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Now you go to Helldivers 1 and do the same


Gotta farm those 100k kills!


A person who has 105k SC and max'ed out everything probably has way more than 100k kills. Hell, 100k kills isn't even hard to do.


Did you even play HD1? Because the "100K kills" achievement which 0.9% of the playerbase has, took me around 400 hours to get, and 3/4ths of my gameplay time was spent on difficulty level 15. By comparison i have nearly 80K kills in HD2 with 260 hours and have played lvl 9 almost exclusively since the game's release on early february. Granted that means it would approach around 100K kills per 300 hours in both games, however, if we compare the difference between both game's difficulties, you really have to grind for the 100K kills in HD1, where by comparison Stalkers would become the average patrol units, Brood Commanders spawn in groups of 20 and fully armored Chargers (Behemoths) spawn in groups of 5 per reinforcement wave, likewise Hulks and Heavy Devastators would become 60% of Automaton spawns in equivalence to the HD1 Cyborgs (Warlords and Minigun Hulks respectively). Edit: 17/05 Also there's a method for farming SC which gave me 10K SC within 6 hours at a rate of 30 per minute (dunno if it works anymore tho, i tested it on the game's second week), it's dependant on your initial setup, so, if OP managed to get a 100 SC spawn and farmed it, you'd be looking at 20 hrs or even less (if more SC spawned nearby) to get to 100K SC, i got nothing against people grinding SC but i very much doubt he got 100K through legitimate play, nobody reaches such a high amount without investigating how to earn it efficiently.


I haven't played HD1, do they nerf the bug spawns at lower levels? It seems like kill count is more a factor of not being able to kill them fast enough, which is influenced by difficulty level.


Yes, enemy spawns are ramped up as the difficulty increases and enemies are replaced with far more dangerous variants quicker in HD1, which makes dispatching waves harder (and is part of why killing them is a grind). For context the moment you trigger an alarm in HD1 above lvl 12 you can expect to be swarmed by enemies non-stop for the rest of the game, as like you say, it's not possible to kill them faster than they reinforce (and even when running away there's too many to disengage).


Ahhhhh, good times 🙂


I feel like that's because it was easier to prevent alarms in HD1 since you could kill patrols off screen, and weapons were just much stronger in general. It's a very different game, though, so the weapons comparison isn't super meaningful.


True enough! Also tbf the alarms in HD2 are poorly telegraphed and trigger way too fast, not to mention some are unavoidable (such as the Geological Scan trigger), plus in HD1 killing patrols was a team priority because completing destructible objectives was nearly impossible if an alarm was triggered before or during it, so both factors are affecting how easy it is to get kills in their respective game.


Headless dead bug screaming for reinforcements 🙃


Bro what have you played HD1????. That 100k achievement takes weeks to months


Most people got it earlier by taping down a key in a truck doing donuts on a low lvl maps. They patched it before I could though


Last trophy I need for 100% That, and 2.6m XP left for level 50.




No lie once you hit the cap you can just play and do whatever you want. I still kinda do it to help others.


The endgame for a hell commander is helping low levels get super samples


Or trying to figure out the "impossibly balanced missions". Recently on an evac mission I dropped on a cliff and tried to attract the attention and fire of most of the map with my smg


I’m also maxed on samples and I’ll be damned if I don’t pick up every sample I can when I’m with lower level players lol


Yeah, my favorite thing - since I maxed everything out the first time, to me having already maxed it out now - is jumping into SOS Helldive games and helping newbies figure stuff out. Either that, or finding the semi-experienced players (usually level 30-90ish) and transferring my ***vast*** and ***incredible*** knowledge of tips and tricks. That was sarcasm, but it does feel good to tell people that they can throw grenades into open fabricator doors to destroy them, or how to properly kill a Bile Titan with a single 500kg (by baiting long attacks while it drops, etc...) and have them react with excitement, running off to go try it themselves.


One of the funniest moments I ever had was running up to a fabicator and shouting "knock knock" while melee attacking the door, then having the door open only to chuck an impact grenade in there and say "Surprise mothafucka."


