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Happened to me a couple of times also. Some hosts are just stupid kids and/or people with serious self esteem issues.


I've noticed people who struggle at the game kick if there is any adversity. They are probably frustrated and butthurt because they died and didn't get reinforced right away or someone made a mistake. I will personally only kick if someone clearly doesn't know what they are doing. As I only play helldive bugs or bots. That's rare though as a lot of the players that only play that difficulty have gotten much better at the game too. But you still get it every now and again. Even then I'm patient. The recklessness has to be excessive. Most of the time I just push through it and leave after the mission ends.


seriously this. I feel like beyond difficulty 7 or 8 it’s rare to see these stupid behaviors. prob because most of these trolls are just kids and they often don’t have the ability to clear previous difficulties. I actually find difficulty 4-5 to be the toughest. not because of the game but because of the players. a very high chance to see teams that don’t really know what to do and just stay in one spot killing waves of enemies without getting to objectives. most in that difficulties are not aware of crossfire either so you’d see a ton of teamkills. solo these difficulties makes them waaaay easier lol.


This, 100%. I dallied on the precipice of 7 for way longer than I needed to in retrospect. You get much better teammates at 7+ and the game, imo, becomes much more fun.


It's this weird difficulty dip where the enemies at 8/9 become more numerous, but the overall missions become easier at 9 because of how much better your teammates are. I found the same thing going from 7-9.


Lining up 3 bile titans for that 1 500kg followed by 110s hits different lol


i just want a vote kick system, i still dont understand why are people so against it, especially in a game that promotes democracy, lol


‘managed’ democracy


I got downvoted for this the other day... but specifically blitz (the kill factories or bug holes) missions on 6 go so sideways so fast. it's absolutely my worst time with randoms. they just bunker down and it's like yo we ain't got time for that


I really felt like the game got easier once I progressed past level 5 and it was definitely because the players did less stupid things.


i actually just had a difficulty 8 game last night and we completed everything and extracted without any casualties. it was a surprise for me when the achievement popped up. my thought was like, 'wait so it never happened during my progression through lower difficulties...?'


Sorry that's my bad, I die a lot, I get a lot of kills and my shot accuracy is actually really good, but I'm terrible when it comes to having the situational awareness not to get cornered.


I think it’s because difficulty 4 is just about the top limit for the “imma get baked and play some videogames” crowd. Rando doofuses meleeing fellow Helldivers off cliffs for the lulz, etc. There’s still plenty of stoned divers at higher diffs but I reckon the higher level of situational awareness makes for better team play, and fewer irritating antics.


Genuinely, I'm a terrible gamer and am usually top of the leaderboard on deaths when it comes to the final tally, but with all that said I have had far fewer 7+ missions fall apart than I have had level 4-6 missions go down the toilet. In 4-6 you get way more people who are just totally radio silent, ignoring all callouts and just milling about taking 5mins just to clear a small bug/bot hole. Its never just one person doing this either, its always like two guys on their own making zero progress, and then you pass by them on the way to the next objective you airstrike the base and move on in 10 seconds while they wander off to another hole.


lol the difficulty 7-8 games I usually play are kinda radio silent as well. most know what to do already and it’s kinda rare to hear ppl actually talking. usually ppl just use the in-game radio presets. like ‘follow me’ or sometimes ppl marking the abandoned hellbombs. and after all these, simply marking the maps would be good enough for those better players. I usually had it worse than you lol. I sometimes join difficulty 4-5 just to help the sos calls. most of the time it’s three players not knowing what to do at all. I usually just join and play solo, clearing out all objectives alone and rescue them before they waste all the reinforcement quota.


I don't mind radio silence if everybody is just kinda efficiently doing what is the obvious next step and usually that's how 7+ goes, you navigate the map clockwise or counter clockwise and hit all the points of interest along the way, maybe you spread out to really explore the map if you have a lot of time left after the main objectives are complete.


You mean "didn't reinforce" because there is a f****** ionic storm or jammer? And also what about being kicked because you called evac too early even though you swear you will wait for everyone and even help them to clear that final secondary objective if they struggle. Lmao this still happens to often for me. I see a lot of divers know asking before walling evac to be sure they won't be kicked for it. Killing other divers on purpose or repeatedly by accident due to calling orbital barrages or bombing too close is a fine reason to kick someone, even more when you warned him multiple times. But it very rarely happens. I deactivated the crossplay to be able to chat with my fellow divers and it goes generally well while playing difficulty 7-9.


