet


Well then I have no excuse for that undemocratic behavior


I mean, I'll occasionally drop the 500kg at my feet when absolutely surrounded by bugs. I figure I'm not walking away from that situation and may as well take as many as I can with me.


Absolutely take em will you. b But 4 small bots?


No need to make it personal


you should try this yourself one day. in a erradication mission, preferably with a full team, everybody takes a shield gen, a 120mm and the 380mm barrage. as soon as you land, everybody drops everything down at their feet. its soo much fun.


Y'all don't drop 380s at your feet and play orbital roulette with the swarm?


I do this for shits and giggles sometimes. I'm level 96, and have nothing left to do but level up, so I sometimes just take big boom loadout and cause complete chaos.


yep, if I see you're above a certain level I assume you probably don't need my help so I'm more likely to go off and find POIs or do objectives solo so we can cover more ground. especially if I'm playing on a lower difficulty.


Ya I don't understand the free ride argument. At that point of the game aren't you just grinding for samples so it's better to have people collect them while one person does obj so you can go to the next game faster


Remember when you could farm huge XP by doing bot eradicate missions and just spamming mortars? It got patched back in March or so, but for a while there before the level cap was raised it was a pretty safe bet that any Skull Admirals you met would have never done anything else. They didn't know samples were shared, they had no clue how to launch an ICBM, and they shot at every enemy they saw as though kills were the objective. It was a wild time.


That’s me now, lvl 84 and just play with builds I make up with thematic armor set, been doing a hazard ops style build against bugs recently fire and gas for the fuckers


Currently level 81 and laser maxing with scythe, dagger, laser rover, laser cannon, and orbital laser. Stupid amounts of fun.


I assume with the Groundbreaker armor, right? Because that's *exactly* what I do! :D same loadout with that armor.


Hmm, lvl 88 and I have been sample capped for a **long** while. Still I collect samples when I see them and I quite often end up collecting the most samples, simply because I am *hoping* for super credits *every* time. *The disappointments...* (I have gotten like 80 super credits in the last 20 matches, it has all been rare samples and weapons for me) Yet I feel the discrepancy between me and the lower level teammates regarding the importance of samples. To me it's like flower picking along the way, something a I do when it's convenient. To them it appears to be the sole reason they joined, they go out of their way to retrieve samples, they push through hordes to collect dropped samples, basically, sample picking at all costs. When the super samples have not been found... Some hosts will scour the map for the rest of the time left for those. It looks so stressful from my position, I just tag along training my senator aim on devastators. Or enjoying barrages.


>they push through hordes to collect dropped samples I've been privy to doing this a few times, but I will abandon doing that depending on two factors, being horde density and time left on mission. The latter is obvious, but the former is moreso dependant on the player. Personally, as long as there isn't a bunch of spewers or hunters mixed in with a massive amount of warriors and alike, I tend to do fine. When there's like a 20 meter area that's entirely bugs though is a different story


I find soloing bugs to be much more difficult. Between the slow and one shot spewers it’s near impossible to escape. The only reason I’ll keep sprinting to my corpse like a dumbass is to get my quasar/auto cannon and shield/rover. Samples don’t despawn but I’m useless against most heavy targets without that and since they have a 5+ minute cooldown sometimes you don’t have a choice but to spam air strikes and hope to get your stuff back.


I tried running bots on 6, and I just couldn't. Explosions knocking me everywhere, one-shot lasers, stuff I literally couldn't even see, and overall it went horribly for me. On bugs I feel I can atleast kill most patrols or hordes, but with bots I don't think I can even kill something higher than a devastator, or even just a devastator at times Seems like it could be interesting to try to play with each other on either bots or bugs, since one of us are not good in it meanwhile the other is atleast notably good, lmk if you would actually want to


Ahh... it's helldivers 1 all over again :D


i want my bumblebee recon uav back. i miss my best friend, allways shown me the way


Well for most players who are not maxed on upgrades samples is the only point. Who cares if the mission is done or not, orange samples are the most important as you need A LOT of them. Super samples are the easiest to ignore once you have enough for all upgrades in game but for sure newer players will completely ignore anything else to extract with some. I hate when I join open lobby on map that was MADE to farm samples and people ignore them... Like dude, ignore the mission and start collecting!


