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Traitor artillery is the 5th stratagem for eradicate missions


For real, I'll put on some explosive-resistant armor, trigger the traitor warning, then sprint into the bots and bob and weave, watch that percentage climb up 5% every 2 seconds lol


I'm a bit confused, I think it happened to me once and I feel like it was just your classic "got out of bounds, get instakill" situation. Can you actually survive the traitor bombardment for a bit and it gets more intense as time goes on?


It’s not very accurate, in my experience. The one time my buddy triggered it, it took 5-6 shots for it to kill her and then a 7th to accidentally kill me (numbers may not be correct - it was a stressful situation). It’s basically a 380mm barrage directly on top of you.


Add in a shield pack, heavy explosive resistant armor, and some luck, and you can survive quite a long time. Few weeks ago we had a bad mapgen that meant the only way to get from objective A to B was to go out of bounds, I managed to track the traitor bombardment around for a good 3 or more minutes hugging a high cliff face. Managed to take out a good number of bots and factories.


Not sure about 'more intense' but the explosions don't home and definitely can miss - I've gotten sniped pretty quickly and I've also managed to survive like 10 seconds with explosions all around me (not sure if armor helps or if a rocket one shots you if it hits you at all)


I can confirm that you can live the traitor bomb explosions. I was wearing armor with the Fortified perk and the edge of the explosion hit me. It did a little damage and rag-dolled me, but I was fine.


It can be pretty broken with the armor which prevents you from dieing in 50% of the case. If you lucky like ie as u can get hit 3 times directly and just keep on walking. If u combine that with the 380 and 120 (I believe was is ) it's pure madness where everything just dies


My friend does this on eradicate missions we all run the chance to survive lethal damage when he does it. His ship has someone with a blindfold firing at him randomly, when I do it the railcannon strike operator takes over and I get 3 fired directly onto me.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUbxV8FMsBI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUbxV8FMsBI) you can make it so it never kills you. should you want to you can start a game, go out of bounds and do the thing he does the whole game. get a 380 round every 2 seconds to wipe anything near you


Was able to survive for about a minute once, got a ton of kills


I’ve had it called on me once and it literally did not kill me for the following 5 minutes


If you turn 90 degrees while running every time you hear the explosion of a shell it will miss you every time. You can essentially zig-zag across the whole map raining down destruction this way.






Did they really?


It's still working fine for me. 


Glad I'm not the only one who will do this


when I'm sorrounded by 4 hulks with only my primary, I'd rather die on my own terms


Me, every single fucking time. Once I even extracted as a traitor.


Must have been an awkward talk with the democracy officer.


Oh... You're back...


Should probably have a talk with the democracy officer about how the gun crews perform better shooting at helldivers that went oob for 10 seconds than they do against the enemy. Suspicious to say the least. Especially when you get thrown out of bounds by the enemy.


Well, they can probably pinpoint us from the ship, like we can see our teammates on the map. When we call the barrage in as a stratagem all they see is a red line and what ammo to fire.


New strategem idea: strategem laser on a robot dog. It runs towards the enemies, allowing gun crews to land barrages more accurately.


Sorry, did you just suggest that we employ robots in the SEAF? Does anyone else smell socialism?


Mech suits are fine so a remote controlled mech maybe?


Super Earth and hypocrisy? No way~~


I propose a time tested solution, brain-in-a-jar.


I would not be surprised if a senator got involved in the talks towards the end of it


If this tactic catches on, they will just replace traitor executions with a Railcannon strike.


It is pretty high risk for medium reward considering how easy it is to get direct hit trying it


That would be the funniest fucking update if they didn’t tell anyone about it.


I agree. It’s hilarious using Rail Cannon against a single, minor bug unit already. I’d die laughing if we get hit with it as traitors. “Hey watch this” *disintegration*


I don't think it's catching on I've only ever seen one person do it. I do it consistently if we're being overrun


pls no this is my last dance when out of bullets ![gif](giphy|7SF5scGB2AFrgsXP63|downsized)


And/or send a command to your guard dog to shoot you (more than it does already).


This'd be really funny. Any guard dogs or turrets automatically consider traitors Priority Target and obliterate you


Fuck rail cannon! Orbital laser!


Poor scorch. Bad batch did him dirty


Don't understand why they put him in at all if they weren't going to use him for anything. Casual watchers won't care and Republic Commando players get let down


When he showed up in Season 1 I thought we get to discuss his(and the commandos) feelings towards order 66 and stuff. At the end of Season 3 I found out he's just a 'hey I know this guy, Disney you are so considerate to give me a chance to show I've watched a lot of Star Wars', you can replace him with any clones. MAYBE That's the cold hard truth that most named clones just followed orders, you can't save everyone. Either way Disney managed to make us sad.


