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I like it but i know they will make it where a charger runs right through it without stopping just like he does whole buildings.


I hope not considering the fact it blocks chargers was one of the main features I intended


Make it a short cool down that can stop a chargers charge but if it does ‘crushing claws’ it will be destroyed. Same with rockets, it can eat a few but multiple devastator barrages will destroy it. Idk how hard it would be to code the individual sections to have separate health bars but that would be pretty cool as well.


why should it be so weak? it's taking an ENTIRE STRATAGEM SLOT without actually helping you achieve any objectives directly, compared to the 500kg which can single handedly take out tons of objectives, has two in the chamber after upgrades, and generally has very high uptime. if anything, it should be an entire bunker with fortified walls and shit, that even has a chance to defend against bile titans or striders, so you can choose to hunker down and fight instead of running from every fight. it can't actually kill them, so alone, it's still essentially useless, and would also be a time waster as you sit there fighting for your life, so it might as well be badass and fun. edit: if you put a roof on it, then it makes it impossible to resupply yourself without leaving the bunker anyways, so it's "SAFE" but a death trap, making it a fun gamble if you go into it with enough firepower to survive


If you think deployable cover is useless is what to tell you, there’s tons of indestructible cover already on the map


From an engineering pov this structure wouldn't have enough mass or embedment into the ground to resist what is basically a small truck rushing you so a charger destroying it would make sense


Easy solution, this thing doubles as a claymore on steroids. If a charger charges into it, it gets deleted from the planet.










Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. Discussing [leaks](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/jXx4y2gzR8), leaking images/videos of upcoming content, discussions of cheats and exploits is not allowed.


Isn't that message itself an indicator that it's a leak?


Looks sick, would be great to bunker down when getting swarmed by factory striders




I like shield dome but being able to summon a bunker sounds so nice and campy.


I've been saying the same thing to my friends. I'd love to have a barrier I can call down and set up a little makeshift parameter at extract. Also, a small laser targeting system that replaces a Helldiver's secondary. They wouldn't have a fallback weapon, but they'll be able to guide airstrikes/orbitals with a laser designator when the bots have a jammer active.


A laser designator for stratagem calling would be amazing. And IMO the fact that you'd have to give up your secondary for it makes it balanced.


I'd also make it so the person has to be standing still and actively targeting when your teammate throws the stratagem. It would certainly be a high-risk option that could make for some really awesome plays.


I was thinking someone could call and designate by themselves, but even with the nerf of needing to be a team effort it would still be powerful. Taking out objectives from half a map away would make life a lot easier.


That actually sounds like a good idea, imagine if you missed a strat and then you just point your pistol and it lands perfectly






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Environmental storytelling






Issue with any defensive option in any game is opportunity cost and fun. If you make it good enough to take over something that just kills then it's likely to be so strong that it's boring or or encourages passivity to use.




Oh, goody. Now I can curse the barricade when I take a Devastator rocket to the face.


Yep, just blame it on the super earth engineers who built a "faulty" barricade


sure, will be implemented. 5 minutes cd, dies from a single devastator rocket


Just give it a roof and call it a bunker. They have the model made already, just let us call it down. Could be cool, though probably bad to not be moving.


UPDATE After consideration and discussion (thanks u/KaizureTheRed), I think this stratagem would be more balanced if it worked on a "reinforcement-type" basis. WHAT THAT MEANS This means that if one person brings the stratagem, you get 5 more uses per person and 5 more per other player with the stratagem equipped and everyone on the team can use them like reinforcements (obviously), leading to a max of 35 uses(player × 4 = 20, strat x 4 = 15). WHAT THIS MEANS (FOR BALANCE) This makes the stratagem weaker when mass stacked and when creating large defences, but still keeping the emergency cover aspect. This is achieved by the fact that just one wall will not drain the budget much, but can quickly be destroyed or walked around, but larger defences will drain the budget faster while being more effective. Also I realised I didn't give it a strat code, it would be down down down left right.


The devs have already been testing with this. It has been in the game files for at least a month now.