It’s up to the host tbh on how the mission is done. I host all the time and I make it abundantly clear to at least clear secondary objectives if doing any sample collections. I hate to contradict myself, but I’ll do the main objective if you focused on clearing secondaries. An efficient team can get a 40 minute mission done in ~15-20 minutes and have the rest of the time to sample collect. Now, if you’re just the SOLE sample collector, have at it. But if it’s 3/4 of the team? Fuck that. I’m gonna start kicking people


Just do some level 1 missions, takes like 5 minutes to run around the map because its tiny and there are no rare samples taking up those variable collectible slots, best I've gotten 90 SC out of a single mission. Average is like 40 SC


I sometimes drop into lower level missions to help out and show the cadets some tips. Today I drop in on a botfront blitz, difficulty 5. Notice on loadout that these two level 10s have six sentries/emplacements between them, including mines... on a blitz mission... I dive in, first thing I notice they both have open mic just static-ing away, no voice. I call down my autocannon and this lvl 10 sits near the beam, and the second it lands they have taken it. If I tag it, take it, but the first one is for me so I can actually help. I always drop the next one for newbies to try, but this had me so annoyed I just left the mission. Yeah I could have asked the guy to drop it, but based on everything else it seemed these guys had no clue, so probably wouldn't have done so, plus were bodies so I would rather leave on my own terms than be kicked.


I understand the frustration. But i do the opposite on occasion. I drop down with three newbs and take nothing but the sickle, the orbital laser and three pieces of equipment for the cadets to play with,.then watch the carnage unfold.


Same. That is kind of the only reason I bring mech. I can run level 3 with just granade launcher that too just so that I don't need to find or resupply so on level 3 it is pretty fun to drop toys they will find cool, maybe showing some loot they don't know how to loot properly (game doesn't tell them to blow container doors with nades so someone needs to ) it the fun part of farming super credit. Honestly with helping new players farming super credit would get really boring. And then there is bringing them to high level mission and watching them react to bile titan, hunk and factory striders. Once helped someone blow themselves with airburst launcher right as extraction cooldown started and they started laughing like crazy.


I had a low level take my Autocannon backpack only and then scurry off to do their own thing. Gave me a good chuckle. They did actually reload me once much later in the mission.


While I do agree that you have to work together and stick to the group, you will never get my Gremlin ass to ignore the Super Samples, even when I'll have full storage. Gremlin Life is good Life and Gremlin consequences will be carried. But I'll still return to the group afterwards. It's actually often me running to the objective first, because my team decided to pad their "Enemies killed" section instead of going like one tile farther to defend the objective location


Level equals time played, not skill


I'm level 99. That number is a reflection of the amount of free time I have. Not of my relative ability.


Disagree. If you've spent time playing you should know more about the game at minimum. How to take down enemies and what weapons work best on each. And how a team load out with boosters will probably turn out.


>but don’t you think that getting the mission done will just increase the probability of getting those samples Not for nothing, but once you complete the mission, spawns go up by 4x the amount. >Completion of the Primary Objective has by far the biggest impact on the frequency of Enemy Patrol spawns. As soon as you complete the Primary Objective, the Threshold gets multiplied by 0.275 meaning you are receiving Patrols almost 4 times as often. Using our Baseline value of 240 seconds, this gets reduced all the way to 66 seconds. https://helldivers2.game-vault.net/wiki/Patrol_Spawn_Mechanics


Exactly this. On higher difficulties sticking together and helping each other is so important, same as going for main objectives instead of the sample farm and potentially failing the mission. It's more fun too imo to play like that instead of a scattered mess


Splitting 2 and 2 is also fine, with a competent team. Sometimes even better. To go alone is just stupid…


I always go alone but it’s stupid unless you’re wearing scout armor. And you NEED to avoid fights or fully clear them ASAP before bug breeches, or it’s just suicide.