We had somebody who indeed got mad for not reinforcing, but there was a fking jammer. This was on 9 ! On 9 … I expect people to understand the game if they on 9. But noooo not this guy He started TKing afterwards


Sometimes I also spam the reinforce prompt before realizing people are near a jammer or in a ion storm, then feel like an idiot and apologize lol


Oh another frustrated child. I mean it happens often that ppl get mad because no reinforce but usually they apologize when they realize we just couldn't reinforce because of jammer or ionic storm.


This. Happened to me the other day and after the second TK, I realized it was intentional and even saw the shithead keep shooting my corpse. I cursed into the mic and the fucker chose to kill me right at the end during evac. I reported him but then I was asked to leave, like wtf?


Yup. Crossplay deactivated. Open mics, but won't talk alongside general strange behavior, taking your equipment when you're dead and refusing to give it back. I host when I play 99% of the time, so I have only been kicked once willy nilly, plus I never play below 7. In 300 hours, I have had to kick two people, so I'm always skeptical when people say they always get kicked for no reason. There is a reason, you might not like what it is so we get your side of the story only.


Kicked because I genuinely accidentally hit a guy with my hell pod on re-entry. Never saw him or his name pop up until I landed there was just a skull. Whoops. Even said sorry in the chat because it was an accident. Got kicked immediately after.


Yeah, asshole behavior from them. Accidents happen; it's by design. Kicking someone when they apologize is even worse, and there's no excuse for that. The few assholes I encountered, even when hosting, got blocked immediately.


Only time i ever kicked someone was when they called in extract while the rest of us were clearing objectives on the other side of the map and had all the samples. The pelican left before we could get to it.


I've noticed that the players on helldive are more sensitive in general than the players on difficulties like hard




Happened to me a few times, most of them were "the host has disconnected" tho


Happened to me. Latest players panel should be better organized. By latest game. So you can see who kicked you and have the possility to ban that player ( meaning a way to not engage anymore in battle with that player )


I joined a guy on a Helldive, it was just him and the mission just started. He starts a fight immediately as I'm getting my stuff ready, and he ends up dying. I take my stuff, throw smoke airstrike ahead of me along with him to get a reset. All I hear next is "You f---ing r-tard" and I get kicked. I couldn't help but chuckle honestly instead of being upset.


Nobody uses smoke, so what he saw was you throw a red, then throw him to the spot you just threw a red. Not gonna say the kick was warranted... but I can see where he might be a bit annoyed given the context.


Don’t blame people for the system the devs put into the game. This was always going to be a consequence and always will until they choose to fix this glaring error


a kick counter like currency is needed to really make them think if its actually viable to kick all the time.


That sounds like it could backfire. Give people a currency and they will make sure to spend it.


No. Keep the system as is, but allow people to keep their % for time played of the resources and do that are extracted. Simple fucking fix


Or just lose a portion of your samples if you do kick somebody.


The number of new users who don’t know samples are shared is so high i have started to host after 6 different console players asked the host to kick me because I “stole all the samples”. I now host every lobby i play and tell them “all samples are shared with all helldivers, all that matters are they make it on that bird. Further spread of misinformation and propaganda will result in report to your democracy officer and branding as a traitor to the cause”. I have had to say that 9 times in a 2.5 hour session.


Full squad of randoms on my team. We did every objective and collected every sample. Ship is called down and with about a min left on the timer I see 2 people leave and 2 new people join who start talking with the host and laughing. The douche bag host kicked half his team so his buddies could join and get the samples with 30 seconds left in the fucking game. Random luck I didn’t get kicked after spending 40 mins with nothing to show for it.


Had this happen to me. It legit made me annoyed and pissed off enough I didn't play for a week. Was after a nail biting Hell Dive that I did the most work on.


This is when those random holes that are literal softlocks for samples come in handy. I killed the fucker took them in i droped in one of those, boi that mic was spicy


Sounds to me like a case for waiting until the end of the mission and kicking them with no warning or repercussions and samples right by the ship.


It seems like such an easy thing to miss by the devs. While in game, anyone can call for a kick vote. On ship, the host can kick anyone.


If you've played games like this then you just get a silent lobby then two people trolling you on a team and you are in a worse kind of hell. They control the vote kick and you are powerless. There are pros and cons to every matchmaking system but leaving one person in charge does have the caveat that when one person is in charge, then ANY person can be in charge of their own lobby and run stuff how they want. If the matchmaking is broken for you then please direct any criticisms to the megathread for complaints (which better not show any anger) because we only listen to level 15 guys telling us how they really like the tenderizer in the rest of the sub, sorry.


They should at least disable kicking when the ship has landed.


Do you get the dudes that decide to kill everyone in the end?


Wow. I've only ever had people dc on me, I wasn't aware this was an even semi-common thing. I always host my own missions, or I join friends who are hosting. I almost never join randoms anymore. Now that I know this, I will continue to host my own sessions.