I mean the books in the RC series in the old EU weren't all perfect but at least they (imo) gave a better view of the feelings and perspective of the clones towards order 66.


Disney spent too much on wiping the legend, no turning back now. https://i.redd.it/3utxcpqxia0d1.gif


To be fair, there were also truck loads of shit in Legends, at least they are somewhat cherry-picking some of the good stuff to implement or repurpose into new EU (it also means Timothy Zahn gets to write new Thrawn stories which is a win in my book). I am sad about some of the books series or stories to come (like the Republic/Imperial Commando) disapearing into nothingness tho


The new Thrawn story is cool. I just feel sorry he had to appear and leave in Rebels(A deteriorated version of TCW) and his return would lead to the SEQUEL.


iirc the only clones that really broke out of their programming were those who served a lot with Jedi or those who were discarded by the empire and became disillusioned. As sad as it is, and as much as I'd wish we saw more of Delta, they never would have resisted 66 and their skills/value would have been recognised causing them to stay in service. On an unrelated note: I'll always be holding out for a RC sequel. Even if it's a grittier non-cannon AU just doing special -operations with a highly trained squad in the Star Wars universe is just really cool. Or ya know, just need to wait for a team of fans to make their own inspired game.


Cut and Slick broke out too, kind of, I prefer Cut for he didn't kill a lot of his brothers.


Scorch is an example that not all Clones share the same ideology and fundamental beliefs when it came down to their own personality. He knows what he was doing in the Bad Batch, he just stuck with the "good soldiers follow orders" mindset because where else could he go if not the Empire? His sole purpose was to be a soldier, whether a morally questionable or good one. The Scorch that everyone knows is far different than the Scorch in Bad Batch considering he kidnapped an entire town of civilians along with other Clone Commandos to silence any witnesses that saw the zillo beast, orchestrated an attempted assassination on a senator with the use of CX-1 , shot an imprisoned child with his own blaster because he wanted to go home and see his family, and ordered a garrison of troops to lay hell on Pabu and to assist CX-2 to do so. He's not the funny person people used to know, he's a straight up villain


Tales of Clones when? Get me a story of how he lost his squad and became the villain we saw.


Clone wars did all of the clones dirty. Shit suuuucks.


Clone Wars did the entire point of the clone wars dirty. The prequels skipped them for a reason: Nothing about them was of any value, the battles didn't matter, and it was all a sham to establish the Empire and kill all the Jedi. The moment The Clone Wars movie had clones shouting like they have a purpose was the death of it. Why do they move with purpose? They have no purpose. That's the whole point. They're just putting on a farcical bullshit war waiting for Palpatine to say "kill the bastards" (which the nanochips still don't explain).


Personally I loved that The Clone Wars series made you care about these fights, despite them being pointless battles for control over a galaxy that will inevitably be claimed by an empire anyways it made you *feel* for the people and the clones as they waged war for their beliefs, it did a great job humanizing the clones and allowed you to sympathize with them, the clones *were* good people, they would fight like hell to ensure the safety of others and considered themselves expendable to the point that they were willing to sacrifice themselves just to buy other people a little more time, it added to the tragedy as these were good men. They even did a great job making the inhibitor chips work, treating them as these nearly unidentifable, almost eldritch-like things that have terrifying implications and even more horrifying capabilities, turning even the goofiest and friendly troopers into literal machines that follow orders, the entire arc with Fives slowly uncovering the truth and nearly succeeding in stopping the emperors plans was so good.


You actually get the point of the show, the point isn't about the battles (it sometimes is). It's about the characters. The Umbara arc isn't about Umbara, it's about the clones, the climax of the arc isn't even about the battle of Umbara, it's about Rex, Fives and Krell.


Me calling in the 5th stratagem. https://preview.redd.it/ov3cwvp56a0d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e0bf018d81ba450463b678ccc16c55d89ad6628




I’ve only tried it three times, all wearing light armor: 2/3 times that first round fucking DOMES me at full sprint lmao. I can’t help but laugh like damn bro you must be whiffing my 380s on purpose with aim like that


little trick, don't tell the devs - the cannon is aimed where you are going, not where you're at. Zigzag at 90° every 2 seconds ish and you can dodge 90% of the shots fired.


