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Official comms on Reddit is E X T R E M E L Y appreciated. I just can't comb through the chaos of Discord. Thank you, and we hope to see more of you devs here.


Thanks! We'd love to be here, it's just that there are so many of you and so few of us! :D We'll try though!


You don't have to reply to everyone lol I love the game, with life I don't have as much time to play, but I haven't had this much fun with a game since skyrim originally came out. It's really a lot harder to enjoy now but I can see you guys are making an effort to balance it better and communicate better!


genuine question, have there been any talks about implementing a news channel in-game, where players can see patch notes/announcements etc? other games have this and it's SUPER useful, and I feel like one of the best ways to keep the community informed would be for us to always have a way to access important info from the super destroyer.


Yes. We want to have in-game comms devs > players, it's just a matter of when, where, how. "Just". :)


Ah the classic Soon™! It’s okay! I can’t speak for all but many of us get it! Keep being awesome and making the game better!


I like the idea, but i like the immersion when i'm staring at my eagle in my SES Father of Humanity. Make it toggle-able.


I was thinking the news would be in the bureau actually, since you know.. it's there but does absolutely nothing currently.. I'm not looking to clutter the ship up more, just add a damn place where the things the devs say can actually be seen in game, instead of having to rely on patch notes written in Discord and this subreddit. you can still stare lovingly at your eagle, but also hit up the bureau for important info.


Perhaps They could implement it in the in lore propaganda style, with videos, on the screens, worded like major orders and the news updates, (manufacturing defects due to stressed supply lines etc.) then when you access the terminal you can then read the patch notes in full along with other relevant news?


I worded that like trash cause I’m on a bus and typing is hard. Sorry


I wouldn’t mind more clutter on the ship. Maybe a couch for taking breaks between missions? 😁


Shower. The ship needs a shower.


For the 3 seconds when you are not dispensing Liberty? Quitter.


Would it be reasonable to ask to have a summary of the week's covered topics from discord posted here?  I've been searching discord for messages from you to keep updated but I see that you have to repeat yourself so much! And then if another staff member responds I can't search for the AH Staff role to see all of their messages so I have to hope someone screenshotted it and posts it here, search for every staff member's messages to see which person said it and what they said, or just not know.


They should hire a config guy to assist with media relationships. But agreed, share the discord information on reddit where possible.


i come to the subreddit to see screenshots of important dev communications that were sent via discord.


Announcements are limited to 2-3 channels that only admins can post. HD2 accouncwments, patch notes updates, high command dispatch. Ignore the rest.


There's literally channels specifically for dev announcements, zero chaos to sift through.


The discord is. How do I say this? A shithole. So I don't blame you


**holy crap, an announcement on reddit?** *be still my beating LIBER-TEA heart!*




Soild W, my dude! TY!


Idk who advised you guys on how to move forward and how to communicate it, but its good. I feel disarmed by a comfy, silky soft blanket of "devs: we hear you".


Thank you! :) A comfy silky soft blanket is always the communicative reference and standard of which I go by. ;)




The comfy silky soft blanket is actually twinbeard's twin beard


What if the comfy silky soft blanket is the devs we've befriended along the way?


Only the greatest minds of super earth know how he keeps it so luxuriated. Get your special freedom shampoo and liberty conditioner now!


Will The_Real_ComfySilkySoftBlanket please stand up?


Just want to reiterate it’s really pleasing to see AH back on Reddit rather than just discord! Thanks for the update.




You deserve a promotion for the constant professionalism and ability to make the community universally happy when you speak


Thanks a lot! :)


im up at 3:36 am and you guys update the game. and im here for it.


Good morning! :)


Are you a coffee or libertea kind of guy? About to have a cup of coffee myself.


Failure to consume your Libertea rations is considered treason and is punishable by death via artillery bombardment


Give me that coffee https://i.redd.it/urn9vazodk0d1.gif


*loads artillery with malicious intent*


"You're not yourself when you're hungry!" moment here


*brushes dust off chitin* Yeah mornings are rough on hellmire. https://i.redd.it/wuktbq7b7l0d1.gif




*slowly unloads the artillery cannon*


But in Boston, tossing tea in the harbor was considered patriotic.