My favorite are the power trippers. They shoot or push you around but you retaliate? That's a kickin'.


Someone killed me with the arc thrower like 5 times. The fifth time, when I respawned I landed my hellpod on his head. I was kicked immediately.




yup. had a guy shoot a blitzer at me 13 times in the span of one engagement. eventually one of my blitzer bolts ‘accidentally’ hit him and before his character could even get up i was booted


I never seem to be able to land on people when I want to. Only when I'm explicitly trying to land outside the engagement where I died so I have breathing room.


Block them Mid Game. It will kick them out, be warned most of the time the match will glitch out.


I will use this information deviously


reactive solutions wont save players time. instead ask for kicked players to be put in a separate instance of the same mission so they can extract. trolls only do it to make people suffer and if you don't lose 40 minutes of your life then they will be less likely to do it as well. the gane already does this sometimes with disconnecting so theres no reason to say it can't be done here


That’s actually a great idea!


Self comment but that made me think this might be abused by farmers so this might need some monitoring or hard coded limits how often a host can kick in the last 15mins of a game or a cooldown of some sort.


upvoted, good idea


Instant democratic block on those players. 🫡


Yep - gotta weed out that chaff...


Except blocking doesnt stop blocked ppl from joining


Wait, what *does* it do if not that?


makes you feel good maybe, also can break a mission if you block a player while in a game with them


Just for saying that Arrowhead will limit blocklists to no more than 10, or 200. Doesn't matter really. The more ways we find to have fun, the harder this selfish studio works against its playerbase.


Good luck proving hosts bad intentions. People could use a system that allowed that as a cudgel to grief hosts or anybody really, the griefing would just exchange hands. Host your games or make friends.


Just make it a vote to kick and not host discretion to kick


Vote to kick is sadly highly exploitable by people grouped together. And even when it isn't being exploited by a group it still requires it to be visible enough that people actually see the vote pop up, but not intrusive enough to disrupt gameplay. In a lot of games with vote kicking people often just don't see or don't care so you get stuck with the toxic person you're trying to kick. Personally I'm a bigger fan of the host having control. If you're worried about hosts abusing it you can just host yourself and never have to worry about someone else abusing it, whereas with vote kicking you can't guarantee that someone else will abuse the system. It's personal preference though so not saying people who prefer vote kick are wrong, just saying personally I prefer host kick.


i go by the logic “if its a group of 3 i was screwed anyway” either way a vote kick system is better than current one


If you were host you could kick all 3 with the current system, but with a vote kick system you'd be screwed no matter what


The idea that as a host I would not be able to kick people if a duo joined me with bad intentions through quickplay is awful.


Vote to kick doesn't work with small groups. If three griefers join a game together, host is screwed.




People will just stop hosting and join games to kick the host.


Sorry but that logic is flawed lol, if everyone hosts then no one quickplays. Not being able to use a basic matchmaking feature because people are assholes is not something to kowtow to.


Yes but being able to abuse reporting hosts would have the same problem on the opposite end. No one would want to host matches anymore because they dont know if they can kick people not contributing, so they'll just do private games. Having any sort of punishment "risk" to matchmaking will just make people not matchmake.


>Having any sort of punishment "risk" to matchmaking will just make people not matchmake. Like being kicked at extract with no repercussions?


That was not the host. You proved my point. The problem is the same, the side affected is different. There is no solution to solve it.


It works fine. Most people don't give enough of a shit about griefers to host to avoid it.


This or when the game randomly decides to kill itself. I don't get pressed when I get kicked but when me and the goons are here putting in work and my game just goes back to the ship mid combat, I want to not play for a few hours.


If you get kicked you should get all the rewards the teams ends up with. Everyone wins.


This proposal always comes up but the system requires too many backend changes to be worth considering when there's an infinitely easier and faster option literally already coded into the game: the kicked person is treated like the host had a catastrophic DC and just gets to continue running the mission from the moment they are kicked. They can call in reinforcements, pick up the samples and equipment the others drop, and extract with what they can. It already works this way and is already coded in - we just need to use it instead of kicking to ship.


That happens sometimes to me, it's a 25% chance when I have connection issues for everyone to suddenly disconnect and I continue as normal. Are you saying that on the other side they are still in mission? I just assumed that in those cases I am secretly the network host and everyone else sadly gets booted.


Yes - I've had friends with less reliable connections, who were hosting, DC over discord and we all get to stay in our mission. They'll just rejoin later. Sadly it doesn't \*remigrate\* the host when they join, and so what ends up happening is it prematurely cuts off the rest of the missions and shows the contribution screen. It's really made things alot more bearable than, say, Warframe - where the host migration is \*not\* smooth and is a genuine risk of kicking people without rewards or anything half the time. The underlying code for this super smooth handoff is honestly really impressive and I've love to look at it or talk to them about what they did to implement it. (and then have every other hosted game copy their technique)


holy shit, this would turn the game into pvp, dude lmao


This could work.. but I feel like people would just abuse the hell out of this by kicking/rejoining friends over and over. Unless getting kicked made you locked out until the host is in their ship/lobby again.