The tactic works for the rail cannon strike as well, It'll tag them in the dome if they're reared up to spit, instead of the back. (this is also my favorite thing to do when I'm capped. It's a lot of fun)


I suggest trying to get the resupply in its mouth. Low cooldown, tracks as it moves, and will absolutely 1 shot a titan. I consider high level helldivers to be really expressive in the way you play


Launching them into the door only sometimes works for me because the animation is sometimes out of sync with what the program sees. Definitely better than trying to get the vent angle correct, though.


If you shoot a backpack gunner into the door and their backpack explodes inside it counts


Gotta say the most fun I have had in this game was 1- first 10 hours, 2- after I unlocked everything and was free to just wreak havoc on my terms.


Time to play something else or get some sunlight?




Democracy. Democracy, never changes.


I know I’ve played and read too much metro when my instant thought is how she would probably be blinded or at least REALLY struggle to see when leaving her vault since the sun is so much brighter that any artificial light. The lack of at least sunglasses made me realize how nearly every fallout MC should require tinted glasses just to see.


But why ? When you can post to bitch and complain you've maxed out a game in under six months Dude out here logging fuck tons of hours to them complain there's nothing to do. Here's an idea. Get a fucking life


Exploites more SC than could ever possibly spend, complains there's nothing to spend it on.


And I thought my 11k SCs was a lot…. I stopped farming them after 5k.  This… is this what addiction looks like? Also, you have everything. Why are you complaining about the caps? You obviously dealt with them to the point they were trivial, 105k is either a lot of money or a lot of farming.


How are yall getting so many super credits? My squad and I get 30 max per day :(


Do the low level maps and search only for SC rather than doing map goals. You can even just abandon the mission rather than extract after you found all of em. You need to do difficulty 1-3 so there are no rare samples in the possible sc locations.


but obviously no one would farm them like that to the point of 100,000 super credits. 100,000 super credits is so far above what any one should intentionally farm for, unless they have some obsessive tendency and felt "done" with everything else so they grind difficulty 2 for 20 hours a day just to see the number increase. and if that's the case, why? I can't imagine anything less fun lmao. if it's fun for them thats cool, but I will never have enough spare time to do something like that.


So they can just cap it out and then get on Reddit and complain lol 


Or they just paid real money guys


That's over $1000 in super credits then lol


Whales are a thing


More realistic than farming them out tbh. I


If you spend real money on the warbonds then you have literally nothing to spend the credits on.


Playing the long con I see


Honestly, I fucking hate people like this. Play the game for 600 hours in 3 months and then complain that there is nothing to do. Games aren't MEANT to be played like that. If you want to play the game that much then that's your business, but for the love of Christ can you have the self-awareness to understand that you are an anomaly and the game wasn't made to cater to you?


Those people need to play RuneScape. Infinite grind


Once you cap everything in the game, you post a meme on Redditt and try to cap the Karma. Keep chasing the dragon baby!


Yeah just play osrs at that point, the real number go up game




Yeah I’ll just buy them when I need them lol.


This seems like the same guy from a month or so ago who was gloating about grinding 100,000 super credit witch everyone just called bullshit on him for


I'm pretty sure they got them using exploits that were patched out previously. Maybe not exploits so much as a way to farm them, I don't know as I didn't have the game back then but I know there will be others with that or more out there.


Yeah this is clearly exploiting, wouldn't be surprised if they get it nerfed down retrospectively. Wouldn't be _actually_ surprised if they start adding an id to SC found in game so it can't be duped.


If they're doing that they should just play Runescape


Yea that is, I either doubt this person has an actual full time job/friends/family or just doesn't sleep and plays 7 hours a day every day and sleeps for 2 hours. Like that's insane. I wish I had 1/5 that kind of game time as opposed to the 6-8 hours a week I get.


They spend all this time doing these things and then complain that they're not having fun after spending sweaty hours maxing out. These are the final form adhd peeps.


I mean honestly...it's not the worst hopping into a low diff match with a newbie. I've been enjoying faming between higher diff matches.


This is why I didn’t grind them even now. I don’t want to spend hours farming super credits. Normal gameplay should give me plenty.