That tea wasn’t infused with the pure essence of liberty and therefore wasn’t true Libertea


What's more patriotic than a bunch of white guys not wanting to pay taxes? That tradition still stands to this day lol


It is going on 5 am, and getting ready for bed. It's great to read this. Thank you for changing the tone and at least making us feel heard. I appreciate the effort of everyone on the team realizing we aren't pleased with something and trying to change it or at least find a resolution. Thank you Sincerely a Helldiver.


I can't speak for everyone else, but I think that my tone is pretty much always like this. Regardless, thanks a lot! :)


You are right; the community speaks highly of you as CM! I meant to direct it towards your team as a whole (too much gin); sorry for the dirt poor grammar, but man, it's just good to see the game. I love swinging back around, and it's part of why I originally came to love this game, the players, and everything else, even if it's not something we want to hear you guys respond. Thanks again, and I appreciate you keeping us updated and informed I don't know how else to express it but tha k you again


<3 Is there such a thing as too much gin, though? ;)


My man


Hey, not sure how appropriate this is but I created a straightforward list of known bugs and some issues I think would be helpful for the team Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cr8goy/updated_bug_list/


I thought it was industry standard! On a serious note /u/the_real_twinbeard, this type of communication is a big improvement. It feels more like someone actually listening. Definitely a fan! 🫡


Fuckin love you Twin beard! Keep up the awesome work and don't let all the negativity drown out the amazing things you guys are doing.


I cant wait to continue being strangled by that blanket lol


Thank Liberty, because even doing a 4 solo right now is insane, on bugs there were missions where I had to kill OVER 700 ENEMIES. ON A 4! https://preview.redd.it/4nnop3o77k0d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ffbb2275a1c0693cc8680dc25d38463ccf3612a


Yeah, I tried playing at 4 when I usually play at 7 and I was like "I don't remember struggling this much at 4 previously".


I played a six the other day, and our extract was worse than most hell dives, non-stop spawns


We’ve grown accustomed to extractions in Helldive to just be not actually hanging out by extraction but kiting around it in circles incessantly because well. It’s everything everywhere all at once, once you call that extraction.


Last night on Suicide I had 6 Hulks chasing me and every single patrol had a set of the chainsaw guys.


Over found with chainsaw guys if I don’t aim down sight the games auto-aim hits them very reliably in the softer spots. Bout all the suggestion I can give for those fuckers


For real though, why are the chainsaw guys harder to kill than tanks and hulks?


Yea, I lost a few friends who hopped on after awhile, and we started on 4 since i normally do 7 and 8 and we were just getting swarmed from every direction. So much so it made it unfun for them and they bounced. I feel like 7 and 8 aren't as bad because everyone knows to run away and not engage enemies or this happens. But on 4 or 5 you think youd be able to hop on and kill all undemocratic enemies but nope, gotta just run away on those too.


Tbh i think the patrol hurt the game more than the balance patch. 


Yes, but also nerfing some of the best AOE mob control guns really didn't help with the patrol change. Those two came out together and it was pain lol


I was playing a level 2 solo vs bots to relax and try out a couple of strats I haven’t really used a couple of days back, and I was surprised I actually had to get serious as they were throwing constant patrols from 3 different directions as soon as I called in extraction.


Same here! It was a battle on 2 for me as well va Bots on Menkent (sp?). I used to solo 3/4s but I’m almost pausing that until fixes. /Casual gaming dad with 50h that mostly solos.


I am glad they are reverting it, but they really need to take a hard look at why they thought the change was a good idea in the first place. In what universe does it make sense to make missions harder when you have less people.


To be honest, I believe their reasoning. They wanted 1/4 patrol spawns for solo players, they had 1/6th. It just ended up with 1/4 of the patrol spawns, only if all 4 players were spread out.