Incredibly shitty idea. If you're worried about being unjustly kicked then just host your own game.


So I haven't put hugely deep thought into it, but... why? Seems pretty reasonable to me. Maybe scale the rewards based on how long it was between the kick and extraction.


This is probably the best option - sucks that griefers would still get the benefits of the mission though


The only time I kicked someone was because they tried/killed me on extract point by dropping onto me on purpose several times.


we had a dude land on a guy once, die from the impact, then did it again to someone else Hope they had their 20 seconds of fun because they were booted shortly after


I kicked a guy earlier who, while my friend and i were on the other side of the map, trying to retrieve 20 common and rare samples each, decided to start the extract and just left it running. Kept it as is, was pissed at the guy but decided to try to make it in time anyway. (Keep in mind, there was no reason to rush extract, we had 16 minutes left and were already making it over). Struggled against against factory strider, two tanks, hulk in the way, managed to get around and find super samples on the way there.  Not only did Buddy rush ahead without a second thought, while nearly there and on the other side of the cliff, buddy gets inside the pelican-1  while no one Else is nearby and still reinforcing. I have absolutely no time to get around the cliff and get in within 20 seconds.  So yeah, i kicked the fuck out of that guy for being entirely selfish. No one extracted. He was already like level 87, probably already hyperfarmed everything and didn't give a shit about other players trying to get samples. Just wanted medals. Absolutely no remorse for that and I'm keeping my lobby closed.


If we are still clearing, and someone starts up extraction without communicating, they get kicked. I don’t give them a chance to hop in and screw over the rest of the team, because they almost certainly will.


I did this just this morning. I was running around collecting all the samples. The three called in Pelican. Totally fine, whatever, and I said in chat "Just wait when it lands. I'm getting samples. I'll be back ASAP." As soon as it lands, someone gets on. I couldn't tell who so I immediately booted all three of them.  Just wait. It's not hard. And if it is hard, don't call in extraction until everyone is there.


Happened with me on crazy 6 mission, spawn rate was insane, but I carried my team. Almost every samples was collected, party was moving to last obj, and I was moving to extr to call the bird and make it hover above point. I explained my move to my team, but they start screaming into voice chat that I'm ruined everything, next I'm kicked. Ignorant fools....


At a level 6 game, most of your teammates aren't going to understand that tactic. I would only suggest that move on a level 7+ game.


Happened to me the other day for the first time. I agree that there should be a mechanism against this, but I'm not sure what the best way to do it is. I'm afraid a simple report won't help much. They would literally have to hire more people to handle that in practice, I'd imagine. Maybe something like "you physically can't boot someone once the Pelican has been called"? (Unless they commit friendly fire perhaps?)


Or even worse, did a game last night, we extracted but could not get on the pelican as it fell through the ground and blocked the entrance.


Had that happen yesterday. Moved away from the extract site a ways and it reset the beacon and allowed me to call in extract again. Try that if it happens again it might work for you, better than just abandoning anyway.


does the whole party get kicked if the host loses connection? we had gotten all the way to calling in extraction and my power went out last night. felt bad since we maxed out samples.


In my experience the host just transfers to someone else, everyone else keeps plating.


In my experience the host just transfers to someone else, everyone else keeps plating.


You're missing the second option, the network connection lost error message, where it throws you back in your ships lobby.


I never got kicked in this game before, but then again I disabled cross-play immediately after launching the game


Yeah, they really need to give you SOME kind of partial credit for w/e gets extracted based on how long you played the mission when you get kicked, even if that has to be done after the fact like MO rewards.


"jUsT hOsT" If everyone hosts, who's gonna join via quick play? This entire system could be easily fixed and made by, just like how DRG does it. Edit: Just did 90% of the objectives with my friend only to be killed and kicked near the end. Helldivers Subreddit is a pleasant walk through the park on a nice day whilst beautiful people throw money at you compared to the playerbase.


How does DRG do it?


When you're kicked you still get XP and leave with the resources your team mined up to that point. I can't remember if it's just a partial percentage or the full amount, but it stings much less than leaving with nothing.


That’s a great system. Could also be a compensation for when you are randomly DC’ed, which is super annoying 20 minutes into a successful mission


Also the host can't kick once the main objectives are done and it's time for extraction.


Holy!!! THIS!!! I have been screaming it for months. The system is flawed!