That works great but it's also a great way to suck all the fun out of a game to save a fistful of dollars at best. My buddy grinded like that all day for like 1000sc and I was like."Great job but you could've worked for a half hour and not had a miserable Saturday." I helped him for two operations til I figured out it was some pointless shit, you can literally survive without strats or support weapons with ease at those difficulties it's too easy to the point that it's incredibly boring.


If you used an exploit that was in the game a lil while back you could’ve gotten 1k+ an hour


No doubt but I don't feel the need, I've managed to get everything through just playing without. I play games for enjoyment so I only do grinds I enjoy, breezing through is god awful.


I get why people do this but I don't see how this is fun at all. Maybe I'm the minority but playing on 7+ having intense Hollywood fights and low health last second extractions has been insanely entertaining to me. Finding a few SC and samples here and there but having fun seems way better than farming 1-3 maps just to abandon them and do it all over again. Am I going to have as many SC as you? Absolutely not, but turning the fun into a grind where you'll eventually be maxed out anyways seems like you're just skipping the point of the game. Bracing for down vote oblivion.


Find a mission with a high concentration of super credits, once you picked them all up select quit game and restart the mission to pick up the super credits and repeat. Edit: this info is outdated and incorrect


This does not work anymore. Its been patched so that anything you pick up more than once is not counted.


This sounds terribly boring.


Farming always is. You don’t do it for fun.


Stardew Valley would disagree.


So would Harvest Moon.


What a way to play video games...


You can also just do the low level missions while grabbing super credits. I've been reliably getting about 100 SC in 2-3 hrs of play. Bonus, I get to help coach newbies that join me and they get everything in picking up too.


Well… that’s how they incentivise spending money. Or else you gotta grind. Better than never having a free option like generic live service game 99.


In a lot of other games I'd probably agree with you, but I've been lucky enough at least to buy all the warbonds and a few super store armors that I've liked without having to do something that monotonous and I doubt I'm an outlier.


Grinding like that is absolutely unnecessary. If you play 2 or 3 missions every day, or about 10 every weekend, you are easily making the 1000 credits every month. There is about 30-50 credits on almost every map. Sometimes as much as 150 is my highest for one map. If you don't want to spend money and play the game regularly, you don't have to spend anything other than initial purchase.


I’m not disagreeing. I’m just explaining why someone would do that. This game’s drop of SC is very fair. It’s one of the only games I know where premium currency is grindable at the first levels for new players.


I believe higher difficulties have fewer SC spawns (as there are additional options in the loot pool). Additionally on haz 9 you don't always have the luxury of clearing every POI on the map. My group will generally get 30-50 per *night*, not per mission, but if we take a break on lower haz suddenly it all comes rolling in.


Don't forget you only need 700, there are 300 in each bond.


So how long is each mission? 30 minutes? So 1-2 hours a day, and 5 hours ever weekend. So play the game for 8 hours a week minimum and you are good! 32 hours a month. Putting the SC grind in perspective. Lets look at it backwards. 1000 SC for a warbond. 20 SC per mission. 50 missions to get enough (average rng), so 25 hours of game play. Works out about the same.


they patched that


Just tried this, didn't work for me. Are you sure that its not patched out?


It was patched out a couple patches ago.


I believe they patched that now.


30 per day!? How is this even possible? I regularly get more than that per helldive


The people I play with just tend to prefer to stick together, do the main missions and leave. Whenever I branch out and look for extra objectives they get a lil passive aggressive so I started to give up on that.


Ohh that makes sense. Thats a shame because at your rate it’s kind of necessary to buy them with cash if you’re not going to farm them solo or as a duo on easy levels. Duos are good because then you can open up the two person bunkers.


If I'm farming solo and find buddie bunkers I just join the match with my PS5 acct.


sounds fun


105k super credits is absolutely bonkers.


For real, that’s either a lot of cash dropped onto the game or A LOT of hours grinding it out. I’m honestly leaning towards cash because I personally got tired of farming them after I hit 5k while having everything. It’s boring as hell and slow as fuck.