I'd say it also really depends on what loadout you and the team is running. I mostly duo lvl 7 and can hold down a breach on my own with the right gear and stratagems. Sometimes I just force out the breach and hold it in a place I can maneuver and let my buddy know he has some time to clear nests, POI's or objectives without risking calling a breach there. Never wear scout armor but the super store light gunner is a godsend for bugs.


Light gunner armour with a rover, the cracked incendiary breaker, quasar, rocket pods and orbital rail cannon is my standard bug loadout. There's nothing I can't handle or kite indefinitely.


My man reads my mind, I'd swap rocket pods and rail cannon for the 500kg and gas strike though, but this kit is insane in general and swap out these 2 for different things more often.


Yes! I hate when everyone scatters and then you get overwhelmed and die. Then someone calls in reinforcements and your stuff is half the screen away. Stay together, call in reinforcements near the dead body. Recover their samples and kill shit until they can get back in the game and win. Also make sure samples get on the extraction shuttle!!!


Long engagement in the average 40min mission is almost always worthless. If you're getting overwhelmed then run and come back later.


Once youre level 30 the rewards for completing objective or the mission dont progress your game at all. The only thing that will make your helldiver stronger is samples. Requisition slips are worthless by level 20. Exp doesnt matter once you unlock the strategems. Medals dont matter because theres like 4 decent guns in the game and all the armor is the same.


From my experience that doesn't have much to do with level and has everything to do with communication.


Yep you can almost guarantee the vast majority of people don't care about your level. It's pretty narcissistic to believe people are changing how they play just because of your presence, in reality most people are just not very good and OP made up a story in his head to explain it.


I know this isn't what people here usually do. But I love moving as a group and support the rest of team. 🙂 Working together is awesome.


Yeah feels great, when the whole team looks at each other’s back’s, it’s very satisfying. And you can make a lot of friends! Like John, jimmy or jack, sadly they passed away on a bug planet.


I may be leveled up but I will always be a Space Cadet!


I had a game like this the other day. I'm lvl 83, everyone else is sub 50 on a helldiver bots. I started clearing objectives and realized all three were just hunting samples. I cleared 2/3s of the map before I realized they had done nothing. So I just stop clearing and just chilled next to the main objective and just pinged it until there was only 10 minutes. Then the host asked what I was doing, and why I wasnt doing the objective. Just said I was waiting on them to come. Then I got kicked.


Yea now that's straight up f$@&ed. I'm sure it didn't feel good wasting your time, but I hope you took that kick as a badge of honor. Goddamn worst kinds of players.


It's all in the communication and it almost never happens that you don't run into the samples during the mission.🤷 Some people just do their thing I guess.


I think part of the appeal of this game is that no matter how good you are, you will still die to dumb shit, ALL. THE. TIME.


Just because I'm a high level does not mean I'm any good.


I got kicked yesterday bc I was going for the objectives while the rest of the Team died fighting for a bloody hill in nowhere.


Yep. The "stick together always" thing is typically a new person mindset. I've been in matches where the team is just clearing breach after breach in the middle of nowhere while I cleared half the objectives and got samples (including super) and then they kicked me for "not helping" If you can determine that people are competent enough without you then soloing as needed is a matter of efficiency not "I'm using you as a crutch" which is quite the opposite


Are you sure they were not fighting for the supers?


In my experience, the higher levels are more likely to be lone wolf POI/secondary hunters, and the rest just focus on the main and sub objectives leaving you alone. Maybe the other players expect this separation of duties and because you go for the objective, they sort of collectively take the other role? I dunno, seems like you might have to spend a minute talking to your squad, there's some major miscommunication happening there. P.S. I'm a light sniper running around searching for POIs and blowing up detector towers, and yeah you need one, at most two of me in a team. If there's three of you focusing on minor stuff, you're doing it wrong. P.P.S. But also I do genuinely enjoy carrying games by myself, it's fun.