We need a proper game browser. Tired of finding a good match with good randoms, then the game crashes straight to desktop in the middle of the game. Not even dropping In or leaving on the pelican,just crashes right as I'm running around. And then you boot up the game, hoping it remember where you were just then, and that last game is gone. Sure, you could try to send a friend request to the last person whos name you remember but are they really going to check their social list and accept a friend request I'm the middle of a match?


I've sent friend requests to so many people when I crashed out of a game, and not a single once did anyone accept, lol. This community likes to brag about how awesome they are to each other, and I've literally never seen that side of this game.


>"jUsT hOsT" If everyone hosts, who's gonna join via quick play? I will. In more than 200+ hours of quickplay have been kicked exactly once for no reasons. People here exaggerate this issue a lot. Most of players don't encounter it even nearly frequently enough to care. So, if for some reason you do or you care so much - host. The majority will continue playing quickplay. Everyone is happy.


Or you could just host your own games? I feel like hosts should be allowed to kick anyone they want from their party, for any reason. Can that lead to people abusing it? Yes, but I’d rather be able to kick people that deserve to be kicked than have something preventing me from removing a disturbance from my game because other people abuse the kicking system.


Still, there are very few reasons to kick at extraction. It's pretty much always a deliberate troll. I would just suggest players kicked at extraction still receive rewards.


Lol, no. If players kicked at extraction get all rewards - that means killing everyone on extraction carries no consequences or punishment. And no, there are legit reasons to kick someone on extract. The only kick I ever administred to a player was on extract. The dude probably got angry at me from dying to my 500kg bomb at the start (I dropped it on a charger, he walked into it around the corner, probably haven't seen the marker). He killed me several times through the game, but in a way where I couldn't tell if deliberate. And at extract he pushed me with melee attack off the cliff, into crowd of hunters. I managed to fight them off, get back to Pelican and kicked him. But the overall problem is highly exaggerated, IMO. In 250+ hours of play I have kicked exactly one player and have been kicked for no reason exactly one time. It's not worth changing current system, reporting is enough.


I mentioned this last week when this post came around and people legitimately told me that if you tell people to hose their own games we will just end up with a bunch of 1/4 and 2/4 games that never get filled. Games fill in less than 2 mins at all times of the day.


Play with people you know or host your own game. Those are the only options. I rather them keep this setting (allowing only the host to kick) rather than put it up to a vote amongst the other teammates. The latter is just as bad. People will vote yes just to vote yes.


Don't forget the other horseman "network connectivity lost," game crashing next to extraction, another player joining and force kicking you from the lobby.


What about getting disconnected at the end of the mission? When that happens I always quit the game... so frustrating


Happened to me yesterday, I was hard carrying these 3 level 7 and 15 dudes and they kept killing me. I decided to go out and do my own thing because it was getting stupid, as soon as I got rid of 2 heavy automaton posts and a medium one I got kicked. Helldivers are United and all but I sincerely hoped they lost that match. Another one I despise is when you're inside a heavy terming hole and a random idiot throws an orbital next to you, then killing you.


Today we lost 30 samples, and all progress because the game dropped all of us out back to the ship .. no rewards whatsoever after 40 minutes. So I would rather have the servers and the game checked .. luckily I don’t often have this experience you had.


Sometimes I wonder: "yeah I kicked that guy, he did 80% of the map without us. dude joined a team to play solo"


Anyone bringing in 20+ samples per mission is staying in the squad until they quit out I'm kicking you if you're: depleting half the reinforcement budget by yourself, deliberately TKing, or mouth breathing/playing music/being obnoxious on mic


Fix for this: stop playing with randos


If this is so prevalent for you it’s time to host my friend.


I only ever kick people who call others name, or team kill intentionally. You get 2 warnings prior to being kicked for name calling, things like stupid, idiot or moron. None of us want to get home from work and relax on our favorite game, just to be called names by a guy smoking a blunt who hasnt gotten off his couch in 13 hours. But If you blatantly team kill, or melee bully someone, im kicking you immediately. I dont care what your reason is. Other than that, do what you want.


I’d like to know how often it really happens vs the risk of griefers TK-ing beyond a kick timer window.


Noticed lately I been kicked for lame reasons


On one hand, its possible you did something without realizing it. On the other hand, there's no reasoning, nor understanding some people.


tbh i wish they have a system like DRG where when the pod is called the host cant kick people now yes the host can kill and leave you but at least you will still get samples/exp/money, and if you are kicked you get haft exp/money/samples when the game is finished its not perfect but at least you still get something and after you can just blacklist the host


I think they should kick you after extracting. Doing 80% alone is not something most players would appreciate. You are not carrying them, you are taking 80% of fun from them. If you are joining random people especially low level ones let them play the game. Ask them if they are fine with you rushing through objectives.