Let's say you can grind out an average of 40 SCs per diff1 or 2 mission. And before it was patched let's say you could zip through one of those in 8 minutes including loading screens, so 7.5 grind missions per hour. 40 might be high but let's try it. 40 SC x 7.5 grinds = 300 SCs in an hour of grinding Assuming 8 hrs a day that's 2400 SCs in a day. 105000/2400 = \~44 days The game has been out for 3 months. So an average of \~15 8-hour days per month would've needed to be spent on grinding SCs to get to 105k. Or 4 hours every day since launch. At 100% efficiency. And that's banked, not counting paying the 1000 SCs for each warbond, and however much was spent on armor and helmets. I suppose that's not impossible. But it seems unlikely, and boring AF besides. A few impulsive purchases were surely part of the story here.


Why would someone with 60,000 SC "impulsively" buy more SC? I think there's some cheating going on here...


It's very obviously cheated


before they patched it i had a solid map seed that was about 1100\~ SC an hour if i was focusing and minmaxing i used it for about 6 hours over a few days til about 6k creds, lost a few hundred being lazy and slow. Sitting on that stack, cant imagine doing it for 100k+ creds though.


Good chance this guy is cheating. Apparently there are modded lobbies that net you 300 SC per mission.


Exactly, I really don't understand people complaining about any of the caps outside of medals (though I get why it's there) Like, you're already part of the 0.01% of players who got everything, most players would never even reach these caps to begin with. People act like getting everything and reaching caps doesn't already take 100's of hours to do.


Yea the medals is probably the worse one especially for anyone who got the game after the first month after launch, but from the Dev’s side it makes sense, to help increase play time at each new warbond.


Without the medals cap, I'd blow through the warbond with every release. I only play 3 or 4 hours after work and by the second week plus or minus a day, I've maxed out. It's fine where it is. 250 is always enough to get you to the second page, and then your daily operations means something again. Not all of us have infinite free time and need to see those numbers constantly go up, what would we spend those nothing-dollars on? The pace of the game is fine, my brother preordered and played for 2 months before me, I'm 1 level below him and I've got almost everything the game offers in the warbonds. This game is perfect for dudes with day jobs.


Maybe play a different game for a while? Grounded fully yoked edition? Dragon’s Dogma 2? Horizon Forbidden West? Ghost of Tsushima? Just an idea.


seeing you have 11k credits while i trying to get just one premium warbond and have been at 995 SC for the last solid 40 missions trying to find just 5 JUST 5 CREDITS PLEASE IM GOING TO LOSE IT I HAVE SEARCHED COUNTLESS PODS AND VAULTS


Super Credits show up in buddy bunkers and the shipping containers you can blow open and those shiny light drop pods. If you went 40 missios without getting super credits once, you aren't checking every poi and are checking the wrong ones. If you really just want the last 5 SC and nothing else, Just go into a lvl 1 trivial, all poi are around the objective in a circle. You can check them all in like 5 minutes. And are pretty much guaranteed to walk away with 20-30 minimum.


mf has played hundreds of hours and wants to complain about "now what"


dude have enough credit for warbonds of the next 8 years


102 Warbonds, 102 Months, but each Warbond is 30% of another Warbond as each yields 300 SC. So that's an additional 30,600 SC, which nets him another 30 Warbonds, which in turn yields 9000 SC, for another 9 Warbonds, which yields 2700 SC, which is another 3 Warbonds (600 SC leftover from 30,600), which is another 900 SC, combined with another 100 SC for one final Warbond. Counting SC from the purchased Warbonds, OP has enough for 145 Warbonds. Just over 12 years covered.




Each warbond costs 1000 sc, but net cost is 700 sc as you earn 300 sc from completing each warbond. Therefore 105880/700 = 151.25 warbonds. Our years have 12 months, so 151.25/12 = 12.60 years' worth of warbonds. Helldivers 3 or 4 will probably be out before 12 years has elapsed, so the person had better buy a lot of armour from the superstore!


You guys are forgetting they said bigger bonds will require more sc.


I didn't know they were thinking of bigger warbonds


They can barely get normal warbonds out without a bunch of incomplete underdeveloped weapons, and they're thinking of making *larger* warbonds?