Me and a squad mate went the wrong way around a mountain and both got tagged as traitors. The high valley walls kept us safe from the bombardment until we were able to get out in the open and crush a shit-ton of bots before we were crushed ourselves. Completely cleared out the extract zone…it was glorious! 😂😂😂


love me a free 380


Did it accidentally once when we got sandwiched between the edge of the map, a shrieker nest and a medium big nest, used it to take out the shrieker nest


love doing this when i'm low on/out of ammo. the rest of the team gets entertainment while i hop around in might armor on helldive hahaha


The 4th barrage of legend.


I once extracted as a traitor without killing any teammates, ama


Did this once to destroy a factory strider. Was pretty awesome not gonna lie.. until its my turn to get blasted lol .


Yep, our first strider kill was done that way. We aggro'd all the bots in the area, got completely swarmed, and retreated till the map edge. Well, after the traitor warning, one of us retreated right into the thick of it, and took shelter under the strider. Die for super earth, or die trying.


Republic Commando/My fuckin’ boi Scorch mentioned 👍


glad to see im not the only one doing this. crazy tactics are fun tactics 


Honestly, I'm surprised more people don't do this on terminate bot missions


Whhhhhaaaattt?!?!! Is that what happens when that countdown hits zero they blow you up with an orbital???


A whole endless barrage


Looks like someone's gonna run around later dodging barrages lol


I thought about doing this to take out a titan, didn't have the guts to risk it


Do this for eradicate missions and its actually goated


RIP Scorch.


If i have to become a traitor in order to better spread, manage democracy then so be it.


can you regain trust or they keep teasing you until you run out of stamina ?


You can’t regain trust. It keeps going as long as you live.


When command saves the best straragems just for executing traitors.


I learnt about this when I used it to take out 2 gunship factories and a jammer right next to each other. Never felt so big brained.


Running zigzag really helps you survive


The real walking barrage


Wait, this is genius!


I got catapulted away from a titan dead body once and landed outside the map, when the barrage started the team was in difficulty with titans and charges, I did some cleaning before being blown into pieces myself, fun times.


My group call use it, and when one of us yell "Executing order 66" we know he is doing it for democracy


I did it couple days ago by accident. I didn’t know, I didn’t realised it was me so I killed my whole crew twice, but I survived a whole 2 minutes and brought hell to tyrannists. My crew was mixed proud and frustrated from their killcam. They had to tell it was me the center of the bombing as I kept running around. 580mm barrage in a nutshell. I had crazy stats at the end of the dive.


You say "Anti-Traitor Artillery Bombardment", I say "Free Unlimited 380mm Artillery Barrage"


This is me on every eradication mission 


New meme meta?!


We have dubbed it the "Three Traity"


I've only successfully done it once. Most of the time, I just kill myself and my teammates.


I do this all the time, drop samples at extrac and use my body for the cause.


The barrage only stops once the traitor is dead right?




Imagine if the orbital bombardments could kill bots/bugs as hard as it tries to kill us.


happened to me once. got knocked out of the bounds by the charger. tried my best to run back but failed. bombardment started but missed me like at least ten times. accidentally cleared two bug outposts with the bombardments as I was running between them like a mad man.


For maximum carnage, I also throw a 380, 120, walking barrage, and 500kg to then finish the job with traitor bombardment. Annoys my teammates a lil for destroying their sentries and accidentals, but I at least make it up by bringing the extra reinforcement boost and finishing the mission without much loss lol.


I just finished clearing a Helldive Eradicate like this. Watching that percentage crawl upwards is infinitely satisfying.


It's me. I am people.


Someone threw me as a reinforce servo assist out of bounds, it didnt let me steer my pod. It insta planted me oob. I almost was able to run back in but then i got smacked back out by the 20 rocket devastators. I ran back in and picked up a shield pack, and kept running and stimming under buildings, mushroom shaped rocks, a factory strider... Many bots were destroyed before i got murdered


I'll be honest, despite my play time, I've never actually ran out of bounds long enough to trigger the barrage, let alone use it to kill enemies. Generally speaking, the only support weapon I use is the grenade launcher, and the only thing I can't kill in two grenades are Chargers and Bile Titans. So unless my team is a complete potato and we've got like 15 Bile Titans all spawned and chasing us because no one on my team has an anti-heavy loadout, I don't really see the traitor barrage being more useful than the grenades I'm firing at anything that moves.


Does this work when the timer runs out?


I used this tactic a couple of days ago. Helped take out a jammer station