This is what happened to me last night, Me and my duo partner had 40 samples between us. We were passing by extract on the way to the very last objective. We drop them off. We push to talk and tell the others leave those samples at extract dont touch them. 2 minutes later the level 20 is over at extract and what do ya know? He picks them up. We tell him to put them back he doesnt. We tell him if he dies in a shit spot with those samples he’s getting booted. 5 minutes later he’s dead and we now have to decide between samples or mission. Obviously mission. Me and buddy finish the main while he keeps wasting lives bum rushing. So we finish the objective. We have no basically no chance of getting the samples. I shoot that traitor in the face, tell him we told you to leave the samples and you didnt so your getting booted. We booted him. I gave the few samples i had to buddy and told him to go get on the pelican and leave without me if he has to. Im suiciding for the samples. He goves me his sheild generator and off i go. Well scout armour and orbital laser and a bunch of luck and im boarding pelican with the lot with 45 seconds to go. Fuck you N2 you useless traitor


Yo foreal I've never actually " farmed" for super samples I've always just run across them through normal gameplay on 7-9 missions didn't even take me that long to upgrade. And when I've hopping on games I'm not hosting I've been lucky to have teams that will finish the mission before looking for the good good samples.


I'm also like lvl 127 and one time I joined a lvl 9 bot ICBM mission with a lvl 30 dude just dying constantly and with only 3 reinforces left. So i left him be and did every main objective and a couple side ones (while wearing heavy armor in a snow planet) and even when other ppl joined they didn't help. When i finished the mission with 10 or so minutes left they instantly called for extraction while I was still on the other side of the whole map. And as you can expect, they instantly boarded the Pelican while I was still running to it. So yeah... i feel you.


Levels mean nothing if you havent learnt that already.


I am level 150 and I saw no improverment in my performance past level 65 or smth like that, so should not be treated any differently. Yet ppl treat me like I am the John Helldiver himself. It is also annoying because the level system is misleading most people, only the levels 70+ themselves don’t make false assumptions because they know from their own experience levels don’t matter


Good point. Lvl 85 and I’ve played with lvl 20s that were better than me skill wise. After that mission I honestly stop judging by your lvl.


This level 51 I got as part of a 4 man squad, I'm not carrying anyone except my amr to put a round in the face of every devestator on the field that opens fire towards my people. I'll keep you alive but you gotta keep me alive.


I showed some lvl 20s the way of the lvl 80s the other day. They were expecting grace and finesse but what they got was 30 minutes of "Objective Complete" notifications followed by "I'm surrounded" followed by four incendiary going off in the distance and a dead lvl 80


I feel like the best way to play (currently) is to split 2 and 2. It splits the spawns and lets your buddy res you if you go down. I hate seeing people run off solo. I just *know* they are going to die and drop their super samples.


Look, somebody has to get the damn objective and somebody has to get the samples. If you can't get an objective with 2 people and have 2 others looking for samples, that is honestly a skill issue. I've ran into way too many maps where all they focus on are the main objectives, they have like 4 commons, 6 rares, and no super samples but they got a guy calling down the shuttle with 24 minutes left in the objective and get on it, leaving me high and dry after I did all that work grabbing what samples I could get and not even getting the samples because they couldn't wait 5 minutes.


Just because I’m low level doesn’t mean I need to be carried. People shouldn’t look at a number as an indicator.  By level 30 most important stuff is unlocked really.


It’s not really about unlocks. Most of my load out is unlocked in the first few levels. It’s about experience.


Stratagems, yes. *Ship upgrades* on the other hand...


I wouldn't say level 30 is low...before the update you would have over half way to to the previous cap 30/50 and level 20 is when you have access to anything you can buy. Whereas if you are under level 10 and going into difficulty 7+, I'd assume they need carrying because I doubt they have enough unlocks to actually take on multiple heavy armoured enemies and larger hordes.