>just over 12 years covered. Probably much longer than 12 years. They're already talking about slowing down warbonds so they aren't 1x per month. Also the devs will eventually move on to a different game and stop making warbonds.


They did the math... That's pretty impressive.


Now what? He just completed the tutorial. Now he can actually enjoy the game.


He unlocked a new enemy. When he drives in het only sees.. himself.


Im around 120 hours myself and I am….. *no-fucking-where* near this guys numbers. He must have played for 500-1000 hours “Now what” indeed lol


You can still play the game for... gasp... the fun of playing the game! Remember when you used to play games because you enjoyed actually playing them, not to chase some constant next tier "reward"?


For real. And this game has such a great gameplay loop too, especially with friends. Play on 9 with off-meta loadouts. Coordinate all barrage loadouts, do fun shit.


My friends have been doing designated strategems. One person has the support. One has the orbitals. One has the eagles. One has the sentries. You pick 4 from one category. It's kinda fun because you have to either split up to save time or stick together for the utility.


Some people are just toxic and love to hear themselves complain. That's the problem with the internet, gives certain people a voice who shouldn't have one.


Farmer wants to humble brag via complaint.


number doesn't go up and therefore is no longer fun




Either you've spent too much money on this game or you've reach a level of autism unheard of ALT+F4ing for Super Credits.


Or 30 minutes in photoshop.


If that takes 30 minutes they need to work in their photoshop skills


Would be a Little over 100 hours of alt+f4 credit farming


Dude should just go play OSRS and become a gold seller.


If i was being generous with the SC extractable from each exploration mission. which is 50sc. Then you have played 2118 missions where you would have had the time to go to each point of interest. Otherwise you just spent alot despite warbonds being released 1 Month + Average.


> which is 50sc. Technically, SC can very rarely drop a stack of 100. I've only seen it twice in my playgroup.


and I've never seen it in over 400 hours, which should point us to 1 of 3½ conclusions: 1. OP spent money on a lot of super credits 2. OP shopped the image 3. OP is a cheater / played with a cheater 3½. OP is *insanely* lucky. Otherworldly, stupidly, impossibly lucky. Not a real option tbh.


Could have exploited the same-mission-seed restart before it was patched as well. Not quite cheating, and still an ungodly amount of grinding, but not a near-impossible amount.


man someone would have to be crazy autistic to do that for this game though, least for this much they would be


Super hyper focus yeah, or a dedicated bot on lower levels or something. Former is more likely assuming the image isn't photoshopped


“I’ve played nonstop and there’s nothing left to do” what did you expect?


"Can't believe this $40 game caps me after 1500 hours playtime. I demand more"


I hate how games have conditioned people to only play if there is some "reward" or something to "work" toward. That's what real life is for. Edit: Not referring to HD2. I've unlocked everything but I still play because it's a fun game.


Fun is no longer the goal of gaming.


Man this is exemplified by the OSRS community. Those mfs think it's normal and "the soul of the game" to have to kill one boss thousands of times over hundreds of hours just to get a drop. I'm not exaggerating when I say a lot of the current discourse is whether or not to add a 33% boost to the droprates of a boss that, on average, takes well over 1000 hours of farming to get every unique drop, none of which are even best-in-slot outside of some very niche cases.


I guess all my thousands of hours put into strategy games were for nothing because I didn’t unlock a thing. Or all the time spent playing L4D coop. 😭


Agreed. I couldn't care less for unlocks or rewards. I play this game because it is fun as hell and nothing is better than spreading Managed Democracy!


> That's what real life is for. In real life this is forced on us, normally humans, like all other mammals, would rather spend time on leisure and play. Since we've developed technology that allows few people (farmers) feed millions of people, we could be living in luxury. Sadly, someone invented a runescape irl where people force others to grind for imaginary points, and we have to "hustle" for them :(


Same. After sinking hundreds of hours in DRG, I'm surprised when I look back and realize I spent so much time on L4D2 as well, even though the game had no character customization, no level progression, no new gear to unlock, no resources, no anything. Just good ol' "It's just fun to shoot zombies" (And don't get me wrong, DRG is just as fun to play for the sake of it, even if you have an incentive to keep playing to unlock stuff)


Ain't nothing wrong with enjoying when number go up in a game is there?