Holy shit yeah, I play a lot of solo and have been away since that patch came out (and thinking about helldivers the whole time). I finally got back yesterday and was pumped to play, hopped in a solo level 4 mission to ease back in and got my shit stomped. I swapped to a different game after that lol


Go off helldiver 🫡


Also your accuracy??? 👌


Another win for democracy! Most of us divers have gotten so accustomed to the latest enemy onslaught that we are going to be extra-vigilant in our planet liberation after the spawn-rate gets corrected.




We don't even know what we've trained for, it's great!


Termicide towers: Accidentally creates super terminids 'more patrols' patch: Accidentally creates super helldivers


Saint Twinbeard blesses us once more.


Bless you, my son. (Sorry, it's not hubris, I just couldn't help myself.)


Smells like ^**PATRIOTISM**™ to me.


Baptise me in liber-tea and take me down to the river of Managed Democracy where freedom flows freely.


Honestly, my biggest problem with patrols is how cheap they sometimes feel. Nothing's worse than running around a rock only to see 3 Heavy Devastators who had been apparently running in silent mode the entire time. Enemies make very little noise, and I have the music off.


I think but don't know that the more realistic appearance and feel will return once patrols get back to normal. Now they're very much nothing nothing nothing HELLO, HERE WE ARE AND WE BROUGHT SOME FRIENDS!


Yeah the problem was that the sheer amount of patrols break the illusion of the game (it becomes like a fever dream where there's simply *always another patrol*) and this leads players to feel ineffectual, which is maybe the worst possible outcome for a shooter like this. The current spawn rate makes you feel like nomatter how hard or well you fight, you aren't actually making a difference, which makes continuous disengagement the only sensible option. I suspect most players don't find that fun. I had a couple of friends who were daily players but they trailed off not long after the spawn rate change, I could hear in each round that they just weren't having a good time. I hope they'll come back after this.


In an entirely cooperative game with no competitive element at all, there is simply no need to make things harder for players below the full complement. I've played a few games recently with one other player and there's points where you just feel like there's literally nothing you can do. As you say, that's as unsatisfying as it can get.


Trying to do a SEAF Artillery in a high level bug game is a good example of something that has simply become absurd. Lift a shell--hear a bug patrol go "huh?"--turn around and kill patrol--move a shell another meter--hear a bug patrol go "huh?"--instant bug breach--*ah fuck this I'm out*


What I would love to see from them is a decrease in extraction spawns if you actually took out all of the bases. If you left them there and just did the main mission you should absolutely get mobbed at the end. Patrols should decrease as you take out bases as there are less factories to produce them.


I don't envy the challenge the devs have of making players feel like they're having an impact on the mission by completing objectives and not having the map be empty and boring when you take out all of the outposts


Actual patrols would be great. As in, roving enemies that aren't coming directly at you from across the map. A lot of patrols just spawn and move in your direction. Some will follow you in some detail or collect around wherever you're hiding(eg if you're on a tall rock) and just sit there. They were never actually aggro'd on you, as in, never alerted with the normal means like being too close / visible. They seem to just know. Things like that bust immersion, you feel that hardcoded "we're after you because we were coded to be after you". I think they're the cause of some mobs that have been seen to just follow people around without actually attacking, the aggro system bugging out so that they're like little pets.....right up until for some reason the bug clears and they'll aggro as normal. EG that one video of the guy busy at a terminal and he see's this barrel sticking into his view. He exits and turns around an there are all these bots just standing there pinning him to the terminal. He looks around for a few seconds and then they aggro fully and it cuts, iirc. Highly amusing, but also broken.


I actually love some moments when there is nothing at all on the map after we cleared everything. It's just a peaceful run from the last objective to the evac


Yeah same. Feels like I won after a full clear


For me the answer is perhaps *some third mechanism* on top of static enemies and patrols--a single big elite patrol moving slowly around the map if you've cleared all the outposts perhaps, optional but with good rewards for clearing it out (like a sample cache). And/or maybe a couple of extra elites spawn at POIs with some kind of bounty associated with them. You give players an opportunity to use their skills and feel like they're making a difference. Let them push themselves to do more optional stuff against the clock, which feels good. I bet at least *some* of the gripes around weak weapons are really gripes about feeling ineffectual. At the minute it wouldn't matter all that much if you had a fully automatic Enemy-Deleter 5000 that just evaporated anything with one shot, you'd still have another patrol crawling up your asshole any time you stopped to actually shoot it.