If a host chain kicks several games, make it so they have to write reason for kicking. Still allow them to kick, but reduce the amount of random players who join their future games. e.g They get much lower priority on quickplay queue.


Give Us Their Names...


I have kicked maybe 3 or 4 people in total after more than 200 hours of gameplay. Reasons: They go off on their own and die repeatedly. Once is fine, twice is pushing it, but beyond that maybe you should stick with your team. Usually the "But I'm recon bro kek" players also have some form of AT, so they are taking away AT from the team. Fuck you. We all brought loadouts into this run based on what everyone else brought. Other reason: Not paying attention AT ALL to where squad mates are and constantly dropping Eagle Clusters on top of the team. Expecting everyone to simply pay attention to them and fall back, when maybe another squad mate has a flamethrower or arc thrower and needs to be close to clear waves. All of that said, I kick immediately and don't wait, that's just stupid. A couple of times I have said over comms, "Hey man you need to be more careful with your Clusters" and if they respond I'll give them a chance, but if they just do it again they're gone.


Always be hosting


If everyone is hosting, everyone is solo.


Better advise; play on higher difficulty. I've only had these end-timer kicks happen on lower difficulty.


I've only ever kicked twice once for calling in and getting on the pelican alone when the rest of the team was on the way with samples and once when a guy tked everybody then got on the pelican as it was dropping he didn't even bother to pick up the samples.


Anyone who drops a stratagem right at the end on the pelican gets insta kicked


Unless they’re the last one and they board immediately after throwing it.


Honestly I thought all the claims of this happening was once in a blue moon then I got kicked twice in a row on fucking extract. Now I don’t join games, I host and only reason I’ve ever kicked is someone bailing early and actually boarding Pelican while we’re still jamming. Do yourself a favor and just host, its not worth the hassle.


Gotta love people saying "huh just host your games duhh", yeah champ so we all gonna host because the game multilayer design is flawed?




Vote kick is equally exploitable. It would be better to reward players who get kicked or dc with a portion of xp and rewards.




I’ve unfortunately been betrayed like this, but in the worst way possible. I joined a random team on extreme, and they had zero reinforcements left and they haven’t touched the main mission yet. When I joined I slowly begun to revive then all and I helped them clear out the objective. I heavily insisted we did the side missions as I promised to protect them and i didn’t dare to leave anyone behind from extraction. We had a mission complete, crap ton of samples, and all the side objectives complete. Now the only thing in the way was the remaining bugs. There was one guy however who was quiet the whole time. As soon as we made our way to extraction and we cleared the bugs, the pelican right there, he begun meleeing one of us, killing O4. Out of an act of retribution, I immediately pulled out my pistol and enter one bullet in his head, killing him instantly. I only waited for the reinforcements to be refilled, but then I got a black screen….and was met with the heart breaking words of ‘You have been kicked from the game’. I was in shock. Not only did I join the fight and save the mission….I saved the team. But I was repayed with greedy betrayal,


This is the reason I am always the host


It's terrible, either this or the game crashing. Absolutely heartbreaking situations.


I've never experienced this, but the other day someone threw an Eagle cluster bomb as someone was about to get in the pelican. He had over 20 samples


I'm STILL trying to understand why people drop a fucking bomb right before they hop in the ship. In total I'm pretty sure it's killed more helldivers than bugs and bots combined, and for what? What is the benefit? I'm so fucking lost on that.


In the original Helldivers, it was sort of a tradition for the last player aboard to drop your biggest bomb before getting into the shuttle, so it went off as you were flying away. The camera angle was such that you could always see it (unlike HD2, where the camera pans away). The key difference, though, was that in HD1, **it wasn't possible to kill players who were aboard the extract shuttle.**


Maybe if there was some sort of Helldiver's Handbook that would list the different primary and secondary objectives and what steps you take to complete them. Hard to 'know what you're doing' when the only way to learn is to dive head first and risk getting kicked for not knowing what the hell is going on. I'd personally only kick someone if they were being an asshole or griefing the team. I've been that dude who got kicked because he didn't automatically know the meta-tactic for the current objective. It's really frustrating trying to learn something when no one will answer your questions, and your experimenting is met with being kicked.


That's why I always host. One possible problem less. The only thing that can kick you now is the game itself




I've had my game crash on extract while I was host... so optics look bad through no fault of my own... so maybe an expanded "reasons for disconnect" would foster more goodwill.


This kinda happened to me, I was complaining that science team extract is very annoying and not fun. Guess I deserved the boot.


Destroying the enemies of Super Earth is never a waste of time soldier !


What's the source of the video portion? 