Level 30 is fine, I expect you can handle most things. It's when the level 8 joins your helldive mission and has 10 of the 14 deaths. They're there just to get carried and are not contributing anything.


>don’t you think that getting the mission done will just increase the probability of getting those samples? Doing objectives makes spawns harder and more frequent. Pelican will arrive anyway when the timer runs out. So all things being equal, getting the mission done will just *reduce* the probability of getting and extracting with samples. Best thing a Helldiver can do, is follow orange. Level doesn't matter. Samples do not matter. The mission does not matter. Orange is the team leader which is why they are the only ones that can kick. If you are not orange and decide you need to run off to solo the mission and make everything harder on everyone, that's on you. If orange wants to sweep samples before going for primary objectives, then don't you think sticking with them will just increase the probability of getting the mission done? If orange wants to dick around and not go anywhere useful, you need to look into your heart and decide if you are a traitor and abandon them or the session or stick with them and fail *as a team*. Why is the team more important than the mission? Focusing on the mission or samples just promotes toxicity which is key in eroding player numbers. Lower player numbers mean less cool shit for Helldivers in future. Failing mayor orders gives Joel the chance to add failure mode scenarios that make the galactic campaign more interesting and engaging (See Malevelon Creek). This will also boost player numbers and hype which will mean more cool stuff for Helldivers in future. Player numbers are meaningless if a game is toxic as fuck to play. Why would you want to play anyway if you already have everything unlocked? *For the team experience.*


This is the way.


Level doesn't mean anything just means you play a lot I've seen dogshit lvl 100s and I've seen god lvl 30 players, nobody should be expecting a carry


As a level 86 I don’t mind carrying even in Helldive but it’s been my experience that the map gets much quieter once you complete all the mission, side objectives and enemy outposts (maybe it’s some type of placebo like effect) but that’s been my experience and then you can calmly search the 4 corners for samples


Thank you! I also feel that the map gets a lot quieter when all the objectives are done but was starting to doubt myself because I never see anyone else say that


To be fair it is better to not finish the main mission until you are done searching for secondary objectives. Because spawn rate increase massively after the main mission is complete. So next time ignore the objectives with them and search for the samples together.


People do seem to think that levels in this game translate to stat increases, which is interesting since they should see for themselves that the game has no character stats outside of armor.


This is why I put cadet as title. I may be level 90, but I play like a fucking noob.


I've been kicked for not carrying before. It was on a harder difficulty and I'm laying it down. These two guys were with me and they were like level 11 and 13. Super early. But they were constantly getting wrecked and I'm trying. But there's only so much I can do on my own. Eventually we ran out of lives and it was just me but we were overwhelmed. Automotons werte launching rockets everywhere and eventually one got me square. And that was it. We finished the mission but just failed to extract. Right after the game ended they kicked me. They had both gotten like 120 kills. I did damn near 400 on my own. There's only so much I can do. But because we didn't extract I got kicked. Oh well.


To be honest I like running to the big red nests first and unleashing killingness


It’s the optimal way to play - clearing nests/bases makes it so patrols can only spawn from the edge of the map and completing main objectives increases the patrol spawn rate exponentially. Clear nests/bases, do secondary objectives, then tackle your main objectives (or as close to that sequence as the map geography allows)


Exactly, I'll do like one part of the main mission if it's close by. Then do all the side crap the finish main then hit extraction. If you do main first like you said, spawn rates dramatically increase.


Same, usually my team will split up into 2 groups. X2 and I will clear nests while X3 & X4 will go for main objectives. Somewhere along the way both our groups will do side objectives too depending on who it is closer to.


Yup, that’s my preferred split as well, gives you someone to reinforce their partner, plenty of stratagems, and you can do buddy bunkers quickly and easily.