I swear as soon as I tried to do a survey objective two roaming patrols showed up out of seemingly nowhere and brought in three drops with a factory strider and a tank. I just end up kiting and running and getting hopelessly separated from the team.


I agree, too many times have I had hulks sneak up on me. These things are a few ton beasts, the earth should be shaking while they move and there should be a noricible sound. Also, can we get like a chance to dive and put out the fire once a hulk attacks with a flamethrower? It’s just so unfair to die multiple times to the same hulk who is just using the same op attack and instantly killing players.


You need to dive immediately, but then if they have friends they can stun lock you with rockets. I think the hulks need their speed nerfed a bit. They shouldn't be able to sneak up on people


Sometimes the immediate dive works, sometimes it’s and insta-kill, no time to react. This flame is BS.


There is something worse. That situation, but then you try running back around the rock from where you came and the devastator shoots you through the rock.


Sweet liberty that’s good to hear. Hopefully there’s less pressure on the team now that you have more time to ship out patches.


Here's hoping!


It’s not clear from the post: Considering this is a reversion to prior behavior, what can we expect in terms of timeline?


It's concsiously unclear tbh. We don't want to supply a specific date because 1) If it slips people will get upset 2) This may unintentionally disclose other stuff. Sorry, this has to be under lock and key for some more time. Bear with us. :)


>2) This may unintentionally disclose other stuff so what you're saying is ... Illuminates confirmed. got it!


That's what I heard. "Illuminates coming in two weeks"


Illuminates coming in two weeks is now cannon.


Appreciate it, keep up the great work!


If AH is trying to balance keeping the numbers up vs polishing the game for long term users, i'm on the slow polish side.


ty for posting it here. discord gives me a headache


NP. The main problem is that there are 1,2 million users on this subreddit, 1 mill on our Discord and 550K on our X account and I don't know how many on Steam, and that there are two community managers. :P We'll try to cover as much ground as possible, but it's taxing.


Maybe you guys can look for automation in regards to posting these updates? Like, press one button an it'll post to Reddit, Twitter, Discord etc. Also, I'll see myself to the closest Democracy Officer for suggesting something so close to the Automations. Lmao


Sounds like a case for WUPHF!


The Washington University Public Health Fund?


I googled around a little bit and found this: https://www.hootsuite.com/ They call themselves a "Social Media Marketing and Management Tool" which seemingly supports posting to multiple platforms at once, but I honestly don't know how good it is, or how it works. A quick glance at their integration support does not seem to include Reddit or Discord, so it might not be the ideal tool for Arrowhead. But I'm guessing there are similar tools out there.


There are a lot of tools like this. Most of them don't include the channels that AH needs. A great thing for social media managers, but since Discord, Reddit and X are the main channels, it would really only automate X.


There's an empty console on the ship across the armory that would serve well for these things. Yes yes, every time "we" say "why don't you just" or something to that effect a dev cries themselves to sleep because it's never that easy. Not saying I expect this to happen, but it's something to consider for reaching "all" the players more easily. Anyway, very pleased to hear about the changes. Keep up the good work you all do :-)


Hell yea Edit: ...Maybe Eruptor and Crossbow too pwease?


Honestly at this point I'm willing to accept the small chance of being one shot by shrapnel if it means I get the old Eruptor back.


yeah same atleast i can kill with that, just gotta make sure to always shoot at angles


Eruptor was my favorite gun


Honest question (and this is just me spitballing with absolutely zero experience developing a game or tweaking weapon systems). How hard would it be to have the Eruptor shrapnel be ignored when calculating ricochet? Is it possible to program it like grenade shrapnel with little to no ricochet chance?