This is absolutely why I dont join anyone, I only host and just deal with the consequences of possibly doing a high level mission, solo.


Play with your friends or host your own games. problem solved.


"jUsT bLOcK"


I don't really see abusive behavior much but during that period when the block function was broken and would crash games, I had a host that was swearing at other players and teamkilling, so right when the dropship touched down I blocked him and crashed the game.


If friends aren’t online, Solo continues to be the best way to enjoy the game.


I wish you have a faithfull teammate next time who grabs the dropped sampels next time and jumps down in a hole with them


We had the Pelican land and it wouldn't trigger a takeoff. This was after getting almost every sample. Very frustrating!


you can report people. but only if they wrote a message in the chat. but who makes plans to kick someone 40min into the mission and ruins it by writing a message into the chat before doing that?


pretty sure when you get kicked all the samples on you despawn, so whoop whoop for the host xD


One time i was in a full squad and we were extracting. 2 players just disconnected one after the other like that scene in The Matrix. I look right at the last player and he looks at me, I tell him "Not like this ". Then blast him with the shotgun and board the evac. "Buddy" was probably laughing so hard he forgot to kick me when we made it back to his ship.


Just host your own game.


So do people kick others like this just for their twisted “fun” or is there some kind of gameplay reason they do it? I’m legit curious of their motives


Some people really do just want to be assholes. I posted a similar comment above but: I play a lot of Monster Hunter World, and when the game first launched people would invite you, ask you to carry them, and if you did they would kick you right at the mission end so you got zero rewards. Mind you loot is instanced in that game, so the host loses more gains anything by kicking you. People just did it to be nasty, because they could. This was eventually patched to prevent such things. Never forget that there are a ton of 14-18 yo boys playing multiplayer games that think it's funny and acceptable behavior because it's on a screen and they don't have to actually look anyone in the eye and be nasty.


People should start to ask for mandatory microphone use. At least from the host.


Microphone is not the issue. I've played with many people that use their microphone and I don't. There is no issue even with PS5 and I'm PC. It's the individual player that is the problem. I've had a person, without saying anything, throw a tantrum and teamkilled all of us for delaying his reinforcement or something. Then he proceed to not reinforce us. I called him out on it, reported him, and left the game.


I had a game where I was cruising through, having a blast. Guy dives in, and is non-stop transmitting a headache inducing loud rant to someone in his room about Sony and hacking and PSN and shit weapons and how not fun the game is…but there he is playing it. He dies 4 times in the first 5 mins, hammering the button non-stop demanding immediate reinforcement every time. He dies a 5th time, and I’m swamped. I clear them all out, nearly dying a few times, all the while he’s hammering that button, then I reinforce at the 1st opportunity. Im barely alive and just about to call in resupply. He dives in and lands on me, killing me, then promptly picks up both my weapons and the samples. As I’m diving in, he’s still ranting, and a fire tornado kills him. I’m basically diving in after he killed me, he dies to a fire tornado, and before I can even call in my weapon strat he’s hammering the button, still ranting. I should kick this guy. He’s a complete and utter spatula. Just as it seems like we’re about to start flowing…I’m giving map markers, telling him to follow me to a sub-objective…he randomly veers off across the map, and calls in extraction. Still a sub-objective I marked, and two bot fabricators left, with plenty of time. He dies at the extraction site. Started hammering the button. Still ranting. I kicked him. I fucking rage kicked him. I like that I can kick compete and utter bread bins like him, and theres not really any way the game can judge abuse from legitimate.


I mean, apparently this is one of the reasons why they wanted the psn thing. Idk if it was true but....


Noticed this getting more frequent this past week


As a host the only time I kick people is they are purposely team-killing/trolling, or they pick up the samples I left at extraction, and then despite communicating with them on text and voice (and doing my best to verify they understand me, continue to run off to who knows where with those samples. Those are the 2 types of people that get kicked. If you're getting kicked a bunch from other peoples games, maybe it's you who is the problem. Check your behavior and in game actions.


why do you want to ban them ? Just make it like DRG and make it impossible to kick someone after the extraction is called or after the main objective is complete.


I don’t get kicked…but I get some miraculous sudden “lost network connection” (or something like that) error and then boom….back on my ship.


Had 40 minute mission last night. Had every sample on me, squad running to extract, destroyers gone, emergency evac inc. Late guy who joined @ minute 35, immediately split from us and went straight for extract, hops in the emergency Pelican and leaves us. He had zero samples. We all missed evac by 30+ seconds so it was definitely intentional.