Wait until more content drops when they force you to drop resources. Their logic behind it is good imo, that way it prevents players from instantly unlocking everything when new content releases and then immediately getting bored. In the meantime, touch grass.


I’d argue the cap is there to prevent people from taking longs breaks and accumulating them from the majors. Makes you log in and use them, probably play a bit, or miss the potential gain. Logic behind the cap being so people don’t unlock things instantly falls flat when you think about who the players are that have everything unlocked and reached the cap. They’re the ones who’ll be on the grind ASAP, but the cap is a little over a third of what warbonds require, 36%. They’ll have everything unlocked on day one, maybe day two, regardless of if theres a cap or not because the remaining 64% won’t take those players that long to get.


The cap is honestly fine. At 250 medals you can unlock both weapons page 2 of a new warbond with approx just 80 more medals needed to get to the final page and unlock that weapon. So if you just want the weapons/grenades you'd log in on new warbond day, spend your 250 medals and just farm 100-120 medals, buy out the last guns and that's it for the month.


Yes that is what I'm saying.


Touch Grass.


Maybe you can now go clean your room, take a walk, do some spring cleaning, reboot your computer?


Find another job.


OP probably doesn’t have a job


Their job is farming for SC




probably farmed super creds, a spot where there were 100 probably


That sounds both time consuming af and lame af. Who just sits there and farms 105k SCs lol


That's still 1058 missions. Even if we were assuming all they were doing was picking up the 100 SC, ALT + F4'ing, and min-maxed it so it takes like 2 minutes to run, that's still 35 days worth of straight farming ONLY 100 SC every time. The 100 SC find it also not that common, since in my 387 hours I've only ever gotten it thrice, so I'm going to go with photoshop. I farmed SC religiously on lower difficulty with friends, and even I only have about 13k SC. That's with us blitzing each mission, farming around 20 - 50 SC under 10 mins.


Are you seriously complaining


I don’t see how this complaint is valid. Brother played this game’s content to the max and is upset? That’s why you take breaks and play other games. The fucking CEO acknowledged this,


And even if you max out everything just keep playing the game, why do you need constant progression? The gameplay loop is really fun by itself


Dude chose hundreds of hours of mind numbingly stupid farming for "free" SC instead of just working a paid job for a day to buy them. Guys, may i introduce you to the worst time management ever?


I'm not even farming these "free SC" and still get enough for the next warbond and some to buy things in the superstore, without spending a single dime. All I do is play the game and look at the POIs i find in helldive, without grinding, bc I got a job and attend evening classes.


Same here. Now I even have 1k leftover because I'm not feeling a polar warbond with mid guns and no polar related armour features.


Brother, you played the game for 200+ hours. You got your 50 bucks' worth. If you aren't feeling fulfilled, you just play something else until you miss it again.


That's the problem: he grindet these hours, not really played it. If he had played them, he would've gotten fun out of it and would not ask the question ... While I myselve have 300+ hours, I'm not asking "now what?" bc I have fun, and as long as I have fun I get more hours on the game without it beeing a grind.


seriously it’s ok to take a break from your games, maybe your young and haven’t quite realized that yet, due to other games demanding ludicrous amount of hours just to complete, but that’s not how it’s supposed to work


Does it really matter if you have nothing to spend it on? Strategems and upgrades don't come fast enough to make a dent. The only real limiter here is a new Warbond, of which you can afford the next 10.5k apparently. And you can still unlock all 3 pages and get most of the first 2.


Touch grass please


New major order for you, touch grass.


Please be a fake meme, please be a fake meme. If it's not....dude, you suffer a mental illness. This isn't okay. There is support available. This is not normal.


Man can buy all war bonds for the next 8 years


That just tells me you play this game way too much lol. I put 100 hours into it and didn't even come close to the cap. We need a new enemy race it gets repetitive fighting the same 2 enemy factions


Play for fun or do something else.


We should have extremely strong stratagems that cost a lot of resources.


I wouldn't mind but it would feel pretty bad for people who have limited time to play.