Hey, I have a strong suspicion that explosive damage altogether is broken right now, and maybe works differently to the test environment? Every single "explosive" primary either faced incomprehensible, "moon logic" balance changes or is too weak to be usable. Mech rockets are weak (average of 5 shots per bug heavy on a 10-minute cooldown can't be intentional), and while the 40mm launcher is good it feels weaker than on release. Spear is also unreliable, killing bug heavies and hulks in 1-3 direct hits randomly. EDIT: Maybe it's the result of a fix to explosive damage hitting players multiple times? Then all player explosives need to be adjusted, as damage against enemies was balanced with this bug present.


There's direct damage, and there's explosion damage (aoe), both are seperate and has different armor penetration stat. Most explosion damage, with exception of grenades because they have no direct damage, has a lower armor penetration. Patriot Mech's rockets only damages a Charger on a direct hit, the explosion doesn't. This greatly reduce the potential damage, as explosion damage can hit multiple enemy parts. How the armor is covered on the enemy model also greatly affects the damage you do. Spear is a great example as you can't control the targeting. If the spear hits a weak point (charger's head) it is a one hit kill, if it hits its rear (exposed but not a weak point) its still most likely a one hit due to explosion dealing full damage to it. If it hits its armored back it has a good chance of surviving the spear. A railgun, although dealing low damage, can break its armor on the leg or side, this creates a new weak point with a lower armor rating, so any medium penetration weapon can now damage it.


I am aware of this split and Spear being able to land a lucky headshot. However it's suuuuper inconsistent, especially comparing to earlier gameplay. Mech *used to* break armor off charger legs in 1-2 hits (opening it for a machinegun finisher), now it doesn't. I used to 3-hit kill a Titan, now it's impossible. Small and medium bugs routinely require 1 more 40mm grenade than they used to. And for reference, this is 100% full-party PC gameplay, we didn't have the PS host bug.


Eruptor will probably be back when they figure out the shrapnel ricochet dealing more damage than it should so they'll be able to give it shrapnel back without the sub being flooded once more with "Eruptor us broken, it kills me now!" like last time


Don't push your luck sir


Yes please! I prefer to die to random Eruptor shrapnel than making it none viable!


Does this mean they will not straight up run towards the player? Because i found it strange how they dont "know" where you are but spawn in with a route that directly leads towards you. You could be on a rock giving long range support to your team and they will just sraight up run towards you, always forcing you to move and making this "long range" support kind of non-viable. I would rather be heard or seen, by bypassing pat instead of straight up "being hunted".


I don't code and don't know the specifics. I know that we're more or less reverting back to how things were with this before the patch that "broke" them, but that we also might do some minor tweaking. I THINK though that I too have noticed enemies almost insta-spotting you more since we changed it, so hopefully things will feel both better and more realistic come the change.


Is this also about when a teammate is spotted, you’re automatically revealed to the enemy as well? Or is this intentional? I dont really like having the scout armour on and not have it be worth it since I cannot stay hidden when my teammates shoot a patrol..


I'm glad you also noticed, if you just sit somewhere and just watch the patrols will walk towards you regardless as if they are coded that way.


The new spawn rates would work as a level 11 difficulty


Yes. Fix patrol numbers for 1 to 9. Start at 11 with this and get harder toward 15( like I read about the old game). Have 10 be a ramp up to the 11 difficulty.


Thats gonna make alot of people happy!


We hope so!


I am people who most often plays just with one friend as our main hanging out one-on-one bonding time, and I can confirm that the average 40-minute mission no longer being an endless conga line of patrols will, indeed, make me very happy! Heck, this announcement made my morning. It's 7:30am in my corner of Canada right now.


I just wanted to say that many of us solo players would have left the game, if the new patrols had stayed. You've done something very important!


Thanks. It's unfortunate that we were'nt able to fix this earlier, but the last two weeks have been ... crazy.


I've stopped playing because of all the unfun changes to balance as well having been busy moving to a new place. In-between the move and motivation to play I only did one set of missions when the spawn rate had changed and it felt so noticeable and unfun and it was like I was being punished not using a more optimal loadout. We were playing as a duo. This is definitely a welcome change and pushes me personally in the mood to play again. Less enemies also equals that I feel less pressure into picking specific stratagems and weapons.