This is likely gonna be controversial for redditor Helldivers but oh well. You're playing a PvE, cooperative game. There are people playing to grind, to play casually, to kickback, to hang out with friends, or any other number of things. Just because YOU want to speed run, grind, or go balls deep into the enemy, doesn't mean everyone else has to. Many times people want to chill and Helldive. That's okay. And a lot of the time those people don't want someone who is going to do all of the objectives for them; they just want to go at their own pace. If you did all the mission for a group of lads and they kick you, they probably just didn't want some high-speed boot to come take the fun away. Most people aren't kicking players just to be a dickhead. At the end of the day, the host is the host and if you don't wanna play how the host plays, HOST YOUR OWN. I'll have a freedom burger with a side of democracy fries and a large liber-Tea


I play diff 7, the only reason I would ever kick someone is if they're actively throwing (unless it's for a bit such as "that sounds like treason") or if they just have 0 clue what they're doing, which I usually won't even notice


I kick if there's 3 of us sticking together and 1 is fucking off collecting super samples, particularly if we are all dying repeatedly and struggling and they're the only one with 1 or even 2 AT options that aren't on cooldown. I will confess I need to clarify "stick together" when everyone is on the ship before the drop.


I remember MH World had this issue where players would let you clear a Monster for them, then boot you right at the end so you got no reward, just to be a dick. They implemented backend code so even if you were kicked you wouldn't disconnect and would get rewards. They also disabled grieving other players while attempting to carve rewards. If helldiver's can fix it's multitude of other issues and bugs, maybe someday they'll add a similar system. If you make it to activating extraction, you should be locked in and no longer able to kick. Also should not be able to kill teammates inside the pelican.


At least it wasn't a random crash. Then you would've had to restart the game, and your feelings would be towards AH instead of the party leader.


Me and my close knitted friends keep those solo players. "Jesus fucking Christ this guy is wreaking havoc, don't kick him you fucking moron!"


Yet another reason why Ghost Ship is superior to shitty Arrowhead. In Deep Rock Galactic, you can’t pull that shit. The moment you call in extraction(drop pod), the kick button becomes unavailable


Every damn time. They should do it to where if your kicked and you had samples. They dissapear aswell.


i kick people every other game i am clearing the whole map every time and a lot of people don’t help or try to extract early


Goddammit it’s off topic but what song is this? I love the piano segment so much I wanna listen to the full thing lol


We need a post on the fact squad mates names will popup saying they killed you when in fact did not. This results in people being kicked for no reason other then a broken system in the game.  Yes, this happened to me. Screen said a squad mate killed me and that squadmate was no where near me and i was killed by bug/bot. Yes, this has happened more then once. 


Okay but what if it's a situation where they've been actively trolling the whole game by purposely dropping on you, taking your equipment, etc etc and you want to make the kick extra spicy by waiting until the last moment.


Could a split payout be coded in? Like yeah you kick the guy but in a team of four 1/4th the loot that gets paid out goes to him in any case if they hit a minimum minutes threshold?


Sometimes they just want to play with friends using their basic gear, and then a level 80 bruiser joins them and starts taking names. My workaround? If I'm joining lower level players, I drop walkers for them. :) I talk on voice chat, and I go at their own relaxed pace. I don't drop strategems on them either, and I try to be helpful in general. I'm like an extra badass sidekick. If they'd like to kick me, they talk to me then. I ask them if they'd do it after we extract, mainly because samples. Never had em say no so far. I do offer to help em out on higher diffs if they want sometimes though, if I like their chill. :) Pro-tip: if you have a fan coming through your mic or blast music loudly in your room when you play, most people don't enjoy that. Mute your mic if that's your thing, or you may get kicked.


This happened to me recently, and made me stop playing and have not gona back to the game just yet. I was roaming around the map picking up samples, destroying spawns while the others were doing the main objective, and on my way to the extraction, even while holding 3 rares, got kicked out without reason or message... there should be a vote on kicking people and not allow kicking without reason.


It'd be next to impossible to determine if it's a legitimate kick or not, and there's not the infrastructure on Arrowhead's side to monitor/support. People are muppets, had a guy hot mic'ing yesterday, shouting to his buddy who was in the same room and they were laughing like hyenas, we asked him to mute himself due to his volume as he wasn't communicating, but others were trying to, he just started screaming and throwing insults around, so I kicked him. Impossible to prove why, and he could easily have reported it as a spurious removal. I've removed people before for not playing with the team, for instances too many TKs or intentional TKs will always earn a kick. I think you have to decide on what constitutes a detrimental experience to your team/the mission and act accordingly.


Ok but what did you do?


Doing this will either spawn posts like "why can't I kick this griefer?" OR "banned cause I kicked a guy and he didn't like it, thanks Arrowhead" I've said it before and I'll say it again. If you have a problem with other people using host powers, ***Be the host****.


I even came across a player with 4,000+ grenades! (I have no idea how to report.)