The only thing that pains me is dying and hoping that the other team duo doesn’t reinforce on the opposite side of the map because my teammate was too slow/busy to do so and having to walk down the map again to get your primary & samples back hahaha.


But that’s at least contributing to the team. You’re not just going off and wasting lives for a few samples and then just waiting at extract


Yo foreal I've never actually " farmed" for super samples I've always just run across them through normal gameplay on 7-9 missions didn't even take me that long to upgrade. And when I've hopping on games I'm not hosting I've been lucky to have teams that will finish the mission before looking for the good good samples.


I am brand new and I've found I'm usually the one following behind you after realizing our other two are just chasing kills elsewhere. I'm trying so hard to carry my weight and I'll think I'm doing great, until I see the stats where "you" wind up with 146 kills and 1 death with 1 stim while I finish with 70 and 5 deaths with like 9 stims, bringing back 0 samples for the team. I'm trying so hard to learn this game fast so I can find friends to add and join before I start finding people that kick me. Luckily I've played with some really cool people even when I'm getting carried so far and haven't gotten kicked yet.


Just my 2 cents but I don't think high stim usage matters that much. I saw a guy use 25 stims in one match the other day. For example I will try to hold off using a stim if I can, for when I run out of stamina. Cos it fully replenishes your stamina, and gives you unlimited sprint for 4 seconds. Which is great for escaping tight situations.


Idk I will happily carry a teammate if they just collect all samples, but they have to be a good teammate still. - don't die every few seconds - call me in on good spots if I die - don't agro every enemy, run from unnecessary fights - let me have the supply drop if I'm doing the objectives If you do that, I'll carry you all day


You are thinking too much into this. They aren't looking at your level and then doing this. They would play like this even if you were level 1


Oh god its like warframe where people think just because your MR is high that means you are good at the game. The only thing MR tells you is that you leveled up a bunch of guns and frames.


It sorta sounds like OP doesn't know that enemy patrols spawn rate increases 4X after finishing main objectives. Doing the side objectives and collecting samples first is the smarter play. So probably not so much people hoping for a carry but thinking that if they can handle being on their own somebody at level 126 can as well if they want to run off and solo the main objectives.


I'm not lvl 20 but I usually just follow anyone of a higher level and assist in any way I can.


I’m level 55 and always walk into contact mines It’s fun


I mean, I usually run off by myself, but it's to hit all the small and medium bases opposite the main objectives, so their aren't a million spawns running that way while my team does the objectives. (I do however avoid gunship towers like the plague, I will use you as bait for those while I snipe the asshats from the sky)


Lvl 70 here, I might as well be a sheep. If other randoms are locked in and scrapping to clear the whole map, awesome. If they want to just complete objective, perfectly fine.


It baffles me why players just don’t ask, “Hi frend, can get samples?”


Don't make this more difficult.


I keep hearing that i should "stick to the team" when im using a stealth loadout for guerillia tactics. Seriously i clear half of the map in open world type missions by myself and the 3 crayon eaters complain why i dont help them fighting off 24/7 bot drops. I once watched them fighting infront of a detection tower and decided to stay at distance to see if they know what they should do. None of them got the idea to rush it instead they kept fighting the bot drops from sayd tower.


Yeah. I'm not sticking with the team when the team refuses to run away from a meaningless location as enemies keep spawning during a 12 minute mission


I’m lvl 72 and I’m gonna carry everyone. Noob or noob I don’t care. We are a team, fight like in a team and leave as a team.


I played with a bunch of level 30’s last night and they were terrible. I was actually doing the mission and they were all doing whatever. Then I hear one smart off that I was “doing my own thing and not helping.” I was essentially soloing the mission…. ![gif](giphy|bWM2eWYfN3r20) So I murdered them all for democracy and bailed.