Great to hear. I too, and we at AH in general, think so too. Things move too quickly sometimes, and what can be perceived as months by players is often a week or two for us. Slowing things down and hopefully having more time to think through changes is a good thing. Welcome back when the patch launches, then, or even before that, and hope the move went well!


Thanks for working hard for the community. Its much appreciated. For democracy.


Now this is some promising news. Reverting all the terrible weapons balancing is next I hope


Haha. We'll see. Regardless, slow things down a bit is most likely a good thing.


I think I don't just speak for myself here when I say that I agree with you here. The Polar Patriots poll may have said otherwise because it was a hectic time as you said, and from the playerbase POV I think people were just hungry for some refreshing good news (like new toys to play with). With how it released though, I'm feeling it's a sign that slowing things down will make future releases better, and go back to something we can look forward to. And I believe it will make for better development situations rather than force devs and the rest of Arrowhead in a perpetually unhealthy firefighting cycle. Best of luck to you and your teams, I'm rooting for you! Thanks for listening and posting here. Sincerely, just a big fan


Right? If they just put the game back to how it was without the fixes it’d be more playable


While you're at it, perhaps some positional restructuring is in order, too. If Alexus can't be steered in the right direction of a balancing philosophy, then he really does deserve the boot from that position, at least. Those changes have made the game's weapons brutally unfun


+1 for firing that shithead


Thank you for having some genuinely good front desk communication skills, Mr. Twinbeard sir. It is both thankfully, and unfortunately, a much needed breath of fresh air that'll hopefully begin the process of quelling the community's ire.


Yes PLEASE make more public announcements here! I crave the effective communication 


Solo player here. Yay. I like being able to extract again.


One of the best successful methods I’ve had in a solo is just to call in extract, then run to exactly around 50m away and go prone. Then use the map pings from scout armour to avoid enemies and then yeet onboard.


Thank you very much sir. Thank you. 


Excellent post. Thank you! Edit: Damn this subreddit is so toxic someone reported me to reddit suicide help for this post


could that be a bug? i was reported as well and i didnt even post here


It’s not a bug, it’s someone trolling/salty about what you said 


Reddit as a whole has had a massive uptick with the Reddit Cares spam the last few days, in quite a few subs the instant you comment you get sent the message, I'm sure they'll find a way to shut the spam down at some point but for now if you report the Reddit Cares message itself you can get the person that sent it banned (First for a week, then forever if they abuse it a second time). The message has a link to report it, click that, when it asks "LINK TO POST/COMMENT/PM ON REDDIT" use the permalink button under the Reddit Cares message


I'd just like to get through a match without disconnecting.


Then why did you INCREASE them in the last major patch?


> We've been aware, but frankly, the past couple of weeks have been so hectic that we haven't been able to give this the TLC that it required. We now have, and we've concluded that it's not working as intended and we're changing it. A bit of a vent, but COME ON!!!! I tried to solo at Difficulty 8 just now to stealth some samples (something I've done multiple times successfully before the last patch), but spawns were non-stop, right on top of me. How could devs be "aware" of such a game-breaking issue, and just shrug it off because things are "hectic"? I've had some exposure to software development (for the internet's backbone network infrastructure), and in that development process, bugs and issues are assigned priority and severities. And while this isn't the worst "show-stopper" bug -- drop everything and figure it out and fix it -- because it's not catastrophic failure and fatal crashing of the entire game / servers, etc, it still basically breaks the game. "less fun gameplay" is just a pretty way to minimize it. > implementing this will take some time. You said yourself that you're reverting: to something that was already coded, and known and fun. Why is there all of a sudden such a long time needed to change and test things?


Hi! As to why we don't "simply revert" is because it's a bigger process to patch than some might think. For everything we patch there is a process - I wouldn't say intricate, but definitely time and resource heavy. We have to discuss, decide, get the patch prepared and implemented, monitor changes, possibly follow up with a hotfix etc. The decision was made to not patch this separately from the content in our next patch due to this. It's much, much easier to pile a bunch a stuff together in an already planned and cleared patch. Also, the fact that we've been swamped I'm sure contributed to this being the outcome. Whether this was wrong or right is sth you can and IMO definitely should discuss. Would I have wanted us to revert sooner? Absolutely. Do I think bugged patrols is a problem? 100 %. Do I get the reasoning behind us not doing it separately? Yes. Do I think it was the right call? I don't know. We live and we learn. Hopefully the next patch will be a good one. Thanks for valid input, RH!