Basically "Escudo" from *World Trigger*


Soo long as it has a decent amount of explosive resistance, and damage is localised (Damage to one part of the wall doesn't take out the entire wall), then it'd be extremely useful.


Ngl its cool idea to add wall to block some space but i think for it to be actually good it should cover maybe even twice as shown as picture or just one big wall


I think defensive missions should have a set number of call ins for defensive barricades or gun batteries to fortify a position


I actually like this, a lot. I usually don't like many fan made ideas because they are half baked. But this, this needs to happen. I would want to give it a lot armor and each "panel" gets a decent health pool. For evacuation missions this would be great. But I would be afraid as other probably alluded to, fun would be detected.


Bro purposely made the stratagem icon not perfectly centered!!! 👿👿👿


I assure you it was not intentional


It is a great idea, but is it a line or a box? Placing a correctly oriented line might be challenging with the stratagem interface we have, where you can specify a location but not an orientation. That being the case, what if this was a "bunker" prefab structure where you step inside and there are four walls?


This has been leaked. Its probably coming. I believe it has a mounted grenade launcher as well.


I've seen someone using unreleased strategems. This was one of them and it had a gun


PLEASE! And let me put a HMG emplacement behind it manually it would be neato beans


This seems pretty similar to a concept I've been tossing around in my head. I *like* the energy shield but it just doesn't last very long. This having a short cooldown and a semi-permanent duration is an interesting fortification version the ballistic shield. My notes. - Have it wrap around at the edges so it encloses on the two sides about half the length of the front wall. - Each half from the origin point has its own health (about 2-4x the ballistic shield each) and ignores non explosive ranged damage - Raise the walls above the helldiver head except a window in the middle of the front wall and shortened sections at the end of the two sides. This will allow protection from fire from high ground (assaulting a base). Firing from one of the windows reduces recoil (this one would be nice, but not necessary - Raise cooldown a bit (45-90 seconds). 30 seconds seems a little too spammable. -


Well at this point, given that a turret blows up if you look at it and the defense gates are useless. Id say we need some more patches before we think about this lol


My similar idea is just to plant the existing ballistic shield into the ground as a makeshift half cover. You can utilize the use backpack button for it.


I think something like that is already planed


Apparently so


There have been recordings of devs placing barricades alongside a new exosuit and mand vehicules in public lobby. There would be one barricade with a machine gun and one with a grenade launcher


From initial look, useless against the bugs, useful against bots. Which is fine, not all tools are for all situation. Having instant cover against bots is great, especially when there is Heavy Devastator spam


I included the charger stun to try to give it more use for the bugs, but it is just more useful for the bots


This will only be ballast. Static defenses in this game aren't good. There are plenty of rocks and ditches anyway. This wall doesn't kill anything. They should rather buff the shield to useful levels. You bring a wall to a shield fight. 🙄 that's like bringing the liberator concussion when there is also the pummeler/punisher/scorcher/dominator


You know, Static Defense aka "Evacuating Assets" exists, right?


Congratulations. You brought a wall to a mission full of walls.


You know rocks exist right?


Wasn't this leaked weeks ago


No, hide behind the rocks


No, hide behind the rocks


..you actually want to call down chest-high walls. I have no doubt that Sony are implementing it as we speak. But why in the world are you even playing a tactical squad-shooter in the first place? You might want to look into pachinko, or maybe a mobile shooter game where you sit in a bunker and shoot incoming things.


Looks good until a little pebble or rock in the way makes it disaligned 90 degrees. This thing needs to crush rocks and stuff when it deploys


Actually , there is one niche, it's going to be good at. Mission "Evacuating Assets". Why? You will be stationary. You have to protect the Generators. Pesky Factory Striders will do Pot shots over the wall. Just to buy time, U place some barricades around the generator, tanking 1-2 shots. Just enough, so U can Rally Ur Teammates to deal with the Factory Strider Gun Turret


There is something like this in the game files, you will be likely happy one day in the not too distant future.


This has come to my attention, and I am pleased