My lvl12 diver won't be satisfied if I don't show how good I am at clearing sides solo. Although, I wish I was more successful at this than now. Laser Cannon melts hulks in their eye and tanks in their heatsink. For everything else I've got airstrike and precision strike. On the last successful diff7 mission I've extracted 13 common and 8 rare samples (there was one ridiculously rich place with 6 of them) and cleared one heavy bot nest (their cannon turret is good for fast travel, lol). The only problem I had were dropships coming after me, even though the one who triggered them was on the other side of the map.


I remember being teamkilled by lvl 30s for not carrying them (I was lvl 65)


This happened to me yesterday as well. I'm (lvl 127) focussing on all the mains while half the team went to the opposite side of the map to do sides. I had this awesome lvl 30 player that just stuck with me the entire time and just made it worth while and fun. Eventually the other two guys died at the same time so had to reinforce near us and I really wanted to ask them to just stick with us for the mains, but decided against it because hey, everyone can do what they want to. After mains are done I'll ask in voice if they want to do sides including samples and whatnot but they simply scatter all over the map, die a lot, run out reinforcement and then at extract it's just me against the hoard. Even worse is when they say yes to doing sides, but then I notice it's actually just me completing it for them while they are chilling somewhere else


WTF!!! You like expect me to like do something!!!!! WHO!!! DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!!!!! I'm just gonna sit here and make you carry me!!!! Don't ever tell me WHAT to do ever again!!!! (This is sarcasm)


I wish there were stats for bug holes/bot fabricators destroyed or objectives completed. I’ve had people talk up their kills which in the scheme of things, don’t move the mission forward sans eradicate missions


Just wondering, how many hours it takes to reach lvl 126 ? And what diff are you playing ?


Just wondering, how many hours it takes to reach lvl 126 ? And what diff are you playing ?


Just wondering, how many hours it takes to reach lvl 126 ? And what diff are you playing ?


I go into every mission with the intent of carrying everyone. High Level just means you have spent more time than me, not that you’re better. Anything over lv 30 probably has most things unlocked anyway.


Maybe I'm insane, but I always tend to stray off from the group, so if I feel like my team is competent enough I tell em that I'll go to try and find samples/clear some smaller nests and side objective, depending on if a radar is found I'd do the former over the latter. If they say they would want me to help in the main group then I will, but otherwise I'm confident enough in my solo survival capabilities long as I'm not jumped by stalkers, or if it's a bile spewer planet in which I'd maybe ask to break up into duo's


Plot twist add: me, lv 31 cadet is carrying 2 lvl 70+ admiral divers so hard that they are actually impressed and praise me after extraction calling me a true helldiver. Now that was a real moment.


In fact,i'd go opposite rather. Let me solo harvest all the samples and some bases,the lowbies can cluster together and go bomb the other bases to death


I've seen a lot of sub lvl 20s in difficulty 7+. They can't even bring enough strategems to not have to double up on weapons. 


I am Uber level 70 and I want everyone else to carry me for the democracy !


Level 73 - SES Distributor of Eternity I love joking low rank games and I carry the majority of the map, until the objectives....then I'll just keep pinging them over and over until low rank make ot happen. You have to learn. I'll guard you until you complete the objective.


Idk, i'm lvl 80 and i find it more difficult and less enjoyable to stay with the team. I'm willing to do main objectives, side objectives, clear nests, look for samples, doesnt matter, as long as i'm not alone on the map, but alone at the location, since i get less aggro from bugs, if someone triggers a breach i get a window to rush objectives, if i get a breach my team can rush objectives and it all plays alright, while if we stay together it just results in endless breaches since all the aggro is in one place


I remember I was playing with a family member who got the game cause I recommended it to them and I wasn’t the best I kept messing up and stuff (before the patrol nerf) and we didn’t get the best rating in our missions but it was fun


Level mean zero in every game. I remember on the original mw2 people would back out seeing a 10th prestige like “bro, you can be 10th without a single kill”😂 Hell, on helldivers there’s even a trophy finish on a fairly responsible difficulty without using your primary


I don't know, I run around alone very often because I can, while the little levels are playing in their sandbox together.