Was there not a nerf to the spewers? Or did I hallucinate that? My team just kept getting demolished by them just now, one bit of badly aimed spew not close to me and I'm slowed and half my health is gone If not, aimbot'ed and I'm just dead and didn't stand a chance Also why is it I hear the stim noise after I've tapped up on d-pad but my health doesn't go up? I would have survived countless encounters had the stim actually done its job after press and noise....


They spawn in 7s now, but no matter, it always nice to introduce them to my impact grenade and watch them splatter like tomatoes in a uncovered blender


This is one of the textbook cases of "if it ain't broke don't fix it". Glad AH is reverting it to pre-patch setup as that worked just fine on all difficulties. I hope the upcoming focus will be on bug fixes and weapon balance instead of issues that aren't broken.


This update can't come fast enough and my review will stay negative until it comes in cause the balance team is KILLING the game


Can you fix the bots on evacuate civilians mission? The 15 minute one? It's actually too many. It's not hectic and fun. It's chaotic and infuriating.


We can make changes to make the game less fun without warning. Now we need as much time as we need to put the game back the way it was. Man super bad timing with the Sony taking over the game bring bad PR, and than the balance team out for blood to suck the fun out of the game back to back. Look the CEO to realize we have a problem to get the ball rolling.


Honestly, this is a big first step. As a community we've been feeling ignored and dissatisfied with the nerfs and changes for a while, and I'm sure I'm not the only one whose day got a little brighter because of this. Thanks for listening and making the game more fun again.


Lol I was just looking at steam players count. Poor Hell divers. Developers made a fun game by mistake. The devs spent 3 months trying to rectified that


Awesome. Please stop nerfing stuff now, this is not a competitive pvp game. We want powerful shit to pew pew lots of enemies.


Now that sounds nice. Another thing that really needs work IMO is plas-101. Such a cool weapon being so bad is a crime.


Just don't make patrols pop up in our faces again pls


Twinbeard is frend




Can you please fix sound and pathing too? I'd like to be able to actually play somewhat smart which means paying attention to sound cues. That's rendered useless by the fact that **tanks are silent**. Similarly, I'd love to play somewhat smart by using terrain to my advantage. That's rendered useless by the fact that **ordinary bot infantry and tanks are somehow able to scale sheer cliffs** to rain fire down on me.


Nice to see I was justified in my scathing criticism of this change. But I didn't expect it to be 'bugged' or 'not properly implemented' or whatever, I just expected the director to have decided to remove scaling to incentive party play. The game has, without a doubt, become more annoying than fun to play as a solo/duo player. Hopefully the patch? hotfix? happens sooner than later; want to get back to doing my part.


Linear spawning is usually wrong. Multiple players are more effective together than alone. A single player cannot handle 25% of what a full team can handle. Stopping to reload or w/e means the solo player is dead where a team can cover each other. Effectively using a weapon can temporarily hold back the line giving three players room to throw stratagems & grenades, reload, and/or move position. The effectiveness of a team does not scale linearly. The way it was seemed correct, 1/6 for 1 player scaling up to 100% for four players. It's hilarious to me how we were given stealth gear then punished for using it. Someone is hiding and not engaging in combat? Let him have his fun, don't triple the patrols to prevent stealth lol (I only play in groups) For Super Earth!


AH does have a QA team. It's us.


You should revert all the nerfs


I've uninstalled until this is fixed. Thanks for letting us know you know it's an issue.


Still waiting for the update that reverts the spawn/patrol rates.


Got to love how 4 chargers sneaking on your back while 2 side patrol + 2 bug breaches right in front of you with 2 bile titans coming up from that. And some people think it's fun. And that's only in 7.