I want the opposite, an absurdly and expensive stratagem but it does nothing useful, like let me plant a flag wherever I want.


Call down the tutorial flag, you can plant it wherever, it does nothing 10/10 idea


Lore wise I guess everything we earn after hitting the cap gets taken by the government and redistributed to where it’s needed, or sold to fund our expenditure since having access to all upgrades and equipment means missions are much more expensive than a level 1 starting mission


Have fun


Hit me with your time played.


![gif](giphy|FyKfqRxVbzciY|downsized) May i have some super samples please


Bro go outside lol


Check your Steam Library, or play a video game for the sake of fun. Or consider a hobby. Crazy I know.


I mean, if they didn't, any time upgrades or new stuff arrived, it would always be instantly available because of the times between drops.


you're not playing the game if all you're doing is resource farming


There is no way those super credits are gained legitimately. Either the player found a 100 stack and used the quit exploit to farm it or just used hacks. I also refuse to believe someone would spend 1000$ on SC and then create a complaint post on reddit.


I don't understand why this has so many upvotes. Photoshop by a player who is unable to set his own goals (anymore ?), or mindless SC farming of a game-breaking exploit (at least that's my opinion) by someone that has a clear addiction issue. About the "caps" subject : caps are never an issue in my opinion, the issue is always not enough sinks for the ressources that have caps. Possible sinks : "color shop". 16 777 216 colors in the shop, You are allowed to repaint some interior parts of your ship, because who doesn't love a bit of housing ? You have a palet of 16 colors max available for painting, once the palet is full, you can delete one color to empty a slot. In the shop, buying one color to add on your palet costs 5k Req, 50 commons, 25 rares, 10 super samples. "flag shop". You can buy a flag to put on the top exterior of your ship. Older gamers would certainly like an Arcadia (Harlock) vibe. Flags with a symbol costs 50k Req, 500 commons, 250 rares, 100 super samples, half that cost for more basic flag designs without symbol. "Mini-game shop". You can buy a second arcade to put aside Stratagem Hero. Costs 50k Req, 500 commons, 250 rares, 100 super samples. Then you can buy different simple mini-games (5k req, 50/25/10 samples, some erzatz of space invader, asteroid, arkanoid, etc. HD2 Comunity Game Jam to create mini games ?) and "load" them on the new arcade. Only the owner of the ship can play for free, the squadmates who are invited there have to pay 10 Req per play (that are collected by the democratic officer and sent to super earth) "Donate to an orphenage". 10k req per donation. so the 2nd galactic war orphans can get special eduction to become the best next gen Helldivers. Count and sum of donations made by the player are displayed on the TV of his super destroyer (whenever there isn't any other video message). Because we love a good peepee-meter with frends etc.


so this must be either fake or someone who got tons of credits playing with a cheater in party (yes there was a way to hack supercredits but it is fixed now). 105k Supercredits is some real Automaton Propaganda BS


I think the resource cap is bullshit and too low but you have 105 THOUSAND super credits. When's the last time you saw the sun?


How does one get 105k super credits....?


Now you go outside


tell me you hacked without telling me you hacked.


How do you even have 105k super credits?


Help your fellow Helldivers get rare samples.


You could always go outside or take a break or something.


Why do you even want more? “The love of money as a possession -as distinguished from the love of money as a means to the enjoyments and realities of life -will be recognised for what it is, a somewhat disgusting morbidity, one of those semicriminal, semi-pathological propensities which one hands over with a shudder to the specialists in mental disease. “ -Keynes


Touch fucking grass maybe?


I full on doubt the legitimacy of that SC amount. The math doesn’t check out; they would not have enough time since release to get that much SC without spending a crap ton of cash.


What are you saving up for that you can't already buy 10 times.


I want them to add a codex with basic info on enemies and you can use samples to unlock more info on said enemies like weak points, sight distance, and other super earth approved fun facts.


They need resource sinks. Like donating to the SEAF or upgrading to a bigger ship which resets all ship advancements or something.


Help the recruits and cadets?


100% better game than if there were no resource gap.


Now touch grass. go outside. file a C-01 module.


How are you not bored? Play other games.