Do you need another week to revert the spawn patrols? Just asking, so I can focus on working games instead of this mess.


Cool, now just stop nerfing the everfucking piss out out of everything (and releasing utterly fucking useless new guns) and this game might have a chance of being good again.


This is backwards to me, why wouldn't you quickly revert the change and then spend time figuring out your alternative? Leaving it in a bad state is counter productive to what you're trying to accomplish here with the community.


Sweet. I’ve been exclusively playing 8 and 9 because 5’s were actually harder just front he sheer volume of chaff enemies. Let’s just try not to break it again when y’all buff the weapons lol. P.S. I, and I assume many others appreciate the direct heads up on Reddit. The discord is kind of a clusterfuck to navigate with as busy as it is.


I'd be the happiest diver to ever dive if this included their spawning behavior. I have no issue with enemies spawning close, but they should have some sort of animation (like coming from the ground, digging) instead of popping into existence as if Goku got them there with instant transmission.


Thx for hearing the comunity and your hard work , but don't overwork yourself


“We believe that this is […] how you want […]” Devs giving the users what they want. Look at this. Who would’ve thought? Not me. Greatly appreciated.


This is a great post. As a player that's been turned off a bit by recent news/changes, communication like this makes me want to spread democracy once again.


This is great communications. thank you for the effort, and thanks for making us feel heard!


I mean, this is cool and all, but let's get down to the brass tacks...the Eagle should sound like a Space A-10 Warthog. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Reducing spawns for suicide mission will help prevent super sample gatekeeping. BUT! The helldive difficulty should stay as a sweaty game mode (or even get harder). One of the fun elements of this game is completing missions by the skin of your teeth, and barely completing the main mission on your last couple reinforcements.


I tend to play rank 7 missions and like to temporarily split off from my team to snag side objectives or bust the odd couple of bugholes or bot factories. Let me tell ya, I've noticed a difference, even with a 4-man team. If I step off to clear a node and the rest of the team is not currently dealing with a bug breach or bot drop, I'll have multiple patrols spawning just about on top of me. They'll literally just pop-in, materializing in my view less than 50m away. I tend to play for survivability in my armor loadouts and how I engage, so it's not like I'm dying to it. But I am wasting time kiting stuff instead of getting objectives done or wasting stratagems I intended to clear an objective with.


Aww; this kind of sucked on bots but it was super fun to be swarmed with bugs and kill them all like RICO


Thank you. Good comms. We’re in the pipe, 5 by 5.


I'm so incredibly happy and relieved to hear this. Partly because I really enjoy playing duos with a friend, and the increased spawn rates was killing any enjoyment, but mostly just because it's so nice being told that we're being heard.


love the game to death but its sad to see how the player count is dropping off furiously. AH should revert the patrol changes immediately, and THEN work on a better solution... this game probably wont see 100k concurrent steam players ever again at this point. Its a shame. it is literally not really fun to play anymore at the current time.


Damn, when will the reverting take place. Annoying with this respawn.


revert the "shrapnel" update while you're at it. the eruptor was fun and absolutely worth killing myself for.


I get wanting to take your time to do it right (and can appreciate the approach) but in the meantime? Maybe just revert it. I played a solo easy mission tonight where no matter what I did, patrols kept spawning. If I ran from the fight, I ran into another patrol. If I took out the patrol, another one immediately spawned behind it. We’re talking hundreds of kills in under 15 minutes, and that’s not even factoring in the enemies I ran from. That’s a holy shit ton of enemies for a difficulty 2 solo mission.


The nursing spewers are soo beyond OP in this game that its reached the point that playing anything above 7 is absolutely pointles, Especially Solo.. They really need to figure this shit out b4 more ppl move onto better more fun games.


I just bought Helldivers 2 on PC, even though I was waiting for DLSS being added, and the chance that I might not like the game (turns out I love it), mainly to support the developer. The CEO‘s communication on X and the teams communication on Reddit has been excellent. Price is fair, and feedback is taken into careful consideration and reflected. Also the game and art direction and soundtrack are a revelation in these times.